Autodesk Maya 2018 Tutorial - Simple Stylized Crate

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okay so today I want to show you how to create a simple stylized crate using Maya so let's go ahead and get started so go to create polygon primitives cube so with the cube selected I'm going to increase the size to sleep 10 and now hold down right click faces select all the faces you now go to edit mesh and extrude and with these options here make sure you other keeps faces together turn that off now I'm going to click here on one of the cubes for scale and then use the one in the middle then just kill that guy down a little bit like that I'm going to press G so I can extrude one more time and then I'm going to use the blue arrow and then move that in a little bit to press the of the cube here and scale that just a little bit [Music] something like that maybe don't use the blue arrow move that out just a little bit more [Music] okay there we go so press Q to exit and there we have it that our that's going to be our our crate or wooden crate but first we want to make the UVs for these guys so let's do that so click here whoops do that so for UVs open this window right here that opens our UV editor and with that selected I'm going to phrase mode and click on this item right here so the Maya creates automatic TVs for this guy click on the checker pattern here so that we can see that if the pattern looks like cubes in the model that means that our UVs are pretty good so deselect that and finally I'm going to select all the UVs make sure you go hold on right click go to movies in the UV window then under here under the range in layout go to layout that will go this should be this should be good actually I'm going to go right click and use UV shell then use the W key and move this guys just slightly up and down and to select all these guys and scalpers are to scale once again TV shell top W same with the bottom and just move this has done okay so that is it for our UVs so now that our model is UV it and everything we can export it and make our high poly mesh in ZBrush so let's do that first I want to clean my history and I'm going to freeze my transformations so go to modify freeze transformations and then go to edit delete all by type history and we are going to name our two dialyze underscore crate enter I'm going to copy that so that I can export it and we're going to file export selection export obj and then just pick an area a folder where you want to save it and you save it as a stylized straight so now we're going to go ahead and open ZBrush so I'm using zbrush 4r7 but if you're using any other version it should be almost the same so I'm going to close my lightbox go to import actually before I do that I want to increase the size of this window so I go to document then just click on new document that's going to increase the size now import and then choose your mesh so once that's end you drag once and then click on edit and now we can look around that cube where to press P for perspective or you can flip over here to enable that and I'm also going to change my material that I'm looking through so let's choose let's choose this one okay and now go to geometry so looking increase the add geometry that we're working with if you click on the vibe you can see that it messes up your cubes or undo control-z going to deselect the snooze and divided a few times one two three two four and now enable that egg one more time oh yeah that's good just divide it up to a to three million polygons - that should be enough so with that now we want to start sculpting it for this video you're going to need to download the orbs cracked pack there's gonna be a link in the video description these are really good really awesome brushes that are pretty good for stylization of sculpting so I'm gonna use those so when you download those what you want to do is you're gonna save them in your brush folder where you have C brush installed and just make a folder stylize brushes and just place all those there so I'm going to use the orbs crack I'm also going to be using the let's use this one D or flatten edge and then finally let's use the orbs curve and the slash this one so let's start with the herbs actually start with the trim dynamic so I'm going to press B and look for trim dynamic just down here then let's use that by the way I'm using a tablet for this just because using the mouse from this kind of thing is really difficult and one more thing I'm going to do I'm going to enable symmetry for this just because just to make it easier and faster I'm going to press X and as you can see it's already symmetrize and I'm going to go to transform and enable symmetry on the Y as well so that whatever I do on the top happens at the bottom and on the left let's do it on the also on the z-axis so that symmetry everywhere so let's start by to soften India the edges just a little bit or something like that [Music] so I'm using the trim dynamic and then just softening or giving a little bevel to the edge of our crate here I'm going to press X to disable symmetry then just give a few live some variation to some of the areas [Music] so you can see using this brush helps with breaking up shapes here okay so now let's create the planks so I'm going to press B and use the orbs crack again make sure you download that from all the links below so basically this what this does is just kinda mix lines and we wanna let's enable symmetry press X basically we're gonna break it down so that this is our planks or wouldn't can the planks that makes up the crate [Music] [Music] so as you can see now using this brush makes it insanely easy to create a stylized look [Music] [Music] okay now what I'll do is I'm going to do the planks here and increase my size just a little bit [Music] [Music] then in this one I'm going the other way so that we have one that's going up in the nose down there for this one going to disable my symmetry so press X and then just can't do it sideways like this [Music] and the same for the bottom [Music] and now what you want to do is you want to keep adding some of the air that'll break up tear the symmetry that we created as we were sculpting when we had symmetry enabled [Music] so we just want to break up the pattern here also help different size long lines here going I try to make it so that as the lines get closer to the edge here that there are a lot stronger so there we go so again this is made super easy by the fact that we're using deucer and brushes so if you really like the brushes that you should probably check out the person who made them I think you can also donate to him list as well you really I find this to be super super helpful for stylized [Music] you can also kind of break up the the straight lines just have some that go sideways here [Music] so like that so basically that's what I'll go bead of what I'll be doing here so it's gonna speed this up and on a time-lapse [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm pretty much done just doing all the airlines for money wooden parts so I'm going to switch to the orbs curve so this was almost a similar to Europe's crack but the difference is that it creates gonna look a harsh you know turn a line you can see here so I'm not up I don't think I'm going to end up using it too much you scandal here on the edges or mine lines from the orbs crack and connect just to create a nicer kind of transition [Music] so don't use that one too much so anyway let's move on and just kind of add more variation so go to B and then now choose this last one but this one does it gives you some nice kind of like like that just to add some variation and don't don't add that everywhere just in the fewer areas sometimes looks good on the edges [Music] for something like that don't don't overdo it with this I I will say when you skip it simple okay so let's let's keep it that way so yeah that's pretty much our high poly now and if you want to preview it with different materials I like to preview it with that one and then dia this one the madcap white cavity I think this one's a good one too just to see what your lines look like so yeah so that's it for our high poly so now we're ready to export this so that we can make it on to our low poly oh actually one last thing I want to add some knobs on it like nails or something so let's press B go to insert and let's do how about a cylinder okay we have to delete our subdivisions on the Geo delete lower what do you guys think you think that looks good let's try a different one insert there's different ones this is fear now that doesn't look right [Music] maybe there's like a nail here somewhere [Music] I'll just use that cylinder for now and I'm not gonna use it everywhere I'm just gonna place it in some of the areas here [Music] just so that it looks like our planks have been put together with nails so maybe something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe there's like one that's like here on the side okay so that's pretty much it okay so now we can export our model so let's go to export and just export it as the same name and just put hi and export that okay so now I'm back in my app because I want to re export my low-poly as an FBX but before we export we have to do a few things with our normals in our low poly so to fix the normals so that they're ready to bake on our high poly so basically let me show you something so basically our UVs are set up this way where all these are separated under the by the 90 degrees angle right here so our normals on those should be hardened which they are but the normals on these guys should be softened because those are part of the same UV shell I don't know if that makes sense but I hope it does but anyway so what we wanna do is we want to soften the edges on dia on these guys and I believe Maya 2018 comes with the tool to do that automatically so under mesh display softened hardened edges and leave you click on that that automatically does it for you where basically what it does is it softens the edges based on UV shells so if you are UVs are cut here and on this line so those are hard but these areas are 1 UV shells that are soft so that's basically what happens and with that Maya - it does it automatically if you're using an older version of Maya when you have to do through edge then select these guys I need to be softened and then go to mesh display and then soften the edge so you have to do that manually okay so now let's export this guide as an FBX file because the FBX file comes with the normals so gonna name it the same but I'm going to change to FBX and then make sure that your settings are like these on the geometry smoothing groups and tangents and Bank normals and then export that so good so now we're going to attach to this using a substance painter so I'll show you that okay so in substance painter by the way if you need the link I'll leave the link in the description where you can get the 30-day trial for free okay so in substance painter what you want to do so you want to go to file new and then here select your mesh then here you can also choose the size of the texture in this case you know 1024 is fine make sure normal map set to direct acts then create and here's the model so now what you want to do is you want to bake our maps so under your texture settings you're going to go under baked textures and then here deselect ID and then all these guys selected then set our output to 1024 so basically we're going to be making all our Maps or normal map rules-based normal and inclusion etc then click here for your high definition mash in high poly that we exported from ZBrush then set the anti alias to two four by four and I think that's all we need for our or measures here so I'm going to deselect all these guys actually and just make the normal map just to make sure that it looks fine and if that looks good when you bake it then we can go ahead and bake the other ones so let's do that spec that okay so once that's done so there we go we have our high poly and I think that looks fine although I think the nails didn't really come out looking too good those kind of disappear yeah those guys are coming disappeared a little bit so let's try again still bake and this time let's increase our max from toe to like 23 or 4.04 let's try that again [Music] and now that yeah that looks good now we can see the knobs on top so yeah that's cool so now that we know that our bait comes out looking good we can bake the remaining textures so all these guys and just bake that so bake okay so now we have all our Maps baked so as you can see here and if you press the B key you can cycle through all these guys there's October cherry there's our position thickness I got to not let you press em to go back to our normal view here so now we can just touch on this guy so let's do the applets what we can do so we could try to use some of the materials in substance painter don't spit some materials here so like we could try let's do your skin you know it looks like this obviously this is a wooden plank so that's not necessarily what we want so this one looks pretty good or what this one's not doesn't come with substance this is one that I made myself and I think basically what I did with this guy show you this is just a bunch of layers basically and the mask on the curvature so yeah I think we should we should use this one I think this one's pretty good actually let me use on my life for real things so I do have a stylized wood that I made a while back [Music] this one semi-decent it's not the best [Music] I think I like the other one better I think I like this one I just have to change tonight my colors here to be more like wood yeah I think I like this one better so I'm going to let you guys download this specific smart material in sprin substance I'm going to call it something else I think I'm calling a bone stylized in my video here but I'm going to save this this one as a new mutt smart material that you guys can download and just apply it to your model so that's basically what I'll be doing so basically is it's a normal this is just a flat color on it and then this is a mask for the edges of the sky I'm actually going to remove that one so it's mask from the edges okay so what I'll do is I'm going to maybe increase decrease the saturation and this guy just a little bit more then on this guy [Music] and then I have my cavities [Music] now I have to see what is this I think this am using this for color variation and a baked lighting on it [Music] so I think now looks a little too dis saturated probably increase the saturation in this guy so again guys I'm going to provide the model for you I mean not the model but I'm going to provide the the smart material for this okay so and then I'm going to give it a metal material so I'm going to make a fill layer this is gonna be my metal so metal on then I'm going to give it a black mask and with that one selected you want to paint your the nails here so when I so when you download these smart material from my website make sure that I'm going to name this metal sure that you paint a mask on that metal material so that you can apply on the when you nails here [Music] so okay so yeah that's basically it guys this is how you can create a really quick and simple crate using Maya si brush and then substance painter I'm going to provide this smart material in the description below and with instructions on how to install it's gonna be a readme file in there the text file that you can use just to see how to install the how to import the smart material basically you just Whittle file and then import resources and import that smart material and then just apply it on top of your layers and then you can see you'll be able to see what all these layers do once you apply it on your on your model so yeah so that's pretty much it and if you need to export your textures you can just go to do a right-click and then export textures and then just export them whatever you want to export a textures too so yeah guys so basically this is how you make a crate in Maya ZBrush and then substance painter so yeah if you liked the video make sure you hit the like button and subscribe
Channel: 3dEx
Views: 88,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya 2018, Maya 2017, Maya 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, version, how to, tutorial, simple, step by step, easy, learn to, quick, 3D, 3d modeling, model, texture, sculpt, sculpting, zbrush, Pixologic, Substance Painter, allegorithmith
Id: 9PxlBl9G8HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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