ATM Star Guide Part I - All The Mods 8 - The Basics

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hello everybody I'm slice in this series we'll cover how to make an ATM Star in all the mods 8. the options I cover may not be the only option so I encourage you to find others and just have fun each part of this guide will have chapters down in the description so you can return to specific Parts when you need to in this episode we'll cover the basics and where to start let's begin by going over some resources that you'll want to get an early start on as the ATM Star requires a large amount of these you'll need over 80 000 service courts 12 000 service dust 59 000 diamonds 530 000 emeralds obsidian Soul Sand and end Stone over 4.78 million Netherrack 110 000 infurium essence and 98 000 nether Stars now if you strictly go applied energistics 2 you'll need around 26 000 silicon but if you strictly go refined storage you'll need over 350 000 silicon this is not an exhaustive list you'll need a lot of other materials as well most of them will be covered by processes that will cover throughout this guide first we'll cover mystical agriculture mystical agriculture allows you to grow resources through farming and has a large variety of resource plants in all of my date there are 110 different seats to get started with mystical agriculture you'll have to either mine for inferium ore or killing mobs will have a chance to drop infurium essence once you have that you can then think about making the infusion altar which is a four stone a red wool and two gold ingots then you'll need eight infusion pedestals which are two Stone two gold and a red wool don't forget some form of redstone activation with your infusion altar just place it down and it will indicate to you where your pedestals need to go once you have all eight down don't forget your Redstone signal in this case I have a redstone torch underneath the Altar and what that'll do is it'll always allow for recipes to be crafted instead of waiting for a trigger to happen but before you can do that something else you'll have to look for is prosperity ore once you do that you can find some Prosperity shards this is affected by Fortune so keep that in mind with your Prosperity shards have four shards and a seed a wheat seed to get Prosperity seed base with your essence and an infusion Crystal this one is a master one there is a novice one that you can that you need to craft first you can combine four essence of the low tier to the next tier there are a lot of Tears in this mod for essence the the generic ones are one through five you have Imperium Essence protentium tertium Imperium and supremium there is an add-on mod that allows you to include insanium as well as awakened supremium there are other tiers as well we have elemental tiers which are for air earth water fire and Elementium which is an add-on from Britannia you then have magical and magical is pretty pretty late game it's a very expensive it takes four insanium blocks which is nine insanium essence so those are if you will tier VII in my mind now we won't be covering awaken Supreme in this guide that'll be a later part because you do need some of this just not a ton of it so with those in mind these are some examples of some seeds that you may want to shoot for quickly I would say first and foremost is is tier one there's not a whole lot in tier one you can craft all of these pretty easily they are tier one you have inferium stone dirt wood ice and deep slate uh in my experience I would concentrate specifically on inferium seeds to start off with so that way you can start growing a lot of infurium essence Additionally you may want to consider making some ice seeds so that way you have a nice way to make ice in tier two we'll have these are my six suggestions another seeds silicon nature honey dye and mystical flower for Britannia if you're going Britannia if not just avoid it in tier three obsidian Redstone service quartz iron nether quartz and bronze I use Bronze in my let's play for making hammers before I learned about a specific trick that you can do if you don't want to deal with bronze you can switch this out for anything else and tier four we have the end seeds electrum invar gold steel and signal signalum is just one of a few that I would recommend here there's a lot of other stuff like lumium and I can't think of the other ones off the top of my head but these are tier four so they're a little pricey it would take imperiums to get there uh tier five diamond seeds emeralds uraninite endurium wither skeleton and another right all seeds except for the inferium seed have roughly the same crafting uh recipe infurium seeds however have a slightly different recipe you'll need to combine eight of them and a prosperity and a wheat seed you'll need to combine eight inferium Essence and a wheat seed to make your first inferium seed all other seeds will require you to use the infusion altar so let's go ahead and craft ourselves some ice seeds just so you can see what it's like okay now this is essentially shapeless if you will the diagrams show that you have to have um either the corners filled or the the sides filled but you can hello why did that happen you can have all of them shapeless like this okay so once I place this Prosperity seed in here since this has a redstone torch automatically there it should start crafting the seed and there we go we have an ICC okay same idea for all these with their respective material and their tier of essence now that you've crafted your seeds you'll need to find a way to grow them one of the easiest ways to grow them early game is with hopper botany pots Hopper botany pots require you to have found clay so keep that in mind make sure you're Gathering all the clay that you can because it requires five terra cotta a flower pot and a hopper now the legit easiest way to do this is simply by using farmland you can you can actually Harvest these by hand at first if you want so let's go ahead and go over the different farmlands we have inferium Farmland prodentium tertium Imperium supremium and insanium now these do grow at different rates with insanium being the fastest at a 1.35 times multiplier you can then add growth accelerators they all have the same ones inferium prudentium pertium Imperium and supremium there is not an insanium one but with that what you'll want to do is place these growth accelerators underneath a Farmland okay and what this will do is it will tick accelerate the growth of this plant additionally the different farmlands have different outputs okay so let's go ahead and place all these down so that way you can see the different varieties with inferium the inferium output is only one hundred percent secondary chance which would be seeds would be 11 percent that's not really that important so don't be too concerned with that next up you have the credentium Farmland which increases the inferium output by 50 percent and then the tertium increases it by an additional 50 so a total of Plus 100. Imperium does Plus 150. this premium does Plus 200. and insanium does plus 250 percent now that is just for infurium not all seeds so notice here that I have one two three four five six growth accelerators and this is on inferium sorry insanium farmland and it's not exactly growing all that fast there are other ways to speed this up if you want such as a lily pad of fertility you can add up to 60 growth accelerators below a Farmland so and and you can have 12 infuriums 12 prudentium 12 tertium 12 Imperium and 12 supremium technically you could have 60 supremium growth accelerators but there's absolutely no point in wasting all of that material to do that and the reason for that is because technically a supremium an inferium affect the growth the exact same what this means though is that you can't have 13 infurium or 60 inferium you can only have 12. you could have 24 prudentium you could have 36 tertium you could have 40 Imperium but again all these blocks have the same mechanic they're just limited on quantity based on location of your seat so now that this is fully grown you could you know right click it and get some essence that to me is rather slow so my preferred method for early game is to actually use Hopper botany pots as I mentioned before so with incinium Farmland in here just for show we can start growing these now what this will do is since this is a hopper botany pot it'll place all of the essence and seeds into a storage system okay you can then have this storage system attached to a storage controller for example which you can then have a storage bus from maybe your applied energistics I do believe there is something for that as well in refined storage but you'll be able to see the contents of this within your me system now notice here that this is actually growing quite fast comparatively speaking to that with some growth accelerators it will only produce a small amount each time but the really neat thing with these is you can technically time and bottle them now this is a little bit of a later game thing so keep that in mind but you can take accelerate all the way up to 256. I mean look look how fast that's going oh yeah there's also some fertilized Essence in there too small chance to get that but that's pretty useful when you uh get started on new seeds you can use a bunch of this that has been gathered previously to spam a bunch of seeds early on now this Time in a Bottle will eventually go away as you saw so it's not permanent but there are permanent ways to tick to accelerate such as the roots mod I don't have that set up here to be able to show you as I've actually personally never used it I've seen other people use it and wanted to mention it so it is quite useful now for Farmland you can technically sort of automate this a little bit with a harvester pylon Harvester pylons can change between three by three all the way up to nine by nines I have just an automodium hone here because it's unbreakable just to kind of show it none of these have grown to the point where they'd be harvestable anyway that's how slow this process is without any growth accelerators now I highly recommend staying away from using 60 growth accelerators I did that in my let's play for my 11 by 11 Farm uh for a long time and I didn't realize that it was actually causing a significant amount of lag in my world I ended up switching all of this out for the next setup that I'm going to show you which is phytogenic insulators these things are very very useful now they are a tad bit more expensive than maybe early to mid game because of lumium but even that's not terribly expensive because you can find some glowstone tin and silver and then combine it with a fire charge to make some and your first craft of lumium ingots I highly recommend making yourself a seed it is tier four just keep that in mind it might take you a little bit to get there but well worth it in the end because if you go this route you're going to need a lot of lumium now these things require energy as well as water you can just craft a sink it's infinite water the other thing is energy these things will require a fair amount of energy so you'll have to have a decent energy setup before really diving into this we'll cover energy a little bit later in this guide but just know that these things are extremely fast now for example I I went ahead and did a little bit of testing with some another star seats this first one is only augmented by a cyclical processing now the reason why you want this is because what will what it will do is it will allow you to keep your seed inside of here if you don't have that what will happen is this seed will actually go to the output and then be sucked into whatever system you have going so this prevents that it will allow the seed to be put back into the input slot notice how the speed of this I've been talking this entire time and it was only approximately halfway done that will drastically improve so once I go over the other two I will show you explain to you the the numbers that I I tested on if this machine doesn't operate fast enough your your system that can pull stuff out of these machines will actually pull the seed out so that's why I highly recommend doing an upgrade to this just having an integral component in here whether it be invar electrum or even resonant I recommend sticking with resonant you want this machine to operate far faster okay so let's go ahead and and put some of these in here now in this next one I have this fully upgraded with a resonant integral component a cyclical processing and then two speeds look at how much faster this one is hmm okay now with these upgrades placed in just to show you the comparison between all of these with no upgrades this will produce approximately six Essence every five minutes that's not great with just a four time scaling Factor resonant integral component it jumps up to 24 per five minutes and then if you add in both of these amplifier speeds you'll go all the way up to 59 or 60 Essence every five minutes and then you can actually tick accelerate these machines watch how fast this gets going it's going so fast that it can't even keep up with the energy so if I had better means to supply energy this thing would be going extremely fast right now it's bogged down so much that it's wasting its energy before it can produce so it's actually not producing so keep that in mind now I've been using another star seeds to show here if you have nether star seeds in or on top of actual Farmland you actually need a another star Crux which is actually rather expensive to make right it requires four incinium Essence two nether Stars a block of diamond and then two withering Souls which you get from killing the Wither which I mean you for the nether Stars you'd have to do that anyway so keep that in mind that if you were to do regular Farmland you're going to need to craft yourself another star Crux for each one of these seeds that you want to do you don't need that Crux inside of a phytogenic insulator I do believe you need them inside of those though yeah so if you grow inside of a garden klausch you would need the Crux in there you need the Crux inside of the hopper but you don't need it in the phytogenic insulator additionally if you have an endless amount of bone meal for example you can supply these phytogenic insulators with bone meal in this bottom slot and every time this operation finishes it will consume a bone meal to produce an additional resource so you can really get this going now you need a lot of nether Stars I mentioned before that it's roughly 98 000 Stars for One ATM Star uh this particular method is extremely slow for Gathering nether stars and the reason for that is because of how expensive they are okay when another starseed grows it produces another star essence and nine of those produces one shard you need three shards to make one star I calculated it roughly and that is going to result in you requiring at uh roughly like 2.6 some odd million Essence just to be able to produce that there's a much faster way though and that's going to lead us into our next section but I wanted to show you why you need all of those nether Stars okay in the ATM Star you have 15 three times compressed another star blocks that's where the 98 000 comes from there are some nether stars and various other recipes but the majority of it like 99.99 of the nether Stars required are in these three times compressed blocks next up we have hostile neural networks to get started you'll want to make a handful of model Frameworks those require for lapis lazuli two Redstone a smooth stone gold ingot and a redstone repeater I recommend starting with six or eight maybe to start off with our goal here is to get some data on wither once you have those made you're going to want to make yourself at least a deep learner or two I personally did two in my let's play so that way I could have eight off the bat these require for obsidian three Redstone repeaters a glass pane and a redstone dust now what you do with these is you take the model framework and you right click on a mob to set the data model you then put the Frameworks inside of your deep learner okay these have four slots so let's jump over to my let's play series so that way I can show you how to obtain with their data models I've loaded up my let's play series so that way I can show you what to do with doing the data models and the withers first you cannot do it while he's in this mode oh you can you can do this you can while he's spawning now you want to place all of these inside of a deep learner now my system ended up killing him but that's fine we now have four data modules in the top left there with your deep learner equipped you can see that you have six remaining see now you will get a bunch of drops this may not be as easy for you as it is for me currently because I'm currently near the end of this playthrough now with one remaining let's check out to see what happens when I kill the the sixth foreign you can see that it is now a basic model and it requires 12 additional kills to get to the next tier as I mentioned before you don't need to do those killings yourself you can allow your setup to do that for you once you have your data models above the faulty tier you'll want to make sure that they're at least basic tier you'll start you'll want to start crafting the other necessary items for this setup first you're going to want to make sure that you have a automatic crafting setup for prediction matrices these require four glass panes a gold ingot a Lapis Lazuli and an iron ingot you're going to be going through a lot of these so make sure you have some sort of automation for it next up we have the simulation Chambers I recommend having more simulation Chambers than loot Fabricators um in my experience you go maybe like nine to one maybe even more now I haven't done a full-on test but a one-to-one just isn't good enough for Loop fabricators in order to craft a simulation chamber you'll want two lapis lazuli a redstone comparator two ender pearls an obsidian and a glass pane to make the loop fabricators you'll want two gold ingots I wrote Stone comparator an obsidian two diamonds and another right and get with everything crafted and your data models obtained it's now time to actually get the loop that you're looking for so first things first make sure that you have a stockpile of prediction matrixes so that way you can fill up your simulation chamber the simulation chamber and the loop fabricator will require some power so make sure to hook that up I'm not going to start mine yet just because I'm going to explain first with your data model place it inside of the simulation chamber in the top left here you'll start filling prediction matrixes in this top left corner of these three few things to note here first is this main section here this will indicate to you if something is wrong or if it's producing okay in this case it says that it doesn't have any any energy if I take it out it take out the data model it will say please insert a data model to begin simulation you cannot put in a faulty data model it has to be basic or self-aware or anywhere in between basic tier only gives you a five percent accuracy meaning that when this triggers it's only going to have a small chance to actually produce something useful but every time this triggers what this is doing is it's also quote unquote killing a Wither meaning it's actually improving the accuracy over time of your data model so you don't have to kill all of these Withers or any other mob for that matter manually okay so just get to basic and then let this do its job it will get to self-aware which is I believe 95 accuracy over time it might take a little while to get there but if you just leave it alone it will get there okay so once you're actually producing what's going to happen for the Wither one specifically is you'll end up getting a wither skeleton prediction as well as a generalized under prediction the generalized underprediction is used in a few different crafting recipes most notably the dragon head so you don't have to go all the way to the end to get additional dragon heads you can actually craft them um if you want there's other ways to get dragon heads as well just keep that in mind additionally and most importantly you get this Wither Skeleton prediction this is also used to craft weather ribs not that important trust me you'll get too many of these if you have a mob farm don't worry about it next up we have the the Wither prediction these are used in the loop fabricator to Grant you nether Stars it is a one to one so one weather prediction will grant you one another star and if you have like 18 of these at self-aware level you're producing a lot of nether Stars rather quickly and do you now start to see how the Hostile neural networks is the preferred method over mystical agriculture specifically for nether Stars you can produce a lot of these pretty quickly all right so let's go ahead and give this power just that way you can actually see this in action notice that these are taking a fair amount of energy between them okay it's a little pricey all right so now you can see that the sequence failed and that happened because the model accuracy is low you can see that the model accuracy over time is increasing and every time this gets to 100 it starts an entire new sequence processing results it failed again when it fails you get a generalized under prediction and it increases your model accuracy see I've done it now three times and I haven't gotten a single prediction uh with a prediction but this is now one percent higher than it was before okay same thing these things can also be took accelerated if you want I didn't personally do it I just increased the number of simulation Chambers the ones that I actually used in this tutorial I plan on adding machines for just to get some additional nether Stars but with these predictions in hand you need to process them inside of a loot fabricator see once you do this it gives you an option of what to select because some of these predictions actually have multiple selections and once you've set it you can kind of just leave it you don't have to keep coming in here and selecting it okay so now that I have more you can see that it's already pre-selected this is setting the recipe for the loot fabricator next up we have apotheosis spawners I'm going to start with a word of caution apotheosis spawners that are maxed out will be able to produce a lot of enemies very quickly if you've applied all modifiers to a spawner chances are you're going to produce so many enemies that you're going to start producing lag which means you need a very quick way to handle those enemies additionally once those enemies are killed you need a very efficient way to handle all of the loot that gets dropped now depending on how you handle that your loot may drop differently I will show you in in this guide how I went about it in my let's play and it produces a lot of items that get thrown into the world that I happen to manage very quickly to get started we want to make a swap a mob swap to do that you just take wool tool and a stick once you have a mob swab and MOB swabs do not work on every mob in the game so keep that in mind when you go and do this okay I now have an evoker that is spontane I created it just for this purpose what you want to do is you want to take this and sneak right click on the mob with that swab now you want to combine it with a wheat seed and a fluid XP bucket that will grant you a GM chicken feed with a GM chicken feed you want to find a chicken out in the wild or maybe you can produce one in a farm that you have but either way you need to feed this chicken this feed that you just made boom and now that will give you a spawn egg of the mob that you swapped keep in mind you cannot do this with every mop okay there are other methods you can use a mob imprisonment tool to capture some mops and then use you can use industrial foregoing to make a mob duplicator if you want I did not do that in my let's play because for me it was a little bit slower than these apotheosis spawners now I've spawned in a pig spawner here just so that way I can show you what to do take the spawn egg that you got from an evoker and I'll explain why an evoker in a minute and apply the spawn egg to the spawner we now have an evoker spawner this particular spawner is kind of pitiful it is kind of pitiful it has a men's spawn delay of 200 ticks and a Max spawn delay of 800 ticks only a spawn count of four with a Max entity of six meaning it can spawn once and you have to kill two in order to even have a chance at spawning or they need to go outside of the range of the spawner activation range is 16 meaning you have to be within 16 blocks of the spawner and then the spawn range for this is only four blocks meaning it can only spawn within a four block radius around it okay now there are modifiers for these spawners and they do get a little pricey on some of this material first up we have another star this tells the spawner to ignore players and by that I mean you don't have to worry about the activation range you don't have to be within 16 blocks this will keep on producing if you're not around if you don't have Redstone control setup I have redstone on this one because I didn't wanna producing anything while I'm here next up is the soul Lantern it ignores light in Minecraft Mobs have a restriction based on light whether or not they they can spawn this tells the spawner to ignore that and allows them to spawn at any light level fermented spider eyes this adds plus one count to the spawn count so instead of having four you can increase that there is a Max and we'll show you that in a moment next up is the gas tier this allows for plus two Max entities so if you get this spawning fast enough you can tell the the spawner to ignore how many entities are around it a little bit better next is a wall this makes the spawner spawn enemies that are silent so slime for example won't produce the slimy noises which is won't produce the witchy noises skeletons won't Creak zombies won't moan so on and so forth chorus fruit no AI this means that like this evoker it'll do nothing if this was not applied this evokehere would be spawning its little minions and causing all sorts of mayhem sugar this decreases the Min spawn delay by 10 6. prismarine crystals this increases the activation range Redstone comparators Implement Redstone control meaning you can flip a switch or toggle it some other way to control whether or not the spawner is on or off clocks this decreases the max spondily typically speaking you will find most spawners have 800 spawn delay so it takes well over a stack of clocks to get below what you would want you can get the Min spawn delay and the max spawn delay down to 20 ticks meaning one second next up is the dragon egg dragon egg ignores all conditions in my experience though I still applied the rest of these because I'm assuming that maybe there's a bug not confirmed but with just the dragon egg enemies for me were not spawning so I still use Soul Lantern I still used another star uh and anything else that modifies the mobs themselves or allows them to spawn blaze rods this increases the spawn range now this is not something that I think is necessary because for Mob Farms you really want them to be a little bit condensed and we'll go over that in a little bit now if you want to better fine-tune your spawner all of these items increase effectiveness of your spawner if you accidentally go a little bit too far or you want a better fine tune it all you have to do is have some nether quartz and place it in your off hand and then have these items in your main hand when you apply them it'll reverse the effect now my preferred method on killing mobs is the mob mesher my Mashers require two diamonds sorry three diamonds a block of iron a block of redstone two iron spikes and two iron swords the mob Basher can have augments applied to them in their inventory two of those augments are upgrade sharpness and upgrade looting upgrade sharpness requires four iron swords four gold nuggets and a redstone dust the ma Masher Can Only Hold 10 of these same thing with the upgrade looting you can only hold 10. upgrade looting requires four blue dye four gold nuggets and a redstone dust now for an example as to why you would want an evoker for this setup you can do this with a lot of different mobs in my let's play I have slime which is zombies gas Blaze blazes Enderman the list goes on I have approximately I believe like 16 different mobs the two most important ones at least for the materials that we're talking about in this guide I think are evoker and Cave creepers cave creepers are a little bit harder to come by but they have a small chance to spawn emeralds and diamonds which you need a lot of it's not a lot of emeralds it's not a lot of diamonds but additional drops is a good thing to speed up your production now the other thing that an evoker happens to drop is a totem of undying total of undying is actually also required in the ATM Star so the evoker literally only drops useful stuff now it will drop a lot of totem of undying and you don't need a ton of it but you do need some so in here I do have a spawner that is maxed out aside from the spawn range as I mentioned before I don't need to do that it's almost maxed out I don't have the spawn count maxed out let's actually do that so that way you can see how ridiculous this is okay so now that's maxed out okay I have these fans here so that way it pushes them into the mob Masher each fan currently for this setup has three width modifiers making it push all the way to the mod Masher on every side so with that let's go ahead and initiate so notice these guys have nothing going on do you see how much they're dropping might be a little hard to notice right away with this type of evoker spawner setup I have 20 of these maxed out in my let's play with this kind of setup notice that the items are getting rather laggy let's actually go ahead and turn this off so that way I can explain okay so this is a prime example of what can happen with your mob farm if things get too crazy okay all of these items were backed up in this particular absorption Hopper there is another item that I particularly use in my setup this Advanced item collector this collects items and places into inventories far faster than an absorption Hopper the advanced item collector doesn't have its own inventory it literally takes items and places in an inventory this has its own inventory and then Hoppers into one of the six sides depending on which way you have it facing this also collects um experience from the mobs so that's extremely useful so I also have that it's just I don't worry about the items going into this absorption Hopper because the item collector does it far more efficient with this particular setup I am able to get an entire emerald block 5x mind you in approximately 67 minutes of AFK around this Farm now if you know my let's play I have that particular Farm pretty far away from my base so that way it's not constantly running I just go over there every once in a while and let it AFK next up we're going to cover lasers from industrial foregoing a laser drill requires two gold gears a redstone two Pistons a simple machine frame a diamond gear and two plastic to go along with the laser drill you need an or laser base this is what you'll be pointing all of the laser drills towards Additionally you can make yourself a fluid laser base I'll touch on that in a little bit more importantly the oral laser base requires two vibranium gears a redstone dust to ore of any kind I have iron here an advanced machine frame plastic to plastic and in all the modium pickaxe so far we have not talked about how to get all the modium or vibranium that will be covered in a later section this is a little bit of a later game option but it's a very good option for getting additional material I personally use these to gain a lot of diamonds once you have those two crafted you'll want to craft yourself a lens a lens requires a little bit of latex for glass panes and a die each lens requires its own die so the two that you would want for emeralds and diamonds are light blue and a lime now with these what you want to do is in the or laser base you would want to put these now these can hold up to six see now I personally think these lasers should only be used for materials that you're not getting out of a farm of some sort because the evoker setup for example produces way more emeralds than you'll ever need so for this I have three large setups strictly for diamonds and I'll get into it in a moment as to what I mean by a large setup for now all you have to worry about is your lenses are placed inside of your or laser base additionally you want to make sure that the depth of your laser base is set up correctly so if you take a look at diamond ore and how to produce it you can come over here to the laser drill items and see what the requirements are for diamond ore first up you have light blue laser lens which is what we have and you have a Min y of level five and a Max y level 16. with a weight of four don't worry about the weight too much just know that you need a light blue Four Diamonds you need it to be between y level five and Y level 16. additionally there are biome requirements for Diamond there are no actual requirements it goes to any however for the fluid base and the reason why I use that is because I have a setup that generates me lava and that is required to be in the nether now with your or laser base setup you need to supply these power with your lenses set up in the or base you have to make sure that your laser drills are pointing towards your or laser base now these can be in a three by three pattern and then it can go too deep on every single side okay so you have six sides and you can place 18 of these laser drills on each side that's a fair amount of laser drills all these laser drills need power and they're a little bit hungry so be careful is they're not too terribly expensive as you can see here I have three of these touched up so let's go ahead and transfer energy in here notice that they only hold ten thousand each you can technically increase various portions of this laser drill probably the range meaning you might be able to actually Place more I personally didn't I just have the 18 on each side three times now you can see here that this is actually starting to progress the more laser drills you have the faster this will be now this is a rather janky setup but I just wanted to show you how fast it can this can actually get going noticeable increase and that was just off of let's see 16 additional laser drills now imagine that on all six sides this can actually start producing rather quickly it will produce diamond ore which means you then have to further process this diamond ore so you can choose your your matter of production there our next section will be productive bees to get started in productive bees you'll have to craft yourself some nests now how do you know which test that do you actually want well if you come into the quest log and go down to productive bees you'll be able to see a large variety of nests okay in this section down here you'll see some starting nests you can also go into jei if you already happen to know like what you're aiming for let's go with let's say a lumber B right if you want a lumber bead to be able to get some wood you'd come in here and if you left click you can see that there's some information on them notice that some bees like this one cannot breed amongst themselves meaning you can't breed a lumber bee with a lumber bee to get another Lumber B this comes into play pretty significantly in a little bit now in order to breed a lumber bee you need to combine a green carpenter bee and a yellow Carpenter B to get it that's a pretty generic thing through all of the bees so keep that in mind a lumber B like I said comes from green Carpenter and yellow Carpenter but where do these guys come from well these guys if you left click on them they're solitary and can be found living alone in nests around the Overworld lookup recipe for this bee to see which Nest it can spawn in now you would initially think okay let me left click on this to get the recipe of it no you actually want to press U by default or I believe actually right click also does it okay to bring in the B uses that will allow you to see the various uses for this B and most importantly the B spawning tab is here this B can be obtained the green and yellow can both be attained from jungleness Birch Ness dark oak or Oak nest so since the dark oak can also do blue banded bees and the jungle Nest can do blue banded bees I'd say stick away from those and stick with a birch or Oak in this case I happen to have jungle in the recipe book but all it is is a wooden sword with the material of the nest and it makes a nest okay so over here we have a jungle nest a reed nest and a sand Ness just for example do note that if you make your own read Ness these do need to have water nearby just like a sugar cane would okay with these nests now placed in the world you can right click on a nest which will make the bees want to come to this Nest now notice that in the one probe up there it's saying repopulation cool down use additional treats to speed up this initially starts off at 1200 ticks or 1200 seconds actually which is fairly long you can just do this and leave them and it will eventually do it or you can apply additional 100 treats to chunk it down now this does it by a percentage so when you get lower it's actually going to do less time per honey treat so if you happen to have like something like a Time in a Bottle or the wand from Roots you can tick accelerate these if you want once you get to a certain point I tend to go down to like 300 myself and then just use some time in the bottle but yeah you can do that to multiple and you can spam it uh the the amount of Honey treats that you're going to go through for this type of process is pretty significant earlier in this guide I mentioned making some honey treat seeds or sorry honey seeds which allow you to craft these honey treats pretty easily not directly because you need to craft the Honeycombs and you also need to craft the honey blocks now in order to get that you need honey bottles all right what you can do with honey Essence and glass bottles you can Auto Craft that which is what I've done so that way when I need it I can just you know ask my system to make it you will want quite a few of these you can also produce this honey treat by doing a bottling system which I've also done just because I have so many bees going I have an endless amount of honey and I can easily produce Honeycombs so I have honey treats on demand and there's a lot of them okay so some bees that you'll maybe want to look for now disregard these particular spawn eggs these are I just cheated these in for example ooh real quick see an ashy mining bee spawned out of this sandness that's actually a very useful bee for you so keep that in mind you will want ashy mining bees the effect that you're seeing now uh is a radioactive effect and we'll cover that in a little bit so in order to get these spawn eggs you'd have to do some crafting but for now I'm just using them for examples so Diamond bees are going to be rather useful in order to get one you need to breed a Lapis bee and an Ender B using a flower not all breeding requires flowers now I do have an example over here of a reed b and a nomad B Nomad bees um You're Gonna Want quite a bit of so make sure to check those out yeah these guys come from uh the same nest that ashy mining bees are in so the way that works is if an ashy mining B is inside of a nest so like this guy over here if he would come over here and get inside this Nest there's going to be a cool down that happens at the end of that cool down Nomad bees have a chance to spawn when this guy pops out okay so it's a little bit of a lengthy process because it relies on these guys doing their business and then wanting to come out of their nest so make sure you get that started sooner rather than later because you'll you'll want quite a few Nomad bees so this breed is actually going to be a useful combination for you okay so you feed them they do the hearts and now we have a little B so hard to see you can feed flowers to the bees to make them grow up but this guy is a silicon bee okay so now that's going to take him a moment I can't seem to feed him any more flowers okay he'll grow up and you can capture these guys with your your bee cages I'll go over those in a second in order to go bam okay so now I have a sturdy bee cage with a silicon B in it if you hold down shift uh you know hold shift for more info you can see that this bee has different stats the type Hive not productivity normal weather tolerance none Behavior diurnal endurance medium temper normal and breeding items is any flower the most important part here is probably the productivity and temper the reason why productivity is important is because that is the stat that allows the bee to produce more Honeycombs of a particular type and temper if you have these bees just flying around like this you want to make sure that they're not hostile or angry because they will actually attack you if you annoy them too much so with that in mind you'd want to craft yourself some Diamond bees and maybe some Emerald bees we can also do silicon bees which is what I just showed you now most oh you know what I'm going to hold off on that one real quick and spatial bees these guys are going to be pretty important for you as well okay there's there's a lot of bees that are going to be very useful if you've seen my let's play you've seen how many bees I have I have 80 diamonds to start and 80 emeralds to start and that's just two types of bees okay now how did I get there uh well it's a lot of production but you can get started and going pretty quickly because this stuff is rather inexpensive okay so in order to really start off with breeding bees it'll be the method of using uh the breeding item in this case it was a flower and manually doing it which I still do for some bees and you will have to do for some bees but this breeding chamber is where you can also do this so let's go ahead and grab these guys uh grab that one pick those up and what we can do is actually put these guys in here now once you do that in this section right here you will notice that a silicon B pops up this indicates to you that what's going to be produced from this combination is a silicon B there are some bees some B combinations that have multiple outputs and this these buttons right here are intended to allow you to switch between them however as you can see this doesn't work quite yet so um that's been like this for the entirety of all the mods eight so far uh I don't know if that'll be fixed but if it does keep in mind that these buttons allow you to change which output comes out of this brief if you have a setup where you actually need a different B out of like a combination of two just keep picking these up and dropping them in there until you get the output that you want now with them in there you do still have to provide the correct material for them to actually breed additionally you'll want to make sure that you have a lot of B cages now with all of that they will start breeding notice how slow this is this little bar right here would indicate which um what the progress is look at how slow this is this can be tick accelerated as well I use Time in a Bottle on this a lot so keep that in mind that you may want to find a way to tick accelerate this additionally there are B upgrades we'll get to another part of that soon you can do speed upgrades productivity upgrades baby upgrades and simulator upgrades there are a few other upgrades but those four are the ones that I'm going to cover as they are to me the most useful in this entire setup now the baby upgrade what you can do with those is that you can apply them to a a hive and every time a a b goes to produce they have a chance to spawn a baby now they only have that chance to spawn the baby if they themselves can breathe so something like man that effect is annoying something like for example the ATM starbee those can't breed so the baby upgrade won't work with them but if you were to have these uh maybe the Reed bees can I don't know the entire list of which ones are allowed to use and which ones can't but each upgrade here has a chance a five percent chance and these do stack so you can have four in there so you have a 20 chance every time a beat produces to make a baby now it will throw the baby out into the world so you'll want to make sure that your entire setup is cleaned up nicely a secure if you will I'll show you that in a second now with these guys once they actually produce you'll get a child B inside of a b cage you know what I'm gonna time and bottle this real quick so that way we can show you okay so now we have a child B with that child you'll want to put in the B cage and this is where you're going to want some more treats because you need treats in order to make it grow you can also give in speed upgrades here as well if you wanted see how slow this is though you can also speed this up so once this completes you will then be granted a an adult version of the bee that you put in and you can then use that b okay so with those in mind where'd you guys go come here yeah they're a little bit hard to get sometimes so have fun with that all right so I mentioned that you want to keep your bees a little bit contained because they can and will kind of fly off and perhaps not return to where they were with your bees in hand you can go to a Hive that you've created now there are just regular beehives okay so you can make regular beehives or Advanced beehives the advanced beehives are a little annoying to craft in my opinion but they take shears a campfire some Oak planks a vanilla beehive and then some Honeycombs another reason why having the mystical agriculture honey seeds is important because you'll want to craft quite a few of these to get started again if you've seen my play play through I I created quite a few now additionally on top of the Beehive a beehive actually only has three slots for bees but if you make the I always get this one wrong there we go if you make the expansion box you can see that I have both of them here this actually grants you five slots okay I highly recommend doing it it's rather inexpensive it's just a little tedious to craft oh those radioactive piece so with these guys and a sturdic b cage what you want to do is right click on the hive and that sets their home they know that this is their hive and four so now we have a Full Nest worth of silicon bees something that you'll need to pay attention to is what flower does a bee need in order to produce Okay so you can figure that out by going to the B flowering tab once you press U or right click on a b in jei so in here you can see that the Silicon B requires a few different options okay lavender quartz red quartz Elven quartz Sunny quartz quartz quartz ore quartz ore blue another quartz or or quartz pillar so basically all you need is something in that setup to allow them to flower now in this case you can just place and they should want to go to it you see how they're kind of hovering all right now they're going into flower and they're gonna once they're done here they'll go into the expansion box or the The Beehive rather now if you don't want these blocks just chilling out here in the in the in the world see now they're going in okay and once they come back out they'll produce Honeycombs I don't personally like having those blocks out so instead I make feeding slabs now this has three slots as of atm8 version 1.0.13 uh production bees is actually bugged a little bit where the the feeding slab will only allow the third slot to work I don't know if that's fixing the the newer versions um I just corrected my setup and just kind of left it um and I have not checked back so keep in mind if yours isn't working maybe try only having the third slot with an item what this oh something else no this needs to be at ground level okay doing it here or doing it here or doing it here won't work this expansion box this Hive needs to be able to see this right here now at the moment that doesn't matter because the bees will spawn into the world and they will concentrate themselves onto this in which case you can technically have it wherever you want as long as it's within distance of this beehive where this comes into play is when you use the simulator upgrade the similar up simulator upgrade is something that I highly recommend getting into and the reason for that is because once you get into bees excessively like I did in my playthrough you will come across a scenario actually I'm just gonna do Productions you will come across a scenario where you start having lag problems because you start start talking about like five silicons five Redstone five lapis five this five that five five five five five five they start adding up a lot okay my particular B area I had I believe was it 12 different buildings of similar size to this it was a three by three interior okay in each one of those had two hives in them now not every single one of them is filled with five B's because I haven't filled it out quite yet but I mentioned that my diamond bees and my Emerald bees I have 80 of 80bs each okay that's 160 B's just between those two and then add in all of these guys them popping in and out of the nest as well as just being entities uh existing in the world causes a lot of lag okay the simulator upgrade here no longer allows them to leave the hive instead it simulates a trip to and from or a trip to his flower and coming back and then leaving to go back to the flower the leaving is important because that's when the items are produced okay so once these guys actually get through their entire process what will happen is they'll produce a little bit of honey so if you have glass bottles in here you can gather some honey you can automate pulling that out and putting in new glass bottles but it'll drop off into this little area here the Honeycombs that it produces as well as the honey bottles so keep all that in mind when you're going into producing your bees is how do you want to pull your items out and how do you want to push items into other aspects because with all those Honeycombs you have to find a way to process them there are different ways to do that with centrifuges okay there are different tiers of centrifuges within productive B you have the regular centrifuge the powered centrifuge and then the heated centrifuge the heated centrifuge is kind of like the top tier and they're not really expensive no the most expensive part is the upgrade block I think because you can actually get actually no the most expensive part is the inactive dragon egg which requires you to have draconic chunks from productive bees which comes from uh draconic bees so you'll have to get those started so before heated centrifuges there are the powered ones which are rather cheap okay they basically do the same thing it's just heated centrifuge Does It Better okay with Honeycombs do you guys produce any yet no okay so now with the Honeycombs you'll want to place them inside of a centrifuge or a heated centrifuge or something and it'll start producing uh some material for you now in this case silicons silicon Combs they have a small chance to produce the actual item okay in this case it's a 50 chance there are some that are even smaller for example a really far down the road uh uh what is it starbee yeah this guy Starry d this guy produces Starry Combs which is uh shards for the ATM Star this is only a five percent chance now additionally it also gives you a 50 chance to create another star of seeds but at this point it's kind of like I don't really need those that much but a five percent chance to craft a an ATM Star shark it's going to take a long time to get to these guys and I will cover that in a in a moment but notice that I put in a full stack of silicon Combs and this is barely produced it's now just produced 20. this ship roughly produced 32 because it's half of a stack and it's 50 percent but that's not exactly how all that works okay so these things will start producing a bunch of wax and the item as well as honey if this fills up with any particular material it won't produce so you will have to manage the liquid portion of these centrifuges different bees produce different liquids like for example the Ender B produces a different liquid here if you leave the the liquid from the Enderby in here something like the Silicon Combs won't produce in this centrifuge you want to ensure that you've taken care of the liquid in there okay now these guys can also have upgrades I believe in mine I have three production and one speed or no actually I think it's one production and three speed because with the amount of bees that I have I get going on production super quick and I get backlogged on Honeycombs ridiculously fast so I have to have these producing very fast you could go the route of having more centrifuges and then just having production upgrades rather than speed upgrades um but it produces so fast that I just I don't worry about it now for the the final part of this B section is going to lead us into something that's going to be extremely useful later on okay now these guys right here are radioactive bees radioactive bees are what's been giving me that nausea effect these guys are a little bit nasty okay you get those by breeding iron bees and creepies okay you can look up how to get those they're pretty easy just by feeding them a flower you can combine them into radioactive bees radioactive bees produce radioactive Combs which aren't as useful right they produce you some uranium that's not that important their use really comes into wasted bees wasted radioactive bees now I can't I'm not going to show all of the details of this right now because I I will be covering that at a later part of the the series but these guys are obtained by basically killing off uh Radioactive bees with radiation it's a very small chance for these guys to spawn these guys do not require a feeding slab of any kind because their feed if you will is radiation in the atmosphere they will consume any amount of radiation that's in the atmosphere to be able to produce wasted radioactive Combs first up we are looking for all the modium ore now if you don't already know where that is it's going to be in the deep dark on usually on cables and the easiest way to find that is using Nature's compass so let's go into a real real world example of how to find one as you can see my compass is actually pointing off to this direction because I have one that's like really small like right here but this one over here is actually underneath a mountain biome now if you've never experience the deep dark they always spawn deep underground underneath mountainous biomes okay so once you actually get here with your your compass and you may or may not have flight but you you'll start seeing it spin okay that means that you're on top of it so what we're going to do is we're actually going to dig down but what we're looking for is going to be all the modium ore now when you first come down here you're not going to have access to all the modium site so I don't recommend paying attention to that at the moment what I do recommend is switching over to having um shaders on the reason I recommend that is because you can have a setting where some of these will glow so kind of like this and my game is a little bit laggy right now sorry about that uh they glow right and all the modium ore glows pretty significantly okay so sometimes you'll come across gold veins that shine a lot but other times you'll come across all the modium Slate ore okay now you're going to want another right pick for this as mentioned but you you harvest it okay and if you have silk touch you'll be able to get the actual or something to keep in mind while you're looking for all the modium is that you are required to have at least another right level uh mining notice here that a diamond pickaxe cannot mine it but another right can okay now there is modifiers on apotheosis that might indicate to you that it's another right mining levels in my experience I was not able to have that modifier actually work for Gathering all the modem so just be cautious and make yourself another right pickaxe I do believe supremium pickaxes might also do that but that might be a little bit beyond where you're at when you have the ability to get netherrite so with your first piece if you have silk touch you can use all the modium ore inside of an enrichment chamber to get two pieces of dust or if you don't have silk touch you can obtain these raw ore and use hammers to get two pieces with that all you have to do is is bake them smelt them into ingots and once you have your first Ingot you'll unlock in the quest line additional or as well as additional raw ore so you'll get plenty of material so let's go ahead and collect this that way you can see how much and in this case you'll get one to three so keep that in mind it might be random so I got one ore and then two rotor so that'll be roughly what two four six and gets worth okay so you can and almost instantly get at least like seven or eight all Imodium ingots on your first go okay so you don't have to spend a lot of time in the deep dark now with that you're gonna want to at least make one batch of nuggets because having nine nuggets will allow you to craft a fair amount of stuff but most importantly it'll allow you to craft the teleport pad teleport pad opens up the mining dimension or if you place it in the nether it allows you to go to the other we'll cover that in a much later part of the series but the mining Dimension is coming up soon if you're looking to get into additional all the modium while you're in the deep dark after you've obtained your first piece you can make a charm which allows you to see the or so notice that it highlights the or the way you go about doing that is you have to make all the modium powder by using a mortar under powder a pestle and one of your ingots okay that'll only give you one piece okay with that one piece you can cook it or smelt it into a calcinated all Imodium powder which then you use in a brewing setup with mundane potions to get all the modium site now these sites they can be used individually okay so notice up there that I have a buff you would see that in your survival as well now something to keep in mind with that is you don't actually want to do that because you want all three of them to be used in the crafting recipe of the charm which is actually really easy because you get three potions for one calcinated so ultimately all you need is additional blaze powder to make yourself a charm of all Imodium site now there's a lot of different ores that have the same site so if you feel Keen you can make those as well once you have your very very first set up going in the mining Dimension I highly recommend making yourself a builder these require all the modium Nuggets which is why you need all the modium first before you can even make this otherwise it's actually really cheap so with that there's a lot of different shape cards I highly recommend a clearing card and we'll get to that in a moment as to why it's up to you whether or not you want to do Fortune or silk me personally I went with just a clearing because the mining Dimension is endless and there's just so many materials that you won't really have too much of an issue I recommend staying away from these other ones because they actually Place dirt which is going to be a problem for what you'll see in a moment okay so how do we actually use these first of all you have to have your Builder down with some power okay it needs power to be able to run it is a little bit of an energy hog so make sure you have a decent amount of power and we'll get to power later on down the road so that way you have different options on what to start with you also need a lever to be able to turn it on or off okay so step one is take your clearing card sneak right click so that way on the bottom though you see now select the first corner okay so the idea here is uh select a top Corner because you're going to be selecting basically a cube if you will you're going to be doing two corners okay so now you select another corner I usually go down to bedrock and select it so now your settings have been copied to the shape card and you can place the shape card into the Builder and with that you should be able to build or no I don't have a chest see this is what happens if you don't have a chest okay so with that hit mined out um part of it and the reason why I didn't mine out those two pieces is because of how I set it up so with that in mind now you know how to use a builder let's check out the mining dimension okay so here I have previously set up a small little area very small like this is only a few chunks wide and you can see how much material I've already got out of this one area now additionally I also set up a little um export of deep slate and Cobblestone to get it out of here because that was actually filling this up there's a lot of it I mean look how deep that goes okay so this is the same exact setup I just change the shape card to be a much larger now the reason why you want clearing instead of something that's going to place is because Down Below in uh below the stone levels you'll come across a lot of all the modium ore a lot of it so in the Deep slate layer that's where you're going to get it now notice something else is happening here you have a lot of other materials like a ton of gold a ton of uraninite a ton of copper lapis uh we've got 10 emeralds diamonds you got another rack you got n Stone all of this is going to be needed so getting a quarry set up in the mining dimension is definitely going to be something that you're going to want to make a priority with the builder as your Quarry you can get a lot of resources it is a little bit time consuming there is another option it's the chunk Destroyer the chunk Destroyer is what it says it is it literally destroys chunks now if you have it set up correctly you'll be able to actually Harvest all the materials that it it breaks but basically if it doesn't have a chest associated with it or somewhere to put the stuff it's going to avoid it so if you just have a simple you know one size Minecraft chest on here you'll get some materials but what's going to happen is it's going to void everything else that it's destroying it doesn't care and it doesn't mind what's above it it's going to destroy the stuff and it have if it has a place to put it it will otherwise it gets voided so unless you have the means to put this all this into storage I would recommend doing the Builder instead of a chunk Destroyer so with the need for power you're going to want some storage and I highly recommend using flux networks now the reason why I recommend flux networks is because it's wireless and it allows for easy manipulation of Chunk loading and Builders or quarries so first thing you're going to want to do is actually make yourself some of this flux dust okay so in order to show this I have to go into survival mode so you'll take some redstone dust and find some bedrock and leave one airspace above the Bedrock and place an obsidian toss your redstone dust in there and then left click okay that will get you flux dust with flux dust you'll be able to start crafting yourself some of these flux cores with some obsidian and Eyes of Ender you know eyes a vendor not ender pearls okay so you'll need some blaze powder after you have some of those you can start making flux blocks which is just four flux cores and five flux dust because you'll need both of these the flux core and the flux block to start making these other units now the first thing to make is a flux controller this is well allows you to access your your network you'll notice that I have quite a few here we'll get to that in a moment you can set up a bunch of networks and you know change what networks have what power so you can customize that especially if you're on a server you can have lots of different networks available next thing and probably one of the more important things is you'll be making a lot of these flux points these allow you to send power to machines or cables okay the flux plugs allow you to receive power into the network okay so you plug into the network and then you send points for receiving power elsewhere next you'll want some flux storage so that way you have a little bit of a backup this isn't absolutely necessary you can technically draw instantly from what you're receiving but then you won't have any energy backup so there's a lot of different varieties of these actually I think there's like four three you have the basic flux storage which is holds two million and then the herculin holds 16 and the gargantuan holds 128 million these get rather expensive right because this one requires six herculin and each herculin requires six basic so it gets exponentially larger I recommend just starting with one basic flux storage if you can afford it maybe go a little bit higher but there are some other options for you for energy storage uh that you can look up and and utilize okay so now that you have an idea of flux networks and how to handle Wireless something that I would recommend is getting some early game Power setup now there's a few options and these aren't the only options keep that in mind but some of the options are windmills okay so one of the first things that you're going to want to do is make yourself a metallurgic infuser okay so that takes some iron ingots Redstone osmium and some furnaces and with that you'll be able to make yourself infused alloy basic control circuit it's pretty simple all you have to do is Place some Redstone in this slot here which will give you some Mill a bucket to Redstone and then place an iron in there to get yourself an infused alloy same thing over here for the basic control circuit it takes redstone 20 ml buckets so and osmium ingots okay once you have those you'll be able to make yourself a energy tablet does not need to be charged for what you're about to do some gold ingots and some redstone okay this will allow you to craft up some wind generators now these they get better the higher they go okay so keep that in mind if you have height it's going to be useful notice here that they're kind of producing a small amount it's not really producing a ton so here you can see that three of these is netting us 72 Fe per tick so on and and keep in mind here I'm only at a really low y level okay if you have these higher and more of them you'll get a lot more energy out I believe if you're like near build height it's actually closer to like 384 Fe per tick per one of these it's a fair amount and they're really cheap to make our next option is going to be the gas burning generator this is probably one of the most efficient early game and can be expanded later for some decent amount of power so yeah we have two different setups that we can go with you can go with a Crusher and the rest of these machines or you can add in a Precision song though now the reason why I bring that up is because in order to get the gas burning generator to work you have to make ethylene ethylene is produced by combining hydrogen and another liquid will be using water uh and biofuel okay that will net you a substrate which we can store for later use or you can avoid it but that makes ethylene ethylene gets pushed into the generator to make Power in order to make biofuel what you're going to want to do is choose which method you want to use there's a lot of options okay now one of the best that I came across happens to be melons regardless of which way you end up choosing melons is probably the best now melons themselves they give you five biofuel now melon pieces melon slices rather give you seven so if you choose melons just melons okay you'll be able to get five and it'll be it'll work okay so we get five it gets pushed into this pressurized reaction chamber it produces substrate and then this is producing power off of burning Ethylene now you can see that that simple process is producing a lot of Fe per tick see how much it's producing I mean that's that's really good for a simple setup uh doing melons is fine enough but if you want to be a little bit more efficient on quantity of melons which might not necessarily be necessary unless you expand to having multiple gas burning generators one melon Nets you five of biofuels okay but one melon also Nets you in the Precision Sawmill it Nets you nine melon slices melon slices netsu four biofuel so instead of getting five out of one block of melon you can get 36 biofuel off of one melon by simply adding in a Precision Sawmill this does consume a little bit of energy but it produces a lot more pieces and then you can expand having gas burning generators off of one of these setups okay so with with that now viable see that's input okay why are you actually not there we go so now with that automatically working this will start making biofuel with the slices and this actually needs to have output down there I have a storage container down here you can have whatever you want for that or you can void it but with one of these notice that it's producing the same amount of energy per and it's just increasing it's kind of kind of crazy how much this is actually producing it can get up to over 11 000 per tick okay so this is actually a really really efficient method to getting power and you can expand it very well another option is bigger reactors now bigger reactors is a little bit on the dicey side because uh I believe they can actually explode I did not personally use this in my let's play but this is actually a rather simple bigger reactor okay notice that I only have one control rod in there and no coolant inside okay it's a five by five okay what you want to do is you want to add plutonium into an access port now an access port can also be changed into um an output so that way when you get waste it'll output into that so let's go ahead and turn this on and this is producing a large large amount as well I mean it's it's going up and up and up now this is going to get hot and it's going to burn through a lot of material once it gets to 1000 ml buckets of waste you should see an export of waste okay note here that it didn't actually do that and it's still collecting waste that's because you want to make sure that you have waste ejection enabled so that way it will eject it okay so with that you now make a cyanide ingots out of your waist and that can be reprocessed later on to make a turbine which is even more energy now something to keep in mind with these is if they get way too hot they will explode that is implemented as far as I'm aware so you can use bigger reactors interaction with computer craft now I did not set this up because that's not the route that I went but you you can do that to basically set it and forget it if you will as long as you have enough fuel to input and you have the means to contain the the waste and maintain the temperature you can actually produce a lot of energy at an extremely low cost so between bigger reactors and mechanisms gas burning generator you have options Galore for early power generation that wrap up part one of the ATM Star Guide if this helped you get started or if you'd like something clarified let me know down below and I'll do my best to help once additional portions of this guide are uploaded you'll find them here and in the playlist in the next part we'll begin with covering how to obtain vibranium on obtainium and additional parts to the ATM Star if you enjoyed the video please consider dropping a like on it and sharing with your friends drop a comment to let me know what you think and as always thanks for chilling [Music]
Channel: xWildSlicerx
Views: 12,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ka6HkLp3IAo
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Length: 108min 3sec (6483 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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