Attempting Americas *HARDEST* Escape Room!

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secret bookshop stores okay everyone listen oh wait they're two different things we got it if this doesn't work [Music] [Music] there is a monitor above the door about yay big that is going to show your elapsed time of 60 minutes during that 60 minutes you have the option as a team to ask for up to five hints so once you've asked for that hint I'll put it up on the board it'll stay up on the board until you solve the puzzle that it pertains to and I will always give you a hint that pertains to a puzzle you're working on at the time and I did mention that the steel spikes are turned off right yeah I think so too I could hey guys welcome to the podcast as we know video for the rest of this games later can I hope but this hon hey I didn't mean to find a thing but I found a thing so how old is Jenny fifteen or fourteen doesn't matter if she's underage she's over 18 oh it's logan paul after the ki fight he sneezed three times and he died I've been sick for the past three days the first thing I did this morning was sneezed three times okay is it me or are we all over the damn place right now sure but it's good to find clues and then per mole together who wants to get kinky I don't know if this is a clue yet y'all bend over hold on I'm busy I found some I find a letter on this guy's this dude oh okay so there's letters there's letters on here yep oh wait that's with this guy okay everyone listen scholars meet scholars mate is the checkmate that occurs after the white moves pawn to e4 Bishop to c4 scholars me is to checkmate that occurs after the white moves pawn to e4 the white moves pawn to e4 I don't know which pawn now wait okay yeah Bishop to c4 here you guys do this puzzle yes here we get Queen to h5 okay you got it and Queen to f7 checkmate wait that was Queen no yeah it was sometimes scholar mate is referred to as the four-move checkmate so wait this open wait these masks match wait Jimmy's birthday's on the twelve I know but I need to get her something what you like any yeah what does she like I need to get her a gift here though Oh 20:19 but how big your birthdays every year here's another symbol got it this is an M guys I found is Ed or Z with your American which I am oh oh you guys you guys so if you pull these books out in a certain order something happens sure does yanking I'm I didn't I didn't want to go secret bookshelf door that goes up here so I think you needed to pull this on these numbers okay so I have another letter right here but I don't know what this is unless you guys were already on it I have no idea this is a little bit daily boy chilling I can't stop no I'm trying to I can't see what my math is suck wait oh wait they're two different things wait I just got this but I don't know what the hell this is for oh they are together John I think we need a key right there to open that I really need that combination open the briefcase combination we need to open the so let's collect the papers and then subscribe to Craig Thompson you know these actually go together right this is not he's actually go together you know that right okay now what does that mean jwl I don't know it's a combination for some aw very odd Dave I believe that kombucha would not be where it is if it wasn't for those humble beginnings that I experienced in the 90s what another math God say what's on it school is for sure yeah they definitely go up there because they'll right now yep so it's thundering dear Denny I am riding to let you know that I have finally figured out the secrets of the stone I was able to activate it but quickly shut it down due to the realization that I have no idea who or what could come out of it I need you to come to the study and help me lock the passage once I go through I am going to destroy the Gateway from the other side so whatever you do do not enter the portal chain up the fireplace and take the beacon out so they cannot come through from their end what lies on the other side is both fantastic and terrifying I had the security system installed to protect the secrets and keep my study locked if someone enters place a beacon in the container by the door to deactivate the lock here's the container by the door how did you guys figure that out it's on so all of this is like on the back of these so each code has a letter you know it works open but there are hinges so this comes down somehow we learn how to make that happen so we put the pouring triggers that or they do it onion in the room okay so what do we have I think we need to at centre back for a bit Oh something I don't even mean to do that it was magnetized like one of these just just keep touching stuff I'm telling you it's one of these okay where we actually will find key to unlock right through there oh I think it's in yeah flip it around so it has this but there's no letter except we might have enough where we got it I got a suitcase open so there's another mass are we chilling Craig guys look QWERTY up and then need soap 240 J [Applause] it's upside down it says June something I have a muscle tripping we're in the reflection it says June / photos June L these are supposed to line up somehow on here I don't know how that lines up with like that and then this lines up like that they're lookin someone check if there's a mask with starting with his head not a Z wait what does energy Z is that said Rosie yes I have they look actually under it and felt around I mean okay some the neck II was giving raw okay who's getting it wrong yeah si si yeah s hi not a that's pretty sure and I see gorillas or human beings right he has the code right there we still not installed one safe code model secret bookshelf door hold on Jake yes sir so do SB SB yeah yeah Sierra yeah Bravo buon anno and then for eight to one so is there just business no I'm pretty sure it's those don't move the same they're not oh they don't that things right here come at this thing it's literally the same thing examining yes so much work the words are so why don't we just use that here would that literally the exact same thing is that okay I I did it brewers of TMS to go up to Nibiru to speak with the Masters and key was given see huh Minko what coke a track was given moon this is mink oh yeah yeah with this what do these mean yeah what actually why don't we ask for him yeah yes can we have a hit be a ring on the desk hello yeah right here oh there seems to be a ring on the desk what is the ring on the duskman's own name Oh put the globe there [Music] southwestern with my siste yeah if this doesn't work I'm actually gonna cry that's West it's to write them out Jackie nice yeah wait for that definitely not for that wait does doing we haven't done the South what in the hell okay all right so we have all the mass now let's just try and rearrange them so looks like it's from Russia total Persia and time from Mexico well then can you tell nope yeah Oh kidding Oh get it thank and search all sides like this ha ha hey love it it's a piece of wood so the final piece of the map yo yo yo that thing does it come into how we gotta find out what C is I think we need to ask for a bookshelf hint that's this trying invoice this is the trash code look at the shape of the space the letters are in so ayant oh so it's either a in I'm good shape so that this is a direction so they take Northwest Southwest or those at the shape the letters all right oh it's so it's G H OS g GT shut up it's g g 8o ghost s if it for spooky Oh interesting well okay I think we're right well that's the forehead Philip there's still good yeah this is the big girl in that that's the choice oh yeah over there on this these are flipped over because we're yeah yeah we already did that got it we got it their philosophy [Music] right okay more than 50 I don't snap ice you got it oh my god I got it wait nobody said more than pinky pinky straighter no I think that's I think they'll know stop that now [Music] [Music] being a great job I'm really proud of you okay the numbers Mason it's a magnet they were in a specific do these to the the leaking one the bat one in the circle one a ball drop right the portals glowing bring it bro well what do you do with the bell boy come here boy come on boy kun arcade is nothing there it's not working put the bell in here go get the triangle thing out can you get it out uh-oh Kenny give me one more turn the medallions base and the source tags off turning them we did it that Southwest Northwest Li it's backwards yeah Northwest Oh flip it oh yeah there you go grab it put it in over there and things close it Oh God great clothes oh my god you believe we completed the world's hardest escape room that's insane and that's a title can you just say this is one of the world's hardest escape routes for title good that's up I'm so proud of us oh wow there you go well that's that if you guys wanna go check out our in a midnight there link will be the description as long as every one of these beautiful people and that's really it I'm gonna go eat bye bye
Channel: Craig Thompson
Views: 1,044,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig, Thompson, escape room, escape, room, challenge, puzzles, how to win an escape room, escape room tricks, tips, GoldGloveTv, Kyroz, Jaay, FemSteph
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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