Authentic Bearnaise Sauce - Bearnaise tutorial - Step by Step French Recipe

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foreign [Music] hi guys and welcome back to the French Cooking Academy today we're making another sauce another classic which is called the be arnes sauce okay I see a lot of people out there making that recipe and they're not using the right ingredients okay so we're gonna see today how to make it the proper way and as you can see here I've got the first fresh herb we're going to use which is tarragon in France and there is a second herb which is called cherubel or serve and these two are actually the main ingredients to get the real taste of the byones sauce if you don't have these two herbs forget it you're not gonna make a real one and this is what we're gonna see today so I'm gonna show you how to make the proper the one and only real baroness France French style alright guys so let's make this Bernice sauce and honestly let's not panic I think a lot of people get over impressed by a stuff even if it's French cooking or so it's like oh my God we're making a beer sauce look at this very simple ingredients you got some white wine white vinegar shallots with cherubel and tarragon and I've got a bit of black pepper on the side so we start with a pan low heat take your liquid first okay the wine and the vinegar all the ingredients are in the video description by the way put your herbs there we go and you add a nice amount of black peppercorn put your heat a bit higher you can steer gently your mix how easy is that and this is basically the beginning of the Bernice sauce making so basically what we're doing here you're gonna leave your mix to simmer very gently until it reduces to barely the amount of a tablespoon full of liquid all right so step number one you're in front of your pen and you look when it starts to boil like this don't start panicking or doing anything just chill out and you know let it rest it's gonna boil for just a few minutes step number two it boils vigorously as you can see everywhere what you can do you take your pan move it around you can see how much liquid more than a tablespoon well simply mean it's not ready yet okay third and final step you move your pan oh look at that almost no liquid left you got barely a spoonful of liquid and this is time to turn the heat off very simple and that's it your first stage is done you got the base for your Bernese sauce your gastric is now ready You're Gonna Leave it to cool until it's cold or almost cold to give it time for all the ingredients to infuse and blend together all right let's go so I've got my very low heat on I've got my cold mix in here and you start with two egg yolks and as the same as the Holland is a little bit of cold water take your whisk and gently we're gonna start steering [Music] and wait for our egg yolk to thicken to a creamy consistency okay so remember this is important it's all about the temperature control so always put your whisk take the pan as you can see my hands I can barely hold it in which case I keep stirring but outside of the Heat and we're gonna repeat this process until a sabayo is basically ready so I'm giving you a quick example as you can see here it starts to thicken and from time to time I'm gonna be checking my temperature okay I can put it back all right so let's continue the process and I'll show you a little bit later on how the mix becomes all right so when you reach that consistency meaning that When You Weep you can see the bottom of the pan you can see these shapes I can make I can see the bottom that means that it's almost ready my mix or my sabayo is done as you can see I've got a nice thick consistency very foamy very very nice I've turned off my heat and I'm gonna go through now my last step which is simply adding my clarify butter alright so let's finish that Bernice sauce as you can see here I've got my sub Ione it's nice and for me and immediately I'm gonna use clarified butter okay so not full butter and you're gonna basically slowly incorporate your butter into your sauce okay when you're halfway through your butter it's time to add a little seasoning actually a bit of salt mix the salt in that's it look at that I'll be honest sauce is virtually finished we've got that nice mix nice and thick but to give it even more flavor as a last touch we're gonna add a little bit more of fresh herbs on top I'm taking a bit more of the fresh herbs and I'm just gonna give a final stir because remember that Bernese sauce is very fragrant so that goes with red meats fish and also potato base and that will be it we've done a biernes sauce so I'm just gonna dress it up and show you the end result all right and for the beauty shot I'm trying to get the camera as close as I can but this is it this is how famous they are nice so as you can see the color is a nice very yellowish with all this this little grains here just all the mixed herbs and of course uh as a reminder I put the star of the show which are uh the tarragon and the Turbo because without these two herbs uh read the beones so you know would not be what it is so that's it for today I hope uh this video was useful and please subscribe if you like the video or comment if you like I always respond to every comment and I see you next time bye
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 1,035,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ingredients for Bearnaise, Bearnaise recipe, Authentic Bearnaise, How to make Bearnaise, French sauces, Bearnaise sauce, Bearnaise, Béarnaise Sauce (Food), french cooking techniques, Chervil (Ingredient), french cooking, Shallot (Ingredient), Tarragon (Ingredient), sauce, french food, recipe, french cuisine, french cooking academy
Id: UO-cE9PGb5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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