Taking Vault Hunting to the Sky!! | SkyVaults Ep:1

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oh this is interesting very interesting hmm Sky vaults huh can you believe it we're back hello everyone welcome back to Vault Hunters it's been a while since I've played and I've decided it's time to start a fresh series and play ourselves some Sky vaults and the reason I've decided to come back now is actually something that I will briefly touch on with all of you before we get into things there's been a lot of updates a new Quest book all sorts of stuff to go through an introduction that we will touch on in a second but the main reason I haven't been playing Vault Hunters is because of the lack of scrollable abilities and I would very quickly like to thank Joe Fox one of the devs From the Vault Hunters community and the Vault Hunters mod pack who personally made it his mission to go in and rewrite the scrolling through abilities function and add it back to the pack as an accessibility feature because personally I was a builder for 10 years and my hands are a little jacked sometimes I get really bad pain in my Knuckles and my fingers especially on my left hand which is the one that I would use for a lot of my hotkeys I use my mouse for as many as I can things like changing perspective sprinting although I don't want to do that too much on here and a bunch of other things but when it comes to using a heap of different hotkeys I find it a bit difficult and Long play times can cause some pain so Joe has hung out in mine and other friends streams and such and listen to the community and said you know what I can fix that so I do want to quickly thank Joe for that and there's going to be some links to his stuff down in the description he made an incredible mod by the way called hexaree oh my God it's amazing but with that being said now having these scrollable abilities back I can just hold F which is my ability key and scroll through my abilities when needing to and it really does make things a lot more accessible for me personally playing through this pack so with that out of the way I'm excited I love Skyblock style maps and I feel like Sky volts is really uniquely perfect for this in that you would venture into the vaults to get everything that you need and I love that function so I decided I wanted to play solo and play some vaults in a little world of my own and try out a sky Vault series you can see here we've got ourselves these budding what are they called Crystal clusters yeah and a button Crystal here which is used for going into volts raw without having to craft one yourself and there's a few things that we can go through in this Quest book that's going to teach that so let's go over a couple of things and then pretty much going to go straight into the vaults and start seeing what we can get and what we can set up in this first episode so let's get started an introduction welcome to Vault Hunters Third Edition this mod pack turns your Minecraft experience into a progression-based action RPG game it is aimed to be played over a longer period of time and has many accessibility settings to customize your playthrough to suit your play style in this questline we teach you about the basic fundamentals of the game and help you get started on your journey before you start playing make sure you set the game to a difficulty that's to this could be done in the pause menu and we offer five different difficulties these settings affect mob health and damage inside vaults in addition to different difficulties you can also select your game mode voltantis features three game modes normal casual and hardcore with developing the default game mode your game mode can be set using slash game rule Vault mode so normal means death after level 20 kills the spirit to spawn at your spawn point using a spirit extractor you can buy your items back casual there is no punishment for the death you just take a little bit of durability damage instead hardcore obviously means after level 20 permanent loss of items and inventory it does go over how to set up some things like parties and research teams but for us that's all we really needed because we're playing solo and that is complete the next thing on the list is the skills and talents before you get into your first Vault we want to inform you about a few important parts of Vault Hunters Vault Hunters has an in-depth ability and talent system that you will utilize to make your Vault experience much more enjoyable abilities typically focus on giving you powerful active skills that significantly change how you play the game ranging from damaging abilities like Nova and Rampage healing abilities like heal and totem and survivability abilities such as Dash and ghost walk talents provide the players with passive Buffs there is a wide variety of talents to check out each filter to level up specific aspects of your experience check out the Vault UI by pressing H by default and click on the second and third tabs at the top to view abilities and talents respectively your award for this Quest is one skill point it's highly recommended that you take heel ability if this is your first time playing as there is no natural health regeneration vaults good to know and we're going to complete that one too now now this is about to go into Sky vaulting but before anything else I have played this a few times I played Vault Hunters 6 to 1.16 stuff and while I will take heel eventually I think before that I kind of want to take Dash just for the maneuverability around the Vault a little bit so my first skill point is going into dash for this one sky vaulting and this is what we're interested in skyvaults is a Skyblock alternative to Vault Hunters that changes the core gameplay Loop the main resource Gathering method revolves around running raw vaults and collecting resources from within the Vault rather than exploring collecting them from the Overworld button crystals will provide you with a basic raw Crystal that allow you to collect basic Loot and help progress you towards proper Vault crystals so that one's an easy one all we have to do is come over here and break one of those just like that we are essentially ready to go into the vaults and that is what this is going to tell us we've got ourselves that we could play the reward and now that you have your very own raw Crystal you can right click hit enter your Vault portal to open it and descend into the vaults there is a time limit within the voltage requiring you to complete it before it ticks down to zero marking your way with blocks will allow you to easily find your way back to your portal if you die you will return to the Overworld and if you are under Vault level 20 you will be granted beginner's Grace which will allow you to keep all your loot regardless of dying or escaping if you manage to complete the Vault you'll be created a crate that can be placed and then sneak right clicked to open so there's nothing left to do but get into the vaults so I'm going to put these things a little bit out of the way the emeralds are great as we go further we're going to unlock a few things that allow us to enchant nice and easily but right now all we need is materials we need wood we need crafting tables we need tools we need everything wood for creating storage out here as we run some volts and I'm just going to be playing this series super casually I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is right now if we go to options the difficulty is set on hard at the Vault difficulty to normal I think that seems pretty alright to me I'm not going to be out here sweating trying to do something crazy and prove myself or anything like that I'm just here to enjoy my time it's Sky volts and have a little bit of fun in an RPG kind of way when it comes to Minecraft so with that sun setting let's get into our first raw vault oh it feels good to be back and that's our Quest done too okay monoliths and on top of that we have beginner's Grace and don't forget I now have Dash now the sort of early level Dash does not get you very far but I'm hoping it will uh oh God I gotta remember we're fighting here it will hopefully get me to some places that's going to allow things to go a little bit a little bit better to start off with now early level vaults I believe they're going to be pretty weak but I think getting myself a tool or something nice and Ellie will be huge I also want to add that uh while I decided not to play I can understand that there are very very different play Styles when it comes to all of the different folks who are playing this pack and what works for me may not work for others and vice versa I really do appreciate Joe for taking the time to add that accessibility feature because I've actually tried to film this series uh once before but it so happened to coincide with the update that removed the scrollability and as such I found it really really difficult to play and really frustrating uh to try and rebuild muscle memory especially when it focused around some potential pain for me so it feels good to be back and I think I have Joe thing for that all right the early stages of this are a little scary because I don't have much to defend myself with and because of that I think we're going to be a little bit cheesy everyone's free to play the game however they decide and I think all in all the Vault Hunters development team have done a really good job of listening to the community and adding a bunch of different accessibility options that means you can play this how you like it can be as difficult or easy as you desire and there's no set way to enjoy Vault Hunters personally I think to start off with only having a teeny tiny bit of health and no weapons I can get away with a little bit of cheesing and perfect so what have we gained from this I'm gonna grab things like that and look for a little bit of uh of wood I'm hoping that I can get myself a tool fairly easy I'll take that nice another book grab myself some basic building blocks and stuff that I can use those are probably helpful too but I'm also uh very aware that things could get out of hand pretty quick okay I do like that they've made it so that uh majority of things are now oh fizzle spawners and they've changed the way that a lot of the spawning and fighting happens in the vault and I'm genuinely really excited to uh explore this pack again and see what we've gotten up to in the meantime a bit of gold a bit of things I'm actually not going to take that fortune book because I know that uh without too much difficulty we're going to be able to add things like fortune 3 and silk touch to our gear without much trouble using an enchantment table of sorts City in it's great for potentially getting into The Nether oh a little Diamond nugget is also good very good how do I get out of here direct you now I need some wood to be able to uh craft up a pick and get into one of those areas being over here right we're going to try not to vary from our our main line very far especially in these first few where the main aim is to get myself kitted out with some tools so a quick crafting bench use what we have there to make one of those and a pickaxe and we're kind of full very full so I'm going to turn that wood into a few more sticks we got this a few more things they can stack on top of what we already have and we'll keep looking now because I have Dash can get up there like that we also now have a weapon which makes uh makes things a little bit easier books apples for food maybe um oh there's goodies up there too do I see any diamonds I don't think so the beauty is though it doesn't really matter we uh we have time we can run near infinite of these budding Crystal sort of vaults these raw vaults there is Diamond I wonder if I can get some iron before I uh make my way out well keep in mind that the first room does have a potential Diamond up there then good to know nice good bit of food but what can I afford to get rid of for now as much as I hate to do it actually no I'm keeping my dark oak that was the right decision all right let's be on our way now very likely this first one and quite honestly more than one the first handful are going to be very much uh just spending my time in the first room or two Gathering materials until I get myself kitted out with enough to hopefully keep me alive for a bit of a longer time I don't need that paper so we're gonna try and grab a bunch of this wood and let's see what this next room has to offer oh damn okay this room is great but it's also not so great when I don't have much in the way of uh storing items if I had a shulker box I'd be a lot happier right now but we may be able to get ourselves some iron in the next 14 minutes and set ourselves up a little bit better to work on this uh this vault in this area now there's Vault Stone but I'm really not going to concern myself with that just yet what I'm after is iron amethysts any iron there we go now what don't I want I could chuck that down and I can turn some of this gold into a little bit more oh silly and then we need to look for a few more pieces of iron to hopefully get ourselves an iron pick for things like that gotta be nice to come out of our first Vault with enough Diamond to make a diamond pick that's two oh perfect with this we'll make ourselves up a furnace and cook that up and honestly I don't think I really need the apples for anything just yet so I am probably gonna eat those to make a little bit of space we can do that we can do that and once again for space saving reasons we're going to throw that away so diamonds first 15 minutes in the vaults and I'm ready I've got diamonds I think I will grab the emeralds as well because they are quite helpful anything iron wise is also great but the Redstone and the gold oh and all of that it's not so much a concern for me we'll jump up here grab a few of these things double check and see whether there was any more goodies around that I may have missed but I think it may almost be worth just uh making your way out of the Vault grabbing that one piece of diamond along the way as we go and going into our second Vault with a diamond pickaxe to uh to really kick things off just double checking if there's anything special around here I will check one more room through just in case but we are sitting in half health so you know gotta be a little bit careful oh another monolith oh potentially this is great maybe we get more diamonds than I initially thought at the bare minimum we'll get some more iron which is great diamond iron emeralds the coal is also good not so worried about the Redstone and such but I do have some of it sitting there as a stack so why not let's play it safe oh they spawned way closer than I expected more Diamond hell yeah oh my I'm very glad I went that one room extra oh it startled me I thought I was about to get attacked up we go try not to accidentally overwhelm ourselves with all of these people to fight but what a good run to start things off look at all these Diamonds oh my I don't know if I can uh I can take that I don't have the space gotta remember only a couple minutes to go more Diamond more diamond ow gotta be careful okay careful ow I think it was this way right God I hope so this does seem right I'd noticed some more diamond yeah gonna grab this scaffolding here very carefully since we only have three hearts left I'm gonna make my way up to that diamond in the corner or in the middle there up we go nice oh my God there's more okay let's get out let's get out safely I mean that was a pretty good start one minute to go successfully used a lot of our time in here without wasting much of it we have some stuff I'm going to use these last few seconds here to actually gather a bunch of this dirt because that'll be useful and then we can head on out okay nice it looks like we've made it to the next level as well yeah so we came out of that pretty good and I'm gonna have to throw some things on the ground to actually get ourselves a little bit organized so to start off with let's plunk down that and make ourselves a furnace with that furnace I'm going to cook up these 29 iron and I believe that should be enough to get us uh fully armored up next thing I'm gonna do is make myself a diamond ax and a diamond pick that's gonna replace the stone ax that I have and probably this iron one as well this iron pick here so a diamond ax pretty decent weapon iron pretty decent armor level it's all come together then with this wood that I grabbed I can make us a couple of chests oh there's rocks there and essentially just dump all of this goodness in there nice not only that but I have 10 pieces of diamond left I'm gonna save that for later but I'm pretty happy with that outcome an iron helmet and while we wait for that to smelt pretty sure we just completed this one yeah next on the list is to get ourselves some chromatic iron raw chromatic iron can be found within the raw vaults in the chromatic caves there is a plentiful amount make sure to mine a bit so you have enough for early stages of your adventure so the next thing we want to do is probably find ourselves one of those and get 16 raw chromatic iron and it's going to give us 24 cooked or ingots there as a reward so I think a little bit of a wait time here get myself kitted out and by that time it'll be the next day we should be good to go in again oh and also now I'll take heal hey this is what I was waiting for holding f and scrolling between my abilities oh so convenient so helpful for me personally and for a lot of other people that I know so once again thanks Joe you're a legend and as the sun rises on our second day we're pretty kitted out we have ourselves a full set of iron armor which is going to add eight armor it's going to make things a little bit more sustainable make us take a little bit less damage when did I get that Vol bronze don't need it right now and I've cleared out my inventory ready to go for the next stage I'm probably going to take these torches just for marking but I should be ready to grab another one of these and in this one I'm hoping we find some fancy stuff because I managed to get some decent luck with the diamond and the iron and whatnot and many action I forgot I planted that I may uh just make myself a shovel here and I'm actually gonna put these books away too nice we've now got ourselves a nice tree growing I want to try and find some of that chromatic iron as well as maybe if we're lucky some living chests to get ourselves some shulker shells now I believe that I can search in here for the shell yes there you go there is a small chance for these to be loot in raw living chests and uh wooden chest but you can see that the wooden chest is actually for proper vaults raw living chest loot means that this is available in raw faults which is what these are as what we're running here a raw Crystal so I'm on the lookout for some living chests in here to hopefully get us a little bit of food a few goodies like bones for bone mealing and other things bundles are even quite handy but the main thing I want is this shulker shell so without further Ado let's go again oh it feels good to be back alright this one only has four monoliths so if we're going for a little bit more of a run through to explore and see if we can find some uh extra chests and extra goodies oh there's our first one we might actually have a little bit of a chance at getting a crate to start things off you look fancy I'm still gonna grab a few of these things because they are helpful especially the food but I'm gonna be a little bit more conservative with what I decide to bring with me because I know that I can build up a supply of building materials quite easily just by running into the vaults with no intention of looting but instead with an intention of grabbing materials so for this a few things like saplings are nice some extra coal and whatnot is also good but I'm a lot happier to get rid of some of those things if I need the space some coins over there some wooden probably some wooden over there too I'm gonna have a quick peek down here but if I don't see anything that looks good oh that is a good amount of chests though I should have made a water bucket now luckily I can heal all right mending once again I think these books are going to be fairly easy to grab once we go through the questline and unlock that enchanting block but I mean mending's pretty decent I think I might grab it just in case thankfully they do ease you into it pretty nicely you can obviously go for a far more challenging start if you so desire but uh starting off like this getting back into it getting used to the feeling of vaults again it feels nice to not be uh truly overwhelmed I feel safe enough as long as I take things easy oh nice oh nice so I'm not too worried about uh losing my way or losing my stuff oh this may be our first look at a dungeon not quite it's just a room is it worth it to spend all of this time slowly doing this without vain Miner or coin Affinity on top of that am I already full I am I don't need the slabs should be able to put a bunch of this and actually convert it down to save some space but that's good let's continue our looting runs okay looking good now we'll double check that is the way that we came through I'm just going to mark that with a couple of torches and now let's actually take things a little bit more seriously for the next uh 18 minutes or so or another one of these rooms I'm not going to spend too much time in here only oh wait this is not the room I expected is there anything up here no villagers or anything like that that would have been nice interesting very interesting can I find down here some Vault Stone I'm gonna grab that just in case okay it is similar to what I thought it was just a slightly different layout closer to a villager room than than anything else take those diamonds for sure and the emeralds of course this is odd interesting odd um who needs Birch very well once again you're going to Mark the side that we came in let's continue or is there anything up here that would be worthwhile flax hell yeah that can be used for string [Music] um black seeds any living chests now anything worthwhile that is the rest not so much these are always nice hmm fault Essence is probably worth it I don't know if lapis is better yet I should recognize that I'm heading south to go out instead of just relying on looking for the uh the Torches there now because these are raw vaults they are quite small we've already made it to the end of this one and as far as like exploring it it's not crazy to think about exploring the entire thing that being said uh you'd have to be pretty efficient at it and I don't think I'm quite that uh that warmed up yet with not seeing many of the living chests this is what I'm after now I figure it's probably actually smarter to now run the vaults in a way it gives me a higher chance of getting some of the uh what can I get rid of the diamond stuff because I don't really need it or that uh giving myself a higher chance of getting the monoliths as we go without taking on too much or spending too much time so we've got two out of four I think I'm just gonna head back to this next room and turn left any monoliths oh yes this is feeling good this is feeling very good and living and oh my thriving can I get a shocker show please nope but I'll take the Slime and the Egg yeah slime uh-huh surely there's one more oh come on another one of those any favors nah we'll take that diamond though okay let's see if we can round this one out with a successful completion crate kind of run so we'll hopefully uh give us some good stuff in it and help us start to progress a lot quicker than uh we originally would oh look at that that looks like my next victim and so I've got 10 minutes or so I'm just gonna yes living chests oh it listened it heard me what can I get rid of sconce I'm sorry you're going bone bone instead of amethyst shard an egg nice now luckily we have heel don't know exactly why I'm collecting all of that but it's probably going to be worthwhile for getting into the enchanting side of things as well as if we want to go into The Nether almost straight away well I will take that or use I think the next thing that we will do once we get back out is definitely make ourselves a water bucket for those drops keep ourselves a little bit more safe there was even another one of those in here which is nice to know but we don't necessarily need it now it's just a matter of searching seeing if there's anything worthwhile left over to grab oh this could be good that was close let's see diamond leggings look at that and a bunch of tools okay and some crap let's do some sorting the iron leggings can go away we're definitely keeping those chromatics and yeah I care about iron more than acacia a diamond sword is nice I care about a diamond sword more than I care about scaffolding that's a nice little exchange there very nice I'll keep the books one last poi see what we can get and I'd say that's a good run I should be able to head back this way get ourselves back in line and I believe this is our first room yep the quadruple torches was what we had I kind of have a full inventory so I believe the crate is just going to get thrown out in front of me I do want to be a little bit careful with that so the reality is I think I'm going to get rid of the crafting table because I can make more and I'd rather have the empty box there 7 000 experience meat exactly 7K 88 chess saluted 48 coin piles and 65 mobs unalived we definitely did pretty good yeah really good like that put us to level three not only that but it gave us something very important first let's get rid of some stuff I'm just getting to blah blah blah blah completely fill this area here um I'm kind of going to keep that sword spare for now I'm enjoying using the diamond ax as my main weapon so we will keep that like that we have enough iron here that I can spare it to make myself a bucket we're going to get a bucket of water and this is where put that away too this is where the fun comes in oh my to start off our series we have what we get a gilded Affinity I'm Rarity for 15. that's quite nice and a one affinity but the things that I'm interested in is a helmet leggings and a vault ax let's see what we get come on something good oh it's it flashed past uh a mega there for a second so for the leggings four armor six ability power some extra health and item quantity it's already an upgrade for the diamond that we just got our helmets five armor total with soul bound and some ability power that's also an upgrade and then 8.5 attack is actually slightly lower but this has more attack range potentially better attack speed and some soul chance so I'm going to put that away as a spare in fact all of this can go away as it spares and I need to set up a second chest like those damn rocks okay in fact I'm going to separate the Vault related stuff from Overworld related stuff we did manage to get ourselves the uh raw chromatic iron that I was after but oh this is uh it's getting in the way but it's still something that we can aim towards and we came out of that pretty pretty on top we've got 12 spare diamonds we've got a couple of pieces of volt gear that when all be worn together puts me up probably a little bit higher than full diamond I would say maybe just but definitely a nice amount to go with and we're level three I'm gonna grab a vein Miner just because it's very very handy and maybe I'll leave that next one and see what you guys think because I think we're gonna call the episode here I'm so excited to get back into Vault hunters and just enjoy it for what it is this playthrough doesn't necessarily have an end goal I'm just gonna play for the joy of it and uh make up some fun things around this teeny tiny little island so let me know what you think let me know if you're excited what you would like to see do you want to see building do you want to see me try and progress really fast I'm interested to see what kind of playthrough you guys would be interested in but with all that being said we are going to end it here I would like to thank my patreon supporters for your continuing support especially in just allowing me to do things like this start new series try out things enjoy my time making content for you all it means a lot and so thank you very much for continuing to support me over there and everyone who's watched this one if you made it this far and you enjoyed it I'd really appreciate it if you left a like it'll show it to more people and it'll help people find a nice Sky Vault series which I hope I can provide and we should be able to have a bit of fun making some stuff happen and running some bolts so with all that being said until the next episode I hope you all take care of yourselves and I'll see you then bye everyone oh
Channel: BottleTopHornet
Views: 13,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lets Play, Bottletophornet, modded minecraft series, Vault hunters Skyvaults, Skyvaults series, Skyvaults episode 1, VH 3rd edition ep1, Vault hunters ep1, Vault hunters sky block, Vault hunters third edition episode 1, Vault Hunters Skyvaults, Vault Hunters SkyVaults Ep1, Vault hunters series, minecraft first episode, New minecraft series, BottleTopHornet Vault Hunters, SkyVaults Ep:1, Modded skyblock ep1, Modded Minecraft Ep1, Iskall85, CaptainSparkles
Id: CC3tFugFoVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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