ATM 8: Episode 25 - Expanded Horizons!

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hello everyone welcome back to all the mods 8. in the last episode we went for a big old adventure and made our way through a few different things in the other and I've actually been back here trying out a few different possibilities to get ourselves started on some infinite range upgrades for our system now I went through a couple different iterations I tried out create but realized that to make these crushing Wheels I actually have to do something that I've never done before which is use the mechanical Crafters and so that ended up being something that I want to try maybe down the line instead I made this inscriber from applied energistics and crushed myself up some Ender dust because this combined with all of these things can make me the endurium Ingot and one moment I definitely need some fire charges there we go perfect and with those 16 add a handy little Hammer I can make up the endearium plates that I need for crafting up four of these so these are Infinity range boosters or a Infinity range booster but we need four of those for this Dimension card we managed to get ourselves a bunch of unobtainium and some netherite from the other so I should be able to do that and all that's left is some nether stars now in this episode we will be getting into a little bit of mystical agriculture but uh not to the point where we can get near the star shots just yet there are a few different options though something that we might get into later is this hostile neural network see if we can start generating nether Stars nice and simply we can also do it with this uh Alka history term but that's uh that's the end of the line for now we're just going to do it the old-fashioned way grab some wither skulls and some Soul Sand now I think there is there is a Wither Builder but again we'd have to make some plastic and stuff I think I'll just do it in a way that is as quick as possible so sand Soul Sand perfect we just need a couple let's head over here the easiest way to do this is probably oh that's right I did a little bit extra one time just to smooth things out the easiest way to do this is to probably just build let's see seven eight how many can I do uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ah more than I have of the year of the Soul Sand I wonder if this will work so if I grab these skulls and put them along here I did not mean to stack it like that and then just go now I will lower the volume don't worry this is gonna be loud though I missed one [Applause] maybe not all right I'm going to turn on this and I'm just gonna fight them like this now I know for a fact that I will have turned this down in the edit but I just want you all to understand how incredibly loud this is laughs but we got six of these withering Souls that's good 35 now the Stars which means that I feel like one of them oh I was just moving slowly I feel like one of them might have uh being the pinata I'm not sure or it could have just been lucky with the loot or the uh what's it called on here one of these gives me a chance to give uh extra stuff scavenger I think gives a chance to double the drops but that should do just nicely and the withering will wear off eventually there we go okay a little bit faster than setting them up individually in there but we may have to come up with another plan down the line so with those wither stars in our position and a couple of other goodies thank you we just need an Eye of Ender and there we have it a dimension card now this card placed in here should mean that no matter where I go no matter what dimension wireless transmitter oh interesting why won't that work hmm all right a little bit of Googling and I worked it out I also happened to unlock a few things in here that uh I didn't have before so what you need to actually do is use a plain old refined storage wireless transmitter and put the dimension card in there the extra transmitter that you get from the uh the other mod that expands upon refined storage doesn't actually work so with this in here I can actually come over into any dimension and there we go I have access to it all no matter where I go no matter where I am we can get to our storage because this is chunk loaded so now what we need to do and I've actually just taken the storage disk out of here and you can see that we are 94 full on this storage disk I want to start upgrading start going up through the different storage devices and storage parts and as such I'm going to need a little bit of stuff now I just took the rest of the courts out of here but it's not going to quite be enough if we want to make ourselves some silicon well let's just do this we'll go like that if we want to make some silicon like this we need to cook some quartz here we go and quartz it doesn't drop from a mob at all it doesn't look like it so chords we don't necessarily have a good way to renew it not yet anyway Crush gold there's a chance most of it is just smelting at this point what else we could double it with Britannia but other than that a small chance for getting it from diorite yeah we may just have to mine some for now well not necessarily because we do have a decent little bit to get us started but we're going to have to get more at some point so if I grab all of the chords that I can I'm just going to turn most of this into silicon luckily we have a very fast smelter wonderful actually I probably want to stay in there because my smelter's in there so from here storage part I'm going to uh actually yeah put a few of these over into the side there in fact I'm just going to do all of them for the time being it may seem a little ridiculous to start off with but that's fine so for the 1K storage I think it's just any glass and some enriched iron let's see how much we can make three okay so we need some glass oh did not mean to leave just there we only have a little bit of sand so actually let's see because I'm pretty sure yeah there is a mob that drops it this beach creeper spawns in any biome on a beach can drop gunpowder sand prismarine seagrass and Nautilus shells that's pretty cool so if we ever need to build up a uh infinite supply of sand we could do that or we could do the create system there's a bunch of different things that we could do honestly block conversion with bees all sorts of stuff for now though let's craft up a bunch of those 15. eventually we'll have a far better setup for our crafting in bulk but for now let's make some of that some of that 32 32 is not a bad start we have some there 33 worth okay 34 worth honestly but let's see how many 4K storage parts we can make with that for that we need some more basic processes there we go we can make 11 12 would be nice so let's try and make one two three and there we go with those I should be able to make a handful of 16k Parts which was ready to go and we can make one more if we make some Advanced processes we could just make one more 64k there we go now we need another one so we probably need to sort out a bit of a silicon solution and a bit of a glass solution glass first and foremost though so for now the quickest way for me to just get a little bit of glass is probably going over finding myself some sand like this and I've come over here and dug before so we're just going to come here and there we go even though it's not the right tool this will do just fine how much did I manage to get in there uh 1.7 K beautiful if we grab a bunch of that and put it into there we have a good supply of glass but we can absolutely go quicker than that so let's look at something this can be used to be upgraded with some vibranium so a couple of those blocks actually to have it all out I do so like that we can upgrade to vibranium and you can see the cook time goes from five ticks to three ticks I believe that is ticks and then a couple of these and we have ourselves an unobtainium furnace now this one when it turned into a furnace array like that this becomes a little bit ridiculous grab all of our glass here it's it's instant also I should have Auto split on okay glass problem sorted let's make up a bunch of these perfect with that I need a few more of these some iron blocks can be turned into what we need there we go and let's make up a bunch of that I love this I love getting to the point where you have enough uh oh what does this need basic processes I love getting to the point where you have enough to uh basically make yourself whatever you need most of the time we're definitely running into that uh that degree of oh I I need to set up some sort of automation for this but uh the fact that I'm able to just craft out a bunch of these at once is pretty crazy take all those okay now we're talking I have 81 4K storage so the next one would be these 16s and I'm gonna need some more of these surely I've got some gold a couple of hundred of those should be fine stuff like this will probably end up putting into compressing drawers so that we can get any of them at any points without having to like swap it back and forth between the different materials let's make a bunch of those and we need some Redstone luckily I have a little bit 16k Parts what do we need here a few more of those we're getting there string do I have string somewhere I don't hmm what can I make this out of ah we can get a little bit like this oh we're running out of space I can see that this is completely full now so it's a good thing we're working on this all right so if that's the case we want to make ourselves a few of these wait a second oh okay oh it really was full and let's craft up some 16 case all right so with 28 of those that should be oh a little bit over but that's fine how many of these can we craft four we need some more advanced processes which just requires oh have we used up all of our silicon possibly all right I'm Gonna Keep the last few bits of nether chords just in case because I'm a little bit worried that we might not be able to uh we might not be able to complete what we need to so we're trying to make 64k drives requires a few of these I have plenty of diamonds cook up the advanced processes and that's five more oh it's not quite enough to make ourselves a good handful of these but one two three 256k which means that I should be able to make myself a 1 million storage disk that's pretty good for the time being now I don't know whether this works in those I think we have to make a special type of storage this one here an advanced storage housing so Advanced storage housing there we go easy enough oh there we go and just like that we've got ourselves two rewards nice now if I grab that and that's oh we have a million a million storage perfect just like that we've gone to a thousand or a million and 24 000 extra that should keep us going for a little bit eventually I would like to uh swap these over and get everything off that storage disk and I believe there's actually a way to do that pretty quick there's a disk drive and a disk manipulator yeah let's have a look at this disk manipulator just need a construction core disk manipulator like so yeah and if we take both of these out what I believe I can do is put this in here or is it the other way oh it would need power of course hold on let's just put this here the output being the million and the input being that ah maybe I need to have this in here I confused I've done it before but I can't remember how ah there we go I had to have this thing in the actual disk drive and just put the 64k in there but you can see it is starting to transfer stuff a little bit slow for my liking so let's add some upgrades in fact I'm sure I've got some somewhere right oh that's using 8 000 Fe per tick I forgot about that luckily our system does output a little bit more than that so it's not actually digging into it just yet but that's all right oh dis manipulator Elite disk manipulator huh what does this do cable tears oh I wonder if that goes faster Well for now let's make ourselves a speed upgrade I need some more of this oh god let's do a few things oh it's Auckland spawn egg I've got some random stuff in here let's just grab a little bit of iron this is just as quick as any other way to make it blah just do that eventually we'll hook this up to our storage system so that whatever be put in there automatically goes back into the system and what can we make we need some ports oh God this is why I want to get into mystical agriculture because that is a way that we can automate it for now though to the nether a quick little journey with my jet pack and we'll just mine some of this up oh I gotta remember how quickly that mines you're a little bit easier to take on now all right a little over three stacks of the ore itself maybe we'll just do a couple more while we're here like that like that there we go oh just a little bit more just a little more okay now we're talking oh would you look at that some vibranium law even more vibranium or interesting not even in the volume that I would expect hey look more vibranium it's actually everywhere why didn't I just come into The Nether and get some nah I enjoyed the process of going out and about and exploring some different things but uh this is pretty cool zombie pigland not too worried about you but I will take these things anymore all before I decide to leave oh sure I'll take it is it just everywhere around here or is it only exposed maybe it's just exposed so be it let's go home now where did I put my stuff because I made a fortune pickaxe and I put it somewhere I know I know I put it somewhere let's have a look see in here why does my crafting grid oh it's only got the few things in there I forgot that it's transferring it over nice and slowly okay for the time being let's just quickly grab this and put it in here there we go much better so uh there we go fortune eight that's what I'm after and do I have a building Gadget I do let's do a thing oh let's sleep so if we come over here I'll just put this down I'm gonna select that and we're gonna open up what I've got that set to Let's uh check on keyboard shortcuts let's look for the key G real ghost blocks uh no thanks settings menu for building Gadget yes open close curious inventory no thank you okay that should hopefully fix that up there we go so I can do this ah okay that's another thing that we need to fix in our keybinds the key ah range overlay for building gadgets that's yes show recipe shaders in Iris no thank you profile screen is probably what that is okay this is basically what I wanted to do I'll have to fiddle with some controls of that later all right and the real test is going to be we've got nothing in there at the moment I am going to vein mine this what did we get 328 from 64. so I believe what happens is it will uh it will just choose one amount and give you the the fortune count on that one but I think we should yeah 3 300 should be more than enough for the time being also while we're here may as well mine a little bit of extra this nine eight nine one three one five not bad 36 from Seven can't complain let's run that through this whole setup here and there is a way that I can uh left input there we go that was something that someone in the comments uh or my Discord I can't quite remember did uh put through so there we go there's a little bit extra vibranium wonderful so all of that was mostly just to get this quartz so that we can continue to craft out of our our stuff because we need a little bit more silicon so back to what I was hoping to be able to do is make a few of these upgrades make some speed upgrades I want three of those two three and I want a stack upgrade which requires a few more of these and a stack upgrade with those I'm going to be able to speed up the process of moving the items from this disk over into my 1 million disk because right now it's doing one at a time if I do that it should go through indecent stack sizes so we can actually watch the process of this here and that's how fast it's filling up it's going to take a little bit but I'm sure that uh that next level one that we saw is designed to help transfer Millions at a time so we can do that when we decide we need more than this million disk or we can just keep that million disk and upgrade another disk well past it okay uh nice grab a few things there and they can go away too so with that I am able to access my inventory from anywhere and we have a million items of storage that is slowly becoming available to us the next thing that I want to do is give us a way to not have to worry about the network transmitters or anything like that and a way for us to just setup farms and connect them up to a system nice and easily now for things like this this network control or this storage controller here if I was to say set up a huge supply of drawers I would connect a Network receiver to that but in the case of farms being built around and not wanting to use drawers I want to use at dimensional storage now there are a couple of different ways that you can set up some dimensional storage there are ender chests there is an Ender an Ender Chest mod used what's it called or hinder chests I know it's somewhere storage well I can't remember what it's called but it is an Ender chess system that you can uh set up some different different frequencies on and to have different interchairs connected to different frequencies so they have separate storage but what I want to get into is dimensional storage because this is really cool I like this so we're going to Chuck that and that and that across in that and I want to craft up some of this which means that I probably need a few ender pearls the diamonds not so worried about let's go to the end volume warning [Music] oh [Music] all right and a pearl situation sorted and because we're here I can actually just uh go like this straight into our system and we can work on which one is it uh this one this one yes all right two stacks should do us for now next thing we want to do is make up some of these 64 is more than enough and we only need a handful of these ones because there's only one per chest so with this I can grab a couple dimensional chest yes with these chests we have I think there's 999 yeah yeah so we have 999 different frequencies and that means we have 999 different dimensional chests that we can set up storage to so if I say put that in here and that is set to number one this is also set to number one but if I set it to number two and change it it is no longer in there still in dimension number one or the frequency for it but not in number two and then if I switch it back to one there it is so this is going to allow me to hook up one of these to each one of the Little Farms that I want to create and then have those connected oh bye have those connected to everything else like a dimensional chest room if that makes sense is it necessary to do it this way no could I just sit up like different ways of getting it directly into my RS system yes do I want to make a room full of dimensional chests where it's like a a main storage bus where everything comes together and then goes into my storage system yes so that's the plan I would very much like to uh oh that's finished wonderful I'd very much like to set it up like that so that we have like this Warehouse room that uh that everything travels through oh that's not a bad bar but we could probably make better so well let's have a look see dimensional chests are easy enough to make so I'm just gonna make up a bunch of them everything has been transferred over to the new storage disk and we've only used six percent that million is going to fill up pretty quick though here that can go away so what we could do is set up a bunch of different things like this for example could be a really good storage device for stuff like the Cobblestone the End Stone uh materials that we're going to have a bunch of because this can hold two billion per slot maybe we could connect that up with a external storage who knows we're definitely going to expand upon this and possibly even move our main storage somewhere else now that we don't need to access it from a terminal in the middle I can just access it from anywhere so we'll probably do something underneath here and do that room I was talking about but next next on the list is probably getting back my end of chest and this book this is the important one so with this do we have a mystical agriculture book I feel like I've looked for this before and we don't ah we do mystical agriculture wonderful so the basics inferium Essence is one of the two base materials in medical agriculture used in creation of pretty much everything in the mod you can usually obtain inferium Essence by killing hostile or passive mobs mining it from the ground or growing it an infusion Crystal which I have actually made before allows me to create higher tier Essences so for example we go from inferium to prodentium prudentium uh wait let's do this properly Prosperity shards are a base material it's the second of the two the use create variations of the base materials and they're obtained by mining them now I believe we actually have a bunch of prosperity shards in here we do 75k inferium seeds are a combination of wheat seeds and uh the collected main way collect inferium Essence they can be grown on any Farmland are most efficient on Essence Farmland resource crops are a heart and soul what makes musical agriculture so great however there are some special properties of resource crops that should be noted they cannot be grown using bone meal they do not drop a second seed unless planted on Essence farmland and resource crops are usually created using an infusion altar which we might already have Essence Farmland uh increases the output efficiency of mystical agriculture crops in multiple ways they're listed in the following Pages crops will usually have a 10 chance to drop a second seed when planted on Essence farmland 10 chance to drop a second seed when planted on the corresponding tier and inferium seeds will drop more Essences when planted on higher tier so you start off by combining some Farmland I think you can just click the Farmland with the essence itself and it will change it over growth accelerators are used to increase plant growth speed they apply random growth ticks to the first plant placed above them within a specific range you can stack multiple growth accelerators of any tier as long as the plant is within range the ranging star is based on it being placed underneath Farmland to the cute for Tito gone using gross accelerators we can look at that later watering can is used to accelerate crop growth using manual labor to fill one up simply right click on a water source block the infusion altar I've already set up and fertilized Essence usually drops from resource crops except inferium it works identically to bone meal but also works on resource crops fertilized Essence can be used to more efficiently craft mystical fertilizer okay there was one more thing that I missed wait no Overworld ores ethereum or usually spawns between white level negative for 32 and 64 in the Overworld and prosperity or between negative 60 and 24 and the other were cool the thing that I think I'm looking at is this Harvester right yeah Harvesters are used to automatically Harvest full-grown crops they run off solid fuels and have an internal power storage buffer they ha the Harvester will automatically replant the crops at harvests place all resources into its internal inventory if there's no space the items will be placed on the crop the Harvester will use a bit of power every time it checks the crop for growth harvesting fully grown crops uses an increased amount of power so we can uh basically what all this means is we can set up a little bit of farmland that grows a seed harvest the seed puts the seed into a dimensional storage and then that dimensional storage will just automatically feed into our system so I'm going to set up a bunch of little farmlands around here but it's going to take some time to nut out and we've already spent a little bit of time so far this episode just working out some extra storage for ourselves so the main thing is we have some inferium Essence there we also have a really decent amount of it just here 32k on top of that I think we have some in here too 112 000. So This is already enough to get ourselves to the next few tiers we just need to learn how to do that and that insanium Essence is the additional tier of essence above supremium it is used to create tier 6 crops have some unique traits that lower tears don't have uh Crux below the Farmland to grow that never drop a second C when I've seen they usually cannot be grown using mystical food okay that's a little bit beyond us right now then we looked in here the essence going up to stuff like that prudentium is there a list of our different Essences it's also a bunch of augments oh God I'm getting a little overwhelmed that's a lot of information to take in in one go let's just try something nice and small first things first let's make a hoe and to make one I'm just going to quickly grab a hammer like this and I want that two of those and then how is the other one set up plates like this there we go all the modium horror unbreakable and we're probably going to use those for hoeing as we go but for now let's just go as simple as possible water cool now let's grab some of this inferium Essence and I believe yeah so we upgrade that to tier one and it gives us an extra 10 or something along those lines probably should also have a look through here so we can make some seeds and I'm sure I have yeah this thing this thing is what we use to make ourselves all of the seeds that we're going to need for uh using these Farms efficiently so let's actually go in to here and let's have a look at this how did we make it we just need some dirt some Prosperity seed bases and some inferium Essence so what is a Prosperity seed base is some Prosperity shards I'm going to Chuck that over into there and see if I have something here I do so if that's the case let's do this that goes in the middle we put four of these around here four of these around here and a button also it already shows that that makes a dirt seed nothing there do that and it shows dirty that's cool oh look at that yeah and there we go dirt seeds so this is going to grow Us dirt it seems weird I know something else that I want to get into is these lily pads of fertility from reliquary these are going to speed up the growth of the crops around it so we're going to try and come up with a design for growing these crops super efficiently I want to set up a bunch of little pods like this and I've got to admit this is heavily inspired by my friend Princess Lucy as well much like the mob farm that I had over there this one here is something that she has done for basically every item in the mystical agriculture line I'll take those and she's gone through all the tears and has all of these up and running and it is insane it's genuinely crazy what it can do so I'm gonna be taking from that and learning from that and seeing what we can do now each time we wake one of these there is a chance to get another seed and we can plant more of them around this stuff we can probably yeah we've got the Slime pearls that's good somewhere here heaps of them catalyzing glands I got 512. green die I can make and the rib bones from skeletons I'm sure we can get enough of those too but honestly I think I have a little bit to learn and I think it's going to take an entire episode to do so I spent a lot more time than I intended setting up this million storage and my infinite range Dimension card so yeah it is what it is it happens but I think in the next episode we can truly start getting into a far more serious set up with the mystical Agriculture and start providing ourselves with a bunch of good materials and we may even start making a oh I've got heaps of those a storage room down below I think underneath here would be a good place to have storage if we just use this existing uh elevator to go down one more and have a nice big Warehouse under here for our main storage needs oh yeah I think that sounds like a good idea so with all that being said I hope you enjoyed this episode it's a little bit more of an exploratory episode a little bit more like what we were doing towards the start of the series and this is this is really fun to me just starting to get into some different things trying out some uh some new mods and I'm excited to get into the mystical Agriculture and see what we can come up with we might have to do a bigger tier out the the outside of here another bigger Circle so that we can spread them around nicely but that's for next time so I would like to thank my patreon supporters for your continued support I appreciate you all so so much genuinely thank you for your help and all of you been watching if you have been enjoying and you're looking forward to some mystical agriculture I'd really appreciate it if you left a like it does help it helps the videos get out there it helps you on YouTube that you like what you're watching but with all that being said we're gonna leave it here so until the next episode I hope you all take care of yourselves and I'll see you then bye everyone oh uh foreign
Channel: BottleTopHornet
Views: 11,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lets Play, Bottletophornet, modded minecraft series, ATM8, All the mods 8, ATM8 lets play, ATM8 playthrough, ATM8 episode 1, All the mods 8 episode 1, All the mods 8 playthrough, All the mods 8 lets play, Modded minecraft, New all the mods playthrough, How to play ATM8, ATM8 series, ATM8 Refined storage, ATM8 infinite range storage, ATM8 Best storage solution, ATM8 Mystical agriculture, ATM8 RS storage upgrades, ATM8 dimensional storage, ATM8 storage solutions
Id: eDyOuEqhJ1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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