Things you might not know about the Project Manager!

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the project manager it's the very first thing you see every time you open up D Vin resolve and if you're anything like me you probably just whiz right past it but it does some really useful stuff that's worth knowing so here's all the essentials welcome everyone to 5 minute Fridays weekly denture resolve tutorials for beginners that are almost never only 5 minutes brought to you by Audio so first up the basics The Venture resolve uses a database also known as a project library to store all of your projects no media is stored within either your projects or your libraries resolve simply links to the media on your device there are three types of libraries available within D Vinci resolve local where everything is stored locally on your machine Network libraries for use on a lan and Cloud libraries where all of your projects are stored up in the cloud the project manager will open up every single time you boot into the Venture resolve but you can also get back to it at any time by simply clicking on the house icon in the bottom right hand corner simple creating detaching and restoring you can have as many different libraries as you like each containing their own projects so I've got these projects here these are contained within a project Library called local database but I also have a project Library called demo with its own separate projects having multiple libraries can be handy to just help you stay organized just remember that things like power bins or power grades which are generally shared between projects aren't shared between libraries to create a new library from the project manager we simply click on ADD project Library we give it a name we then choose the location where we want the project library to be stored and then we simply hit create and that will create a new project library for us to use Easy Peasy it's also worth KN that you can simply detach and then reattach these libraries at any any point so I've got this demo Library here if I right click I've got the option to remove it'll then ask us if we want to disconnect or don't disconnect I'm going to hit disconnect and that's going to detach our project library now this hasn't deleted that project Library it simply detached it from our denture resolve installation to restore it all we would do is Click add project library from the botton once again but this time we're going to go to connect at the top we'll call this demo and then we'll go to browse and I just need to browse to the Lo location which is this project library number two here we'll just open this up and then select select folder connect and now my demo is back and you can see I have my demonstration project within job done you can detach the project and move them to a different machine if you need to alternatively back up and restore backing up your libraries is a good way to keep your project safe just in case the worst was to happen it's recommended you do this every couple of months it's also recommended that you do this just before applying one of the Denture resolve upgrades it's also as mentioned a great way of moving a library over to a different device unfortunately backing up is super quick and easy from the project manager we're simply going to go to any of the projects we want to back up so I'm going to go to the little I on my local database and then there's a button here for backup we'll give that click we choose the location we want the backup so I'm just going to go with that folder there and hit SA save it's going to say this operation may take some time depending on the size of your project Library we'll hit backup and there we go the project library has backed up successfully it shouldn't take too long and the project file shouldn't be too big it will depend on how big your project library is but just remember it doesn't actually contain any of the media so it won't be terabytes in size so you can then put that project back up up onto one of your cloud storage your G drive or whatever to make sure that it's safe if you ever then need to restore a backup again super quick and easy from the project manager once again we've got this icon this is restore we're going to give that a click and then we simply need to browse to the backup file we're going to use this one how did that how did that get there it'll ask us to give this new restored backup a name so let's just go with this and then we need to choose the location where this restore is going to happen so where the actual project library is going to be restored too so I'm just going to go with my D drive then we're going to hit create it's going to say this may take some time depending on the size hit restore and there it is that has been restored successfully next let's start talking about some of the projects themselves and how you can stay organized and see some additional information so you can actually show some more information on the project manager screen than is there by default so here's how it probably looks on your screen if you click on this icon at the top information you can see some slightly more useful information so we've got the number of timelines we have the resolution and when it was last modified if you need to see even more information at the top right you've got this icon here which will show your projects in a list View and from here you can see name last modified timelines format frame rate date created and there's even a handy little notes column you can toggle these on and off by right clicking the column heading and Ticking the boxes as required if you want to leave yourself a note open up one of the projects click on file then go to Project notes and from here you can leave yourself some handy notes about the project or just some positive affirmations if you prefer yeah next up add folders to help you stay organized within your individual libraries you can add folders for your projects so from this screen here you can either click on this icon in the top to add a folder or alternatively rightclick any empty space there's an option to to add a new folder give it a name hit create and there you go you've got a brand new folder if we double click to open it up and then to get back you've got this little address bar at the top we can just click on projects to go back to the main Projects Home folder if you want to insert one of our existing projects into that folder we can simply click drag drop it in there open that up and there we go now a quick heads up you can't actually drag them back out so instead all you need to do right click on the project go to cut or you can use the shortcut control X go back to the main we'll right click and then paste or we can hit crl + V and we can just paste that out of there like so easy peasy on a very similar note you can copy and paste project so same thing right click any project and we can go to copy and then right click in empty space and we've got the option to paste or alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcuts of contrl C to copy and contrl V to paste alternatively there's also this button up here so if we select the project then we click this button there's an option to copy too now this is really handy because we can copy the project to the local libraries a network library or a Cloud Library we can then choose the project Library we want this one to be copied to so let's just go to demo we can then also choose the folder we want it to be copied too and then we simply hit copy and that's going to copy that straight over to our other project Library boom easy next up we've got open as read only this is super handy if you've got an existing project you want to open up and use as a kind of a template for a new project you can open the old one up as read only and then you can't physically overwrite it so what we do from the project manager right click on the project you want to use as your kind of template and we're going to open in readon mode that's going to jump into the project and we're going to have all of our folders all of our bins timelines media everything we need but then if we were to hit save it wouldn't save and overwrite that project instead it's going to ask us to give it a name we'll just give this a brand new name and hit save and now we have a brand new project handy indeed on a similar note you can actually pull you can steal the project settings from an existing project into a brand new project again this is quite handy if you've just start started a project and you go ooh I can't be bothered to set all of my settings I'm just going to steal them from the last project I did so from the project manager let's just do a new project and then if we go to the project settings let's say that this was set to something strange like so we'll save that if I wanted to pull the settings from an existing project we would then open up the project manager from our little house icon let's go to this one over here we'll right click and there's an option to load the project setting things to the current project it then ask us if we want to overwrite we do and then we can close that down and within this new demo project if we open up the project settings you can see we're now set to 1080P and 24 frames cuz that's what we've stolen from the previous one Dynamic project switching Dynamic project switching allows you to really quickly jump back and forth between multiple projects this again can be a nice handy way of jumping between the two copying something from one and pasting it into another it's quite a handy thing to be able to do to enable this you simply right click anywhere within an empty space on the project manager and you enable the dynamic project switching then we can just open a few projects so we've already got this demo One open so we're also going to open up this one over here and now at the very top we've got this AI vid this is the name of this project if we click the little drop down you can see we also now have demo so this is the other project we have open and we can simply click that to switch between the two if we open up the project manager the projects that we have open have this little tick in the top left hand corner so we can see which ones we have open if we open up a third one again from the little dropdown we can quickly switch between any of the three if we want to close one of the projects down we can go to file come down to close project and then we can close down the demo and now we only have these two open on again next up backup and restore projects sometimes you need to do a real quick backup of a particular project rather than the entire Library maybe just to keep it secure or to be able to send it over to someone else again takes 2 seconds from the project manager select the project you want to back up make sure it's highlighted like so you can either then use these export and import buttons in the bottom left hand corner or we can rightclick and there's an option to export the project if we give that a click it's simply going to ask us where do we want to save this to so I'm just going to dump it in that folder there then if I was to delete this and then we're going to go back to import we can see we have the DRP which is the D Vinci resolve project file we can open that up and we've just imported that project back in simple project archives or Dr files allow you to back up not only the project itself but all of the media contained within that project again this is really useful if you want to send the entire thing over to someone else all you do simply is right click on the project and there's an option to export a project archive once again pick your location and hit save it's then going to ask what you want to Archive generally speaking you're only going to want to Archive the media files including the proxy media and the render cache is going to bloom the size of this to something ridiculous so I will nearly always only ever include the media files itself then we'll simply click okay that's going to make a backup of that project file same as before but it's also then going to copy all of the actual media files to that Dr as well so then if we were to copy that over to a new device Let's Pretend This is a brand new pc we can rightclick and then we go to restore project archive and then you want to find that D folder now super important thing here you don't actually want to drill into this folder you actually want to select this top level D and then simply hit open and that will restore the project and automatically make sure that all of the media within is completely linked so then once you open it up you don't need to relink anything you just jump into the project and you're all good to go and that's it that's pretty much everything I think you need to know about getting started in vent resolve and understanding the project manager screen I told you this wasn't going to be 5 minutes it's much much longer but hopefully you found it useful let me know your thoughts comments feelings down below thanks ever so much for watching take it easy I'll see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 12,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: LwijuhRHIKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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