The future of Davinci Resolve?! 18.6.6 update

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something big is coming I can feel it I can feel it in me bones I tell you but it's not today today Blackmagic released the dent resolve 18.6.18 [Music] 150 in mxf op atom format cool as well as some other stuff like options to encode big Indian and then addressed some other issues General performance and stability improvements now seeing this update pop up on my computer today made me realize we haven't had a substantial update to Dent resolve for quite some time about 12 months you see it was last April 20123 just before NAB when they introduced denture resolve 18.5 and that was the last big one really we've had some stuff since then but the last real big major update was in April last year and 18.5 was a pretty massive one it introduced things like the AI generated subtitles and the AI speech to text function timeline level color management the remote monitoring the relight tools the cut page updates and the ability to stabilize multiple videos in one big go which was super duper handy and of course the ability to upload directly to Tik Tok so generally a pretty good bunch of introductions new features to to Vinci resolve following on from 18.5 they did a couple of small updates when they were just adding new languages and doing a couple of bug fixes and that sort of thing and then in September of last year they introduced The Venture resolve 18.6 now this was quite a chunky one it did add some funky stuff but it's mostly based around the Blackmagic Cloud workflow and the Blackmagic cloud storage they did the little update they obviously introduced the Blackmagic 6K camera as well as the Blackmagic app for iPhone and then it was all talk about Cloud stuff obviously they can't do 18.5 levels of new stuff every single time but you know what I'm saying they also introduced some other handy new things like the audio normalization on renders which I use all the time it's really really good and they did the pretty substantial actually improvements to the GPU accelerated effects if you're using an AMD or an Nvidia card on Windows everything just got literally twice as fast which was super useful since then we've had dentes of 18.6.18 6.6 and nearly all of them have just added support for new camera support for new codecs maybe adding some jarro stabilization abilities for the new 6K camera as well as lots and lots of bug fixes and General performance and stability improvements which is not a bad thing whenever a new Dent resolve update comes out that has loads of new features I always get a bunch of comments saying I wish they'd stop adding new things and go back and fix some of the old bugs that's kind of what they have been doing for the past however many months 6 7 8 months whatever it's been so you know the V res should be smoother and more stable hopefully it's now March 20124 as you probably are fully aware and we have NAB just around the corner so that's happening in Vegas as always it's Saturday the 13th of April until Wednesday the 17th of April now I will be there I'm heading over to Vegas for my second annual NAB so if you're there and you want to say hello come say hello and NAB just like last year is where Blackmagic save up some of their big announcements they showed off the app and they showed off 18.5 and then they did a big talk about all the AI stuff so I think that's probably going to be happening again this year it feels like because nothing new has been added they're kind of saving it up for one big update hopefully at NAB next month so what big new stuff is coming I don't know honestly I have no real idea of what to expect for this one this time last year we all had a rough idea that the AO generated captions or subtitles were coming so when they arrived it was great news but it wasn't necessarily a massive surprise because lots of people online had been hammering on about having autogenerated captions and subtitles in Venture resolve so you know this year though I don't really know it kind of feels like they've added an awful lot and there is a lot to get to grips with indiv vent resolve already and it doesn't feel like any of the competition are doing anything particularly above where resolve is now so what can we expect I'd love to know your thoughts let me know down in the comments below I made some rough notes of things which I think maybe and I'm just going to throw them out there in the world because why not first one sticking with those Auto subtitles in resolve I know lots of people would like some improvements to those because they can't really be animated or stylized as they are at the moment and lots of people want some new abilities and they want to be able to customize them and maybe turn them into text plus there are some third party people third party people party people there are third party people doing stuff I've linked them down below so Patrick did a video introducing you to one toour which runs scripts and allows you to do that and there's another chap which also introduced a subtitles tool as well so I've link those down below spell check I I don't really see the need for it personally I've never felt the need to have a spell check in thein resolve but whenever there's an update there's always a bunch of comments saying I'd love to see spell check inent resol so maybe they'll introduce that I don't know but whatever it is I think AI is probably going to be a big part of it AI is everywhere at the moment you can't really get away from it artificial intelligence is the thing it's making its way into everything so maybe we're going to get some more cool AI features on top of what's already there Auto subtitles speech to text the magic Mask The Voice isolation oh talking of voice isolation we still don't have the reverse voice isolation I know lots of people want that and actually it does make sense so if you've been out and about recording some b-roll and you want the ambient noise and someone is bring away have a reverse isolation which just gets rid of the voice from the audio track I think that would actually be kind of cool actually and quite useful there is something which Adobe in Premier Pro still has which resolve doesn't and that's their music feature which is really quite cool so it allows you to R time music to fit your edit so you can make songs longer or shorter and it will kind of cut it up and fill in the gaps for you so that it all kind of fits so maybe we're going to see more of these AI features which are just there to speed up your workflow and make your for editing a bit easier and a little bit faster and do some funky stuff I don't personally think we're going to see any of the generative AI stuff so things like your Auto Image creations and your generative fills and all that sort of thing purely because that needs a subscription it does you need to pay for that sort of thing and it needs a subscription all the generative AI stuff needs to be sent up to the cloud where the AI can work its magic it has tons and tons of resources for it to look through it's a big thing which can then generate the small thing which you've asked for that can't really be sat locally even something like the auto subtitles it needs all of the words and all of the languages to be stored locally on your machine which takes up loads and loads of room if you try to do generative AI locally the dinin resolve install would balloon massively it'd be huge so all of that stuff does need to be sent up to the cloud for that processing to happen and they just don't think black magic are going to want to do that they're not going to want to implement all that stuff and then start charging subscription fees CU we know how they feel about subscription fees although they are happy to do subscription fees when it's relevant because you've got the black magic Cloud I don't know I just can't see it but who knows maybe they will maybe they'll surprise us and they'll throw out some really cool super clever super advanced stuff or maybe we won't see any of that and we'll see a new take on the edit page or it'll be slightly redesigned or we'll see something else maybe they'll finally bring some of the cool cut page features over to the edit page that would be nice maybe I don't know I'm just waffling because I've got a coffee there's new update out and I faned talking about it so there you go so honestly I have no idea what to expect this time around but I do feel it feel that something's coming and we're going to get a nice big update ahead of NAB I may well be wrong I've been wrong in the past and I will definitely be wrong again in the future but who knows it does feel like it's been quite a long time and I think something is brewing let me know what you think down in the comment section below I'll be sure to update you when something does come through enjoy editing Happy Days fun times see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 37,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: xRREfrD9u9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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