I Have 100 Days to SPEEDRUN All The Mods 8 | Ep 1

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I have 100 days to speedrun all the mods eight my goal is to create the all the mod star to get this I'll need to automate almost every big mod in the past defeat all of the bosses along the way and gather millions of items just to craft this one star and to make things even harder I've got to do all of this with my sidekick body Engineers the Moose this star usually takes hundreds of hours but can I speedrun it in 100 days if you want to find out how it's done make sure to stick around as we Dive Right In to day one body what are you doing we need to go just like every playthrough anyone has ever done we chop down a tree first except this time we're going to do something different I'm not gonna be just making basic tools first we make a crafting table then we put it on a stick this allows me to craft directly from my inventory instead of having to use a crafting table each time which will save me tons of time now instead of making tools we're going to make something even better boats five boats to be exact with five boats we can actually make something called a supply ship from the mud mine colonies this is going to Auto build us a starter base that also comes with some extra goodies but first we need to place it down which actually can be very tricky just going to right click the ground and then I'm going to set this to the cavern pack now we have to line it up with the arrows on the side and hopefully if there's just enough room we can click the check and just like that we have a nice starter base right on the water once we climb the ladder the very first thing that I want to do here is set home this command will set us at home so anytime that I want to come back here all I have to do is slash home to teleport back now after I clean up my inventory a little it's time to check out what the starter house has in story first we need to grab a pickaxe from here now on the back side of this wall we have an automated chest like smelting setup question mark this would be cool for a vanilla but we don't need all of this right now this is modern I'm just gonna break the trap doors down first and then we're gonna check this chest which has a full stack of iron this is exactly what we need to make our starter tools I want to make an iron pickaxe but instead of just having a normal iron pickaxe I'm going to run it back through the crafting table and this will give me a silent gear pickaxe this pretty much makes it where if it breaks I can fix it instead of having to craft a whole new now I just need an iron ax so using that ax I'm gonna break out all of the chests and then I want to make sure to grab all of these Hoppers and furnaces too which inside of the furnaces each of them have a half of a stack of coal which is awesome I have no idea what body is doing all right so now I want to set most of my setup out here with those out of the way it's time to put down some chests and upgrade our furnaces if I surround the furnace with iron it'll give me an iron furnace which will smell everything faster and it can be upgraded I went ahead and turned the other one into an iron furnace as well another cool part about this is that I can automate this easily for starters I'm just gonna place the chest right on top of the Furnace then I can just set the furnace to automatically pull and push items from it it's got a set up the sides right and it's good to go now anything that I want smelt it just needs to go in this top chest speaking of which we're going to convert those hay bales back into wheat and then turn the wheat into bread we'll throw the bread into the furnace so it can make us some toast and we'll throw in some coal so that way we have it cooking so while that's cooking up if you like this video make sure to hit that like and sub button if you haven't we're steady on our way to 10 000 subs and if you want to be a part of that Journey with me it will be absolutely amazing now we need something to help with our storage situation and coal is exactly what we need we're gonna take and make two barrels and then surround them in coal and this will give us two days danks are actually really really useful because they store several stacks of items and keep our inventory clear especially when we're mining on one of them I'm gonna use it to store items like Cobblestone just pretty much anything that we're going to pick up when we mine and I need to set this pickup mode to Red we'll set this up a little bit better when we have more items but there's a few more extra things that I want to get off of the ship if you break the blocks right in front of this ladder leading up to the second floor you can find a block of gold and a block of coal now we want to head upstairs and at the very front of the ship there's literally an ender pearl in an item frame and this is incredibly important for the run and if we go to the very bottom of the ship and these racks right here we can find a full set of chainmail armor this ship is actually really really nice by the way now all we need is some torches and we'd be good to go the first thing that we need to grab on our adventure is some sand and clay we'll need a good amount of clay because I want to start some automation it also doesn't really hurt to grab any of the other resources while I'm out like copper or whatever I got really lucky and found some copper right beside the ship which means that they need to get smelting fast so with all of this clay I want to turn it into terra cotta so I need to craft it into a block then stick them into the furnace I also want to get some bricks being made as well so the copper kind of has to wait with these smelt it down I can use them to make Hopper botany pots these will automatically grow plants for us while we're out and it's perfect for a mini Tree Farm in the beginning to get us some wood basically all I've got to do is Place one of these botany pots on top of the chest and then using a hoe I want to convert dirt into Farmland now I can open up the pot and place the Farmland in the bottom and the sapling in the top and this sets us up with some automated wood I went ahead and set up another body pot for some more wood but I also wanted to set up two more for some seeds which I don't have any so I Rush onto land and start breaking any grass that I can find and then back to the ship to set up these pots I want one botany pot for wheat and one botany pot for growing industrial here okay so now I'm desperate for finding some mining resources like I really really need it but before we leave we need to make something so that way we can repair those silent gear tools that we made earlier so we're gonna take some logs and mix it with some Flint to get some template woods and then using those bores we can craft a repair kit now we're ready to go mining body it's time to go mining let's go we've got no time to waste and right as I mine the first Iron Ore off the side of the ship the first day is over we got incredibly lucky because right behind the ship there just so happens to be a beautiful cave entrance leading into a lush cave as I make my way down the main thing I want to look out for body is iron and osmium and of course right at the bottom of the hole I find a massive or vein of osmium it's exactly what we needed so far everything is going perfectly for this 100 days challenge the only thing that can mess things up now is us not finding an Enderman because we need some ender pearls which you wouldn't believe there was an Enderman hiding right beside some iron of course I had to fight him and just my luck he dropped another ender pearl yes yes you'll see why this is so important and kind of Lucky later on for now I just went ahead and started mining for similar oars we need a ton of iron and fast as I Explore More Of The Cave I end up falling down into this hole that led me straight to a mob spawner these spawners are really special because right underneath our chests filled with loot this chest actually wasn't all that great except it had a brand new sword for us to fight with and a bucket it's fine it's okay and of course that cave led us to more spawners with chests under them oh this one gave us better leggings but my inventory was getting full like really fast so I bind a few more Ores and then use the slash home command to go right back to base now we gotta be quick here because we need to get right back to mining let's grab our copper that got smelted down turn it into some copper blocks then we want to make an orehammer this Oar Hammer is going to double our Iron by taking the raw iron and turning it into dust double the dust now we throw everything into that chest on top of the furnace and then we're gonna make sure we get some charcoal being made in the other furnace and right when I thought it was safe we could attack by Phantoms who thought Phantoms were a good idea I can't sleep because every day is important and we gotta be fat so the best thing to do is just to go ahead and go back to the bike if you do slash back this will take you to the last place that you teleported from and you know if you died it also works too but for us that puts us right in the middle of the minds that we left we'd need a ton of iron but we also really need Redstone now because I want to set up some power the only problem is that every few seconds I keep being attacked body actually helps fight everything off which is actually kind of cool like good good job buddy until we have to find an apotheosis boss this actually took forever especially since body decided that he didn't want to fight anymore buddy get him buddy what are you doing we eventually kill him and he actually drops this pretty cool helmet oh baby and then I go and loot his chest honestly there's really both both of these chests sucks I'm gonna be honest with you it just has some basic materials like bones but we take what we can get after a little bit more mining I have a slight heart attack and we head back to the base and check out our furnace and oh baby we have some osmium smelted there are two big reasons that we need Osmond but the most important reason why is because it makes the best early game tools and armor like literally better than diamonds so I made myself a new chess piece and some Boot and then using the template boards I went ahead and made into osmium pickaxe from sign language this way we don't burn through our iron of course it's still night time which means Phantoms are still there so I had to do all this from the safety of inside the ship okay look those Phantoms are annoying I don't know what to tell you we still don't have enough Redstone though so it's time to head back hopefully for the last time except I noticed something on my minimum out of all of the luck that I've gotten so far this has to be impossible sure enough this spawn put us right beside the best structure to spawn near the forge this is a massive dungeon filled with Mobs and loot and not just any loot but never their loot I took out the guard that was standing outside and began to break my way in hopefully I can get inside to a chest without having to fight anything at all and look at that there's two chests and no one is around maybe I can just sneak over to the oh that's not good right body right okay so we're gonna have to come back to that later as we just go straight to our mission gotta get some Redstone but wait buddy what was that noise body what did you do after fighting everything off we somehow got a diamond from one of the spiders whatever we really need some Redstone now and of course we break some Redstone scare off this little dude and day two is officially over pick up the pace right around the corner was a campfire with a brewing stand after body pushes me to the fire I also picked up an anvil and decided to see if this chest was booby trap I've had too many bad experiences okay there's no TNT under it this time but the chest sucked so after a quick trip back to the house to MTR inventory and pick up a water bucket I stumble upon a beautiful cave system with tons of ore as well as another little campfire with Jess wait did that chest just move killing that chest gave me an antidote vessel not the best drop but I'll take it then I find some diamonds to mine on the outside of the camp body and then I made my way over to this Lava Lake the plan was to mine some obsidian but these guys had other plans for me oh as I was running away I ran into another spawner with a chest I blocked myself off and let body handle the wrist while I loot up these chests buddy I'm sorry and this one was good inside head two backpacks two backpacks which is gonna help with us not having to make so many trips back after looting it up or anybody we run a little bit further into the cave and find yet another spawner with a chest under it and this chest was the best of them all this one gave us Enderman spawn eggs this is going to speed up a lot of the process later down the road and this is incredibly lucky for us to find even though I wanted to look for more spawners I quickly mined up some more Redstone and some diamonds and headed back to base after I emptied out my inventory of course it was night time and that meant those annoying Phantoms were back heading to say safety it was time to get our starter power going first we needed to make a metallurgic infuser from mechanism if you didn't know this you can actually play some Redstone in the right side to give it power now we just need to put seven piece of redstones in the left side and then an osmium Ingot here and then we just wait for it to make a basic control circuit after that we put five pieces of iron in and we wait for that to cook up while that's cooking I want to make something else for our starter power and it's called a player transmitter we have most of the stuff that we need for it now but we need to make something called an aerial Pearl so we can use it on a zombie later now that we've made all that the iron should be done in the infuser this gives us five infused Alloys and that means we have everything we need to make ourselves a wind generator we can place this down and it'll generate our starter power without having to give it anything for fuel which is pretty nice we'll need some cables though and our lead hasn't smelted down just yet that's okay we'll just shove it into the furnace for now we're doing all of this stuff for power but we have nothing to use it on just yet right that's why we need to make ourselves a jet pack this is actually not as hard as it sounds because we can make a wooden one this is why we were mainly looking for Redstone and iron because we need several stacks of each to make the right tier jet pack that we need so after making all of the basic pieces for the first tier jet pack it then dawned on me that we have no way to charge it because I haven't made the player transmitter yet which we need to make cables for which is why we were smelting lead okay I have ADHD I'm all over the place I'm sorry I got ahead of myself so to run the power out of the turbine I made some flux ducts using the lead that we had these are pretty cheap to make for some starter cables and while I was trying to put them down I couldn't take it anymore okay I had to go to sleep it was almost warning too okay I wasn't trying to waste that much time and I'd go detective items anymore with that the end of day three was here get out of my house I finished placing the cables down and decided I was going to need another wind generator to power everything so I moved the infuser here to get power and threw in some more iron and red stuff now I needed to find a zombie so we can make this player transmitter hey buddy good to see you again heading back to the mines it didn't really take that long before I spotted one shot it across the cave all I needed to do was take this Pearl and right click the zombie with it and with my luck he came from another spotter that had a chest which had more diamonds and spot eggs inside this has to be the best chest I've ever found so now I wanted to make my way back to that dungeon but we needed a way to climb up so what do I do of course I make the smartest decision only a genius would make building up one block at a time where I couldn't possibly get shot down right kill this guy kill him round two doing my second attempt I made it and ran into Indiana Jones Cur skeleton oh this guy's a tough one he dropped a pretty cool hat but it really wasn't worth keeping after making my way back to the dungeon I had another heart attack and decided to head home to finish my jet pack setup the first thing we want to do is finish making that player transmitter all we got to do is just Chuck this sucker down on some power cables and then we need to make a binding card to it so it knows to power my inventory I don't think there's any players on the single player world aside from me is there Just Gotta right click in the air with a card to claim it and then we put it in the transmitter and we're good to go now we just need to upgrade my jet pack from wood to copper and we can finally go take on that dungeon let's do this body it's time now this dungeon is incredibly dangerous wait why isn't anything spotted oh well I'm just gonna go get this chest it's not that good at looting this one maybe the other one things were spotting fast so I needed to hurry this chest was so much better but we needed to find at least one piece of netherite and now I'm on fire I really need to find some nether right here so I fought off a giant magma slime and went for his chest except I needed to break the obsidian on top of it break and man was it worth it 18 diamonds two ancient debris and another right Ingot I didn't have time to read everything else so it just grabbed the whole test you needed to make an escape everything's on fire I I kind of got a little greedy and I went looking for some more easy to get chest so maybe there was one I could just grab and go but after some wither skeletons spawn on Phantoms I knew it was time to Jet get it because I have a jet pack but as I made it to the exit four friends were waiting on us my adventure wasn't finished yet as I really needed some obsidian before I left there was an entire wall here of it so I couldn't resist I got shot by a skeleton and it ruined the break but body took care of him for me thank you sir on my second attempt body completely forgot what personal space was and well you don't walk in front of me right now body pleased to stay over there for a second I just need to break this obsidian just stay with no body body I was finally able to get a few Stacks using vein mine and decided it was time to head back to base with the netherite we just got it was time to upgrade to a netherite pickaxe and beginner hunt for all the modium all the modium is a special ore that makes indestructible tools to get it we needed to find the deep dark bio this is also one of the risky parts of the 100 days challenge as deep dark biomes sometimes can be really hard to find and sometimes they just suck this could take us several in-game days to find so we really needed to prepare for the worst that means it was time to upgrade our backpack and then make something called the Nature's Compass this Compass allows you to search for biops and will point you in the direction of the closest location and for making it it also finished the quest first to turn it as well this comes with some random loot so maybe we'll get something good and some Universal pipes that's not too bad but I don't really need those right now using the compass we just search deep dark and hope it's not 5 000 bucks out 90 blocks out it was that close this whole time that's literally right around the corner I fly in the direction a little and decide since I have a jet pack I should be able to just dig straight down right I can fly so I have nothing to worry about however I forgot one important thing [Music] I finally make it at the bottom where body is waiting on me but I soon realized we weren't deep enough so a little more digging to go and oh look diamonds a little more digging to go and we should be there a little more a little more a little more I'm starting to worry that this might be a bad biome eventually my map even said we were in the deep dark but there wasn't anything deep or dark about it I guess we're kind of deep I started to really worry until I spotted some skulk from across the lake I had to take my chances because we needed to find some all the modium as I fly over The Lava of course I end up setting myself on fire as things just turn from bad to worse the lava didn't seem like it was gonna end so I had to just keep flying finally I find land and the best part it was covered in scope now we can really find some alamodium except I heard something body decided to join us and he's not very quiet about it either body this is where the real challenge of having a really quiet sidekick start thankfully though there were no shriekers and it was just some sensors we kind of got a little lucky here well not that lucky because it turns out after searching for what felt like forever this biome was a bust there's nothing here I was wasting too much time trying to find a single album audio more so I needed to go I didn't want to give up just yet so I pulled out the Nature's compass and searched one more time for deep dark and it pointed me about 400 blocks in a different direction so my hope quickly returned all I needed to do was dig in that direction and eventually I'd make it to a new deep dark right as I'm digging and digging the anxiety starts to set in this could ruin the challenge and stop us in our tracks we've had the best luck with our spawn and the dungeon being right beside us but maybe this is where our luck runs out all we can do is hope and just keep digging and then it happens you gotta be kidding me not only has our luck not ran out but it got even better at the end of our tunnel and all of its Glory there it was all the modium ore body come on bro as I break the ore to go get it there was another or right beside it our luck was back on the menu boys then this guy showed up and started bullying out the body wasn't about that life and he jumped right into action I got what I came for but I didn't want to leave just yet this place was beautiful it was a massive open cave and all of those ores just shining at me to mine them I had already lost too much time so I had to stay focused and just look for all the modium unfortunately those were the only two oars that I could find and the mobs there made it apparent it was time for me to leave now safely back at home we could take our copper ore hammer and break the two all the modium ore down into four pieces not only that it completed more quests which gave us another ore and a hamburger I threw the dust into the furnace to be smelted and it was time to clean up our inventory breaking down auras putting away loot even upgraded our furnace to Gold then I gave it a factory upgrade so it can smell more than one thing at a time and it also uses power instead of coal which is perfect shortly after our all the modium ingots were ready with these we can take the next step on our journey to a brand new Dimension all we needed was one single ender pearl which is all we had left we break one Ingot into some nuggets and then create ourselves the teleport pad all we have to do now is place this down and right click it to teleport to a brand new dimension body guys if you like this video make sure to hit that like and sub button this is my first time really doing this kind of like speed run voice over kind of playthrough so if you do like this make sure to let me know in the comments below I did want to note sometimes the little day counter messes up but trust me I'm keeping track of it all with F3 and all that good stuff so just keep that in mind I'll try and fix it as we go along but I don't want people being like Oh Alfred you know maybe you're skipping some days trust me I'm not I promise I can't wait for the next episode so until next time you guys stay safe stay sexy stay beautiful and as always bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: AlfredGG
Views: 40,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the mods 8, all the mods 8 playthrough, all the mods 8 lets play, all the mods 8 tips, all the mods 8 getting started, modded minecraft playthrough, atm8, minecraft modpack, minecraft all the mods 8, allthemods 8, minecraft modded, atm 8, modded minecraft series, alfredgg, all the mods 8 guide, atm8 lets play, all the mods 8 minecraft, All the mods 8 modpack, atm8 minecraft, all the mods 8 ep 1, let's play, atm8 speedrun, all the mods 8 speedrun
Id: 1pPujEridew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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