ATM 8: Episode 23 - Fighting Everything in the Other!

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all right hello everyone welcome back to the other and welcome back to all the mods 8. in the last episode we found a pyramid uh oh and we tested out this amazing sword that takes care of people pretty easily uh I really need to get rid of these swords somehow but we decided to leave it at the end because I'd done a lot of work in the last episode and I knew that this would take a lot longer so we're gonna go in here now and it's gonna be pretty intense to start off so I'm just going to quickly put a few things away like this oh stock up in here on some of the things that I want to Stack Up and okay so our inventory is going to get very full things are going to get pretty hectic and I figured I'd start off with giving a warning about that but once we get through this we're going to go back home play around with some of the new unobtainium and hopefully find ourselves some vibranium and then start looking into what we want to do for expanding the base and building some more serious Farms so with some big glitches over the distance I can turn my jet pack back on oh they just spawned a bunch and ah did you see that well a lot of stuff has begun spawning underneath us so this is gonna be interesting music started playing all sorts of things are happening and one of those piglets has got absolutely heated into the stratosphere I don't know whether you saw that I'll make sure that I uh definitely show it off in the edit the unfortunate thing about this is I have been sitting above a bunch of spawners so I have generated so many mobs I know it's about to get ridiculous in there there we go well we're gonna destroy every single spawner that we find and then we'll go back through and uh see what we can do about looting some chests and stuff I'm gonna try and keep up my night vision here just so that uh watching is a little bit nicer but we're gonna have a lot of loot floating around our floating around ourselves okay luckily it doesn't look like we're really uh taking that much damage we are so strong that a lot of this isn't really a concern uh here we go thank you the music is adding a nice little touch there's multiple music discs going off at once all right let's head upstairs that is a lot of spawners in one spot okay hello everyone this is like some weird arcade game kind of thing taking out a bunch of monsters while flying around it's kind of ridiculous break all the spawners again that sounded like a loot pinata okay now over to this side we've done that one done that one this one okay oh it's this one it's starting to calm down a little bit ah here's a side that I didn't find before another loot pinata all right let's jump up top what is this that's incredible there are so many spawners in this thing oh my God this is why I kind of wanted to uh prepare all of this before heading to the other but I don't know whether you've noticed we've barely dropped a single heart this entire time oh great that one kill the piglets oh there we go that's 21 piglet hearts all right what am I missing nothing there so there must be yeah stuff like that do I have any mole sitting around in random areas it doesn't look like it but there's got to be some somewhere I'm getting way too many spawns still for this not to be uh spawning from something unless they just are naturally spawning right now I've got to be missing something maybe up in here nope that's a lot of lag happening because of uh the amount of blocks that I have okay what am I missing something in the middle maybe oh here we go there's some more all right I'm looking but it sounds it's a little hidden spots here we go how do you get into this room tucked in the middle somewhere this one was uh hidden every time you see an explosion like that it is the loot pinata happening the four percent chance ah this is up through the center is what it is let's see if we can remove the rest of the mobs in fact we should probably have a look out in these areas oh another piglets too nice very nice all right so after we clear all this out all of these random spawns that were around the space okay I feel like there may be a spawner somewhere that I haven't quite got I don't know what's happening to him he's getting hated somewhere let's just double check inside here damn maybe they just infinitely spawned so we never have quite a reprieve oh am I missing something because that's a lot of witches hmm all right let's think about this that was pretty chaotic but I think we've uh we've done most of it now I just need to double check and see whether or not there are some hidden ones that I didn't find tucked away in some Corners like this one maybe up in some little corner no this is the center up here okay I think we can start to uh start to look at what we got we got so many eggs uh what else I got a bunch of all the modium gear I guess what possibly from uh from the piglets so many gems that we're gonna have to look at what is that just a normal backpack oh my this is uh potentially gonna get out of hand let's grab this let's have a look through these things some really high level uh books that'll be definitely worth taking and let's put away things like this in there good Lord vibranium nuggets hey yo wow this is ridiculous we have only just started looting we're already finding some crazy things uh netherite sword I'll take that these things can definitely go into sorting don't much care for the potions ugh I finally got through most of it we got a lot of unique stuff uh very interesting gems we're gonna have to have a look at all of those when we get back home but now we can loot so in the end we got 34 piglet Hearts there's a bunch of interesting arrows in there so what I might do is empty the arrows out of the ones that we found and then put them all inside an existing one nice let's see if we can pick up any of these we might need a secondary one just for a few of those and okay now these bundles might actually be worthwhile for grabbing the uh gems let's see whether we can put that nut it is a full thing off the get-go what about these oh but we can use that nice so a little bit of a clean up there and okay let's see what the rest of this Pyramid has to offer us we're gonna actually turn off my uh my jet pack because it was causing a lot of problems with me being able to stay where I am now these were oh ah these chests are oddly spread around and uh don't allow me to get the loot so a couple of those are actually spread around in varying places and um we just won't get loot from it I don't believe but that's okay because there's still plenty of looter style ones around this is a little bit of a maze here we go so all of these uh unfortunately not lootable oh I'm thinking at this point that piglet just must summon them well yeah because when I'm finding the pig glitches we build up massive armies of them speaking of here's another one this is absolute Madness what I'd say we'll end up doing is actually setting a waste Stone out here to uh allow us to come back and hopefully Farm some piglets down the line now this one here does have loot that's what we like to see and some vibranium lovely so ready so once again I've got to put away the potions of healing because I'm not that interested in them and put away all of this stuff all right what about this one getting more of these vibranium nuggets is amazing some of these aren't really that incredible but I may as well take them and put them in with everything else oh that's all the modium Nuggets oh my goodness that is ridiculous all right let's check outside here they must be down below in here yeah oh have I oh no I have been here it was just dark another stack in a bit of vibranium not vibranium or the modium this is incredible also just a bunch of really good gear I cannot complain about any of this not at all might as well take the diamond blocks even though we don't really need them oh another piglets get in a corner yeah they definitely spawn the witches everywhere too okay now we can head down to the very bottom level oh another Pig my hand is cramping from clicking so much oh how did I miss those hahaha this is definitely a uh an overload on the sensors so hopefully I've managed to uh keep it fairly succinct and uh and not be too much but yeah this is it's a lot it's a lot we're just gonna try and get the last few things oh another older modium nice and then get out of here surely that backpack's nearly full not quite I'm so turned around and not even sure where I am in this whole thing it's ridiculous I'm just trying to double check that I didn't miss any chests in any of these spots that looks good we'll check one last time up top just to make sure none of these corners were missed one more piglet for the road oh and another one but the hope is here that uh with this one trip I shouldn't have to go looking for another one for a very long time especially now that I've got like 80 piglet hearts that should get me started on a few of the major crafting things that involve them um not permanently but at least it's a good start until we uh set up some sort of farm here so I think we're doing our own okay I feel like I'm just looping around now I'm gonna check a couple little Corners around these ways because I know for sure that uh there's a few spots where these guys are oh there we go beautiful let's get out of here goodness me oh hello my friends so with all of that uh we can probably come just here oh they're all buried hey fellas we're gonna grab this way stone that I grabbed earlier on my way around this area and we're just going to go like this and call it other uh no we'll call it Pig glitch I think that's how you spell it pyramid yeah do you really think you're worth it that piglets are still spawning so we know if we want to come back at another time we can actually turn this probably into a piglet Farm of sorts um but for now I am more than happy and I yeah 243 levels thank goodness this stuff is indestructible so we ended up with 84 piglets Hearts did I get I wonder if you can get a piglet egg let's see zombie with a skeleton witch nope nothing in there which nah I feel like that would be too easy now I can breathe that was intense that was a lot of fighting and swinging in a very small space consistently for a long time so what I'm going to do now is put away those players spawning nice put away a few of these do this beautiful and look at that we got ourselves a bunch of all the modium oh so piglet hearts are in there too and we even got ourselves a little bit of vibranium okay time for some sorting and then we can start to look at what we can do with all this where am I going to put the all the modium here oh that took a while but now I have cleared out both of these backpacks I've put away these few things that we got and a bunch where's the rest of it there was one a bunch of netherite gear that we got we've almost got a full netherite barrel of all these things which I haven't honestly even looked at I'm gonna have to go through and find ones like that which are the uh the orange I can't remember what it is mythical I think because those add a huge amount to things let's see if we've got any more mythical that one for example five step height which is horrible but we could add fire damage to a sword for example this one has a bunch of speed or critical chance to weapons and whatnot so that's really nice 11 facets armor toughness and all sorts of goodies like going out to one of those things is actually incredibly worthwhile 2.8 luck not bad 75 speed oh experience gained On Tools bass Arrow damage some of these would be very good to put on a bow a Flawless adds plus three reach and plus three attack range which would be really nice these two are like exactly the same actually those three plus 11 Max Health would be amazing as well or total attack damage plus 41 on a helmet Goodness Me yeah okay we've got uh we've got a lot of good ones the other thing that I have in my main backpack is thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of witch hats we got a bunch of sugar and we got a bunch of glass bottles and all of that luckily I added a bunch of extra stack upgrades but we got a lot so I'm gonna have to deal with that at some point and that does mean that we're probably going to want to uh start upgrading or adding extra storage disks and now that we have this unobtainium as well as a little bit of vibranium we should be able to do so now we did get the vibranium I'm actually going to grab that and with that vibranium sight we could actually uh go and find some in the other I reckon oh can't see one can be inscribed with Spells at scrub table interesting we went to the other where we can get these ancient Soul berries it's really nice and the mining Dimension I've done as well look at us making our way through now we can make a few things get ourselves some of that and then this thing an angel ring allows the player to have creative flight at the cost of experience make sure to put it in your ring slot to free up inventory space you can also upgrade the ring to use power instead of experience which is really really cool and we get a legendary reward from it like netherstar block uh reactors stack upgrades something really really good what else we definitely killed a bunch of these oh craft any tier of installed to upgrade your factories what is that one for mechanism oh damn that's cool does that mean that I can upgrade one of my mechanism things to Elite huh overall Bounty for witches I've done that we got some inferium what was our random reward an iron ingot and we definitely killed more than 100 of them good stack upgrade and a bomb like what's our random reward avocado toast delicious that looks like that's all we have at the moment so in the new update there were a few things added a few different um quest lines and whatnot that you can run through um I haven't actually ever got all the modium ore which is interesting uh we might have to go mind ourselves some of that to go through all of these things obviously and one thing that I do want to go for is the time in a bottle this will be good to start accumulating some time and now that we have the unobtaining we can we just have to go through and set up some different bits and pieces like this which I already have some of the stuff it's just a matter of uh of getting the essence that is required so hopefully that's not too hard what I want to do now though is put away all of this stuff and I did not mean to do that just need to right click we can come back into here now I know you guys have said that we can line these things up so what we might do is actually redo our mechanism set up a little bit and I want to test something out actually let's uh let's go out of here before we do that the thing that I want to test out is what is our Fortune level that we can get to so if we go to F Fortune 7 but I don't have enough how can I guarantee Fortune let's try something if we go to at apotheosis and we build ourselves some of these tomes of miners a bunch of those and then we put that in here and look for one that gives us Fortune now there's definitely a possibility that fortune is a little bit more difficult to get but we're just going to uh try it out silk touch Fortune 5 that's a good one and I'm going to build up Fortune 4. a little supply of Fortune books two and make my life a little bit easier Fortune six nice oh efficiency nine Fortune six cool so I'm going to go through this process and I know that I have as another commenter said in my dank here I've got heaps of lapis oh I did not mean to grab that much so I'm going to go through here I'm going to reset up my mechanism and then we're going to see whether we can get ourselves a decent supply of the unobtainium it may be even some vibranium before we finish up okay so I've gone ahead and managed to get myself Fortune 8 which I don't know if I can go any higher unless I get myself at home but for now that will be more than enough and we're gonna try out something for starters we only got one from that is that a random occurrence okay we got eight from that one right we just got very unlucky with the first one and what I want to have a look at is what is the most efficient way to deal with this we can get one for one with that we can turn three into four with an enrichment chamber we could turn one into two using oxygen so that's not too bad what else that's about it so then we look at what we have here and we can turn that into a guaranteed four if we wanted to or go like we were before and a guaranteed three so I suppose it just depends on the RNG but most likely it is more worth it to go through with this pick and fortune eight get as much as we can with that and then try and expand upon it from there cool now I have been told before that uh using the infinimine will make it roll every single one the exact same so we could go really good or we could go really poorly and I'm going to test that we have 39 now and that was 20 I believe you can't they minor cool never mind then we don't have to worry about it this is gonna take a little while and for some reason my Network receiver just will not work I've tried multiple different times to go through and uh reset it up but it just doesn't seem to want to work for some reason I don't know whether it's something that broke with the new update but uh for now inside the compact machine I can't I can't use it all right let me just mine this up [Music] hahaha yeah I think we uh I think we did all right I managed to get one little older modium accidentally in there so I'm just going to put down a few of these things out of the way there we go and all in all we got 979 from about 180 or so the next thing that I want to do is probably put these through which one three into four nah purification goes one into two I think that's the one purification with oxygen doubles that so we can get our 979 up to a thousand eight hundred and something essentially that should mean that we get about 10 times the amount of ore that we had not bad so if that's the case what was that in again purification yeah purification with some oxygen and that's this one here but before we use the oxygen we should probably add some gas upgrades so I'm just going to Chuck that over there and unfortunately we do have to go out to do the crafting I just can't work out how to fix that problem but what we want to do here is one two three four five six seven eight I assume with that I should be able to go over here install all eight of them yep ten times the effect we can put our oxygen in there wait why doesn't that work oxygen that's a purification chamber oh this is a purification huh ah it was full of oxygen now it just needs some power here we go so we can chuck all that in there and then what I want to do is see which machine to put next to it uh in a Crusher okay let's uh let's set this up properly in a second so we'll put our power back down here and that on there like that we will get our purification chamber just here and then next to that we'll add our crushing chamber then the crushing chamber is probably going to go into the enrichment chamber I would assume enriching it and then a smelter but we will take that out to our smelter out there so if that's the case let's put this back in here and side config outright output to the right eject on there we go so Auto ejects over to the side there it's crushing it down and then we go Auto eject on into here crushing it into or enriching it into unobtadium dust beautiful I'm just going to quickly put the few that I had in there and we collect the goodies and this time I'll be able to show it being smelted in fact I wonder if it can output automatically to that as well that's definitely worth checking out let's grab this go back in this should also be able to get power from there we just need to put that in Auto split on and if I go like this to the right transporter item config output it doesn't quite that's all right though I can just grab that and uh yeah it's uh it's it's pretty fast look at all this on obtainium oh and that gets us a quest we get some unobtainium sight which is fine Everlasting upgrade huh becomes indestructible can't despawn or fall into the void oh that's that's good what can I sacrifice for that nothing right now that's all right we're thriving so I'm just going to go through this process sorting out all of this letting it do its thing and that is definitely being far more efficient on the oxygen than before way way way more efficient I might even get through all of this without having to upgrade or uh add any more so that's great and then we've got unobtaining for days I actually need to go out and put some of it away 731 so far that's all of our uh all of our unobtaining put in weirdly filling up in an odd way but that's all right that feels fast now but once we upgrade it to the unobtainium uh it's like instant smelting very odd that that is happening I'm not sure why but it's all right we'll just uh let it do its thing go through the process and we can reap the rewards it's so much unobtaining so not only do I want to make the time in a bottle there are some very interesting things like this entangled block that can be used for some fancy stuff and we could start heading towards uh some really big storage as well as things like this infinite range uh booster for our refined storage system creative Wireless Universal grid I don't even know what that does infinity pipe upgrade which allows billions through per tick so basically we could upgrade but that does require ATM Star Shard interesting infinite fluid upgrade from vibranium to an unobtanium furnace what's this entangled binder combined in Tangled bog block blocks to other blocks interesting and then of course this can be used for some other fancy things swoop that's how fast it smelts basically five Stacks which is kind of incredible and we managed to do that without needing any more oxygen so thank you to whoever it was that uh commented about that in the comments I appreciate it we'll jump out here we've got 1 666 we're only just starting to dip into the power that we have built up and that's probably just from using uh this I would say yes that uses it up quite quickly that's finished there we're down to our last legs there we go and do we jump out here go into our system and we ended up with 1958 now I can't remember the exact number of oars that we had to begin with I will go back and check that but uh I think that's a little over 10 times the amount of ore that we found so we can do the same thing when we find vibranium and we have uh well one we have this unobtanium site but we also have some vibranium side that we can go use just to get ourselves started on that um this is simple enough we've got a charm of diamond site cool we might look into those a little bit later and now we can technically work on this we've got enough of that we've got enough to make all the modern furnaces we can get the nether stars and a diamond ring is doable once we have vibranium huh cool also we got this thing nice so with the vibranium there are only really a couple of things that we can build with it it does go towards some certain storages like the 262 million storage so that would be worthwhile I wonder if you can make stuff out of it it doesn't look like it these rods are completely useless the only use for the Nuggets is to make the Ingot but worthwhile for a couple little bits and pieces and for the uh combination to make this stuff now that is just used in the alley block oh but it can make some interesting stuff 47 attack damage and 9 attack speed and this is 22 with just under eight attack speed so we can we can upgrade a lot further what about the vibranium alloy yeah it's so this all could be used to make some interesting stuff okay I see you are Nouveau 5000 sauce and we upgrade cool so before we finish up this episode I think I would like to find some vibranium the question is hmm where do we look for it I have this all the modium stuff here oh and I need to make myself another one of these because I lost the last one what I think I could do is go to spawn find myself an area in the nether quickly drink this potion see if we find anything or a lot of things nearby if we don't then I'll quickly teleport to the other and try and find myself a place nearby that should have it so with that being said let's head to spawn we'll jump in here and if we go over into this vibranium we can see that it says in Warped forests and Crimson Forest between Y100 and y123 the same in both areas so let's uh find ourselves at Crimson Forest now that we have the jet pack we are zoom in like zoom in zoom in and I definitely held off for a while just so that I could enjoy the process of using different things but obviously at this point uh yeah being able to use a jet pack is far superior get rid of you now the question is will I be able to find one of those biomes oh squirrel getting distracted once again this is cool I've been here huh oh that's disappointing it's fine hmm I think at this rate it's probably a better idea just to go into the other well uh what is this called this looks like the right kind of place but it's not quite magma wastes huh interesting it's cool looking biome not what we need all right I'm going to do this go back to spawn go back in here and I also want to see whether or not my uh teleporter is there it is so maybe when we teleport through we'll uh we'll still get what we were looking for yep okay apparently it just didn't like us breaking it last time now I just have to uh I can probably see on here I really can't is there a way to get rid of the grid maybe we check out the map like this yeah ancient warped Forest okay ancient Crimson Forest what is that how did I miss all of these things this is a far nicer map to look at there are two different maps in this uh in this setup it's very interesting actually that's where we ended up finding how uh how pyramid okay how did I miss those is this like a village thing I'm blown away right now Village other Village yeah there's full on a village here is this a pigland village uh excuse you this is Auckland zoglin spawner brute spawner oh my piglet brute spawner that's ridiculous oh this has all the modium wow not what I expected but uh a welcome surprise okay I swear I just heard a village a village there's Village is up in here this is unreal well well well it's a very interesting place I wonder what they drop was that vibranium as well it was vibranium nuggets in here well well well that was uh very unexpected a librarian hey folks this is amazing I did not know this was in here this is way too cool look at all of the goodies amazing if you are just after you know a little burst of uh the stuff that you need this seems like a pretty good kind of thing to find as well there's a little bit of vibranium in here so you can get enough just to get you started there's a couple pieces there but if you find a few you're pretty good what else have we got over here another one of these which of course means more of the goodies and after all that we ended up with an additional 25 uh vibranium nuggets in fact it looks like there might be another one over here I'm also gonna grab one of those zoglin spawner no that's the most damage I've taken in a while well curiosity not quite sated I was about to say what I just got Darkness blindness what is this place what are these guys illusioners what huh what is happening voluntary Exile oh great gonna summon a raid out here okay well that was interesting what do these guys just naturally spawn here pigment fruits what is going on this episode is just full of oh they're fake they're like not real ones Avoca spawner I'm constantly being surprised by these places oh this is a raid what did I just start a raid here oh my God oh I can see oh I can't see anymore all right let's take a moment I'll just put away a few of these things while I wait for that to disappear good Lord uh raid does it count the raid as what's going on in here oh they could just cast it on me from nowhere I'll just swing you wildly in the Darkness I can hear them and I can see them slightly and the radar does seem to be going down okay oh my that's where they're all coming from no wonder it felt like they just weren't stopping it and just a little bit further up oh God I can't see anything check around these areas to see [Music] they must be outside there's some well that's a big cave okay what's down here uh what is this what is this I'm so confused uh lava random walkways left and right what is happening right now okay Zig and Zach and zooping through and is there any point to this place at all my raid's still going down and around and back and forth and well incredibly random and I didn't find anything down there oh there's definitely some noise in there oh here we go there's two more oh why did oh I just gotta oh my God I just got a loop pinata and got the same exact drop 20 times oh my God what if that's meant to happen is there a way down where are you Deva this is the most random thing I've experienced in a long time I want to know what happens when this raid ends it's just a glitch I'm so confused hello I also want to know what the heck's going on with that uh that maze oh never mind oh here we go damn it can't see anything but there's somewhere near here there we go yes more give me more the ride's getting ever smaller you you you you you you where else over here too this is like in other dimension raid I suppose very interesting where are you the final piece to the puzzle where are you where where are you please somewhere down here no somewhere up top to my left and down where down here that's not it what yeah that's also not it oh come on come on you can't be the last one you're an apotheosis boss coming from that direction we will defeat this raid if it is the last thing I do I want to know if something happens do we become like gods to the uh piglands do we get cheap cheap stuff from them come on show yourself surely it's only one more was that it come on please are you in here are you up top here no are you in this house if if that raid bar starts filling again I swear I will lose my mind I will just not know what to do with myself so it's gone it's back okay I have one last idea are they down here this is so cool looking but it doesn't seem like it wait oh this must be that uh that weird thing oh oh oh the money what all right all the modem vibranium gold raw vibranium okay not just a random thing unobtaining block and raw unobtainable I think we just lucked out that it was uh visible all the way over here but this raid is still here no are they somewhere inside this thing what are the chances somewhere in this maze is there the final piece to my RAID puzzle there's an easy way to find this out there we go destroy it all destruction da apparently not I have a sneaking suspicion that that raid just wasn't anything and we've spent this entire time wasting our time not actually completing a thing but at the end of the day we did find a few bits and pieces and waste a lot of time I'm sorry to do it to you again folks but I think we're gonna leave the episode here and find our vibranium in the next one excuse you we've got ourselves a fair bit of goodies and I'm definitely really happy about the vibranium blocks and stuff as well as this unobtaining that's really nice that's gonna be put to good use I'm sure but in the next episode we will make a quick little uh dig with this vibranium site see if we can get enough to get ourselves a decent little Supply I'll take that and go from there Redstone side nice so with all that being said I would like to thank my patreon supporters for your continued support you folks are amazing and I appreciate you continuing to help me on this content creation journey and everyone who's been watching I hope you enjoyed I hope you're continuing to look forward to what's to come and until the next episode I hope you all take care of yourselves and I'll see you then bye-bye everyone Felicia oh foreign
Channel: BottleTopHornet
Views: 14,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lets Play, Bottletophornet, modded minecraft series, ATM8, All the mods 8, ATM8 lets play, ATM8 playthrough, ATM8 episode 1, All the mods 8 episode 1, All the mods 8 playthrough, All the mods 8 lets play, Modded minecraft, New all the mods playthrough, How to play ATM8, ATM8 series, ATM8 base, ATM8 allthemodium, OP gear ATM8, ATM8 Piglich, ATM8 the other, ATM8 best loot, Raiding the Other in ATM8, Fighting everything in the other, The other dimension village
Id: t7BYp1n8OFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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