Maya tutorial : How to model ( sun ) glasses in Autodesk Maya

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hey guys Mike here at amis tutorials welcome back to another modelling video okay well today another subscriber requests as usual and I'm trying to get through the list today we are going to model a pair of glasses okay and the model that was requested was related to john-boy Walton from the TV series The Waltons and if you know who that is then you are old like me okay this is way way back anyway let's get started with that okay so we're going to start by creating a half of the the glasses and then we're going to mirror that over so we're just going to focus on that and we're going to start by creating a polygon torus and we'll drag that out as you can see it's quite large so let's tweet that we're going to hit ctrl a to pull up our our attribute editor and we're going to go into our poly torus one and let's bring down the section radius to let's say 0.75 and then we'll increase subdivision to forty which should be about right and as you can see it's still a little bit clunky but if we select it and we hit three on our keyboard it will smooth out nicely okay so that's our initial shape we're going to just position this so we'll select it we're going to hit e to rotate it and we're going to pull that up and let's make sure that we are at ninety degrees exactly okay that's a bit large so we're going to hit our and we're going to scale that guy down quite a bit so it's just easier to to work with okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to Center it on my grid line so I'm going to hit W and I'm going to move it back and just make sure that I'm exactly zero and my translation settings okay and then obviously I need to move it a little bit to the left because this is going to be the bridge between the two circles and here's the leg if you will I don't know what that's called okay maybe we'll pull out in just a little all right now excuse me let's focus on the glass that's going to fit inside our glasses all right for that we're going to take a polygon cylinder a sphere sorry I'm going to pull that up and we're going to hit E and we're going to rotate that until we are at 90 degrees I'm going to set my translate values to zero like so I'm going to hit W to move that in and let's see we'll check it from this view right here hit F to zoom in and we're going to add some subdivision so let's do 40 by 40 okay and then I'm just going to approach it from the top and I'm going to right click got a face and I'm going to drag select the top half and hit delete okay then I'm going to right-click go to object mode take this guy and I'm going to hit R and I'm going to start to scale it in quite a bit and we don't want it to be all the way flat but just a little bit like so we're just going to check if it's sitting properly and it looks like it is and now you don't want this to be just as it is you want it to have a little bit of thickness for the glass okay so with that selected we're going to go to polygons menu obviously added mesh and under face we are going to hit extrude we're going to drag on a thickness and as you can see that's a bit much so I will do 0.02 for now and that is not bad okay good good and then next what we're going to do is we are going to let's see we're going to start on this end over here okay for that we're going to start off with a initial cube shape so we're just going to pull that out and pull that up and then from our top view we're going to hit W and we're going to bring that in F to zoom in and our to scale down and we're going to bring it closer to our glasses here after zoom in and then in our polycube let's see we're going to set this value to zero so that's good and that will be our starting point okay let's check on the the height at the zoom in as you can see we can allow it to be a little bit bigger than that so we'll just increase its size a little bit W bring that out and bring that down and we want to be level on this line here so we're just going to check the setting this one we're going to set to zero okay so we got that it's probably still a bit small so we'll just give it a little bit more okay we're going to check it from our top view and we want it to be let's do yeah it's about right and then we're going to right click we're going to go to vertex so we're going to take these two and we're going to bring that in here and take these two and bring that in there and we're going to tweak that shape in a sec but that's fine okay then we're going to go to mesh tools insert edge loop tool option box single setting and we'll do an edge right there okay hit Q on your keyboard we're going to approach it from this end right click face take that face and go to edit mesh and extrude under face we're going to hit W we're going to pull that out but also we're going to pull it downwards just a little so from our top view you'll get something like this all right and that is where our hinge will start now we want to smooth this out so we're going to add some subdivision or some edges sorry so insert edgeloop tool' and we'll do one right there right there one there and one there and then we'll check it from the side hit F to zoom in we'll do one here and one here and one here hit Q on your keyboard or right-click object mode select that three and that's not bad all right now we're going to move it in just a little bit more okay and we'll take it from there all right now we're going to hit one to go back this is location where we roughly want to have our a hinge if you wall okay so for that we are going to first create another cube we're going to pull that up and from a top view we're going to move that over here move that down hit F to zoom in bit more and all right click go to for text and drag click these to bring that out there and then we are going to adjust the height let's do that in this view it four for our frame mode right click object mode select that and bring that down and just make sure it has the same height so right click vertex not on that one just on this guy right click vertex right click these two bring that down okay so that is now in position and we will be extending this so well let's see well take the vertices from the top so these just bring that out a little bit and we'll adjust that later and now we can start to create our hinge so for that we will take let me think let me think let me think we'll take a polygon pipe we'll drag that out as you can see I need to let's try that again polygon pipe that thing is big okay we'll just bring that down a bit so thickness will do 0.5 well create 40 subdivisions and will decrease the radius quite a bit we're going to go to our top here we're going to move that over after zooming so we want this hinge to be somewhere around here and it has to be combined with our model so we're going to make that nice and small got to zoom in and let's bring that in here and we'll be okay it's going to be something like this alright so that means that we first have to adjust the height I'll bring it down we're going to hit our we're going to start to stretch it bottom looks fine right click vertex take the top it W and bring that up here to zoom in we're going to have something like this okay so now we're going to do is we're going to right click at an object mode we're going to select this and this and go to mesh and combine and then I'll take that and this and we'll go to mesh boolean and union okay so now if we select this and hit three now we need to adjust this guy all right that's fine so we're going to go to less tools insert edge loop tool and start some edges here similar to what we did before okay and we'll do one here that looks fine one there and one there one on the top here and we'll do the same with this guy do one up here one down there alright let's see how we're doing right-click object mode hit three okay that's not too bad need to add two more and they will be they will be they will be so edge loop tool will try to get something a bit closer here if that will work for us you see that the Union bit is kind of giving us a headache but that's fine okay let's see what we've got q on our keyboard right click object mode hit three that's not what I was going for so we're going to go back a few steps that looks much better okay and we're going to put a little screw in there so for that we'll take a polygon cylinder I'm going to pull that up and then in poly cylinder one we are going to select a round cap and increase subdivision two let's do ten now we don't really need the rounded part at the bottom I think wallet doesn't hurt it's fine we're going to move that thing in there so F to zoom in W to move down have to zoom in again we're going to hit our and we're going to scale that let's check our height once again if there's a minute as you can see it's sticking out just slightly which is alright okay so next we are going to select this guy we're going to hit one first to go back and we're going to do is we're going to extend this but also start to model it okay so we're going to right click or fro text we're going to drag select these and now we're going to look at it from this view right here so we want this to go back but we want to have some sense of shape in it as well obviously okay a couple of ways we can address that first of all we're going to go to my stools in turn edgeloop tool' and we'll add an edge loop right there and let's see we'll do one right there q on a keyboard right click vertex and we're going to drag select these and then we're going to hit W and we're going to bring that up to about there and we need to keep the length in mind because that has a fairly large effect on the whole thing because when this is folded in it should go between this panel width of the two glasses okay but so far we're doing okay alright so now that we got that or I click select it hit three let's see how that looks it's not too bad okay and looks like we need to extend it a bit more so right click vertex take them and we can adjust that on we have mirrored the whole thing but for now that looks okay and now we're going to create the air if you all so we're going to create another polygon cube give it a little height go to our top view I have to zoom in and typically that will be slightly thicker so that's about right from that angle from this angle we're going to bring it down to about here and let's start to shape that okay so we're going to go to our perspective view I have to zoom in right click face edit mesh extrude and now we're going to go back to this view we're going to hit W and we're going to pull that out and then we're going to hit the G to repeat pull it out again and hit W and bring it down just a little G to repeat BB to pull out again and we're just going to start to bring that down now at this point we need to rotate the edges so we're going to right-click go to edge take those at E and we're going to start to rotate and maybe hit W and bring that back a little bit I'm going to do G to repeat there will be the pull out oops my repeat function was not what I expected take those edges again just ease and we're going to go to edit mesh extrude under edge it W bring that out and again rotate it a little bit to repeat delete the pullout and heat to rotate it a little bit let's see where we're at okay a bit more each repeat until you pull out and then rotate a bit more to each repeat deli to pull out and we're getting pretty close e to rotate and once more G to repeat w to pull out only to rotate I have to zoom in so we can see whether we're level okay alright so we got that now we're still going to tweak this a little bit we're going to right click of going to the vertex and we're going to take a number of these vertices and we're going to hit our and we're going to just start to make them a bit thicker it looks like we'll have to do that manually so that's fine let's move this guy out and we will need to add subdivision but that's alright looks like I got a little bit of a problem here we'll quickly fix that right-click edge select all these edges go to mesh and fill hole that should work it did not for some reason so I'll just have to fix that problem and I'll just explain what happened there I took the edges that of the faces so I just extruded the edges so I apologize so I'll have to take this and repeat that last section so I'll just pause the video and I'll quickly fix that and I'll be back most all right so I didn't do anything fancy I just extrude the faces instead of the edges and as you can now see this is now closed up so that's fine we're going to right click at an object mode I'm going to select it we're going to get three shaping itself is okay but we need to add a few edge loops so hit one to go back miss Chul's index loop tool we'll add one down here and we'll add one down here Q on your keyboard right-click object mode select it and hit three okay and maybe you'll hit W and bring it in just slightly okay so that's we've got so far now let's deal with this bridge section here between the two I'm initially going to create the bridge as a whole and I'll cut off half because we are going to mirror just create that look at your top view and we're going to move it in here and there we're going to hit our and we're going to scale it in this little bit and we're going to do is we're going to pull it forward now first thing I'm going to do is move in and I'm going to remove this face here right click face and delete reason being that we need to be able to copy it from this end okay so right click vertex try click these bring them in to about here and then right click face edit mesh extrude under face and we're going to do something similar to what we did just now it fine for shaded mode we're going to bring that out and bring that down a little I'm going to G to repeat W to pull out and bring it down some more and hit E and rotate that a little bit to repeat W to pull out that looks about right we will need to go to right click vertex and take these vertices down here and bring them up to something like so and I'm going to take this bottom vertex and kind of level it okay let's see what we got here right click object mode we're going to hit our and we're going to scale it in like so and then we're going to move in right click face just like that one edit mesh and extrude and we're going to hit W and we're going to bring that out towards our frame okay and we're going to tweak these vertices a little bit so right click vertex take these two and bring them in and then take that one let's see what we got that's pretty cool okay now we're going to do here is first of all figure out if this distance is too big and it looks like it is just a little bit so we're going to right-click vertex take these bring that in to about there right-click object mode select that and hit three so all in all shapes not bad at all we will however add an edge loop itself we're going to move in and go to mesh tools injured edge loop tool and we'll add an edge right there we'll add one I'll hit 4 on my keyboard so I can see where I'm at right there we'll do one here and we'll do one here Q on your keyboard five to go back to shaded mode right click object mode select it an 8-3 okay all right now we've got that so far now we're going to do is we're going to select the whole thing and go to mesh and combine let's see if that's messing up anything hopefully it is not okay so we've got that and now we're going to need to move the pivot point right here because we're going to copy it over okay so with this object selected we're going to go to our top view I have to zoom in and our pivot point looks to be right there so we're going to W to move we're going to hold down the D key to move our pivot point until it's right there and then we're going to move it up here until it's centered between these two and hit f2 zoom in let's zoom in on the entire object that looks okay and from this field as you can see we're going to need to move it up so we're going to hold down D on our keyboard and let's move the pivot point to right there okay now with that done and we've got the whole thing selected we're going to mirror it over and hopefully this is going to work out okay because for some reason I always mess that up so that's selected so we're going to go to edit duplicate special option box we want an instance and we want it on negative X okay so it's on the instance and let's see scale negative 1 on X and 1 on Z and let's see if that will work out for us okay so we got that so far now we're going to move in and we have this connection point here okay so we're going to hit 4 for wireframe mode we're going to right click go to fro text and we're going to select actually let's combine these two first object mode mesh combined right click vertex select these or vertices and go up to edit mesh and merge components now that's crossing over a line but let's see if that's a visible in our model or not it is which is not what I want so let's just see what a problem is they're just going to ctrl Z right-click object mode let's hit one and not do that in smooth mode let's try that again right-click vertex I have all of these March component right click object mode hit three to smooth still doing that okay let's see how we can fix that and the rim dimdim see one I think the reason is that there's a slight overlap in the vertices and you know the thing is with modeling you will run into stuff like this you can see that these edges are coming together in an area where there's only one and okay now I see the problem what we're doing here is we're merging these vertices together right and what it's doing is it's merging the top and the bottom vertices together as well instead of just these okay so the manual fix here is to select these two vertices and go to edit mesh merge components then select the two beneath that hit G to repeat okay and I'll just pause the video and go around and then the problem should be fixed okay alright guys so I did that so now let's see what happens right click object mode to select it hit three and there you go problem gone alright so let's start to apply some material to this okay now for the frame and we're just going to go to mesh and separate okay and then we can select it again and hit three okay we're going to take the frame and we'll take the bridge here and I think we will have to take that little I will change the color of the screw and that's fine okay so we got that we're going to right click assign the material mi underscore X there we go material tab presets Chrome and replace and we're going to change the color a little bit so we're going to do is we are going to take this color and like that quite dark and then just to get kind of a glow in it we're going to change this to red and then make that fairly dark just to see how that will work out okay then we're going to take these two you guys and they need to be smooth so I hit three there we go and we'll go to mesh and combine right click assign new material we're going to take a blend there you go and we'll change this to white and then we're going to tweak the transparency a little bit so it's somewhat transparent alright then we're going to take the glass these two right click assign the material and we'll do let me think we'll do mi a underscore X material tab presets glass solid and replace and there's a bluish hue here if you will and we don't really want that so we're going to select white okay and then we're going to do a test render so I'm going to select the whole thing ctrl G to group and let's hit W and bring that up right there and then we're going to hit E and we're going to rotate it just so that the end of the or hidden before that worked out fine because that's how usually classes respond okay so we've got that we're going to create a ground plan and as soon as we have our test render we're also going to change this into sunglasses and mirror glasses okay so here we're going to select that sign your material will do a fong e and we'll change that to white and let's increase the size of this thing hit our stretch that out and stretch that out there we go we're going to set up a resolution gate okay and now we're going to go to our render settings that's right in my quality tab I'm going to set this to 1.5 and if you have a version of Maya that's earlier than 2015 you would set it to production quality okay ray tracing we're going to increase these values because we're using glass and I want to have enough reflections because the lights going through the glass and so forth so 6 3 & 3 then I'm going to go to indirect lighting and I'm going to go to caustics and we're going to set that up and again because we are working with glass and I'm going to set that to about 300 roughly okay so that is all right we're going to setup global illumination and final gathering quality tab is set up and I'm going to set up image based lighting so I'm going to create there and we're going to find a nice hgri file to work with so documents my H dry and let's do a studio lighting and I get a question a lot where do you get these files most of them you can download for free just Google for free HDRI image or check out HDR labs calm and I think there are actually some HDRI images on CD textures calm as well okay so that should be good one more little thing I forgot to take these little screws here I click assign a material mi material X will do preset chrome just a regular chrome just to give a little bit of difference there and we're going to go to create lights and point light pull that up excuse me at 7 on your keyboard so you can see what your lighting is doing okay maybe just a little bit at an angle and we'll go to create lights and ambient light which is very very bright we'll push it back here pull it up and decrease intensity to about the 0.1 okay I'm going to do a quick test render and if this works out okay we'll change it to sunglasses and so forth okay see you back in lesson alright guys here are glasses a couple of little things i want to tweak but all in all you can see that the glass effect and actually the the bend of the glass effect enlarging this here works out perfectly because it looks very much like what a real set of glasses would do this light source this would be too bright because it's reflecting on my foam layer material so change that and i want to change the color of the leg here so just will quickly do that so i want to take these two and i'm going to go into my material and what I'll do as you can see these are very long list going on here select all of that so right click object mode select all of it edit delete by type history modify freeze transformations okay so I got these two and in my blend material well do black instead okay and then my light source this guy I'm going to bring it up and hopefully it's not going to be in my file too much maybe bring the intensity down to 0.6 and I'm going to change my HRI image because as you can see there are a lot of big dark spots and bright spots here that's causing that problem maybe my light 0.8 it's a bit better okay so we're going to go to our render settings delete that and create it again so I can get another file and well do you I'm just going to surprise myself see what we got that's not good well do you I've used this one before so I know what that looks like okay so there we go again I'm going to do another quick render see you guys in a sec alright guys and well I think that looks better so that will go with that cool okay so now we're going to create some mirror glasses and sunglasses okay so let's close this what I will do is take this light source and bring it back a little so our shadows will become a little bit longer okay and then I'm going to drag select this guy make sure my ground plane isn't selected and hopefully it's not no it's not okay and we're going to do ctrl D to duplicate it and we'll just move that over here and then we'll do you shift D to repeat that once more okay now the glasses in the middle we'll take our glass right click assign new material and my a material presets Chrome and replace and then we'll take this one and we'll turn that into sunglasses okay so we're going to go to our mi a material and I need to change my material because otherwise I'm going to change this one as well so assign your material mi a and I'm going to go to presets and we will do glass thick again replace that but in our color we're going to bring that way down and actually now let's change this up a little what we'll do is we'll right click assign new material we'll do a blend just to show you that you can create glass with a blend material as well ok and we're going to change the color to pretty much black okay we're going to increase transparency just a little you still want to have a sense that we're talking about sunglasses here and we will increase the reflectivity to about 0.7 ok and now what we'll do is we will see if we can get these in a shot where we can see everything nicely let's do let's do this there's rotated a bit okay let's give this a try okay just going to check my image size HD 1080 okay I'm going to give this a try and I'll see you guys when it's done hang on okay guys here you go so here are glasses regular glass mirror glass and you can see the reflection going on here and our sunglasses right and you can see although the glass is transparent because of the reflectivity you can see this reflection there so that worked out quite well and yeah hopefully this tutorial will help you out creating sunglasses or glasses for your model and if you have any questions as always let me know I'll help you if I can and that said thanks for watching and I'd love to see you guys again bye
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 23,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glasses, spectacles, sunglasses, how to model sunglasses in maya, maya tutorial, mh tutorials, blender, zbrush, 3dsmax, Autodesk Maya (Award-Winning Work), Autodesk 3ds Max (Award-Winning Work), Blender (Software), Autodesk (Award Winner), Tutorial (Media Genre), How-to (Website Category), Animation
Id: OlXRklWrkE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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