Beurre Blanc Tutorial | using the classic method

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel and this is the fun on the French cooking Academy and today as you can see you cannot see me because we are doing one of this video that focused solely on the ingredients and on the culinary techniques because you guys been asking to see these types of video as well as recipe so this is what we're going to do now we're also going to try to focus a bit more on fish sorry we haven't done that at all and this is why I want to start that chapter and so let's talk about fish and you know fish sauces and the below actually is one of the bays sauces and I talked about building blocks and is the very very first foundation of all these white sauces we use in French cooking to go with all kinds of fish and employ the old so that was actually what the legends are wasted a legend that back in the days there was a lady cook that she wants to make Baroness and she was working in a chateau or some house you know with the master and she was trying to make a Baroness for him and she forgot to put the eggs and she was like she put some herbs and everything in this oh my god forgot the eggs but still she did get that kind of emotion going and she got a silky a butter very watery few herbes and it was actually a success and that recipe was discovered also later by a well-known lady called and Mamie Shannon as a very famous restaurant in Paris and it was then that the sauce was really adopted and started to be spread in all the restaurants very good sauce to know how to make and very basic as you can see here it only uses a simple ingredients and so we've got some white one I'm using some McCune village and this is a shaft on a wine but from France and the interesting thing with that is that the Chardonnay wine from France actually dry wines the shorten I can find in Australia or somewhere else actually not draw at all and a kind of mornin and the sweet side so you can you really use this Chardonnay this kind of burgundy white wine for cooking this one doing here and then we've got shallots we got some white wine vinegar some salt and plenty of Berto now if you think that French cooking uses a lot of butter you haven't seen nothing yet because the head sauce is basically just pure butter and we're going to use a whole block of butter to make that sauce let's see how we make it let's start for the food preparation you're gonna first cut off your butter and like this in small pieces it has to be softened so you leave it at room temperature until it's soft next you're gonna have to Finley dice your shallots now one little tip if you want to fill it all with these shallots you can use these knives these are called in front of fitted sole the feel etic knife and the big thing about these is that they got a very thin blade as you can see it's extremely thin and it bends you see and so it's very handy when it comes to cutting is let me show you okay so using a feeding knife you see this is the shallot you start with Finley does so usually when you got your shallots like this and you have to start slicing like this which has already pre-done to win some time and you get this kind of little slices of shells in between and the difficulty here usually wants that done we then need to go that way and you need to slice like this twice and this with a thick knife is very hard so here and when you have that that blade is very thin and you can go and it's it very it goes in very very easily so once and then at the top you can do another one okay and then you can start chopping this very very thinly or finally I don't know it's called in English to get this almost surgical little dices of shallots the and it has to be delicate because it is for a very delicate sauce okay so this is roughly what you get it's not perfect and you can remove the big pieces but you know look at that you see that's nice and thin that's what we need last but not least I have to your white wine and white wine vinegar so make sure they are all ready and you get the precise amount as this is in the description of the recipe hold on so when you've prepared everything you should have something like that you got your butter your shallots I've added the salt on here you got your white wine vinegar and your white wine and now we're ready to move on to the stove to make the sauce when all of your ingredients are ready and you get your pans and you understood your rest of the sauce but before you do so you need to know the definition of the Bologna to be able to explain to someone if you're being asked what is it exactly because if you rock up you dinner part you to a loved one and you announce the thing it's a guy soon all right I'm gonna make you a fish with Babylon that is gonna blow your mind and you guys gonna be really Wow sounds fancy what the heck is it I don't know it's just blonde you can't do that you need to have some kind of backstory so the beurre blanc in a nutshell is an emulsified butter made out of a reduction of white wine vinegar white wine and shallot okay when you get that mix dried up you're gonna add some plain butter and emulsify the whole lot on low temperature Minnie gonna whisk it vigorously to get a nice kind of creamy butter sauce and this is what the problem is and now we're ready to start so let's begin we're gonna start off by melting a little bit of butter in our pan and today it's all about butter and we're gonna put the shallots as soon as the butter is melted as soon as the butter start to foam add all of the shallots and we're just gonna gently so very low heat make them sweat in a little bit of water to reduce these flavors before we add the vinegar in the wine now very important in that sauce no coloration and so as soon as you let this for a minute or something you can immediately add your white wine vinegar and your white wine now you make sure you clean the pan we can raise the heat a little bit and you can clean like this the edges because we're going to leave these to reduce Jen me a bit like a bit on edge so so kind of the same thing except you don't have any eggs in there now I'm going to leave this to reduce until it's almost dry so quick reminder huh the reduction that you see here it has to happen on a very very low it and very gentle and so you need to take time with this and don't rush it now as soon as the liquid has reduced to about a tablespoon as you can see he has to have some liquid in there so that's enough and look at these colors now you got these nice kind of pink colored a slight coloring you know that's from the show know shallots here so from here basically you're almost done none it's just a matter of em you'll see fiying the whole lot so you can do this to start with without the heat on and you can just add a few pieces of butter then we're gonna slowly melt and we're gonna incorporate them little bit at a time and use a whisk and to incorporate everything so gently you're gonna start melting everything and when it's melted will incorporate or amuel safai the whole lot bit by bit so I'll show you that in a bit alright so I've moved the camera a little bit and to show you so here I put my heat back on on very very low but if you not sure with your stove it's best to heat it up a little bit and then turn the heat off totally until everything is emulsified emulsifying is just that action of mixing vigorously the butter and to get it a bit whiter so it's just adding bits at a time two or three pieces of butter you incorporate you melt and you mix and you keep on doing this until you get a kind of a sauce a bit like a mayonnaise and like a hollandaise it's gonna start forming so you keep on going like this bit by bit until we get a full type of sauce okay I've added again more butters as you can see it starts with the pieces of butter and the action of whisking incorporating you see you start to have that kind of thickness coming up it starts to become a sauce it starts to become a bit whiter it's try to be very yellowish that depends on your butter and it's plain better remember and you keep on whisking and adding the butter now temperature control as I'm going I had my heat on I've turned it off again because it was getting a bit warm so you don't want to boil anything I just really like the be honest kind of thing a that's very low low low temperature so you can put your heat on and then off and it's almost like you could almost touch with your hand and there like that always the same thing okay done I put my heat off and temperature is about 40 to 50 degrees Celsius maximum is human it starts to foam like that that is way hot enough I've got my emotion look how fake that so so that butter has become like a be honest let me have a look just to show you a little bit so this is the consistency you see me try it okay good balance see Okies move a bit of sharpness from the vinegar and a hint of shallot not overpowering don't overdo the shallot it is now time to add a little bit of seasoning only salt for now if you want you can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper I'm just going to show you the base of the base so basically at this point your sauce is done we're just gonna now filter it to make it nice and clean we're now ready to pass the source of feel to the sauce we take all the sauce and the beurre blanc and we're gonna put everything in a sieve now here if you want you can also keep the shallots and blend the whole lot in a blender in which case you need to use only half the amount of shallots are stated in the recipe okay and but for now we're just going to use the standard technique which is really forcing down that sauce into the sieve and you can afford pressing to increase the flavors of the shallots to go in okay so you do like that you pass everything through and then we're gonna finish it off and that's it really we've done I'll be oblong oh look at this look at the texture a pure creamy foamy type of butter so if you want you can add a tiny weeny bit of cayenne pepper in there or other spices you can put herbs or Kure of vegetables of your choice to transform that butter into something else this is how it goes that's it you've done blah blah you can make it beforehand before serving and you have to keep it around between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius I'm just gonna cook a few potatoes and a piece of fish to present it on the on a plate to show you the simplicity of that sauce that's it everyone my plate is done so as you can see here what I've done and the simple iteration of the French bistro style gives up the pommes de terre PRC boil potatoes in butter and parsley a fresh batch of lettuce with French dressing some lime here to make it a bit fancy and some poached fish and we'll cover this in other fish videos so don't worry about that and for the sauce I'm gonna just gonna pour that sauce over and which is again the star of the show that's salsa so always a nice pristine source and this is the favorite sauce when it comes to serving a Sweetwater fish like pike so it's not the best of all presentation but in a nutshell this is a fish with white sauce so of course I'm sorry see the fish is giving some water here so I'm gonna just carry it off hope it's cooked enough that fish and in that sauce apparently hmm let me tell you what it goes well with fish hmm you'll be surprised if I say that it's actually not too buttery it is pure butter but honestly it's more than just butter it's some kind of a you know it's some kind of redo emotion is some air into it and say credo mousse I mean a very silky and this intonation of the shallots and the the the vinegar and the wine in the background but it goes very well with that kind of flatness of the water you know what fish is not very strong so it's pretty good sauce I'm really happy with it so that's it for the basic burbling remember this is the base if you want you can add herbs in these spices or even fish stock or anything you want to make it better and enhance the taste but that's the lesson for today this is how you can make a simple bla bla and that completes our video guys as always and don't forget to maybe give me a tip on TPT comm or become a member on patreon because that really helps me to bring you more videos that I love to do okay have a good time and as you all next time take care [Music]
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 1,482,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, beurre blanc tutorial, french food, french recipes, French Cooking Academy, beurre blanc, sauce (type of dish), beurre blanc recipe, beurre blanc ssauce, beurre blanc saucece
Id: O9aFDEhIs4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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