Automatic Shoutouts for YOUR Stream! -[Streamer.Bot Tutorial]

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imagine this you're streaming and you get your first ever raid and now you want to give them a shout out to recognize that so what do you do you alt tab you open your chat you type the shout out you misspell the name you type it again before being able to tap back into your game and actually interact with the person that just raided you yeah that's a lot of work and that is work we don't need to do anymore nowadays it has never been easier to get streamer dobot to do that for you and I'm going to show you the simplest way to set it up first let's open streamer thebot and make sure you are connected to Twitch for this go to hop into your platforms tab in the accounts Tab and connect with your Twitch in my case I'm already connected you can also add your Bot account if you want your Bot to have a custom name in that case you do have to mod them in your channel because else they won't be able to do the shoutouts once you've done this and it's all set up then you are ready to set up the automatic shout out head into the actions tab and add an action we are going to give it a name I'm going to call it shout out because it's a shout out and I'm going to put it in a group so I can find it easier later then on the right hand side we are going to add some sub actions from the twitch Sub menu go to user get user info for Target and say from input I will show you later why you need to do this and how you do it for the automatic shoutouts but the first thing we are going to do is make you a way to actually shout out this is going to give you a very personalized shout out because it automatically adds the name the game and the Avatar of the user into the shout out now we are going to add the actual shoutouts so the first thing we're going to do is add the twitch moderation send shout out and for user login we are going to fill in username make sure to to capitalize your n andp put percental signs then we're once again going into the twitch Hub menu chat send message to channel and we're going to add something like this check out and follow username who was L seen playing game over at https double. username because we have added all the information before everything within the percentage signs will be automatically added at least if we capitalized it correctly the last thing we're going to do is add a delay of 60 seconds or otherwise known as 60,000 milliseconds because twitch only allows you to do one shout out per minute but we are going to make sure that if multiple people get shouted out within a minute nothing gets lost in just a moment first we jump into the triggers here you can really add any of the triggers you want to have work for your stream I'll be adding a command which is in core and the commands command triggered we're going to make a shout out to command which we'll call so shoutout and as the commands we're going to put in exclamation point shout out if I could spell that right an exclamation point so then in the global cooldown let's put it to 15 seconds this means if multiple people shout out at the same time then those won't stack up and give multiple shout outs and for the permissions we're going to make sure that you and your moderators are allowed to shout out and nobody else the second command that I like to add in this one is the twitch moderation shout out created action just in case somebody does a/ shout out command and not an exclamation point shout out or exclamation point so and that's it your shout out is done but so far all the shoutouts have been manual it's time that we automate this for this we are just going to duplicate the action and rename it to Auto shoutout oh and when you do this you need to remove all the triggers We'll add a new trigger back later on we are going to do this a little bit different to do this add a new action called get info and add two sub actions from the twitch user submenus the first one is get user info from user and then the second one is going to be get team info for user you may be in a stream team and you want to shout out each member of that team or you want to shout out individual people this allows you to do both if you want to add a person to shout out from your team then head into the cor up menu go into logic and get an if else statement as the variable write in team name bracket Z close bracket and is the value write whichever team you are in in my case I will write Midnight Society for the do action we are going to choose the auto shout out that we've just created and then for the Z Sub menu we choose break now on Twitch you can be in two stream teams at the same time the first one is team name zero the second one is team name one and we want to be sure to check both of those so just duplicate the action and write a one instead of a zero and you should be done there if you want to add a specific person to the shout out you will also want to add an IFL statement that is how everything is going to start and then from the variable we will choose username equals whatever username you want to shout out but make sure that the twitch name is in lower case so in my case it would be mathman EU for example we once again choose the auto shout out except this time we do not set the then to break we are going to keep it at continue what this will do is that it will first check if they are part of your team if they are they will shout them out if they are not then they will check each of the individual usernames that you have provided the last thing we want to do is to add the trigger to make this work to do that add from the twitch up menu General the first words trigger this way it will check every first message of a user and check if they are on your list so you don't have to do anything else but there's one more cheeky thing that we can do head into the auto shout out go into twitch raid raid and set the minimum to two now if anybody raids you with two or more people this by the way to make sure that one person raids which are usually fake raids are not shouted out you will automatically shout out this person so you don't even have to think about thanking them anymore it automatically does it for you so now your auto shout out is almost ready there's one more problem remember what I said earlier twitch only allows one shout out twitch only allows one shout out per minute so if multiple people would get shouted out in a single minute well those shout outs would be completely lost let's fix that head into the action cu's q submenu and add a queue we will call this queue shout out and we'll make sure to toggle the blocking on now head back into the actions tab and give both your auto shout out and your regular shout out the Q shout out now every time a shout out happens after the first one it is blocked and put in the queue so it will be shouted out as soon as the delay is over which which you made sure was exactly the length of the cool down oh and if you subscribe right now there will be a secret code in the description so you can just import the auto shoutout straight into your streamer dobot and if you want to make more amazing things with streamer dobot such as a first redemption or this a barrel roll then check out the video right here I'll be waiting there for you and as always stream better stream smart
Channel: Content Delta
Views: 524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamer bot, streamerbot,, streamer bot tutorial, harris heller, streamscheme, nutty, Streamer Gear, Stream Software, Stream Bot, First redemption, Channel Point, SB, Channel Point Redemptions, Channel Point Redeems, Channel Point Rewards, CPR, CP Twitch, channel points, streamer bot alerts, streamer bot setup, Chennel Points, channel points sound alerts, channel points sound alerts Redemption, Points Twitch, twitch points setup, Twitch Points
Id: 7tr9WVuGRlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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