ATM 8: Episode 33 - Powah Nitro Reactors! 660k FE/t

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you did good little one you did good you lasted us a while but we need more power hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods eight in today's episode we're going to work on setting ourselves up with I think for now three three Nitro nuclear reactors from the power mod to start generating 750 000 Fe per tick and that way we can build up a decent supply of power to work towards end game now with a bit of luck this should be pretty easy we made this in the last episode moving towards improved power gen because as I was going to try and make this infinite storage part I needed a bunch of things like iron and gold and yeah we need some built up silicon and all of that jazz as well as some extra diamonds and I figured that we would go to the mining Dimension and start digging out another big area but I ran out of power I just couldn't keep up with the amount of power that I was using so we're going to go through oh I was making some stuff previously and we're going to uh start the process of making these where are they where are the reactor bits these ones these reactors all the way up to Nitro which is going to require automating all of this stuff so I've already automated urananite as you can see it is set up in a uh a blue square which means that I have just here a urananite AutoCraft but from there actually I should probably put all of these over on the side just in case but from there we need to set up automation for all of these things so I have automation for that I need automation for this let's do that automation for dielectric paste oh boy yeah it's a lot so automation for blaze powder automate that and then blaze powder and then coal although I think I might already have the automation for coal let's see I don't nothing in any of these there you go so I can put all of those in there and then I can automate dielectric paste like that automate these and then automate that yeah then we need to go through and automate these things which is going to require automation of iron bars and we have the automation for dielectric paste so I'm going to do that one and that one and I feel like I'm going to start putting the power stuff in here so power related items like the mod power related items in this one if that's the case why don't we grab one of these and use that as our it's not actually that noticeable I think we'll do it with one of these instead now that Crystal Works cool so essentially the process just goes making sure that I have everything in blue through the whole process I know that I just made that one so I can get reactors there and then each next layer requires the one before it I believe yeah perfect so that is all the way up to basic reactors done next a fairly simple recipe change through here should get us everything that we need so that only requires upgrading two different patterns because we have all of the base patterns sorted so in fact I'm going to do this and then this there we go and of course now all of these main things are done it's just a matter of sort of getting these capacitors up and running now I you can see I have the dielectric paste and everything automated I now need energized still automated and that's why I've been building up the supplies of energized steel so that goes there we can then automate the creation of the hardened capacitors and the hardened reactor I'm going to put those in the middle and I'm going to put these capacitors here these capacitors here and just kind of keep everything nice and neat and then hardened capacitor next the Blazing simple enough we just need blazing crystals automated like so then we can automate the Blazing capacitor and the Blazing reactor it's amazing how all of this is just going to result in me pressing a button and hopefully us getting what we need so blazing done niotic we obviously need to set ourselves up with neither crystals which can then be turned into knighted capacitors and then we have the reactor it's quite simple now really but those one of those in one of those then spirited is much the same of course capacitor and reactor and while I'm here now I like that I'm doing it one at a time it feels good one of those one of those and one of those and finally Nitro so these ones I already have the near the star built up and I have a supply of nitro crystals coming in so I can do that that makes Nitric crystals I can set up the automation for a Nitro capacitor and then Nitro reactor like five minutes maybe all the five minutes to get ourselves to the point where I can craft Nitro reactors now that makes four if I go here does that okay that crafts for so one craft will craft four and I want 36 per reactor according to the book yeah you will need 36 reactor blocks in your hand and place them in a three by four replaceable area so 36 and if I want to do three that's 90 108 let's see if I can just go 100 I I have the stuff I have everything needed so start and there it is there's our Nitro reactors like done oh boy Auto crafting is powerful but all of that is only possible because of this stuff all the preparation we put into it all being able to supply ourselves with all of the items there all of that stuff all of the blaze stuff everything was sort of simple to do oh I'm gonna have to upgrade these actually hmm let's craft up like 30 of those oh I need to crafting for a spruce log okay hold on uh Spruce log recipe yeah okay now let's make 30. and we'll just upgrade all of these two three times now they can hold 525 000 nice nice oh need a few more how many one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I've actually got some extras in there but I'll still make a few more Ten Perfect let's go put these reactors into position so I never ended up actually finishing the floor in here but that's completely fine with me I think I'm going to come out one two three oh uh okay apparently Tada I didn't realize it would build itself like that okay okay uh one two three and bump bump ta-da I will do the same thing over here one two three and four bump bump bump bump ha ha okay so those three things built does not mean we are providing power just yet we need to Now set ourselves up with some automation towards these to fill them with the stuff that is required being uraninite cooling materials fuel all of that stuff so do we have information in the book on how to do that reactors here we go when generating energy the reactor heats up causing it to consume fuel faster and generating less Fe per tick so you need to cool it down using a coolant like water also you can use a solid coolant like snow or ice for extra coldness solid coolant required liquid coolant to work or it requires water in there keep the reactive buffer full of fuel for better production carbon materials like coal wood will improve the fuel efficiency and will add 180 degrees of or Celsius of heat Redstone will speed up the production and the fuel consumption and will add 120 degrees of heat the reactor will stop when it is full and starts when it has less than 70 of energy if on auto mode so we can do blocks of coal blocks of redstone and with the uh stuff that we set up down here specifically the ice crystals from mystical agriculture uh those ones there we can use those to make packed ice instead of regular ice so it only takes nine and it makes 20. that essentially gives us the cooling material we've got 22 000 blocks of coal already so obviously we can fill that in pretty easily but we've got coal Essence being generated and we have Redstone essence also being generated so if I check in here we have Redstone crafting but I think I have two different types One is using witch's hat and one's using the Redstone Essence I'm actually going to take the witch's hat one out and just put that away for the time being we have automation for a redstone block I just need to automate for actually no because I have that in its block form due to this compacting draw I think as long as I can automate the uh the core itself I should be able to just extract the cold blocks from there nice what else we should automate the packed ice like so that goes in there and now it's just a matter of setting these things up over in the tower so if we go to refined storage what I want to do is grab myself a Network receiver and a network transmitter a Network receiver needs a bunch of things neither I do I have I can make that make some of these cores and stuff destruction core some basic processes improve processes and some Advanced processes now can I craft the receiver now I need one of these there's our receiver and we actually already have a transmitter we have a transmitter here which I think we should be able to link to I don't know whether multiple blocks can connect to the one transmitter so we'll soon find out they don't load in from a distance interesting so what I'm going to do is actually dig down here two blocks and we're just going to go across until we hit the center and go sideways a little bit we'll link these up via a T intersection down below okay that one was perfect and that one was almost perfect okay transmitter from there I'm going to link it to that fly around as a little fella ah I am gonna need a secondary one because this one obviously has a card in it already Okay um Network transmitter let's put a secondary one uh here there we go so now that is connected up to my main system oh I'm so small we should be able to run some things from here off of that block and have it all connected just fine now we need to work out how to do it automatically huh so I've just come back and started making myself an importer oh no so basic processor and we might oh this is interesting regulator upgrade allows you to maintain a certain amount of items within a block or machine a great example of this is telling your network that you want to keep 64 coal within a furnace you place the upgrade in the exporter attached to the furnace and set it to 64. your system will then try to keep the furnace full of fuel but what if you need an item that is crafted the crafting upgrade does exactly this if you have the recipe learned inside of a crafter adding this upgrade to an interface will let it know to craft it if you run out and that is exactly what I was looking for using our example from before let's say we have a mystical agriculture Farm going and have coal Essence we can then put the coal recipe into a crafter and connect it to our system then place this upgrade in the same exporter that is keeping the furnace fueled if you run out of coal in your system a crafting upgrade allows your system to craft some more so the crafting upgrade is actually what I need and I don't think I really need to worry about the regulator because I just need it to be full so without the regulator it should still work but we know that we can add a regulator if required nice oops I didn't mean to put that one away so if we uh want another one of those I'm going to craft and here for more of those there we go and I can make one more exporter and then these are used in upgrading and we might just upgrade to an elite and that should be more than enough yeah I don't think we really need to go any higher because these things aren't going to burn through that stuff anywhere near as quick okay so if we take these exporters here and basically just place them onto the back of there what we can then do is make those crafting upgrades in the exporter itself oh first of all uh that's a refined storage I'll grab all of those and I may craft up another handful there we go let's just connect that and connect this one and all that connects back to this system I'll shrink down here so that I can fly out yeah perfect and now let's make ourselves some crafting upgrades I'm going to add the upgrade base over here speed upgrade crafting upgrade and I'm even going to add the regulator upgrade just in case let's see maybe we need to go back down to our crafter so we need yeah a little bit of that make ourselves a few upgrades like so just uh we'll go nine in case we need to split it up by three from there I'm going to make oh some crafting tables I suppose one two three four five six and make three oh I need a construction core con destruction core let's make one of those and we have three crafting upgrades okay from there I'm going to grab the required materials which are coal blocks redstone blocks packed ice and urananite let's take that over to our system okay with the emperor's chalice here we're going to put water into that so it's full we're going to place a crafting upgrade in here and those three there it goes there it goes it's filling it up with the blocks of coal the packed ice the uraninite crafting all of those items up as it goes and it should just stop when it has all of those items like full to a stack you know put that in there put that in there the heat is building up because we need to put water in those silly me there we go staying stable at 100 degrees filling up at approximately 220 000 Fe per tick so it's not quite running at its maximum capacity just yet let's see what happens when it's full 211 what would be limiting this cooling eight degrees Celsius okay I guess it's just the amount that it needs and with these three now like this what I can do because it can output at 2 million Fe per tick what we really want is to have a Nitro level and a cell so if we go over to power I don't actually have any yet but oh this is one thing that we may need to do manually let's have a look at crafting I want to make myself some Nitro Ender cells those things already have some automation and so do those but I can't at this point I don't know how to automatically craft into this most likely it's just connecting a crafter to that let's see if I go here make myself another right Crafter like so there we go take this up top to here um yeah I can fit that in that let's rotate that until it points up into it let's say that we want to make an Eye of Ender oh that's the wrong thing and I have Ender we need to automate pearls like that and then automate that nice we need some more patterns and then we want to make that as a processing pattern yeah then of course we're going to have to make ourselves a network transmitter which requires some of this just get a few of those crafted make a network transmitter and a Network receiver I need another right again and of course a network card now back here I'm sort of starting to fill this area in a bit eventually we may need to do it a little bit more neatly but if I just grab my transmitter should be able to just connect to that as well if my receiver goes there and I grab this network card like that and place it in there it looks like it should be connected now if I Chuck that pattern in there [Music] I I know I'm sort of just talking through it saying this and that and in there and those things but for me this is like super exciting um I will add those two to that can I request from here one of those uh hold on scheduled it's processing those hmm oh I need to then have an exporter uh okay okay uh no an importer I should say that's fine I'm working it out I'm working it out uh crafting importer set it onto there and then what I should do is make it a whitelist mode grab what it just made there and for right now the only thing I wanted to be able to import is this Ender core I I feel so smart there's something about working this out and like reaching the point where you feel like you understand it and how to tackle these problems that is just so satisfying so from here in my crafting grid I think yeah I have all of those available so I just make an exact pattern from that take that over to my power or place that just in the middle no down here for now oh wait wrong one this is my power one I might make a more basic version for say something like the uh the lower but at this point I can just make nitro for whatever I want can I then come over here and request three Nitro do scheduled or what is hung up here this again oh hmm so do I have to do it one at a time I think maybe I have to do it one at a time okay we got the three that we need but I just need to at the moment request it one at a time because this was filling up with all of the items at once hmm but I mean we have some Ender cells that I can just go and Boop and now no does it not pull directly from it that's fine I have three Nitro cable spare oh does it need to be out of one of those spots let's see oh there we go now we're moving let's see if we can keep up now it's really moving there we go absolutely cranking out the energy these things should continue to fill up and stay cooled just fine this is going to hit 2 billion any second now there we go that's going to start filling back up at about 230 K Fe per tick I'm not exactly sure whether it is the packed ice not being enough cooling or whether it's something else but uh for now it's pretty good I'm just watching this to see when it refills I don't know how it will but that's power like that's uh that's a lot of power we're currently able to at Max put out about 750k per tick but of course it's closer to about uh 600 650 000 per tick now one last thing to add fish one last thing to add to our system for auto crafting is batteries now because I've gone through oops because I've gone through all of the reactors and have them Auto craftable now I can do that and I can do the same for the refined storage but I want to set myself up to AutoCraft all the way up to Nitro level batteries because I'm going to use these for a few things in the creative menu as well as uh yeah just increasing our storage in the ended Network so let's speed run this we can make the crafting for that because we already have everything available we should be able to just do that that oh my goodness it's like everything that we prepared before is making this possible there we go we head over into our power and we just put them all in here like so and I say oh I want 10 of these crafting crafting done oh my goodness I have ten batteries and if I take them right now I think they're all trying to charge up in my inventory so I'm going to do this nice and quickly if I take them over to these inner cells or Ender cells I can just go four billion 6 billion 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. and I'm going to keep this one on me actually I'm going to keep it in my system just in case we need a spare one 20 billion power that's 100 million 100 million 100 million 100 million 100 million 100 million 100 million that is so fast what okay now we're down so now this is the speed with which it can generate so that's like 10 million 10 million 10 million 10 million 10 million 10 million per second this is absolutely flying you can see that it says 220 K ish per tick it is going down ever so slightly but that means that we're producing a little over 600 K power per tick but there's 20 ticks per second so we're getting somewhere around the 10 to 15 million Fe per tick no per second sorry that's pretty impressive and that means I can come back over to my mining Dimension wait wait before I forget I'm gonna bring up oh my map oops not those two please and we're going to come over probably need to go to the actual Tower itself and we're just going to force load those four for now that should be within that abound and that's one in these ones ah fish now all I need to do is come back over here grab my indigate slap it on the side and press start and there we go we're back to full speed absolutely flying through it look at that go the speed with which that is removing those blocks is ridiculous and then if we come over to my system here we should be able to see numbers going up very quickly now it goes through our buffer at a time we're about to pass oh there we go go a little bit more there we're about to pass 10 million Cobblestone and if we can get this infinite storage up I'm just going to put all of this into my system just everything 100 of it done and dusted and we can come through and just remove the world as we see fit come on pass 10 million come on come on no there also over 5 million coupled deep slate not bad don't know why I didn't use that for building silly me oh a little bit more of that a little bit more of that oh look at it all and we'll just sort that and so it's in order again I mean this is going pretty well don't you think we're gonna get ourselves well more all the modium than we're ever gonna need because we're also producing it via seeds at the moment but I still think I'll probably dig all that up just for the bragging rights I think and we'll run that through our mechanism but like yeah look at this thing go Neon We're not gonna have to worry about our power running out now because this thing will not be using more than uh yeah look we're still producing easily into the positive even though that thing is going flat out hold on there we go slight bit of lag but this will fill up to 20 billion in no time flat and because we're continuing to generate the resources that we need to I can infinitely expand this now I know that when you get to things like the uh the huge generators or whatever it is uh what's it called bigger reactors this stuff here uh we can of course store in the trillions but for now I really like this as a super reliable super easy to understand as far as like on my end uh easy to understand system that holds a lot and we could start using different uh different channels if we wanted to separate things yeah but with that I think I'm gonna let this run and I'm Gonna Leave the episode here where is it it's coming for me we'll leave the episode here because we now have achieved our goal of getting our power situation under control and because of that we have now improved our power generation yeah wonderful next on the list infinite storage drive so we look in here the infinite storage Drive still needs a few things but a lot of this Redstone a lot of the uh or at least here Redstone needs to craft a 251 000 more so whatever we can get from our uh our dig site as far as these things is very helpful quartz gold diamonds all of that fun stuff the iron the more we get the less strain on our mystical Agriculture and the quicker we can just dump everything into our system so folks I hope you enjoyed this episode we are now generating all the power well you know a lot of power nearly have 10 billion stored and these things are cranking out over 200 000 per tick you guys can tell me what it is if it is just uh the fact that you might have to go up to the dry ice to get this running at perfect generation but I'm more than happy with over 600 000 Fe per tick that is more than enough of my needs at the moment and this thing once it's stored 20 billion can output 2 million per tick which should be fine so with that I'd like to say thank you very much for watching thank you to my patreon supporters wait let's get up top yeah thank you to my patreon supporters for your continued support you folks are amazing and I genuinely appreciate you all supporting me each and every month it means a lot and uh it does mean that I can do this full time for you guys everyone who's watching I hope you enjoyed if you made it this far I'd really appreciate it if you left a like on the video help us reach some more atm8 fans and people who want to watch a nice long Series going to the end game and with that being said until the next episode hope you all take care of yourselves and I'll see you then bye bye everyone uh whoop s
Channel: BottleTopHornet
Views: 7,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lets Play, Bottletophornet, modded minecraft series, ATM8, All the mods 8, ATM8 lets play, ATM8 playthrough, ATM8 episode 1, All the mods 8 episode 1, All the mods 8 playthrough, All the mods 8 lets play, Modded minecraft, New all the mods playthrough, How to play ATM8, ATM8 series, ATM8 ideas, ATM8 mega base, ATM8 mods, ATM8 star, ATM8 Star progression, ATM8 mid game, ATM8 Powah Reactor, ATM8 best power production, Powah Nitro reactor, Automating Powah Reactors
Id: d7Hm01KqC2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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