Autodesk Maya 2018 - Motion Graphics MASH webinar - Oct 2017

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hi I'm Morgan Evans technical specialist for autodesk welcome to this webinar session today for motion graphics and a whole lot more looking at the new features in maya that we've had over the last year today I'm gonna be covering obviously motion graphics predominantly but the whole lot more part is going to be looking at all of the other uses that we can use this procedural instancing system for so this comes in the form of mash our motion graphics toolset for Maya so we'll be taking an in-depth look at the different things that we can use this for such as modeling rigging all sorts of interesting effects that previously am I would have taken some R&D time some extra resources but now we can achieve quite complex results in a very short space of time let's take a look at some of the uses for mash in a bit more detail as you'd expect motion graphics is what the tool is originally written for so this is what it does in a very efficient manner it's perfect for things like creating heads-up displays there's a few examples of that here so if you imagine your spaceship panels for example and it's also great at things like your TV ident work so new to my 2018 is the whole new dynamics toolset we'll be looking at this in a bit more detail but it deals with very large sums of instances in a highly efficient manner it's also good as a modeling tool for example this chain maille was done using in the mesh to position all the chain links and this forest was also done using the mesh toolset so it's great for dealing with modeling and but it's also good for behaviour as well so it has all sorts of built-in loads for movement so this is a signal node for example we can take the output of our mash Network can use it drive anything in my so this extrude node it's taking a bunch of the audio coming out of your mash network perfect for things like rigging so this tank tread was done using mesh and even this robot I rigged was done using mash as well so it gives the anim surreal interactive feedback for what they're trying to create the later in the webinar we'll also be taking a look at the world node so this is the ability to be able to essentially simulate a forest from from scratch using different genotypes for your different types of trees that you would want to populate your landscape with so before we go into mash and look at some of that tools in a bit more detail I first of all wants to focus a little bit on the 3d type tool and see how we could create something like this alphabet blocks in a very short space of time so the 3d type tool lives on our mash tool shelf and we can do all the basics that you would expect to have a 3d type tools such as change the font the font size the tracking we can even use our type manipulator tool to individually go in and move the letters independently of each other and you see that automatically shifts everything downstream bit from left to right so one of my favorite parts about the 3d type tool is the generator tab so this is a dynamic way of being able to update the text that you would see so whether you want it to be the frame number we can change it to generate the time at the same time you can choose number of decimal places and all sort of things so we can generate letters randomly and numeric random values as well but we can also animate the text so we can either cycle through words that we input here randomly or we can actually animate it based on their frame number so if I go new and I just type in a few different words here so in this case I'm going to type in motion graphics rocks and we're going to assign a different frame numbers for each word to appear on so basically that word will appear until the next word is triggered if we go back to animated text mode here and scrub over the timeline you'll see we get our motion graphics rocks now the other neat part about the generator is it has a Python mode as well so I've just put in a simple bit of Python code here to randomly cycle through an ASCII lowercase alphabet and if I just go in and modify this and type in uppercase instead you'll see that it's modified that instantly so the other nice part about the three types of is it has this whole geometry tab so in there you can do things like decide where the geometry needs to be deformable you can go in and modify the extrusion options as well so you have all sorts of profile curves to do this you can choose the number of extrusion subdivisions but one of my favorite tabs in here is actually the bevel option so in there you have all sorts of profile curves as presets already predetermined so you can see we get some pretty nice results there on the text and we can even go in and edit this ourselves if we want to start pulling points around and get into the finer detail and then once we're done with this of course we can save this out as a preset very easily as well so now we're gonna go into our mash Network gonna distribute these at the moment it's set to linear I can of course go in and play around with the settings here so we can change it to radial if we want to but in order to achieve that block I tell me it's a grid I want to actually use the mesh mode to position these objects which will ultimately make up the sides of my wooden block so I've got a cube in the scene I'm gonna middle click and drag this over to my input mesh on the distribute node in my image so at the moment it's defaulting to vertex but if I change it to face center in the mesh settings of the distribute node we can we can do that as well so I've applied a color node to this now and within the color node I'm changing the random hue which is what's giving me a different color for each side of that text object and what's great is at the moment because this is live link to my text generator as I cycle through the different letters you can see that it's still updating so it's keeping that live link between the initial text that I created and the mash network so what we can do now so say we want to actually create some geometry out of this for use further down the line say I want to create an entire alphabet of these letters and save them out as individual objects how would I go about achieving this so if we go back into our type tool here and go back to the generator we can see that this time I'm just going to modify that Python code slightly so instead of being random I'd like it to actually use the current time so the slider time and apply the letter of the alphabet based on the frame number so obviously frame zero corresponds to a frame 1 to B and so on so as I scrub through the timeline now you'll see that we're actually an order instead of it being random so this is all done through the type generator and then from here we can do some basic python to just go through a for loop so that for each frame i just want it to simply duplicate and freeze out the text so that would give me my entire alphabet of block letters which then i could then use for whatever purpose i need or apply that to a mesh network so there's our working alphabet we've talked about using mash as a modeling tool so I wanted to look at some of the basic uses for that here really just in terms of multiplying objects and instancing them in a very simple efficient manner so all I'm doing here at the moment is simply just choosing a couple of edge loops that I'd like to convert to NURBS curves and then use those NURBS curves to help me position some rivets around this jet engine that we've got here so I'm just making some adjustments to my rivet here but then I'm going to use the mesh network to procedurally instance these and start to play some using the curves they already have in place so we've got the mash network setup here we've selected our instances and we've got a few different modes for placing them so we've got Radio linear we've got a grid mode for placing our instances but what we're interested in doing is actually placing these along our NURBS curves that we've already created large attention so to do this we would add an additional node to our mash Network so we'd add a curve node we're going to remove any animation from that because we don't want our instances to move we just want to place them in this case so we're going to drag and drop on herbs curves over to the input curve section of our curve loading mesh we can do this by middle clicking and dragging over from the outliner and you'll see that each NURBS curve that I've added has now started to place those rivet instances along each curve so we're going to up the number of points considerably so then it's gonna basically divide our total number of instance points across all of the curves evenly now we've got a nicely set up number of rivets on our jet engine that way mash really comes into its own it's actually keeping this essentially a live link between your original object and your instances so what we're going to do now is create some propellers so I've set up a second mesh network here I going to using the distributed set this to radio and we're gonna up the number of points so we have slightly more of our propellers but it doesn't look great right now so what we need to do is go in and start to use some deformers on that original propeller so I've chucked in a twister form and then we can play around with the shape of that individual propeller so we can put a flare on there as well to widen it slightly at the top now what is really nice is that any of the deformers that you have on your original object will carry through to the instances so this is stuff we've been able to do in Maya for a while but in terms of actually positioning and handling the instances this is what mesh is particularly clever and efficient at doing when we're happy with this we can rerun our mesh network we can switch this to Radel as radio less before up the number of points and we start to have something that looks a little bit more like propellers you'd expect to see on a jet engine so we've added a transform node to this in mash now which allows us to then position the entire mash Network more appropriately and what we'll see as I mentioned before is that because we have this live link between our original object with the deformers any changes we make will propagate through the instances in the mash Network populate with any other objects now and help to position these very quickly and easily using a similar process here duplicate them radially with your distribute node in mesh and then add a transform node to position these very quickly and easily so you can see here we can very quickly add all of this extra detail to our jet engine in a simple and efficient manner this is all simply being done through the distributing aid at the moment which is kind of the heart of your mash Network for positioning your instances now where it gets interesting so I've actually got about five or six different varieties of pipes here all taking up different positions and if I duplicate these I can add something called an ID node in mash now what the ID note allows me to do is say I've got ten different varieties of pipe set up to begin with the ID note can randomly place those instances so what we want to do now is actually give some variety so at the moment they're all pointing to ID zero but by adding this ID node in mash once we positioned them we can then start to get some random variety based on our original selection of objects I'd go back to my Mashhad it's F at the ID node to basically take a random collection here so as we change the cycle you can see that our pipes are now getting some variety in there so you can you can add some random detail to your instances so where it's also very useful is you can use things like Arnold standings to really cut down the render time so all this extra detail like this canister here we're just putting on a couple of basic Arnold shaders so we've got the car pane we've got a metallic car painted as well if we wanted to add a bit more detail again and then once we're done with this we can actually say this out was not understanding and the mesh network will also understand your Arnold standing so really cuts down on render time and the viewport even has an Arnold stand in preview mode so you can actually get a feel for the geometry in the viewport as well but in terms of render data efficiency using the Armen standards through the mesh instance network saves you a lot of time when it comes to rendering so my background was rigging and through this I wanted to show an example of how you could use mash for rigging a vehicle for example so I've got this robot character here and there's several elements that are using mash in this example so I did a simple vehicle rig so this is just using a basic Meyer expression to take the z-transform of that main control and ride the rotation of those curves so I've got one tank Trent which I'm duplicating using the mash network again so using the distribute node and going up the quantity to about 22 which I just happen to know is the number I'm after for my tank treads and then I'm going to add a curve node to this network so using that curve I'm going to middle click again and drag this over to the input curve section of the curve node and then by increasing the step you can see that it's populated those tank treads on there they're linked to time by default but I'm going to actually break that connection and use the output of my little expression to connect that you see I had a bit of a weird flip there I'm just going to focus on that quickly I've got a secondary curve next to each of those tank treads which will act as an aim curve to lock down the up vectors so as we move it forward and back now you see one of them has already hooked up and linked to that forward motion and it's working so the way we would do that is to break the time on my curve node and using the node editor I'm going to take the output rotation index from my little expression driven wheel that I already set up and I'm going to plug that into the time node and just tweak the animation value slightly to either speed it up or slow it down so the other item that is a mash network in this scene is actually the rivets on the wheels as well so these are again just using the radial radial distribution on the mash network so I've got my single rivet I'm just going to create another mash Network here I'm going to distribute it radially gonna put about 10 or 12 of them in and then I've got some locators in the scenes which represent the pivots of each wheel which are already hooked up and constrained so they're spinning with the wheel rig that I set up and I can use them as a transform with a transform mode in mash to relocate that mash network to to sit in the correct place so we'll see here that the rivets are now moving correctly so finally with this robot I wanted to take a look at a bit of robot facial rigging and how would you go about this and how would the animators work with something like this in the Maya scene so there's several mesh elements that make up that display so first of all I'm going to look at the Adobe Illustrator import that we can do with the SVG node in Maya so this is on the mash tool shelf as well so we can actually import vector graphics directly into our Maya scene I'm going to set up a new mash Network to represent my kind of charging display that we've got there above the fuel gauge so I've just got one plane that I'm duplicating and through the distribute node again I'm just playing around with the scale and then we're going to animate the step strength of this scale to give us that charging up and down effect so this is kind of stage one of that display that we saw on the robot and the nice thing is because I created this mash network in mesh mode I can then deform this if I want to so ultimately I want to use this as a fall-off object further down the line so what I'm going to do is just transform that node using a little locator there above the fuel gauge and then stick a bender form on there so it conforms to the surface underneath so this is just to get it sitting a little bit tighter to the surface that I ultimately be using to generate that kind of pixel based display so to do that I just have a single small tiny plane in the scene I'm going to duplicate that and in the distribute node using mesh mode I'm going to distribute those per vertex which will give me essentially a display so if you think of each of these little planes or instance planes as a pixel of my display so applying a color node here I'm going to have a foreground color of blue a little bit of a random hue on there which if we dial it up and down you can see it adds almost like a bit of a static effect and then I'm going to apply a background color of black now this is where the fall-off objects in mash come in very handy by default we get an implicit sphere so you can see as I move that sphere around it's changing the color from black to blue with a soft fall off but I can actually apply a mesh to that fall-off objects so using that initial mash network with the feel gauge that's what I'm going to be using as a fall-off so based on its proximity to those instance planes it's going to change the color so in the additional settings there I was just turning down the soft fall-off there which essentially feathers out the fall-off object so you see we've done the first part of our display there very quickly and easily and again using the step strength I can create this kind of dissolve effect and then I can move into the next part of my display which is actually a very simple blend shape driven I rigged on some NURBS curves so I'm using that very age-old joystick style controller now in the eyes and we're going to use each of those NURBS curves as to individual fall-off objects on a brand-new color load and again I'm just going to go to additional settings and shrink down the custom radius which is like the fall-off essentially and you see that as I'm animating that now it's updating the color on each of those pixels as the NURBS curves move around so really this is a great way of giving your animators very good real time interactive feedback when they're trying to animate with items inside of mesh and just to finish it off I've got a three two one go so I'm just using a 3d type tool again I'm gonna put some basic animation on there and just sit them on top of the pixels I've already set up to finish off the display and that's pretty much the finished article and this is it rendered off in Arnold so we just put a simple glass shader piece of geometry above that display to give us that kind of TV look and feel and just quickly why we're looking at that Arnold render I also wanted to talk about how you can work with mash color node in your render engine or your render a rather so the way you would do this is actually to go into the shape for your mesh and under your Arnold tab you would need to apply the color per vertex data so you've got expert export vertex colors as a tick box in your Arnold tab and then once you've done this there's a utility node in Arnold which you would need to then apply to the color of your Arnold shader which is the user colored ball and you would have to apply a color set to that so by default let's just put on the standard color set with the American spelling and then once you've done that you can see our eyes are then starting to show up because like per vertex color information is then being carried on through your chain so that is what is necessary to get your render looking correct with the color node in in mash so the next up is the place a node so this was a big addition to my 2017 update 3 and this is the ability to essentially art direct where you'd like your instances to go so we've got 16 varieties of tree there and we're going to set up a new mash Network with those all selected and then we're going to add the the new place a node from the mash editor here so you see we've added the place a node there and it has a little paintbrush icon at the top and you see as I'm painting there they're all the same at the moment now this is simply because it's the instances in mash your ID driven so if I change the ID from 0 to 1 you'll see it's giving me a different tree or I put two it's going to give me a different tree again but what I can do to cycle between different trees I can change it to random and then change the ID value from 0 to 16 which was the total number of items I had selected so that as I then go to paint these you can see it's giving me a different tree that is also a scatter mode so we can then give ourselves a much bigger brush and increase the scatter density and you'll see that we can then really start to create more of a forest kind of look so if I make the brush much bigger you can see we're starting to get this looking a bit nicer now I imagine you're all probably looking at this thinking yes it's all well and good but they're colliding with each other we don't want that so we also have a collide brush as part of this place a tool so as you paint with the collide brush you'll see that the trees magically move apart and some very clever stuff going on in the background here I'm assured by immortus the mainframe developer created this and then the other thing we can do here if we just delete these ones we can also have the collision set up as we are painting these so there is a collide on create option here as well so you see here that the trees are avoiding each other as we paint them so the other thing we can do if we want to perhaps create a river through here we can just simply put the delete brush on there and so it gives you a huge amount of control and you can run this in either instance a mode or mesh mode I would advise using the instance a mode when you set this up and the nice thing we have here with the manipulate to all the move tool for the Placer as well is you can go in and actually select each individual instance as well and leave them about so the final thing with the place on to focus on was the align to brush function which as we paint here you see instead of all facing the same way it actually tries to follow the direction of the cursor as we move it along so the next thing I wanted to focus on is the world node in mash so again this was a brand-new one to my 2017 update 3 so it's pretty recent and this is actually a clustering system so we're just distributing here linearly and what clustering means is it basically allows you to create additional instances around your originals if you like so I've created a duplication of five there and you can see here that it's clustering around them but the nice thing about the world node is that it also tries to avoid with collision when you're increasing the number of items clustering around each point so there's lots of different modes there's a circle mode there's a disk mode and you can see here that as we move even with the distribute node back and forth they try to kind of self avoid each other there so obviously great for things like frogs born and caviar raspberries that sort of thing but obviously I've just got some spheres here but you could use this for all sorts of different uses so the moment you've got a bit of collision there so we just go in we're going to up the separation distance a bit gonna up the collision iterations and you'll see they start to then avoid each other much much better so next up is probably one the most impressive parts of the world node so at the very bottom of the custom mode we have terrestrial ecosystem so what this allows us to do is essentially simulate the growth of a forest which is I think it was the amalgamation of that six different SIGGRAPH papers kind of allowed this tool to become creation so we drag and drop our landscape into the input mesh so you can see that the trees are just sitting now on the mesh and then based on our original section of trees we can set up using a genotype editor a different genotype for each tree so what we mean by that is that we get a we would choose a maximum age of each tree we would choose the seed age the soil type the moisture content the slope threshold which would determine how well the tree would grow based on the height in Y of our landscape so you you can basically give your different trees a different behavior based on these genotype settings so you essentially set your ecosystem age so you'd say well I wanted it to run over a hundred years and this is what it's going to look like so you see that as we add the different genotypes with different attributes applied in the genotype editor you can see that they're populating different parts of that mesh procedurally based on those genotype settings so you see that as we tinker around with the values and the quantity and the age of our eco system you see that it's starting to heavily populate our landscape there with our forest and again you can go in and tweak the separation values as well to help avoid collisions and the nice thing you can do as well here in terms of the art direct ability of this is you can also using the RGB values on a map you can paint where you you want the trees to be visible or not so you can see here that as we do a bit of painting there on the mesh it's just cleared out some of the trees so in the middle so even though obviously it's a procedural system and it essentially assimilating the forest we can churn through this and do a lot of art directing as well in terms of where we want the trees to go and obviously this is just the world made we're looking at now and you can mix and match this with all the other nodes that we have available to us in mash so you can really get creative with the look and behaviors of your instances so next up we're on to the fun stuff in mash which is the new dynamics node that was applied to my 20:18 so to kick that off I have a really nice short video that the mainframe team have put together I believe it was a very collaborative effort up in the Manchester office and it really does show off the sorts of things we can now do in mash with dynamics so dynamics in mash is using the bullet solver but it smashes implementation of the bullet solver which is far more efficient than anything else out there on the market at the moment stuff that would have previously crashed in my er just through stress testing and quantity so 70,000 cubes for example all colliding together can now be dealt with seamlessly using this new version of the bullet sovereign mash so let's take a look at their short film and just below you see I have bash movie links so the best part about this is that the mainframe guys have actually shared the scene files for their bash short movie which we rolling in a second and I've got the links available at the bottom there if you want to either view the tutorials of how they did it and download the scene files so I've got the movie links at the bottom here while I roll the video and I'll also be showing them at the end of this webinar today [Music] [Music] cool so I think that's a lot of fun there you can gives you some imagination as to the sorts of things you can do so as I said a second ago we have access to the scene files so you can go in there you can dissect them and you can just have a lot of fun really just seeing how these scenes were put together and then start to play around with the values play around with the mash networks and it's a great learning resource so a big thank you to the mainframe guys for sharing that with us so that is available on their mainframe mash of Meo channel there's a link to it on there and as I said before there's a link at the bottom of the movie here and we'll be sharing it again at the end so just an example of how some of the items were put together in that movie you can see here that this is that pipes example there so the balls that were falling into the pipe so the way we would put something like that together would be you start off obviously with your distribute node they're linearly and I've got some spheres in the scene as well which I just applied a bit dynamics today's just by adding the dynamics node and that's all I've done I just set up a mash Network added dynamics node and they just fall to the ground so we're adding a transform to our spheres here with a second mash Network I'm gonna add a dynamics node to that as well so as soon as I do that you'll see that they will also fall with the pipes and the nice thing is because it's all being run through the same bullets over even though it's two separate mesh networks you'll see that they interact with each other so they kind of fell into the pipes there so what we can then do with our pipes to get them to behave a bit differently we can add something called constraints within the mash dynamics node and you saw there that all the pipes then fell at the same time because they were essentially linked together so if we go into our constraint settings we can see that there's all sorts of different modes here whether it's glue or spring you can see you can choose the connection points as well so you can do some really crazy stuff you can ramps to this as well and Ian waters on the mainframe channel has some fantastic dynamics videos which you should check out after today but what we can do is well we can actually limit the behavior of these attachment points so if I just go back slightly I've changed the connection point to an offset value and I'm setting it to minus one so that's essentially giving me a pivot point there from the bottom of the pipes and then in the limits section we can choose to perhaps look a couple of axes and keep one limited so I'm limiting one of them to 180 in X and I'm locking the others so that as the balls fall in there then they're starting to only rotate on the single axis now what's neat obviously being mash is that once you've messed around with that behavior linearly I've changed my distribute no to grid now and they're gonna run that again with the dynamics all live so this is the finished article which again is available on the bash scene files so just to look at a few more dynamics examples as that was the big one for 2018 we're setting up a grid here we're introducing a bowl and we're just hitting play and that's the results so you would add a bowl you go to your bullet solver the gets created there you drag and drop the bowl from your outliner as a Collider and that's literally all it takes to do dynamics in mash and then can play around with all the usual dynamic settings such as the friction the balance amount the rolling friction so you have a lot of control over the behavior and something important to mention actually is that in your dynamics note there's several different ways that it can work out the collisions for your objects as well so you can add [Music] either just have it as bounding box mode you can have it as a capsule mode you can have convex hull which is the best compromise for getting it close enough to the mesh convex hull AC means it will do everything apart from objects which have holes in them like a torus and the other mode is mesh mode so if you want the hundred percent accurate collisions you can do that obviously you would see a speed hit at that point so this is just taking a look at how you can constrain the bricks and work with them in different ways so we've got interactive playback on there and you can choose how the bricks are essentially glued together and how they're and how much they they stick and this is an interesting one as well which we'll be looking at a practical example for this in a second this is actually a combination of dynamics and our place a node so if you have interactive playback turned on and you use the place a node you can see that as we're clicking away there with the interactive playback turned on you can start to just pile up objects so it's fantastic for things like landscapes junkyards that kind of thing and it gives you a real nice random approach so using dynamics as well I wanted to show how you can get it to interact with other parts of the mash network so we've got some dominoes here so just got a simple bit of animation on our sphere so we've got a mash Network with the dominoes with dynamics node added you see there that I'm not quite close enough so I'm going to go back to distribute node bring them a bit closer together we not a friction so we're gonna turn up the friction a little bit on the dynamics node and rerun that so there's our Domino super easy to set up and then if we do something like add a curve node in mash we can see then that we can increase the number of points along the new curve so we've dragged and dropped a NURBS curve into the input curve okay node and again the dynamics just works so we can we can combine this with other curves as well so if we wanted to introduce a second curve into the mix here we can do that simply by adding an additional curve to our curve node so we're going to pop little brick there underneath that's going to be a Collider and then I'm going to draw a second curve I'm gonna drag and drop that curve from my outliner into the original curve made that I set up in that mash Network so you see I've dragged a second one over there middle click and then I'll have to increase the points again now on the distribute node because obviously it stretches them out over the two curves and then if I just run that simulation again you'll see that the two curves will essentially interact all the two paths will interact with each other because it's all still using the same dynamics node so this is what we're talking about with the simplicity and the art direct ability of mash it's so easy to use and a lot of fun so another example of the to mash networks interacting with each other here we're just adding a grid node so a grid mode rather for the distribute we're going to add a random node here just to make them look a little less uniform just with some very small values and going to pop the dynamics onto that one as well so we've got the two objects interacting with each other then and then finish yourself nicely I'm gonna add a color node as well to the second batch of Domino's and something I didn't cover before is you can also add textures to your color node as well so we've got the Maya logo I'm gonna load that quickly and again we're going to make sure that the export vertex colors is ticked under the Arnold options to be able to allow our renderer to be able to pick up that color information and this is just a very basic Arnold render of the end result so I've just got oh yeah and then forgot about this one so I'm a big fan of the the Ok Go videos I don't know if any of you've seen them on YouTube and and they do he's amazing elaborate setup so this is just one of the setups from the Ok Go video which I wanted to see if I could replicate so they just had this big kind of wooden plank and and it's actually pretty close so I was pretty happy with that but the whole Domino thing kind of got me got me thinking can't can we achieve this in mash and of course with a bit of tinkering around we can so last up I just want to look at a combination really of the different types of nodes so using the place a node weird the dynamics so we saw that earlier for throwing those objects around so I'm a dad I've got two young kids and of course my kids bedrooms never look this tidy so I just wanted to kind of show how can we add some toys in here make it look a bit Messier and take advantage of things like the place anode and the dynamics you node used in conjunction together so I've set up a mash Network I've added a place anode there's a few things I had to take around with in the settings there's a push along normals function on the place a node now that does what you'd imagine I'm painting on the floor there but what's actually happening is it places them say a hundred units or ten units whatever you put in the value they're above the floor so what that allows the dynamics to do is to then be able to drop them in place on the floor with the floor is a Collider so we'd add the floor as an input mesh for our placer so just drag that over from the outliner and I'm going to turn on convex hull mode on the dynamics because I've got lots of different shapes I've got a load of toys down at the origin which I'm basically using in my network and I'm gonna start chucking them around and I'm adding a few items as Collider objects here so the tabletop the floor and then using the place so with dynamics I'm just basically dotting my objects all around the scene it starts to get a bit slower as we start to you know ramp up the values but it's a great way for you to be able to just chuck rubbish chuck you know random objects around the place and then of course if you want to you can have this in mesh mode you could bake this out or freeze out the mesh network as I mentioned earlier with the place you can actually select them as if they were individual objects so as a parent I like to at least be able to walk to the bed in my kids bedrooms so I've asked them to tidy it up and park them all off to the side and that really just shows the flexibility of the mash network that you know I'm using dynamics but again it's that art direct ability so the nice thing is being interactive instead of having it blocks I've now switched it back to toys again and this is just a quick look at it in Arnold so you can see you know how quickly you can generate something that looks quite good really just by chucking objects around the scene so it's a lot it's a fun way to to populate these types of 3d scenes so the other thing we can do here is switch these out for Arnold standards if we want to so these are actually going back to those blocks that we created with the 3d too early on so I saved out tomorrow's standings of those and just showing you the different types of modes that you can do for your Arnold standing so there's a couple of things you can do you can go to the Arnold tab within the shape of any object and you can switch it to our behavior as procedural and then point it to your almost and in s file and then of course the other way of importing your understanding this is just through the standard standing yeah the standard create standing and then point it to your ass file as well so there's a couple of different ways of populating your your mash networks so I'm just using that world mode again here with a bit of clustering I've got it in bounding box mode at the moment with mile standings and if I change the values in the random settings there from naught to 1 you can see that it's kept all those details that we got from the bevel and things like that from the 3d type earlier on in the webinar so I think that leaves a little bit of time for questions now before I jump into that I just wanted to say if you want to download anything in terms of scene files and examples you can go to our creative market where on there you can see we've got examples of the let's play outside that we saw earlier on the other place to go is obviously the mainframe Vimeo channel we're in water so developer there has put literally hundreds of mash videos so I've only been able to cram a certain amount into the hour today but there's so many examples on there there's the bash movie on there as well so thank you all for attending today I hope it's been a useful webinar it's been a lot to get through but as I said we'll be putting out tons of resources over the coming weeks in a lot more detail so you can sit and watch in your own time definitely check out the video channel from the mainframe guys in waters just churns these videos out at an incredible speed so big thank you to him for all the information that he's sharing with us so thank you all for attending and I hope you enjoyed and we'll see you for our next webinar my colleague Alex Horst is going to be doing a 3d studio max webinar in about a week's time so check out I'll meet the experts landing page and get yourselves registered for that one as well thanks for attending bye bye
Channel: MAYA IN 5
Views: 71,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Maya, MASH, Motion Graphics, MoGraph, Cinema 4D, Dynamics, Mainframe
Id: nHe_Uec_rqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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