All The Mods 8 Ep. 8 Best Mining Dimensions + Allthemodium

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[Music] thank you [Music] so is it getting close to the holidays be sure to check out the merch site link down in the description below get yourself one of those awesome hoodies I know you want one so today I have some huge plans we are going to hopefully find ourselves all the modium today and uh the reason we need to get into this is because there are actually several mods that are specifically locked behind us obtaining all the modium and uh it should be found basically underground where I'm at here um I think we actually have one of the biomes and I may or may not have passed some of it at some point but I cannot mine it just yet I am going to need another ride pickaxe um because I don't think I can use my Spellbook to mine it I mean I can test let's go find some because I know there's some it only spawns and it spawns in a very specific buy them biome so if we look up all the modium and we take a look at the or right it says found in the deep dark biomes in cave walls and ceilings um now to easily find this um we can use the compass to find that biome so if you're having a hard time what was that was it a tough creeper oh my gosh creepers man if you're having a hard time finding this you can use this to do so so deep dark research deep dark this right here and start the search you can see it's actually going to be down here however it doesn't tell you it's underground but of course it is going to be underground um I believe we have this biome is actually where all the skulk uh sensors and all that stuff is at I'm pretty sure it's just right down here and uh I'm gonna give it a test we'll find some for sure and uh then give it a little testy poo so I didn't notice any caves like at my base so I decided to go ahead and use the compass to find another one I had to go a little bit out um but I should be able to mine straight down hopefully and find a cave it's all about the adventure right let's hope we don't fall into lava by the way I do have my night vision goggles on I think this is a perfect example for night vision is when you're looking for a very specific ore that's supposed to be in a biome that you're unfamiliar about but uh by the way while I'm here might as well loot away look at that cake I'll take it oh it's trapped of course it's trapped come on now it didn't have to be trapped I I now I know to check for traps um we're still not there we're still we still got to go a little bit further down I think because right now we're at negative four and our biome has yet to change to the deep dark it is now officially changed to the deep dark now this feels more like it I'm gonna go ahead and just light everything up even though it does look like it's lit it's not this is actually I believe a cork biome so this is a glimmering wheeled which uh this is how you lure the um the little cork uh guys this is how you lure them to you you basically hold this in your hand instead of a diamond and uh what are they called the uh the little stonelings yeah that's what they're called The Stone links they'll just walk right up to you which is fantastic now uh with night vision this was such a good find because I should be able to just look around hopefully until I find some once I find some I will definitely Mark that location and we'll definitely go from there but there's a monster box right here let's set that bad boy to kill you're not fun quit our canisters come on and it's a bunch of zombies but these things drop such good loot these monster boxes can have everything from like yeah music discs or rabbits hides to all kinds of goodies all right I'm on a mission I'm looking for a very particular ore I'm getting distracted I mean in all honesty it didn't take that long because I literally just walked I just walked up here where I was heading and look what we find okay so to test this out I want to test this out I also need to Market I'm going to put a waist down here um but to test this out it looks like there's two of them let's set this to vein mine or sorry set this to mine open this up and then we will set this to break and then amplify as much as we can go and then the last one I want to put a silk touch on here um just to make sure that we get the most out of our block um can I put silk touch actually do we have to do I'm not seeing the silk touch pickup item snare pull where's my silk touch at I'm such a goofball because it is this one it's an augment okay we'll save the mine will it work no so we still need another right pick um so that means we're gonna be making a trip to the nether but before we do that I'm gonna place my way Stone down um and this is uh ATM or before we go to the nether I want to make myself a spell that should kill just about everything in another now for this I'm gonna need a few things I'm gonna need snow just like this that should be plenty and Ice um however ice I should be able to pick up with the silk touch um let's try okay good good on the single break it works very nice I am going to need enough of this I think I need compact um I need this to be able to make some very special spells so this should be quite fun we're gonna make a spell that should hopefully hopefully knock out most mobs and I'm gonna explain this spell in a second but we do need to make a few things we're gonna have to make the water Essence in order to do this I need two of these water Essences they do require Source gems uh gyms I have one we can go ahead and make another one um so let's go and get the source gym in there um so two of these and then on the pedestal we need this and hopefully this will work we need a water bucket and a snow block needs to be next to this um it looks like it canceled that because there we go so it's crafting water Essence being next to this which is perfect there we go there's one water Essence now I'm assuming I'm gonna have to take these off yeah in order to come uh yeah to be able to change this to a gym hopefully we didn't lose all of our essence there we go we'll pull that out and then line up the same items so that kelp and a water bucket makes water Essence eventually I would like to have all of these set up and automated that'd be kind of nice and there we go another water Essence and this is just to unlock the glyphs so some things are going to get pretty potent here in a moment there we go that's crafted and I can go ahead and put these away until later um so let's talk about the glyphs we are going to unlock so they are tier 2 glyphs um we are going to go for Cold Snap that's one of them so I'll go ahead and select cold snap and put the items in so we need a powdered snow bucket snow and Ice I believe um for cold snap what all are the ingredients needed because I overlooked it um oh yeah and then we also need this so I think the other one which is freeze you might see where I'm going with this this is cold snap cold snap I'll talk about in a second um but freeze wherever you are might actually be a tier one yep tier one we'll select that that should pull everything in so the goal behind this is that we will freeze our enemy uh giving them slowness and then we will snap them with the cold snap so let's go to our farming spell and we're gonna be making a new one now to set this up we should be able to do this we should say projectile and then we want to freeze don't know why that through amplify on there freeze um and then we don't really want to worry too much about this just yet we want to also throw on Cold Snap now it says right here that um snares and causes a burst of damage to an entity that is affected by slowness freezing or is wet and nearby enemies that are not affected by snow will be slowed um so yeah this is nearby enemies affected by slow or wetness will also be hit by Cold Snap and it can be augmented with amplify except time and AOE so we definitely want to amplify this so that is like Max cold snap Amplified and now we kind of just need to find a mob to test this on so you know what what better test subject than this one right over here um we should be able to hit this gas with cold snap and that should work if I can get to it or you know what we could test it out on one of these guys or a piglet perfect right here is a piglet all right yep let's hit it you got hit with cold snap two shots two shot and it is dead that's pretty nice pretty nice um cold snap is significantly more powerful than our prior spells and you can see right here I am hitting this guy and I honestly wonder how much it's gonna take to kill this boss that's lingering down here well either way I'm in the Nether and uh yeah the bad guys are getting kind of rough but I need to make my way down to be able to mine of course for good old ancient debris so got myself down to the perfect level why level 15 at least I think it's the perfect level and I'm just mining three by threes and I did manage to find some so I'll go ahead and take this now I don't know if I can get incredibly lucky with just two I don't know if there's a good way to use this to duplicate maybe maybe I don't know this looks like there is a 75 chance to get extra if we could just use two we get really lucky that's a 75 chance to get a bonus I don't know Redstone that's all Cook's normal induction is you do get two on an induction oh wow that's perfect so I guess technically I'm I'm done mining this for now yeah this is perfect so let's drop this into our induction smelter and hope for the best so I don't have to go back down and go mining for more binding two and then being able to make myself a piece of netherite seems kind of awesome Yep it did make two very cool that is perfect what a way to get more bang for your buck right and there's four and we ended up getting rich Slag out of that which is used in final grow and I believe in processing on the machines yes for the induction smelter itself so we'll craft up another right and then uh what do we need we need the forge right we need a smithing table and that's it so just a smithing table we'll plop this right into this I'm gonna upgrade my pickaxe but now I have to focus on enchanting now apotheosis they do have these tomes of Weaponry or tomes of whatever you're looking for that will make sure that it will make these uh the enchants on these books specific to sword enchants so if I go and I start enchanting my pick of course I'm gonna get random stuff um but yeah I can do this for so uh for swords and for pickaxes and everything so I need to get one specifically for pickaxes and I might I might be able to get some really good roles now I am pretty low on lapis just a little bit of Mining and I could definitely get more of that but Let's test out these tomes so I put the book in here and you can see this is going to throw on Unbreaking and Fortune two pretty awesome which means we could potentially find two books right two books together that have Fortune two and we can combine them that is perfect so there's Fortune three so there's efficiency in Fortune three and technically I'd probably want some more efficiency but all we need is some levels in an anvil now so here we go so we already have efficiency on braking on this um I definitely want to take the fortune and Fortune and maybe arrange these around so the way they're not so expensive and then I did find this one that has unusing and so if we can get this to be cheap there's an unusing and hopefully we have enough so we need 23 levels to get this thing pretty sick for a fortune pick yeah that's gonna be pretty awesome so I also noticed this is putting Unbreaking five on here and we now have efficiency five does that mean we could technically put Fortune 4 on this I mean that's totally gonna have to be something that we test out later let's go ahead and put our night vision goggles on and we are heading into the mine to be able to mine this hopefully oh boy so here's our ore I have my pick and hopefully when we vein mine this we get a nice bonus and that too turned into four and I think we can Hammer this for two more and yes get the dust and thus that will give us eight total that is awesome so to crush this up I'm gonna make myself an iron hammer and all we have to do is do this and Bam we have ourselves eight crushed that is uh that's pretty nice like getting eight is uh fantastic because we're gonna need some to hopefully make some potions I I believe we can make potions with potion master I don't know potion master I believe is in here but can we make all the modium from potion master it looks like we can there's all the money and powder and then this and then yeah this can then be turned into all the modium sight yes that's what we need and then of course there's the charm which is really nice as well so we also completed our quest for this and look it gives us another or that's awesome because we can Fortune this and hopefully get more than one no we just got one but we can of course Hammer that and turn that into two more so technically we have ten total now why do I want this why do I need this stuff oh my gosh you just gave me more just gave me even more I'll take it I'll take it oh my gosh yes give me more all the modium um so the reason I need this is because it is used not only for armor and gear and stuff like that and uh some later game items it's actually the nuggets are used for several things look at this mining gadgets it needs it to be able to get into mining edges to make a solid fuel Quarry to make a builder all of this requires this to be able to make the attempt the telepad to be able to go to the mining Dimension um or in the nether we can go to the other so this is how you go to the mining Dimension um so all of these things are fantastic and we need the all the modium Nugget to be able to sort of progress in this pack at this point big things definitely the mining gadgets yeah that's something I definitely want to get into and while looking through these recipes I just noticed the structure compasses in here this is like literally having cheat commands in a compass you can search for a fortress you can search for anything it's going to show up it's like running the command slash locate it is crazy it's I mean it I it is just as powerful as the compass don't get me wrong the compass is also pretty powerful but to have access to finding structures in this mod pack when structures are filled with crazy loot wow this is awesome it always feels good when a mod pack is like here have some fun have some fun and have some cake with it too like ah you I love that now that I'm back by the way and it's dark I do want to test this out so I want to test out how powerful is this cold snap because I still haven't fully had the chance to test this out so that hit that for how much damage I mean it almost killed it is there gonna be a way that I could potentially set this up to fully kill a mob um I wonder if I could amplify that and then hit it with the freeze or hit it with the cold snap and then amplify that I mean that might do something we'll see let's test it on the skeleton over here hopefully that guy will leave me alone foreign just avoided it all together it's still actually that seems a little less than what I was doing so yeah and it costs way more um yeah cold I mean still this is a pretty powerful spell at least for a tier two so we have our freeze we hit it with a cold snap and we amplify the cold snap and that's the only thing we can do right or can we hit it with another cold snap and amplify that surely that doesn't work how much damage still the same amount of damage but now we're still two tapping which is honestly pretty decent and they they kind of freeze in place right they freeze in place which is fantastic and I can I can kind of spam this now that I'm back and we've found something that actually kind of works I want to go ahead and get ourselves to the mining Dimension I think this will be a great place to mine so we're not tearing up the ground underneath us even though there's still some nice place to uh to mine underneath us uh but this should allow us to just right click and because it's in the Overworld it should take us to what is the mining dimension is it shift right click shift right click oh boy and wow okay so we are in the mining Dimension it is a flat flat world so flat wow is it just solid underground or is there going to be things underground that we can mess with I I don't know I'm gonna move out about I don't know five blocks let's see three leave it a nine by nine around this thing for sure and then leave three blocks and then just start mining surely was that Emerald because we're at two oh because we're at 2 47 in y height oh this is really interesting because this does offer some variation on levels of finding ore just to put this in perspective or at uh emerald ore is found actually the most common at around y level 200 so in between 200 and 210 we're gonna find the most amount of emerald ore and because we're this High we probably want to make a stopping point around 200 and then also iron is pretty high up here because believe it or not in vanilla Minecraft Iron Coal and emerald can be found at pretty high heights um and so this mining World actually is going to make finding these particular types of things very easy to obtain now another odd thing that I'm noticing is it's not getting dark at all um I'm I'm not bugged out from the night vision either like it's just Fulbright in this dimension which is crazy maybe that's to prevent mobs from spawning and using this for that purpose but it's not getting dark which is amazing for mining so I'm just I'm just mining as you can see the long tunnel and all the modium um I thought this was I guess I guess it is found here which kind of makes sense because it is the mining dimension um yeah I'll take it I'll take some for sure but I didn't know it was going to be here um I'm kind of Gonna Leave a path because I did find it at this y level I I don't know if this goes to just y level zero and maybe the ore distribution is kind of wonky because of that because this started up there in lapis should technically be spawning at like y level zero so maybe this mining dimension does have a floor level of zero but it's up at 256. wow that is a lot of gold like a whole lot of gold okay uh maybe that's the case I'll find out when I get to the bottom okay this just went beyond my comprehension because I'm now mining another rack does this mean that also this is the nether so that right there is basically the representation of normal Overworld this goes to nether which means if I go down to y15 it should be the same as me strip mining in the nether but I'm I'm strip mining here but this is awesome like this is like the perfect like mining dimension like the wow all right I'm losing my stuff here because now we've made it to in stone okay we've hit Level zero this is literally changing dimensions which should mean that we could technically mine the nether or uh the all the modium ores as well because we have vibranium and then this the raw obtainium is found in the end so that's what all this is about but this is just mind-blowing okay so as far as ore distribution goes I am completely unsure now but I think it is in relation to the height of the uh the area that we were we just went through but it's just to a different scale and different y level numbers this is just Bonkers so I have effectively hit bedrock and it didn't take as long as I thought it was going to take it's honestly kind of crazy how how epic this is yeah so whatever you want to mine in you're able to mine in it like that's just just yeah mind-boggling so after just a few minutes of mining I've cleaned up on the iron like or gold I've got gold for days I mean I have iron for days as well but I mean yeah it wouldn't take very long to clean up here like this is just there's just so much like like if I just mine in a straight line right here I'm I'm we're bound to find something by the way this is how fast I can mine it is quite insane yeah all the coal of course we have infinite cold but oh man with the fortune on this pick and who you put Fortune 4 on here that'd be even crazier so if you're spending a little bit of time mining there I have to say yeah um we're gonna be probably spending some time with the Corey mods for sure but this is gonna be an insane Dimension to Corey like such a crazy Dimension to Corey for sure but God for today I hope you enjoyed today's and of course I want to give a huge shout out to the sponsor of today's video and that huge thanks is going to go to die Queen thank you so much for supporting over on the Discord becoming a Discord premium member and of course that support goes a huge way guys I really appreciate it of course click that subscribe button if you haven't already give this video a huge thumbs up and think about joining the Discord it's forward slash chosen our text we have an 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Channel: ChosenArchitect
Views: 235,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the mods 8, all the mods, all the mods modpack, minecraft, minecraft modpack, modpacks, minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, modded 1.19, all the mods 8 minecraft, all the mods 8 guide, all the mods 8 playthrough, all the mods 8 lets play, atm8, modded minecraft, all the mods 8 modpack, atm, modded minecraft 1.19, chosenarchitect, chosen, all the mods chosenarchitect, chosen all the mods, minecraft survival, allthemod, allthemodium ore location, Mining Dimension, Allthemodium
Id: WT2jjWtgU3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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