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The Canon R5 and the Atomos Ninja V+. 8K RAW 4K  120. It's supposed to be a match made in heaven,   but if you have a Canon R5 is this  $1,500 upgrade really worth it? From the day we got our Canon R5, I think  every single one of us that our owners have   been trying to find ways to unlapse the  absolutely incredible potential that's   locked inside this maddening beautiful little  body I mean this camera is so close to perfect   but its flaws are just to drive you crazy and  one of the things to get around some of those   limitations of the Canon R5 revolves around this  an external recorder I have said before in the   past that if you get a Canon R5 you just need to  include an internal recorder as a non-negotiable   part of your package it's the main way you can  unlock so much of what your Canon R5 can do   now that being said the Atomos Ninja V+ came out  promising to unlock so much amazing aspects of the   Canon R5 now I went ahead and rented one just  to try it out I've been playing with a couple   days and there are some very very surprising  things about this camera that I think you   need to know I'm gonna start off and go down the  list now the first thing is before we go down this   if you have a Canon R5 you have to update to  firmware update 1.4.0 if you don't have that   there's no point in even trying this out because  that is what you need the reason for that is Canon   firmware update 1.40 allows 8K RAW through the  HDMI 2 right up here into the Ninja V+ which is   amazing it is so beautiful it looks so good so  let's talk a little bit about how to do that   if you're interested and some very surprising  things about it the first thing is this if you   want to get an 8K RAW image from your Canon R5  you have to come into the menu and if you switch   all the way up here to the eighth thing you'll  now see some new things the first thing is HDMI   RAW output just click that on boom and you also  have something that's important which is standby   low res now adama says turn this on and the  key to that is letting your camera shut off   and only worry about appear this does not affect  uh RAW files only if you're doing standard stuff   now once you do that your Atomos will pop on and  you will have an 8K RAW signal and you can see   right here it's getting me 8K 24 frames a second  ProRes RAW now I can hit the menu button back on   my Canon again and when it pops up if I come back  you'll see that my movie record options are kind   of interesting I can record 8K up to 30 frames  a second with different compressions if I have   a card here if I want to record at the same  time to make proxies or something like that   now you can do 29.97 true 24 or you can do  23.9 so just nice to have it's good options   I like to go 23.98 I'll hit ok and once again  you can see the ProRes draw is here now let's   talk about some of the surprises here that I  found about this the first off it's exporting a   log file cool I got it now if I come up here to  my Atomos and go to record let's say for some   reason I want to switch to a ProRes 422 maybe  I don't want to have to necessarily be stuck   with that RAW footage well if I come up here to  change my format to say ProRes and hit confirm   you will see a warning popping up saying that  it can only the Atomos Ninja 5 can only record   in ProRes RAW if you're exporting a RAW codec  in to the camera that's understandable I get it   that makes sense here's where I found the biggest  disappointment in 8K recording to be in the Ninja   V+ and it's a big drawback in my opinion that I  think you should be aware of let's say for some   reason you want to get an 8K image you want to  be able to use the time be able to get around   the time constraints on the camera by using the  attibus Ninja 5 you don't want to record RAW   in theory that should not be a problem I'll  come back over here I'll cut RAW output off   and then I'll come back and I will shoot in a  standard 8K footage right not RAW just a nice   standard 8K and I want to record in say 8K ProRes  422 on a Ninja Atomos V+ if you look here here's   the problem it's telling me on my back of my  camera I'm recording an 8K at 24 frames a second   but up here on the Atomos Ninja V+ it maxes out  at 4K now this is a major major problem I consider   for me if I'm a Canon R5 user I love shooting in  that 8K RAW it is gorgeous do not get me wrong   but I don't want to shoot in 8K RAW all the  time sometimes I want to shoot in a smaller   more compacted format like a ProRes 422 maybe if  I want to h265 for whatever reason even though   the Canon R5 will send an 8K RAW signal through  the HDMI it will not send any other type of 8K   file out which means you cannot record 8K backups  or get 8K links out here unless you're shooting   RAW which means you are going to be getting  gigantic file sizes I'll be honest I really   can't understand why that's a thing but that  was something that completely completely   shocked me on the Atomos Ninja five plus I  was very shocked I don't know if there'll be   a firmware upgrade I saw no information about  that whatsoever but it is something that really   really surprised me and I haven't heard that  anywhere I think if your Canon R5 user you   absolutely need to know about that if you want to  get 8K footage on the Ninja V+ now the other thing   that completely surprised me about RAW was this  I i might have seen it some little press release   but no one has pointed out that 8K RAW is nice but  the files are huge why can't we just get a nice 4K   RAW image that is smaller and here's  a surprise you can actually get 5K RAW   from the Atomos Ninja V+ oh you got to crop 8K to  do it let me show you do it just so you know I'm   going to do a whole nother video on this because  I think more people need to know about this   but if you come back here in the menu I'm going  to come back here to RAW output I'll cut it on and as you can see it says 8K RAW but if I come  back here now and now if I go to movie cropping   and hit enable well look at this if I do record  quality it gets me 5K options all the way up to 60   frames a second yeah you heard that 5K 60 frames  a second RAW output from the Canon R5 which is   pretty pretty dope I'm just going to sit here  you know I'll put it at 60 just so you can see it   I'll hit ok and if you look here now on my Canon  Ninja five plus it says 5K 60 frames a second   ProRes RAW so this is a pretty cool little thing  I was completely blown away when I discovered this   but you can only do it in RAW once again  there's no option to do anything like this   in a standard 4K now that being said  of the 8K and 5K router let's talk   about what I would consider the biggest single  disappointment I encountered as a Canon R5 user   with the atom essential five and that is 4K 120  frames a second it overheats like crazy on the   Canon R5 I was really hoping I had a 120 frame  option on the Ninja V+ on the Canon R5 and you   don't you absolutely do not the Ninja V+ may  be able to record 4K 120 frames it does not   record 4K 120 frames a second from the Canon R5  as it exists today in the third quarter of 2021   massively massively disappointed let me show you  what happens when you try and do that if I come   back here to menu all right so if I want to come  back here not a high frame rate I'll enable that once again on my camera it's telling me I have 120  frames a second on the camera but as you can see   it max out at 4K 60 frames a  second on the Atomos Ninja v which   massively disappointing I wouldn't research  this apparently right now the only cameras   that can currently record 4K 120 frames a  second on the Ninja v plus are the Sony fs6   and fx9 and the zcam e2 and e2 m4 models and they  say there's going to be more models to follow   they said absolutely nothing about the Canon R5 I  think you really need SDI possibly to get up there   I don't know if there may come out in the future  but this is something that I considered to be   massively massively disappointing and was one  of the main reasons why I think would justify   having to pay this much more for a Ninja V+ over  the model of the Ninja 5. and just in case you're   wondering the 8K RAW is very very big I went ahead  and did a couple of tests where I recorded for one   minute to show you a couple of different things  I'll put up a list here showing you the different   sizes there and you can see just how big the  8K RAW files are now I did find that the 8K   RAW ProRes was a little bit smaller than the 8K  RAW file that comes inside the Canon R5 so that   could save you a little bit of space over time  and one nice thing is having that 5K RAW option   was significantly smaller than 8K if you want to  just have a RAW option to do that okay so that's   basically where I am the Atomos Ninja V+ and the  Canon R5 so my conclusion all this is is this   worth the upgrade if you have a Canon R5 should  you consider getting the Atomos Ninja five plus   and I I'll be honest I am torn on this it is so  expensive compared to the atomist Ninja five that   it really depends I think where you're coming from  if you're someone that has you're joining a lot   of static type shooting you're filming concerts  you're filming plays and performances maybe you're   doing tons of interviews and controlled situations  having that unlimited 8K RAW option could be an   option if you're not worried about card space that  being said the lack of the lack of flexibility and   how you can export 4K not having 4K 120 which is a  huge thing in my opinion um those things make this   not worth it to me at this time that being said  there could be more firmware updates that continue   to upgrade and do that if I could get standard  8K out of this and record ProRes or even h.265   I would really really consider buying this even if  I couldn't get 4K 120. but those things right now   tell me that for me I would prefer to hold  off and wait on that and spend that extra   several hundred dollars on other equipment that  definitely would work for me especially because   the Ninja 5 works so good as is with the Canon R5  but it's a tough one man it's really going to be   what you're shooting and what you need  but I just want to let you know about that   yeah let me know if you have any  questions about this I would love   to hear from you yeah guys got to keep on  shooting yeah and I'll talk to you soon.
Channel: Deaf Director
Views: 4,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Redding, Indie Film, Film Production, Indie Filmmaker, DIY Filmmaking, Film Tutorials, Deaf Director, Deaf Film, HoH Creatives, Film Gear Reviews, Cuban American Filmmaker, Latino Filmmakers, Latino Directors, Canon R5, Atomos Ninja V+ Review, Atomos Ninja V+ Tutorial, Canon R5 RAW footage, Canon R5 5K RAW footage, Canon R5 5K/60fps RAW FOOTAGE, Canon R5 and Atomos Ninja V+ Tutorial, Canon R5 and Atomos Ninja V+ Review, Ninja V+ Raw Footage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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