How To STOP Bots On Twitch - Auto-Mod, Followbots, And More!

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spam Bots follow Bots and hate filled bot raids can really suck the fun out of your stream but have no fear because today I'm going to show you how to set up the built-in twitch tools that will completely stop all Bots protecting you your viewers and it won't hurt your growth at all all that and more coming up but first thank you to our sponsor owned owned your ontop shop as a streamer have created an entire scene editor and integrated into their free version of own Pro this means not only can you get full overlays from webcam borders alerts labels and more set up in literally three clicks but if you want to use any of their packs on their website you can also upgrade from the free version to the paid and get access to their entire library and for a little extra a month also get access to the entire epidemic Sound Library which is over 40,000 songs and 990,000 sound effects if you want to support me check out the link in the description to try out own PR new free scene editor and more straight out of the gate let's break down what spam Bots follow Bots and Bot raids are so you understand what we are actually defending against if you already know all of this then click the time code to go ahead to where we're actually going to set up the tools spam Bots are the classic Wann toe famous message that you see in your chat every now and then these are Bots that troll through twitch looking for certain size streamers and then drop spammy scam links you'll also get a lot of these selling terrible graphic design jobs for you and while these can't actually hurt you unless you click the link which will be impossible to do if you follow the steps later in this video they're just a little bit annoying a follow bot is when someone or a group of individuals might be using bot accounts to follow the channel on MK this could be 5 10 15 or it could be thousands of accounts following you at any one time as you stream you'll slowly learn what a bot follow looks like usually from the name it would be something simple but likely with a string of numbers after it and a bot raid is usually when you're hit by a combination of these two of the follow Bots and the chat Bots they'll usually spam hateful slurs or aggressive messages or sometimes they'll be really custom messages directed directly at you like hey take off your beanie if you're not bald you fat Bal that's just a random example I don't think anyone's ever said that to anyone in particular all of the things I've just mentioned are done to troll and disrupt your stream and I think it's really important to say that being botted whether it's your chat or your follows cannot hurt you it feels scary at the time or a bit disheartening but the only way they can negatively impact you is if you let them you cannot be banned for being follow botted and if you set up the tools I'll show you in today's video Bots can barely even affect your stream I used to get boded constantly but my chat never even knew and I had way less tools than what twitch offers these days yes the very first time it happens to you it can be daunting but have no fear let's cover the steps you need to take in order to handle it and you'll feel much better afterwards first what can we set up before going live well everything you need these days is built into twitch when I started streaming I needed external tools through everything we're doing today but now you won't need to give moderation privileges or access to your entire channel to a random third party tool or random bot made by some random dude you've never met because thankfully twitch have just gone above and beyond for us so if you go to your Twitch dashboard and go to settings then moderation you'll find all your moderation settings to help protect you let's go through these top to bottom first automod rule set clicking this will show you a lot of different examples of filtering you can set up and you can change it either manually one by one to be more or less protective or simply pull the level of moderation bar at the top you might also have access to their smart detection tool like I do that holds messages it believes are highly likely to be deleted banned or timed out in general for this section I like to set M to filter aggression slightly and then decent filtering on Race ethnicity and religion you might want this stronger personally mine's quite low because it was catching my viewers when we were talking about Chinese takeout so I lowered it back and instead added manually blocked phrases which I'll show you where they are right now if you go back to your settings and scroll down and click blocked phrases which I am not going to do because it's a giant list of phrases I never want to appear or be said in my chat so slurs mostly which obviously I'm not going to flash you here it's pretty simple though click this open it up and add phrases that's it it's blocked now you'll often get told to put your personal information in here so that it can't appear in your chat such as your full name phone numbers address whatever it is and I can tell you right now uh that's dumb as hell blocked phrases don't do anything except stop that exact phrase being posted in your chat so if someone finds your phone number or your full name but isn't 100% certain it's actually yours they can come to your chat while you're offline post it get confirmation they have your private information because why else would it be blocked in your chat and then they can do awful things with it by posting a blocked phrase that person doesn't get automatically banned they don't get automatically reported to Twitch there's literally no downside to them and if they really wanted to post that information in your chat they can just add some space bars or write it a little bit differently it's heavily encouraged that rather than giving them a tool to confirm your details instead simply don't react and quietly deal with the situation through bands and other other methods offline to protect yourself it's also worth noting that any moderators you have can see all of the blocked phrases unless you edit those phrases to be private blocked phrases in the blocked phrases section if I say blocked phrases one more time I'm going to die so below that is permitted phrases which is the exact same as blocked phrases but essentially it's in Reverse if automod keeps grabbing a term and stopping it but you think that term is totally okay then add it as a permitted phrase next suspicious user controls this is a great tool in short it works to see if Chatters are actually banned Chatters on new accounts trying to get around your ban it can of course false flag so I personally set this to monitor only this just alerts my mods and myself that the person is someone we should watch if you're close with other streamers you can also share ban info so say that I add my mate reaps anyone he bans anyone I ban will be banned in the other person's chat as well if we continue scrolling down you should always have hyperlinks blocked don't be an idiot delay is up to you I don't use it personally but if you want mods to get a second to see messages before they hit your chat you can absolutely set that up now channel privileges this is your dream come true this will protect you entirely from Bots follow Bots and chat based trolls this lets you set rules about what types of accounts can follow and or chat on your channel now personally I have these very lenient but it still stopped 99% of the Bots that I was getting I tested streams with this on and off and I also saw no major drop in my Chatters or followers either so anyone who says that using this tool is going to hurt your viewers is being very dramatic I set mind so that any Chatters and anyone who wants to follow the channel needs to have their email verified and linked to their account and if they don't have that well then they can only speak or follow the account if it has existed for more than 2 weeks the reality is most bot accounts are deleted and caught by twitch before they reach 2 weeks old so this completely eliminates the threat on your channel and if that changes and people get around that well you can always increase the time or if you want add phone verification personally I don't like adding phone verification because I hate giving my phone number to companies so I understand why Chatters wouldn't want to either and I only use it as a last resort scrolling down we have chat rules these are pretty simple there's nothing fancy about them they don't actually do anything except make someone click yes I agree to the rules before entering then we have unban requests again these are just used to people control you a little bit extra while pretending they're asking to be unbanned and then this amazing new feature stop banned users from viewing your stream what a great setting I absolutely love it if I'm Banning someone I don't want them still watching me afterwards there are some more tools just below that but these aren't things you want to set up now they're things you'll want to use while live if something goes wrong so instead let's jump into that section so follower only and sub only mode these are two tools I see being used by small streamers all the time and when I ask why it's either because they're trying to stop the one ofe famous Bots or the graphic design Bots or they think it will get them more followers subs and Chatters the short answer is usually these modes will kill any chance of getting new Chatters because people don't want to follow you just to see if the content and the community are for them and the idea of using them to stop such boring and small Bots is like saying you're cutting off your arm because you bruised it the only time these need to be use is if the twitch Auto mod tools we set up earlier aren't stopping a bot raate in your chat but then again if you're going to use these well that means you don't know what Shield mode is but don't worry because we're going to set that up right now go to your Twitch dashboard and then go to your stream manager bottom right of the chat click the Cog wheel and click Shield mode we're going to set up a series of rules and effects to happen to our stream and by that I mean it should already be set up for you by default it should clear chat turn on full verification set follower only mode slow mode and a mod delay while making Auto mod much stricter as well you can adjust everything I've just said as you can see here on screen but personally I left it as default with all of this set up you can then go back your stream manager and go to your quick actions tab which is usually by default on the right you'll click add search for shield mode and add that here now if a bot attack gets through the basic Auto mod that we set up earlier which is incredibly unlikely but if it does you click this or the little Shield icon at the bottom of the chat and well you'll be fine because things will just not be able to get through at all until they calm down and then you can turn it off now I will show you what to do after the stream is done and how to deal with any bot follows you do get as well as talk about how sometimes the content we make can actually increase the chance of getting follow botted but I want to quickly say that how you react personally when trolls bigots or idiots do things like this is really important a lot of people get upset when I say this but if you show or let someone see they have succeeded in negatively affecting you if you let them know they've thrown off your stream then you're going to have it continue to happen the only reason they are doing any of this is to get a reaction so the best thing you can do is not give them one smile through and continue the content if they don't feel like they can get a reaction out of you they'll move on especially if you're Auto mod keeps stopping them from actually doing anything but what do you do after the stream say you finished everything off and you did get hit by a couple hundred follow Bots well a lot of people recommend using a tool called Commander route to remove the followers you got at that time but I've seen too many of you guys remove not just the follow Bots but every single follower you've ever had on the channel so instead I recommend just reporting the follow Bots that actually hit you to Twitch and you'll find a day or two later they'll be gone you don't even need to report all of them just a handful of them usually work and if not well who cares followers don't matter at all on Twitch it's a dumb metric that after reaching 50 for affiliate means literally nothing but here's the thing and this is what will actually help you deal with Bots trolls and hate online better than any auto mode or Shield mode and that's just accepting that people online can kind of suck as creators we're putting ourselves out there to be viewed and in turn we're going to be judged both positively and negatively we're going to be seen by the right people and the wrong people it's just normal there are things you can do obviously like make content that appeals to older audiences or not go into the Minecraft category but at the end of the day just make what you love and if you do it well the right people will make up for the wrong people click here to learn how to be discovered in this new age of streaming and click here to become a member of the channel for just $1 I'll see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 3,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: follow bots, twitch follow bots, how to remove twitch follow bots, removing twitch follow bots, can you remove follow bots on twitch, can you remove follow bots, how to get rid of follow bots, will follow bots get me banned, commanderroot, who is commanderroot, follow botted on twitch, followed by bot accounts, can i remove bot accounts, twitch bots, remove, follow, bots, twitch fake accounts, twitch hate raids, twitch raid bot, twitch bot, bot raid twitch, viewbot raid
Id: ditIyYHWok4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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