ATM 8 - Episode 27 - Wasted radioactive bee!

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hello everyone welcome back to all the mods eight so last episode we got a load of radiation I have got my radiation suit on right now my hazmat suit I didn't know you could do this with armor stands but if you shift and then right click you swap your armors out so put down an armor stand it's got you know that that's where I've been keeping the radiation hazmat suit thing um but yeah I set something interesting up well I think it's interesting and that is in here this looks really complicated I know but what this is right here is uh we've got the breeding chamber this thing is two radioactive bees these are the ones that I I like nabbed last episode that's going to be pulled out put in there yeah so these two breed using some white tulips I've got a modular router that sends white tulips into this I'm using network like stuff from refined storage so what you do here is you have a Network receiver Network transmitter and a card and you put the receiver down you right click the card on it and then you put that in the transceiver transmitter transmitter yeah and the transmitter then uh treats this as part of the refined storage system so you can have bait this is Wireless refined storage so you can have it in different dimensions and everything because compact machine is a different dimension technically and all this is doing is it's it's exporting some white tulips into this modular router which is putting them into all four of these bee breeding Chambers this one over here is doing the same but it's with the B cages so the B cages are going in here white tulips go in here BK just go in here and if I had remembered to put all of the bees in here we should be getting like a bunch of radioactive bees and we did have a bunch in here to be fair but um I already recorded like half this episode and then thought I'm well over explaining stuff but yeah what happens is the capture oh I didn't mean to right click let's go back in there there you go so the catcher right here which doesn't require Power by the way this thing has got B cages also being provided and it's got a not Bar B upgrade so what that basically does is it will catch just the adults so we just want adults to come into this now when the adults get caught and put in here uh this one over here will pull them out I've actually taken the puller card out because I want six more adults right so I can put them in these three ones yeah or whichever ones they are so when they're grown up they go in here they then get put into this module which then puts them into this Ender Chest and from all of these we'll get baby bees and then when they grow up to adult bees it will go into the end of chest that's basically all that's happening here uh then if we pop in I have got my suit on if we pop into the Radioactive area uh so if I get my geiger counter out Gaga counter does say that there's seven hours seven and a half hours left it's quite a lot of radiation in here basically what happens is it goes into the end of chest this is connected to the one in the other compact machine they're pulled out and the activator which I've got another activator in the other compact machine but this activator just uses the B uh thingy you know the the B cage which has got an adult radioactive B asically the other compact machine is producing adult radioactive bees they get put into this uh in their little B cages this thing here the activator module will right click them in front of it basically releasing the bees and then we have got a couple of really wasted radioactive bees from this so we've got four so far I'm gonna leave it leave it on and then we'll get like a bunch of uh the wasted radioactive bees because we are going to need those um I then have a regular pipe putting it into our main Ender Chest so in our system we have got some wasted radioactive Combs we definitely get more nuclear waste from the radiation that it produces uh I was looking it up as well so we've got plutonium and polonium so the polonium is what we need for the mech suit and a bunch of the units I think I'm going to calculate how many polonium pellets I'm going to need and then if we have a look at the polonium again 10 millibockets turns into one and we need a thousand so we need 10 000 radioactive waste which is 10 Combs to make one polonium pellet we also do need some plutonium later on for the SPs casing oh and we need Polonia uh yeah polonium pellets for that as well reprocessed for cell fuel ah okay cool well yeah this basically means oh I didn't realize you could do that I just just I had a thought about it can you use this to make uh no you can't so you can turn stuff back into what you turn it into polonium and then use the polonium to make uh piss off Fuel and then you can use the oxidizer to make more fish oil fuel and then you could probably um maintain your system just doing that 'd be kind of cool right anyway let's go and see how many uh of the radioactive bees we've got already I doubt any of them are adult yet no it doesn't look like it now oh yeah I don't have my uh my special boots on so I will take full damage but we should have a burnt oh I just clicked out brilliant uh we should have a bunch of uh Radioactive bees in here right now and yeah when they grow up I'll put put them in like these ones over here and then uh we should get even more and then we should get more wasted radioactive bees and I'll put some more of these B hives in uh the other compact machine uh but I didn't show I don't think I showed this one here so this is pulling from these one two three and four and it's just pulling the only thing you can pull out of this is the B cage with the b in it uh like the end result so that's going into here and then again we've got the activation module which is basically a dispenser so it just dispense it out it'd be like click done and uh then the Little Bees will float down and then they'll go into one of the beehives right here uh maybe I should feed up a couple of these bees and then we can speed this whole process up no that's not in the spirit of this I'm going to leave these let them have a wonderful childhood before they turn into wasted radioactive peace uh but yeah there is something I want to do today and that does involve me swapping back to my old armor that involves us going and finding I bet nobody saw this coming but we're going to go to the everbrite okay so the everbrite we need like this little uh oh by the way I did find a Tiger Biome I went and flew over there uh and that's got spruces I I needed it for ferns for the uh the Mind colony uh but yeah we need to find the a portal to the ever break because it's always daytime there which means we can set up our heck is that small waste incinerator brilliant we can set up the um solar activation units these things which need sunlight we set these up to uh take some of the nuclear waste from the the honeycomb things and turn them into uh polonium yeah polonium so this polonium we can also you well we also need to use it in the SPs when we get around to doing the SPs to make antimatter and as I said oh I'm not sure I said yet but the ATM Star needs antimatter right did I already say this I can't remember now I've already as I said I recorded like half an episode already but we need 11 antimatter per all the mod star even though we can't really make it yet because a few of the bits are still to come they've added bedrock in there you can't actually get bedrock it's just like a placeholder so like right here you can't make the Oblivion charge yet because it's just a placeholder they do want you to get a Patrick Star though which is pretty awesome uh which comes from the Patrick B and you get the Patrick B by fishing in a warm ocean I think that's what that means and then a b might pop out so we might have to go do that at some point as well but yeah let's go try and find the ever bright and tell you what I'll cut and we'll just go find one of the the little huts that has like the portal and everything in it so I found myself a nice little village right here uh and it's got a Way Stone right in the middle there you can just about see it there's a way Stone right there and I'm standing on one oh hello wondering Trader what'd you want uh I'm not even gonna kill you I'm going to leave you to it but the best part about it is uh this is the thing we're looking for right here so this dude here the GateKeeper give yourself a z or lighter and we also need a book might as well get one of these I think this is uh is it pacholi I think it's a pacholi book let's have a look oh never mind it's not even that check your inventory blue skies an adventure is Guided by the gatekeeper right we're not actually going to get into blue skies also look at the terrain gen this looks amazing oh dear those trees are burning yeah we're not going to get into blue skies uh not quite yet at least and we might do some later but what we really want to do is down here free lead thank you very much this is actually a portal and I can't remember which portal this takes us to I think it's ever bright ever bright perfect so what we can do oh it makes a terrible sound as well what we can do is grab one of those and then I'm actually going to knit this one and we can go put that in the other bright and as I said it's ever bright so it's always daytime forever bright now we might have to make a little build in here just like a little place because a few of these bits are I think a little bit hostile a bright future and I definitely definitely want to turn that off this is where we can let the Sun never moves it always stays where it is so that means that we can set up some stuff that is so we could put solar panels in here and they would always work I don't even know that's how you spell it but anyway uh we can use this or do a slash home command and go back to our house uh I did do something before I went off and search for this and that is uh I upgraded my Jetpack to an emerald jet pack that's purely because uh I had the materials and I remembered about it so that's why I got that uh we can chuck all of these things away I don't know if I mentioned it but I I do have the dimensional card in my uh wireless transmitter right here this does cost a lot of a lot of power if we could answer it might not be in here there it is that's the thing that's taking all of the Power right there so the rest of my system costs like 700 Fe Patek the ability to access my system wherever I am in any Dimension it's costing me eight thousand so it's quite a lot so it's been a little while so I uh came in here and I did put the bees in here I need to make some speed upgrades for these and once I've got the speed upgrades we should be seeing a lot more of these little baba V's and then a lot more of the wasted bees in the other compact machine and there we go all of these have got the speed upgrades in them now and there's a lot more bees now so that should speed everything up so the main thing that we want to get either in this episode or in the coming episodes is I want to get all of these units and some of these are stackable up to eight and they can go in every single bits of the mech suit of course we need a mech suit first each piece of the mech suit costs two polonium each polonium pellets uh so that's eight all together plus I think there's a few of these units that require yeah that one there so how many of these coming out one okay so that's an extra two so that's ten night vision 13. these don't require it so that one again that's 16. uh 1718 19 20 21. 24 27 30. 33 oh and these actually stack so I might need to make more of these so it's 36 and then the last one is the gravitational unit which means we can fly around in creative mode like creative flight kind of want to get this one uh I know I need to make three of them anyway for the all the mod star when that eventually gets like added in but it'd be nice to have one anyway for us and then we just use like our wireless power to charge the suit and then fly about that'd be really good another really cool thing about the mech suit is it kind of makes you invulnerable and with a few of the upgrades that I've got right here uh it makes it so you don't take any potion effect damage so you don't take wither for example or poison Poison's the big one because whenever there's blood moon those little horrible creature things trying to think of the words I'm I'm allowed to use on YouTube those uh yeah those little fly Things From Evil craft just seem to spawn like rapidly I'd like 50 of them on me at one point it was ridiculous I don't think the um the Torches you know the uh where I've got one over here the mega torches I don't think they affect those little uh Little Creatures so yeah it's kind of annoying but first off we need to make this and to make this we do need some HDPE sheets I do have a recipe already in here for all of the control circuits so I can make an automotive control circuit just by asking it to make one right on control circuit so I can do that start and then we can make one if we wanted to so that's not a big issue the big issue is the HDPE pellets which come from ethylene we've already talked about ethylene and some substrate so we need to set up a ethylene oxygen substrate thing to get us uh HDPE pellets and then these pellets you can either use eight of them to make the sheets we're going to need those sheets or you can use three of them in an enrichment chamber and you get a sheet from that so in fact we can start setting up some recipes for this so super easy using the pattern grid right there from refined storage and bung it in there and that is it done mommy comes making those sheets we do kind of need to get the pellets first so we need to set this recipe up or we need to set up a system that just outputs this uh I'm kind of thinking we do the exact setup we've got right here but instead of using the ethylene for power like we are currently we should use it for HDPE makes sense right so I I just need these three components right here electrolytic separator pressurized reaction chamber Crusher and I'll probably yeah these will fill up anyway but I can probably take a couple of melon seeds and do this bit as well that'll get us both substrate and ethylene I think we get way more ethylene than we do substrate so I might put a little tank in between and we can maybe end the tank or not even end this tank we can just put it into a uh Quantum entangler Porter for ethylene and have an ethylene version of it would be quite good I think so let me think where we should set that up I'm thinking we set it up down here we could put it in this little area that I've got right here that would be ideal I think because we've got a little bit of refined storage already in here so right right here right let me go off and do that and then we'll be back in a sec simple well not simple at all actually uh if I remove the covers right here and one up there so what I've got is uh an exporter right up here for the melons I did put this down here and I nicked a few melons from the other melon thingy that we've got uh that is exporting melon slices into this this is full up now uh so this here is exporting water and I'm getting water from my sink let me just dig down a little I'll show you what I mean I put an external storage on the sink you have to click this button here and it changes the type changes it to fluid and now I've got infinite water in my uh refined storage system how cool is that so I'm using exporter and it's you have to again click this to fluid and then that adds water into this hydrogen is coming from here I am I couldn't figure out a good way of getting the exporter on there and a cable and an exporter onto this to provide the water was the same as just moving the water along there was already a water one here because of this so that's what that's doing uh right now this is dumping the excess oxygen because it uses hydrogen and hydrogen water and biofuel to make substrate and Ethylene so yeah there it is so there's the ethylene this by the way is um a gas so we have got this set to gas so it's on ethylene plus sub and it's got on the item it's got input so it is inputting all of the substrate into this on the gases it's got input as well so it's also getting the ethylene but that's the gas so we do need to deconstrate or constant we've got to do that thing to it to make it into the liquid because it's the liquid foreign there you go this is the liquid ethylene and the oxygen we could technically use the oxygen from this might be an idea to set up another entangler portal for I have got one which I haven't set anything up for yet so gases that is the one we want we don't want that on output I'm going to plop it here first and we'll set up a frequency so what one should we call this oxygen so how do you spell oxygen this looks weird to me oxygen I did spell it right that's odd and then for this one we can set no items no fluids gases we just want to import on the left the rest of them we don't really want to care about we go it is oxygen right there so that is putting the oxygen in here uh let's do dumping excess and we can also do dumping excess right there that'll create us a bunch of oxygen the hydrogen is going to go up into this biofuel is turning into substrate and ethylene which is going into this it looks like we get more ethylene than we do substrate I don't know if that's the case but anyway that's how that's working right there so with this we can set up uh another one of these pressurized reaction Chambers we put the liquid ethylene in here the oxygen we're getting from right here in fact do we even need a Quantum entangler port for this can we not just pull straight out of this into another pressurized reaction chamber and get this to feed it the oxygen okay I am gonna just uh I'm gonna do that why not so I need another pressurized reaction chamber and I need a pressurized tube now this is a little bit of a mess but what we've got right here is the rotary condensator that's taking all the Ethylene we've got a modular router up here which is pulling out the substrate and pushing it into here right there the oxygen and the liquid ethylene are using with the substrate as turning it into HDPE I don't think it has any like gas byproduct but that is going into a draw that I've set up right here so we've got those now now we can make some plates if we wanted to uh what else do we need we need the polonium we need to set up some of these cells as well which means we need some lithium which means we are actually going to have to do not that this either find some lithium dust which you can't actually find or we're gonna have to get lithium liquid lithium from a thermal evaporation controller I wonder if I could stick this in the everbrite because it's always bright there right I showed this in my quick guide thing I did for fissile fuel but the thermal evaporation machine thing that you can make it's a big multi-block and you put water in and it turns it into brine overnight no over day in the day it will do it because it's nice and warm at that time that's why I'm like would it work in the other break because it it looked kind of cold in the upper break doesn't it not sure but yeah that basically will create us Brine and then we set up a second one that will turn the brain into lithium and then we can use that lithium to make uh where is it the lithium dust that is needed yes because all we do that is chemical crystallizer but we also need to Decon then straight it first because it we get it as a liquid and we want to turn it into a gas and then we crystallize that gas into lithium dust that makes sense to me uh let's pop over to the other bright then we'll set that up a bit of a change of plans we are going to do some alchemistry uh I've not really played with this mod before but I did notice you can get lithium from it so this lithium here you can just use a compactor with this lithium vials I think it is and I noticed you could use n Stone so we're going to use a bit of n Stone to hopefully get some lithium you get a bunch of other stuff as well so one two three four five so you get five things I've got a couple of the drawers right here if we just get some uh and stone get some of this and we love it in here I want to see how quick it is okay so it's a percent chance that you get stuff so I'm gonna put that one in right there and if we get anything different okay it's a really low percent chance I I put Power underneath these two things right here I've got flux point and everything I just wondered if we there's a lithium right there that's exactly what we're looking for uh it doesn't show up brilliant oh Mercury put that one up there what can we use silicon dioxide for silicon and oxygen in the dissolver oh cool you can make Cobble out of it or gravel interesting you can use it to make a bunch of weird stuff like that and like a couple of oh a bit of iron with it and you can get some amethyst shards it's pretty good phosphorus and selenium you can get prismarine or get some obsidian from it or battle or yeah you can get a bunch of stuff out of this I react to glass oh yeah we need to do this later if we're going to get into like higher level stuff uh I am of course gonna use that wrong wrong button modular routers for this and there we go we've got all about End Stone being converted into its like little Parts we've already got a lithium out of it it's pretty good what else can we use lithium dust for uh you can smell it up or you can make it into lithium like this that's not bad is it uh we could also try doing other stuff with like what is this stuff thorium wow okay there's quite a bit to do with thorium right there and Mercury oh you can make a few things oh you can make ender pearls with it so I'm sure in some packs this might might come like come in handy but for us we are literally just looking for the lithium so I might actually put a void upgrade on these uh oh this is a thing as well I was asking this a couple of times uh for uh AE but in applied energistics if you pressed Ctrl shift and then click you can do a crafting and you can set it to craft without pulling everything out so say we had like more than you can fit in your inventory of something and you want to craft more in applied and Logistics I would not know how to like pull all of that stuff out to then click on how to craft it so uh that's just me though oh don't do that why uh you poop there fine I'll do it so these are now avoided so when for example we might get like tons of silicon dioxide right there and if it gets up to 512 it would just void them off from then on we are literally just looking for the lithium so that's coming in nicely another thing you can make a hollow cover from refined storage and what that does you can cover it up but you can see just there there's a little little black dot and that is my exporter into the dissolver right there seems to be working quite well so there's us getting lithium I think this is actually quite a neat little setup if you've got a bunch of End Stone I might actually uh upgrades if I make a couple of uh let's not make four but let's make three or two even I can stick these two on my my drawer that I've got up here it was set to void so it did void like a bunch of uh n Stone when we uh did our quarrying in the in the end in fact we should probably go look in the end and see how much unobtaining we've got now I believe that some people have had issues finding unobtainium but we seem to have found quite a bit I don't know if we're Super Lucky or something it's good we don't tend to get lucky so that's nice there's loads of it oh look at it what the heck they must have boosted the rates or something oh there's some shulkers right there get away from them but yeah uh we're doing pretty well there I'm gonna take my uh trunk Destroyer oh hello let's take this with us but to say do I have my magnet on I hope I do I did create a uh a little personal shrinking device so we can get underneath this uh I wanted to put an Importer on this so it should import the lithium into our system right there and I also made a little Hollow cover for that as well so we can not put it there poop if you uh accidentally do that then you can get your wrench from refined storage brilliant didn't mean to do that yeah there you go and then we want to do it don't do it on the side door on the front there you go so it looks like the Importer has a bigger face than the export but this is super weird being so small but there you go so that is now importing lithium into our system we've got two so far this is super slow probably should have set up the brain but let's uh quickly go and have a look in oh I don't have my personal shrinking device two personal shrinking devices amazing I wonder if they they know that they've both called it that uh we seem to have a lot more wasted right here now the bees have sucked out quite a lot of the radiation from the atmosphere so soon enough we are going to have to put in some kind of thing uh We've also got quite a lot of wasted Combs right there that's so if 10 of those is one polonium pellet that's 27 polonium pellets right there it's pretty good pretty good we've nearly got enough to do all the things we wanted from this uh the SPs is gonna be a lot of ow bees are gonna be dying by the way because they're being popped out from over here this is still still going but that's quite a lot of um wasted radioactive bees that we've got right there it's pretty good are all of these wasted no these are radioactive bees they're just taking less damage because uh well it's less Radioactive in here I suppose but let's make sure all of these are radioactive no that's a radioactive B right there that's fine interesting right anyway uh I wonder if the simulation card works on these I'm not sure you can kind of see the ones that are slightly darker that's a wasted one but the ones that are slightly darker like this one here is definitely a radioactive and not a wasted that one over there these two are wasted ones I feel like we're not getting enough radiation in the area though so we'll have to set something up for that I'm going to do that next episode though and I think we're going to call it there for this episode again we all get in some lithium we are getting the HDPE I think we're getting a ton of it actually yeah we are hmm I might set it up so this doesn't produce why have you stopped oh I'm out of substrate and this is full up which means this is full up yeah I thought that might happen uh I can get the substrate from up upstairs but I think that's fine I want it to stop at some point because we don't want that many of these otherwise they'll start filling up my uh my discs quick sleep through the day and uh yeah I don't want them to fill this up I have got a new I think I mentioned it in my previous episode but my new thing that I want to go for is the in infinite storage part because that means we can get rid of all the drawers and it doesn't matter if we start filling up our system with a lot of crap because we have infinite storage it's just great we should definitely get one of those only problem is infinite well we don't have the audio modium for some reason it wants to try and craft this and it says it's got the rest but it doesn't have this we don't get these storage parts anymore from Storage Reborn if we plonk that one back in we should now be able to do the infinite storage part and it will tell us look at all the stuff we're missing sand is going to be a pain we did a bigger hold setup for sanding all the mod 7. iron and gold not so much because we're gonna get that from putting our um chunk destroyer in the mining Dimension I don't know about the quartz now actually because we might get Quartz from the mining Dimension as well because we've got that extra layer we're going to get in stone as well actually so that's pretty good uh so these two we're gonna get from mine in this one we might get from the mining diamonds as well get from the mining dimension I feel like our diamonds have not been going up at all so I'm wondering if I've done something wrong with the simulation upgrades for the bees so I'll have to look into that I might go and do ah I did something with slimes and personal neural networks to get my slime balls previously so maybe we go and have a look at that see what the situation is with slime balls if there's a decent way of doing it string again I'm not entirely sure how we get that much string could set up a bunch of farms I suppose and then Farm some string Redstone we should get from minor Dimension and all the modium we can just go mine that whenever so we've got a couple of things to tackle sand Sloan balls string I need to go fix my bees Maybe and but yeah that'll be for next time I think so thank you for watching let me have a oh there's an actual sleep not a sleep through the day this time right let's have a look through the stats we are currently at where are we 3.46 days it's not bad is it I still have my hazmat suit on brilliant uh when we get the mech suit we don't have to worry about the Hazmat suit because it has one inbuilt I mean well once we make the radiation shielding which doesn't look that bad to make to be fair that doesn't look that bad either tin bronze brilliant ow right wow thank you for watching thanks for joining and I will see you in the next one bye quick update on the bathroom situation I've set up all of the uh architraves for these and this has got a really weird like cut around it but I'm going to fill that all in so you don't notice that I knackered that cut but yeah they all fit quite well uh the only thing is that they they kind of come off a little bit if you pull them I don't know if you can see like there's a little Gap that you can yeah so I don't expect anybody to come up here and just like Yank on the the architraves but what I am going to do is I'm going to unscrew these because these are all screwed in to the walls themselves and I'm going to put a little bit of uh adhesive behind there a bit of glue but other than that I think the bathroom's looking quite quite nice now I don't know if you guys remember what it looked like previously but before this is completely changed love it
Channel: Pilpoh
Views: 13,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Pilpoh, #minecraft, #atm8, #moddedminecraft
Id: epIYarS0AC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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