Man Turns into Overpowered Monster After Swallowing a Parasite

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in this world horrific monsters called kadu can attack at any time destroying dozens of city blocks in an instant to fight these Monsters the military has formed these specialized task forces to handle situations like these so after issuing an evacuation order and making sure all the surviving citizens have made it to safety they are given the all clear to engage with the monster the whole incident is being broadcast live so everyone who is not in the danger zone is watching in anticipation to see how the task force takes down this monster they send in division three and these guys do not play around as soon as the monster gets distracted for a second they immediately open fire on its guts and draw its attention by jumping all over the place but once the prep is completed one member fires a rail gun at the monster cutting a holes straight through its chest and causing it to explode from the inside out now that the worst of it is over we get a look at the aftermath of the incident and the poor fellas whose job it is to clean kaju guts out of the city streets the third division receives a lot of Cheers from the people whom they have saved with their quick response time but none of that praise is ever going to be going towards CFA or his team and that's because their job only starts after the fighting is already over no one cares about their work and they get no thanks for their efforts but it's a necessary job so CFE is happy to get it done as he's hacking away at the kuu meet a drone comes over to him saying the research department wants a sample of the monster so he puts some of it in a test tube and puts it in the drone on the ground a member of kaka's Team makes the mistake of hoisting up some of the guts of a monster and despite Kaka warning him not to do it it was already too late as he has acid sprayed on his body it burns straight through his suit but Kaka knows how to treat the wound since he has had something similar happen to him before so he is sure his teammate will be fine Kaka takes a moment to look at the workload they still got left to do and he has no idea how they expect him to be able to completely remove this thing in less than a week the team manager comes up to cfat and tells him he is being transferred to clear another section of the monster but it's the intestines so cakle wants nothing to do with it it gets dragged away anyway after a long day of dealing with monster Kaka returns home but he can still smell the doodo up in his nose he grabs a tissue to try to get rid of the smell and he then notices a news report about the kuu incident and the captain of the third division who took it down Mina ashiro not only did she manage to become the captain of her division in a relatively short time but she is also credited with taking down hundreds of kaju it seems like Kafka has known Mira since childhood as they made a promise to get rid of all kaju together but with how things have turned out Kafka is left wondering how he ended up on the sidelines like this he tries not to think about it because he'll feel like a failure otherwise but cleaning up caju is an important job as well so he tries to convince himself that he's important as well the next day Kaka heads into work in a bad mood and once he gets there he is called Over by one of his co-workers who wants to introduce him to the new part-time worker his name is ichikawa and he says he is determined to join the Defense Force One day but the others laugh at him and say kafa had the same dream years ago but he eventually gave up on all that and settled into his role of clearing out Kaiju Parts he's saying all this to praise Kafka but it's just delivering bonus damage to his already fragile sense of Pride ichikawa asks him why he chose to give up on his dream but cfet doesn't really have an answer for him he just realized that his abilities were limited so he couldn't bring himself to continue trying when he didn't have confidence in himself even though he knows it's a sad way to look at things he tries to laugh at off and says ioa will understand when he gets older but ioa refuses to accept kaka's depressing way of life when they are getting assigned their work positions for the day ichaa gets assigned to the intestines so Kaka starts doing a victory dance as payback for making him feel like a failure this morning but then kafa also gets assigned to the intestines again meaning another long and disgusting day of handling kaju by the time it's their lunch break ichikawa is completely wiped out by the Sten she had to endure and the same goes for kafa as well he looks over and notices that ichaka only brought one bento box for lunch today while it's understandable that he wouldn't have much of an appetite after what he went through he still needs to get proper nutrition so CFA tosses him a vitamin packet otherwise he won't be able to last through the rest of the day icha initially wants to refuse it but Kafka insists he'd take it as well as these nose plugs which he says will make the intestine work at least somewhat bearable ichava is still being stubborn about listening to Kafka so he stops asking and forcefully shs them up his nose afterwards they continue their kaju cleaning till the end of the day once they can finally start packing up for the day the others head out first while Kafka goes over the checklist of things they've done today and he's glad the intestines are finally done so he won't be needing to do that horrible work anymore as he is still looking over the things they've done ichola approaches him from behind so Kafka jokingly asks if he's coming back for Revenge after he had nose plugs shoved up his nose but on the contrary ichaka is actually really grateful for what Kafka did to help him it was thanks to his kindness that aako was able to make it through a whole day on the intestines so he wants to show his appreciation that's all he had to say but as he is walking away he turns back and tells cka that the age limit on recruiting for the Defense Force was raised to 33 due to the decline birth rates so Kafka is within the eligibility criteria now icha knows he has no right to question the Life Choices of others but he could tell that when Kafka talked about giving up on his dream of joining the Defense Force he looks sad with that being said ichika doesn't care what catha decides to do so he can choose to ignore what he just told him and continue his life as he normally would kathka thanks ichola for looking out for him even though they only met today but as icha turns around to respond this fricker pops out of the ground is about to Chomp down on him however before we can lose ichal to the monster Kafka somehow manages to close the distance in half a second and push him out of the way ichaka is surprised by the feet Kafka was able to just pull off but they aren't out of the woods yet since the monster attacks again a CFA is forced to kick him out of the way he yells at ichika to run away from here as fast as possible so he can call the defense courts to come handle this but ishika doesn't want to leave him behind to handle a monster like this on his own Kafka doesn't think he has what it takes to take the monster down by himself but he also knows icho wood being here isn't going to help at all he's still young and has his dream of joining the defense course so he can't let himself be killed here like this icha doesn't like it but he has no other choice but to leave Kafka behind so he starts running off and Kafka draws the Kaiju attention in the other direction it begins chasing him and Kafka is running for his life and he's moving really well for someone who gave up on his dreams he finds ad into a building and thinks he can use it to escape the kaju so he runs inside while the kuu gets stuck at the door allowing him to create some much needed distance and jump through a window to get out of there this leads him have a flashback of his younger days right after his hometown got destroyed by a cagu attack both his and Mina's homes in school were destroyed and what had him the most upset at the time was that he lost his holographic Charzard Pokémon card in the chaos Mina was upset that her favorite cat ended up dying they both decided that they wanted to become Defense Force officers so Kafka made a competition to see who could become the coolest officer between the two of them and then they'll eliminate Kaiju together back to the present Kafka lands on the ground and continues running after he gets up from the ground he doesn't know how he let things get so off track after he made that promise with Mina but he's got to survive this kaju first before he can think about that he can't outrun it any longer so he picks up a pipe and prepares to take a stand but despite knowing that he needs to Target its legs first CFA is Frozen in fear and gets knocked out by the kaju he then has his leg crushed by the monster's hand and with him now unable to move it lowers its head so it can e hole however before Kafka is killed isoba shows back up and knocks the monster's jaw away Kafka yells at him for putting himself in danger like this but ichikawa says he already notified the Defense Force however that doesn't mean he is just going to abandon a friend in trouble especially one that is badly injured if he did something like that then he wouldn't have the right to ever call himself a Defense Force officer catha realizes that he has always failed to protect the things around him even now he's failing to protect his Junior who's about to get squished just then the tiger comes out of nowhere and tackles the kaj's hand before several blasts are sent towards the monster carving it up before a final blast blows out its back this was the work of Mina and her Squad but she doesn't spare a second for Kafka as she hands his care over to some of her subordinates and heads off to go clear the area of any remaining monsters later CFA is in the hospital and thinking about how amazing Mina is and how she's gotten to a level where he can't reach her anymore but he gets startled when ichola who is in the next bed starts talking to him he thanks him because if he hadn't saved him when the monster first arrived or had him gotten icha to run and inform the Defense Force then he would have certainly died in that battle so as far as ichaka is concerned Kafka is really cool he really thinks he would make a great Defense Force off offer but that's still his own choice to make hearing this from aikala that helps Kafka make up his mind to try to join the Defense Force once more but then he notices this freaky thing just flying over his head and before he can even yell has already forced his way down into his throat he begins squirming in pain but by the time ichika is able to check on him he has already turned into a kaju monster they are both dumbfounded to find that kafka's appearance has changed but Kafka tells ichola to calm down since he's still the same person on the inside however this old man doesn't seem to care and immediately calls the Defense Force to have Kafka eliminated elsewhere m is having a flashback to the days when she and Kafka would spend time working on their kaju slaying tactics she found it really scary to have to fight something that would be several times her own size but Kafka reassured her that he would always be by her side to help her through it however that was a freaking lie she gets out of the bathtub and answers a call about the kuu incident report of the hospital and she says she will be there to handle the situation shortly after getting ready Mina addresses her team and informs them of the situation a Kaiju has been spotted in the hospital so it's their job to make sure it is taken down without causing harm to the people meanwhile in the hospital Kafka and AOA are still freaking out the old man they try to show the old man that this is all just one big misunderstanding by making catha look as non-threatening as possible but that's pretty hard to do when he's got a face that looks like that the old man dies of a heart attack shortly after and as catha goes to try and check up on him he puts his hand on the wall and completely shatters it without meaning to he can't believe this is happening to him but the commotion has attracted the attention of several hospital patients so since the Defense Force is probably already in their way ioa suggests that Kafka leaves he agrees that him being here would only cause problems for the people but as he goes to try and open the window he forgot about his inhuman strength and cause more property damage again brushing that aside icha says they should get going since the people here are starting to panic from kafka's presence so they both leap out of the hole in the wall and head into the city the Defense Force receives word that the kuu on the loose has fled the hospital and is now heading into the city so they prepare to intercept it meanwhile ichaka is running through the city streets and wondering when exactly Kafka became a kaju because he knows he wasn't one earlier today he turns back to ask if Kafka is really still the same person inside but looking at him now even Kafka isn't sure what he is anymore his body just started doing this weird stuff on its own and he even ends up eating a random bird for no reason Kafka eventually reverts to his less monstrous Kaiju form but it seems like there's another problem at hand he now means to pee ichika tells him to just hold it in since they don't have time for a potty break but Kafka says the body probably isn't going to listen and she'll end up just peeing on the road but with that said he's got no balls right now so shoa does doesn't know how he intends to pee in the first place then this happens catha collapses on the ground out of embarrassment and wishes to erase that moment from his memory but icha reminds him that they still got to keep moving before the Defense Force gets here speaking of which Kafka asks if he can still join the Defense Force like this but that's going to be strictly impossible since he is the very thing that the Defense Force is trained to kill he'd be obliterated on site if they found him It's a cruel fat for Kafka because even though he finally found the motive ation to try again and join the Defense Force he is now permanently locked out of that skill tree because of his body icha doesn't have any way to console him but he finds a good place for Kafka to hide for now but before they leave the area kafka's attention gets drawn by something behind them and he can tell it's not good ichikawa asks if it's the Defense Force but it's much much worse than that it's an actual kaju the Defense Force received the news of the second kuu attack that's happening so they split up so they can gain control of both situations back in town Kafka is somehow able to tell if the new kuu is the same kind that attacked both him and ichaka that evening so isaka thinks this is the perfect opportunity for them to escape since this will divide the defense Force's numbers since kafka's presence already made people Evacuate the area there's a good chance that no one will die from this attack they should just leave it up to the Defense Force to handle Kafka reluctantly agrees and turns to start leaving meanwhile a little girl is currently being traumatized since her family did not evacuate and her mother had been pinned under a dresser in all the chaos the girl's mother urges her to leave before she gets herself killed but the little girl insists on trying to save her mother unfortunately all this gets her is another dose of nightmare fuel as the kuu was closed in on them and busts into the room to eat it opens its mouth wide to take a bite out of the little girl but at the last second the girl is saved by an elbow strike from Kafka the strike sends the kuu flying several blocks away and Kafka is left Amazed by how strong his new body is but then he remembers that there are people in trouble so he turns to the girl and asks if she's okay the girl is obviously frightened by him and kafka's creepy smile isn't helping his case but when ichaka arrives the girl calms down as they finally free her mother the mother is unconscious but ichola assures the girl that her mother is going to be fine once they get her to safety the Ki returns so cka tells icha to get the girl and woman out of here as soon as possible while he stays behind because he wants to pick this kaju as hard as he can ichiko sees the lightning coming from Kafka and immediately realizes that he wants no part in what's about to happen so he hurriedly leaves while Kaka lines up for the most powerful uppercut he has ever given the kuu is hit with such force that it is sent flying and soon after it explodes From the Inside Out covering everything around it in Kaiju guts Kafka is left stunned because he really just took out a giant Kaiju in one punch but no matter how cool he may look after his victory to normal people he is still just a terrifying Hau he approaches the girl and tells her the Defense Force is going to be here soon to help her and she doesn't have to be scared anymore since he'll leave now but as he's walking away the girl overcomes her fear of him enough to call out and thank him for saving her and her mother after hearing those magical words Kafka is sent into a flashback of the time he spent with Mina trying to become a member of the Defense Force and even with his current predicament maybe there's still hope for his dream ichika calls out to CFA and tells him that he has called for an ambulance so they should leave before anyone gets here Kafka turns to him after giving it some thought and declares that he isn't going to give up on his dream of joining the Defense Force because he promised to stand by Mina's side a while later Mina arrives at the incident's site but the whole team is shocked to find that the kju has already been defeated she approaches the little girl and asks to find out what happened here but when the girl attempts to retell the story she nearly starts crying from all the trauma Mana assures the girl that she doesn't need to be scared because she as well as the entire Defense Force are going to wipe all the kiju off the face of the Earth the girl is happy to hear this at first but then she thinks about it for a second and asked Mina to promise not to hurt the good kuu guy she says the good kuu is the one who saved her mother and killed the other kaju but Mina is still shocked by the words good and kuu being used in the same sentence on the Morning News a portrait of kafka's kuu form is created from eyewitness reports and it is De of kaju number eight it is the eighth kaju to ever receive a code name since the Defense Force is yet to track it down the cleanup crew wonders why the Defense Force hasn't found it yet and as they talk amongst themselves AOA walks into the room and sheds a little light on what has transpired thus far it has been 3 months since catha became the first casu to successfully escape from the Defense Force so officers are dumping a lot of the defense budget into tracking him down the shift lead tells icha that something came in the mail for both him and Kafka so since Kafka already went out early to begin working he wants ichaka to take his to him the other guys already know what the mail is about as cath used to apply to the Defense Force every single year and every year he'd be rejected so the team would have to cheer him up ichaka takes a look at his results and is delighted to find out that he passed successfully so he hands off to go give Kafka his results as well as he was leaving he stopped for a moment and took a look at kfa's results himself just to be sure he wasn't going to hand a letter of disappointment to him but after looking at it he happily continued running it looks like Kafka managed to pass the test this time around and all the guys are happy for him since they know how badly he wanted it icha makes it to Kafka and tells him that he actually passed the first round of the exams this time but as Kafka turns around from eating his lunch ichiko was seized that he is letting his kuu form show catha had realized he was in kuu form and could have really exposed himself it was anyone other than ichola just now so he tries to make himself go back to normal but accidentally leaves his mouth unchanged ichola gives him an earful about how dangerous it would be for him to get spotted since there are still new stories about him both of them had managed to avoid suspicion by claiming they had run away after the kaju attacked but while they fooled everyone back then if Kafka keeps acting like this he's going to get exposed sooner or later ichaa hands his results over to him but while Kafka is still happy he isn't nearly as happy as ichika thought he would be this is mainly because Kafka only ever failed at the second stage of the test so the hard part is yet to come for him while they are on that topic icha asks if Kafka really intends to take the exam with his body the way it is the first exam was easy enough to take since it was just a written test but the second one is going to have officers all over the place and they killed him on sight if they found out about his body even with the risk catha is still determined to take the exam over the past 3 months he has been trying to find a way to turn back into a human completely but he hasn't had any Lu yet however with the age limit this is his last chance to actually apply so he has to take a chance ichikawa understands his determination but he makes it clear that if something happens to Kafka then he's on his own because if they are taking this test together it's going to be his Rivals Kaka reaches down to grab his water bottle but when he has a little trouble opening the cap he accidentally transforms into his kaju form and breaks the bottle ichika takes back everything he just said and tells Kafka to drop out of the exam because he is going to get himself killed but Kafka still really wants to do it ichiko relents but reiterates that he is on his own if anything happens during the exam everyone else is going to be here soon to start work so he tells CFA to get a grip on his transformation once ichaka leaves Katha reveals that he was really relieved that he passed since he wouldn't know what to do if icha passed and he didn't but now he's got to get ready for the test on the day of the test Kafka and ichika arrive in the parking lot of the Defense Force and ichikawa is utterly Amazed by the huge building he sees before him he's been to a base before on a field trip but this one is way bigger than anything he has ever seen CFA explains that they share this area with a special Defense Force Garrison so when something happens both sides work together to handle it quickly so in other words if Kafka accidentally transforms here he would be dead within seconds other examines begin arriving as well so kfka doesn't see any point in letting himself get scared by it anymore he tells ichiko that they should probably head in inside soon but he's interrupted by a rude girl who calls him an old man catha defends himself saying that he's only 32 so he isn't that old but even icho with thinks he is old so he just has to accept it his age aside the girl blondly tells him to move his car even though there are many spots available elsewhere just because she thinks she has a right to it since five is her lucky number catha obviously isn't going to budge for a dumb reason like that so the girl takes matters into her own hands and prepares to abuse the fact that she is probably Rich she takes off her clothes revealing that she is wearing the kind of battle suit the Defense Force people wear but she isn't going to be using it for such a noble cause as fighting kaju instead she picks up kafka's car with one hand and tosses it out of the spot which she probably thinks makes her cool but it just makes her a however being a big shot apparently gives her the right to do stuff like this and get away with it as she introduces herself as kakor shamia and she says she kills kaiju for fun and coincidentally she finds it weird that Kafka smells like a Kaiju ichola immediately tries to explain it away by saying they work in the kiju disposal but while kikor was wondering why kuu disposal workers are here CFA has already gone and picked his truck back up she is astonished seeing a 30-year-old man pick something as heavy as that without hurting his back so she assumes he must have his own private suit as well he doesn't confirm or deny anything but he turns to her and says she had better remember him while they were busy talking Koro Butler had already already gone ahead and taken the parking spot so Kafka still ended up losing the battle but now koru is excited by what this old man can do and can't wait to go up against him in the exam she then turns to leave along with her Butler in security once they are gone Kafka turns around and finds ichaka staring daggers at him as he warns him not to use his powers out in the open like that again Kafka apologizes but he only transformed the parts that would be hidden by his clothes he thought it would be fine some guards come over to ask if everything is all right now but for some reason they were nowhere to be found when kikoru was tossing kafka's car ichaka and Kafka both say there's nothing wrong so the guards tell him to hurry up and get inside the Billy men however before they leave ichika warns Kafka that he will totally rat him out the next time he transforms like that again Kafka agrees for his terms so the two head inside but as the exam finally begins Kafka finds that he can't keep up at all he knows he has been maintaining his daily training routine out of habit for years and he does a lot of manual labor for his job but that isn't making a difference here before the exam began catha and ichola went own the format of the exam it consists of a fitness test followed by a random aptitude test however they didn't know what the aptitude test will be so they needed to score really high in the fitness exam to make up for it however that doesn't look like it will be an option for Kafka as he is doing terribly he was bad before but back then he was just barely below average but now with his 30-year-old back he's at the bottom of the bell curve he thinks to himself that he could probably get back in from if he uses a bit of his powers but he decides against it for the sake of fairness but once the results are in he is really regretting being fair after all and to make it worse kakur comes up to him to rub it in his face that she did better than him in the fitness exam and that makes Kafka remember how confident he was heading into this which in turn sends a wave of cring down his spine koru is satisfied with kafka's reaction so she struts away and even though k kka is at the bottom of the leader board at choa is proud of him for not using his powers to cheat Kafka tells him that he believes he should give everyone a chance to let their hard work pay off or at least that's what he thought at the time but now he really wishes he cheated ichaka tries to calm him down by saying the reason he got ranked at the bottom isn't just because he sucks as this year's candidates are truly exceptional to name a few there's herichi isuma who ranks second and is the top graduating student from the kuu neutralization University and Ali kagari who turned down a million dooll Sports contract just to come to the defense first Force most of the applicants this year are from kuu neutralization universities so they've been training for this their whole lives and the one everyone is expecting the most out of is kakuru who was a prodigy that graduated from California neutralization University at the age of only 16 people have been trying to measure up to her this entire time and hearing them talk about her achievements kakur comes over once more to rub it in kafka's face he grabs her shoulders and admits that he didn't know how talented she was up till now but then he gets closed by her bodyguards who then proceed to beat the out of him for daring to touch her once kakuru gets called them off she tells Kafka she'll continue to outclass him in the second part of the exam as well prompting Kafka to say he'll make sure he beats her but even if he says that he can tell he's going to be screwed in the next exam as well Haka tries to cheer him up by saying there's still hope for him since the second part of the exam has been centered around kuu disposal for the past 2 years that's incredibly convenient for him but it's because they like to test the knowledge of candidates as well as their ability to work together in groups it's also to raise awareness of the hell disposal workers have to go through that's part of the reason icha chose to take a job as a disposal worker so he wants to work hard with Kafka and hopes it's the same thing this year as well however once they get to the actual aptitude test they are greeted by Vice Captain hosino who tells them that the test is going to involve killing live Kaiju CFA and eoa are both shocked because their whole game plan just went out the window and once the kuu spots all the candidates it immediately charges their way and Kafka begins freaking out but since this is still only an exam there's no way the Defense Force would put them in danger of dying without any safety measures in place metal bars stop the kiju from getting through and soldiers are posted to immediately kill them if anything goes wrong all the candidates seemed pretty calm about it except for Kafka who fell over in fear of the kaju to kick core is Amusement cka turns to ichikawa and asks what happened to only having to dispose of kuu bodies but ichaka never guarantee that that would be the test for this year all he knew was that it was that way for the past 2 years so it's not strange that they decided to shake things up hashino continues saying that they don't have to worry since they won't be sent out without proper equipment for the task they will all be provided with the special suits all Defense Force members wear icho would tries his suit on and it immediately be in shrinking to fit his body and once measurement adjustments are complete it activates the kuu muscle fibers in itself making it your kood feel a lot stronger than normal these suits are made from organic matter taken from kaju and massively increase the combat power of the wearer so there is no better way to fight against a kaju the operator Konomi begins measuring the Unleashed combat power of those who are wearing their suits and it starts with ioa who is currently at 8% power Yun Uchi has a percentage of 18 and the other promising candidates have combat power in the ranges of 14 to 15 the percentage is a measure that indicates how much of the suits power you are able to effectively use but even after extensive training most people can only use about 20% normally they would be lucky to have even one candidate that was above 10% so they got quite the impressive lineup of candidates this year there's a bit of a disturbance when Kor puts on her suit because her combat power is already at 46% which is equivalent to the power of a platoon tune leader ichola is feeling a bit down since his combat power is only an eight but hosino assures him that it's nothing to be ashamed of 8% is really good for a first time using the suit and honestly as long as you don't get a zero he'll be fine he's never even seen someone get a zero before a CFA changes that immediately as he scores a perfect zero hash finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious so he takes it liking to Kafka even though he's probably going to fail the exam anyway Kafka is trying his hardest here but he can't seem to get the suit to work for him and kakuru is getting pissed off because she knows Kafka has some amount of skill since he lifted his car in the parking lot and she doesn't understand why he keeps acting like he is completely inept hoso enters the room and since everyone has gotten their suits on the exam will now commence the candidates head out into the training area and he explains over the comms that their targets are going to be one big kaju and 32 smaller ones scattered throughout the testing area these kiju caused 15 fatalities already but they were captured alive for the sake of being used as training AIDS the candidates are tasked with killing them with anti-u weapons and their actions will be tracked by the plethora of surveillance drones that will be flying in the sky if at any point they look like they are going to die then their suits Shields will be activated and they will be disqualified hashino can't guarantee that all of them will be able to survive this next test but if they are all willing to sign a death waiver then they are free to begin as the test commences they all rush out into the field and kakuru is leading the pack with her impressive Mobility as she spots the first kaju she takes it down in one shot and she is showing no signs of slowing down meanwhile Kafka is showing no signs of moving at all since with his output at zero all the equipment is way too heavy for him to manage that aside icha doesn't know what they are supposed to do since neither of them has much Firepower with their suits but then hosino mentions that Captain Mina is here in person to watch the exam so catha gets a fire lit under him to perform well he turns to iala and explains what he thinks the objective of this exam is the control room went through all the trouble of getting drones to follow everyone which wouldn't make sense if all they cared about was the number of kaju he managed to kill that means they are testing the ability of the candidates to adapt to different situations so since they lack the necessary Firepower to be the damage dealers they should focus on support instead as they are running through the streets icha notices some fighting happening to their right so they head over there to provide Port they get to cover and once cka gets a good look at the kaju he realizes that he has seen this kind of kaju before and since he knows how its Body Works he knows just how to defeat it as well he runs out from behind the Rock and throws a stunned grenade at the kaju explaining that this kind has terrible eyesight but really good hearing so a stun grenade to the Head will render it deaf and an easy target so now that it is stun he calls over eumo and tells him to aim for the kaju stomachs since the skin there is much weaker than the rest of to his body isuma is skeptical at first but since the kaju is about to get back up he does as Kafka says and he is able to shoot a hole through the kaju stomach he's impressed with how accurate kafka's info was and thanks him for the assist and immediately after both Kafka and ichola continue running to find someone else to assist they've taken apart more kaju bodies than they can count so they know everything there's to know about their strengths and weaknesses so kathka can be useful without meaning to use his kaju powers however while he was in the middle of planning out their next assist CFA gets blindsided by a kaju that bursts through the rubble and smashes him into a wall the control room sees that Kafka is badly injured from that hit he just took and the Kaiju is still approaching him so hoso says they should start getting ready to deploy his shield catha knows how bad this looks for him and he is aware that the control room is probably going to engage his suit Shields but that would mean he gets disqualified and he doesn't want to disgrace himself anymore while Mina is watching him he tries to get up but doesn't look like he's going to make it out of this in time hashino had figured that cfco would be the first to have to drop out which is a shame since he really likes how funny he is but before the control room can deploy kafka's Shield theu is suddenly defeated by Koro she stands over Kafka and says he doesn't get to quit as long as she's still on the battlefield and kfco was almost grateful to her until she mocks him and says you should just stay here and keep being useless while she finishes off the rest of the kajou the other candidates don't want want to let her steal all the glory but the fact of the matter is that she is just better than everyone else so there's no way they'll be able to keep up with her cfco wants to get back in the fight as well but he realizes that his leg is completely broken so he can't stand up at all he gets connected by hosino and is informed that the suit has picked up that Kafka is badly injured and possibly bad internal organ damage so Kafka has to make a choice whether to give up or not he still has the will to continue but then he remembers that he has the lowest amount of talent of any of the candidates so he will never be able to stand by Mina's side because he isn't good enough for that hashino suggests that CFA Dro out of the exam for his own safety but even if he knows he isn't cut out for this and people think he looks stupid for trying so hard the choice to keep going is his own to make and he isn't going to give up anymore icha comes over to check on Kafka but he says he is okay and even manages to get back on his feet despite his leg being broken if he's willing to go that far then they see no reason to force him to quit now but if things get ugly or his condition deteriorates in any way then his shield will immediately be activated and he will be disqualified Kafka is happy to continue under those conditions but he can't deny that his condition is nowhere near decent enough to keep up with ichaa so he tells him to go on ahe without him since he doesn't want to slow him down but ichika isn't going to just leave him behind because they came here together and they are going to finish the exam together no matter what Kafka is touched by ichika's consideration so the two agree to work together and since kafka's leg is still broken ichikawa is carrying him on his shoulders much to hino's Amusement ichika feels embarrassed with how people are staring at him but this is the only way they can keep going as a team sir ichola will act as the legs while Kafka uses his years of kuu knowledge to help them attack and all the while hosino is seriously considering giving them a passing score just because he thinks they are really funny while ichikawa and Kafka are trying to catch up the other Front Runners for the exam are still killing kaju and trying to not lose to kick koru but she is just too damn good she proceeds to steal the kills of everyone she comes across so they all slowly give up on even trying to help Midway through kakuru switches to a staff and uses it to decapitate the last small caju in the area so the only one left is the giant one and she's already all over it she throws a grenade at it to cause a distraction and while it is still confused she jumps off the buildings and comes down on it from above before firing a shot straight through its mouth with that the exam has been concluded and Kafka and eawa got to do an absolute total of nothing even with their ridiculous formation Kafka complains that kakuru is way too fast but then his body gives out and he collapses on the ground in exhaustion while the surveillance drones for the exam being recall the operations team also needs to send some of the injured participants to the hospital to get their wounds treated but hosino seems to have been distracted by how fast kikoru managed to deal with the big Kaiju all on her own and he even had to work over over time just to capture that one alive Mina is impressed by how powerful kakuru is and hashino can't deny that she deserves the praise since he had predicted that at least 30 people would drop out this year but in the end no one did and that's largely because kikoru almost so handled the entire exam she's bound to become a big shot within the Defense Force in no time with the amount of skill she possesses but while she was still out on the battlefield and getting ready to head back so that she can rub her victory in kafka's face one last time something appears in the Smoke behind her and at the time she notices it she has been impaled through the chest on the other side of the field cfet is still trying to catch his breath and he has to admit that kakuru certainly beat him by a landslide but he also has her to thank because she helped them last throughout the test by ending it so quickly but then something horrifying starts happening as dozens of dead Kaiju all suddenly start coming back to life icho thinks they should get out of here quickly since this doesn't look like it's part of the exam but then CFA sees something that he can't ignore koru is on the verge of death and although she managed to stop her heart from being pierced by focusing her shield on a single point she is still badly wounded however she's not going to let that stop her because there is still a kiju that needs to be defeated she looks at the humanoid Kaiju and she wonders what it is and why it's here but then the Kyu looks back at her and wonders why she isn't dead yet koru is stunned to find out that the Slender kuu can talk but then it says it will let the giant kuu handle her as it revives the monster kakuru is still trying to make sense of the fact that this kuu seems to be intelligent but regardless she knows she has to do her best to take it down now however as she stands to her feet and takes aim the kuu fires shots at her that render all her limbs useless the control room has just picked up on kak's injuries so koshino asks for a status report on the situation down there Unfortunately they don't have visuals anymore since they recalled the drones but strangely he is told that the systems are picking up life signals from the kaju that were already defeated the makes no sense to hosino since kaju don't just spontaneously come back to life on their own and what's even worse is that they seem to be even more powerful now with a resilience score of 6.4 the only ones right now that would be able to handle the situation are either him or Mina so they head out immediately to save the trainees meanwhile on the testing grounds an order is issued for everyone to evacuate as soon as possible but kakuru can't follow that order because if someone doesn't take on the revived big Kaiju then it will go on a rampage and kill a lot of people she uses her suit to stop the bleeding of her injuries and stands up once again to fight this thing because as her father always told her she needs to be the perfect soldier at all times but then she's immediately squatted away like a fly and slams into a building as she lies among the rubble she has her life flashed before her eyes and she is sent into a memory of her youth when she got the top score on her exam the other students all received praise from their parents but her father couldn't even be bothered to show up her Butler informs her that her father will be home today which is a rare occurrence so she decides to show her amazing performance he doesn't care about her successes because success is the bare minimum he expects from her and rejoicing over it will do nothing but make her weak in the long run so be chalis would always be perfect no matter what for the sake of the nation and for the sake of her dead mother the overwhelming expectation of her father drives her to never give up so she jumps back out and keeps firing her gun all while hearing her father's berating voice in her head she gets swatted down again but doesn't matter because as long as she has still got functional arms she can keep fighting unfortunately I don't think that arm looks very functional anymore as kikoru screams out in pain the kuu regenerates the horns on its head which are apparently used as an attack weapon and both Mina and hosino are still too far away to assist kikoro in any way so it might be over for her as the kaj's energy blast is being charged up koru accepts her fate and begins apologizing for not being strong enough to protect everyone but at the last second hafa appears in front of her and says she did an amazing job holding out until now she doesn't understand why Kafka is still here and putting himself in danger as the blast hits Kafka tanks it before transforming into his kaju form telling her it'll handle everything from here on out elsewhere the evacuation efforts are still going on while the one skilled enough to do so hold the kaju off they are using flares to direct the candidates on where to evacuate to but ichikawa is more concerned about what kfka doing earlier right after he suggested that they Evacuate the area another another Soldier came up to the group and tells them all that the giant kuu has come back to life but koru is holding off on her own so no one should head over there Kafka heard this so he immediately decided to head over there against ichiko's wishes but Ishikawa still hoped kfka wouldn't end up transforming into a kaju in the middle of a kuu extermination base but who is he kidding kka is a 100% Going to transform because how exactly is he meant to help kikoru without doing that kakuru doesn't understand what's going on because she just saw Kafka turn into a kaju so Kafka turns around and immediately starts begging her not to rat him out to the Defense Force while he was doing this the giant kuu has been charging up another blast but as it fires at the two of them Kafka quickly turns around and swats it away he promises to explain things to kakuru later but for now she should just get some rest while he finishes this kiju off the control room picks up on kafka's kiju energy and the readings lead to the conclusion that another kuu has shown up however the energy blast seems to have shorted out the cameras so they got no visuals but from the readings they are getting this new kiju fortitude is at 9.8 they've never seen a score that high before but they just chalk it up to the sensors malfunctioning from the blast as well back over to Kafka he knows reinforcements are on their way so he doesn't have much time to spare here which is why he will end this all in one punch the kuu clashes fists with Kafka but with Kafka being the more powerful one the force he generates is enough to literally start ripping the flesh off the bone of the kaju leaving nothing but a pair of legs kakuru was still trying to process everything she had just witnessed but then Kafka turns back to her and immediately runs over before slapping a kaju that was trying to sneak up on her now that it is dead Kafka tells her that she's going to be all right and he is glad that she is safe hearing those words from kafka's mouth is a breath of fresh air to her with all her daddy issues but Kafka then scolds her for putting herself in so much danger like she did but then ichola shows up and scolds Kafka for doing the exact same thing Kafka is surprised iala is still here but he was worried that Kafka may do something stupid while he wasn't there and sure enough he finds cka fully transformed out in the open while he and ichaka continue talking kora's injuries finally catch up to her so she loses Consciousness and collapses on the ground a while later hosino and Mina arrive on the scene and they are confused as much as they are intrigued by what could have taken out the kaju and caused this much of a mess the search team comes back and says they were unable to find any of the mission candidates but chess then the control room informs them over the comms that Kafka ichikawa and Koro have all been spotted making their way into gate six so all the examinees have been accounted for hashino admits that koru is a strong fighter but he knows there is no way she could have managed to accomplish something like this there are a lot of unanswered questions from this exam since they still don't know why the kuu came back to life in the first place or what caused the Carnage here but Mina says they should call in the investigation and Disposal team so they can get things wrapped up here back to Kafka chikawa Kafka has been hospitalized for his injuries but he's going to be fine so chikawa is relieved koru also seems to be recovering well since the Defense Force is using the best technology available to treat her wounds cath gets a little angry because he doesn't get the same special treatment she does but then again all he has is a few minor fractured so compared to kakuru she probably needed it more Mina has been listening in on their conversation so she steps in and thanks them both for saving kiku's Life by carrying her to safety cka wants to talk to her but he decides to hold off for now until he officially becomes an officer on kakur end she is still recovering in the recovery pod when hoso comes in and thanks her for her hard work in defeating that Kaiju she looks a little conflicted so hosino asks if she wasn't the one who defeated the kaju kakuru remembers what happened with Kafka saving her and even though he is a kaju she can't bring herself to sell him out since he was so kind to her so she lies and says she killed the kaju after all back in town the report on the incident at the Defense Force has finally made it to the news and the Slenderman kuu is currently listening in to hear how much Carnage he managed to cause however when he hears that there were zero casualties over the entire course of the incident he can't believe it he's wondering who could have stopped the Ki revived then he gets a call on his phone so he reveals that he can transform into a human answers the call it is from one of the members of the disposal Squad and the guy is berating him for taking too long on his break so the kuu gets up and heads out of the toilet where the entire Squad is waiting for him all none the wiser to the fact that he is a Kaiju a while later Kafka is freaking out over the exam and he blames ichola for his anxiety since he is the one who convinced him to sign up again but Kafka doesn't have any more time to be anxious because the boss comes in and says that both iala and Kafka have mail Kafka knows this is his last chance to ever have a hope of standing beside Mina so he nervously pulls out the paper to see his results on the day of the entrance ceremony Zumo walks up to kagari to greet him and congratulate him on passing but he was already pretty sure that he would pass anyway so it wasn't a surprise to see him here to be honest the people who pass are exactly what he had expected but he doesn't see Kafka anywhere kidar Raji asks if Yuma wanted Kafka to pass but it's not exactly that he just found him interesting just then Shenia shows up and she's basking in the glory of her overwhelming victory during the test but she has every right to do so because she's actually the best combatant here before meeting her both isumo and kagari had both thought they would be in first place but now isumo thinks they're stuck competing for the number two spot kagari retorts by saying he scored the highest in the physical fitness test so they'll keep aiming for number one even if eumo wants to give up elsewhere in the hall ichika bumps into another one of the successful candidates and the guy recognizes him from the exam but he can't recall his name icho W reintroduces himself and the guy does the same saying he is called iaru Fury hasi but he wants to be on a firstname basis with icha he decides to call them Reno and in return he wants to be called aaru now that they are well acquainted yaru asks what happened to Kafka and if he somehow failed the test but it seems to be a little more complicated than that just then an announcement that Mana will be entering is made so everyone goes quiet as she walks in once Mina makes it up on stage the induction ceremony is set to officially commence so koru is asked to come up and speak on behalf of the incoming class as koru walks up on stage Mina hands for the class roster and welcomes them to the Defense Force she also gives special thanks to kakuru for her help in the incident after the exam because thanks to her there were no casualties whatsoever kakur feels a little guilty about accepting such high praise from Mina but she wasn't the one who killed that Kaiju Kafka should be the one hearing these words right now so why he isn't here he not only saved her life but also worried about her like she was a little girl and she feels a little humiliated about it but it doesn't look like she needs to worry about that since CFA sheepishly tiptoes into the room in his new Defense Force uniform a moment later a lot of people are glad to see him but some context is needed to know how he managed to not fail the truth is that he totally failed the exam he had the lowest score in the fitness exam and he had no actitude for the suits so it was a pretty clear failing grade no one objects to this evaluation and although n wants to stick up for her friend she also knows she can't give him preferential treatment like this however Hino is willing to give all the preferential treatment in the world to Kafka so he says he'll take him under his wing he justifies it by saying that kafka's scores may be really low but in the Practical part of the test he was able to accurately identify the weak points of the kaju and prioritize helping the overall kuu extermination effort instead of solely focusing on his own kills there aren't many people with the skills to do that but the reason hoso wants to bring Kafka aboard is because he thinks he is funny hashino wasn't sure if Kafka would ever meet the requirements to become a full officer but for now he wants to keep him as a kit in part of his platoon Mana explains to everyone that Kafka isn't a full officer yet so she has him sit out of the induction ceremony that still means he passed now that that's been settled hashino walks up and asks Mina to say a few words words to the new officers she steps up to the mic and addresses everyone saying that she is glad that they all volunteered to join the defense corpse and put in the effort necessary to pass that difficult exam for the last few years they see more kaju with far greater fortitude than they've ever seen before and they also have to worry about strange incidents where kuu may be able to come back to life missions are going to be more dangerous than they've ever been and some people may die and there's no guarantee that anyone will make it back from missions alive so she wants them all to entrust their lives to her through all these dangerous missions she swears that she will be there standing at the very front and acting as both the shield and Spear of the team and catha is so touched by the speech that he blurts out that he will make sure he can stand by Mina's side as well everyone is shocked that Kafka would dare speak to the captain so carelessly but Mina is actually happy that Kafka hasn't forgotten his promise to her although she's still the captain so she decides to punish Kafka for speaking out of turn and tells him to do 100 push-ups hoso found the whole thing really funny so he's not regretting his decision to accept Kafka at all but being funny isn't the only reason that Hino wanted to recruit Kafka back when the kaju started coming back to life they suddenly saw signals of a 9.8 fortitude kiju appearing and while he is still fairly sure that the reading was a malfunction but at the same time they also lost signal to the vitals of one examine he knows something is off about catha simply by the fact that he had zero compatibility with the suit so he's going to keep a close eye on him to find out what secret he's hiding catha had just finished his 100 push-up punishment and while he's lying on the floor out of exhaustion kakur comes up to him and says she wants to talk so he should come with her Kafka asks why she can't just talk to him here but kikoru doesn't want other people hearing about it so they start teasing her about wanting to confess to Kafka kka actually believes that's what's going on but kakuru denies it and kicks him across the face while ioa watches on with a look of disapproval later the three are sitting in an empty Diner in Kafka has just told kikoru what happened to him back back in the hospital but she finds it hard to believe that he turned into a kaju because he ate one catha thinks it wouldn't be such a big deal to tell the Defense Force about it since they might be able to cure him but kakuru doesn't think there's any chance of that happening for one if they don't decide to kill him on the spot they would probably subject him to countless gruesome experiments and he is guaranteed to never become an officer at that point and on top of that when aaju is really powerful the Defense Force uses its body to create special weapons after they defeat it so it's possible they might try to do that to him after hearing what fate May await him if his Secret Gets Out catha pleads with kikoro to keep his secret for him she ends up agreeing to not rat him out since he saved her life but she says that if she ever finds out that Kafka is a kaju that will hurt mankind then she will kill him without Mercy ichaa freezes up a little after hearing how serious she is but Kafka is actually glad because he would never want to be left alive if he was in danger to society later on ichika is taking part in a training exercise where he learns how to use the anti- Kaiu guns properly and he is doing a decent job at it getting a completion time of just over 2 and 1/2 minutes and a suit activation percentage of 18 so he has really improved a lot since he first joined because of this aaru feels pressure to do just as well as him because he can't let himself get over shadowed through the sheer force of petty competition iaru is able to get quicker time than ichaa as well as an activation force of 20% and you Wast no time bragging about his performance to ich call but then he gets a reminder that there's always someone better when kikoru shatters his record by a full minute and with a suit power of 55% so she wastes no time and rubs it in his face that she's Superior meanwhile isumo is left feeling inadequate by kaku's signature look of superiority but kagari reminds him that if he's got time to be worried that he's got time to train otherwise people are going to catch up to him in no time right now both isumo and kagari are on equal footing in terms of battle power and catha is just doing his own things because he's excited that he finally got his suit up up to 1% he then turns to kakuru and proudly declares that he has finally turned his zero into one but she doesn't understand why he's bragging to her when she's at 55 hoso still finds him amusing but he tells Kafka that he's never going to become an officer at this rate and at most he will last 3 months before he is fired and after hitting Kafka with facts he tells everyone that they should run 10 laps around the perimeter and then training will be done for the day they don't think it's fair to have to run laps but because they complain hosino makes it 15 laps instead and tells them to get going a lot of the new recruits have developed rivalries among each other and hasino is happy to see it because the competition is helping them grow stronger than ever after training is complete everyone heads to the baths and cfut is exhausted from having to run laps at the end of training but iala and ah Haru seemed to be full of energy since iaru is showing off his muscle gains but ishika doesn't think it's all that impressive since he has the same amount of muscle mass cka has to get in on this and show the young Lads what a real man's muscles look like and at Haru was really impressed but that didn't last long as kka runs out of breath and shows iaru what a real man's stomach looks like iaru and ichola both start laughing at Kafka but he says the same things will happen to them once they turn 28 so they had better be prepared but then everyone gets put in their place when kagari shows up and shows them what the Peak physical form looks like they all jump in the bath out of embarrassment but the mood soon turns back to regular conversation and Kafka is happy because he hadn't gotten to do stuff like this in a long while on the girl's side koru and two relatively unimportant officers walk into the changing room and they find Mina there so they were going to leave and let her finish but Mina says it's all right since she was about to leave anyway since they have her permission they all go their separate ways and koru Walks Behind Mina to put her clothes in the washing machine while she does this she notices that Mina has some decent muscle on her body but that doesn't explain the ridiculous amount of combat power she's able to produce but all that staring got Mina's attention so kakaru asks her directly about how she got her muscles men agrees to show her the basics of her training routine since she's here anyway and though Koro wasn't expecting it she's still grateful for the kind gesture back to the boys they start talking to each other about why they join the Defense Force and iaru goes first by explaining that his reasoning for joining is because of mina he was saved from a Kaiju by her when he was still in middle school and ever since then he's always wanted to be like her the others have similar reasons for joining and they all involve admiration for mina but when it's kafka's turn to he freezes up a little but eventually tells them that he is childhood friends with Mina all the boys are jealous of him so Kafka tries to step out before things get too heated but it's already too late for that as they now want to hear everything about Mina's childhood they end up staying in the bath for so long that by the time Kor comes out they've all fainted from heat stroke and eawa is stuck trying to revive them the next day training continues as usual and the recruits and everyone begins bonding over the time spent together but cfus still sucks compared to everyone else at the end of the day everyone is exhausted from all the hard work but while they are asleep Kafka is still up working to improve himself so that he doesn't get kicked off the Defense Force after a while hashino walks in and finds kfka working but while it is an admirable thing to do sleeping is also an important part of training so he can't just neglect it kfka really doesn't want to get fired and hashino assumes this because of the promise he made with Mina but Kafka never told him about that so he's wondering how he could possibly know hashino admits that he was listening in on the conversations the guys are having in the bath but aside from how weird that is CFA admits that his motivation is indeed because of the promise he made so he needs to do whatever it takes to stand at Mina's side hashino interprets this to mean that Kafka wants to steal his position as Vice Captain and this is exactly what Kafka intends to do so he will work hard to achieve it before hosino leaves he lets Kafka know that he won't be giving up his spot as Vice Captain so easily and one more word of advice he tells CFA not to get too close to anyone on the team because in this line of work anyone could die at any moment especially if they're getting a lot of screen time just then an alarm Bell goes off which means a kuu emergency is happening right now so hoso tells catha to hurry up because it's time for his first mission this was the end of episode 5 thanks for watching subscribe to not miss the next part
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 267,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime summary, anime
Id: uz1gaK4Vdoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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