Avatar: 5 Powers That Were Underrated

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when it comes to being op in the avatar universe us mortals usually think about aang or korra right but the world created by dimartino and kinisco is filled with powerful creatures and beings capable of the most amazing things if given the chance to shine in today's cbr discovery video i'm going full national geo using the master technique of video bending i will take you out on a journey worthy of pokemon snap i choose five destinations throughout the spirit wilds filled with wondrous animals and dangerous monsters so hold on to your face because we're about to dive right in yep yep for our first entry let's go down these spooky dark creepy stairs and find out what's at the bottom of them shall we nothing bad can happen to us in the spirit world right right anyways the first one of the creatures i want to talk about today is ko the face stealer no matter what you do don't show emotion or else you can kiss your face goodbye see that large centipede like monster can leave you faceless and in a state somewhere between life and death according to the legend co stole over millions of faces during his long life one noticeable example is the one of the southern water tribe woman umi who got punished by co due to her fiance's arrogance umi was avatar kurich's fiancee but before she could get to the altar the evil code dragged her into the spirit world where he proceeded to steal her face now couldn't kurt go and save her well he tried but destroying co would mean destroying umi and that is why ko is still roaming around and collecting people's faces i wonder if there would be a way to steal ko's ability imagine for a moment how it would have made things easier for aang and the gang to infiltrate the earth kingdom or the fire nation how would that be possible you ask the trick would be to trick ko in showing his true face and snatch it from him co would then just be a mask for anyone to use it's like a portable version of the faceless men's collection from game of thrones or even better the green wooden mask from the mask yeah that's a better reference all that sounds pretty fun but isn't it a bit evil for an avatar well yeah but there is a solution as revealed in the comic book sequel the search co is the son of the nicer spirit called the mother of faces like she did with zuko's mother ursa when she fled the castle face mom can not only give and take faces she can also do the same with memories so that means that ko probably has the same abilities as his face swap mummy but being a creep he probably never would this being said with that power the avatar could create new faces which means he could wear anyone he needed depending on his goals without hurting anyone in the process okay let's get out of the spirit world before some tarantula shark wasp thing gets us or something else and head for the mountains ah the fresh air the sights and the giant chicken lizards who could turn you into a marshmallow as fast as zuku gets angry yes my dear travelers i'm talking about dragons so far we've seen four types of dragons in the avatar universe white green blue and red while we all know these creatures have not been brought to extinction thanks to uncle iro we don't know a lot about the extent of their powers or much about them actually as druk has proven dragons can breathe an amazing amount of fire into a sort of fire beam with devastating consequences dragons in the franchise so far have served two main purposes as a way of transportation and as fire bending teachers in the first case we have seen avatar roku ride his dragon fang who also tried to protect him from the upcoming lava as they perished together why he didn't just grab roku and yielded the heck out of they remained a mystery if someone has the answer please leave a comment about it and i will love you forever the treacherous firelord sozen also used his blue dragon as a personal jet remind me the name of his dragon again oh that's right he didn't even give his own dragon a name there's evil and then there's sozen's level of evil dragons are also responsible for the learning of a particular type of fire bending while a fire lion turtle gave avatar juan his first bending ability it is the white dragon spirit that taught him his groovy dance moves initially juan could use fire yes but calling it fire bending is an insult to all the masters out there the flying creature taught the apprentice firebender what the sun warriors now call the dancing dragon technique but all those elements are linked somehow to their interactions with human beings as seen in the comic book dragon days wild dragons live in high altitude up there in the mountains once again my fellow travelers i think i've put our lives in grave danger maybe we should get out of here and head for one of those air nomad temples and get some tea but before we head out if you want to know more about dragon history check out cbr's recent video where zuko got his dragon druk and for a little theory about the evil spirit black dragon click on the combustion benders are reincarnated video once you're done with this one now when it comes to underrated we can all agree airbending hasn't been shown in the best light you know that's before zaheer got his abilities thanks to the harmonic convergence of course while zaheer showed us how op airbending can get with the use of flight and how he took the air out of the earth kingdom's queen he wasn't the first to use these techniques according to avatar history thanks to our cbr's airbending specialists we now know what went down between the air nomad gyatso and the firebenders who attacked i won't expand too much on gyatso's final epic moments but if you are burning to know more there's a pretty cool new video about it on the channel before gyatso and tahir there were other airbenders who tested the limits of their powers going against the air nomad doctrine of not harming living beings first there was jessa a renegade air nomad who became a crime boss and also gave birth to what would be one of the most violent avatar of all time kiyoshi that's a pretty impressive cv so jessa earned her blue arrows but got bored of meditating and sipping tea so she broke bad started a blue crystal lab and started doing crimes wait oh wait no that's the wrong show sorry actually she met and fell in love with hark and started the flying opera company a front for their criminal activities what's really cool about jessa's airbending is that she created a metal fan in order to enhance her powers as they were weakening the same fan eventually used by kyoshi showed us how much damage adding some tools to the avatar collection can do with the fast advancement of technology in republic city and the awakening of hundreds of new airbenders i wonder what kind of tools airbenders could now use to boost their skills maybe one of the kyoshi warriors have awoken as an airbender i'd surely like to see an air bending kiyoshi 2.0 wouldn't you another op air nomad that comes to mind is kel sang who was one of avatar kurich's airbending teachers and also became one of his best friends nicknamed the living typhoon by pirates after completely wrecking a fifth nation pirate fleet kel sang has fallen from grace for causing so many casualties that is until kiyoshi stepped in and made the air nomad restore kelsen's honor post-mortem airbenders can take your breath away cause tornadoes great typhoons at sea and who knows what all they need is a little breeze and voila now i don't know about jew but the high altitude is starting to mess with my brain so how about we go down and maybe visit a more colorful part of the spirit world hold on tight starting this video with cos lair might not have been the most of jolly ideas but the spirit world can also be beautiful just look at that while this world is filled with spirits of all kinds i want you to remember one in particular that helped the first avatar become what he had to become i'm talking about the ayah spirit who acts as the caretaker of the spirit oasis the oasis guardian can come off as aggressive with strangers as when he caught juan disguised as a bush spirit what gave him away well other than his horrible disguise it was his human stench not only was he overdue in taking a good hot shower having been banished to the spirit wilds but also our friend ai despised humans after a good old bath in the spirit oasis and spending some time with the spirits ai eventually grew fond of one and helped him in his quest now being ultra grumpy is not ii's only superpower far from it the spirit can also teleport over short distances just like one of my favorite x-men nightcrawler and just like the mutant kurt wagner ii possesses incredible agility and is also quite strong wait is ai actually nightcrawler don't worry i'm just kidding for now i'm actually not quite sure ii would be able to beat juan after he became the avatar but he surely kicked his butt during their first fight another op skill ii has is to temporarily possess a human body the procedure is quite simple the spirit jumps right into the host and can make him do whatever he wants including listening to the whole taylor swift discography if you wanted to if there is something more evil than conquering the four nations that would be it something weird happens to humans though when a spirit takes hold of their bodies once the spirit is inside the human the host becomes to slowly morph into the spirit taking the creature's characteristics permanently if the spirit stays for too long inside that could also mean the host's last moments on earth be careful kids wash your hands wear a mask as we've seen under the influence of vaatu ii can also turn into a dark spirit version of himself with all the same powers but a load more of evilness alright let's get to our last destination of the day it's right around the corner living in the spirit wilds as the gigantic lion turtles also refer to as the ancient ones now they might not look opie at first but have you ever tried holding a whole city on your back i thought so what's truly amazing about these creatures is the amount of power they hold while never really showing them off every lion turtle has a different sign on their foreheads which indicates what type of elements they can bend besides the airline turtle who flies the other ones don't really use bending techniques besides energy bending using that skill they used to share either fire air water or earth powers temporarily so that humans can survive when going out in the spirit wilds to gather food or other resources in aang's era most lion turtles have been brought to extinction from the same reason dragons have taylor swift music oh wait oh no what was it again oh yeah humans sorry about that sometimes i make mistakes hey i'm only human after all or am i all right let's focus so besides probably having great elemental bending powers lion turtles are on par with the avatar when it comes to energy bending aang could only defeat firelord ozai through the technique which was given to him by the same lion turtle he encountered at sea the same technique proved to be useful when core gave back the bending abilities stolen by the anarchist armand to all of his victims if we take into account that these titans can use such an op bending technique can you imagine what other amazing things they could achieve if they were less passive creatures imagine a lava-bending lion turtle with a volcano on his back or an ice-spending one with giant icicles mounted everywhere total opinionis under my video about druk user parth khadria wonders if the harmonic convergence might have brought back more dragons just like they did with the airbenders that's a very interesting idea parth and i think it might be quite possible what would a modern world look like with more dragons in it you think let me know in the comments below
Channel: CBR
Views: 521,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Druk, Dragon, Lion Turtle, OP, Anime, Cartoon, Firebending, Waterbending, Airbending, Earthbending, Zuko, Aang, Katara, Spirit, Koh
Id: omzuX0IZCkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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