Automation Engineer Reacts to Lets Game it Out Take Out the Trash in the Worst Way

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hello i'm kraken fall and welcome to the channel i've been having a blast reading all the comments in the last couple videos and i'm learning so much about let's game it out and his madness i've gotten more than a few requests to react to let's game it out satisfactory videos i don't know which video to pick so i'm just gonna grab the playlist and pick one off the top let's go okay i it's the same reaction but i used to fly drone i still have a drone but i used to do it like kind of as a hobby a lot i live in the pacific northwest so washington state of the united states and uh it's very pretty up here there's so much that you can fly a drone and look at so i don't know how drones come into satisfactory i'm kind of all about them they're kind of getting harder to like use the united states they're making like more laws and stuff i i know satisfactory is kind of like an automation game now here's the thing i used to be a software tester i am now an automation engineer a software developer so this is my jam i wonder if i'll actually like to play satisfactory or will it be too much like work i talked about it a little bit in the last video but i love solving problems and making things more convenient for myself even if i spend a long time making them more convenient so i don't know let's uh stop talking hey there's josh welcome back to let's game it out oh boy let's play some satisfactory today we love this game around here first we built a wonderful normal working factory for like a second then it turned into this then into this and then this also some of this but eventually we reached nuclear power it produces a lot of energy but more than that it produces beautiful toxic byproducts so much so that it hurt to exist here so after that we slid our way over to oranger pastures and this time we did it right this is the same game of this nature we put down a beautiful working factory and we can't is satisfactory like an open world game is there like actual progression and can like do you level stuff up because this might be my next game that i play like i don't know like it's so dumb when there's no like raft but when it was in early access it was so like there was nothing to actually do except be in the open world and play survival and level up get more blueprints like that i don't know what it is about my lizard brain but i just i hook into it i focus on it and i love these games so much i might have to look into playing satisfactory and forget about hyper tubes which is good for normal transportation or linking them together and going so fast you leave this dimension or if you split the difference you can create a machine where we can aim this cannon back at our old base and see if we can reclaim that oh my gosh nightmare that's amazing i love okay i'm sorry guys i forgot like and subscribe let's game it out i'm doing it i'm doing it just the image of him with the cup he's holding the cup up as he's flying into his cone also i heard that the tornado is like a running thing glad to see we're we're here in a familiar place here so we have a couple of pressing concerns each and every one of those barrels that's actively hurting me while i talk that's okay though i've got my handy dandy inhaler here so whenever my health is getting me down uh anyway i have asthma and i i wish inhalers worked like that to be honest give you the grand tour before we get started here we have sumptuous radiation issues followed by even more radiation issues i guess it makes sense though after all over here on this side of our base the land of nuclear power plants there's been a couple of changes how long did the last year see the last time we were in this base was before they added fluid to the game and now that all of these beauties have been magically retrofitted and requires not just these which are uranium fuel rods but it also requires that we have water to cool the whole thing down which means that we've got all of these plants and none of them are working right now don't worry though we're gonna get this all back online and the first step is gonna be getting all this radiation out of here i can't just blow this stuff up by hand can i well it was worth a shot good to know where these things are anyway so step one is way to flush out all was that like an alien i may have made a mistake coming into this completely blind not knowing what this game is about i feel like i'm missing a lot like what's the point like is there a progression to this i know it's like a factory game is it just like automating things i don't know if i'll find out from this video of these barrels or else i don't think reality is ever coming back together again so we're gonna go all the way over here to the outskirts of this madness i see you flying up there don't judge me we need to figure out how to get all these barrels out from our base let's just use this convenient thing called a splitter and then we'll build out a conveyor belt from there and we'll just keep running does the splitter and this is this is my thinking brain acting up but does the splitter duplicate things or does it just alternate back and forth between the input sorry we'll just take it all the way to the edge here i'm not really sure what the plan is seeing is how there's nothing down here but hey at least it's getting all this waste away from the rest of my factories can't he build a conveyor belt to the edge or was it not letting him because then you could just throw it off the edge let the void below take care of it at the end of all this we'll go ahead and put a nice big storage container there you go fellas welcome to your temporary new home so for all of this stuff to finish filtering out of here let's get some other vital stuff done ah home sweet second home i missed you security blanket of pipes and conveyor belts and materials okay his movement is awesome is that glitching or is that like just a natural part of the game because i love movement in games like i played titanfall like i play first person shooters too beyond what i play in my let's plays and uh titanfall was amazing you could like jetpack and run on the side of buildings you could double jump you could make it so that people couldn't shoot you because you're like flying around spinning around them it was amazing i love that game if satisfactory has this kind of movement for like a technical automation factory game sorry this is getting a little long but i i have avoided satisfaction because i've heard about it i've had friends tell me to play it but i mean it sounds like just like a factory like tower defense kind of thing where you're just building your factory and watching the stuff go like i'll have to check it out anyway we're not here for sightseeing no we're here for that power that dirty environmentally unfriendly coal power let's just go ahead and connect one of these power lines and let's go ahead and build all the way back and we always know when we're getting closer to home because the frame rate takes a dive and everything heard oh hello what the hell are you pet the lizard doggo don't mind the fight it's actually named lizard doggo that's awesome okay well great talk looks like the barrels are still coming which shows that the process is working isn't there a way we can get rid of this stuff permanently most other items in the game you can just throw in the little trash can here oh but not these barrels it doesn't want you to do that all right let's leave this for a second and come over here we can't just grab an item and drag it out over inventory because then it goes straight here on the ground so i wonder if there is any way we can oh what the hell did that you you knocked me off i bet you guys think you're so clever don't you huh [Laughter] oh well we learned something new just now those guys can throw themselves off so the question is can we somehow attach the radiation to these fellas and then just leap off a cliff okay hold on i got an idea hey come back here i have need of you come on come on okay better stay right there i'm just gonna put something on top of you easy well technically it's on top of him but i don't think it's part of him no definitely not so i think it's safe to assume that there's no way to actually attach this to these creatures well thanks for trying so for my next idea we're gonna need one of these when i play games my wife does not let me kill creatures as much like i mean this one might be an enemy because it tries to kill you but definitely the lizard doggo would be off limits he's a pale berry so do you remember that lizard doggo that we saw as you can see he's a little bit timid if we get too close but if we take these here pale berries go ahead and just put them on the ground little doggo friend loves them and now he trusts us and now we have the message to see if lizard doggo found anything basically now he has an inventory and occasionally he'll find stuff and bring it to us but we can also put things in that slot and now it's just carrying it around well no no [Music] no no no no no no what follows josh of course i think we have another question can this little guy carry a stack of barrels only one way to find out come on little guy okay where were we get ready for a journey oh hey he found me some flower petals that's so sweet this is this is screwed up this is screwed up no this is so effed out wait i love you too i'll take those and here you have these 258 barrels of toxic waste well you know what happens next right now let's see how am i going to get you to want to be down there what if we build some platforms all the way out here come on come on come on come on he's going to break it from underneath who's a good boy who's a good boy you're a good boy oh no oh no this is so effed up i thought i knew what it meant that let's game it out is a madman but this is all i didn't mean this kind of madness like this is a whole new level oh mission successful oh do it again hey there little guy i've got something for you [Music] good god that took forever no oh this is they're so cute i'm i'm blocking them they're so cute they're like kindergarteners they're like little we're so happy to live let them live please but at least we got him make yourselves at home in the waiting room here i'll even give you a window to look through all right so here's the thing i've been doing some thinking and i don't know if i can bear to watch them fall down onto the cliffs below okay and after all look at these little guys look at those little faces are better than that that's why instead we're gonna use something else jump pads let's see let's just go ahead and excellent all right i guess we need to test if it works yep that'll about do it what the man this is so screwed up oh my gosh i don't like this i don't like this come on little guy let's get you all suited up okay okay okay you know what to do oh well i'm gonna go ahead and say that was a rousing success and before you know it our nuclear waste problems are solved okay come on out fellas you look all ready for prime time let's not just wander them all this is so similar bounce pad back this direction build a couple he's gonna do a big shot the other bouncy thingy at the top here okay there you go i mean if you're gonna be evil you might as well do it in style if you if you have to should you no oh you guys spread each other out well at least that one made it oh god and for this one let's see if we can get nothing but oh i'm actually confronted with my poor decisions gross ned oh my close enough who knew that getting rid of radioactive waste would be so much fun okay we only have a couple more to go here have fun guys ah that's a victory looks like time to deal with the next mess getting all this back online all we need to do is focus on the water part first things first is we need to locate a water source and you know i think i know just the place time for some water extraction that this looks like a centrifugal pump i think i'm sorry i used to be in school to be a mechanical engineer before i switched to computer science and i worked for this place that did fluid engineering pumping and all that stuff so it looks familiar i don't know if it's called a centrifugal pump it doesn't matter let's move on it's like it's going to be just fine okay now all we need to do is run some pipes hey i'm sure this will be just fine right the entire base still doesn't have power so we need to draw upon our power lines that are from the other base i'm glad that you can drag these power lines out over to a cliff and then right into a waterfall whatever they'll allow it so i'll do it okay i mean insulators water appears to be extracted does it actually does satisfactory actually simulate like actual water flow because if you don't have an efficient system like you'll get a lower flow with the same power and the same pump depending on your pipe system which is also boring so let's continue contracting at a perfectly whatever flow rate and you can tell it's doing its job by this little thing here because of the things doing things looks like power is back on the menu and onward to the other power plants let's see if everything connects as planned let's start with one initially well doesn't appear to be any water getting here at least not yet what do you mean this weird gross illogical pipe system isn't working i mean if you take a look at our splitter here i mean it looks illogical and you're probably wasting materials by making it all bendy and having extra pipe but if you have the right pipes and you've done your calculations then you know you could probably make it work one's getting plenty of water as is this part right here oh wait the flow sucks you know what why am i trying so hard after all this is a pretty large space let's see how many of these can fit okay that seems better a couple more quite a bit more i have no i was just thinking i was just thinking that's not that big of a deal i would do that i make like four or five pumps just to like overload the system but no and then it shows the madness of let's game it out and yeah let's get it out and i are nothing alike no idea how many are in here all i know is it's more than i had and i hope it's enough to siphon up the entire ocean pipes pipes and more pipes i spent a little time building just a couple of pipe systems here let me give you the grand tour basically they start here and then they extend out here and then they route over here and then god only knows where they go now pretty much if there's ground to cover that's where we put pipes and i do mean everywhere or if it's clear it's like uh it's like a spider web it's like a spiderweb just covering the ground this is kind of creepy also now pipes how are you doing there buddy you having a good time and we just keep still and we'll follow where the pipes come eventually we make it over where we can see water making it to all of our power plants all you gotta do is just have so many running everywhere that eventually everything can connect and have water ye had a beautiful endless manufacturing oh and don't worry i haven't forgotten about this guy hold please [Music] connected see that wasn't so hard to get water up here all i had to do was build a couple of water pipes a lot of water pipes a lot a lot a lot of water pipes yep this you you good what are you doing bud you sit down hobbs has joined us welcome hobbs this is what i did i started with a pipe on the ground ran it all the way to the start of my conveyor belt tornado and then just kept welding he made wait wait is this the same tornado as before or is this a water pipe tornado now building and building and before you know it fresh water straight from the source and boy howdy is this doing amazing frame rate let's head back over to red base where we've got our hub in the hub is where we unlock new milestones and over here in tier vii we have something called aeronautical engineering and in that we have something called drones transports available input backup here we go between its home and destination ports i like the sound of that so for starters we can't just put a drone down right here in the sand he needs to go in the drone port okay i see how this works it's like a little carrier thing batteries to power the drones go in here and these are like in and out points for importing and exporting materials easy peasy lemon whatever couldn't be more simple okay yeah and drones fit right here look at that ready to transport now we need to configure the drone port and we're gonna name this first port cindy offi and now let's move a little bit aways from this station here and add another drone port over here and we're gonna name the second port gimme goodies excellent and we're gonna set it up so that cindy offy has a destination port of gimme goodies oh and the moment we set this up look what's happening wait don't leave without me let's see where this thing goes well looks like it's going to the destination and it looks like it's coming in for a nice smooth landing oh and here comes our supplies perfect that works like a charm kind of curious what i can do with this thing like i see it doing all these evasive maneuvers but like if i build foundations and just intentionally try and get in its way is it gonna know how to deal with this we're about to find out huh it doesn't care at all and then off it goes nuclear waste could we replace our methods before maybe i hope i hope well that's an interesting first test if it doesn't care about collision this gives me an idea behold my original train station here we are underneath the world where there's so much open space for us to work with first things first let's make a platform for building on yes perfect for a drone port just gotta run some power for it you know i'm fairly certain the thing will fly off even if we don't give it any materials so long as we just tell it where to go we're gonna how did he get the trains like tracks to go underneath the ground because that like breaks the game right getting underneath the world is usually like a glitcher's paradise which okay case yeah okay nevermind tell this to fly to give me goodies so i think in theory the moment i place this drone down it should just take off you sound like promising noises and promising behavior bye well there it goes halfway across the known universe all the way to its destination where it abruptly stops and then appears to maintain a holding pattern looks like the power went out on this is that why let's fix the power and find out oh looks like that was the reason now that we got the green stuff's landing again okay wait now i have to know if i leave it red also known as no power how many of you can be up here let's find out shall we okay now we have four total we're gonna make sure to set them all to give me goodies oh boy and here they go okay here they come let's see what happens i see well i think we know what needs to happen next don't we is there a limit to this drone tornado only one way to find that wait he said it it's their limit [Music] okay so i've been at this for a little while now in total there's 384 drones here quietly spread out underneath our base and for each and every one of these they're all set to go to gimme goodies all right so let's turn on the power oh boy here goes nothing [Music] it's like 10 fps oh my god up and off they go off at two for dude that that one right here i'm gonna i'm gonna slow this down that looks so epic they're like [Music] they're like like i don't know that looks cool off at two frames a second to seek fame and fortune on their pilgrimage to the sacred gifts crazy here they are coming in to join the queue higher and higher and higher oh my god what are we looking at this is actually really pretty huh you know what i guess there really isn't it looks like this really can just keep going forever and boy is it going to be a long cue to land at this station can he like jump up on the drones and like use it as a ladder ah one down an eternity of drones left to go you know let's just use more traditional means to get our stuff from the other base so let's tackle that next time by the way did i mention that i stream i do link is in the description you should check it out let's game it out is a madman i'm so sad for for lizard doggo like i just can't get over it i just can't get over it i feel so bad the drones didn't have anything to do with like act like my troden experience that is cool that that makes me want to like that makes me want to play this game for sure if only to protect liz or doggo on my world but the uh the drones make it seem like there's a lot more that you could do with it like the nuclear waste can you place nuclear waste on on the drones and then as can you like break them at any point because if you could get them over knee over the chasm then maybe you could actually get rid of them easier without sacrificing lizard doggos lizard kindergartners the fact that he's lagged the game down like he's bogged the game down so hard that the frame rate is like 15 to 20 fps which is really slow i have such a hard time anything below 20 is just unplayable to me so the fact that he's playing not only at that fps but for long periods of time like josh is absolutely i don't want to say that i can't say that he's insane that's like not a nice thing to say but i i fear for the mental health of this man last thing i wanted to say is sincerely thank you for watching really i've been doing youtube for almost a year and a half and honestly i never expected to even get 100k views so i can't i can't understand this is just insane i still like making let's plays and so i want to continue doing that but now i feel like there's actually a reason to make more kinds of videos so i've got a bunch that i'm working on i can confirm i'm making a raft video i'm making another video about a certain handheld device i'm making a video about ai's editing one of my videos for me and more that i can't talk about yet also thank you to the 40 or more of you who followed me on twitch and hung out with me last night during stream that was that was awesome i do stream thursdays on twitch crackerfall i stream thursday nights uh starting at 6 p.m pacific fridays i do phasma phobia stream at 8 pm pacific and then i stream if i have time saturday and sunday this has been amazing even if this video or the next video bombs like i'm still thankful for what's happened so i really appreciate it thanks for watching how should i end the video oh yeah if you liked the video please like and subscribe click the bell for notifications i should do the youtuber thing i checked and over 99 of you aren't subbed to the channel all right see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Krakenfall
Views: 448,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Video Games, Streamer, Small channel, Chill, Relax, Chill out, reaction, let's game it out, lgio, lgio reaction, professional, software developer, automation, software tester, video game, let's game it out satisfactory, let's game it out satisfactory reaction, satisfactory, sandbox, krakenfall reacts let's game it out, krakenfall reacts, krakenfall let's game it out satisfactory, krakenfall satisfactory, krakenfall
Id: AzC3WjtnixA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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