Autodesk Maya 2018 Tutorial - Strawberry Modeling and Rendering

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hello so in this video I'm going to show you how to make a strawberry I'm going to show you how to make tomorrow and I'm going to show you how to render it using marmoset toolbag so this is right here what we're going to be looking at at the end with the video this is going to be our result I'm just showing you showing you right now so you have an idea what exactly we're going to be making so let me close that and in Maya we're going to create our model of the strawberry so let's go ahead and create the model so this is this is going to be all for our final results I'm just going to move this to the side and we're going to create it from scratch so to start we're going to go to create polygon primitives eye and we're going to create a sphere go to press R and scale this guy up just a little bit more I'm going to open the channel box so this is the channel box if yours is closed press ctrl-a and that will open it so this is a personal tour a cycle through all this windows here and we want to use we're gonna be in the channel box or the channel box you'll see inputs and you're going to click on the police field one and what we want to deal here is we're going to reduce the subdivision height so then 15 should be good but that's it that looks good to me so now what we're gonna do is we want to shape the sphere into the shape of the strawberry so one good thing to do always is to you know just go to Google and look for an image reference so let's just shape it so let's just look for a good one here and you know you can just shape it however you want but let's go ahead and so let's go back to Maya and I'm going to press R again and just kill this guy just a little bit like this I'm going to right click hold down right click and go to vertex and select just the one at the bottom and what I'm going to do now is press B on the keyboard and as you can see here soft selection mode it's on now and if you hold down V you keep if you hold on B and the left mouse click and drag you can see that you can increase the radius of soft selection and if you're not getting that for some reason you can just double click on this icon and go to soft selection and you can increase the radius from here as well so I'm going to use the one at the bottom here then you'll scale that down a little bit I'm just gonna look at mine here as reference nothing that's good for now and press B again to disable soft selection right click and go to object mode so as you can see now we already have a pretty simple shape so let's go to edge mode again Foton right click and go to hatch and what we're going to do select all these edges okay so select them all em go to and we're going to ku8 set quick select set click on that and we're going to give this a name I'm just gonna call this you know edges I'm just gonna select edges it doesn't really matter what you call it so say ok to that and that has been saved so now we're going to go into face mode and select old faces now go to go to edit mesh and click on poke and now you can see that added extra geometry between our faces so deselect that so now go to object mode and now we're going to use the edges that we just saved so go to modify now our believe is under select click select sets and select the one that you saved mine was select edges so that selects the edges that we saved now we're going to do is press the backspace on your keyboard to delete them basically so as you can see now this is how your model should look like right and now we're going to select all the faces then drag and select them all but this time I'm going to deselect the ones at the top I'm going to deselect and hold on control it to deselect tough do to deselect all these guys if you hold down tap your keyboard you can also do select by just dragging things in to deselect these guys so that should be good so basically this selecting the areas where I'm not going to create dia seeds notice little guys I'm not going to create that on those areas do the same with the bottom going to deselect some of these guys so I'm going to hold down the tab key and just drag and I think that should be good so as long as you don't have the bottom and the top selected you should be good so one more thing I'm going to do is I'm going to press three on my keyboard basically that means we're going into subdivision mode now that's what you call it in Maya so now we're going to we're going to edit match and extrude so notice that when you would just click on extrude nothing really happens what we want to do is we want to select keep faces together I'm going to click on this and set it to off which means basically what Maya is doing is extruding the phases separately instead of as a whole so now what that we have that what we're going to do is we're going to press G again and that means we're going to doing we're going to be doing another extrusion press G this time you don't have to deselect this option right perfectly fine and what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the blue arrow from my extrusion and drag that in like that looking channel harsh right now so what I'll do is I'm going to click on the cube here and use the one at the middle to scale that guy down just to soften it up a little bit [Music] this might be just a little bit harsh they pick and soften out just a little bit more but let's keep going so now I'm going to press G again so we're doing another extrusion and I'm going to use the blue arrow one more time or actually I'm going to control see that and just leave it as s and I'm going to press G one more time and now I'm going to use the blue arrow this is where I'll get the little seed out of dia or in that area there okay so that's good so that concludes the extrusions so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to another press cube just to exit my extrusion and I'm going to go to select grow what that does is select the entire seat here what I want to do for that is I want to and we're going to select we're to save it as a selection like we did before so go to create set quick select set and I got to call these seeds click OK now that I have those selected what I'm going to do is hold down shift and drag over the whole thing so what that does is it selects everything except for the seeds and on that I'm going to hold down right click and go to assign new material let's just go to Lambert this should be okay I'm going to lambda1 and I'm just gonna give this a color it doesn't matter what it is but just so that we know we set it to like little red actually that's wrong this one's number five so let me just name it body and I set that to red and then number one it's our seeds so let's get to like a yellow so close this now if we go to object mode this is what it looks like looks like our color did not change for the main body which is our okay leave now it's correct so I'm going to go to object mode and just sign existing material I'm gonna give it up body material and I want to give the seeds that other material luckily we saved that selection so we got to select quick select set and seeds and now we can do a hold on right click and go to existing material and just assigned to this seed material or actually lumber one that's what we get from that so there we go we have pretty much good shape going on here we just have to shape it just a little bit more so that it doesn't look too geometric so let's go ahead and do that go to vertex mode select the one at the top what I'll do is I'll test B again to enable soft selection and I'm going to reduce my radius just a little bit press W just gonna move this guy down the trees tab let's move it down a little bit something like this so one thing that you may be noticing right now is that these guys that they're really round they're not their shape is not know there's usually a little they're usually room or the notice round is that well this one which is kind of round but there are usually a bit longer so when it comes to that you're going to have to do this manually so by selecting these edges telling those guys that so if you hold down shift and if you select this guy's go to select row and then just press G a few times so that you select the whole thing and then just press R to scale then you can go scale this guy down a little bit so you're gonna have to do some of that right you're going to there's gonna be some manual work to be done here just to get it then looking more correct so you're going to have to go to all these guys and just kind of shape in a little bit you set them like this right so that so that I look more correct so that's what I recommend I'm not gonna go through every single one because that would just waste too much time for the video but I recommend you go to all these guys and just shape them like this so that you get you know something that looks good but in the meantime what I'll do it's just shape these guys just got a little bit so that is not net to geometric and you could do this after you're done you know fixing that order it looks nice so just move a few vertices here with the soft selection on you can basically you know just give it some variation so there we go so basically that's that's how you get the main body of the strawberry going and then you don't have to go to and kind of fix these guys a little bit manually but other than that you know we are ready here to just create the stem that goes on top so let's go ahead and do that I'm not it's not gonna be super detailed it's gonna be a simple stem on top of those strawberry just so that you know you have something that gets into completely bad shape this I just a little bit more here [Music] so let's go ahead and create that Stan so what you're going to do is go to create polygon primitives and let's create a cylinder first are to fill that guy up to now right hold on right-click go to face mode I'm going to press B to deselect soft selection don't you hold down the tab key and drag along all the ones at the top so that a side like they're selected hold down shift and drag on the whole thing and just backspace to delete those guys so now we just have the top this is all you should have and what we'll do is we're going to select some of these edges so just elect few random edges from the outer side of this guy and now go to edit mesh and extrude use the green arrow for this guy you know just kind of these are gonna be our shapes here maybe they go up a little bit up press G then use the same green arrow and the blue one to just fun set it down like that maybe one last time G green arrow and blue and press Q to exit and we're going to select this class now the remaining edges and do the same thing it's going to edit mesh extrude use the green arrow G in a press q and now you have to manually get manually fix these guys letter shapes and nicer-looking also we want to press Start three to go to subdivision mode no you have to do now is to shake these guys so they look more appropriately [Music] again this this is gonna be a really basic stand on the top not gonna go too fancy with it so there we have it you click in the middle here up the B key just drag that guy down just a little bit more just to give it more shape go to object mode and just drag it down just to place it you may have to rotate it with E a little bit and there we go think that's I think that's good we do want to give this guy just a little bit of thickness so that when we render it it looks more likely has more thickness so with the whole object selected you're not gonna scale it just a little bit more the debates are so let's give the s-stem some thickness to do edit mesh extrude and use the blue arrow drag that up just a little bit just to give it some thickness press q' one thing you may want to do is just give it a little bit of uh you know something poking there just a little bit so go to face and just select the ones at the top using tap and use extrude go to place our show that time there's G to extrude again W move that guy up our to scale maybe G again so there we go so basically we already have our model done with there's one last thing we wanna do before we move on select the object and press 1 same with the top you notice that this is our low poly but not really no poly but this is our model really it looks like but we wanted to look like this so what we're going to do we're going to go to mash then smooth we may need to spend at least one more time so let's set it to two okay so that was good let's do this in with this guy [Music] mash smooth rescue then one more thing I want to do is I want to assign the stem a different material so hold on right click assign new material lambda and then call this stem just give it a green color and one last thing is we want to combine these two so I'll select the book and go to mesh combined and now it's one object and finally we want to delete some of the history so let's go to edit delete all by type history and we will name this and now we want to export it so that we can render it in marmoset toolbag go to edit you know file export selection we're going to export mine as an obj and just export it so that concludes the modeling part of the strawberry and now we're going to move on and open up normal set tool back again you can get the the trial there's a link in the description so again to get marmoset toolbag just go to to the website and download a free trial or just click on the link in the description and just get it yet so when you open marmoset it should look something like this yours will probably look just slightly different because I'm using the marmoset toolbag too and the latest version right now is 3 which is probably what your trial is going to be for us but keep in mind that they're really really similar and they should look almost like the one I'm using here so when you open it look you know something like this really simple there's nothing here so what you want to do is you want to go to file and import your model and this is what you should be getting make sure that you applied those materials in Maya and you'll see here that doesn't really important because it separates in mumbles at two back it separates the materials by the same materials that you applied in Maya so in my I applied three different materials which was the main body and the stem and then the seeds so that's pretty useful also when you import your model it will come with those materials here and they also have presets so what I'm going to do and continue to one of the presets let's use the Unreal 4 template and to preview that in the viewer here just drag it in apply it to the main body for this one so I drag that into the main body I'm going to change the background image a little sky under seen there should be a sky option in the presets let's just change it to let's use this one dr cashflow sunset i also don't want to see that background so on the mode select color let's just get up to a darker color so this is what we should be getting so now we want to select up on real material let's just name this body so that's our main body i'm going to duplicate it duplicate that guy duplicate it twice this one's going to be my seat this is going to be my stamp so let's start with body we want to do is we want to set the glossiness with this mm let's set it to like 0.5 color we're gonna set it to red okay met metalness dad this is not a metallic surface so we're going to set that all the way to zero I'm going to the skipped is a secondary reflection let's use just blinging form [Music] and increases for like maybe this [Music] I'm looking at some images here now if Lee looks means it's kind of shiny but it doesn't have to be I think it looks kind of cool in the render just to have a big kind of shiny but again this is just a matter of and finally I'm going to give it an emissive and heat see it's a temperature too like that so just does just to give it a little bit just like a nicer it's got a bit of a color that's not just red see this is at zero no I think he looks kind of nice or like this so I think I'm going to leave the strawberry to that and again I mean you can you can mess with all these settings and now you can to change this too so that's gonna be my strawberry now let's get the Alex just get the seeds but pretty easy to do so we're gonna dragged our seeds material I'm just gonna get it down to the seeds first I'm going to disable the metallic and let's set the color to something like a yellowish color something like that good okay I think for that that's all we need to do it's not looking fancy then finally let's get the stamp by this way up here disable the matte metalness and then just give it a green then [Music] something like that you know again that's like super simple we just add that so that it didn't look you can get really fancy me to stand and make it look realistic and I will you know push you a strawberry to another level so something like that will stamp and there we go by the way to rotate the light sorry I didn't mention this hold down the shift key and the right mouse click and drag and you can rotate your light just to see what it looks like again make sure you you know shape it so it looks correct and it doesn't just around I did that for somebody some of these like I did it for that I didn't do it for all these guys so I I think I want to render it like this before we move on to render it one more thing I wanna do go to you in the render tab and set ambient occlusion so basically what that does is it gives a little bit of shading where things meet so where states are you know there's a little bit of a crevice there you can increase the strength to and the size it is something like that looks good and you can also enable our local reflections and high-res shadows I mean I don't think we really have any shadows here and if you want to see the if you want to render a wireframe too you can just click on the wireframe Christy intensity the - I think that looks pretty good so let's say we are ready to render our strawberry and by the way if you want to duplicate this guy you can always just select it and press ctrl D and then just drag it out oops just duplicate this guy something weird going on with my seeds here not sure why they're showing dark like that it's really strange happened when I duplicated maybe I just need to reapply that material but anyway you can just duplicate it and just rotate it however you want my case I'm just going to delete that guy and just do a render so to do a render all you have to do is go to first you have to set where you want your render to save so if you little preferences and go to output you can set where you want that to be saved and to save the actual render you can go to capture and under settings you can set the size the format okay and then once you ready just to save that screenshot just click on image and that's going to save it in that folder that you picked and then you can open that from there and do whatever you want with it in depending on the size that you choose you know you can get a really high res render so yeah I think that concludes the tutorial and I really hope you learned some pretty good I hope that this was a good lesson for you to learn how to make a strawberry and just how to do basic renders in marmoset toolbag again you know having will do anything fancy with textures and you can imagine if you did something like that and if you got your stem looking or realistic now you could get a pretty nice render for this so yeah I hope you liked the tutorial and if you enjoyed it too subscribe and stay tuned for more tutorials so one last thing before I go here is if you're interested in downloading or getting be a specific maya file for that strawberry you can just head over to my website at the links in the description below and you can just get the download for the maya file that i used you're gonna get this exact same maya file and you just saw that you can use this reference or if you just are curious or as to what it really looks like you know just download it on my website links down below Cheers
Channel: 3dEx
Views: 41,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Maya 2018, Maya 2017, Maya 2016, Maya 2015, Maya 2014, Maya 2013, Maya 2012, Maya 2011, how to, learn to, easy, step by step, tutorial, beginner, intermediate, advanced, modeling, model, box model, texture, render, marmoset toolbag, marmoset, toolbag, latest, techniques, easy to follow, simple, best, class, teaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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