DARK DECEPTION - All Escape Sequences (Chapter 1-4)

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you've gathered all of her soul shines the ring piece is now exposed and the Monsters [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] America you're amazing [Music] move faster malak's here right around no sharks going somewhere you'll never Escape I won't let you take my friends from me [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] 've done it now get the ring piece thank you this nightmare is collapsing you need to get back to the portal foreign foreign [Music] come on foreign get to the ring piece you can see this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you that's far enough more you know you're the first of beerus's pets to actually cause me some trouble I should commend you for your tenacity well commendable as you may be I'm afraid your little streak ends here unfortunately watching you run around obediently has reminded me that I have a loyal pet as well here let me introduce you so you can both get more properly acquainted now you'll have to excuse I must take my business calls elsewhere oh and fierce I know you're there I'll be settling matters with you very soon [Laughter] [Music] thank you foreign getting back to the portal is not going to be so easy this time don't screw it up [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you I've got you now mortal here we are yet again it's not going to go quite so well for you this time I'll finish you off here and take your soul that said seeing as you're so capable let's up the ante a bit shall we I don't want to keep underestimating your luck all right keep them laughing while you die won't you anything you have to fear is fear itself oh and evil clowns foreign [Music] foreign your suffering will be eternal foreign foreign now get out of this Twisted Hospital Malik's not around maybe he's demoralized Reapers after him don't let him reach the portal Lord Malik is on his way here now mortal however this will be over long before he arrives I don't know what it is that drives you to endure so much that I can see you are lost and you always will be whatever you're grasping for so desperately will always be just out of your reach she won't be able to change that either regardless Lord Malik has greater priorities to deal with than one defined mortal soul that refuses to descend we will win his favor by ridding him of your intolerable presence once and for all ah there she is right on schedule I think you'll find that she is not quite as hospitable as we are you have eluded us but you'll never get past her foreign foreign like that ah take that oh that's it you'll do that hit a woman after him thank you [Music] oh Crush ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] foreign don't celebrate just yet after all that's not even their final form time for something new and improved Salvage mode activated project Joy kill is now initiated constructing Joy kill unit completed have a joy joy day [Laughter] all right oh I can eat way more rich with this body heat and queen why does everything gotta be about food all right I just get so hungry [Music] try crushing it again you think that's gonna work with me now don't make me laugh that didn't work this thing is Invincible finish him don't get that thing near you again how are you going to beat that thing you need to find a way to finish it off permanently look back it might be our own find a way to knock that thing in you look like you need a lot more games you've been terminated humanely I'm sure don't get that thing near you buddy how is it going to beat that thing you need to find a way to finish it off permanently I like the way you died before better don't let that thing near you we need to find a way of finishing off permanently look that vat of molting Steel it might be our only hope find a way to knock that thing in I'm right behind you again take that you know you would like to meet a lot more joy coming for you buddy die I'm right behind you [Laughter] you have your worst nightmare buddy you ain't kidding now you hear me there's no way I feel self-destruct sequence foreign [Music] can't even mock you it's too easy self-destructive reasons information [Music] unauthorized collection of ring piece two-minute security lockdown initiated security is on Route you're locked in um please information [Music] [Music] you look like you need a lot more joints take that things [Music] like that get over here [Music] [Music] what are you doing buddy [Music] this is not over foreign [Music] without saying goodbye dinner time the time day and time I like my meat pretty bloody [Laughter] super I'm not done [Applause] [Music] he's mine now cast your demon I know right oil look at you now I told you it went nowhere it's all yours boss sorry about the mess broke him down real good for you I can see that excellent work how the mighty have fallen a Immortal I told you this would end badly for you no use resisting you're going to show me everything whether you want to or not foreign [Music] let's see what Horrors lie in that little brain of yours [Music] that's better I'll be stepping in for beers for this process you don't mind do you [Laughter] let's see what Secrets lie in the dark resistors of your memory You're Not Afraid of the Dark are you [Laughter] [Music] keep going we're not done yet foreign just a little further a family of how Charming little girl your daughter how interesting not the daughter you wanted though a defect damaged the same as her mother I am getting sick of her public meltdowns why am I always being called out of work to deal with her huh from now on you deal with deal with her when do you ever do that she's your daughter you jerk you don't spend any time with her she's autistic and needs attention from a loving father you don't even give her the bare minimum we both know she got it from you you're the bipolar mess you passed it on to our kid you happy if I'd have known how messed up you were I'd have never married you joke's on me I guess here we go again yep that's all you ever say yeah I know what you think of me sorry to ruin your life all you really need is your money and your secretaries right oh here we go [Music] you pretend we don't even exist you hate me now Tammy needs you and all you care about is your stupid work Timmy could drop dead then you wouldn't even notice what kind of man are you all I know is sucking the joy out of my life sick of it I don't need this garbage every single day yeah I know you don't want to hear it you just want to hear that nothing is wrong with you and it's all my fault right they really killed the joy in your life didn't they that must have been a terrible [Music] so you were not the best family man not much of a small potatoes where's the Reef when are you going to deal with your wife look care of it it's an idiot I will get her out of the picture one way or the other just trust me be patient okay don't do anything stupid your daughter is going to hate me though right that's going to be really awkward does she have to live with us Tammy is not the problem yeah she's a messed up kid but she won't she won't she's at that age where she doesn't like her mother all that much either she'll side with me I hope you're right I'm getting tired of waiting for you to keep your word remember you promised me oh yeah well how's that new car treating you just like I promised right so I'll meet you today tonight at least thinks I'm going out of town for a conference for three days okay but don't expect any Monkey Business in some Hotel afterwards you owe me a nice night out till death do you party so much for wedding vows I can't say I blame you they were all upgrades weren't they there's no shame in indulging yourself you only live once [Music] foreign looks so much younger is that how you see yourself on the inside must be the narcissism nice blood ritual did you look that up online quite a desperate act what motivated you to do the cancer or something else something more painful tell me Doug what's really eating away so full of regret show me ah there it is let's go deeper and take a look shall we well now this is more like it don't back away Doug come closer but why would you feel regret for that accidents do happen you can't blameless was it really an accident did you have something to do today uh what did you do it's time to wake up Tammy your dear father has come all this way to see you ah there she I can see why he was so disappointed below average in almost every way to call such a disappointing girl your daughter after all a man is great and accomplished as yourself am I wrong 10. go give your daddy hahaha you're my puppet now and I've got a job it's done just a little present for beers go ahead and toss him back time for beers to finally pay what is owed what you said I could eat them you had the boss hangry take out the garbage oh all right at least I gotta fight [Applause] [Music] good man sweet points squishy yeah awesome man says you gotta go adios your mother got all the shards hey don't get cocky there's still no way out for you those are my powers those are my powers are you sure you want to go that way bad choice mortal guys are bringing piece close by before I go with these ring pieces I can break his hold on you how unexpected seems the Ring's power is dissolving my marking well it was amusing but I guess our time together is up to worry I'll be by to collect your corpse later you'll never escape this place foreign looking for this you've caused enough trouble I can't let you go any further you've wrecked my happy home and destroyed many of my precious babies you will undo everything like beers you are an Abomination I can never let you return to her this place will be your grave [Music] thank you oh my God [Applause] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign forgive me foreign [Music] yet so dead why do you hurt mama foreign all right come on Mama Bear is coming to get you it's open Escape
Channel: Calamus Claro
Views: 461,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark deception, Walkthrough Dark Deception, dark deception walkthrough, full walkthrough dark deception, dark deception no commentary, dark deception ending, dark deception gameplay, dark deception game, dark deception chapter 4, mama bear dark deception, dark deception chapter 4 ost, enhanced dark deception, dark deception chapter 5, dark deception escape, dark deception escape sequences, Dark deception joy kill, dark deception ost
Id: LlMvee_57mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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