How to Make a Butter Sauce - Beurre Blanc - French Butter Sauce Recipe

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from with bur Blanc that's right I don't even speak French and even I know that means white butter but do not let that sort of generic name fool you this classic French butter sauce is complex elegant and sophisticated whatever that means it's also incredibly versatile and very very easy to make as you're about to see so let's go ahead and get started with our misl I know so much French but all Mis plas means is simply getting together all your ingredients before you start a recipe and since this sauce comes together so quickly that's definitely something we're going to want to do so for this sauce we're going to need some white wine and if you're keeping scored home I'll be using a song Blan for this we're also going to need some white wine vinegar or if you want some lemon juice it's going to work exactly the same so it's just a matter of taste we'll also want to do a little bit of finely mined shallot as well as a little splash of heavy cream which is technically optional here but I do like to use it and I'll explain why later and then last but not least we need a whole bunch of high quality unsalted butter and besides making sure that's cold what we want to do before we start the recipe is cut that into cubes because as you're about to see we're going to add that little by little and once that's set we can head to the stove for this very simple two-part procedure the first part being the reduction so what we'll do is We'll add everything except the butter into this pan all right our shallots our white wine our vinegar and our optional cream cream is not included in the original recipe but it does help stabilize this sauce and increases your chances for Success not to mention it tastes good and I think the color comes out better but anyway we'll add all that to our pan and bring that up to a simmer on medium high heat because what we need to do before the butter gets anywhere close to this is reduce this by about 75% or so so what I like to do is bring it up to a simmer on medium high and then back the heat down to medium and basically just stand there and watch it until it's ready and sure if you want you could give it a stir once in a while but that does nothing and one of the few ways to screw up this recipe is to walk away and let this reduction reduce too far and burn if I had a dollar for every one of these I burn when I worked in the restaurants I'd have like8 or $9 so it was pretty common but anyway we're just going to hang out watching that reduce until like I said it gets down to about 25% of what we started with which to my eye looks like what we have right about here and at that point we're going to switch our heat all the way to the lowest setting and we'll start whisking in our cold chunks of butter but we want to start slow so I'm just going to add a couple pieces and we'll whisk that in or if you want you could just swirl the pan it really does not matter as long as the butter keeps moving that's the key and then once those first couple cubes have melted in or almost melted in we can go ahead and toss in two or three more cubes and then we'll simply repeat that process until all our butter has been emulsified and by the way you have my apologies if you're getting dizzy from all this close-up stirring I probably should have panned out to a wider shot but then I would had to clean the other side of the stove so never mind but anyway as soon as all that butter has been Incorporated our bur Blanc is basically done and by the way you keep hearing me say bur Blanc but I believe in French it's correctly pronounced bur Blanc which is exactly why I use the Americanized bur Blanc I can't keep a straight face saying burlon but anyway how you say it's up to you you are the patrol of your burlon and if you want you can add the butter a little quicker towards the end and once we've Incorporated all that cold butter into our sauce we can turn off the heat because our bur Blanc is done and as you can see here thanks to properly emulsifying that butter in you should be looking at a sauce that has a beautiful thick luxurious texture and then above and beyond admiring our viscosity we're also going to want to taste this and add a little bit of seasoning it's definitely going to need a pinch of salt I think we'll also do a little pinch of cayenne and by the way do not judge this by how it tastes on a spoon or on your finger this is one of those sauces that's only really awesome on food so hold off on your final opinions and assuming we're ready for service we'll go ahead and transfer that into a warm sauce boat and possibly finish with some fresh herbs in my case a little bit of chive because that's what I had around and by the way if you're not going to use this right away it will hold but you got to keep it warm okay if it cools down and you try to reheat it it's going to break so if you make this a little bit ahead make sure you keep it in a warm spots somewhere ideally between 80 and 120° but personally I will not be needing to keep this warm because I'm going to go ahead and serve this over a gorgeous piece of roasted seab Bass and yes I am probably pouring over a little too much but I couldn't help myself it just looks so good and then I'll finish up with a little more chive and that my friends is one incredibly simple and just absolutely drop dead gorgeous sauce which would not matter at all if this didn't also taste amazing just that perfect balance between the acidity and the wine and vinegar and that fatty richness of the butter just a fantastic sauce experience and while I really think you're going to enjoy this specific version of bur Blanc the different ways you could adapt this are as obvious as they are unlimited okay different types of vinegars and citrus and herbs Etc just a lot of ways to really tweak this to your own tastes but anyway that's it bur Blanc or bur Blan if you prefer no matter how you pronounce it I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,509,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Butter, Sauce, Beurre Blanc, French, sauces, wine, chef, john, foodwishes, side, seafood, fish, light
Id: 84zkT4FIaOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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