16 September 2018 [Sunday Morning] Preacher: Apostle Donald Purge

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that it will indeed ministering to us there God we pray for the prayer request here today their God Jesus we pray that you will honor the affair to about to write it or Jesus or to put it up here requires fate or God they believe in you Jesus and we pray today that you will under the affair and you will grant their petition oh god but you will receive glory and honor and praise O God from the testimonies that will spring forth from the works that you have done Jesus they're gonna want to put the moderator before you today Jesus we pray that every actions that he take will be lead and be guided by you Jesus they're gonna pray for the ministering of the world they're gonna pray that it will utilize him Jesus that is he will be your God speaking like the Oracle of God have your own way of God in these service let it be done to your glory unto your honor unto your praise oh come dwell with us richly we ask in Jesus name we pray in Jesus name praise the Lord everybody can you grab your Bibles with me and turn to the book of Hebrews chapter 10 and we're going to read from verse 35 on to the end that's hebrews chapter 10 when you have found it please say Amen praise the Lord we are going to read together after to12 has not away therefore your confidence which had great recompense of reward for ye have that after ye have done the will of God he might receive the promise for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry no the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of his Lord but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord one more time praise a lot like you have a victory report praise the Lord because you have something that you know that God is going to come true on for you when you praise the Lord you know sometimes you're sending your prayers forward because you know that God has already done it it may not have manifested physically but if he told you that he's going to do it he has done so and many times we would have in our own situations believe that you know God told me but he's taking too long but can I tell you he's an untimed God today he's a car that stands by his word don't Aries wait for it and if you're a just man today you will live by faith praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord one more time hallelujah auntie to turn him [Music] [Music] my [Music] what I agree [Music] [Music] [Music] Shawn it Oh [Music] this makes me some sunshine [Music] I see but when is [Music] [Music] I [Music] that's a while before [Music] me - the with me [Music] with me [Music] my me [Music] I [Music] [Music] my soul the great Oh [Music] some three days there [Music] nothing dumpy sorry dad I'm motivated Oh three dead Oh [Music] where Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] voila [Music] [Music] my father died on [Music] [Music] Gina our [Music] [Music] ptoo [Music] [Applause] me too Lord Shiva [Music] [Music] power [Music] come on worship God somebody worship God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whoa Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but magnify the Lord with me somebody o magnify the Lord me somebody o man before the Lord with me somebody but magnify the Lord with me - I am oh my before the Lord the musicians [Music] Shango robust a BA you may be seated you may be seated you may be seated maybe see 10 hallelujah just keep worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let your power Oh [Music] [Music] the Mighty [Music] Oh Oh what did you [Music] Nadia art MIT [Music] so fine [Music] oh my but you don't know how to lube that's you [Music] gosh dude Thank You chief when is your [Music] when there's infirmity my flesh it's not answer that prove the powder ah gotcha I shall live and I spent alone the powder [Music] you're still mighty sure you are the same yesterday and forever you'd never change dog fight [Music] when my faith is weak a hill my baton of a testimony we overcome the trunk we got Stephanie money do you have [Music] many types you that's not my concern [Music] [Music] Oh Oh the balloon that you see that subtle failure at door : ha [Music] by it's heard those lorry breathe [Music] for you with your did you ever wanna do you don't know how to lose [Music] if your hands so stiff your ass hallelujah wooly fur hats on worse [Music] halleluyah halleluyah may be seated if you can it is time for you by faster daily to comedies gonna greet our visitors scene select phrase God can we praise the Lord again everybody amen amen amen I can tell you that the Lord is in this house a great God and Savior II is won't you lift your hands everywhere everybody in fact let me ask us to stand one more time you know we we thought that by no the rains would have been falling but that's what we heard but some places it is falling I hear and a little a that will be here I thought it would have been and I wasn't sure when we came to church would have seen much folks but you know God is just good we we we didn't watch anything we just came and if it trapped us here we're so V is but we just came to worship God and you know if I found out something about this congregation if the Sun is blazing you know we're coming out to worship God and even with the threat of rain and if it pens us up where we are still in the house to worship God it's a good sign it's a good thing let me ask everybody to lift your hands to heaven one more time lift up your heads o ye gates lift up your voices to the king glorify the Lord another time he is worthy to be praised I will say of the Lord he is my fortress my god in him will I trust oh praise the Lord praise the Lord you know there's a there's a little chorus it says surely goodness and I feel that every one of us you walking with the King right now ought to belt it out or to declare it in the atmosphere also consider to worship God as we sing it surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and I shall feasts at the table spread for me I wonder if you could just sing it right now and glorified [Music] [Music] all the days are and birthday I shall follow me all the days [Music] that is a high Oh hallelujah and I shall wear [Music] is that a fire I shall feast bread for me Almighty God holy goodness hallelujah all the days [Music] yes yes somebody turn to somebody of your life No yes that is your testimony if you're a son of God Oh that is your tester buddy yes Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a blessed assurance what a word straight out of the Pope hallelujah doesn't matter what your experience in no it doesn't matter matter what your reality is that is the Word of God it doesn't matter what is happening to you it doesn't matter where your feet stands right now that is reality surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life look around and can you see your shadow can you see your shadow and if the Sun is open you're walking and you look around you're gonna see your shadow following you let me tell you goodness and mercy is closer than your shadow hallelujah goodness and mercy is like your shadow but it's closer than your shadow if you're a son of God and if you're walking with the king so if you're heartbroken and you feel down and depressed and you feel out of it let me tell somebody in the house write notes just just walk across the earth D Connor what was that behind him no that ish is goodness and mercy hallelujah is goodness and mercy and even if you don't seat anybody feeling down this morning your situation is not what you want it to be walk around a little bit and let me tell you something not what it's supposed to be you're not feeling or you wanna feel wanna what's that bi my sister over there my sister was that you know whatever seat but goodness and mercy following you and you can't run it away you can't stop it if you're a child of the king it sounds crazy when you're going through what you're going through it sounds stupid when you look at your personal situation but God always does some crazy things it's crazy to us ah but it is the perfect will of God yes yes yes yes yes and I thank him today that goodness and mercy is following all of us if we are walking with Him Oh glory to God you may be seated in the presence of the king except for the visitors is there any visitor in the house this morning no it's one of those mornings when like I said earlier wasn't sure what we would have seen in church in terms of folks coming out to worship but then God is just an awesome God and he has please it's in our hearts to come to worship I wonder visitor stand up visitors wherever you are look her own saints of the Most High God we have visitors in the house stand up look around put your hands together saints of the Most High God as we welcome the visitors in the house this morning let me tell you you are in our good oh I said look you're in a good place you are in a good place and it is only because of the presence of God in the house this place is blessed this place is anointed this people we are filled with the presence of the Living God and let me tell you I don't know what your situation is I don't know what it is that you are going through but you are in the right place because the great god of heaven is here to minister and to meet whatever need you need you have and so we say to you say visitors god bless you God bless you God bless you put your hands together for them one more time saints of God very important people you are we're happy to have you in the house I said to the Saints of the Most High God and let me ask you since the stand right now to join the visitors stand up stand up stand up stand up saints of God you have been standing and sitting and standing but that's Pentecost for you and then stand over here man even if you're feeling a little bit tired stand up yeah we want to see all these things put your hands together since this one is for all the things in the house Oh bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name we salute every saint at the house it is good having you you know to have braved it in spite of the threat of heavy showers he managed says so much and I believe the good God above is pleased with our making it out to worship Him Amen god bless every say God bless every said we salute you we greet you amen and we pronounce a blessing upon you mayor pops before mayor copper's never go dry may the God of heaven rest his powerful hand upon you and in the good times and the bad times that he will constantly reveal to you that goodness and mercy will always be following you the blessings of the Lord be upon you the blessings of the Lord be with you Oh glory to God God bless you God bless you God bless you to all of those that are with us in the spirit and then you can see us over the worldwide web you're watching was right across you're viewing from other parishes in Jamaica you're viewing from overseas North America South America Australia wherever you are tuning in to us we say god bless you richly it's good to have you in the house with us can we put our hands together saints of the Most High God for all the family and friends that are tuning in via livestream god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you and here's what we are gonna do now I'm gonna ask was just a step out of our seats as we sing there and I want us to greet every visitor that we we saw them standing sign them and greet them greet the saints fellowship with somebody when you shake somebody's hand don't you shake it and move shake it and say something to them this morning this morning lever a testimony leave an encouragement leaver declare something to somebody and there is a royal song and we have sung it in a long time it says you know you know that song that says in the good ole Gospel way yes yes in the good old gospel way that's the way I mean to say as we sing there's something about the Church of the Living God it's good when we get together and we fellowship and so leave your seats leave where you are every minister step down and we go fellowship as we sing and continue to worship in Jesus name in the good old gospel way let's sing and fellowship in Jesus precious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not that ha [Music] that I my based on three [Music] somebody in the name of the Lord [Music] a little bit of love can do a lot what the songs are kiss I know honk sure hits the spot we're not sure if this works sometimes it is a wonderful thing to be in the house of the Lord Jesus Christ this morning no better place in the world to be Isaac or no Isaac the best place in the world to be is in the presence of the Lord can we just give a shout of praise one time god is good and all the time praise the name of Jesus I agree to our online family members the dice for of faith apostolic ministries worldwide and locally thank you so much for tuning in today and making us your home your place of worship thank you for all of those who came in today to worship in this wonderful cool weather I see God knows knows how to give us good news sometime it's well acts another time it is so cool and lovely we give God praise all the time now these are your announcements Shh please listen carefully and govern yourselves accordingly before I do that god bless you brother remain Thanks ah shame sorry sorry brother machine welcome back brother machine our residents greet sir he's such a sweet fellow god bless you sir these are your announcements I would love us to listen very carefully and govern ourselves accordingly Monday Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. we'll be morning prayer meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. will be visionaires on Wednesday which is our church day of fasting we meet in the morning at 10 a.m. for prayer meeting and then in the afternoon at 6:30 p.m. we start with prayer meeting and then it will be our right hand of fellowship and foot washing and communion sir with all of those lovely things in one now if you have not yet signed up for the right hand of fellowship please ensure that you see sister Erica Redmond today to make sure that you are signed up for the right hand of fellowship then on Thursday on Thursday at 6:45 will be combined choir practice on Friday all our youth to gather here at 6:45 for youth service ut sleeping oil is name you service on Friday night at 6:45 then on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. will be a junior choir practice Amen people of the Most High God all right married couples on our way strip [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right and I plan for me alright that's good son acidifier catch my people yes and I hope all of you who are watching how paid your money's good right so you're all ready for October 26 to 28 votes I'd like to come back this morning or 26 to 27 are given an hour extra day and I can see Australia don't alright but remember if you don't finish pay up or about compete here you see all that excitement I did that I did that anyway but it's good all the time secrets don't worry I said only signal people praise the Lord hosanna don't more than Aussies will come in we're coming were coming singles we're coming stay tuned stay tuned in so I mustn't miss Church must not miss church at all so that is each other anymore announcement married people oh sorry so you know that missions convention comes up when in November it's November the 4th to the November the 4th to the 9th and as we prepare ourselves for missions convention 2018 please listen all for the three days of fasting coming up in October Amen people of the Most High God all right ah no more somber note the grandmother of her own brother Andre Johnson has passed away and a funeral for her will be next Saturday this Saturday at 11 a.m. in contrivance Manchester yes contrivance Manchester unfortunately there is no bus but please his sister Tammy well sister Vanessa for more details for the funeral for the grandmother of brother Andre Johnson which is this Saturday at 11 a.m. also the Davis's family since their thank yous is the key Annika moon and the rest of the Davis family says this warm and heartfelt thank you for you today holds more appreciation than any words can say for your the nicest kind of people this world has ever known and you will never be forgotten for the thoughtfulness you have shown and this goes to the scenes of the faith apostolic ministries and they give thanks for your prayers and words of comfort in their time of bereavement now one quick announcement before I go our own brother Richards who is the head of the International Organization for advancing the body of Christ they have launched their first single and youtubers please look out for it let me tell you when I tell you that we are internationally known we are international we have they have a single out on YouTube called knit my soul needs my soul of our very own apostolic roots is our voices on there yes we are international please go on YouTube look it up and subscribe to the channel it's K&I teen it as in Prussia knits my soul with you and that's the International Organization for advanced in the body of Christ please go on YouTube listen share and subscribe these are your announcements god bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus please Lord everybody praise the Lord one more time OSHA's washes amen light of the pending weather it won't be any service tonight so we're going to pull out all the stops no I'm gonna give God all the glory amen amen one quick announcement Tuesday September 18th at 5:30 p.m. there will be a meeting of the sign language ministry right here at the 10th whether pending since the dull for Jessica Brittany Dianna Crosby Michelle Hills on Marvel dollhouse Emily Scott Vicki Wilson Fullwood Sharon McCleary to show you and Smith Glennis Redman and sister Amelia Williams god bless amen during the collect another orphan sister Tracy will minister for us bow your heads father we give you thanks for your love and for your mercy we thank you for this offering Lord we ask you to bless every hand that give and even those who have not that in the future God you know they will have to give we actually use this offering to accomplish what you will to accomplish in your and among your people let your will be done right now in Jesus the Lord everybody pastor spoke about goodness and mercy so I'm just going to sing a little song for visitors visitors this one is for you I was just touching when I felt the same I was drawn to I couldn't understand and for the I explained that [Music] is what [Music] demanded justice [Music] [Music] [Music] but thank you [Music] for God so loved the world that he sent his son [Music] from the recipients a breach there is still a war that ready and the next sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sailor I've - lies here [Music] whoa still still my answer friends he loves you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I'm just going to be really nice somebody needs to hear this whoa he Jesus loves you Edie [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Wow Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] when I think that's again somebody came here today librarian and they need to hear it is coral help me oh how not morose some help them people in Iran them some new areas understand omerta order let us sing into their spirits the man when I wanna neuro listen the person that came here today I don't know what to tell the Lord this one is for you again saw sir Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] comminution alert and they're insane you're slowly calmly [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] she does ah [Music] Amen Jesus loves Jesus loves Jesus looks alleluia alleluia somebody need to know Jesus loves [Music] this time I want to give us you know a chance just to worship got a little bit more when an ox is top a little common she's gonna lead us in five minutes no more than five minutes out of worship six photos all-time Pentecostal song if I know it it's not hold artista Billy [Music] praise the Lord everybody he said five minutes are no more and it since I want to go into the house tonight five minutes all right everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no hair it's just the other near sister player got a stroke they thought she knew each with a pop one no and then she could speak this morning let's give everything to God this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] work on the shortest and never type sevens want to see [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] yeah every every shall we praise the Lord everybody praise God he may be seated if you can praise Jesus this morning I'm glad that I have a Heavenly Father who knows and cares about everything concerning me there's not one thing about me that my God doesn't know he knows and he cares on someone asked the question does Jesus care but the answer the question oh yes he cares his heart it's touches my grief other days who are weary the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares one more song mother says that's why I don't need to understand I just need to hold his hands why my heavenly father he watches over me he knows what I am in need of the smallest song when twisting is our no.1 one but that message your heavenly Father knows that you have need of he's taking care of you he cares for you the Lord is my shepherd worship with us this morning in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] amen amen amen and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever forever and ever and we testify tonight this afternoon amen amen amen not Baal get me out nothing gonna get me out not gonna take my feet outs like a tree planted by the water I shall not be moved glory to God I shall not be moved but I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever forever and ever for off the road I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever lift your hands one more time shades of the Most High God magnify the king he has been faithful surely goodness and mercy for ever and ever all the days of my life [Music] shall follow me glory to God glory to God what an assurance what a God Oh hallelujah what a savior [Music] what an understanding King he knows when we hurt he knows when we are troubled he knows when we feel alone and we feel dirty and guilty and then he still says surely goodness and mercy shall pursue you Oh hallelujah oh I love Jesus I tell you that I love Jesus he is my Savior and I want to boast about him you little God this king this Savior this protector this provider let me tell you about Jesus glory to God glory to God glory to God glory glory glory glory he is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah you already forgot just before just before we invite the minister to come and to declare the word of the Lord you know what God has been blessing his people in different ways [Music] and we understand the principle after every struggle are ver series of struggles we find God just burst out for some of us in some ways that we cannot explain we just don't expect and I'm going to access the cariann Parma just to come come we are going to pray for her when I'm a Serb it is just a common role sister Palma we're gonna lay hands on her she she leaves us for a couple of months and she goes to Japan to give consultancy to the Japanese no sister Korean is very quiet very calm you you probably don't even know how her voice songs she was with us in Kenya in Africa and in the quietness of her personality she ministered so very strongly and resolutely so don't mistake quietness for an inability to minister positively she's quiet but quietly powerful she's quiet but we're able and capable she's quiet but quietly strong and I ask Minister anoint her with oil and let me ask her ministers to come lay hands on her as she goes over into you call over there the Orient let's lay hands on her when she opens her quiet mouth and give counsel and advice let words of wisdom let words comfort with authority let them recognize that she is not just an ambassador from Jamaica but she's a child of the King Oh hallelujah glory to God let's pray for her right now father in the name of Jesus we thank you for our sister she has conducted herself well and she has been an example and she has been exemplary at her job to the extent that she has been selected to represent a group over there in Japan rest your hands upon her right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray that she will anoint her every with although what she's going to do is secular lord over take it with spiritual things let glory return to you hallelujah let your name be glorified let Jesus be elevated and let the men and women in Japan just by her words seasoned with salt from the good book let it minister to them let them not see a mere ambassador from the job but let them see a child a daughter of the Living God a daughter of the king ministering and led them through her be elevated and come to the acknowledgment that Jesus Christ is Lord protect her provide for her navigates her steps a beast the superintendent of her journey take her there I pray mighty God safely have her to return back to us safely send angels with flaming sword ahead of her let them guide away let them guide ATAR maka let them guide a row to the hotel where she will say let her go in and come out hallelujah with you fully in charge of everything that she does over there in a strange land holder in the hollows of your hands glory to God and let your perfect will be done we join together as a church and we believe with her for great things thank you for your blessings thank you for your hand in our life we give you thanks right now in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen amen amen praise God praise God praise God praise God wonderful Jesus apasa purges no stranger to us and actually 'yes he is in Jamaica due to unfortunate or fortunate depending on how you look at its circumstances his mama I got it a whatsapp message from him a couple of days ago when he said pre for my mother and we join him in prayer but God saw it fit to allow her to depart this life and so he's here I imagined with mixed feelings mixed emotions it's kind of hard to have him coming to Jamaica we talked to him a couple of times in as much as the circumstance is as it is you know we can grieve and still rejoice God has given us that capacity especially the people of God sometimes we laugh together sometimes we cry we cry with him and I saw him smiling and laughing and rejoicing as the quiet as we were worshiping also you wouldn't have known that his mom just passed and so we're gonna ask us to pray for him he came and he came with his wife Amen sister purge won't you just wave a hand and glorify God put your hands together for apostle and sister perish along with our brother is elder Brown Amen LeBron did sister Brodie is your wife here [Music] or he's not married we're brother Ella brownie are in a good place and I'm not just saying that because the Holy Ghost is here what ladies who have the Holy Ghost a parcel will you come again bring about six and Minister Martin you were anointed with oil I won't pray for them and I won't pray over the mic cuz I know what I'm gonna pray about that I won't pray over the mind but it is over the light brothers and sisters it is our delight to have this fine man of God coming to be with us in spite of the rain in spite of the circumstance the loss of his mom to be with us and we really appreciate you sir we really appreciate you can we in the good ole fashioned faith chapel faith apostolic ministry received to this podium to minister the words of the Living God to us receive elder Donald perch in Jesus name be my extension and just embrace five persons right quick if it's not too much just find five of them embrace them tell them you love them mister some and give me some monitors please a man Erebus I didn't say to Pat them on the shoulder I told you to embrace them amen praise His name amen god bless you may be seated for a couple of minutes we bless the Lord for His grace we give honor to him for his love for his kindness towards us but his divine power is given unto us everything that pertain unto life and godliness that mr. Sano with my monitors made me a little hot amen praise God I give honor to him who is Lord of my life he is the blessed and only potentate the God that dwelleth in a light that no man can approach he's in charge and he has never made a mistake one time a man he's God and God alone is worthy look at your neighbor and tell'em my God is worthy praise the name of the Lord Jesus with this I salute and greet this awesome man of God praise the name of the Lord the visionary the angel of this house a mad Bishop daily can we stand and give God a big praise for the man of God and if it's not too much can you stand again and give his wife a big praise he bless God for the first lady daily greetings women of God all the other ministers and elders on the form the men evangelists the missionaries the Deacon Saints visiting friends except for the greetings in Jesus name Amen I have with me my wife and life partner to Eternity my girlfriend the illustrious lovely lady angel perch she is the boss amen the Bible said he that findeth a wife I [Music] thank you Jesus find it a good thing and obtain favor from the Lord and I can testify she's a good woman amen July 18 is 20 years and she's still sweet so I'm grateful to God for her praise God Almighty my young son and protégé fresh from the Turks and Caicos Islands in fact he's been here for about a month now praise God and the Delma Brown praise God awesome man a God just showed that the ladies hear your voice shall we praise the Lord never jump to a feeding him got a praise I shall dwell in the house of the Lord amen god is good amen praise God is one of my right hand one of my right and I got about twenty right hands UK magic amen is an awesome manner god preaches real hard praise God and I'm grateful to God for him a man been here with us today I told him I'm taking them over here praise God Almighty is baby sister DeLeon and Delvin a man and aliens baby is also here stand in just with your hands so they can see you yes beautiful god bless you Calvin with you and Delvin amen that is good praise God we are happy to be here as you oh you heard bishop bishop said I came air amen and an unfortunate circumstance amen but the truth of the matter is I did not come here when my mom was sick expected that I came in last Monday and went to look for her on Wednesday when I got there and Wednesday I saw her sick so we got her some food I recognized she wasn't taking her medication she troubled with the spirit of blood pressure and sugar amen and we gave her some insulin then I left her husband came home and I told him to give her some more food he called me and told me she wasn't eating and I told him to take her let's take her to the hospital I went to buy the class they took her up and I went up there and hooked her up and was doing everything told me that she had a urinary tract infection and pressure was high and the sugar got high until it read High Pass tomorrow we prayed we believed her I called all the warriors I know cuz I said one of us must touch God now we start praying you see Bishop I've recognized that the church we do it wrong we are we do it contrary to the Scriptures we whenever anyone is sick in church we hide it go ahead apostle you're doing good you get to church this silent as nobody wants nobody to know that some cancers upon me and no sugars up on me in them on this serious so we hide it but the Bible didn't say to hide it by was a call for the elders of the church that's why a lot of us are dying well let me not say us cuz ain't dying the devil is alive I shall live hmm I feel good today how much time I got about five minutes amen to church tonight you don't know church tonight she just want you think you easy you amen so since of God I we've been praying I called everybody I called my father mentor possibly Roy Schmidt I called pastor jazz at McKenzie I called Bishop o'clock I called pastor Smith I call all turks and caicos Atlanta Canada all the churches of house of miracles apple start was pretty I can't be sure daily I send message to everybody I know can't break so we've been praying Han have you prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed I went here every day two times a day reach out three we do everything the doctor told me on Saturday or they should do a surgery because they said that she had some infection and doubt that the infection flash on her ribcage and it was serious the doctor told me on Friday that she was the sickest person on the underworld and it's a possibility she gonna die I told him she's not gonna die yeah yeah looking at me crazy problem sorry I told her she's not gonna I told the doctor she's not gonna die and then conceptually again when I saw him Saturday morning he said she has gotten worse no my mommy was talking she was flowing nicely and he said now that she has gotten worst and I'm saying that the devil is a liar doc she's gonna live I'm praying like crazy I laid hands I send message SOS again I called out I posted on Facebook people pray like crazy God then here comes at Sunday morning I was up by the church a man teaching Sunday school I got a call that her heart stopped and the doctor came on the phone and was explaining to me that her heart stopped brain shut down and I was I was telling the doctor that my mom's gonna live he said he got her back together and her breathe stopped and her heart stopped you got her back up but he don't know if she go down again what will happen I tell the church to pray I send a message in Turks and tell him stop Church right now and pray I send one to Atlanta tell him to stop church and pray everybody praying again we pray like crazy I tell angel let's go we jump in a car head on up by the time we got there in fact just before I leave all my stepfather called again and said Dee her heart stopped again I say don't worry I say you can't cry now you gotta pray because a lot of people Bishop might think that I'm really crazy I don't have much sense and I my days are trying to prove something to people is over I'm not begging nobody none I just love Jesus and I've recognized that it's not your emotions that move him is your faith so when you become a crybaby you will never see a manifestation of his power so like a madman this is my mommy no you got to remember this she's mommy and daddy she's the only mommy and daddy I know and she got six of us so you know she's everything she's my heartbeat now when I got there my older sister just came off the plane reached there before me because she came down to see her along with my other sister and just as my sister got there the doctors puller in the room and was telling her that this is why I'm when I walked in the doctor saying there dunya talk I sit down are they doing their talk and they say guess what and we tried again and unfortunately your mother is dead by the time this is unfortunately my sister got up on walk and I tried to hold a flash no and then as they say my mother is dead I said can I see my mom easy as this can I see my mom they say yeah I just get up walk dear and went around the screen that is the laptop and start praying again because my mother must live see I look at me like me stupid I cannot be walking in the apostolate office preach resurrection of the dead cuz our problem in the church we pray for people when they're sick but when they dead we planned funeral see that you quiet cause you know is the truth I'm preaching good here we pray for them like crazy when they sing we are not nomads all when they're sick we pray we visit them at their house we start over them we pray for them in church but when they dead we plan funeral why Jesus didn't do that why Jesus stopped the buyer at name why Jesus walk into Janice's house when everybody says she's dead why Jesus went to Lazarus house and call him out of the grave mind the right church I want people looking at me strange no problem I think the Apostolic Church need a wake-up call I see mama Shang man Kato baba Husa Thank You Holy Ghost I stop praying like a crazy man and I command her to live in the name of Jesus I prayed and I prayed and I pray again and I bind spirits and I lift my hands that bind a split up dead I can't send every plot of the enemy I speak in her ears and command her to live I ask God to release our oath of eternity give us back another chance with her in time I'm praying like crazy angel praying with me my sister coming crying and praying then my former Bishop Bishop Brown came in and he was helping me pray then my other son elder Bailey came in and was helping me pray I was praying like I was losing her sis her friend came and was in her ear saying come on Veronica get up get up we pray like we're losing our mind for her to live before my bishop came my sister while I was praying said she felt a pause she went to the nurse and said we feel appalls the nurse never moved but I got yours almost an hour Rikka Marta should have sent in and she was still she couldn't get called she was still hot my seal I feel His grace on me you're not ready for me today Aoyama bishop I left there I left the hospital because I wanted her to get up so the doctors can see that I said she gonna live I'm a man of God and she should live when a nurse came in and said when you're finished call me let me do my thing I was mad because she should live so the nurses could see that God is for real we walk on in our Hospital my sister up me and cried and said Donald white God didn't hear you and I said sis it's the Lord's wheel God allowed this now I don't say that unless I feel a lead in my speed because everybody's seeing everything as the Lord's will know when it's our human spirit so I said ah it's the Lord's will and the Lord do what seems him right manner God Bishop my former bishop told my wife to make sure I get something to eat fasting you know Sunday we don't eat get me something to eat we stopped at Island Grill to eat one of my friends walk up to me and she said minister tell me the truth how do you feel knowing that you preach this word you teach this world and now you pray for people and you see them get healed they get delivered and now it's your time your mommy is in this spot and you're praying for her and she don't come alive she said I would curse God oh man that's emotion that's what happened when you got getting an emotional mood I said you can't do that you have to learn to bless God in the good time and in the bad time and she said oh that's what you do I said yes I can't do nothing more but live the word the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord I never cried never shed a tear until I went to the house I was going to the house are we climbing up the stairs rain falling and then my baby I wondering why she's taking her time to climb up I'm pushing her up the group in the rain and she's pulling back angel started crying like a baby and then I turned I saw neck on a horse I was still down the place right in the rainbow table stand embrace each other crying like a baby one of you strong guy come turn this monitor to me preach all you're doing man oh God good to see can I get this choir to sing for us at the funeral yes so quick you say yes you stop now give me some now on the left one preacher saints of the Most High God I'm gonna run in this word right quick but I got to give you the message can I give it a message uh I cried I cried they pushed me right up into Mama's bed I lie down in it and cried and then I stopped then I go home and I start thinking because naturally as a child you're gonna think what more could I do what I didn't do how I didn't do you sing good I was just crying and then the next day I was at home and I cried angel embrace me I said all right Dee I cried three times three times I spoke to my daddy and he said yes and you have one more cry to cry out that was the second time he said you got one more time to cry out I don't know how you know all it is that's my apostolic father and I really did cry the third time what saints of God listen where I'm going I know you are cuz church people are like that you love the business you love news you love stories right so I'm happy you're listening I get everybody's attention saints of the Most High God yeah y'all must think I'm crazy right that's how can I be laughing at this time now I guarantee you gonna laugh with me since of God choose the evening remember I tell you this Tuesday even my mom did when Sunday 11:20 Tuesday lady Marcia I'm heading home leave my sisters cuz we trying to get things together they are here for a little bit they just left on Sat and on Saturday morning Tuesday I'm heading to the house where I stay and on my journey to the hotel room I saw call from one of my son and protégé in Canada where we start the church I didn't respond to his call and then I saw two more calls from his wife first call I said she didn't call me because mommy did she's trying to call me now I was treating every card I just don't want to talk I'll go over the thing over and over but I see a second call coming from her I said no no something is wrong why do you call him at this often as I call return the call saints of God I heard on the other hand of the form at the end of the phone in the name of Jesus live the blood of Jesus live in the name of Jesus live now I'm being a warrior I just I don't just talk war I'm a warrior and I will Mike war clothes go to my bed as I heard that I didn't hesitate I came out with all guns loaded Cotto's Shonda I start saying the name of Jesus live the blood of Jesus live and at the same time that old devil reminded me that remember that's the same words you use on Sunday so somebody is dead no sense of God I didn't know what's up remember I just came on the phone I start buying and I clean the blood of Jesus I command whoever's on the other end to live up mine in the name of Jesus and I command him to live and then I heard somebody from the other side where my son was pastor Hughes now now what what happened was he was talking to somebody on his phone so when his wife called all she did was unlock the speaker so I could hear what he's saying and whatever the other end of the line is saying and I start talking so then I hear when a man from his phone passed the Troy's phone says she I don't know who she was wants to hear the third voice the third voice is me his wife and him was praying now she wanted he came on and said apostle they want to hear your voice now when they say that I turn on the supercharged and I said live resurrection power wind up Pentecost blow in our lungs live in the name of Jesus I start blowing like I'm losing my mind Saints of the Most High God I heard somebody on the hill at the end of the for Shabbos a table cool pool shot Thank You Holy Ghost they start speaking in tongues right there on the other inner liners huh huh I said live in the name of Jesus and then I heard the same process and I know you angel tell me your name you are Donald purge you wouldn't understand how important that is until I tell you now that the person that was on the other end of the line was a 15 year old girl from Manchester England oh I've never met I know my name I said to her get up now and walk in Jesus name my son came on the phone remember I don't know what's going on he said apostle she can't move because she's on the hospital ward up top she can't move I said you don't know what the Lord is doing my son and by the time I said that the father came on and said she's trying to move the father's a medical doctor the father pull off all the IV and the girl get up and start walking around by my shot can I lose myself a little bit I'm preaching hard already Marsha woman oh god sister Marsha when she was walking around the bed her little sister came in the room the hospital room her father says her father says she's crying like she need the Holy Ghost past the you said to the Father he's there in Canada remember that he's in Canada the car come from England easier in Canada and tell her to put the phone at the baby's ears I'm on the other end here in Jamaica and the little baby there and while we she's there crying we say to receive the Holy Ghost the girl starts speaking into us it evil girl got the Holy Ghost on the hospital ward now you can take it easy I know where I'm at I'm not sure you're crazy again I pick my sisters up so I got to hang the phone up the next day I got a message the message was the same little girl she's 15 year old I gotta tell you how crazy gets I can't do all of it but the girl was captured for six days they captured her in Manchester England a lady from Canada dreamt and saw where the captures walked with a drupe with her write down the information called England tell the father the father tell the police the police went dear and find the girl not only her what sixteen more they have locked up in the place theta mashanda man she just came out of being from being captured on the Tuesday and in the hospital water best friend that was captured with her died in the hospital she was right near in the hospital and she died now watch this she was dead her heart stopped beating twice she came back to life pastor use was praying and on the third time she died now I'm just calling my mother to life on Sunday cuz she died her heart stopped I couldn't call her but what this girl now died and the Lord anointed me to call her into life if you think that was crazy mama Chandra kusa it's the girl they said the girl lie on her back Bishop daily I speak the truth in Christ I lie not the fact the father said arises why don't nun she not breathing and she talking she says tell apostle Donald purge that Veronica is in heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] marchia me almost parcel no way no mother's first name is Veronica she said she's in heaven and they saw me when I was praying for her for her to come to life she could not come to life jesus says he's ready for Veronica but he's not ready for this girl named Rochelle that's why I could call back Rochelle to life but I could not get Veronica I come for some people that want to go to heaven Quito mashanda mom all those who think heaven is a joke squeeze the person and beside you until you wake up wake up wake up wake up tell em wake up mama massa [Applause] talk to me holy ghost I see the little girl says Jesus says Veronica I am ready for her but because I'm not ready for Rachelle I Donald could call Mike Rochelle to life the girl transition into eternity saw my mom younger than her she was three did I know she was rejoicing in heaven and she said my mommy was rejoicing when she Rochelle when they heard my voice coming in eternity and pulling out Rochelle mommy was rejoicing mommy knew my voice no no it got crazy my daughter so crazy that the girl start described me the girl says I know him the angel showed me him he got a pretty black girl at his side I don't know if she's his wife but she has his character he's short medium built and he has bought him this girl is in Manchester England a fifteen-year-old girl that doesn't never see me I I was crying for mommy and from Tuesday when I got this message I have the message on my phone from choose when I got this message my tears dry up I would listen to I cannot be preaching that we go into heaven this place of rest and my mom is now in heaven and I'm here crying like I'm a stupid guy I ain't crying beloved I'm ray and rejoice in what I am doing is trying my best to make sure I meet her on the other side on the banks of the beautiful river good God Almighty touch your neighbor and tell him get ready get ready Bishop I want to say everything but time won't allow me but she told pasta use yesterday in the day she called they call from England told past use yesterday that she's got but a pasta perch is gonna after call her back to life I think it's just a regular dead deines you know she's not gonna really died Jesus they call me run about seven o'clock pasta use against say the see who like Tuesday blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus live the girl died again on the hospital bed and we went back in the Apostolic zone and commander to come back out come out of eternity in the name of Jesus I bind every spirit up that the girl came back to life and was talking to us and talking to Jesus at the same time if you hear these tapes you wonder if it's crazy Cotto's chandamama massa I told I got to go to England I got to find who I've never been to England from I was born but I got to go to England she was up I got to see this girl God moved and he sent a message to tell the church be ready get Oceania again whether you already are not he is coming again she far as to say tell the kids in church take away the phones from them don't let me play no game in church God is upset with things like this be real don't be farts no farts not just be real because he is I come to tell this church and all those who are under my voice be ready for his coming again squeeze the worshiper hand beside ins a neighbor is coming again beside she saw him she was in heaven and saw hello and people in Hell are climbing up on fighting each other trying to get out the hell under can't move people beside away you're going just ask them said neighbor where are you going some people not asking nobody just action awesome where are you going my mommy was baptized in Jesus name for the remission of our sin and mommy received the gift of the Holy Ghost I wasn't wondering about her going out it was her now to make our decision this little girl don't think it's just a mere girl and she was just an ordinary sleepover and they're just coming with that idea she was also baptized in Jesus name full of the Holy Ghost and when the men captured her and had her locked up in prison she was under the anointing speaking in tongues and the padlock that was on the door fly open I'm not ready for me I might as well I just say what I gotta say and get out of your face he's coming again since I want to baptize about ten people today anybody that's neat that want to go to your can go to heaven if you're not baptized in Jesus name can go to heaven if you're not full of the Holy Ghost and live in a godly life got a lot of people in the church after Scott in the act and playing the fool you don't want to find yourself in hell look at your name on point on them I say neighbor I'm sorry I don't want to scare you but if you get scared that's good just pour it on there was a neighbor you don't want to go to hell the shop there are some people who are using honey and get them by because people are looking up on them but they're gonna find themselves in here can I just get crazy look at your neighbor I said I ain't going to he'll get over squeeze the person and beside and tell me if you feel anything coming from them just hold your hand just hold your hand ambassador Kato Shonda mama mama Chateau mamasan Kato Shonda [Music] you [Music] [Applause] bishop if it was somebody here in jamaica me just to comfort me and to tell me what was on you know I'll be questioning things when the girl came back again to life last night this time the doctor her father is a medical doctor he said he has never seen anything like that when she was talking to us when she came back to life they were doing everything to get her back they were shocked to know she come back doctors in the room wherever what's going on she came back to life and the doctor said her heart rate is normal I am NOT asking you about resurrection power now God had to reassure me that he was with me when I was praying for my mother I am NOT asking if God works miracles I've seen it done before more than one occasion not guess it this is why I tell you when I come to church I'm not thumbs up from my days of preaching to get attention or to get the Tom's apart to get a high-five those days are over I'm not don't like me it doesn't key I don't care okay I'm here to tell you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God touch your neighbor and tell them Jesus I mean again can I try and preacher no be sure is that all right all right so I'm gonna pull you now to Joshua chapter numbers I gave it a testimony now you know why I'm not crying like a baby because I'm reassured that my mama is secured in the heaven of wrath the little girl came back and said mommy said don't cry don't cry at the funeral just rejoice because she's in a better place I don't know preacher how some people can think they can go to heaven without being baptized I don't be in full of the Holy Ghost how they do it Oh God Joshua 6 if you dears a word as we follow the principle of Ezra I'm gonna ask everyone kindly to just stand with me please amen thank you so much I know you got some work got a message from heaven jesus is coming again read with me from verse 1 to 5 let's go after two everybody read if you're there with me say word Amen let's go Joshua 6 let's go together now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel everybody read none went out non came in and the Lord said on to see I have given on to D etre and Jericho and the King veer off and the mighty man vana and he shall come to pass thou shalt thou do six days and seven priests shall beer before the ark seven trumpets of rams horns and the seventh day he shall compare the city seven times and the priests shall blow with the trumpet and it shall come to pass that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn and he hear the sound of the trumpet all the people shall shout with a great shout and the wall of the city shall fall flat and the people shall ascend and every man straight before him put your Bible to the worship is going to pray with this awesome anointing in the house gently squeeze the hand am I my son gently squeeze the hand and say Jesus as we made a kingdom I declare to this house right now that the kingdom of God is here a kingdom of God is here in demonstration and power and you are holding to a part of the kingdom Christian as a glory and Kurdish and Arabic Hashanah masata Holy Ghost Katusha somebody open your Holy Ghost about say something say something cut we must see Bahasa eternal God and Father we honor you for today we thank you for your power we are grateful for what you're doing and what you're about to do you're our garden God all by yourself with your divine power you've given unto us everything that pertain unto life and godliness God thank you for this awesome opportunity I have delivered your message I've echoed your word I've let the people know you're coming again Jesus as I go in this anointing I pray that you attract an unusual anointing to me oh god grant me the option that makes preach it easy Lord God Almighty bring cool anointing sweet fragrance a fresh inspiration in this house from Rustom Deboo i bind every dead spirit every lethargic spirit every comatose spirit Deborah you're a liar Satan the god of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is against God I pray that you'll arise shut up and let the enemies be scattered I mine every spirit over this area I'm buying the strong maneuver this gospel tent I render the enemy powerless oh you come on this community to be released to be unshackled right now by the power of the Holy Ghost my prayer in flow of souls that we've never seen our outbursts of grace and glory fill God heal God deliver set free by your power let your overshadowing grace our preeminence flex your muscle and show your way to brown let the devil know God that you're still the boss of Pentecost glorify yourself in the house you'll be careful to honor unless you're in Jesus name Amen shake the worship a hand again beside you if you will and just a neighbor my good neighbor shout down those walls amen now look at the other person says shout those walls down shout shout those walls down give somebody a high five and tell them shout those walls down amen you may be seated in his presence Amen Hanabusa I got a right to shout this morning praise the name of the Lord Jesus hallelujah Oh God I said I got a right to shout Amen I didn't come here praise God look at like sad sack like a sock lemon I got a right to look like sad sack I when this happened on Sunday praise God Almighty the enemy meant things for evil but how many you know without the Lord meant it for good lady Marsha this month I told house of miracles apostolic in Turks before I came to Jamaica and that this is gonna be my month September to be happy I'm gonna rejoice that's what I declared under the apostolic anointing and in the midst of it mom died I got to ask her how can you tell me I'm gonna rejoice and then mom died but then I realized here comes Tuesday because God has never gone back one time on his word his word shall not return unto Him void I come to preach to those who came to church it shall accomplish that which it said don't look at your neighbor and tell him they buy anything God said over your it got to come to pass shun them aha there are some of you right now but I gotta send some stuff over you and unto you to a man of God and you get a true visions and nothing happened yet and you're wondering how is it you tell me this and contrary didn't you know and that God moves best when your back is against the wall didn't you know that he never show up for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they open their mouths and say the God we serve is able to deliver us out of your hand I wrote up the fiery furnace did you notice that God never show up did you also notice that when they tie them up God never even show up did you even notice when they eat and eat the furnace seven times hot God still never show up did you also notice when they lift them up to trow them in the fire God never show up in the fire [Applause] I feel him in my shop Omaha whoa look at your name until your neighbor you don't understand hallelujah Oh God you might see me crying now I've got a preaching good I feel His grace on me touch your neighbor I said I might be crying now but you got to understand it's night that's why I'm crying tell them it's one night that's why I'm crying cuz weep endure endure for a night no no no you cut your neighbor said that's why I'm crying because it's night tell em hold up hold up I'm seeing something coming it's almost midnight and it's midnight and then it's one minute after so touch the neighbors and it's morning now tell them dry up your tears it's it's your time to give God watch to unto him ha tell your neighbor beside your neighbor don't bow your head this morning beside tell him don't bow your head tell him open up your mouth and say something make me a little hotter with my monitor please I feel a little tingling in my throat just give me some more volume on the monitor let me see if I can't go a little harder I feel disgrace lien on your name and tell him neighbor come on Levi come lean on them as a neighbor if you're not gonna smile just excuse me don't sit beside me now tell them if you're not gonna worship don't sit beside me now amen praise God Almighty Thank You preacher if you're not gonna worship don't sit beside me come on slap the other one on the right side and tell him if you're not gonna I do not want you beside me I got the reason to give him a praise up in this house to magnify him who is the lord of my life my feelings grace on me slap your seat and said go sit on anger let me preach this good word I feel his grace be sure but I never meant it for evil because we wanted to stifle and stop the apostolate anointing that's place upon me coz hallelujah my mom died and there are some skeptics there are those who talk that yes you full of power in your talk about this and that he's not dead and you couldn't bring her back to life so the devil was doing everything to try to stop me but after mummy died on Sunday morning I went to church Sunday night and preached like I was losing my mind because I know how to give God thanks in my good times and I know how to magnify him in my bad times and guess what if the devil was smart and he wanted to shut me up he shouldn't kill him he should kill me but I got one more chance I told the budget all the time that when the devil get a chance to hit you he takes no qualms about it your family your head yeah your marriage attack your money he beat you up tell them that when you get a chance to hit him back [Applause] feliz grace on me all those who want to sit on and take it it is that's all right I'm mad today when you get the chance to lick back you got to open up your somebody's got a fetus grace on me might as well I preach I feel I wanted to anoint the person beside you just find them and just ignore them from the head to the feet with both your hands I said I put an anointing on you took it back that Devers give God some real radical praise push [Applause] sit down let me see if I can preach this good word His grace on me for five minutes just now when she came up he was good I'm in the right place because he's [Applause] been talking I turned them into a blessing look at the neighbors and bail I was hired to curse me curse me but God put a blessing in his mouth just for me good god I feel like preaching ah I feel job now 9:15 person said I bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you you see some people sit down in your seat I don't know they touch 15 people they are the ones who are trying to block this but nothing can stop this today ha ha ha bless you I bless you the person I try to put [Applause] you know my my son my mama see mama and you'll see a glory sit on our glory let me preach this [Music] the anointing on him Bush was on fire and you know the story it wasn't consumed and out of the bush came upon I am that I am hey Moses take your shoes off your feet but where your stand is only even though it's a gospel tent where we stand this whole good god I feel his grace on me holy he went down he let Israel out of Egypt man when God the people wouldn't want to talk to God Moses said God show me your glory I want something more to lead the people the Bible said saints of the most like God that God took him up on the mountain and told him that you can see my face and I hide you in the goodness before you I'm gonna let my presence pass you but you will see how a man in the future when Moses came out of the rock if the skin of his face when he was in God's presence he didn't even recognize what was going on when he came out of God's wrong presence the people that saw him realized something so much grace was on him that the skin of his fascia the Bible says that no Moses died his time was up God said I'm gonna take Joshua to be now your Protege who's your protege to be now the leader over Israel I'm gonna use Joshua I'm gonna take him to the next dimension it is important how to do it for me to use to understand the Moses was me Moses wouldn't fight the first killing Moses did how did you know God was the Egyptian but he was not yet converted when he thought he was doing a favorable wind conversion at him even when Mirian Aaron spoke against him he went silent when you're converted you don't have to answer to what everybody's saying I'm preaching good God's grace on him and so now but when Moses was leading Israelites came up against them Moses there was no worries there were no weapons of war they didn't know nothing about fighting because you have to remember those who do studies know that they were slaves am i right Bible scholars they were slave the Egypt and the Egyptian would never allow Sun sword so you are coming out of Egypt without no weapon to fight god help me fight this battle God will fight for you good God look at the name and said I love it when God fight for me you see you got to see me I can't take when people the Holy Ghost Christian III understand when regular Christian just sit down and don't say nothing but when Holy Ghost Christian can open their mouth and say Amen and all they do is stare out the space I don't understand it you got to see with me beloved there was shouting heaven there they are worship in heaven you know hallelujah in heaven and if you hear something taught you you must be able to say Amen am I talking to touching a bunch of open your mouth say Amen say something not now while they were coming out there could not fight didn't know what to do they didn't have no weapon to fight they didn't know what to do but the Amalekites came up against them then God said to Moses I'm giving you instructions are you gonna come up to the mountain take with you Aaron and earth walk with the rod of God what Saint Joshua said Joshua huh down in the valley and just choose some men they didn't have no soldier but they chose some men I don't know what they were using down there but when they got against the Amalekites as long as Moses hands we're done the Bible said prevail but any time I got some Victoria any time you drop your worship deliverance to the captives worship turn things upside down some people can only worship when they hear the music I hear a song but can you find a worship when you hear a word God my master squeeze the water behind beside your quip and say neighbor say something now I'm Amanda the Good Book says the real world went down because when the worship go up to God God responds to worship God he sent a warrior anointing upon those that were in the valley so the regular men transform into so just beating up their enemy but when the worship stop they become regular again looking for some people who will get into God's presence we are God will changer from regular ordinary oh god I feel this some of you got some dippers at your house right now and you let demons hold in your house down how can you be a warrior oh your house [Applause] [Music] holding my feet is glory take fresh anointing say I feel Jesus warriors of God from Moses and now when it was time because God you clean with men but in order for you to get your promise you've got to learn to walk it's a time to get up and conquer you think it's them push you out of that building Bishop dearly God said it's time to conquer God wants it good Garfield fire all over my belly I want reprocess stretcher and swords that we assumptions that with some dear [Applause] lay your hand on the seat I said glory she don't let me go in no no Joshua Joshua got the mantle no God had to make the people know cuz people are always like this skeptics in church would be watching and wondering what's gonna happen next following you even if you're anointed they won't even admit that you're anointed they are watching you I just want to see the outcome of you but you're following you not really to support you but to watch you and there are some who came this shop they are not fully on board yet I'm sorry I gotta do Schama massage they are not fully on board yet because they still have a link with the outside and they trying to send news from here to there don't worry mom Amanda Rebecca shot ABBA Thank You Holy Ghost I am a man of God and I feel is in my spirit watch it somebody just gonna stop they're calling now sha mama because they've been watching because they're waiting to see you fail but you ain't gonna fail honey Jesus Christ they thought you'd epochal already they hear storm coming under think that yes Tom we'll wash them out [Music] preach apostle I'm mad ha ha ha ha mama mama hi what look at your name I said not won't stop this tell them just a crazy say neighbor nothing came on say that he was some great men do this thing with him same thing yourself increase intensify somebody right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] suing me if I'm not pansexual bridges I go as I feel in my spirit it must be a move of God if you're gonna listen to me this is the Joshua generation this is the conquering generation remember when Moses sent his spies out Caleb and Joshua went for the 10 on everybody have a guru they walk with a physical good report yes it is flourishing the grapes are big the fruits are nice everything is going good they had a good rapport but then when they open their mouths they open [Music] [Applause] the Bible said that Joshua memorize I feel like running to this place the Bible said Joshua when it was it's time to go over notice what happened cuz every time you're gonna get your blessing and your miracle something must happen if something don't happen it's not clear that it's coming that's why I know that Mommy death is a setup and if I don't get no money just to hear that my voice and my name is in heaven drop that devil that's good enough for me when it was just a time when he took over it was time for him to cross Jordan the Bible said God I'm over fluids Bom why when it's my time things get rough who am i preaching to everybody's got the car the host on your horse one I'm the money under blessing on the miracle but while when it's my time why is my time to get my kids this problem why is my time to get my monies problem why would it's my time to get my houses problem why when it's my time to get promoted it's a problem look at the neighbor says a set up if you don't have problems the thing won't be big saints of God I got to preach this right now about five first right now I've brought him on the job you know me preaching good I feel good can I just jump over this we about fight they a problem on the job they want what's this a setup cause right now some people go move up in the job for them to get the job while some is gonna move out it's getting really crazy now I feel crazy Sangha man thank your Holy Ghost Chateau de bajo Sun when just to attempt to cross over remember they saw Moses in an I rank in anointing he stretches on across the red cedar rod and Red Sea back up am I talking to chew it spoke to the rock and water come out I hit to the next time he hit it am I talking the truth manna far from heaven under Moses regime will come upon the land under Moses regime it was strong clear seen that God was with him now when a next man is gonna take in the step of Moses everybody not gonna start look I wonder if rich boy preaching so good my preaching so good that I'm blessed myself now you're blessed but approaching well god I wonder if she can handle it I wonder if he'll be able to make it I'm gonna look on cuz I don't really want to go and I'm kinda in but lady my talks I'm kinda oh but I really want to be in because but I don't want to go in and then I lose I rather be under sorry where were we so pretty siting ambience morrow young boy to play the to sign you have some people are booty whose side are you on [Music] [Applause] we know our nobody on board you know I don't make a man I'm bored you're either for us or you're against us preach why I feel disgrace step over our cash I feel disgrace on me hallelujah the God so they were wondering what Joshua is gonna do now what's the difference I gotta preach this right here when I was coming the Lord just pounded on my heart in every era in every every era every leader God plays an anointing on a them on an unusual manner he got to make sure it work when Moses was the pastor of the church in the wilderness God gave Moses Arad every time he stretch it out something happened who am i preaching to earlier we got some people when Joshua got the baton Moses walked with the rod up to mount the mountain God put Moses kill him back do the eulogy preach the message and bury him and even know the develop fear everyone that died that that was subtle weird for them how are you waiting for Enoch Enoch to school and then he waited for Elijah and Elisha no score but when Moses died this sit on and wear this and Moses is dead I see him there I know is there we are Moses there my god do you see where Jesus put Moses my cousin allowed rebuke [Music] because Honda masata we enjoy the Bible said the cross one China am I talking the truth now right now they can't find the ark right now they can't find it are some say this try some say here some said they can't find the Ark of the Covenant but in this generation God gives this pasta the horn it goes higher gotta feed the Holy Ghost squeeze the press down beside an awesome do you have him see what happened man of God in that era got her to give one one person the anointing Joshua Moses everybody else got a little overshadow in that's it but in this era that's that Deborah watch me you can't handle me I must show you that I am God he said Joey tell them in the last days I'm gonna pour out your spirit upon all flesh uh not only it is who you think won't have nothing to say and some preacher trying to shut them up back look at your name and say there's an anointing on you when you have the Holy Ghost come on tell neighbor when you got the Holy Ghost you have a man in you you got God himself in you when you're open your mouth is no longer you but God are you gonna feel the Holy Ghost are those who got the hole to go squeeze the person on beside you and say neighbor I know I got him tell them I know I know I know that I got him so Joshua now the pastor of the going into capture and to take over hallelujah God now you got to remember this this land bishop was already promised to Israel from Moses God already prompt from Abraham rather that your eyes could see is yours God already gave them the deed that gave them the title that this is your your place so when when when Paul Joseph was gonna die we're gonna die you told them don't leave my bones in Egypt take it with you into the land of promise so when they were going into the Promised Land they had the title with them to say guess what this is my property and what do we do with squatters I think I got about 15 people some people some people there are some people back in the days when we were growing up in my time when they were capturing land they make certain they put Bordeaux's who am I talking to they put board structure because they see you don't come here for a time they put board structure on your premises and stay there and have your house take all the things from courts get all of them things from singer and go on like they got it on me but when we show up and tell them you got to go they take hold everything from course and walk are we pushed on the board structure and this time there are a frivilous enough to put concrete bridge why yeah preach good why preaching good enough Jericho concrete people property I feel is Grace on me look at your neighbors a Harlem people who capture your land we walk in with the eviction notice we got our deeds we have our title not everything trespassers will be prosecuted and if you're a squatter you've got to get both up we're property I need my stuff I don't need it now nobody beside when they were going when they were going in now the first thing that happened since when the Reds win the River Jordan parted the Bible says that the Israel is the Egypt the Canaanites and all the eyes of the law especially those in Jericho their heart melt and they were afraid now they don't fight these people yet are you think that fighter silesia afraid of real [Music] like a closing prayer and go home mommy when people Fred are you that was here from far [Music] [Applause] look at your neighbors and your chickens but they can't touch this good I feel the grace of God on me get mad and touch yourself and see who God bless and Ibaka saya hallelujah feelings grace the Bible said they were shaking on their heart melt because of the children there already were victorious before they got in because when your enemies already scared are you before you get to them anything you say they must run the Pipers are when they go in the Bible said Jericho was true they didn't have no chakra now no weapon of mass destruction no dynamite they never have no c4 they didn't have no serious kind of weapon to blow them water on the Bible said it's really stress people think the odds were people lived in the world chariots can ride in between the one it was solid structure nobody from it was made ever penetrated Jericho and here comes a set of people with nothing special so they thought are they they had the Ark of the Covenant and they don't understand how awesome the Ark of the Covenant was shunned it was made of shittim wood overlaid with pure gold the Emrys represents the humanity and the pure golden divinity it was the only piece of furniture that was inside the only of ODIs to share a beam on the top the glory cloud sits over it the fire of God comes on it it is that which brought the light inside it there was just something special it was God's grace not only that inside of it the golden pattern man because God cooked the food they had the Ten Commandment because God wrote with his finger and they had Aaron's rod that budded beer fruit overnight they had honor discuss God caused a tree a dead stick to unlock fruit overnight so they put all of that into the ark so the very act symbolized anything that comes there it is glorious certain people can carry the ark you've got to be anointed and sanctified you remember what happened in ISA when you touch it so we're not going Bridget who's approached it on there you can't touch the art if you're not Santa so they had sanctified preach guaranteed but God said to Joshua listen meet Joshua this battle that you go fight here this ain't yours I'm gonna let you fight it in a way we have never seen fight in history I'm gonna cause a change he said Joshua all I want you to tell them people march around it one time every day warriors of God God use the best things of the earth to confound the wise God you stupid things to make people who think you are stupid turn out to be them becomes idiot God do it and why use that does this stuff but he has to make sure that you're different you remember when the wine ran out what do you tell them to do fit water or you forget water and wine runoff we want to whine but he said go get water but by the time water breach cop and cop reach Mount what a turn one bridge why me pretty good Rafi Jesus Christ Jesus I under water and when the ion drop in the water you're supposed to go dive for it get something and pull it up or if you want to try to use magnet to try see if you can pull it up but the Prophet that piece a stick but a Jesus added to branch so Jesus will cause any kind of iron [Applause] [Music] Jesus caused the first submarine to up and that's my man make submarine I'm sorry something serious I don't even know what happened when they chew a Moses overboard a big Jonah overboard a big fish some people say we're a big fish swallowed Jonah and in the belly Jonah had oxygen and 4-d as he was under one God God I'm preaching good right alibi bisaya don't inside the belly and then by the time they turn when gotten your Jonah pray to God the fish vomit up Jonah when men read that in the Bible as a roll-on we must commit something to go into underwater somebody look at me like it's strange I the Bible M read but we don't work it like them well you take the first they get the idea to make the first remote-control get when Peter come with the prison and got to the to leave gear rich boy massive Abaza the Bible said the key it's open to it's uh it's very own accord am I talking to a preacher when the arena is a hold on that means almost kill huh they've been reading the Bible what we read and I'm preaching from but they I work in it but all we doing is just take it as a regular story come on beloved wake up God use fully stop God so much and when your mom's don't make no song one time March fool time I still not say nothing mark three time and doors are on and the people up there looking on I love look at these idiots what are they trying March again footer six tiers mark six time once Purdy but under seventy turn up the level today's Sunday the seven deal gotta tell attorney top there are some laws in your life that need to calm down and horny warriors that already can get these ones though look at the warrior beside your early answer neighbor are you a warrior because because because because this will happen this what's happened there are people who can be just for war but cowards remember the Medianet underhand grasshopper he 32000 was trapped reddit set Seward she'll feel ready to fight and as soon as Joshua's at Gideon says those who are covered one whom 22,000 talked about a semi gone so you got people who I just fell but God Jesus Christ Lord I got to start squeeze the worry on beside and say neighbor you got to help me to hear tell them about them yeah yeah yeah hold them if you can feel somebody oh just look down your row and say neighbor if you're not ready for this change rule just move talk to them don't be afraid and if their backs when you tell them says the past I tell you for say look at them as a neighbor neighbor if you're not ready for war go on over the other side please tell them I don't want no packager I don't want no blockage I don't want nothin come here young creature come here and around fix this for me I don't want no blockage I don't want no baggage I don't want no no no no no wait I want warriors around me look on the other side and said hey let me check you because I want to make sure you're saying something because it's time for me to move can I tell the church here not do sometimes have you got too much stuff you got to March and confuse them in your work place confuse them you are expecting it to feel I want the Warriors the past and not start living right right and every time you lift the foot so the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus name of Jesus not at least the name of Jesus yes it's time that while about mine that wall of autocracy that one a poverty that one of workers stop yes mister music I hear you ready to are I gonna turn you loose in a minute mister music but I want to get some people on board first party or some people can only move when the music move but they said don't move don't make no sonar no trumpet don't make no sonar no Rams on until I give you the signal oh I want to ask everybody to sex change your seat I just move from where your standard quit quit right now that your change who are the person beside you no one tell me what you feel tell me what you feel if you don't feel not loose to Hannah no if you don't feel nothing loose to Han ki to Mandy come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you feel like Masato you feel that some of you just make a radical who only goes smooth awhile ago said SATA sure I got a feelin great even though this shop some people don't even feel an anointing yet Sundaya Chateau but them was coming down them was coming down that was coming down I hear a song right here get ready to make a show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Rasha Rasha Rasha nick Omaha's Massey Thank You Holy Ghost new Sahana get loose' Hanukkah walk over to our next worry find somebody else I shall touch them you gonna feel fire coming off them if you can feel no fire they need what it was you feel you feel whoa whoa see ma ma Shama Shama Shama mamasa some people didn't change hand yet my feelings grace a field of fire change a hand for the third time change your hand for the third time the third time the third time oh yeah I feel the Holy Ghost do it again it's time to make a shout Lucia had one more time but some people don't feel nothing yet walk over to the food person cheers for the fourth time she aims for the four times he's climbing up somebody gets shot lose the hanger then change for the fifth time change for the fifth time hold onto the fifth person again when you hold them squeeze the hand whisper glory your short just connect just connect Raja I feel him on me I feel him over me the host Robin move everybody move change your hand for sheer John for the sixth time number six everybody finds somebody else walk over you should feel more pollen oh wow quick clear do we all them look for somebody I hold them high in the same tent pollen this church finder search yeah so say yes so say yes yeah Warriors lose are now for the seven-time search don't just hold anybody I don't want you to hold just anybody this is the seventh I'm I wanted to look look at who you behold look at who you go home look at who you're going to war look at them search them out make certain is somebody you can connect with who are them know who are them if you don't feel not is the wrong person rah rah blah blah those walls that held them captive hold it mr. music those was that held them hostage those walls that trapped them in those was not a presenter you from your miracle presenting you from your property presenting from the promotion prevention from your house reversion you from your marriage from Banten you from gettin your miracle those laws must come down who along to your person that agree with you there would you that's number seven who are them who are them find a boat in spirit hop I never spirit of fear I release our fear and shot in anointing when your show when your soul this time won't let me some assist when your soul this time was gonna drop there's gonna be an unusual anointing upon the person at your whole Metro your connect somebody gets in the hood it goes somebody gets in here you got here some wash wrap I feel the Holy Ghost father God back me up father God back me up sit upon me I gave them your message that you're coming again the ones that are blocking rip them don't know in the name of Jesus happy way now in Jesus name when I said free I want to shout from out of your belly hallelujah don't shoot until I tell you we can do it together when we are united walls come down when the paper made a shoot once came down come on warriors get ready now when you're sort of a field fire onions and was gonna drop everybody what you can sign up suga join up write this deliver fly boys jumping on lupus discharge every kind of sickness in your body migraine stop right nobody show watch out watch out watch out after 3 1 [Music] [Applause] Wow watch [Music] [Music] people get to the Holy Ghost all those who are not feel run to the altar but after all they are not baptized run to the altar but then here comes the warriors when I said three you got show together mr. music hold it mr. music remember I'm under Mike yeah you can't break the rhythm shantamma heesu shoo boo hoo shot shot Hamas warriors when I said three I want one more shout Marvel you got to hear this don't don't make no sound music oh come in after we want to hear the voice of the people could God help me Shanna mama get ready where else after three after three put y'all on somebody's shoulder anybody who you touch now they're gonna feel a fire anybody who your touch you're gonna get to move after three everybody gonna shout and shout hallelujah Lord Allah back us up Jesus [Applause] ha ha [Applause] help yourself help yourself [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just before the singers take us through this other part of the service you're here and you're not baptized in Jesus name you have heard the word and you are convinced that this is your day to serve that you're here and you're not baptized in Jesus name raise your hands you're here and you're not baptized in Jesus's name you need Jesus you are convinced and this is the time for you raise your hands god bless you god bless you sir god bless you is there anybody else you have come no Holy Ghost not baptized in Jesus name I want you to just listen to me before the singers moved this day you might not be so convicted again as you were this day don't squander the moment don't let this moment pass you by he might never pass this way again [Music] yes laughs ties already you baptize already step over here [Music] baptized already what about kaizo jesus saying what about ties you today Jesus if you want to go to hell you want to go to hell want to go to heaven it must be born again would you like to give got a chance in your life alright we got one more look at me you see you're crying it's not know God has been dealing with you your box lighter you're not baptized it guess what today is your day to turn over a new page and follow Jesus you want to go to heaven we got one more here - Bishop steer right here you baptized already you want to be baptized stand up over do you want to be baptized stay right here Haribo HOSA want to be baptized you look at me son look at me you want to be baptized yes Stan do you want to be baptized Stan no be baptized already you need the Holy Ghost standing over there all those who are not yet baptized all those who are not yet baptized under this tent I'd send you a strong message coming from heaven my mom is on the Hallelujah side she's in heaven that's why I come here shouting today look at me hello touch this lady for me talk to her look at me look at me lovely your backslider your backside on your baptized here baptized before where are you baptizing and Baptist Church so Baptists speak in tongues you speak in tongues because your field I watch you your field that's why I ask you need to be baptized in Jesus name only those who were baptized in Jesus name was in heaven now put the title Father Son and Holy Ghost my mom is up there and the message that came from heaven was that tell the people that they must be baptized in the name which is above every name and that's the name of Jesus let me baptize you today in Jesus name and break the curse off you that God will push you to the next level you notice you don't really want about to speak in tongues because God have hand on you that's the Spirit of Truth all those who are speaking watch God don't pull them - what's God pulling them because that's not normal for Baptist God is calling you give him a chance all those who are not yet baptized all those who are not yet baptized all those you baptize already you want to be baptized come closer baptized already son you want to go to heaven you want to be baptized come closer alright apostolic parents look around for your kids because you cannot go to heaven and let your kids go hell you can teach them how to live apostolic Christian should never tell your kids that you're not ready if God should come you're gonna go ahead and leave them you'd be a wicked mother or father you should lead them into the truth you can tell them the song to sing you can give them it's just like when they go to school before they start reading they have to go to school to learn all you have to do is teach them at home and take them to Sunday school and we will lead them in the things of God you baptized already you're baptized already know you want to be baptized you want to go to ever come over this side sir watch it she want to baptize come over here is there another all those who are not yet baptized all those who are not get baptized all those who are not yet baptized come on charge this is a serious part everybody lift your hands all the world goes Christian lift your hands we got about 15 of them ready to go down in water in Jesus name it's about that you baptized already my friend we want all those are the backsliders all the backsliders in the house if you're baptized but you're a backslider stand up over on my left to the side that bishop is stand over that side you want a new move he's baptizing you want to be baptized yes we gonna baptize you to stay right here son yes we're leading them to heaven it was an 8 year old girl that received the wound goes in the hospital Holloway in Manchester England hayabasa all the backsliders stand over there stand over there all those who are not your baptized listen to me tears are call repent give Jesus a chance in your life be sure [Music] [Music] I ought to Jesus they say we meet by the brain Oh [Music] to realize as we want to Jesus he rejoices at me [Music] Fred [Music] right [Music] [Music] I got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got this [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] Bharani on it [Music] I have [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] cool Kali Kali [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] No No [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] every go [Music] every time Oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] confident [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] Schatzi [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] when I get the other Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Music] someday I'm gonna leave this world behind me it's gonna be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can all beware [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for your cream thank you dear Lord Jesus with a wonderful move that you up in this place today Jesus the Lord if it was not you dear Lord God on our side we don't know where we would have been and today when I give you a sign for the mighty move that you have done restoration we Shadley might not die but as we about to depart [Music] kind of sooner we can Archie that's I know we took home I don't meditate upon your words the Lord Ishita through it's me dear God that we might find strength your Lord to visit your hosts yet another time to offer praise and glory to you Jesus here their Lord God your people when we pray in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 18,226
Rating: 4.7064219 out of 5
Id: gyYHBtmyJxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 45sec (13845 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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