Versus Series Darth Bane VS Darth Krayt

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you ha I think I see what the popular consensus is just to be clear this has been my most requested versus battle to date because of this I actually left a little Easter egg in my the story of Darth krayt video and surprisingly no one has picked up on it if you skip to the 18 minute 42 seconds and adieu Nilus and myrrh however I purposely left out Darth Bane even though he was one of the agents if crate studied under I did this because I know how much you guys wanted this battle so I didn't want to give any hint on my opinion on it before this video came out with that said I bring you Darth Bane versus Darth krayt before the Battle of Yavin the Brotherhood of Darkness under the leadership of Lord kaan waged a brutal war against the army of light on the desolate planet of ruse on while their leader was strong in the force charismatic and ambitious the Brotherhood of Darkness was set on the path of rune from the start recognizing this once if Lord broke away from the trappings of the Brotherhood and sought to remake the Sith order from the ground up starting with the Brotherhood's destruction this Sith Lord was Darth Bane born on the world of a Patras Bane became the fabled satheri the prophesized perfect being destined to return the Sith order to its rightful state after abandoning a Sith Academy on Korriban Bane took up the title of Darth and journey to the unknown world the seat of power for the Rakata infinite Empire that ruled the galaxy in the dim past inside the ancient temple Bane recovered and plundered the holocron of Darth Revan later the redeemed Jedi Master who defeated Darth Malak on the star Forge a millennium earlier taking what knowledge he could from the ancient Sith Lord and using a devastating ritual known as the fat bomb Bane set in motion a series of events that led to the destruction of Khan's Brotherhood in the near decimation of Lord Haas army of light after becoming the galaxy sole Sith Lord Bane encountered a young girl who showed a pronounced potency for the dark side dubbing her Darth Azana Bane took her as his apprentice and over the next two decades trained her to take up the mantle of Sith master and carry on his legacy - there should be no more no less a master to embody the power and an apprentice to crave it the rule of two but Darth Bane was not the last SIF master to reshape the order of the Sith Lords more than a century after the Battle of Yavin the galaxy would once again fall under the heel of the Sith and the Jedi Order would once again be all but extinct while the Sith were once again many the devotion was to one single Dark Lord who dreamt of a galaxy united under the codes of the Sith this Dark Lord was Darth krayt formerly the famed Jedi Master a Sharad het and son of the famous Jedi Knight Sharad hit a Sharad survived the execution of order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire eventually making his way to Korriban head fell to the dark side when he was confronted by the spirit of the ancient Sith zoe's on one of the ancient Dark Jedi exiles who came to Korriban thousands of years ago enthralled in the power of the dark side had spent years in the ancient tombs empowering himself with the six teachings in order to take revenge on Darth Vader and Palpatine however after his training was complete he discovered that the Sith had already been defeated by Luke Skywalker in the Rebel Alliance feeling lost and purposeless had made his way to the Unknown Regions where he was captured by the extra galactic species the Yuuzhan Vong during his imprisonment it was subjected to the most horrific forms of torture his eye and arm being replaced and his body being implanted by von coral seeds after escaping his imprisonment had made his way back to Korriban determined to rebuild the Sith order taking the name Darth krayt the Sith were resurrected away from the prying eyes of the galaxy however as the decades ran by kraits body began to weaken due to the Vong implants as well as his lifespan being pushed long beyond its natural limits using Sith teachings to prolong his life as well as spending time and stasis Krait eventually learned of the young Kade Skywalker's healing abilities seeing this as an opportunity to rid himself of the infestation Krait sought the young Skywalker out following a spectacular battle on had abandoned crate was left severely injured Darth warlock crates most trusted reagent then seize the opportunity and subjected great to fatal torrents of SIF lightning believing the dreadlord had passed warlock then sought to take control of the galaxy from his former master and impose his own dream of galactic conquest however crate survived warlocks betrayal and with the aid of those still loyal rejuvenated his body and staged an attack on the SIF temple with his new SIF troopers with his power in the dark side stronger than ever Crais crushed his traitorous Regent and took control of the Empire once again crate finally met his end at the hands of Cade Skywalker when the young man dealt a fatal blow to the Dark Lord and threw his body into the Sun control of crates order fell to Darth Nile with the Sith once again taking up the practice of secrecy first we will compare their physical attributes Darth Bane is a 46 year old human male he stands exactly two meters tall and carries a muscular build from his time minding on a Paltrow's due to his many years of physical hardship and his deep immersion in the dark side Bane's body has weakened slightly and he sports the yellow eyes and pale skin typical of Sith Lords likewise he suffered a spasm of nerves in his left hand in his later years though this has proven to really be only a minor irritant rather than an actual physical handicap his tolerance for physical injury is staggering this is a man who has been repeatedly broken he was physically abused by his father in his youth suffered many defeats in the dueling ring some near-fatal been the victim of his own intense Force Lightning after a Jedi raised a force shield and was even able to subdue sana after having his hand severed from his body this guy is not going to go down easy you either kill him or he kills you Darth Crais is a human male and due to the time of his death and factoring in his time and stasis this would put his body at roughly 110 years of age Krait was noted for mastering Sitz techniques to prolong life and the level of physical fitness he retained is incredible he was capable of matching the chagrined darth warlock as well as keep pace with the acrobatic Cade Skywalker with little difficulty while his right arm and left eye were replaced by Vong bio limbs they don't appear to impart any benefits or handicaps to his physical capabilities his tolerance for physical injury is simply incredible he has survived the harsh deserts of Tatooine multiple thrashings from lightsabers been the victim of ujin Vong torture endured the coral seeds eating away at his insides for decades and has been on the receiving end of a stabbing wound through the chest while at the same time caught in a torrent of Sith Lightning just like Darth Bane this is a man who is not going to go down by conventional means neither Darth Bane or Darth krayt earned their physical primes however in comparison to each other it becomes apparent who is in better physical condition Bane is in fact old however he is still far stronger and more agile and great added to the fact that he is decades younger while I would argue crate to have a slightly higher pain threshold there's still nothing that merits placing him ahead of his competition Darth Bane gets the physical edge however the relevance of this edge is questionable as nearly all of kraits enemies were of greater physical capability than himself now we compare them as martial artists and lightsaber duelists Darth Bane was a highly skilled master of the lightsaber and arguably one of the greatest duelists of all time trained by the twi'lek blade master casts in at the Sith Academy on Korriban Bane honed his skills in the dueling ring against the other apprentices even managing to crush the head apprentice see rack with the aid of the deceptive giffany due to his physical size and strength Bane specialized in gem so a branch of the 5th form of lightsaber combat gem so was a highly aggressive strength oriented fighting style based around following up defensive parries with immediate counters Bane took the gem so to its highest possible application and thanks to his unique sequences and stances used in conjunction with the curved hilt of lightsaber Bane made for an incredibly imposing powerhouse in single combat and he applied his chosen form in a very controlled and precise manner while de gem so is characterized for its lack of mobility in the hands of a masters such as Bane this weakness can be overcome Bane being able to match his slight wiry apprentice Zhanna in both of their duels while de gem so was Bane's preferred form he was also skilled in Sri soo the third form of lightsaber Dueling based around tight and efficient defense with ser su Bane was able to hold up a near impenetrable guard holding off his master kasym during their duel at the ricotta mnemba as well as several battle meditation bolstered Jedi on - while not explicitly stated the text in Dynasty of evil describes Bane as possessing some skill in juje the seventh and most aggressive form focused on attack and nothing else prior to joining the Brotherhood Bane served as a skilled field commander in the gloom Walker division of the SIF military and as such was a crafty strong unarmed fighter while he preferred a more standard design for himself due to his many hours of training under kasym they knew every move and sequence with the double bladed lightsaber and was able to effectively defend and counter whenever the weapon was being used against him however there was a small in the Dark Lord's armor due to the blade master kasym wishing to provide himself with an edge over his students Bane had limited training with and against dual blades as shown Bacchus ends near victory over him when he employed this tactic in their duel Bane hesitated few of the students Academy had even attempted to use two Sabres at once the blade master had always discouraged them from this variation in the fourth form saying it was inherently flawed now as he saw the cruel and cunning expression on his enemy's face Bane understood the real truth the battle was rejoined but now it was Bane who was in full retreat without proper training even his enormous command of the force was unable to anticipate the unfamiliar sequences of a two-handed fighting style his mind was flooded with a million options of what his opponent might attempt and he had no experience to draw on to eliminate any of them overwhelm he staggered back floundering with the desperation of a drowning man while this weakness almost caused Bane to lose his life it should be noted that he was capable of fending off the dual blade wielding rash too during their duel on Typhon though Bane was equipped with his obelisk armor at the time and rash des was able to land several potentially lethal blows to the Dark Lord his life only being saved by the armor however I believe Bane's apparent weakness against dual blades requires closer examination Bane is a very smart fighter and due to his description of dual blade fencing in the book of the Sith it is implied that Bane trained to compensate for this deficiency and due to the fact that the only beings who have successfully exploited this weakness were master duelists I do believe that only dual blade users of that caliber are capable of giving Bane a run for his money it is the reason why certain beings such as kasym or rash de have a better chance of defeating Bane than Serra keto or asajj ventress it's not the technique itself that poses a threat but the manner and magnitude in which it is applied that truly presents a challenge to the Dark Lord raised as a Tuscan warrior trained by many of the greatest duelists of the Jedi and Sith order and refined by decades of combat experience Darth krayt was a master lightsaber duelist and was arguably the greatest lightsaber master of his day as described in the legacy campaign guide crates primary style was nigh man the six form of lightsaber dueling nine man was a jack-of-all-trades style that relied on moderation in balance with a heavy focus on chaining in force based attacks into its sequences 9 man was also a gateway for shark I dual blade fencing crates go to fighting style though it should be noted that he was still more than effective with a single blade in my opinion one of the greatest practitioners of the style crate took 9 man to its fullest and purest expression and his application appeared to be a combination of the methods employed by Exar Kun General Grievous and Asajj Ventress crates method was very radical and dynamic but also very controlled and precise he took full advantage of the benefits imparted by dual blades and due to his jack-of-all-trades style in decades of combat experience applied a number of different stances and sequences from all forms of lightsaber combat with his goal being to confuse and off-balance his enemies he'll come at you with one blade high in one blade low adopt a reverse hand Chien grip in one or both of his lightsabers hold one blade in an offensive stance in the other in a defensive stance attack you with both blades in a devastating cross strike or really start to shake things up by incorporating force based attacks into his sequences a core element of the Neyman style and once his opponent was off balanced in an opening was presented crate would close the distance and cut his foe to ribbons on the whole Darth crates fighting style was very much a combination of experience and shock and awe he'll use the radical in unorthodox to outmaneuver and confuse then used controlled and aggressive to come in for the kill controlling the fight in pressing his advantage when one is presented suffice it to say Darth krayt s fighting style was extremely sophisticated and definitely reflects a being decades of combat experience Darth Bane in Darth krayt are both master lightsaber duelists and both of them know their chosen forms inside and out however the difference comes in in the manner in which they both apply their skills bein the aggressive but precise juggernaut crate the radical and unpredictable dervish on the one hand it is possible that Bane's brutal approach could pressure crate to the point where he just couldn't keep up on the other hand crates fast in radical approach could allow him to effectively dance circles around Bane and hone in on an exposed weakness honestly neither scenario seems more likely to me while crates use of dual blades could present a challenge for Bane I don't think would be enough to overwhelm him outright as they are so evenly matched as swordsmen both are highly skilled and incorporating force based attacks into their sequences and they are both highly experienced and varied lightsaber masters who stand among the best of their eras I declare Darth Bane and Darth krayt equals as martial artists and lightsaber duelists now we compare their force abilities as the fabled safari' Darth Bane strengthen the force outstripped all but the most powerful force users of his era instinctively using his skills in his use Bane became a skilled fighter card player and marksman thanks to his connection to the currents of the force his use of basic physical augmentation allowed Bane to perform the superhuman feats attributed to force masters as well as increase is already imposing strength his combative applications of telekinesis were utterly devastating and he made frequent use of it in combat during his duel against Kison Bane unleashed a force wave that nearly leveled the Rakata temple Vayne was also capable of ripping through the force shields of opposing force wielders and choking them to death as he demonstrated against foe hargh and the Sith master cordis while not often employed he has used the Force to telekinetically manipulate his lightsaber in combat he was also capable of applying the force in a more subtle either by leaving mental imprints of himself to confuse pursuers or cleansing his body of poisons provided he can identify the substance and time Bain was a practiced hand in the use of force lightning showing a powerful affinity for the ability after only one training session his telepathic skills were capable and he was able to resist the telepathic influence of other trained force users effortlessly shrugging off Lord Khan's mastery of mental manipulation and persuasion he has also shown mastery of the Beast trick ability being able to tame the mind of a rank or on the unknown world in a Drexel on and on having studied from the holocrons of freedon Nadd billiad Arzu darth indeed oh and Darth Revan Bane was a highly educated SIF he became adept in the use of various darkside rituals at one point unleashing a storm that devastated rusyn after he joined his mind with the other SIF he also researched the effects of SIF magic in order to better defend against it in combat though he possessed little talent for the art himself during his search on the world of practice Bane employed a death field against a group of cultists after drawing on the dark power that saturated the temple contact with the death field instantly caused the cultists to wither and die in a horrific display of Darkseid power however this practice would have instantly exhausted Bane if not for the enormous raw power of the temple Bane was also able to use force drain to feed off the life force of those he kills finally after plundering and dead whose holocron Bane learned how to perform the ritual of essence transfer though this could only be employed against a weak willed subject Darth krayt was a master of the dark side in the most powerful Sith Lord of his day his skills with basic physical augmentation were considerable allowing him to perform various superhuman feats of speed and strength crates combative applications of telekinesis were unmatched by all but the greatest of force users he was able to thrash his enemies with powerful force pushes and shoves and was capable of lifting and throwing massive chunks of stone during his battle with Cade Skywalker unleashed a telekinetic blast that all but disintegrated a large portion of the Sith temple he has also demonstrated the capacity for ripping through the force shields of opposing force wielders likewise telekinetically manipulating his lightsaber in combat he was able to cast torrents of Sith Lightning and in combat was able to strike down multiple targets simultaneously Krait was also capable of - - - and was capable of blocking Force Lightning as well as other energy based attacks his telepathic abilities were highly advanced after his recovery from the Vong implants he proceeded to touch the minds of every sit in the galaxy and inform them of his return regardless of location having studied under the holocrons of zosyn and having limited access to the holocrons of darts and dead Annihilus and ironically bane create new many secrets of the darkside while not a committed sorcerer crate was capable of casting illusions and could project images into the minds of others though the extent to which is unknown he also possessed an immunity to psychic attacks and mental interference and could shrug off the illusions cast by even the most skilled of sorcerers Cray was even capable of forced drain where he feeds up the life force of others to fuel himself his capacity for this ability was so advanced that he was even able to weaken the force entity a bluff by feeding off her own power though it should be noted that he was in the presence of the lake of apparitions at the time so it is possible that this magnitude is beyond his normal scope of abilities after his rebirth Krait revealed that he learned the secret of dark transfer the extremely rare healing ability used by Cade Skywalker an extremely rare force ability dark transfer allows the user to see and manipulate shatter points metaphysical fault lines perceived through the force in most cases this ability was used to heal Grievous wounds but when applied offensively it could be used to literally break a person from the inside out though this could only be utilized if the practitioner was in direct physical contact with the target this one is extremely difficult to call both apply their abilities in the destructive and overwhelming men are common to Sith Lords as far as combative applications of telekinesis goes Bane and crate match each other beat for beat in variety and magnitude so there's no advantage there the importance of force lightning is also negligible as crates could still be absorbed by Bane's lightsaber while Bane's lightning is countered by crates knowledge of to to Menace both are highly skilled telepaths they are both highly educated Sith with extensive knowledge on ancient Sith rituals and teachings and both have the ability to resist dark side illusions the only abilities they possess that provide benefits alien to the other are the death field ability in Bane's corner and dark transfer and the shadow point ability in crates what this ultimately comes down to is which of these abilities is more viable in a combative scenario I don't feel Bane's death field ability would come into play in this contest as he wouldn't have a dark side Nexus to draw on in his attempts to utilize it would likely tire him out as well as drastically decrease the fields effectiveness at least in comparison to what we saw in practice crates dark transferability however is a far more useful tool in a combative sense in any case not only does it allow crate to better cope with injury but his ability to see the shadow points of his opponents would provide him a massive edge in combat and while utilizing its full intensity requires physical contact I do believe it carries the greatest weight to affect the final outcome of this battle if he did manage to get ahold of Bane and apply the ability I own esteem imagining Bane being able to mount a suitable defense against such an attack overall they match each other pretty evenly as force users however creates dark transferability does provide him a more consistent advantage than a few of Bane's powers and for that reason I give Darth krayt the edge as a force user though only barely now we compare the armament and tools used by each combatant while many of his illustrations to pick Bane wielding a standard single bladed lightsaber this is in fact false in reality Bane wield a standard curve tilted lightsaber as his primary weapon gifted to him by kasym these specialized dueling lightsabers were designed to fit better into the palm and allow for greater blade control in leverage on power attacks his weapon utilized a single red synthetic crystal as the focusing lens Darth krayt wielded two relatively standard lightsabers his first lightsaber was the same one used by his father Sharad het and followed a relatively simple design his second lightsaber was one he built after his fall to the dark side like all lightsabers of the one Sith his saber was encased in York coral though the only benefits imparted by this were aesthetic in nature his father's weapon utilized a single green crystal as the focusing lens while his sifts saber bared a red synthetic one while some of the artwork implies that crates switched out the green crystal in his Jedi blade for a red Sith crystal after his battle with warlock it is unknown whether or not this was a mistake on part of the artist this one's a little tricky curved hilts provide ergonomic benefits dual blades provide more options in battle neither of their weapons feature dual phase functions and both are powered by SIF crystals no edge will be given for weaponry and now the verdict both Darth Bane and Darth krayt are highly skilled lightsaber duelists and undisputed masters of the dark side they both employ highly effective but highly different fighting styles Bane utilizing the aggressive and controlled backed up by a near staunch defense crate utilizing the radical in unorthodox backed up by experience in this comparison there's no edge either way as they are both so evenly matched as swordsmen Bane's physical advantage would not play a deciding role nor would creates use of dual blades as both have compensated for their respective weaknesses they're pretty evenly matched as combative force users and they both pack a lot of raw power and knowledge between them however crate is several decades older than Bane and due to the fact that he was raised as a Jedi by his father he has roughly over 80 bind years of training and experience than bane and more experience applying his skills against other trained force users also Darth krayt stark transfer as well as the ability to see shatter points effectively allows him to better cope with injury as well as exploit flaws and Bane's technique and that's what I feel would provide the greatest impact on the conclusion of this battle a fight between these two would play out like a combination of Anakin Skywalker's first battle with asajj ventress on Yavin for an Anakin's final battle with Dooku aboard invisible hand with Bane standing in for Anakin and Dooku and crate standing in for asajj ventress and Anakin Bane's aggressive and controlled approach would be matched by crates radical and unorthodox assault both would thrash each other with their powerful force abilities and whether each other's assault however after realizing that the battle would lead to an impasse crate would utilize the shatter point to expose a fatal weakness and Bane's technique and that's when the battle would shift to Dooku verse Anakin once he's discovered Bane's shatter point crate would press his advantage and come on hard and after a brutal exchange of blades crate would exploit vanes shatter point and overpower him I declare Darth krayt Dark Lord of the Sith the winner and there you have it I do hope you guys enjoyed this vs. series I can tell this will be one of my more controversial battles this was one of if not the closest matches I've ever had to call well I hope you guys understand that this is just my opinion if you think Darth Bane would be the victor in this battle I completely understand well I hope you guys enjoyed please leave suggestions for future battles in the comment section below and I'll see you guys later
Channel: EvanNova95
Views: 222,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars (Film Series), Darth Bane (Fictional Character), Darth Krayt, Sith, Darth Vader (Film Character), Darth Maul (Film Character), Revan (Fictional Character), Palpatine (Film Character), Luke Skywalker (Film Character), Yoda (Film Character), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Film Character), Mace Windu (Film Character), Lightsaber (Fictional Object), Jedi Council (Organization In Fiction)
Id: Df7MX06XilE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 23 2014
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