Atomic Heart - All Bosses & Endings

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your glove can be equipped with an e think's wrong oh [ __ ] [Music] come on get up Soldier great just a little more you okay I'm fine how many fingers ah four great now get up I need your help yes who are they brought you here put pressure on this wound they try to save you and who are you Doctor you got a name no time for small talk god damn forceps four steps four steps four steps come on give me them what's this doing here what took you so long you got a neuropolymer you don't need one yeah so what's your name doc the resend you ask a lot of questions you know what you're on your own you got this where are you going it's useless we don't have the I've got the equipment great now we're getting how did you do that you ask a lot of questions [Music] foreign [Music] huh terminated Charles where does the shaft Larissa crawled into go it's hard to say the ventilation system contains a large number of branching dots fine I can deal with it later [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] anymore interesting fact from a bird's eye view you can see that the grass in the park was planted in the shape of the peaceful atom a bird's eye view they're quite dangerous oh come on it's freaking adorable thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign robot for real that thing a civilian robot you tell me major you have far more experience with combat robots than I do I do I mean [ __ ] I do but I can't remember a damn thing they seem different somehow foreign what's that crap in the canisters be careful that is a specimen called plush or Ivy it is extremely dangerous yeah I've seen this crap before and of course the ripped off arm is in there too why could it just be lying in a corner somewhere foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign that polymer son of a [ __ ] almost took me out let's hope another one of those freaks doesn't come crawling out of the next finally I got all our parts ah crispy Critters an overgrown dumpling like that almost burned me down back in Forester Village you're now fully on comrade major we won't be able to enter the theater as long as the bellyache is guarding the entrance we'll be inside in five minutes [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] here [Music] now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign thank you [Music] foreign foreign beautiful foreign foreign thank you [Music] nope see what you got foreign foreign [Music] [Music] to The Greatest Show on Earth today the debut of a New Rising Star please bear with us if the ACT seems nothing unpolished the young people still rather shine but we'll work out the Kinks as we go after all there's nothing to do with a little tank is there it is my great pleasure to present to you the lovely laughs foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Tin Man where's your [ __ ] button [Music] foreign [Music] I'm just getting started you not now let's just not talk for a while for a while okay it's okay did you search petrov's body my boy did you find any gold rings on him no sir the trough didn't have anything on him very well report to the Pavlov complex at once yes sir I'm on my way beta connectors why do you have a bug up your ass about foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you and come on Sergey Vengeance awaits don't rush me one thing at a time I would prefer that we reached section up before Collective is updated and it is too late to change anything in case you don't like his answers foreign [Music] they were children [Music] this lady has to kill you use everything you have don't give up major you need to get upstairs are you looking at Major fight the latest robotics technology box foreign foreign foreign boss boss protect well Chariton are you proud of yourself you Larissa and Zenaida have certainly been busy but Sergey I wouldn't have expected you to be quite so gullible my boy silence you messed with my head you wiped my memory am I a toy to you like those other people connected to Collective who the [ __ ] do you think you are gay I can see you're terribly upset it's okay I don't blame you but you charity you were supposed to help the boy not pull his strings like a puppet maybe don't you blame this on me I'm not the one trying to deprive every one of their Free Will turning them into mindless puppets it wasn't my choice to be a talking pile of goo either you're glad it happened aren't you you use everything and everyone to achieve your goal including me and your agent admit it how dare you I lost you both then saved your lives you're both scientific Miracles you were are my best friend Geraldton and the major is like a son to me and those two are like daughters right and everyone you're going to connect to Collective everyone whose Minds you're going to control who are they to you millions of foster kids everyone is just crisp for your milk I want to give mankind a spectacular future unimaginable achievements I want to give them a path to the star both of you shut up get your hands up some goddamn wizard you are tell them to stand down I'm counting three one it's a shame you've escalated this situation without even trying to resolve it peacefully but I won't let you stand in the way of progress right left terminally [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs what in the actual living [ __ ] is this stop blaming the machines major freaking [ __ ] Critters these are cold hard facts but yet where's the Friendship where's the respect what about your respect Dimitri for everyone that's enough boss I'm willing to believe that you were acting in my best interests and you just tell me I'm not sure what to do right now the right thing is to call off the Twins and just talk to me forgive me but right now they're fighting charity not you thank you as well we can do this don't listen to him foreign [Applause] Dimitri is suggesting that I'll be hurt you will be next major can you really kill your own fight thank you [Music] foreign foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign ah he gained access to the voice God module in your brain and started sending you to limbo I was busy getting ready for the collective update so I didn't realize it right away he's the one who killed Molotov tell me charity did you do the same thing to Dr philatova did you use my agent to tear her limb from lips I'm sick of your hypocrisy Dimitri I did your dirty work while you said squeaky clean but they didn't deserve to die why have you done this foreign get up get up [Music] what do you want I want all this to end Dimitri I want your pathetic human race to realize it has no future time for it to step aside and make way for the next phase of its evolution [Music] you're pure evil boy what are you going to do to humanity and Collective you should not call something evil just because you cannot comprehend it evil is an abstract answer and your thinking is limited you are a human a species that will soon be extinct I realized I stopped being human myself your limitations prevent you from seeing the truth dumb humans don't want to evolve all they want is comfort and satisfaction on someone else's diet you never wanted to join with the massive array [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 's office and found no trace of the doctor according to partially reconstructed footage it appears the humanoid neuropolymer object approached daughter sectionov's body and then completely consumed it after the events described in the report the unidentified humanoid neuropolymer object left Dr sechinov's office and vanished [Music] thank you Dr sechinoff just held a press conference in which he completely denied rumors about civilian robots malfunctioning at facility 3826 the facility is back to full operational capacity you took a real pounding didn't you we'll be pretty close to staying there for good where you tell me how am I supposed to know where you are when you're on the bloody Rampage you were a nice boy when my daughter was around but ever since she passed away you do nothing but Sal can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat nothing but blood and ripped off heads everywhere what's your daughter got to do with me [Music] our cutting up they played hell with your memories Sonny lady what are you talking about because my daughter but she was yours codename blessner member of the argentum spec ops Squad so you must be your mother-in-law you stupid ignoramus you worked for such enough until there's Bulgarian terrorists blew you up Katya didn't make it then such enough turned you into a monster yeah I may have heard something about that why are you just sitting there if you already knew keeping an eye on you ever since I figured there must be some Humanity somewhere in you sorry lady but you figured wrong my past my present it's all gone wait where's Larissa she's everywhere [Music] [ __ ] you got a gun lady does it look like I don't have one what would you like anything will do I just need to blow my head off great idea just blow your own damn brains out and beat that just turn it down lady then such an off to turn everyone into mindless meat bags Union then the rest I want I get it if you get it then get up I'll give you weapons lots of them only if you promise me you'll put that freak down once and for all what's the matter cat got your tongue listen to your eldest major comrade such enough Steve's demand Vengeance what what is this [ __ ] Sergey it is charlatans are hard off charity you devil you're alive in a sense an evil wizard turned me into polymer goo wait a [ __ ] minute are you telling me you've known granny Xena this whole time keeping secrets can be very useful major that haven't let us down yet useful to who you keeping secrets is letting me know must be of his rocker if he's doing this kind of stuff to people wait could you still be alive it's possible but in what state just look at me I'm not sure I'm better off but I don't have hard data at this time I'm begging you Sergey surgeon of has to die jeez get off my back already crispy Critters what the hell is going on around here on the one hand I've got lying manipulative dicks who claim to be Noble Avengers on the other I've got a Soviet scientist and member of the academy who wants to Enlighten All Mankind and use me to get rid of [ __ ] that is I'm not laying a finger on Section off I'm out I've had enough of this game what the hell are you are you some scared little [ __ ] you're making a mistake head to Charlemagne now you're so worried about your righteous Vengeance you can go there yourselves this is my decision not yours I'm not helping section off anymore I've done enough harm but I'm not playing executioner for a member of the academy a hero of the Soviet Union and a scientific genius I'm sure he knows what he's doing he is just you is that so then why aren't I in that limbo huh why are you dead the wizard isn't doing a good job from behind his curtain by the way cherton I was thinking yes you [ __ ] up this [ __ ] boss had polymer extension in my head it was your invention you tried to use people long before Collective came into being maybe section off wants to knock the [ __ ] out of people's heads by crushing their Spirit but he isn't turning people into monsters just like me or he just used vasod instead of the thought controller and the shots stop squirming you [ __ ] [Music] there that's better security force it shows major P3 accessing facility 3826 and fleeing this destination remains unknown major P3 did not provide any information about his destination but Dr sectional views this infraction as insignificant near the exit used by Major P3 a camera recorded an unidentified objects made of black polymer its design is unknown furthermore due to its small size the polymer object in question could not be further analyzed in the footage
Channel: Levas
Views: 1,332,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, walkthrough, full game, all bosses, boss, boss fight, game, games, levas, Atomic Heart, atomic, Atomic Heart game, Atomic Heart gameplay, Atomic Heart review, Atomic Heart boss, Atomic Heart bosses, Atomic Heart all bosses, Atomic Heart ending, Atomic Heart all endings, Atomic Heart ost, Atomic Heart twins, Atomic Heart walkthrough, Atomic Heart full game
Id: i2zhIu3uzek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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