AUDIO Library in Davinci Resolve!

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if you're manually dragging or dropping your music files into every single new project then I've got some good news for you there's an easier way there's actually a few different methods which you can use to create a music library of sorts within DaVinci Resolve so you don't need to keep importing stuff music is already there ready and waiting and it's all good to go and in this video we're going to take a look at them as well as talking about some of their pros and cons now if you don't have a music collection why not check out this video's sponsor audio because you can get a one-year subscription to audio so you get all of that music and all of our sound effects for just 59 bucks but more on those a little bit later on now before you actually do anything before you start messing around within DaVinci Resolve the number one thing the first thing you should do is to create a music resources folder on your system whether you're on a Mac PC Linus line Linux or Linux there you go you should make a secure folder now the reason for that is because you want to put your music in a place which is not not going to get moved or deleted if you just put your music from your downloads straight into DaVinci Resolve and then clear your downloads you'll obviously break all the connections within DaVinci Resolve which is going to break your music library so all I do I've got a resources folder and within there I put a bunch of stuff I've got one simply called audio and within there I've got music sound effects and visual effects so now if we open up the music folder you can see we've just got a bunch of tracks within here so I highly recommend that you do that before you do any of the other methods within this video cool once that's done we can start to set things up now the first method I'm going to show you is probably one that a lot of people already know and that's using power bins now if you've never heard of a power bin before a power bin is simply a bin or a folder which is shared amongst all of your projects so if I start a new project the bin is there ready to go so I can put my music in it music's there ready to go if I go and open an old project the bins there ready to go so it just means that this music is available to you whatever project you open now the main con for a power bin is they're not live so if you download some new music you then have to make sure that you import that into the power bin so it's there ready for next time it's not a big deal but it's worth just noting now if you've moved to DaVinci Resolve 18.1 like most of us power bins are ever so slightly different to enable so let me just show you how they work how to turn them on all that sort of good stuff so here we are on the edit page of DaVinci Resolve now within my media pool which you can see over here if you don't see a midi pool just click media pool top left hand corner you can see that I've got power bins here so this is where our power bins hide if you don't see Power bins all you need to do click on these little three dots just in the top right hand corner of your media pool and then tick the show Power bins box so that your power bins are available if you're on an older version of Adventure resolve you click on view and then there's an option within this menu to show Power bin so it just depends on what version of DaVinci Resolve you're using now to actually get your music into your power bin it's incredibly easy on the left hand menu click on master so that we're inside our power bin and then I'm just going to find that folder just outside of resolve so I've just got the folder open here and I'm going to grab the music folder I'm going to click hold my mouse and drag over now I'm not going to release it here because that will import the individual files and I want the actual folder to be kept as well so we're going to drop it over here on the left underneath master and that's going to create a music folder for us as we can see and then I've got all of my music tracks within here now you can do this for as many folders as you like so I'm actually going to go back to the master one I'm going to grab the visual effects and the sound effects pop those over there too so we've got music sound effects and visual effects and then we can just open them up at any time I can grab a music track and just pop it on my timeline if I need to update the music so if I've downloaded any new tracks all I then do I can come to this music folder I can drag and drop if I want to or I can right click within the bin and then I can go to import media browse to the new music and then make sure that this power bin is updated there it is power bins quick simple easy to do just make sure that you've got that safe folder so the links don't get broken and remember to update it manually with any new tracks now if you're in need of music or sound effects then why not check out this video sponsor audio they've given me a special discount code so that you can get a one-year subscription for just 59 that will give you access to that massive music and sound effects catalogs unlimited downloads new music and sound effects added daily includes YouTube monetization a universal license and no upgrade fees at all now that Universal license is really important because it's not just YouTube You're licensed for all of the music and sound effects in literally any project you can use that music for TV commercials just General commercial products even video games you're free to use the music however you like now the other really cool thing with audio is it's a Perpetual lifetime license so anything that you download within that one year period you can continue using after your subscription has ended you're licensed forever so you can just continue using all of that awesome stuff obviously you may want to stick around because as mentioned they are adding new music and new sound effects every single day there's a link down in the description below go give that a click and then you use the code Alex 70 at checkout to get your 70 off 59 bucks why not get give it a go now next up we're going to hop into the media page now this isn't actually music library within resolve it's just a really easy way of accessing the music within that folder that you've created so it's kind of not exactly a sound music library but it works trust me now the benefit of this is It's a live folder so you never have to update anything it's always there it's always live and everything is always ready to go now this one's really quick and won't take long so let's hop onto the media page and take a look so let's jump onto the media page and we're going to make sure that we've got our media storage open top left hand corner and then you should see all of your drives on your computer listed here so we need to navigate to that music folder now here's a real quick tip for you rather than having to actually drill through I'm just going to open this folder just again within file explorer I'm going to grab my music folder and just drag and release over here and it's going to automatically just drill down to that location we've not actually imported anything we've just said this is the folder I want to look at show it me and it's just drilled right down for us so this is that folder this is all the music within that folder now if we right click on music on the left hand side and there's an option to add folder to favorite and then that folder will appear here on our favorites so we open a brand new project again we just jump into media we click on music and all of the music is here ready to go and then if we want to import it into our project we just click drag down here you can see we've got our usual Master this is actually our media pool down below we can just drop it in there jump back onto the edit page and that music is in there now as mentioned the benefit of this is It's a live folder they can't you have to jump onto the media page so you know swings and roundabouts but it is a live folder which means you never need to actually update anything within DaVinci Resolve so let's just hop on to audio and let's just go with a video theme which I've probably never downloaded anything from before let's just go with fashion now audio is great because you can just click on these waveforms to listen to the songs [Music] at any point where I'm gonna have to start from the beginning every single time let's go with this one we've got end of lives so we're just going to download this I'm going to create the license so we're licensed to use this music wherever we like now just outside of DaVinci Resolve we're going to go to my music folder and we're just going to paste that within there it's MHC featuring something or other so now if we go back to resolve again I've started a new edit we just jump into the media page we go to music it's right there we can double click so I've listened to it we can drop it into our media pool and edit and off we go so it's really cool now the next method is probably the most permanent sort of it feels the most built-in method in DaVinci Resolve and that is using the built-in Sound Library so if you didn't know there is a built-in Sound Library obviously within DaVinci Resolve now this was putting out a few versions back there is a Foley sounds Library you can go and download for free that's linked down below if you haven't heard of that before it's loads of like real life noises which you can use within your edits if you want to now the Sound Library again it's always there but it's not live you're doing so make sure you update it and it can get a little bit cumbersome when you overfill it and then remove things and yeah it can be a bit messy but when it works it's really nice and easy to access so I'm going to show you the Bare Bones of it first of all and then I'll show you a few ways to create some additional custom folders within it as well so back on the edit page now the Sound Library exists on both the edit page and within fairlight so right at the top here you can see we've got Sound Library and we can give that a click there's also a link down here to download that Foley Sound Library if you want to on fairlight it's also within here you can see we've got the sound library and it looks exactly the same just for ease I'm going to stick with using it on the edit page now if we click on this little drop Downy icon you can see it says local database and any of my databases will be listed here when I say database I'm talking about the project Library so they've changed the name of it when you click on the Little House icon or whenever you first load DaVinci Resolve this is what we're talking about these are the local libraries this is where the Sound Library is stored so I'm going to stick with my local database and as you can see we have nothing in it at the moment to add music we simply click on the three little dots at the very top and we go to add library then we just need to browse to the folder which contains our music which mine here is simply called music we're going to give it a click hit select folder it's going to have a little scan through that folder it's added 39 Clips so we can click ok and now we have all of our music within this sound Library so we can search for it by clicking on search and then typing in the name so everything is labeled audio so I could just put AUD and it'll list it within there if I want to see everything we can just simply put three stars or three asterisks within there and then all of our music is listed here again we can double click we can listen through it we can do I's and O's to Mark in and O point and then we can drag to add onto our timeline it's always there it's always ready to go Blackmagic if you're watching I'd love for that to rescan whenever you open up DaVinci Resolve it seems like an obvious thing to do you set a folder it rescans for any new stuff and then automatically Imports them that would be amazing if it did that it doesn't I hope they improve that in the future because that'd be really really cool if you've added some new music to that folder you do then need to rescan you can also add however many folders you want so that's obviously got that music folder in there I could go and create another music folder on a different drive and then just repeat the same process and put as many different folders into this sound logo rate as I wanted to it's the same process but let me just run through it super quick I need to download another song so let's just pick any old one this time from audio once again we'll give this a download and we're going to pop it in our folder and then we'll jump back into resolve now it won't automatically update also we need to go to the three little dots add Library browse to music click on select folder it's going to say do you want to rescan this path we do so we're going to click yes and it's going to say it's only found one new clip so it's added that new one so now we've got 4D in here rather than 39. so what about if you've got multiple different libraries for different genres or different projects plus you want one for sound effects maybe you want to have loads of different options within there but that's actually really easy to do you just need to create some new projects libraries or databases which isn't as drastic as it sounds so let me show you that and let me show you how it works so this one is my music I'm going to keep this one within my local database I'm happy with that but I wanted to create another database purely 4 sound effects so we're going to click on our little house icon to open up our project manager now I've only got this one local database on this machine so what we need to do is to add another one so we're going to come down to this add project Library and then we're going to leave it as create and just give this a name and I'm going to call this sound effects and then I'm going to click browse again you just need to find a secure location on your PC this is just saving this database it's not a huge file it's not massively important but you don't want it to be overwritten or deleted so I've just made a folder called project libraries and we're going to pop this one within here so sound effects on one of my drives we'll hit create so now we've got our local database which has got all of my main projects in it and now we've got this sound effects project Library as well now you don't actually need to be in this database to access it this is the main benefit so I'm going to go back to my local database because this is the one I use for all of my projects all of my editing all of my YouTube whatever and we're going to open up a project so here we are back on the edit page now if we go to Sound Library once again we click on that little icon to get our drop down local database you can now see we have one within here called sound effects so we give that one a click there's no music or sound effects within that at the moment so we're going to click the three little dots add Library sound effects select folder 27 sound effects have been imported let's do my three little asterisks is and now I've got all of my sound effects within here and it just helps to keep things a bit tidier if I need music I'm going to go to my local database if I need sound effects I'm going to go to sound effects now as you can see I've actually got some other databases I've got one for my Mr Alex text stuff and one for my Kofi stuff so again if there's any particular music I just use when doing Kofi I can drop them into that Kofi database and you can make as many of these databases or low Breeze as you want to keep everything nice and tidy three different options for creating your own music libraries within DaVinci Resolve each it has their pros and cons so just pick the one which works best for you or if you can't decide just use a bit of all of them whatever works there's no right or wrong answer just have a play with them and see how you get on thanks for watching don't forget to check out audio link down in the description below take it easy I'll catch you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 42,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve music, davinci resolve sound library
Id: j4m3AL3s6uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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