Misty Forest STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (ColorByFeliks)

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hi everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in this week we'll focus on a foggy forest scene thank you to my patreon who helped me choose the topic for this week's tutorial if you'd like to join color by felix community check out the link up here then you can have a say in what I should teach next and check out the benefits of that alright we're gonna go over the materials we need for today and most of these materials are gonna be in my Amazon shop if you just check out the description the link will be on there okay I'm excited about this one because I am working actually currently working on a personal project and I'm working on a 36 by 36 inch canvas and I'm doing a foggy forest scene as well so this is this is perfect timing because I'm you know get to practice I guess a little more and and have fun with this so this is a sixteen by twenty inch canvas you can have you know any size candidates you'd like but we're good thats what we're using today and most of my tutorials i'm using a sixteen by twenty inch canvas but every now and then i'll try something new also I'd like to mention if this video and these tutorials are helpful be sure to subscribe and like and share with your friends and you know have fun painting okay so for the paints I like to use heavy golden acrylics and we need titanium white carbon black naps the red light phthalo blue green shade I know I use ultramarine blue but every now and then I like to experiment and use a different shade of blue so this is what we're using today totally ultramarine blue if you have that or any other shade of blue it will work as well and then cadmium yellow light also a different shade of cadmium yellow all these are primary colors but they're like you know a shade lighter or darker any of them should work four brushes we need this blending brush set right here for blending some of these artists soft brushes I'll show you which one I'm using as I go on and half an inch any half an inch flat brush any of them will work and last but not least a double-0 round detail brush for the details and I think that's it for the brushes we need a palette and palette knife to mix your paint some paper towels I like to use paper towels to clean my brushes what after I you know use a also water jar right here full of water after I clean out my brush I clean out the using paper towels and it works great and then so you can you don't have to use this if you don't want but it helps to dry out my first coat okay guys so this is what I have right here I have titanium white and pretty much they're all the same size almost but I'm gonna make three different shades and I've got two ten in white this phthalo blue green shade just to touch here's my nail so you can kind of see the size you know just just a very small amount and then I added the same amount of blue here and a touch of that yellow light Kennon yellow light and then the touch of cadmium yellow light here and a touch of red here so very very small amounts of these colors but more white as you could see so I'm gonna mix my first shade this one will be on top so this is will be the sky and then this will be more on the bottom and this orange color we'll be on different parts of the fog areas in the bottom and this is the background so this doesn't have to be perfect actually because this is our first layer and we're gonna add some more layers on top of it so if your shade is a little lighter or a little darker you know that's totally fine okay everyone has their own unique style of creating and I hope these tutorials are hoping you guys you know learn some of the mixing and and what the colors can give you and create your own interesting pieces so right here this should give me like a light like a beautiful almost like a turquoise color as you can see right there that's our second color and then right there so we've got two shades here and then our final color right here I'm going to you can clean out your palette knife if you want but I usually don't it brings a little bit of that color into my other shades but that's okay because it's still gonna happen when I you know put the colors down and I blend them in together so right there see it gives you this peachy color not a lot of red because when you add a lot of red it's gonna be a darker shade right there so we got these shades and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a little bit of more white here the reason why I do this I look at the shading the first time I mix my colors because not not every time that it's perfect so I go back and add either white to make it lighter or a little bit darker of the you know either blue or yellow or red if I wanted it to be darker but I like these colors so I'm gonna leave these alone but add a little bit more white here for this guy I want this guy to be a little lighter than my bottom right there and if I used it alone the way it was it would have worked as well this is just personal you know preference personal thing I guess I just want this cut to be a little lighter that's all I'm not asking for much there you go we got our three shades now let's cover our canvas and have fun with our first shade so what we're gonna do is grab our water jar and grab our fluffy brush number eight and then dab it halfway squeeze it out there's different ways of doing this you can use a spray bottle spray pop bottle to spray your canvas to have it a little bit damp and wet but I like to do it this way it works great for me so I'm gonna dab it right there and then water and grab my let's grab let's grab let's start with the bottom so we're gonna our horizon line is gonna be right about right here so a little lower than half way of the canvas so I'm gonna grab this green shade and just put it right here and I'm not gonna put it everywhere on the bottom just I'm just gonna put it right here in the middle maybe go off like this and then just grab all of it kind of randomly put it I want it to be spread out differently not not like maybe some here that my brush in and water right now and the way I do it is I dab it just a tip just to every time I move my brush I'm just having a little bit in the water that way it spreads on a canvas easy easier so just grab that green spread it everywhere here and then grab my peachy color right here and right here you see it's almost like a similar color like it's a shade lighter it's it doesn't you don't see that much of a difference it's like a hint difference which I like I like how that turned out so I just put it randomly and then here on top I try to go a little bit higher here I'm gonna grab my blue color my final color dab it in the water and this is our first coat so it doesn't have to be perfect we're laying it that down as a base grab the rest of the paint just randomly spread it around that right about there and then we're gonna clean their brush and I what I do is I just lightly dab like this in my water jar press it down you don't have to clean all of it out just get most of the paint out from the brush and once you have it most of it out you just take it out you're gonna squeeze lightly don't press too hard just squeeze it gently and then grab your paper towel and lightly swirl it and get most of the you know so it'll be fluffy again not as wet do that I'm gonna blend everything in nicely and I'm gonna start at the bottom and I'm gonna lightly press lightly press and I'm not pressing hard at all I'm just lightly pressing and leave some of these areas this part you don't need to blend it perfectly okay so it needs to be not perfect actually and you'll see why so I'm just you know lightly press and almost like dabbing it and using this like swirl effect like carrying the paint lightly upwards let's see if you guys can see a little better right here i zoomed in the camera so you see what i'm doing i'm lightly pressing and carrying the paint upwards and since my brush is a little damp it it works great like if it your brush is too wet it might carry a lot of the paint you know away from the canvas and you don't want to do that so make sure your brush is damp but not too wet okay so now our first layer is dry let's draw some trees in a background and these trees are gonna be like they're gonna be lighter because during the background so we're gonna use a lot of they're gonna be more lighter and so we're gonna add more white to our paint as you can see right here I have white and a touch of yellow and a little bit of black just a little bit and then same thing white a little more black and a little more yellow just a little bit and we're gonna mix our first shade should be pretty great right there so when we mix our color first I'm gonna mix these real quick so it's great but it has that hint of green to it just a touch you don't want too much green you want it to look great and this should be similar but a shade darker as you can see it's a shade darker because I added a little more black to it that's all I did right there two shades and you when I look at the painting I want to make sure my color is a little bit darker than the background color so if your background you know color here that you made is darker than mine then just make sure to add a little bit more black because you want you want it to pop out more you don't want it to be too light you know so that's what I did here so mine is you know it's it's pretty pretty dark so that's good that's a good shade right there and this is a little darker so it's gonna be good all right so now we're gonna grab our I'm gonna grab our half an inch flat brush dab it in the water and once you have it dived in and water we're gonna draw a few tall trees and put our first base coat over these trees so since I started here actually I'm gonna leave that I'll come back to that later but we're gonna make these trees kind of going like upwards like this like we're looking up a little bit towards these trees because they're so tall okay I could draw them straight but I want to draw something interesting like in a unique way in a unique perspective let's say so my first one's gonna be pretty straight because it's far just very small dull right there okay and then I'm gonna draw another one like this and there may be another one that and you know as they get older they get a little more thicker and a few small ones and now I'm not pressing hard and as I go to the side I'm gonna tilt them a little bit more you see they they become more tilted so straight up and as that you get towards the side make them a little bit more tilted okay so I'm just using water and this shade right here and lightly pressing just draw a few more small ones feed it out lately doesn't have to be perfect just water in this color that we have here right there okay very simple just draw that and we're gonna grab our detail brush yeah but in the water I'm always stepping in the water and I'm working almost like watercolor so dabbing it in the water because this paint is thick so water helps it from you know when you paint it runs smoother on the canvas so you don't have to press hard or have like little bumps like this area right here as you can see see the difference this is with water and this is more paint it's more pain and less water and you can see it's a little choppy and that's what happens that's why I like to use water so I can get that smooth run and water also works transit works great when you're working transparent so I'm using water and right now I'm going to add a few little branches not much just a few light ones little ones just a few it doesn't have to be perfect just with water and what transparent this is the background so it's gonna fade out but we're gonna address draw a few light ones just a few not much and the way I do it is I just just water in this light paint we're still using the same paint and I just draw it downwards just go like that and kind of wiggle it draw a little mustaches okay little mustaches that's what I call these guys alright just a few draw someone this I'm gonna leave some empty maybe draw a few more trees in the back and just with water about transparent they don't have to be that perfect and as you get closer as the trees get taller the branches get a little thicker and wider but to use the same shade and the way to draw the branches is like I said I draw the first one kind of Wiggly and then draw a few more at the end they don't have to be perfect like you can almost you're gonna barely see them that's what you want that's what water does is what transparent and this light color it just makes it very very hard to see almost and every time I move my brush away from the camera I'm just dabbing it in the water and then grabbing a little bit more paint that's what I'm doing I am only using my iPhone to record so eventually I'm hoping to progress and you know get a second camera where I can have different angles I'm trying my best to get over shots and important important parts recorded here for you guys and try to explain it and you don't have to spend too much time on this just quickly sketch it out they don't have to be perfect you know how trees are branches are not perfect they're all and that's what makes them unique the trees are love trees a couple weeks ago I went hiking with my family and Washington State has a lot of beautiful mountains and these tall trees and and we went hiking to this place called Kendall catwalk and it was a 12 mile hike and boy me and those trees were amazing they're so inspiring to see that in person the moss on the trees and we're gonna try to maybe capture that today some of the moss as the trees get closer we're going to make more details on the trees that's why you don't want to spend too much time trying to make these trees perfect because a lot of them they're they're just background trees they're gonna be covered and some of them are I left them blank just tall and blank that's good so I'm gonna call it good right there so now what I'm gonna do is grab my inch artist loft brush right here and then you could have any flat you know very rough that's why I like to use it because it's rough these are very cheap you can get them at Michael's or again the link down below it'll show you these brushes so this is an inch right here it's rough and I like to use that to add my bushy effect on the trees like the leaves and stuff so I'm gonna use the same color and I didn't dab it in the water under I'm working dry so I'm gonna go like this and I'm just some of them I'm gonna dab it and create a few few uh you know lightly branches and here I'll try to zoom in so you guys can see what I'm doing so I'm grabbing more paint right here and just where I drew the branches remember just pressing and almost I'm not even doing much I'm just pressing you davin you in there using the corners of my my brush here and the ones that are far behind you almost don't even have to tot touch them so just lightly in the corner of my brush right here sorry the care must close I forgot so I'm just grabbing paint right here and then lightly dabbing it some of them are gonna I'm gonna leave them the way they are I'm not gonna touch them too much so I'm gonna leave that I'm not gonna have too much branches on that one but on the ones you know it's squared it up so you won't have so it won't be too balanced you know I have some better bigger some that have more lightly dabbing yet following my lines that I drew that's what you didn't have to draw them perfect because they're gonna be covered almost you won't see them okay finish it off here it's using the corner of my brush sometimes I also dab it in the middle sometimes the branches come out you like this so you don't balance it out as you go down there's little branches on the bottom so make sure you you know have fun and add your branches where you want them to be don't add too much don't spend too much time on this this a lot of these are going to be covered by the trees up front this is these are just a background trees okay the more time and the more details you start to add the picture becomes more and more you know real and and you know that's the fun part is you can spend as long as you want on a painting once you get the technique down and it becomes super fun you can create some awesome pictures all right so I will call it good for now sad some on the side here so we got our I'm gonna take this in on some areas I'm gonna actually dab it lightly in the water just water and this same color and maybe add some here just in some of the areas like their faraway bushes or something okay so just water in the same color here and here I'm just covering the white part right here of the canvas so I'm using just water right now and a little bit of this so color right here working transparent as you can see just gonna cover the white doesn't have to be perfect okay right there okay so we got our first layer of trees as you can see they're very simple they're not as detailed and that's what we want we want to lay down there are trees far away trees where we want to be and then now we're gonna go back to our half an inch brush and remember this second shade that we mixed it's the same thing but just a shade darker with a little bit of black so it's the same shade just a little darker we're gonna create some more trees okay some more trees and this time they're gonna go a little bit lower so in higher okay so I'm gonna go start from here and some of these they're gonna be covering the background trees that's why I don't want you to spend too much time focusing on the your details of the background tree you can if you want it just will take a little longer it depends on how detailed you want again totally up to you so here's that one and then I'll draw another one this one might be a little straighter and taller so as they go down you want the bottom to be a little wider but don't make them too wide because we're gonna make more trees up close okay we're gonna make more trees up close and darker so we want to make sure they're not too thick so that's you know I kind of made it a little thick there but that's okay it's not a problem so this one I'm gonna make pretty much to the top almost and you could see that I'm making them longer okay next so this one I'm gonna draw one up here water and this color I'm gonna draw one here that goes off to the side okay same thing here see the perspective now you can see as I have more trees you could see what I'm trying to shoot for the perspective wise I could just make it simple straight but it's like we're almost looking we're looking upwards a little not straight into the woods I'm going to draw one more here just off like this doesn't have to be perfect since this one is the thickest one I'm gonna make this one tall okay okay so with this shade I should be done so I'm gonna do the same technique same idea but here as the treats get closer you'll see less of the you know the branches and and you I mean you see more of the branches but they're more like gonna be upwards so we're gonna add with the detail brush using this same color right here water and this darker shade right here and we're just gonna drop out starting from the top just a few of these branches they're not perfect but they are branches and as you get down you don't draw a few little ones that color good with that tree this one will have a few more whatever you want just water and this color right here and as I go down I'm gonna add a few more here and that call it good with this one this tree continue on all right so now I'm gonna grab my inch artist loft brush putting it out use the same brush and make sure it's where do you dry because if you work with it a little wet it'll leave like blobs but we want the we want those little you know we want the texture we want those little branches to show up and when it's dry you get this nice you know look look to it see and then press him lightly right here just lightly follow the branches maybe add a few extras on them in the middle remember some branches are facing you we had a branches on the side you know but some branches face use that's why I like this area right here I'll add a branch like this you know just make it look a little busy and you could leave some of the branches some of the branches be naked without any leaves that looks nice too so just a few more right here on the bottom just dabbing it following my branches where I drew someone leave this branch naked I like the way it looks you follow your branches and then also you can add a few extras just have fun with it follow you know how the trees look you know some could be just sticking out here by themselves so I use the corner of my brush to just make some darker ones on the edges right here and I don't had everywhere you know you don't want it everywhere just balance it out nicely so I dabbed a little bit in my water because I'm running out of this color and so I just touched a little bit of water here I couldn't make some more yeah that's not a problem so remember it's just a little bit of white a little bit of black and yellow and you can when you need extra more you just mix it next to it and kind of try to catch capture it - you're not never gonna get it exactly like it you know but you can get a close to it and that will be just fine it doesn't have to be exactly like it okay you know I've had like I know people with acrylics they after they're done painting you know if they have like 45 minutes or an hour to paint and they're painting takes longer and they they need to throw away because acrylic dries that's totally okay just remember the shadings that you know the color that you got they're just you could throw the palette away in the next day you can come back and just write it down in in your notes to remember which shades you used and mix it and then you can match it with your canvas and see what color if you want it exactly like it and you just get it as close as you can but honestly there it's always gonna be different every I still you know mix color and it always turns out a little different than before so again that's normal that's actually better I think because then that way you you have more like shades in your in your painting which makes your painting look interesting so there you have it just using the corner of my brush and adding a few branches here I'm dabbing it and using a corner and following my branches don't worry about covering like I said see the background it fades away so that's why you never want to spend too much time on your on one subject just add your shape and then you can always come back and detail it later so I ran out of this color I'm gonna make some more because I need to finish up here and we'll try to get it as closest this color that we have here as possible so right here I have the white a little bit and touch a black and yellow I'm not gonna use all all the black here and if it's a little lighter or a little darker you know I can add white or black to it see it's a little lighter so I'm gonna take a little bit more of the black and that's usually how I do it if I'm coming back to it the next day I just remember what she how I got to the color like what colors primary colors I need to use to get to that I just and then I just blend it in until I like what I see so that's how much I need it's pretty close not exactly but pretty close good enough to continue on lightly can I leave some of these branches naked kind of hanging down here in the bottom okay and this one's overlapping here and I've got a few more here he's the corner of my brush and lightly dab again I'm not pressing hard okay and our final tree here in a corner doesn't have to be perfect we can always come back with the detail brush and touch it up but you can get it as close as you want that makes it look like a tree okay okay there you go so there's our trees here so you could see how rough it looks right now and I want to smooth it out because these are still background trees okay so I'm gonna grab my number two fluffy brush dab it in the water halfway squeeze it out and then you know grab the leftover of this pain don't don't grab a lot just like this and just on top right here just around this tree blend some of the areas okay some of them don't blend everywhere just like like just a few places okay just so that it won't be too strong because right now it's very sharp and I want to smooth it out a little bit so that's what I'm doing just lightly just with water in this leftover color right here we're gonna blend in and just leave some of this blue like color showing through don't don't worry about covering that but just some of the areas I want to just make it smoother look okay just in the middle of the tree just blend it in nicely work transparent with water and a little bit of this color right here that we have left over you can see very wet not much color here on my brush so here I'm just using this leftover paint and just covering this working transparent the leftover doesn't have to be perfect we're going to come back to the ground in a little bit okay now let's add a few details to our trees I think I like it right now it's much better there you go you can see it makes it look like more fluffier it's not too sharp that's all right there maybe had some transparent ones in the far back ones again a lot of these are gonna be covered again with the closer trees now we're gonna add a few details maybe like a moss or something on the on these trees up here really quick okay so what I got here is white a little bit of yellow and black kind of similar colors but we're gonna make it light okay so grab this white and like a bit of black here mix that in it should be pretty gray that's a touch of green but it is a lot lighter than our trees right there and so we're gonna grab our half an inch artist off brush it's the same idea rough right here it's no rough right here and this works really good I'm gonna work dry I'm gonna grab some of this paint dab it on to my palette so I won't grab too much and right here this is where I lightly press and add a few details onto my tree okay just a few not much going upwards so if you have too much paint make sure you have cleaning it out a little bit and the way I do it I just kind of cleaned it out from both sides dab it in so I won't get blobs of paint into it my trees so just a few add a few details to my trees you can feed it out as you go up it doesn't have to be all the way okay just a few here okay someone this one just dab it as you can see it's very very it's a hint it's not much and I'm only adding it to the ones closer here not the ones far in the back okay just lightly just lately like this you know looks like moss or something okay that's what we want to make it look like all right so we're gonna make the grass as we get closer we're gonna make it more vibrant and more colors are gonna start to show up so what I got here I have black yellow blue and white so I'm not gonna grab the I'm gonna grab a touch of black and then half of the white just you know I'm just gonna see what color gives me first there you go so I'm gonna use this as my you know touch up some of these areas in the far back right here with this color and then that's it I get closer they're gonna be a little darker so I'm gonna grab this blue and black mix it in with a white and yellow and I don't know how much like I just kind of randomly added white and black and a little bit of blue but honestly you could just add black white in a little bit of yellow it's gonna give me a darker green shade as you can see so from here I'm gonna add more shades to it so I'm gonna go ahead and split this it's like a dark green color that's what it gave me so don't get too lost don't worry about trying to get there these are shades or you know add a little bit of blue yellow and white to this and then just black and yellow wood and white will get you to this place just a little bit of white though but now I'm gonna add a little more white because I want to create a few shades it's a little more white and yellow I wanna make it a little greener so right there so I'm gonna grab actually grab a little bit of this and see what it gives me first so I'm going to add more actually add more yellow I want it to be green okay I want it to be green so just a little more yellow right here right there that's good enough there you go we have three shades they don't have to be perfect because this is just our base okay and what we're gonna do yes grab our half an inch artist soft brush it out and then grab the slightest color first and far in the background start adding it just adding it randomly right here and then here I'm gonna come to my second color this green and remember these and leave some of the areas like they could be you can create little hills and stuff okay like leave them they don't have to be all equal so I'm gonna add a few green I'm gonna create it like a little maybe bump right here you know it splits up maybe here in the background and then just continue on with this green and I'm randomly putting I'm just guessing like it doesn't have this part doesn't have to be perfect okay just add your you know dab it like it's very far in the background so this green is still it's not bright green it still has white in my green so it's light like a lighter green color sorry I'm gonna grab this darker green right here mix it in right here I don't want it too strong I'm just headed up here so randomly mix it yours yours could be a little lighter darker you know it's okay so I'm gonna grab this color again put it right in here randomly grab this darker color just have fun mix it around create little you know shadows and things like that create some dark ones right here so got my darkest mix it in a little bit this part doesn't have to be perfect okay you just want a smooth transition what we're doing is adding this smooth transition from light to dark okay that's what we're doing and this is this part you can have yours look a little bit different than mine it doesn't have to be exactly the same see this is a dramatic change right here so I'm gonna grab my lighter one here and add it on top and kind of mix it around maybe add now I'm gonna grab the darker one and so here just split it up here this is just our base okay this is just our base so yours could look a little bit different mine or a lot it's totally fine because this is we're just making our base okay a lot of this is gonna be covered again and I'll show you cuz we're gonna create some fog okay so just add these colors like I said that I the way you're the reason why I mixed this quickly is because this is not a that important this is not that important because the shades I mean are not that important to your to adding this cuz we're gonna add fog and it's gonna cover it up and I'll show you most of this color just to have the green spread it out maybe that's the slider one here just cover the canvas this is what acts as your base okay just randomly and I'm gonna grab my fluffy brush cleaning it out and use a paper towel and just blend everything from the background lightly lightly use and it'll naturally you know and what I'm doing here also this light color right here I'm grabbing a little bit of it just a touch on my brush and since my brush is already wet I just go ahead and add it right here okay mix it around dab it in water I'd lightly just a tip okay now I'm gonna continue and blend everything and as I get closer doesn't have to be perfect lightly okay all right there all right there so now see now what I'm gonna do is you see how these trees are very very light I'm gonna grab my artist off brush because my ground is now a little darker which is fine I'm gonna add this green shade right here just grab a little bit of it into using my artist loft brush right here and we're transparent and add this green on a little bit of this on this tree I'm like me I'm using the edge of my my brush here just on some of them okay on some of these trees had this light green just on the bottom okay on the bottom area it just makes them stand out a little more just water in this darker green shade that we have here and with transparent all right now this is where you can have fun and create some with the darker green you can create some shadows and things little bushes and so just this dark green right here and I'm randomly randomly adding them little Hills and dabbing it lightly and cleaning it with my finger cuz it's like a little brush or whatever make make yours look interesting you know so I'm gonna add a little bit of this darker green on my branches as well not too much okay just work transparent with water just some of them just unsung I'm not even gonna add everywhere okay cuz we're gonna add more trees and I had a few more trees but I want some of these to be a little bit darker just a little bit darker what I'm gonna do switch it to number two brush and grab this green we're transparent remember the same technique I showed you earlier how I blend in this I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna dab it and with this green blend into just the some of these trees I just want it to be a little more greener not too gray because it's now it's a little gray so this is what I'm doing I'm just working transparent and gonna just on some of that area's not everywhere and a little bit of the green okay just a little bit make it a little more darker and that's what we're doing is we're adding color a little bit color because now the trees are we're coming up close but it still looks a little bland and messy and that's what we want for background trees right about there and now what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna grab a little bit of white grab my number two fluffy brush and then just a little bit of white right here and add touch of yellow we're gonna create a little foggy scene okay we're not done adding trees we're gonna add a few more big ones so just white and yellow okay here and dab our number two brush in the water make sure it's not too wet squeeze it out if you have to and we're gonna work transparent so right there okay and then now this is where we add the fog you see it's a little messy that's okay just randomly add it at first and then as you get closer you can feed it out so I'm gonna feed it out right here and you see I'm just kind of adding the color randomly at first just going around these trees here you're gonna fade it out there and then once I added where I want my fog to be I'm gonna go back and blend it in with my bigger fluffy brushes so I'm gonna squeeze it out try it out so it won't be too wet okay right there so to be still fluffy and we're gonna swirl it okay swirl it and just blend everything in just mix everything in there okay everything even if it goes a little bit on to your you know on to these trees that's totally fine okay right there and if you need a little more just grab a little more I'm gonna grab it on the tip here and just blend it in some soaking nicely fade out okay all right I'm just gonna add a little bit of this color here in the background maybe even go up a little bit okay so what's this color just grab it and then add it on top just some places remember we added our base color but now we're adding more so here and I'm just blend it in everywhere just blend it in everywhere okay he's in this color just a touch on the bristle on your brush here and with water transparent and take away some of this blue make it glowy but you want some of this blue in the background shown so that's why I'm working transparent with water just with water okay have some right here all right so I'm going to add a little more just to clean out this blue I want it to look a little foggy and that's okay to fit you it blends into the trees okay it's totally okay a little more on top right there and this will create it and make it look very foggy we're taking away a little bit of the color you know how fog is it's very gray that's not no that's colorful so that's what we want to make it our wood to look like okay but we still want that light I like that light blue color there that's why I'm gonna leave it and not add too much on top but I am gonna add more here on the bottom okay just a little more just for far away fog and as you get closer fade it out okay there you go okay now let's add a few more trees okay now we're gonna add more trees a few more bigger ones and darker ones so I got black a little bit of yellow and white we're gonna mix all that in right here and it should be the darkest okay the darkest we have on our palette and i'm gonna add red to my my black here so that it will look you know how the bark is on the tree it looks a little brownish reddish so that's what red does so I added red and it's really dark as you could see so that will be our next all right so now I'm gonna grab my half an inch brush right here and let's add a few big ones okay a few bigger ones so one will be right in the middle right here and this is gonna be a little closer so let's end it right there okay but it's going over to the top and it's a little thicker right about there okay make it a little bit more thicker all right that's that's more like it okay so and then down here you can just flake it out like this we're gonna blend in the bottom a little better but for now just that's good enough you don't have to do this yet okay we're gonna add a few more let's add one up here okay one up here as you could see it's at an angle okay next let's add one right in here this one I'm going to make it a little smaller skinnier but it's going to be tall so about right there see use my finger to clean that out okay right about there next we're going to add one let's add one right in here going down like that I'm gonna make this one skinnier Oh bigger than the ones behind us right there and then one hmmm I wonder if I should add one up here okay so what I'm gonna do is actually make this one be the biggest one okay so I'm gonna make that the biggest one so just cuz I want to like that I'm gonna make it very big so cover that up and I'm gonna bring it down all the way you know all the way down all right might've out there make this one a little bit more thicker just a little bit I felt like it needed to be a little more thicker right there okay so now what I'm gonna do is add a little bit of white just a little bit and I want to actually grab some of this darker color mix it in with my white just a shade lighter but still pretty dark and I want to actually add it add a little bit of green and I want it to be too gray because these are close to trees the closer the trees are the more color you start to notice I'm gonna add a little bit of green in here right there so just a shade just a shade lighter but darker then the trees right here and then trees behind the reason why is I might add a few more just a few more and a few more but right in here okay so add water you more all right and then maybe one in here as well not as tall actually make it tall whatever I want to make my forest look busy okay and maybe one here and let's add one in here right maybe to go okay right there I might add another one right in here there you go okay now let's add some branches so we're gonna grab our detail brush and use the same color right here that we have and add some branches here the same idea how we did in our beginning okay this is the part where you can it's the same part where we did added the details on our trees from the far distant ones okay just add if you don't add too much if you want some of the background to be showing as well so I'm gonna add a few make these a little now we're gonna grab our inch artist law brush Queen yet we're gonna add a few of those leaves and branches not not everywhere just a few so I'm going to add some on top here I'm gonna leave this tree pretty naked just use the corner of my brush and follow my right there that's good enough for that tree maybe a little more here and this one same thing not gonna add much on these ones okay maybe leave some of the branches naked all right now we're gonna go and back to this dark color that we have grabbed our detail brush and the color that we used to draw these darkest trees and we're gonna do the same thing add a few branches and these are gonna be we're gonna draw these ones a little bit differently so some of these are gonna be like I'm gonna make them very different than the ones far behind okay so I'm gonna draw a line going like this and we're gonna draw many of them so use water and that color okay with a detail brush all right these are going to upwards instead of downwards you can make them a little thicker because they're closer okay some of them some of the branches could be a little thicker I mean call it good for that one let's add some on this one some of them are gonna leave them I'm not gonna draw too much so just this one's gonna be more naked you'll look too busy if I draw too much on this one okay next let's draw some on this one so we're gonna draw one that goes like this and this one is gonna have thicker branches so I'm just dabbing my brush in the water and and using this one color that we have here and when I take this one out like this make it a little thicker branches okay moving on to our final tree here this one that is gonna have short ones but they're gonna be thicker and now I'm gonna grab my inch artist off brush and same technique same idea dab it right here and just on some of the areas I'm gonna believe some of them naked but some will have a few branches okay I mean few leaves not everyone though just randomly dab it some places leave a lot of them naked okay don't add everywhere just on some I'm lightly pressing and adding a few branches extra branches here just done some okay had a few here in the bottom so that branches won't look too plain that's why I'm adding a few of these all right now once you added oh that we're gonna create some texture on our trees and I've got white here yellow and a little bit of red and so I'm going to mix all that in right there I have a little bit of some black in my palate knife I didn't clean it which is fine I don't mind carrying a little bit what we want is a little bit of a brighter color so that when we add texture to our trees it'll stand out so what I'm gonna do is grab my artist stop rush a half an inch right here dry it out and then just dab it same technique and add a few just lightly dab it around the trees leave some of the black you know make it look interesting you can see right in the corner just lightly dabbing your I'm barely pressing I'm not pressing hard that's how you get that Moss look effective to your trees and you can feed it out as you go up it's okay if you have some bright spots like that don't make it look interesting you can add some the trees behind lightly though and now I'm gonna add some here and you can see that I am adding on one side of the tree the light I'm gonna say the light is coming from here so that's why I'm adding it more on my left side now I'm gonna want to clean out my brush real quick then just use green I mean this yellow this cadmium yellow light just cleaned out my brush just straight out of the tube and work transparent so I'm gonna grab this yellow and I'm gonna add some light lightly on one side on my left side I'm gonna make my tree really bright here and clean it out with my number two brush a little so it won't be too strong just working with here as you could see I want it to be greener these this tree okay and then same thing on maybe this one lightly lightly at it make my tree a little greener yeah oops and this guy clean it out with number two brush and then same thing I had to fix this area real quick same thing on this tree okay and then clean it out with your number two brush it won't be too green and we'll add some more details in a bit okay so now with the same idea with a number inch brush we're gonna use straight out of the tube this green color and work transparent so it's you know so we have a little bit of water and this green we're gonna work transparent and add go over some of this black and Ed you know a few green branches like the light is kind of hitting some of this some of these branches here because they're closer and when you know when you see closer things you see more color just add a few just a few transparent ones randomly Adam Adam in there this will make your forest look more alive okay and if you add it too much you can just wipe it off with your finger or use a paper towel to kind of clean it out and there you go lately maybe add a few green ones in the back here just a few there you go to make some of these trees stand out a little more I'm gonna grab just white and this green that we have left here and mix it and if you carry some of the black or whatever you have on your palette knife that's fine we just want to we don't want to pure white to color out of the two then we're gonna grab our half an inch brush and add it on the left side just Oh going down like this okay okay let's work on the ground area and then we can add more details we can come back to the trees later so I've got black yellow and a little bit of white I'm gonna grab that mix all them together okay it's like a gray green color I'm gonna use that gonna grab our inch artists left brush right here and we're gonna just tap it in create some little heels here okay so some of the bushes here in the back could be that color that we left but just around these trees we can create a little bush bushes and things like that okay I'm just dabbing yet in right there create little hills and grass just some texture on your ground right here all right now we're gonna grab green straight out of the tube brush here I'm gonna use the same brush just green we're gonna create some bright colors here on her ground right in here we're gonna create some grassy very bright ones maybe the light is still coming down from the from the sky he just bringing it up up to a certain point and a few here and it fades out because because it does because the faraway is the fog and we want that so now I'm going to grab my number eight off your brush cleaning it out and I'm gonna lightly swirl this green and fade it out so my brush is a little damp you can grab a little bit of this yellow on on just the corner and add some green here and the forest you can carry that green to your trees as well okay it's good enough all right almost there guys so now we're gonna grab the leftover of this color that we mixed for the dark green right here just grab half of it and a little bit of white right here and I'm gonna mix that end and I'm gonna create my half an inch artist soft brush I'm just gonna create the same idea it just kind of faded a fade out the these these guys right here in the back and draw some faded out bushes here in the back okay we don't want to leave those empty just on some of the areas and then you can use your detail brush so this color still working with it and you can kind of draw out some lines and little hills or branches on the ground whatever you see happening so now I'm going to go back to the darker one maybe add interesting branches here that's stick out a little bit from the ground in this way you can spend as much time as you want on the details of the ground what you want on there totally up to you okay so as you get closer as you can see it gets more detailed that's why I'm adding more branches here on the bottom so here I'm gonna grab my light color remember we added yellow and white to this I'm gonna use this the color that we outlined the side of our trees that's what I'm going to use them they're cleaning out my detail brush and use this transparently and outline here on the bottom of the trees here start right there and create shadows okay and now land some of these sticks on the ground too these are important things to add to the ground because then that's what will make you paint that's what will make it you know stand out as you could see just watering that lighter color right here you don't want a lot just a few of them okay just a few you can outline some of these branches to where the light might hit them my leather chair keeps making that funny sound so please excuse my leather chair okay so I'm going to add a little bit light here in the back just soak and stand out a little more dad some branches get carried away guys making this a little brighter I feel like this is getting the most light and with the finger cleaning it out you know just have fun with it don't be afraid to add to your paintings alright guys so this is where you can go back and I'm just dabbing my brush in the water and using the leftover paint that I've got so this is just a dark paint that I have and I'm just gonna go ahead and add little details to my branches and make them you know more you know have fun with it make it as much add as much details to it as I want to you know so just this is the part where you can spend a lot of time in hours by yourself creating but the idea is right here so you as you can see that's the same so now that's how you create the trees and everything now you can just go back and correct and add more details and that's how usually I create my pieces and then yeah and then just have fun get getting carried away by the details which is my favorite part actually so just as many little guys as you want maybe more branches here on the bottom no maybe I'll add a bit more green right there in the back fade it out I still want to make it look foggy so if you want to add more fog what you do is just grab your fluffy brush and you can use a bigger one if you want this is the number two grab some of the white right just the white and you can add yellow to it if you want create a shade whatever shade you want very transparently and then you just add it in like lightly dab it and it just naturally creates this foggy look in the background you know I don't want to add too much because I like mine the way it is but you can add if you want to add more it's just very easy you add it as much as you want you can cover some of the trees in the background you know make it very bring you up here if you want to take some of this yellow out and bring it up here bring the fog yeah that's really yet guys that's pretty pretty simple to make the fog and then if you added let's say too much like going on right there in the sky and you wanted to make it a little foggy same idea guys same same idea so grab white and I grabbed a bigger brush and just white again you can add yellow to it if you want but just blend some of the areas so it won't be too sharp just anywhere you want the fog okay just go over and spend as much time just worth transparent with water and a little bit of the white and have fun with it she just white and that's how you create fog and I'm adding it in between the trees right there in between and you can add as much as you want in between all right guys last thing and we're finished so I just grabbed this red here and I'm grabbing my inch artist law brush and then I'm just gonna grab it and we're transparent or have this color what I'm gonna do is on this side on the right side I'm just gonna lightly add this red too to my tree like this just on one side okay what that does is it really makes your trees pop out and do that only on the ones that are up close okay so just red and water you know don't go all the way here just up until the middle of the tree you can add it on this side all right and I believe alright guys you know I can spend a lot of time trying to make this as detailed as I want yeah have fun but this is the basic forest foggy singing I hope you guys learned a lot and this was helpful please let me know down below in the comments what you guys thought be sure to LIKE up subscribe and see you guys next week for the next week's tutorial take care and God bless
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 1,133,176
Rating: 4.6368213 out of 5
Keywords: Forest Painting, Misty Forest, Misty Forest Acrylic Painting Tutorial, acrylic painting tutorial, step by step, Misty Forest STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (ColorByFeliks), painting, landscape painting, acrylic painting step by step, how to paint, learn to paint, painting for beginners, acrylic painting techniques, easy acrylic painting, painting tutorial, ColorByFeliks, tree tutorial, acrylic painting for beginners, how to paint with acrylics
Id: 9C_6O8gApOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 8sec (9008 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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