Can Avatar Aang Survive Jujutsu Kaisen?

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with both the new liveaction show on Netflix the characters appearing in fortnite and several movies on the horizon it's never been a better time to be a fan of avatar The Last Airbender however when it comes to power scaling Avatar is definitely one of the more overlooked series still some people massively downplay the character's abilities and say that they're barely beyond the level of normal humans While others will tell you that avatars are Beyond outerversal Concepts that can solo most of fiction obviously the more consistent answer Falls somewhere in between the middle of these two extremes so today I'm going to be going over the strength of the main character of the show The Last Airbender himself the Avatar master of all four elements of fire air water and Earth the Bender who brought the end to the 100 Years War by defeating the fireboard A and comparing him to another series that is quite popular right now and one I've scaled a couple times before at this point Jutsu Kaizen in this video Ang is going to be running the gauntlet against everything the world of jjk has to offer could Ang survive in the world of Jutsu Kaizen would he a ble to make it through events like the cing games or the shabuya incident how would he feel about fighting the disaster curses which are almost an evil version of his own bending abilities would he be considered special grade due to his abilities or would his stats fall short of the level of power of characters like UDA Gojo to your sakuna without cursed energy or domain expansion of his own does he have a way to protect himself from techniques like domain expansion or other abilities let's find out but on the subject of protecting yourself I'd like to talk to you today about today's sponsor surf shark VPN when it comes to doing research and Gathering scans for these kinds of videos that have a whole bunch of obscure data books and hard to find information I sometimes add up on websites that are less than secure these sites can 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be throwing in specifically into any one moment or event in the world of jutu kaisen and instead of just measuring him up against the general ranking within the verse going through his Feats and scaling consecutively starting with grade four and moving all the way up to special grade top tiers I'll make sure to talk about how some specific matchups of Interest might go but not exhaustively no one needs me to go into detail about a versus like Panda specifically at least I hope we'll mostly be comparing the stats of speed and strength then going over things like hacks when I think it matters for specific fights to begin let's compare egg to the bottom tiers of the world to juu kaisen low grade curses when it comes to grades at least within curse Spirits the story pretty explicitly lays out how strong these beings or any comparable Sorcerers might be everyone below grade one is essentially fodder in the grand scheme of things with all of them being easily taken out by real world weapons that can be used by one person from a baseball bat to a pistol to a shotgun this is also reflected by Sorcerers who sit around this level as a Grade Three like my zenan literally Lally just using real life guns as their weapon of choice in combat as a reminder sorcerer tiers are generally one level above that of curse spirit so a grade two sorcerer is not equal to a grade 2 curse they actually would be a grade two curse and so on there is a massive jump in ability between grade 2 and grade 1 curses with grade ones being seen as arguably stronger than a tank this is pretty consistent with semi- grade 1 Sorcerers like mechamaru being able to Output City Block levels of power when using their strongest techniques like ultimate Cannon also at this tier very few characters have absolutely broken abilities yet probably the strongest being Panda's ability to cause internal damage with his punches or noar's residence so how does Ang do against this tier even in his base form in the first season before he's learned any elements Ang pretty easily sits at and even clears this level of Power with a single airbending kick he's able to completely destroy massive Boulders launched by catapults which put his power with arguably the least offensive bending style already at City Block Level and power this means that even a single strong gust of wind from aing is matching with the essential Pinnacle of power that a grade one curse Spirit or semi- grade one sorcerer is capable of outputting so even an a essentially fresh out of the iceberg is already strong enough to be more than promoted to being equivalent to a grade one sorcerer without ever needing the Avatar state or any other bending Forbes however this is nowhere near a peak of power even within season 1 or without the Avatar state but for that let's move on to the next level of power special grade curses and grade one Sorcerers the character that I best think represents this tier is Toto as we're told Toto can easily defeat several grade one curse Spirits without even using his curse technique and that with it he can defeat a special grade curse Spirit the general definition for this tier is that a cluster bombing might work against these beings which is relatively consistent if they mean that they are comparable to the total energy output in a cluster bombing which given enough time can flatten multiple city blocks generally though given how there is a massive range between what is a special grade as there essentially No Cap how strong they might be this should be taken more as a lowend rather than a highend this statement is actually backed up by Feats though as characters like mahito can create large city block level holes with just his physical strength and shake shabuya with multicity Block Level earthquakes however once again this falls short of even the level of Base Ang's air bending in season 1 a without the ability to use fire bending or Earth bending at this point is able to completely solidify and stop a massive wave of lava coming from a volcano by using a Charged Up breath of air bending to stop it from destroying a town which unsurprisingly is a small town level feed a lot of people like to call this scene an outlier but the immediate next line in the scene is Saka talking about how people forget how strong Ang is so generally Bas to base Ang is is going to be outputting more power than that of a special grade disaster curse however there are two ways for the disaster curses to enter a new tier of power maximum techniques and domain expansion while jogo is the only person we actually see using a maximum technique his maximum meteor is capable of outputting nearly City levels of power if we assume that the rest of the disaster curses like Dagon hanamy and mahito are all generally in the same tier and also have a maximum technique then they should all be around this nce city level of power however maximum techniques aren't exactly something that can be done casually by a character given that they are second only to domain expansion when it comes to their capabilities as a sorcerer and domaines are an entire beast in and of themselves for this video we'll just say that domains scale to the user's power or at least the attacks within the domain are as potent as their size with this from dagon's and joo's domain the disaster curses and anyone stronger than them would be at least Mountain level to Island level and power at least when activating their domains so can a compete with this level of power if we Grant it to the JJ cerse well yes but not in base if a hopes to take on this level of power he's going to need to tap into the Avatar state which obviously is a massive amp that gives him the power and abilities of all previous Avatar as their Spirits are literally channeled into his body thus we can look at this onscreen Feats of previous Avatar both in their base forms or in the Avatar State and directly scale them to what a should be capable of even some of the lower end Feats by previous Avatar already begin to approach the limit of what jjk has shown in fact pretty much every onscreen Avatar has shown their own high tier feet related to their respective element Yang Chen is shown being able to move large cloud formations while training which is Mountain level Avatar Zeto and karuk both have Island level feeds with Zeto causing several volcanoes to AR with his fire bending while a novice kuk completely sunk an island while in the Avatar State seemingly while only using his water bending Beyond this is Avatar kyoshi's feet of creating Kyoshi Island by combining the bending of multiple Elements which ends up being the strongest feet of all of these which makes sense well some people disagree in exactly where this sits this feet is easily large island to Country levels of power this means that even while taking the high-end interpretation of these characters power Powers with domain expansion they would still be getting annihilated and overpowered by a now I think several of you might be thinking about how hacks plays a role in this battle what if mahito touches a how can Ang harm him or any cursed spirits well Ang has energy bending which is at its fundamental level is spirit and soul manipulation if mahito somehow manages to touch a he would suddenly see and be interacting with hundreds of spirits inside his body that are all equally as powerful as a himself it would probably be even even worse version of what sakuna did to him upon touching his soul so long story short a thrashes these guys this leaves pretty much only special grade characters left to compare Ang to but once again they fall in a similar boat while they are certainly stronger than the disaster curses they have no Feats that quantifiably put them any higher I also haven't mentioned speed at this point and at worst I think the Ang is the Same Spirit as the top tiers very few characters scale to asimo's lightning and I personally don't believe that the light speed meta in jjk is convincingly valid meanwhile you have many characters in Avatar being able to catch react to and outright intercept lightning attacks all of which have been caled to massively Hypersonic and Beyond that's partly the reason I avoided mentioning speed up until now as a is pretty easily blitzing everyone slower than kosimo and other special grade Sorcerers even in his base form so unsurprisingly I think the only only two characters who remotely have a chance of beating Ang in the Avatar state are sakuna and Gojo for sakuna he might possibly be able to negate Ang's durability with the world cutting slash and if he can't then Ang is just going to be consistently overpowering him with constant attacks for Gojo his only hope is that a can't bypass infinity and that he can get off an infinite void which might be able to work on Ang but there's a chance all this does is turn off Ang's mind and cause a former Avatar Spirit to take control like Kyoshi did for this video I'm also leaving out the potential Moon level or Planet level scaling involving stuff with raava the moon spirit and stuff with Legend of Kora but maybe I can talk about that in another video also post editing CL here as of the most recent chapter sukuna might have made the mountain level stuff more consistent by opening his domain and making like a massive hurricane it seems um and it seems like it's moving clouds in the background this could end up being Sim SAR to Yang Chen's feet at least making it more consistent that these characters can be Mountain level but again this would not put him at Ang's Peak scaling so overall Ang and his base form would easily be at the level of grade one Sorcerers and be able to relatively evenly fight against beings like the disaster curses though probably having a massive speed advantage against them however with the Avatar State he sets at a level of power pretty beyond everyone and is only vulnerable to a handful of ha abilities used by the two strongest guys in the verse but what do you think did I underestimate jjk did I overestimate Ang let me know your thoughts and how I was wrong in the comments down below also just wanted to say now that my school year's over I'll be back to making consistent uploads so thank you for sticking around and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Lonk's Takes
Views: 7,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Comics, Movie, Film, Animated, Spiderman, Goku, Dragonball, Saiyan, dbz, dragon ball z, dbs, dragon ball super, vegeta, super saiyan, Dragon ball movie, broly, Dbz movie, dbs movie, power scaling, Dragon ball power scaling, Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo, Goku vs Gojo, Gojo vs Goku, JJK, JJK chapter, Sukuna, JJK Episode, Vs battle, Yuji, JJK power scaling, Grades, Special Grade, JJK manga, JJK fight, Jujutsu Kaisen anime, anime, manga, Avatar, Avatar the last airbender, aang, avatar netflix
Id: pzGtBeE6I64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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