Software Dev Reacts to Let's Game It Out Start the AI Apocalypse in Planet Zoo

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hello and welcome to the channel I'm krakenfall and today we are in space so today we are reacting to Let's game it out I built an unethical zoo on the moon I have questions first of all how did they get to space like the process of getting animals cross is getting humans to space is not a simple one you have all the g-forces when you're you know because you have to overcome the gravity of Earth which means you have constant acceleration that puts pressure on your cardiovascular system you have to have a strong heart so I mean this is this is a Planet zoo game it's kind of simulation game for for building so it's probably not going to have you go through and get the get the animals to space it's been done in real life the Sputnik missions sent up dogs and monkeys to space but it didn't really turn out well for most of them so I am already concerned about the animals in Josh's Moon Zoo has Josh already committed crimes against nature like it it seems like a a strong possibility did the giraffes that died in the first planet zoo video respawn up here I mean that would be the easy way did all the animals in Josh's Zoo obey the Run sign and end up here somehow is is Josh's influence like an alien Swarm that it just is expanding corrupting planet to planet Moon to moon or is it like Kerbal Space Program where Josh has just shot off rocket after rocket until he gets it right and finally gets him up there I have not played Kerbal Space Program but that is one that I have seen you mention you all in the comments multiple times I have never played Kerbal Space Program I've kind of avoided it because it seems math heavy and honestly when I get home after work I just want to melt on my keyboard and relax I've been told it's probably something that I'll like it is gonna go on on my backlog for sure so every time I try and predict what's gonna happen in a let's game it out video I am wrong like for instance the the video where I was super worried about the elephants I was trying to predict how many transgressions against the elephants and I was like Josh don't you do it elephants are elephants are precious and they're worth are in danger don't you do it and then I was wrong it was like a tame video against the elephants so I have no idea I mean I've said this before I feel like I'm a broken record I have no idea what Josh is going to do we can just guess this giraffe in this thumbnail is not wearing a helmet so how is it breathing is it going to die are all the drafts going to die when they get spawned into the moon's atmosphere probably who knows is he gonna kill every animal that he puts on the unethical Zeus and unethical because they just die out in the open open air is it is it actual the Moon it could not be the Moon it could be just kind of a backdrop with stars and then just like snow on the ground and there are moon related buildings and stuff so maybe it is the moon I don't know so let's let's let's land on a prediction I'm gonna flip a coin all right heads it's the moon Tails it's not it's heads okay let's predict that that this is actually the mood we'll see how we do the other thing I'd like to do is rate Josh in a scale of one to alien overlord as Josh's corruptic influence spreads throughout the Galaxy we are all in danger and then last thing we are doing Bingo again today I did update bingo with some of your suggestions so thank you go ahead and put more down in the comments if you see anything that you think Josh does regularly and would be fun to call out in a bingo card I'll add it to the list and it'll get added to the Bingo all you gotta do is head over to the description or the link right here and when you click that you get this screen which is the Bingo Baker Bingo system and uh just generate your card you get a Unique Card that'll be different than mine I've got Grace's to enter the chat which I added back sponsored by vehicular chaos just Josh style gig Overkill so when he does like a hundred thousand nuclear reactors or something in satisfactory all those things animal cruelty is a given in this one it's probably a free space like all you were saying there are some tougher uh cards in here shiver me timbers I don't think he says that that often but he does say it but yeah check that out and uh come play bingo with us and last thing if you haven't watched this video please go watch the video first on Josh's Channel I'll put a link right here and it's also in the description go ahead and give Josh the views that he deserves you know this is going to be a cut down version of the video I definitely don't use the whole video in in here it's just for the reaction and also I do like to talk about the things that Josh does that either break the game or I'm a software developer so you know it's it's fun to kind of guess what technical things are going on in the video that he's doing please go watch the video first if you haven't already and uh and let's get going hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're back with more Planet zoo uh here we are again a fresh canvas for new Insanity as always this is the entrance to our Zoo note I never stopped to look at look at this awesome mural back here this is just the default thing that shows up with every Zoo you make so I feel like it's probably our civic duty to change this up a little bit yeah that's better that's right and I feel like this accurately describes what to expect when you get to the park like non-stop googly eyes because that's the look when you've just seen too much you know what they're probably looking at though this wall over here we're gonna display with Pro I kind of want to make that anymore [Music] a reaction GIF or something that's funny they're probably looking at though this wall over here we're gonna display with pride how many days it's been since something died and yes we're counting today with this zoo with nothing in it and just for symmetry we made sure on this side something's going wait what died of what died a day ago oh no going on this poor Bear right here seems to have lost their car inexplicably into this wall oh you know what this is a little more realism so let's go to my favorite tools special effects these water jets um that might be a little too forceful but let's give it a shot okay well that's absolutely terrifying all right buddy hold still we're going in for more this is if like the Terminator figured out how to cry I gotta admit though it kind of works you also may have noticed in the background we have a sunshine but it might be that the sun is just looking at this so first we're gonna put a couple of these nightmares out here I want to believe if we put enough of these things down we're already at a horror Museum I'm just thinking uh okay I don't know what it was about like the 90s and early 2000s but in like cartoons there was like whatever show you had there was always the one house of horrors episode right where you have I don't know Teen Titans or you know uh Batman they're animated show but you always have that one episode where the hero goes in a building and the the villain has created this dark carnival kind of thing and they're like stumbling through and oh it's psychedelic and they're playing all these kinds of Mind Tricks on you and you gotta overcome it it was very interesting to me to consider what if I was in that kind of position the loneliness of being in a place where I don't know what's going on and there's all these creepy things happening to you I just imagine I just imagine going to a zoo at night and there is nothing there like there are no animals there's just these creepy ass bear statues all with horrified Expressions there's no lights and you've got this ambient feeling I don't know I'm like totally going off an imagination tangent so I'm gonna stop there but it just made me shiver for a second like internally Josh making nightmare fuel you know I it may not be nightmare fuel for everybody I I see if I can count that do I have nightmare fuel I do not have nightmare fuel but feel free if you also got that image to add nightmare fuel to your bingo card it's creepy then more creepy I don't think it's happening uh yes here we go a truly Royal dystopian welcome you know what though it seems like something's missing oh right your ocular implants well excuse me you'll be complete soon okay now this is like Bioshock it's like I'm going to the Grand Ballroom on the Titanic and everyone's here to see me oh and I also gave one and only one of them the ability to breathe that's the one to watch out for what was I making again a zoo this is like giving me the he's I don't know I don't know why I don't I feel like this shouldn't be giving me the heebie-jeebies but looking down again that nightmare Carnival it's dark and you see one Statue just breathing I don't want to go down this path right now what we're supposed to do in Planet zoo now that we've got all the basic amenities taken care of I think it's time for the main attraction it's time to invite some animals into our zoo and I'm thinking right there is a great spot I'm thinking brick this time I mean look at all these beautiful traits opaque not climbable watertight okay in you go go ahead and make this a little taller now we're gonna I think that counts for psychological warfare I think so too the horror the horror Park entrance do I have psychological warfare am I back to not getting a bingo this time these aren't animals they're just statues so no animal cruelties occurred yet wow no unlucky unlucky role for me no psychological warfare add a window there we go what a curiosity that is okay here we go our first animal of the zoo well hello there giraffe friend how's it going you comfortable in there yeah he's fine he's fine that's gonna be animal cruelty and he's fine because we've got is that asphalt that looks like asphalt that's pretty gray dirt if it's not asphalt so asphalt plus small confined area no Greenery no Social Circle yeah that's animal cruelty not dumb though we gotta make it a little more shall we say magical hey bear friend can you help me out that's the spirits have you just turned this way yet good good hey do you mind if I adjust your eyeballs a little bit yeah look to the sky that's what I like to see just provide a little refreshment to our friend there how do you feel about this friend Water Board address it's not like it's gonna fill up with water or something later that day well I gotta admit I don't know what I was expecting I guess it turns out this thing can hold water wait that filled up like that actually filled up okay so there's physics in this game there is water physics like wait okay no he did a jump cut so he might have added like a water object or something to that box but honestly the draft would have died anyway because he didn't give him any water or food the vent is gone there's a water tool oh okay so he's he jump cut it to after he added water to to that so he drowned an animal so there's there's a body count of one rest in peace Mr giraffe it said watertight when he placed it oh okay yeah I will I will count that as X hours later even though he didn't say a number of hours he did say later inspecting I guess it turns out this thing can hold water okay day since last animal death okay I mean we all knew this would happen just even I didn't expect it quite so soon okay same deal we're gonna put a little window in it see there we go that's what happiness looks like do you like being versatile no Force forever to stare at your predecessor protesters have arrived at my Zoo but why is it the part where we just had an animal death because I assure you this number can only go up from here people seem to be enjoying how confusing this whole situation is you know I didn't think about this before wait isn't that the number isn't that the number for time since the last animal death like days since the last animal death if it goes up that means he's not killing animals good thing right I don't think it's going up maybe I misunderstood buying the actual tiers of whatever animal these are okay so the Park's been open for a little while and in that time we've built something that Zoo patrons really seem to appreciate I wasn't talking to you the world's most comprehensive animals okay we're talking six amazing shoots each with corresponding animals so here's why these people are fighting the tooth and nail to get in line this is like this is like those um okay this might be dating me because I don't know if they use these anymore in malls when you used to go into shopping malls they would have those big funnels that were like just really rounded they they have like a little teeny hole and you put a little coin like a penny or something in the side and it's like vertical and it slides in and it will just spin it around and around and around and you do it around and around and around it literally takes like three minutes for the coin to stop spinning and go in the hole in the middle and it's a money catch for them so they make money it's cool watching the the pennies the only thing is this is Josh and instead of it spinning around and around it just Falls straight in the water and it kills them so that's nice by their very own animal tears every time someone buys a bottle of Tears of the animal of their choice that corresponding animal has volunteered to hop down the super fun happy slide of joy see doesn't that look fun look at that face of happiness and well because business is booming oh my God okay I was gonna do a body count for this video I'm not gonna do a body count for this video there's there's at least 30 bodies right here and I would have to pause and do pixel counting and I I don't want to do that so you enjoyed the body count last time yeah not happening this time I will say this is ragdoll physics bread that's so many animals room for everybody that is absolutely FPS slideshow I don't have that it appears but if you've got FPS slideshow that that absolutely counts here I want to say tortures NPCs but that's not quite not quite it okay that's I think that's all I've got ah there we go I'm sure they're all fine at least someone's happy being forced to stare at the bones of all their friends well while we have a captive audience why can't I tell them to display a bunch of information about bones that's fine we'll just make our own display see can I just put a sign on top of this here lies the bodies of those desecrated by Josh I'm gonna call this oh wait no that's crimes against nature animals yes it creates nature is land this is absolutely crimes against nature I think I think Josh's cup is running over right now but he needs to say it he said captive audience oh okay screen not even in a way that makes sense there we go all the information you need actually I put another sign down below placed at a height where only children can see it consider yourself everybody it seems like it was a big success so let's move on to something even more riveting like this giraffe friend just hanging out right here now you might be wondering what this guy is doing up here you see when they're ready to make a plunge they're gonna go down this Chute which is gonna bounce them anywhere to the left Center or right we don't know where he's gonna go but there's a couple of targets he can hit if they're lucky they're gonna end up in this habitat right here of course if they end up falling to the left they're gonna be dropped into this beautiful CH that reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine right Mario is jumping down those Pachinko style levels except it's really hard because the physics in that game are really janky and so most of the time Mario ends up falling off but now it's a giraffe I'm actually not phased by it falling in child daycare for some reason child daycare got a strong entrance leading to a beautiful Drop well I know where you're going anyway ah come on kids I'm sure you saw it coming this time not gonna lie if every single time ended up in the daycare he's just skipping past the part where it keeps on killing giraffes off screen this is so bad so evil hey kids you get enough yet first prize ah well that was fun Oh what now bear friends why are you standing out here oh crap I've seen Terminator that doesn't seem good uh oh yes just calmly make your way to the exits I'm sure nothing bad's gonna happen oh hey okay I will admit that's not a great sign maybe they just became self-aware to love us right I don't get it are you telling me there was consequences to our actions well luckily it seems to be like Five Nights at Freddy's where stuff doesn't move unless you're not looking at it that's actually pretty clever editing because I'm pretty sure in order to move all those things he had to pause the game and then make those changes that's cool that being said you are absolutely right chat that is absolutely torturing NPCs so let's mark that and uh move on to the next atrocity I suppose does this count as Overkill it's totally up to you if you think it's overkill for for regularly playing the game and then and then Josh's brand of Overkill go for it I'm not gonna pick it yet because he hasn't scaled anything up that's kind of what I'm I think of Overkill ass but we'll see isn't that right fellas luckily I've got just the contingency plan to deal with this a little something I've been keeping under wraps for emergencies only yeah that's what you think it is modeled after the Saturday it started the AI bear tier Revolution beautiful ticket out of here oh something tells me it's time to move all we need now is our pilot everybody say hello to Commander Grace hey Grace let's pick up the pace okay now Grace I don't want to tell you what to do actually no I really because there's like a thing happening out here and I don't know how much wait wait what hang on hang on so one yes Grace entered the chat but is that an actual animation in the game or is he literally like moving it little by little and pausing the game and just increasing the Z value is it just like a aesthetic decoration rocket or is it actually like Blast Off yeah I'm counting Giga overkill for all the bear statue placed in that scene that's that's 100 fair I think that's also Josh style Giga Overkill there was hundreds of of bear statues in there we'll see uh if he's actually in a moon in a moon map thank you several days later [Music] well Grace I think you've really done it this time if my calculations are correct this appears to be the moon I think this might have real zoo potential because you know what they always say when you accidentally land on the moon go ahead and make moon pies so obviously for our moon Zoo we're gonna need a place for the animal so first let's establish some Moon Hall oh this must be an actual Moon map go right to the shuttle which we're gonna connect to these beautiful moon domes I've made oh and from here we're just gonna have so much Moon fun see now we're talking give me a second to put some stuff down and then I'll give you the Grand Tour oh all right it's time for a move maybe not because if you notice these right here these are decorative like poles he lowered these down this might just be like a glass walkway roof and he's making it into a tunnel he also said he made the moon hexagon thing so it's custom yeah this is custom I don't think this is actually the moon I'm not gonna call it yet but that's that's probably where I'm leaning right now I would also say that fused object probably counts because he's been fusing objects all day in this game oh vehicular chaos we also got a vehicular chaos Moon tour upon leaving the rocket you're going to want to head down to the moon hub where we have an array of options to decide what we want to do next let's start here okay real talk though this isn't the bathroom this is actually just Grace's quarters next up we have this cruel joke that I've labeled fun really it's just a giant maze mostly I just want to give Grace something to get lost in and really you can see if there wasn't a moon maze on the other well how is it a moon maze you can see everywhere you need to go it's all glass other hand it does serve a purpose anyway after you've had your fun head on over to this mystery we discovered on the moon just this weird bottomless pit that I can't convince Grace to go into yes and for the finals why did Grace build a tunnel there this is we built this beautiful moon Menagerie complete with high ceilings pressurized atmosphere just like on Earth and a lot of space for our animals to roam around in and as you can see we haven't placed the animals yet I figured we could do that together as far as I know this is all the animals we had on the ship to my knowledge they're also all let me guess he's gonna open up all of these boxes and they're going to be predator and prey and they're going to kill each other until the animals are all dead and great job you killed the Zoo giraffes because of course they are can't wait to try out our moon Zoo this is so exciting behold nope not all drafts oh no what's happening you guys okay I mean you were inside the Dome what happened hey Grace you let oxygen in here right set kills people you're supposed to push the big green button that says oxygen all right well I guess we got to deal with this mess now so I'm pretty sure these aren't gonna okay I was wondering if a giraffes would just die when they get out on the moon planet and if there's no auction then they die I don't know if this actually means that it is like an actual Moon map I guess he could have done it by having the giraffes be close to death and then put them in storage and then just do that a bunch like starve them or whatever you know whatever Josh does to kill giraffes you know far be it for me to like get inside the mind of a killer it it reminds me one of those things that I've always thought like about games and game engines [Music] is how do you actually decide what is oxygenated and what's not what what has atmosphere and what doesn't because atmosphere is like atmosphere is a fluid system but it's large like when you're rendering a game engine World game engines don't actually do particle simulations I mean they some of them do and especially like the more high-tech ones do it's just very very compute intensive and it would tank it would take any of your systems that make a particle system now I know Unreal Engine 5 has the nanite system that's not quite the same thing it's not like it the game engine is rendering hundreds of millions of like air particles in the system so it's all all I'm saying is that you can't simulate how air Works in real life so most games will have kind of a Boolean system where it's like you have a property on every object that needs air you know are you in air or not and most of the time the engine like with water you know water is also a fluid and so most engines will have a level in the world where there is water and then there will will be the textures for water and then water you know they do stuff to make it look like water and you know you just make the ground underneath the water level where you want there to be lakes and rivers and things you know for a lot of games if you just glitch through the ground you'll see the water level under the entire world but at the end of the day if you are submerged then you have a property change in your object that's like is submerged right or is underwater and if you're above it then you're above water then you can do things like swim animations or you know water sounds those types of things water physics so like if you're slow or underwater then then that's how you would trigger it but for air you can't necessarily do that right you've got air everywhere and it's either you're in error or you're not so for Space games I always wondered how do you actually tell the in-game objects whether or not they're in air or not you know if you're outside of like if you're outside the space station you don't have air I guess there's a couple ways you could do it one way is you could have an invisible object right or a a transparent object that is like a box that is this exact same size and shape as your base station for instance and that way when your character goes through into the transparent object you could have like a switch and then when you're outside of it you don't have air and then you need a spacesuit another way you could do it is through triggers commonly in games like I don't know how old this method is because you can get lots of glitches with them but with games like Morrowind like I've done mods for Morrowind before and in order to actually trigger travel from the outer world so if you're just out in the world in the open world and you want to go inside a cave or inside a Hut or inside just any building you need a trigger that says door but when you interact with a door it triggers I'm going in here and with Skyrim for instance you have a cave where you walk through the entrance right you can keep walking but you hit the trigger first that says enter cave so you could put a trigger for air if you leave the space station you walk through that trigger and it says suddenly no air you could spoof it where you have no air at all and it's just a trigger that's saying whether or not you have air so I that that one's kind of buggy because you probably glitched through and avoid the trigger somehow and then you'd have infinite error everywhere and that's a pretty big bug for a game to have but being a lazy person and not actually researching it I don't actually know how these systems work so if you're a game designer or a software developer who's messed with games or you just have watched documentaries that talk about this kind of thing let me know how do how does air in Space games work well that was a really long tangent because I I don't know I've just been thinking about that with games I feel like I wanted to get into game development when I was in school and I feel like the real world kind of killed my hopes and dreams there because video games are really it's a really tough industry like lots and lots of overtime lots of pork working conditions lots of crunch you know so I I in college when I was studying software I was decided not to be a game developer but the more I think about it and the more I kind of dig into it it's fun solving these challenges and thinking about these and and looking at bugs and trying to fix things maybe you'll get a game development at some point I don't know probably not game development's so hard guys I respect game developers so much I do can't break come on soft boys entered the chat Pat Berger [Music] foreign foreign [Music] decompose here on the moon so we're gonna do the next best thing dump him in a giant crater all right come on everybody let's take a little trip outside this is going to be a real treasure for future generations to find do we have any more animals we can try this on now oh we got one left okay that was so nice of you to bring it down for us thanks for the special Moon delivery anyway where were we Return to Sender Return to Sender Grace did you even check the package hey Grace you back on the ship I'm gonna assume that's a no yep get going Grace initiate operation run for fun and by fun I mean for your life and don't stop until you reach the rocket well Grace looks like we're two for two I guess the moon belongs to the Bears now well that was a trip and a half I guess we have no choice but to keep going for more crazy Space Adventures from what I can tell at least this time we don't have any stowaways speaking of stowaways you might be wondering where did Grace go well I made a little pit stop and dropped her off I'm sure she'll be fine so I think we're gonna leave it there for now everyone on Mars who's gonna die on the surface of Mars and I'll see you next time well I was hoping that he wouldn't kill many things unfortunately he did kill every single thing that he brought to the moot now was the moon actually a a moon map I don't know I if you know let me know I haven't played Planet zoo yet I think I actually will be adding it to my backlog because it seems like a fun game I I do like sandbox games where you can just get in there and make stuff I do get burned out on them too especially if there's no carrot to kind of like keep you going along the quests of any type so I'll probably play it you know a few times and and just have fun with making something it could be a moon map it didn't really look like it you know the the animals died immediately but you know like we said could be just because they were almost dead before they put them you packed them up I do think since he made the custom like tubes and the hexagon I think I think I'm gonna assume that it wasn't an actual Moon map and that if that's the case then you know he didn't get there through an actual launch is Josh an alien Swarm corrupt in the planet to planet Moon to Moon I think yes so that leads us to raiding Josh in a scale of one to alien overlord Josh is an alien overlord I'm gonna have to just go straight there he killed so many animals this game killed so many animals this game I did I did like the the T the b1000 the the bear 1000 Terminator bit like that was fun surprisingly Grace survived probably how'd we do on Bingo not great at all how many can we we definitely had that one exploits NPC AI I think it might be a stretch but he exploited the visitors AI to like run from the terminators The Exodus of the earth oh desecrates danger how he buried the giraffes yes I would agree with that he wasn't sponsored so exploits NPC AI is there is there a better argument for exploiting the NPC AI than having them run away from his his bear take over I I don't think I can count exploits NPC AI so almost a bingo well I guess I'm not surprised I didn't get a bingo I hope you did if you got a bingo please put it down in the comments uh I'd love to keep track of that well I think that covers it for the video If you like this video then please subscribe that's it click that subscribe button like that subscribe button YouTube doesn't like how often I edit and upload things I honestly I've kind of had to come to grips with not having all the time in the world and not being able to stay up till 4am every single night so I kind of have had to slow down and go at my own pace and and just get out what I can when I can the best way to get notified of videos when I post is by subscribing so if you can do that that would be lovely if not that's okay only do it if you like my videos but thank you for watching and I hope you have a wonderful evening thanks for going on this psychotic adventure with me through let's give it out Planet zoo videos and uh hope you have a wonderful evening and I will see you next bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Krakenfall
Views: 64,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Video Games, Streamer, Small channel, Chill, Relax, Chill out, cozy, gentle, reaction, gaming, Krakenfall, kraken fall, Letsgameitout, let's Game it out reaction, letsgameitout reaction, lgio reaction, lgio, bingo, lets game it out, krakenall bingo, letsgameitout bingo, planet zoo, letsgameitout planet zoo, letsgameitout planet zoo bingo, letsgameitout krakenfall bingo, letsgameitout planet zoo city, chatgpt, ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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