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hi dudes and welcome back to another episode of insane crap in today's episode we're going big as you know sunday started a war with me he stole my base and so today you guys wanted me to clap back and mess with his base so we're going to do that but in a special city kind of way hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you do hit the like button it really really helps grow the channel if you're new to the channel hit the subscribe button if you guys are excited about more of the war between sigils and sunday i hope you enjoy the video alright gang welcome back to the insane craft lab things are escalating if you tuned into the last episode then you know that sunday and i went down a dark road okay sunday stole my base and i told you i was gonna get back at him right i said that i said that to you you guys gave me some good ideas but really what it comes down to is i gotta get back at him for what he did to me today we're taking down sunday we're taking his base down all right maybe i can't kill him but oh can i be annoying but that means we got a lot of things to worry about first things first we gotta scout out the area okay he's on i gotta be careful but i don't think oh oh oh that was frost dude what boom i should be completely invisible okay i am i am thanks to the power of the infinity stones i am invisible oh gosh he's right there okay so his security system is not on my items now okay that's good that's good that's good um what the heck is this mossy scoring the brick stairs ew okay you got scorn breaks a tuple compressed cobblestone when did this happen i don't even really know what that is what is all this power module from the lost infinity stones wireless receiver what the heck shockwave chat oh oh this is the whole thing okay so this is off okay all right boy are we glad that's the case just in case you know what we're gonna do we're gonna just oh that's an item transfer note i thought it was a power note i was like okay no no that's off entity oh this is where his other thing is oh i don't know it was an underground base is there more nope okay just that we can destroy this that should be pretty easy now first thing i'm gonna do by the way is i'm gonna pull these emmy systems out okay because one thing i will say we're at war we're not monsters i ain't trying to destroy every single item he has i kept all my items when he stole my base i ain't gonna destroy his items that's the geneva convention of insane crap i'm gonna hide these then we'll get moving on phase two but i have some ideas okay also this october compressed cobblestone is literally one of the highest emc units in the game we gotta destroy this okay he's too rich he's too rich he must be punished the infinity gauntlet is going away i got everything out okay check this out check this out here's what i did i put it in this chest and then i closed it is that toxic or what barrier blocks locking it in okay and then what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put this right here okay i'm gonna go right here i'm gonna do an arrow i i i b bo okay and then uh what are the coordinates here i don't know grab these real quick negative 46 350. so he wants to get his supplies back he can because i tell you what nothing else is going to be existing when this is all said and done okay i'll just show you guys real quick so later no one can accusate me of doing anything evil the the emmy system is empty so that he doesn't notice until it's time i'm gonna seal this back up now we got this in place all right we can uninvisible we gotta go home i gotta show you the weapon we're making today today's weapon against sunday is a sigil special and by that i'm really pumped because the weapon we're making requires us to make sigils so sigils has to make a sigil to get sigils revenge on sunday sigil style what you can't make this stuff up we need something called a sigil of my own name sigil of consumption and to do this we're going to need consumption reagent okay which means we need the hellfire for now the great part is a lot of this comes through uh blood magic which is you recall we had to do to get the time stone so we've got everything we need so i need four iron pickaxes and a common tartaric gem to go into the hellfire forge okay huh i think we can do that wow if only i could craft what oh do i really need more sticks wow we made sticks wow don't ever tell me i need sticks ever again game or those bad boys got it bro it feels like a century ago that i came to this hellfire porch like truly i cannot express that it has been so long since then okay so now what i think i do is put these like this all right and then where does that go right there nope wrong one grand theft auto gem i probably need one with power in it okay i think i have a different one yeah and boom there it goes all right make the reagent please i require some reagent oh consumption reagent i need the alchemy array what the heck is an alchemy from arcane ashes what okay hold on alchemy array oh no let's make an alchemy circle oh how do i get arcane ashes oh that's the stuff from the hellfire forge okay remember when i was making that just a minute ago okay cool cool it's crazy how much stuff i've learned in insane craft but i've already forgotten everything it just falls right out of my head i went through all this panic and realized i had one left over but i might need more and i got all this stuff already so you know what hack it we're go we're going in um if i do all that i don't even need another channel i forget that these are just like different size batteries not that like okay perfect like make me more make me more i don't know how much we're gonna need well let's not stack fine whatever because i need to draw an alchemy circle but like how many pieces does that take i don't remember uh so i'm gonna make a bunch of these then i'm gonna go check and see how many pieces i need to make an alchemy circle and i'll be right back i think i over complicated this so real quick we're just i don't remember how anything works bro it's fine uh we're gonna throw all that in there if i come over here i think i can just go boop and then we've got oh it even lasts more than once i probably was fine whatever that's the blood magic okay so now i need a butte slate which as i recall means that i have to take reinforced slate okay which is made from blank slate okay which is made from stone and i gotta go put it in the blood altar all right so it turns out i have a lot more slate than i remember um what slate do i need again i need imbued slate which is this one right here so if i go over yeah uh in the alchemy array and i go like this [Music] and then like this does that do the thing yeah give me back the stuff because i don't understand all right if i do this maybe if i do this boop and then boop work it says work in progress this animation was never finished that's kind of incredible um i love that okay so um here's the thing i need more reagent because i'm gonna need more sigils of consumption so i need more pickaxes okay that's fine good thing i made so many sticks right so we'll do some iron pickaxes then we're gonna come over here i'm gonna say one two three make me more reagent all right let me grab let me grab this reagent it's all it's all gonna go according to plan now that we've got that all right we come over here and we say uh reagent reagent reagent boom boom boom and let it become the working proc so wip stands for work in progress or it stands for make sure to hit the like button one of the two i'll let you figure out which um perfect okay great now we've got these bad boys we have the sigils of consumption and uh what we're gonna need are some buckets of depression and by that i mean please do your job okay uh i don't think i need any of the rest of this for right now so let's get it all out of the inventory perfect uh my understanding is here let's run ourselves just a quick little test um if i come over here i put this bad boy down and then i do this oh wait that turned that into something else hold on and then it's go it turns it into anti-matter and then when you break it it vanish i have made magical antimatter but we're not done there's a way to do more with this oh that's so cool wait wait wait wait wait wait let's go test let's go test let's go okay okay okay okay i found a way to test this i wanna know i wanna know we're up to hey jerome and i am you're still struggling with this huh i'm trying to get inside but i can't reason one of one of my best friends i think he put a big barrier around it but i'm not sure if my best friend would do that to me because that'd be really wrong can i ask you a question did that the god of thunder okay actually new question why are you bibo the god of thunder well i don't know what you're talking about i'm not bebo the god of thunder okay um i was wondering if you changed your armor to match the blue of your new security thing you you come to me after you do this and you come with your jokes sorry sorry that's all i got listen listen in your defense it turned out it was sunday not you so what okay i you're right there wait how do you see me i'm invisible you have a giant shadow bebo the god of thunder has no shadow jerome the fatty of fatness does oh you know what why don't you say that to my face oh gosh you're so big well hey listen i might have a way to get rid of this get rid of the bibo no you uninvis can can you just be normal for like half a second i really can't my mom's been trying to get me to be normal for years okay all right well but um this is the sigil of consumption not to be consumed with the sigil of handsome which is me but it turns stuff into anti-matter okay so um anything yeah let's find out hmm okay no luck on that one but uh what oh oh ow ow ow wait are you so you turned all my land ugly and andy you made it worse how do you always make it worse i didn't know that would happen jerome um here i'll get rid of it i'll get rid of it okay it's just ant andy you need to go you need you need to go you need you there are places and people that need you and this ain't one of those places or peoples okay you need to leave you are a menace to society i didn't trump i didn't know that was exactly gonna happen that way i've got my schedule of consumption and you get out of here okay i'm leaving i'm sorry so that's pretty cool um basically what i figured out is how this works is it has like a range right and antimatter will hurt you oh no not lava which is which is cool and then yeah if you break it it breaks any other antimatter around it that's cool but i was hoping for something a little bit flashier there's another version of antimatter called liquid antimatter that well you'll see how it works but to do it we gotta do a little bit of blood magic so back to the blood alter we go and the first thing we're gonna need is we're gonna set this up and we're gonna set this up okay i'm gonna take our sacrificial dagger we're just gonna chill right here and look at that this uh now pipes and pulls what the blood or life essence as it's called out of the altar immediately for us what we're gonna do is we're gonna fill up these buckets real quick all right just like more please more please more please oh gosh frosty's getting dead killed here we go get our first bucket of life essence so then what we do is take the life essence over here all right we're gonna put it we're gonna put right here i want to suck your blood um and what you have to do is strike it with lightning gee it'd be a shame if i was thor hey what are you looking at hey no i'm busy i need to go give it i i actually don't have the injection in right now let me go grab it now this gets tricky because i have to remove my perfected infinity for a moment but that's fine okay but now i should have the god of done there but oh i have to have mjolnir i left that okay hold on hold on hold on i always forget there's always more pieces right but now i should be able to hello there we go that should count right if i do that what do we got life essence bucket no i spammed it and then i got it i got it alright so look it's already started corrupting everything just like last time so now i do that we have a bucket of liquid antimatter now um you guys yell at me sometimes because i don't notice this but check this bad boy out right here oh what's that this has emc value it does and then we come over here to the emc table throw both these bad boys in and we'll throw a couple pieces of red matter in just for funsies and i would like it it ate the antimatter it just made it a bucket all right fine i'll go make it the hard way i've shown you guys the process i'm gonna make a couple buckets of liquid antimatter then i think it's time for a little singy revenge ian started this war but i'm gonna finish it look at this antimatter by the way it looks so sick okay okay i think if i just come in here oh what's all this stuff on the top oh what a fancy boy launch corner dude he's got all these weird lost infinity weapons well they're going bye-bye dude i'm gonna be destroying his weapon system oh all right well that makes me feel good let's hit him with a little anti-matter and maybe a little uncle matter too who knows this stuff supposedly by the way eats bedrock for lunch so like all right the gauntlet is going bye-bye okay there it goes there it goes uh um oh okay sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh let's see drop a little more there uh-huh maybe drop a little right there uh-huh oh i might need more buckets that's fine we can get more we can get more we get more he doesn't know he doesn't know but he doesn't know he can't kill me with it's turning everything to anti-matter right oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if i break the ante matter oh it starts to cascade oh my gosh um this is broken okay you know what i'm gonna oh okay here we're gonna move it moving the antimatter dude oh this is gonna be this is true war we've started true war okay you know what just and then break the antimatter break the uncle matter doesn't matter away we go um um it doesn't stop once it starts it doesn't oh oh no nice um this is more powerful than i thought it was can i be honest my revenge will be vicious it will be violent um okay once we get this started from the top dude like what are they supposed to do oh there's some surviving there's some survive absolutely not no no no survivors the antimatter must fall um here break this make sure it all goes away oh my gosh guys i knew this was an incredibly powerful weapon i [Music] might have underestimated how powerful i want to start okay i've collected all the antimatter i think um um oh uh it eats bedrock it eats bed um um guys how is this stuff this powerful okay um next we leave him the sign x negative 46 d 350. he'll figure it out um um well i guess this means war guys going back to my base right now um there's something we have to do there's only one way we survive this i have to hide all my storage i have to hide all my storage i have to i have to i have to i have to i have to okay why did i throw everything in what am i doing i'm putting all this in storage because he knows how to get into my base okay i'm gonna i'm gonna rip out all of these all right um and i'm and i'm throwing them away i'm putting them somewhere safe we're gonna put them we're gonna put them in an ender chest so that no one else can get to them because um guys i'm in trouble there's no way i'm not in trouble okay i'm gonna lock this base up real nice and neat and we're gonna do our best to survive the next episode hope you guys enjoyed this episode of insane craft if you did leave a comment down below stick around check out some more videos on the channel um i think the sunday versus still just war is about to get insane make sure to catch the next episode i'll see you guys in that one oh gosh he's here um i just hit everything i put everything i put everything in the ender chest that's fine um he must know hey man uh oh no he just put a nuke in my base oh shoot um um uh i forgot to get this we got to get this i forgot to get all this no no no no i didn't get everything i didn't oh guys this is the end this is the end um um uh uh um uh uh grab all that infinity um he's putting so many nukes in my base um uh uh oh shoot that is not what i meant to put that in um [Music] no no no no no no no no hey stay away from me [Laughter] i have negative three frames in oh i'm good i just threw an ender pearl on accident um oh and my base this is what you get sigils don't ever attack me again that is my gauntlet i was the richest person now this means war sunday bring it you peasant you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 344,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sigils minecraft, sigils, crazy craft, insane craft, crazy craft 4.0, crazy craft 1.12, modpacks like crazy craft, insane craft server, insane craft modpack, making crazy craft insane, best minecraft modpack, insane minecraft modpacks, minecraft infinity armor, minecraft infinity blade, minecraft infinity stones, cursed infinity stones, minecraft new infinity stone, destroying base, attacking base, destroying thanos base, destroying thanos in minecraft
Id: i9d8IcRSZoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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