ATOMIC HEART + Trapped in Limbo DLC - ALL ENDINGS (True Ending, Good Ending, Bad Ending)

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Dr sainov just held a press conference in which he completely denied rumors about civilian robots malfunctioning at facility 3826 the facility is back to full operational capacity and the Red Alert will Beed very soon you took a real pounding didn't you pretty close to staying there for good where you tell me how am I supposed to know where you are when you're on the bloody Rampage you were a nice boy when my daughter was around but ever since she passed away you do nothing but Suk and fly off the handle at the drop of a hat nothing but blood and ripped off heads everywhere disgraceful what's your daughter got to do with me my gotina our katinka they played hell with your memory Sunny lady what are you talking about she was my daughter but she was your ekarina NAA Cod named BNA member of the argentum spec officer Squad so you must be your mother-in-law you stupid ignoramus you worked for such enough until those Bulgarian terrorist blew you up ktia didn't make it then sainov turned you into a monster yeah I may have heard something about that why are you just sitting there if you already knew I've been keeping an eye on you ever since I figured there must be some Humanity somewhere in you sorry lady but you figured wrong my past my present it's all gone wait where's Lissa she's Everywhere You scattered her to the Four [Music] Winds [ __ ] you got a gun lady does it look like I don't have one what would you like anything I'll do I just need to blow my head off great idea just blow your own damn brains out and be done with it then set an off and turn everyone into mindless meat bags first the Soviet Union then the rest of the world when I get it if you get it then get up I'll give you weapons lots of them but only if you promise me you'll put that freak down once and for all what's the matter cat got your tongue listen to your elders major comrade sechenov's Deeds demand Vengeance what what is this [ __ ] sge it is me Z AA Charan zaharov Charan you devil you're alive in a sense an evil wizard turned me into polymer goo wait a [ __ ] minute are you telling me you've known granny Zena this whole time keeping secrets can be very useful major they haven't let us down yet useful to who you keeping secrets is letting me down must be off his rocker if he's doing this kind of stuff to people wait a second what about Kya ktina could you still be alive it's possible but in what state just look at me I'm not sure I'm better off but I don't have hard data at this time I'm begging you Sergey seov has to die jeez get off my back already crispy Critters what the hell is going on around here on the one hand I've got lying manipulative dicks who claim to be Noble Avengers on the other I've got a Soviet scientist and member of the academy who wants to Enlighten All Mankind and use me to get rid of [ __ ] according to the manipulate dicks that is whatever lady why don't you show me what's in [Music] sunny [Music] be careful major is that left or right same difference you have no idea how right you are imagine if there were two of them don't give up major we need to get upstairs robotics technology and for is using everything she has to kill you use everything you have what are you looking at Major fight stay alert this lady has no desire to dance with you a [Music] for [Music] oh boss protect well chitan are you proud of yourself you Lissa and Zena have certainly been busy but Serge I wouldn't have expected you to be quite so gullible my boy silence you messed with my head you wiped my memory am I a toy to you like those other people connected to Collective who the [ __ ] do you think you are I can see you're terribly upset it's okay I don't blame you you Chan you were supposed to help the boy not pull his strings like a puppet me don't you blame this on me I'm not the one trying to deprive everyone of their Free Will turning them into mindless puppets but it wasn't my choice to be a talking pile of goo either you're glad it happened aren't you you'll use everything and everyone to achieve your goal including me and your agent admit it how dare you I lost you both then saved your lives you're both both scientific Miracles you were you are my best friend shedan and the major is like a son to me and those two are like daughters right and everyone you're going to connect to Collective everyone whose Minds you're going to control who are they to you millions of foster kids everyone is just Gris for your Mill I want to give mankind a spectacular future unimaginable achievements I want to give them a path to the star both of you you shut up get your hands up some goddamn wizard you are tell them to stand down I'm counting a three one what a [ __ ] two it's a shame you've escalated this situation without even trying to resolve it peacefully but I won't let you stand in the way of progress right left [Music] terminate [Music] you what in the actual living [ __ ] is this stop cing the machines major freaking [ __ ] Critters these are cold heart facts Bo yeah exactly what I want to cor you just walk into my office with a loaded gun where's the Friendship where's the respect what about your respect dri for everyone launch Collective 2.0 the world will be free of pain suffering and Pen aggression like yours P3 classic so to make everybody happy we just need to kill all the unhappy people right Dr suchov stop messing with my head so one of these robots is ekarina ncha the wife I don't remember well which one they both are I tried to bring lesma back to life when her brain was literally ripped in half I wanted to restore her right and left hemispheres but the process was was too complicated what the [ __ ] but why you're already [ __ ] with people who are still alive couldn't you just leave the dead in PE that's enough boss I'm willing to believe that you were acting in my best interests but why couldn't you just tell me I'm sorry sir I wasn't sure what to do right now the right thing is to call off the Twins and just talk to me forgive me but right now they're fighting major wait right now got you your wife is dead shov took her from surrender P3 and give me CH before anyone else gets hurt toes me suggesting that I'll be hurt you will be next major find will you really kill your own wife [Music] C [Music] w w you you lousy sh Shan's manipulating you he gained access to the VOD module in your brain and started sending you to limbo I was busy getting ready for the collective update so I didn't realize it right away he's the one who killed Molotov tell me ched did you do the same thing to Dr fatova did you use my agent to tear her limb from lib I'm sick of your hypocrisy Dimitri I did your dirty work while you stayed squeaky clean but they didn't deserve to die why have you done this you [ __ ] this whole time enough of you your job is done P3 my boy get up get [Music] up what do you want I want all this to end the tree I want your pathetic human race to realize it has no future it's time for it to step aside and make way for the next phase of its Evolution [Music] [Music] me J you're pure [Music] evil what what are you going to do to humanity and Collective you should not call something evil just because you cannot comprehend it evil is an abstract concept and your thinking is limited you are a human a species that will soon be extinct I realized when I stopped being human myself your limitations prevent you from seeing the truth dumb humans don't want to evolve all they want is comfort and satisfaction on someone else's St you never wanted to join with the massive array stop Charan ch [Music] [Music] the argentum unit entered Dr sechenov's office and found no trace of the doctor according to partially reconstructed footage it appears the humanoid neurop polymer object approached Dr sechenov's body and then completely consumed it after the events described in the report the unidentified humanoid neurop polymer object left Dr sechenov's office and vanished [Music] P1 P2 P3 mind is never [Music] free don't Cris [Music] Critters there is nothing I can [Music] do oh crispy Critters your [Music] hand no no no no no hang on I got got you oh well we'll be fine my love we've handled worse pull yourself together you have to follow this path first you need to stabilize yourself the VOD module doesn't help with that anymore but that's all the better for us right [Music] what a world you got here P3 is your brain really so weak that it can't even produce busz off a what chatter [Music] boxes my feet are burning off don't follow well I am not I am the sh that popped up on your no before invading what are you squawking at over you're not an army at once feathers will go flying through the streets I hope you get apples stuffed up your ass head on a swivel they're [Music] everywhere this h ah just hang on katata okay we'll get through this together now the rings on the line P3 my boy what's going on over there too much to explain and that's the wrong question what happened to Katya she's she's dead I salvaged her brain at least fragments of it what bna's body was embalmed in neurop polymer her Consciousness has been transferred to a data carrier storing everything that made katcha well kcha crispy Critters cheridan was telling the truth it's your twins I'm afraid well it isn't so simple one day we'll create the technology to revive e Catarina thanks to the robot twins why didn't you tell me for the moment your wife can't be brought back but you don't remember her so why hurt yourself with vague hopes I want to remember everything it's physically impossible serge that part of your brain has been obliterated all I can do is give you reports of the Naya family's past to read it will not restore your memory but it may well disrup the stability of the Vos hard module I may not have told you everything my boy but I have never deceived you I need those reports and my leave I earned them very well I've given you warning but the choice is yours you will have as much time as you need I'll talk to you later then Dr cof we agreed well then Professor let's let's get back to Nora I promised her I'd disable your lab if she suspects I've deceived her she'll change the recombination schematic I'll cut the power it'll all be convincing hurry up Serge moving [Music] out betray another woman [ __ ] you're good at that you little rat she's not a woman she's a machine lady who cares she loved you she Trust Ed you and you betrayed her you maggot just like you betrayed Kata back off granny one day I'll tear you into bloody Rags you're going to rot in your grave you rat for [Music] sugar you leave me no choice personal freedom is more precious than your false love crispy Critters the pulse Forex [Music] are you all right my boy why did you go there alone you could have waited for help wasn't any time perform the recombination my boy the twins will be busy neutralizing Norah's pulse Vortex they won't be able to help you but this also means that she can't stop you on it comrade SE [Music] off crispy Critters something's wrong you'll pay for this betrayal I will kill you Nora was able to reconfigure the recombination schematic that's why you couldn't put it together so now she didn't have time to Cy for the new schematic I see the new sequence I'm sending it to you rebuild the schematic that won't happen we'll see about that [Music] [Music] okay now a [Music] f m oh he the he darling please I'm begging you don't deprive me of my individuality I want I want to choose how I live my life this isn't fair and killing people is fair I don't like your individuality it just causes others to suffer if only I could be a proud single woman and never mess with a man uh-huh good ideas always come too late don't don't be upset it happens to me all the [Music] [Music] time thank you comrade major the defects of my control algorithm Ms have been eliminated the Nora device is beginning to perform the target objectives restoring order to the mlay of complex lifting complex blockade communication with the outside world has been restored integration into the United Collective Network excellent work my boy I knew you wouldn't let me down you have the deepest gratitude of the entire Collective I'm glad everything turned out okay you you promised me an indefinite leave Dr sainov of course my boy you deserve a rest have a pleasant leave major thank you comrade COV thear is waiting for you in the hanger comrade major here is your launch code take care of yourself your braid is very cute Katya I beg your pardon comrade major but what do you mean thanks for the code are you leaving us comrade major I can open a direct route to the hanger for you if you would safe travels comrade major I hope the travels actually will be safe behave yourself as you command my [Music] master [Music] I'm not laying a finger on sainov I'm out I've had enough of this game what the hell are you are you some scared little [ __ ] you're making a mistake ma head to chel now if you're so worried about your righteous Vengeance you can go there yourselves this is my decision not yours I'm not helping cof anymore I've done enough harm but I'm not playing executioner for a member of the academy a hero of the Soviet Union and a scientific genius I'm I'm sure he knows what he's doing he is just using is that so then why aren't I in that limbo huh why aren't you dead the wizard isn't doing a good job from behind his curtain by the way Chon I was thinking yes you [ __ ] up this [ __ ] vosot polymer extension in my head it was your invention you tried to use people long before Collective came into being maybe seu wants to knock the [ __ ] out of people's heads by crushing their Spirit but he isn't turning people into to monsters just like me or he just use vosot instead of the thought controller and the shots you're making a mistake stop squirming you [Music] [ __ ] there that's better sec security footage shows major P3 exiting facility 3826 and fleeing his destination remains unknown major P3 did not provide any information about his destination but Dr sov views this infraction as insignificant near the exit used by Major P3 a camera recorded an unidentified object made of black polymer its design is unknown furthermore due to its small size the polymer object in question could not be further anal ized in the footage
Channel: Hopezera Gaming
Views: 15,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomic heart dlc all endings, atomic heart dlc ending good, atomic heart dlc ending song, atomic heart dlc ending twins, atomic heart dlc ending bad, atomic heart dlc ending scene, atomic heart dlc ending cutscene, atomic heart dlc ending metal twins, atomic heart dlc ending choice, atomic heart dlc ending all, atomic heart dlc how to get all endings, atomic heart dlc gameplay all ending, atomic heart dlc full game all endings, atomic heart dlc 2023 all endings
Id: CIHOngwtnRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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