Beginners Guide: Add Stream Counters with Streamer Bot Tutorial #streamerbot

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have you ever wanted to have multiple chat counters on your stream like cookie and milk and even a way of resetting them oh I'm going to show you how so step one creating the actions so to create action you go to the actions plane right click and add now you can call this something relevant I'm going to call this one cookie 2.0 need to make sure that it's set to enabled and always run is also ticked so we just tick that and go down to okay so now we want to create another action so right click and add again this time I'm going to call this one milk 2.0 again make sure it is set to enabled and always run as ticked and press okay step two creating the subactions so in the last video we used the counter variable built into streamer B which is fine if you only want to use one basic counter but say you want to have multiple counters on your stream then you need to create them their own variables now hold on if that sounds a little bit scary hear me out think of variables as buckets if you have one bucket or variable and you fill it with just cookies then that's fine because you know how many cookies are in it because you've only been putting cookies in right well what happens if you want to use the same bucket or variable to store other items like say milks what will happen is the numbers will keep going up but the bucket or variable in the case is counting the total number of items stored that's why we need to create each counter its own bucket or variable so that each one Stores Only its own data so if we go to subactions right click go to core globals and Global set we then want to make sure that we've got the destination set to Global we have persisted unticked we are going to change the variable name to to cookie 2 we are going to change the argument to increment by one cuz we want it to go up by one every time someone types in the cookie code okay next we want to add a message that pops up in the YouTube chat to say that a user has used the code and they've either added a cookie or a milk so to do that we need to right click go down to YouTube and send message to channel now you'll see a drop- down box with either the bot account or the broadcaster account that means you can set up a bot account and it'll post from there or from your own broadcaster account for this instance I'm going to choose broadcaster I'm then going to use percentage sign username percentage sign just at a cookie and a little cookie emote press okay what we will then do is right click go to core again back down to globals but this time it's going to be Global get cuz we needed to pick that cookie information that we've saved in the variable cuz we're going to use it in a minute so if we just make sure it's set for Global again persisted is unticked the variable name will be that cookie 2 that we created destination variable cookie 2 again default value zero cuz it starts at zero and then press [Music] okay step three creating the OBS sources so if we head over to OBS now you can see at the bottom of the screen I've got my little graphic with the milk and the cookie and you can see I've got on the left there exclamation milk and on the right exclamation cookie now this is the code that the Chatters will put into the chat to make the counter work so if we head down to the bottom click the plus text GDI and we name it something relevant so I'm going to call this one cookie 2 press okay and then if we put a zero in just so we can see what it's going to look like select font change it to 72 and press okay press okay again and you should see on the screen if could drag it down to where we want it there we go that looks okay do the same again the plus text GDI this time we'll call this one milk 2 again same thing press zero select font 72 press okay and okay again right if I drag this back down to where I want it yep that looks about right that looks okay so what we do now is we head back over to streamer bot and connect the two up so if we right click in the sub actions again and we go down to OBS across down to sources set GDI text so that's the two sources we just created there find it in the scene that you're in and the right source and we're going to use percentage sign cookie 2 percentage sign now that's going to use the variable that we've created in streamer bot and then we're going to press okay so now we need to do the exact same thing for the milk variable as well step four creating the triggers now since the last update these were called events these are now called triggers so if we right click go to core commands and triggers create a new command so we're going to call this one cookie 2 we're now going to create the code that they put in so if they put in exclamation cookie 2 you can call it whatever you want I want it to be anywhere in the message I want it to ignore the bot account so it doesn't Loop and spam change it from Twitter to YouTube you can then set who has access and who doesn't have access again you can set the global cooldown if you want or a user cool down and then we just click okay we then do the same thing for the milk command as well click on milk right click core commands commands triggered create a new command this one's called milk 2 and it's exclamation milk 2 again you can call this whatever you want I want it to be anywhere in the message I want it to ignore the bot account I want to change it to YouTube from twitch Global cool down set to zero user cool down set to zero and you can set who has access and who doesn't press okay and then press okay again now we get on to testing so if we go to a live chat we type in exclamation cookie to it should send a message to chat and the cookie counter should go up by one there we go cookie counter and terrible gamer just at a cookie now let's try it with milk exclamation milk to counter should go up by one and there should be a message counters up by one and there's the message so there you have it you can add as many of these as you want as many variables as you want to create and as many counters as you want to create as well so what happens if you want to reset the counter well for this what we need to do is right click on the actions play go to add we're going to call this one reset counter make sure it's set to enabled and always run and impress okay next we want to head over to the subaction section right click go to core globals Global set untick persisted variable name cookie 2 change the argument to value and set it to zero that's going to reset it back to zero right click again we're going to do the same for milk so go to core globals Global set unpersoned variable names milk 2 argument to Value zero and again okay right click this time down to core globals but this time Global get untick persisted variable name cookie 2 destination variable cookie 2 and default value set to zero okay do the same for milk as well and finally we want to send that information to OBS so if we right click go down to OBS we go go down to sources and set GDI text choose the scene choose the source and put in percentage sign cookie 2 percentage sign and press okay we're going to do the same for the milk so again don't to OBS go sources set GDI text choose your scene choose your source and then it's going to be percentage sign milk two percentage sign and press okay so now we need a way of triggering the command as well so if we go up to triggers right click on it go to core commands command triggered and then go to create a new command this one we're going to call reset counter and the command I'm going to use is exclamation rst I want it to be anywhere in the message I want it to ignore the bot account CU it's coming from me I wanted twitch off YouTube on no Global cool down no user cool down but I want to set it to moderators are allowed press it to okay and press okay again so if I type into the chat exclamation rst press enter there you go both of the counters have been reset to zero there you have it folks simple way of try to include multiple chat counters on your live stream as well as a way of resetting them if you like what you saw consider dropping a like subscribe for more videos this and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Terrible Gaming With Terrible Gamer
Views: 1,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel point alerts, how to set up, obs studio tutorial, streamer bot, streamer bot alerts, streamer bot channel points, streamer bot commands, streamer bot follow alert, streamer bot ideas, streamer bot obs, streamer bot setup, streamer bot shoutout, streamer bot tutorial, alerts, ideas, setup, tutorial, streamerbot, streamerbot ideas, streamerbot setup, streamerbot tutorial, tutorial streamerbot
Id: X3Qz3RzjdHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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