Super Sunday A Night of Worship | 05.09.21

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welcome to react live [Music] broadcasting live from our kilburn location you can listen to and watch this service on ruac radio ruach's youtube facebook and instagram channels plus our app and website welcome to live praise i need a praise hello everyone welcome welcome welcome to ruac live thank you all for joining us um so my name is stefan and i'm here right now in the building at the kilburn location and yeah i'm i'm super super excited um so today we got something so so special as you all would have known or have heard today is super sunday and tonight we've got a night of worship we're just going to be in the building we're going to be praising god we're going to be lifting him up you know we've got a star started line up with us you know we've got uh chevelle franklin with us he's going to you know he's going to bless us um he's gonna minister and bless us she's really gonna you know for my caribbean people out there she's gonna take us to the caribbean today um we've also got um emmanuel smith a powerful uh praise and worship leader you know this is for my you know we're gonna go over from the caribbean over to africa you know we're going all sorts all over the place today um and of course we have our iraq praise team and you know you see them every week you know how they do you know you know every time they do it they do it so good um so we're just looking forward to it today and you know as the bible says you know that god he abides in the praises of his people so as we praise him i believe he's gonna abide with us he's gonna come down with us in the building at home wherever you are he's gonna be with us so i'm just so excited for tonight um so i'm just going to welcome you um on facebook and on youtube um we want to shout you out so let us know in the comments where you're tuning in from uh um are you a kilburn knight are you from our brixton family warfare family uh birmingham family we want to uh welcome you want to shout you out we want to show you some love um so i'm gonna shoot over to youtube first okay let's see who we got we have jesus keep says blessings everyone blessings to you too we have of course our very own bishop john francis greetings to you bishop and greetings to all our leaders greece to um pastor penny our elders our ministers all those in their respective places greetings to you all um let's see what is going on on facebook where's our facebook family uh we're gonna see we're gonna see let's see who we got okay right we've got kelly manning she's giving us some love showing us some love love back to you um we have uh ganesha um she's giving us the applause she's ready she's ready for the worship we have um um janet white she's from brixton welcome janet uh we have jeans uh swabby we have claudia campbell online uh we just have so many people online and once again we want to welcome you all um as we come into this uh this night of worship um so before we get into it just a few announcements now this is one for the women okay this is a very very exciting announcement for the women as you know throughout lockdown you know there's many many fitness sessions and we're pleased to announce they are coming back our body alive women's fitness sessions are coming back okay um so every monday they'll be taking place um on zoom so you can join in you can get your fitness on okay and you know we're gonna be doing different stuff so we've got a little video for you that's going to play and then we'll be back just after that this year 2021 is the time to get into shape and feel good about the body god has given me now is the time to get fit and now is the time to be healthy join our free body of life fitness sessions for women every monday at 6 p.m for 30 minutes on zoo body alive let's work out together okay okay so that was the body alive women's fitness session so um yeah if you want to get involved remember to register online go on the rurak website and you'll be able to register for the sessions online so um let's go back into the chat let's see if anyone else is joining us once again we want to welcome you all uh to this time of fellowship as we go into a night of worship we want to just connect with each other so once again let us know where you're tuning in from um and yeah let's shout you out let's show you some love um so let's go let's go let's go facebook first okay we're done youtube last time let's go facebook first um we have um cat loafer says good evening everyone um good evening to you also let's go over to youtube let's see who we got um on youtube okay okay we've got a few coming in okay we've got um aldian blair says hello everyone hello to you too um we have um ivor says good evening good evening to you we have roma coming says good evening everyone um coming from kilburn so we've got some kilburn family in the house um so welcome to you all once again i'm just so excited as we come into this night of worship um i think it's going to be so good then we're just really looking for the the spirit of god to move tonight um so before we go on we have another little announcement so just to remind you about our koinonia food uh program so once again for those who uh may be going through tough times you know you know lots of us have been going through tough times all throughout the pandemic and the lockdown and we just want to let you know that you know the church is here to support you know so if you need help with groceries if you want to need to save a little bit of money here and there the church is here to help you we can help you with some groceries and we can get delivered to your house so if you need help please please please get in touch um you can register again if you need uh help on so we're going to play little videos that's going to give you the information and then we will be back after that we just wanted to let all our ruach partners and friends know that our koinonia food bank is still operating although our locations are closed as we adhere to the covet 19 restrictions we're still working hard to ensure that those who are experiencing financial hardship and difficulty are provided with food parcels to keep them going in these challenging times for more than 20 years ruac city church has provided this necessary service to our partners congregation and members of the community and we will continue to keep our koinonia food bank open as long as we can keep it stocked if you are struggling and you would like to receive a food parcel we are here to help receiving a coin in me a food parcel is simple call the ruach office on 0208 678 688 or visit our website at or email us at admin the bible says that if one part of the body suffers the whole body suffers we are one body so if you need groceries please let us know [Music] okay so that was our koinonia food bank so once again if you need help please please please don't feel ashamed you know you don't have to feel ashamed about if you need help please get in touch um once again you can go on the website at rook and you'll be instructed on how you can receive help and you know those of you who are you know really in in a good position right now please you know extend your hand to help someone you know you can be the hands you know of christ reaching out to someone so if you want to give once again you can call our office you can go on the website and they'll instruct you on how you can give what you can give to to help those in need so we're going to go back into the chat unless we're gonna see um who's about we're gonna check on facebook we're gonna check on youtube and see what our family are saying okay um so we have uh roma coming says good in the evening everyone um looking forward to the worship service tonight definitely and she's got some few little dance emojis so she's definitely going to be getting her dance on tonight i definitely will be too um let's go over to uh to facebook let's see what they're saying over there let's see let's see okay we have uh chanel says good evening or good evening to you too and you know if you want to make it down to the night of worship you know we still have time you know you can get on that cab get all of that uber right now you know just throwing a few clothes a bit of makeup you know you can make it just in time okay so you know all roads lead to rook city church kilburn i killed cuban location and we're just going to get ready for a fantastic night of worship so if you can make it down to the building that'll be fantastic we'd love to see you we'd love to have you and yeah there's still time so get ready get ready get ready so we are going to go now to our favorite part okay we are gonna go into the quiz okay so you know how we do for the quiz you know whoever's around you if you've got your family around you you've got your sons your daughters your mom your dad gather them all around gather them on the sofa gather them from the computer whatever device you're you're watching from and just get involved you know and you know there's no shame in getting answers wrong okay you know it's all the learning process um but we want to see you involved um so remember you can get your paper you can mark yourselves give yourself a tick for answer right and you know we're gonna we're gonna have fun with it okay so over to the quiz okay so we're going for our first question so the question is how many times did god call out to young samuel in the night as he was lying down in the house of the lord okay so i'm gonna repeat that okay just so you get it how many times did god call out to young samuel in the night as he was lying down in the house of the lord okay so let us know what you think okay um we're starting off you know we have a bit of a tricky one there okay um this is really for the bible scholars out there so let us know what you think so type it in the chat those on youtube those on facebook let us know what you think if you know the answer um and let's see if we if we can get it right okay so on facebook we've got a few coming in so miss juliana says three times we have um chanel says three times we have christine also saying free we have uh janet white also saying three okay so we've got a few threes over on facebook facebook seems to be on one accord okay amen okay let's see what our youtube family are saying okay have we got the same answers okay we got jojo heaven also saying three uh carly miller also saying three matthew weeks three also melvin shelley uh virginia um rockaway s o and one chord with three okay so we're gonna we're gonna see we're gonna reveal the answer right now so the answer is it was four four times oh no it was three no it was three so he was all right he was all right it's all right he was all right just no just tricking you there just testing you see if you really know your bible yeah okay it was three times well done to all those who answered three um okay right so give yourself a tick if you got that right and yeah let's go on to the next question so the question is who changed his name to israel okay so what person what person from the bible what character from the bible change their name to israel okay let us know what do you think comment on in the chat okay we don't want you to be hiding you know we want to see those answers in the chat those on facebook those on youtube we want to see those answers we need some confirmation okay so let's have a look we're going over to youtube okay we're going over to youtube okay we got a few answers in coming in on youtube so we have carly miller says jacob we got uh melvin also says jacob we got jojo heaven also says jacob rockaway s also says jacob all on one accord on youtube i like it i like it i like it okay let's see what we are saying on um facebook are we on this are we on the same page okay let's have a look right we have uh miss juliana says jacob we've got chanel also says jacob christine jacob we've got joel says jacob um lots of jacob's coming in colleen grant also jacob okay so i think it's time to reveal i think the general consensus is jacob is it jacob yes okay well done the answer was jacob okay so well done to all of you who got that right give yourself a little take okay well done well done okay so let's move swiftly on to the next question so the question is where did adam and eve live at the beginning of the world okay i'm gonna repeat that one more time where did adam and eve live at the beginning of the world okay so let us know type it in the chat okay um i think this one we should all be getting okay i'm confident in you i'm confident in the saints that you'll be able to get this one um so let us know let us know on youtube let us know on facebook what do you think okay where did they live okay let's go over to youtube what is the youtube family saying okay we got a few answers coming in now so we have matthew weeks says edom we also have jojo heaven says edom uh carly miller a bit more specific says the garden of eden okay right let's go over facebook what are we saying what are we saying um okay we have cat loaf and says garden of edom we have uh mr juliana says garden of eden uh chanel says garden of eden um we also have uh joy says the garden of eden okay so we've got a lot of eden's garden of edens okay so we're all you know on the same page so we're gonna reveal what the answer is drum roll please the answer is the garden of eden okay well done everyone i came now you know what i'm like when i'm with the quizzes you know we've got to be specific okay eden i'm gonna be nice today i would be nice if you just said eden i'll give you the point okay but we want to say the garden of eden we want to be specific okay it's a nice garden that's what god created for them okay so well done well done everyone um okay so we're getting on to our last few questions okay so let's get ready for the next question so the question is how many brothers did joseph have okay how many brothers did joseph have okay so let us know what you think okay let us know what you think we want to see those comments typed in type them in on youtube type them in on facebook let us know don't be afraid okay don't be afraid of getting it wrong okay we want to embarrass you okay it's not about all that it's about learning but we want to see those answers coming in okay so let's go over okay let's go over to let's go to to um facebook first okay so miss juliana says eleven chanel also says eleven christine winter says eleven okay cat loving also says 11. okay so we've got a lot of 11's coming in janet white says 11. um chanel says 11 okay let's go over to youtube let's see if we get the same answers we've got a lot of 11's let's see if we're the same over on on youtube um jojo heaven says 12 okay carly minister colleen miller says 11 brothers uh rockaway s says eleven oh thank you um oliver jr says she likes my outfit thank you very much thank you um we got uh i think that's how you say it apologies if wrong pronunciation says 11 and he made the 12. okay um audi and blair says 11. uh virginia douglas says 11. okay oh jojo heavens now she's corrected herself she i know you knew it okay he said the twelve tribes okay so let us see what is the answer okay the answer is drum roll it is 11 okay fantastic and you know as you all know part of the 12 tribes the 12th trials of israel and joseph did make that 12. okay fantastic right remember give yourself a point you know you can let us know on youtube or facebook if you're winning okay if you're you know the winner in your family let us know okay um we want to see we want to see um so we're going on to our next question so get ready get ready get ready right so the question is through what did god speak to moses in the desert okay so i'm gonna repeat that okay it's a bit of a tricky question so through what did god speak to moses in the desert okay so you know what thing what object was it okay through what did god speak to us in the desert okay a bit of a tricky question there okay so let us know what you think in the chat um on facebook on youtube we want to know um if you got them okay even if you got all of them right we want to know okay right let's go over let's go over let's go to facebook let's see what our facebook family are saying okay so we have miss juliana says um burning bush chanel also says burning bush uh janet white says burning bush uh christine winner says the burning bush cat lovin burning bush okay so a lot of burning bushes on uh on facebook let's see if it's the same on youtube let's have a look okay okay okay we have um rockaway s says burning bush we have uh chantel also says burning bush martial williams the burning bush okay so it seems like there's a generic answer here which is the burning bush so we're gonna reveal the answer and the answer is yes the burning bush okay fantastic i think you guys all done really really well today i see a lot of right answering the quiz so well done well done well done um so that is all i have time for uh that is the end of our route live today i hope you enjoyed um and once again get yourself ready for this time of worship it's going to be so so powerful um so get ready for god to move today um so i'm stefan i've been your host today and i hope you ever all have a great evening and we'll see you soon take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is rack city church please be aware that the video screen that you're watching behind the stage may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy your discretion is advised [Music] that he inhabits the praises of his people so somebody is gonna open up their mouth and the enemy is gonna realize there's some praises in the house and if your appraiser start shouting and start giving glory come on come on come on come on come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah on the balcony everywhere snatch your feet give him glory give him glory let me say something let me say something and let me just welcome all of our streaming audience thank god for all that is watching us right now from all over the world clap your hands come on give god praise hallelujah for all our streaming audience now let me tell you you came in here to glorify god and i'm sure you didn't want no popcorn like you're in the theater going watching that uh something on the on this big screen but we came to bless the lord tonight look at somebody say i came to bless the lord tonight hallelujah clap your hands one more time psalms 100 the book of psalms if you are accustomed to the church here and my teaching it is the book of tehillim and the book of psalms or the book of tehillim is known as the hebrew worship it was the book that was written for worship everybody say worship the psalms are prophetic in its presentation when i say prophetic it declares our future the psalms are also historical because any time you've gone through something you want to remind yourself and what they used to do in the hebrew culture was turn their history in a song to praise god for all what they went through to praise god for the seasons of the ops and for the seasons of the downs and so we read in psalms 100 it says make a joyful noise unto the lord all your land everybody say you can make some noise in here look at someone say you can make some noise in here now listen to this sometimes the singers or the people who want to sing are in the audience and this is the one time god says i'm not looking for a good voice because he didn't say make a melodic sound unto the lord you know what it said make a joyful noise so as long as there's some joy behind it hello come on talk to me as long as you got some joy behind it even if you're out of tune just get happy and sing and god says listen you make a joyful noise unto the lord all he lands the bible says serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with what singing so you can make some noise maybe you can't sing make some noise that means slap your hand find something to make some noise with if you got a tambourine slap that tambourine if it's your hands clap your hands and make some noise make enjoy from noise to the lord it says know ye that the lord is god it is he that has made us look at somebody say he made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture this is the part enter his gates with what that means lord i thank you lord i thank you because i'm alive i thank you lord because you made a way i thank you lord you turned my situation around i thank you lord because it's about to happen for me i thank you lord because i'm still alive is there anybody grateful to god that you're still alive [Music] it said enter his gates with thanksgiving and coming to his court see this was the structure of getting into where the presence of the lord they would enter from the gates thanksgiving then they'd go into the courtyard and they would start praising him the bible says unto be thankful unto him and bless his name that means speak well of him for the god for the lord is good and his mercies is everlasting and his truth and joy to all generations let me tell you why it's important and then i didn't remember when i was putting this together it was just trying to respond to some of you who said let's have a night of worship come tomorrow is the beginning of rosh hashanah we are now setting up this the biblical year the hebrew year they say it's a season where decisions are made in heaven and if god is getting ready to do something your praise is about to set you up i wish i had somebody here to help me i'm ready [Music] come on praise him in here hallelujah i'm i'm getting hold on hold on i'm getting excited i'm getting excited i'm getting excited look at your neighbor say neighbor say your praise is about to set you up for the whole year your season of change is coming with your praise now i need as many of you to scream like you've lost your mind hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father we thank you now we praise you for this gathering and we have come into the house to magnify your name and to worship you accept our offering of praise accept our offering of worship and lord may you get the glory may you get the praise for thine is the kingdom power and the glory forever and ever somebody clap your hands praise and worship get ready clap your hands come on clap your hands and give him praise he's worthy somebody shout hallelujah [Music] and forth i know some people are still coming in and they're still walking just tell your neighbor say neighbor you got the right to praise now i know some of you got starved masked i know they said scarce well you might have stars covering mars covering and stuff like that but you can shout through the mask you can pray through the visor you can and if you don't want to do that clap your hands just shake your body make sure you look like you're worshiping god are you hearing me right now cut your hands one more time give it pray [Music] hallelujah who's here to celebrate our lord and savior jesus tonight i said who is here to celebrate our lord and savior jesus tonight isn't he an awesome god is in he almighty god so let me hear you give a handcuff to our lord can we hear you let me hear your voices give him praise in here right now he's a wonderful god he's a wonderful guy he's a wonderful god he's a wonderful hallelujah let's try to watch we're going to start with that let me see you're clapping your hands i want to see your feet moving and now you can't run around like we normally do but i want to see you moving is that all right [Music] foreign [Music] up foreign [Music] oh me i'm here [Music] hey now one more time [Music] me like [Applause] hallelujah he's our defender yes he is he's our defender you are the everlasting god the evil [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah amen let's just continue to worship him amen amen i don't know about you but i came here expecting something big how many came to unexpected something big amen amen the bible says that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly and above all we can ask or think amen amen let's go [Music] but it's my season you want to declare [Music] is [Music] ready to move [Music] and it's going to be [Music] [Music] do you believe me my and it's going to be [Music] and it's [Music] and it's gonna be and it's gonna be big yeah it's gonna be what he has in store for you it's gonna be big don't expect it to be small lord is gonna make it big it's gonna be big oh it's gonna be big god is gonna blow [Music] my future is thinking my finances big lord let it be baby oh it's gonna be big lord let it be me oh it's gonna be big my oh it's gonna be big [Music] [Applause] hallelujah is going to be big amen how many of you know the atmosphere the atmosphere in this house can shift right now the presence of god is here his glory is here and we are going to sing atmosphere shift is that all right hallelujah hallelujah church let us worship the lord today we came here to worship him in spirit and in truth [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you amen [Music] [Music] there is only one there is only one name there is only one day [Music] [Music] is forevermore [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Music] is [Music] i'm not worshiping here today church we just have to give our all to jesus because he's given this all for us so we have to give our all to him god [Music] shift now chains be broken break out holy spirit [Music] [Music] holy spirit me holy spirit [Music] hello he's champion and he raises forever more forever [Music] is forever more [Music] is [Music] do you believe that right now forevermore [Music] let's just let me just hear you guys thinking oh god yes let's declare that in here today [Music] yes he does [Music] forevermore yes hallelujah and even the fact that we know he's our champion you know he's never lost the battle we can go through but the scripture says at the end of it weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning so while we may be going through our trials and while we may be going through our tribulations our god has never lost the battle there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we have to understand that our praise is what breaks through our praise is what brings that deliverance our praise is what brings that joy our praise is what cancels what the enemy desire to do to us so i dare you to lift your voices i dare you to shout the name of jesus in here i dare you to shout unto the most high god he is an awesome god he has never lost the battle who are you great mountain who are you great mountain that you should not bow low jesus has defeated the darkness he has baroque and every curse he is an awesome god he is an awesome god never lost the battle he's never lost a battle he's a never lost a battle i'm speaking to you out there right now who feels that you have no way out he is the way out he is hallelujah we glorify you never lost the battle here we go we balance your name we bless you david wonderful wonderful wonderful calling me out of the dark knights cannot whisper away what he said in the light [Music] for he is my first foundation my ankle won't be moved storms may collide but my soul is on fire with his word oh my gosh i love this part we'll listen to the sound let me hear you say it [Music] yes let's declare that in here jesus [Music] that you should not balance jesus defeated the darkness he has never lost a battle and he he's my father is is [Music] come on who are you is jesus he's never lost the battle he's never lost the battle let me hear your church oh sure yes is he is champion hey he's his he's never lost he's never lost him he has never lost a battle [Music] [Applause] so we listen to the sound [Music] more get out of the way is [Applause] of power on my lips jesus has broken the curse he has never lost her [Music] and if you know that to be true come on open up your mouth and release a praise in the house come on oh come on come on come on come on come on if you know your god has never lost the battle come on open up your mouth open up your mouth open up your mouth with conviction that this is the truth come on open up your mouth and release our praise in the house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on people of god bless your name jesus he has never lost the battle hallelujah come on clamp your hands shout with the voice of triumph hallelujah hallelujah i've just come to encourage you as this is a night of worship this is a not this is a night of making a sound that will push back every plan of the enemy push back every darkness in the name of the lord jesus push back every diagnosis in the name of the lord jesus push back every resistance every opposition come on people of god if you know your god you can stand in faith believing hallelujah bless the name of the lord i just want to encourage you hallelujah with us with this psalm psalm 112 tells us that the man who fears the lord his seed will be mighty on the earth and i thought about this time of worship that this time of worship is not only going to be releasing those of you that are online and those of you that are in the house but it's also going to release your seed is there anyone that believe that they're pregnant with something from heaven and you're about to give birth and what you're going to release tonight is not just going to release you but it's going to release your seed come on open up your mouth and give god a price hallelujah and so i just want to encourage you with this word and the word speaks that his seed will be mighty and that word means strong and brave and it comes from a root word and i'm just giving you enough ammunition that you will dig deep tonight that it's not about as bishop said it's not about your ability to sing but it's coming from your encounter with the true and living god it's for those who have encountered god and it's made up in your mind that nothing is going to stop me from praising god tonight there's nothing that i've gone through nothing that i am facing that's going to stop me from praising my god hallelujah and so it comes from a root word i thought of chevelle and i thought of her song and i know we have two singers tonight uh but i thought of the song prevail and i want to encourage you because if our god has never lost a battle it means you prevail it means that you're already an overcomer it means that you're more than a conqueror is there anyone that knows their bible that can release a praise by faith as one that already prevailed and so to prevail it means that you have strength your strength is in the lord it means that you're strong it means that you're powerful it means that you're great it comes from the word to bind and prevail the origin of prevail means to bind it means that when you are declaring that you prevail because your god has never lost a battle it means that whatever it is that is facing you you already you have to know already it's already defeated you have to know already that you've already won you have to know already you're already victorious you off you have to know that you're more than a conqueror hallelujah to prevail means to overcome everyone say overcome i want you to say to your neighbor i'm going to worship tonight i'm going to release tonight oh no you don't sound no no no no no i'm going to worship tonight and in my worship and in my worship i'm going to release some overcoming blessing in my life i'm going to release victory that's going into my seed seed [Music] it means i have the advantage it means i have the advantage is there anyone tonight that's come to the house of the lord it's wonderful to see my brother it's wonderful to see my sister but i've come to give god praise because i'm going to go forward in my praise i'm going forward in my worship i am more than a conqueror i prevail i overcome hallelujah i want to encourage you the old song says it's amazing what praises can do is there anyone that has a revelation of what your praise can do i want you to think of in the realms of the spirit if you choose to come out of your flesh come out of your feelings and enter the realms of the spirit where you magnify your god your only true and living god if you're prepared to praise him tonight i want to let you know that your praise can do what no preacher can do is there anyone that believes the spirit of the living god we have a wonderful minister of music that's going to come i understand his name is emmanuel smith please don't stand in this troubled water and spectate if you want your healing the spirit of the living god is here if you want your deliverance if you want your breakthrough if you want your financial flow i encourage you to step in the flow tonight i encourage you to see with the eyes of the spirit and give god praise in advance i'm gonna invite minister emanuel to come forward come on i want you to give a prevailing praise tonight come on people of god open up your mouth and release the praise oh come on give the lord some praise in this place come on give him some glory he is i want to thank bishop for this time listen when the pandemic happened so many of us didn't believe we'll be alive at this time we've seen rich people die we've seen poor people die we've seen so many people gone but some way somehow you and i are still here someone didn't hear me i said some way somehow you and i are still here [Music] your love is kind yeah your love is patience [Music] you'll fill my heart with so much peace and joy [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus your love is [Music] with so much peace [Applause] you make my my life feel brand new [Music] jesus [Music] your promises [Music] and all your promises is [Music] come on come on [Music] jesus is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] his love is kind [Music] his love is special he feels our hearts [Music] is [Music] and all your promises [Music] all your promises are yes and amen you are not a [Applause] [Music] his promises [Music] you said that you won't forsake me [Music] you walk beside me and that is all the matters [Music] the sun will not smite me and the moon lights will not hurt me this virus will kill me cause you are my healer you never leave me you said you won't forsake me yes you walk beside me that is all the matters the sun will not smite [Music] keep me is you are i'm you are you are a covenant [Applause] go away [Music] one time's on you never believe you never leave he'll never leave his name is emmanuel [Music] where you come from [Music] oh [Music] is he'll never leave you he said he won't forsake you he walks beside you and that is [Music] sometimes it gets hard but he'll never leave you you never believe he sees every tear you cry [Music] [Music] and disappoints [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i [Music] see one thing i desire and only this i see just to dwell dwell [Music] here forever see this won't be my posture lay that your feet [Applause] forever [Music] closest friend most beautiful most beautiful dearest father closest friends [Music] [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] let's go oh oh [Music] words you will all deserve my prayers [Music] you will not deserve [Music] so we'll let you [Music] [Music] oh hey you just wanted to [Applause] [Music] there's nobody like you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on he deserves your worship tonight you don't need me to say lift up your hand so lift up your voice has he not done enough for you come on somebody open up your mouth tonight we came to worship tonight we came to give him thanks we came to glorify him we came to literally one [Music] me listen the bible says in the book of jeremiah call upon me and i will answer thee [Music] can you imagine when the israelites got to the tip of the red sea and they looked behind them and they saw the enemies coming and they looked ahead of them and there was no way for them to get through the red sea and listen i'm from ghana and one of the things we do in ghana bishop is when the chief is coming they begin to give him some accolades they begin to say things like he's the most handsome man in the land he's the strongest in the land so now can you imagine moses standing and god says lift up your road now when the king is coming if the queen walks into this room people begin to separate to the left and to the right so i can imagine moses standing at this side and god is on the other side of the sea [Music] and moses begins to call his name we make a miracle work [Music] and i can imagine bishop that the minute god takes one step you see the sun walked upon the water but when the father began to move his feet the sea began to move to the left and to the right because the king was coming so the sea was making a way for him because his word said call upon me and i will answer thee so waymaker miracle welcome began to walk in the sea stood by the sun and saluted the king of glory and when he came to moses he said now follow me as i walk you through the sea i don't know what sea is ahead of you this year but today if you shall call upon the waymaker if you shall call for the wingmaker the miracle worker the light in the darkness [Applause] [Music] the last revelation is this when they threw daniel into the lion's den [Music] the lions were hungry but daniel did not go alone [Music] he went with the lion of the tribe [Music] the lion of the tribe so when the other lion saw the king lion come in there was no way that they could touch the servants of he that he came in with so listen i believe you see i'm a zombie so i have to go with the song so i believe that when daniel was in in the life even when i don't see it you're working even when i don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working even when i don't see it your work even when i don't feel it's your [Music] [Applause] [Music] i worship you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] you is even when i don't see even when i don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on is [Music] to run into your blessing right now [Music] [Music] and then we're done is that okay can i take you to africa we're done oh i can't hear you can i take you to africa and we are done [Applause] now there's a song that the lord gave me in the midst of the pandemic and the simple sins i will come my blessings name them one by one you're so good you're so good that's all we are saying tonight i will count my blessings name them one by one you're so good you're so good let me hear you say i woke up my blessings you're so good hey that's it in africa we like to fight so let me see move move to the left to the right to the left to the right to the left are you ready let me hear you let me see if they've got it [Music] [Music] i tried you need to look around you and see the blessing the lord has given me [Music] i see you guys are ready for it the reason why the lord gave me this song bishop is because i when the pandemic happened i don't know about you but a lot of things began to stall delay disappointments events were canceled so i said god how am i going to survive because i do this full time and i said god how am i going to survive and i began to look ahead god what's going to happen but then the holy spirit said look at the things i've already done because if i've done it before i will do it again so then i'll be there someone would just message me somewhere in america and say mano the lord said i shall bless you i should sow into your life i said god how i i'll just go and minister somewhere and then when i finish and i'm about to leave someone random will come to me and say can you can you give me your band details and i'm standing there and i said god but how how is it that in the lockdown that i should be borrowing money that to pay bills every month you you pay my bills and give me enough to eat that is why the bible says count your blessings and name them one by one and it will surprise you it will shock you to see how the good the lord has been so that's when i was then i said i will come my blessings name them one by one you're so good [Music] my blood i would name them one by one i felt so [Music] and i can't believe i always feel this way i know it's so bad that i always feel this way [Music] i felt the father's love it's love for me [Applause] [Music] let me see you smile cause you're so good [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you are good and your message forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forever forever foreign [Music] is [Music] who are the most high [Music] you are [Applause] glory oh somebody clap your hands give him praise [Music] you are good [Music] let me hear the audience sing it loud come on come on that sounds dry come on i i know you're gonna mask come on sing it out loud come on you uh come on on the balcony i can't hear you you ain't got no mask on the balcony so come on come on you are good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on balcony come on you gotta sing louder now [Applause] balcony i'm in the balcony let me get a balcony [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] at the back come on join in come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody down here come on [Music] one more time clap your hands is glory [Applause] [Music] lift your hands in this place it's a night of worship it's a night to give him glory lift those hands all over [Music] hallelujah jesus we praise you jesus [Music] thank god for the anointed voice of emmanuel smith amen [Applause] there's a song i sang this morning and i just feel it in my soul again just one line of it you are a pillar of fire by day guiding my way you are a pillar of fire by nights [Music] by [Music] help me sing it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm surrounded [Music] gotta get on chevelle but this is the one i like lord i trust you i'm not about when i can't trace you so hold my hand [Music] lord i trust you give me that give me give me give me some clean i want to get it when i can't trace it come back emmanuel [Music] i want to wipe this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] before listen i remember when bishop shared a testimony that what he wanted to get i believe it was this land he said he got to a place he took off his shoes that's true and he stepped in the land because the bible has said that wherever the souls of your feet shall step upon i will give it to thee so you are standing in a place where someone spoke it to be he did something crazy and i bet if that song had come by then you would say lord i trust you yeah when i can't trash [Music] [Music] go before go before before [Music] [Music] i'll be gonna oh somebody clap your hands and give [Music] how do you want the lord to go before you [Music] i can make this journey by myself [Music] lift your hands lift your hands [Music] go before me god you don't know what you're gonna have to deal with but you need the lord to go before you [Music] where he may lead me i will go [Music] for i have learned to trust him so [Music] his divine will is sweet to me i wish i had a voice when i remember have a great in the old time people know the song jesus shall lead jesus shall lead me all the way he is [Applause] [Music] you may be seated just for a moment just for a moment we're gonna how are you enjoying the presence of the lord [Music] just one moment and we're going to move on further we're going to ask that you worship the lord with your giving tonight we want to be a blessing to these great singers that are in our service and we are grateful for them so we ask every one of you that you would honor the lord with giving the bible says honor lord with your substance the first fruit of your inquiries you are able to give to god god will be able to give back to you at this time there's a way you can give physically there should have been an envelope on your seat if not the ushers will give you if you need an envelope if not we you can give by bank transfer i want you to watch the screen at this time don't go nowhere chevelle franklin is coming on and it's going to get even more deeper watch this video as we get ready to give to god amen we're about to participate in giving in our services today and if you've been blessed and you'd like to join us also you can do so we know that god will bless you and he will favor you as you give the lord loves a cheerful giver and we know that when we give to him he gives back to us pressed down shaking together and running over we want that blessing for you also so if you would like to give today follow the instruction video that you're about to see how to give by bank transfer if you would like to set up a standing order or make a direct payment to iraq city church for your ties or offering please use the following details account number zero three zero eight seven two four zero sort code thirty ninety six zero seven how to give online go to the ruac city church website and click the giving tab at the top of the page select your chosen offering type for example your tithes all you need to do now is enter the amount it's really simple follow the instructions on screen to complete the transaction we hope you have a blessed day glory be to his holy name hasn't god already been in this place and still in this place amen come on i want you to stand to your feet wherever you are and we are moving into another phase it's not done yet and i don't believe you are tired amen come on i want you to tell the other person come on stand to your feet let's continue in this atmosphere of worship we thank god that he is still mighty in this place and even as emmanuel saying he said the lion of judah decreed that the lion of judah was going before us and we thank god but even in this atmosphere that that roaring lion that seeks to steal kill and destroy is being bound by the lion of judah that on your praise tonight is the lion of judah that means on your praise god is going forth as the mighty lion and instead of the enemy stealing god is redeeming instead of the enemy killing god is resuscitating and reviving we thank god that even in this atmosphere as the enemy is killing as he is trying to wipe out and destroy god is still restoring in this house and if you believe that i want you to praise him father we thank you that you are still the majestic one you are still the holy one you are still the mighty one you are still redeeming the time god move in this place by your hand move in this place with a sound move in this place and bring healing move in this place and bring deliverance we bind the plans of the adversary we destroy every yoke and every chain in this atmosphere and even as we open our mouths to worship you holy spirit we pray saturate this atmosphere consume this atmosphere oh lord god may you take up that fresh incense of worship and may it be pleasing in your sight we thank you holy spirit we thank you for what you were doing and even in this time we recognize that you are here there are miracles happening in this room even in the silence and so we come with a hunger we come with a thirst and an eager expectation and i want you to hold that as we get ready to welcome chevelle franklin to lead us in a time of worship come on let's enter in with a sound god bless you woman of god come on enter in with a sound enter through the gates with a sound enter into the courts with a sound enter into the holy place with a sound come on release your sound of expectation release your sound of expectation release your sound of expectation in this atmosphere glory be to his holy name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] yes the world bow down and say you are god [Music] why [Music] feelings [Music] king [Music] just wanna be with you lift your hands right where you [Music] are just wanna be with you i just wanna be with you just [Music] [Music] just wanna be [Music] that pleasure's forever [Music] i want to be with you [Music] [Music] [Music] just wanna be [Music] just wanna be with you just [Music] [Music] just [Music] just wanna be with you [Music] oh jesus she loves jesus [Music] an awesome wonder you are oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus what a wonder you are [Music] lift your voices in jesus [Music] somebody say jesus [Music] who you are [Music] [Music] i want you to put your hands above your head and clap for the king of kings [Music] clap him clap him clap him flap him clap him clap for the lover of your soul hallelujah the bible said let everything that i breathe come on if there's breath in your body praise him if there's breath in your body hey if there's any breath in your body worship him if there's a liberal in your body left him a lot of shia if there's any breath in your body worshipping worship and worship and worship the living jesus king of kings you know the lord of the lords concrete line of the tribe of judah lift your hands unless [Music] lift your hands and bless him hallelujah i hear in my spirit for i have already gone ahead [Music] i've already gone ahead and i've already made every crooked path street i want you to find two people don't touch them now looking at me i am telling them sir i'm good to go i am good to go god has already gone ahead of me he's already gone ahead of me he's already gone ahead of me and i'm already making every crooked part straight he says he will give men in exchange for me my god he said i want to catch this i know they love this one the scripture says he will give men in exchange so let me tell you something you had to be here somebody was in exchange for you he will give men in exchange hallelujah faithful god awesome god mighty god and tonight we heal him amen every tribe every nation every time we're going bless him tonight hallelujah bishop my father in the lord i greet you enough respect enough love no honor the bishop is like can you speak a little um broken english for me not broken english only ladies bishop i greet you in the name of jesus i never worked for me but i want mega keep it real because a really really is what i know hallelujah ruach you're ready hallelujah i want to greet pastor penny i know she's not here but i know she's online i greet you i love you and we celebrate you i have to big up big up my one of my mother in the lord minister enid the anointing oh my god oh my god celebrate the woman of god so earlier tonight we went to hillsong we went to ilpong and we went to england and we went to ghana and we want to go to jamaica the bible said we must praise him in spirit and in truth so jamaica the culture you know me so these are my truth amen we're going to praise him in what spirit and in truth can you handle it yeah romeo beef up myself can you handle it you better handle it i will handle it by the grace of the almighty god amen so are you ready to dance 21 years ago i gave my heart to the lord in kingston jamaica [Music] and when i did it i had the song of the year it's not flesh in the flesh why may i mention it i just want to carry upon a journey i had the song of the year and i got saved in the same year and some people said me give our six months oh chevelle speak like english no sure so some people said i would last six months and i'll go back into the world but i got a revelation that what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose him so this was the song but it's a remix you're ready to rock with me bands man work with me i'm ready for go with it [Music] let me hear you [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] you jesus is the only key to life open up your heart and realize hallelujah reward city church make some noise for jesus hallelujah where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty is liberty in the house tonight is liberty in the house tonight [Music] [Music] you looking good for jesus [Music] open up your heart and realize come on [Applause] [Applause] make some noise for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my god it's hot in here when they dance at them there it's okay we're the dancers we're the dancers for jesus i want to see you come to the front i want to see you come come come come come we didn't answer them day i want to see you come too different however you come to my god remember the spirits right come to the front that's right yao radio come on now radio is [Music] gospel is [Music] [Music] max we don't need no black damn that team does it oh we know enough spiritual warfare yes we have to went down yeah doing this part again same way i love the mix world after is he righteous see me see me no listen with me one good sing y'all pick me another spirit yes tell me sit down [Music] [Music] is is is [Music] is [Music] plane the gospel we're gonna take it to the streets again we are gonna take it to the streets again and we are not going to allow the systems of this world to keep our mouth closed we are going to take the word of the lord to them somebody said take it to them in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we take it to them there's a dying world [Music] and because we are not ashamed of the gospel we are the what take it to them that's right what we say we are gonna do because we're not sure you know bishop i believe that time is coming when they're gonna try muslims even more they might try out thinking about it can't work because the weapon they may form but you can't prosper they might try to silence you but it will not prosper every plan of the enemy is shattered concerning you sending forth the word of the lord because it happened forth it had forgotten forth what we are gonna do we go out take it today we are gonna take it to the streets in the highway in the byway we are gonna go take it today [Music] we love the building but god is bigger than the building so we are go take it today my my my my my my we will go take it to the streets we won't be afraid we'll not be afraid we never make nobody muzzle we never make nobody shut me down neither [Music] today he's crying out he's telling you take it today do not be afraid i'm telling you to take it today be as follows that's why you need to take it today do not be afraid do not be afraid you'll never take it today this is a state of emergency state of emergency [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you in the name of the lord please say you need to take it today go tell it on the mountain you know if we take it today take [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what taking it to the mean anybody know what techy today mean let me tell you what it means you need to take the gospel to the world and when we say take the gospel to the world it don't necessarily mean that you're always decreeing and speaking the word of the lord i am telling you in this season to walk in the word of the lord the bible said to obey is better than what sacrifice so we all got tech tech take tech take it tech tech tech tech take it take it [Music] take it to them take it to them take it to them take it to them do not be afraid without them like it or not take it to them take it to them take it to them bring it to them give it to them give it to them bring it to them bring it to them bring it to them bring it thank you today hallelujah father before we leave here tonight there is grace upon grace for you grace upon grace that will give us the boldness of the wind that we need in this time this time is urgent this time is a time to pay attention to those times of the time is a time to know where the wind is shifting is a time to understand what god what is happening in the realm of the spirit and what god is doing in the now is the knowing in the now that is necessary for us to accomplish the purpose of god amen so we are go what we're gonna take the gospel we're not going to walk lukewarm we're going to be holy as he is holy amen how about do according to the word of the lord now i have another song in first thessalonians 5 18 it says give thanks in all circumstance for this is the will of god in christ jesus give thanks in all circumstance for this is the will of god somebody shout thank you this song is very easy it's very simple it goes like this [Music] and where we are today yeah we wanna say thank you thank you and lord you promised to deliver us thank us in every way what you say we wanna say thank you thank you i mean non-stop [Music] [Music] [Music] and where we are today oh lord we wanna say thank you thank you and lord you promised to deliver us find us in everywhere real city church where you say thank you thankfully we know sometimes we pray acting with piano answer i see us dear strong we've got you guys so far just remember everyone a burden to fear the almighty now give your food on your shield foreign [Music] you [Music] [Applause] when time sits down [Music] i [Music] [Music] who give us a life and that's the greatest thing i know god is real i can't feel him so with the loving army help me express my feelings thank you for waking me this morning thank you for carrying me through the day thank you for running off his blessing hopefully let me know let me hear you thank him for waking me this morning thank you for carrying me through the day [Music] i know god is real i can't feel him so with the loving of me and me express watching [Music] [Music] you know we take some things for granted we take the shoes on our feet for granted somebody there somewhere i pray for it thank you we take the meal where we eat for granted somebody that's somewhere else i pray for each other we take the airplane we have free grand seed [Music] [Music] come on lift your hands so we give thanks with a great [Music] full heart i give your thanks to the holy one we give thanks because he's given jesus christ [Music] here's son come on sing with me give thanks hey give with a grateful love we give you [Music] all right it's only good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord the lord has done for us my god because of what the lord has done [Music] [Music] right where you are [Applause] [Music] for our children for our husband and the wives we give you fives keeping me right keeping me in my right mind i'll give you for raising me up for lifting me up i gave you for healing somebody watching online they've been struggling with cancer in their body but as you praise your way through as you praise your way through god is showing up for you god is showing up for you god is showing up for you god is showing up showing up showing options showing up for yours [Music] oh god my god [Music] come on clap for jesus [Music] [Music] yes i give you give you [Music] oh my god my god my god my god if it had not been for you on my side when man said no you will say yes you override the plans of the enemy i i i give you i give you [Music] oh my god [Music] my god clap for your daddy come on clap for your father clap for your father clap for your father my god so bishop i'm gonna sing some songs right now that the older foot them can under that can remember this i got way back from before my barn that's all right and for the young people the beautiful young people and for the all the mature mothers in zion i know that you will love these songs so i want you to sing along with me but we're going to put it on a rhythm called the taxi reading you see so you just have to kind of put on your seatbelt is it minister in it you know them really anna mercy minister donovan you know what i'm ready now bishop bishop was born on the altar so no no they're ready [Music] [Music] watch yourself [Music] [Music] many people [Music] [Music] salvation in time i am so glad i've got salvation in time for me i am so glad i've got salvation in time [Music] come on now when you're ready lord on the wake up thank you jesus [Music] hey all the jamaicans in the place let me see where the hands are the trinity's in the place let me see here we have your hands all the guardians [Music] [Music] down [Music] if you know the lord is keeping you what you gonna worry about if you know the lord is keeping you why don't you sing and shout singing [Music] i miss her every day is just a say if you know the lord is keeping you what you gonna worry about if you know the lord is keeping you what you gonna worry about hallelujah if you know the lord is keeping you why don't you sing and shout singing glory hallelujah praise his name every day is just the same if you know the lord is keeping you watch it otherwise listen [Music] up and tell me if you love my jesus [Music] i may say i want to know if you love my cheek come on say [Music] listen hallelujah [Music] i never never anyhow your problems get you down no no no no no when temptation come out of your way [Music] what you think about jesus jesus what you think about jesus jesus [Music] [Music] all the way what you say [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah for he has done many [Applause] [Music] listen i have decided to follow my god [Music] one more time i have decided [Applause] [Music] to [Music] something in my heart like a streamer running down it makes me feel so happy as happy as can be i miss her with an eye feeling of jesus and what he has done for me for me [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus let's hear we have your hands one more time we have them we have them hallelujah you ready in the back can you say yay [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i know [Music] some sweet days i'll go with a lot of mercy i'm gonna leave [Music] surely we'll deliver [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] surrounds me like a sea jesus foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so sweet [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] goodbye [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i [Music] oh on the day of pentacles [Music] [Music] feel [Music] [Music] i say jesus is my glory [Music] of glory divine hear of salvation this is my story [Music] this is my song praising my this is my story this is my song i'm [Music] this is my story this is all praising my no matter what the circumstance on the day of glory to god when he leads me i will follow [Music] where he leads me i will follow where he leads [Music] i will go with him will you go with him on the way praise god [Music] praise god praise my aunt praise god glory glory praise god praise god [Music] praise god [Music] is god praise god hallelujah praise see i'm no longer a slave to fear [Music] i am a child of god i am i am yes i am [Music] you won't write for me with a piece of piece of melody you surround me with a song [Music] of deliverance from my family and every day till long my fears are gone [Music] i am a child of god there was life am a child of god listen from my mother's womb see you have chosen me [Music] see i've been born again into the family your blood flows [Music] my god [Music] oh freedom in the name of jesus freedom in the name of come on everybody lift your hands lift your may i walk right through it yes i am yes [Music] fear this year i am bored as a lion i am i am a child of god [Music] no me no longer won't say in boldness in the lord be radical in the lord do not be afraid fear not i am your god take your place take your rightful place because i've broken the limitation of you i broken fear of you [Music] yeah do not be afraid do not be afraid no no no no no no [Music] i am a child of god somebody clap your hands [Music] somebody in here needs jesus someone watching online need jesus you might just flicked on this channel but god wanted to change your life someone on the balcony someone at the front the bible declares [Music] behold i come quickly and my reward is to pay every man according to his works if you're here and you're not born again you're not saved just put up your hands i just want to pray with you right where you are say preacher i need jesus i'm i'm a backslider i walked away from god maybe you're online facebook maybe you're on youtube maybe you're on the website maybe on all kind of different platforms jesus wants to save you lift your hands wherever you are father we thank you for your word that's gone out in song we are no longer a slave to fear but we thank you that you have made us a child of god now somebody out there needs jesus god i'm praying right now that you will meet them right where they are save them oh god we bind the plans of the enemy and we speak now salvation to be released in their life salvation into their home right now in the name of jesus we thank you for deliverance we thank you for breakthrough and in the name of jesus i decreed that man to be saved that woman to be saved that boy to be saved that girl to be saved in the name of jesus in the name of jesus somebody say amen now just repeat after me say dear lord i come before you now i am a sinner and i need you in my life wash me lord from all my sins and today i make a decision to serve you now satan i declare as from today i don't belong to you anymore i'm washed in the blood of jesus and i'm now saved in jesus name somebody clap your hands for souls that are being saved somebody shout somebody shout hallelujah a hallelujah of god oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] let your holy spirit come into control of every situation [Music] let me hear the voices sing congregations [Music] come and sing to the father [Music] we lift your [Music] hallelujah we live to your name we left your name higher we lift your name you are the mighty god he's the great i am [Music] he is the might she got the great i am [Music] thank you for having me oh somebody clap your hands give god praise everybody stand we're going to let you go weren't you blessed tonight oh i don't hear you say won't you bless tonight give god praise for ruach praise team come on thank god for them thank god for minister emmanuel smith come on give god thanks for him and our friend and loved one sister chevelle franklin come on thank god for her [Music] it's good to see anthony everywhere you go you mean good i want to give a big shout out to our elder hebron god bless you woman of god bless you we love you we've been praying for you everybody stand i know you i know i'm i know we're going home now going home going home you got to go to work got to school college it's back to normal september but this is the entrance of your rosh hashanah god is about to map out your life [Music] get ready for god to do the unexpected [Music] oh i want to make this clear i want it to be a good unexpected in fact it will be a good unexpected it's going to be a suddenly and it's going to happen elder enid immediately oh god i wish i had somebody [Applause] i didn't have enough sleep anthony and you know they made me holler last night yesterday afternoon preaching and so i thank god for strength lift up your hands in this place come up here anthony come up here come on come on close us off amen i love this guy he's funny and if i didn't know you was gonna be here give you a moment [Music] you want to wipe this thing you didn't really wipe my my mic good last night but i forgive you to god be the glory don't we agree that bishop is such an amazing man of god common ruach he can do better than that to god be the glory great things he has done i also salute co-pastor i didn't see her today but i honor her i honor you mom and my friends one elder juanita to lisa karissa i sent my love to you all to god be the glory please do you mind if we can bow our hands as we dismiss what an awesome time in your presence oh god what an awesome time in your presence oh god we know that in your presence there's a fullness of joy and that your right hand pleasures forevermore we have enjoyed ourselves in your presence and we do not want your presence to leave us but we are surrounded oh god as i've been singing el dorita song all day i am surrounded and as we leave this place we know that we are surrounded we also remember pastor delroy smith who sadly lost his wife pastor caroline smith this morning surround their family at this time go before them even times where we feel like we cannot even trace you we know that you will go before us so remember the smith family i ask oh lord as tears are flowing tonight we send out our prayers to them we extend our arms of love to them to ireland and to share in the family lord surround them we thank you that we will all get to our destination safely we thank you for minister chevelle the minister emmanuel smith tarly who was also incredible tonight we pray no incidents accidents or heart will come by any of our dwelling but we believe you that we will remain in your presence safely get to our destination safety we thank you in advance for an amazing week in the name of jesus i have prayed can everybody say amen can everybody clap your hands real loud and say amen to god be the glory when you're leaving please leave your offering at the door those of you that wanted to give you ask we're doing on the exit please obey the ushers ushers can we expedite this real quickly hallelujah god bless you thank you for coming thank you for your patience i know it's late but we're going this door out all the way you won't go from the door you came in you're going through the door at the side please ushers expedite as quick as they can [Music] quick as they can [Music] go be formed [Music] we hope you've been blessed by our webcast today please be sure to visit our website to find out more about us don't forget to subscribe to our youtube facebook and instagram if you would like to help us as we help others through our ministry efforts and endeavors you can visit our giving page at www forward slash giving we hope you can join us for our next webcast until then it is our prayer that you stay safe and stay well god bless clap your hands and raise it tonight
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 5,338
Rating: 4.8251367 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Faith, Gospel, Sermon, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: P3vtSKmsUQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 53sec (11933 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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