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another one of these bipolar days here in seattle it was really cloudy looked like about to rain now it's all sunny so confused living here anyway first place i'm going to yunnan rice noodles this is a new place and their english name is called 10 second noodle now i got a serious question for you guys do i or do i not look like naruto where does naruto wear a mask oh this is really pretty so you can get like a like a set pork bone spicy soup hot and sour and these are rice noodles whoa look at this oh thank you wow wow beautiful thank you all right so it goes in first sauce preserved veggies fish cake corn ham scallions fungus seaweed some greens all this beef shank in goes the noodles this is a variation of crossing a bridge noodle soup that is famous in yunnan and i love the story behind this too this is amazing this place kind of looked a little franchisy so i didn't know like if the food was going to be legit this soup is incredible wow that has so much flavor that is deep and rich and velvety people here are really nice too i'm gonna try to eat really quick because uh people are starting filling into this restaurant i'm still kind of in a corner by myself but i'm gonna eat really quick and get out of here as much as i want to sit here and enjoy this but wow this is amazing it's bone broth and that explains the richness rice noodles cook perfectly i love these noodles because they're so smooth also they don't get soggy easy the key to this dish is really the broth and oh my god they absolutely nailed it here spicy and numbing at all the right places there's such a great version of this dish i mean i feel bad for judging them so quickly when i walked in this is absolutely a fantastic place oh the beef is tender too they're just getting everything right here this one place is making me sort of happy that someone hit my car and said that i didn't come here many many many many times before i'm about to leave all the different ingredients provides various textures but the beef is fantastic tender and also flavored perfectly i might need this one last time before i get on the flight also they put so much meat in here just humongous chunks of beef guys you come here and try this they really don't skimp on the ingredients at all all right more people are coming in i gotta i gotta eat in jet wow that's good i think i'm good today i can just like eat here call this video rice beef rice noodle soup go home and take a nap i'd be satisfied today this this is amazing i wish new york had one of these also for those of you who are interested the legend is how this dish came about again it's called crossing the bridge noodle soups are a legendary there's a scholar he was studying for the government exam which is a huge exam in chinese history so he went off to this little island so he wouldn't get disturbed and the only way that his wife could bring him food was to cross this bridge and every time she would bring him little soup it would just get too cold the broth would get too cold so what she did was she took the soup and she drizzled some oil on top to keep the heat in so she didn't mix the noodle in the soup until she got there which is how this dish is prepared and she had to cross the bridge so hence crossing the bridge noodle soup i love food stories i do literally they're like my favorite bedtime stories parents seriously stop stop telling your kids like fairy tales all right tell them food legends like seriously snow white the legend of hot pop one has an apple the other is hot pot i heard so many great things about this hawaiian restaurant [Music] so right next to the hawaiian place is this place called cakes of paradise i don't know if someone by the same people but hawaiian cakes i was waiting for like five minutes and the line's already forming for the cakes i love it when good food places just mingle together you know this makes things so much more convenient so i got some hawaiian food got some cakes i'm gonna go find a spa somewhere we're gonna enjoy this in some random neighborhood oh by the way this is my new little rental i call him topi for the next week so i'm gonna be eating on the trunk of the car so this is no longer on the hood it's on the trunk this is basically what kim kardashian deal with the champagne glass except i got hawaiian food oh that smells good first of all we got the laulau this banana leaf smells so fragrant as soon as you open this container up you can smell the banana leaf oh my goodness that that is a sexy undress oh look at that pork look how easily the leaf and the pork just breaks apart with a plastic fork oh my god the fatty parts of this eat it with some of the leaf fat melts the leaf melts your heart melts chase it with a very traditional hawaiian dish macaroni salad [Music] would not be a real hawaiian feast without macaroni salad oh that is good oh their macaroni salad is amazing i mean some pieces the leaner part of the pork is a little dry but trust me these parts right here right here with the fats oh i never told anyone this but after i went to visit hawaii this was back in march before the lockdown i realized i wanted to spend some time there oh macaroni salad down it's just such an amazing culture with great food also super close to asia that might have to be the next place i live also i got to order of kahlua pork they told me their best two dish the most popular two are dela lao and the kahlua pork and she asked me which one i want so of course i answered both and i'm glad i did wow get the kahlua pork 100 i think i call this thing koala in 7 11 episode koala i'm just kidding don't don't don't go eating koalas so much smokiness oh my goodness first of all do you see the juice just dripping from this thing you pretty much have to slurp it like a noodle tender juicy pork and just a great smoky flavor again chase with some macaroni soda so glad this place is here if you've never had hawaiian food before it is extremely underrated the things they do to pork and the waste they use the banana leaf i mean come here and try this to take one bite you'll know what i'm talking about also i got a rainbow cake and a guava cake [Music] look at all the intricate layers there's like one two three four five six seven eight nine layers with an array of colors in this bouncy texture i don't even know how to express the joy that my mouth is feeling right now this is too good i feel like i'm not even worthy of this you take one bite of this and you look up you expect to see palm trees cake incredibly moist and soft with the fluffy cream and just it's the fruit flavors the tropical fruit flavors i'm so glad i got to this is my one rule in life well like adding hot oil to all noodles is my one room in life but this is another rule i have if i go to a local shop and i ask them what's their most popular item and when they suggest multiple options you always go with all of them all of them so here i got the rainbow cake and the guava cake this my friends utilizing that rule in life is how you avoid all food regrets okay this is very important you will learn this in school teaching you something really valuable here food regret is one of the worst things you can ever experience in life i still remember the south africa incident of 2006 okay painful memories that scarred me deeply i'm trying to help you guys my point is food regret bad getting multiple items of good food good i feel like me and and probably most of you out there we just have way too much faith in in gps and google and such you know one time i was following google at about 3 a.m in the morning in pennsylvania led me to a cemetery not gonna lie real story this is a tony's place i've been wanting to come to i like the name 19 gold oh their beef noodle soup looks so good and they got brown sugar bubble tea i got pretty lucky they have a little outdoor seating area and i'm the only one in the restaurant so nobody nobody likes to eat food at 2 p.m like is that that just me tamala tong thin pieces of beef on top some spices tofu skin oh there's wontons in here that's a huge wonton oh my god it kind of looks like wait this is a wonton or just like a roll of bacon i think this is a wonton i'm not 100 sure oh oh my god why why must my life be like this why you go over there i hope there's not more of you fish cake crab cake a lot of cabbage so ma la ton if you've never had it before it's basically a hot pot in a bowl a bunch of hot pot ingredients and meats and veggies [Music] it doesn't be eating a regular hot pot and most people eat this because they can't eat a regular hot pot by themselves and the pork over rice this looks good all melting and saucy it's a pretty big bowl braised pork over rice is excellent i think i like that more than a milo tongue wow oh yeah get this when you come here oh that is really good to find out what this mystery blob is it's like a shrimp cake it's all red inside overall pretty good i definitely could have done with the spiciest option i really wish there was some dipping sauce [Music] all right this restaurant's getting more populated gotta eat and get out of here i think during colvin diamond dash takes on a whole new meaning how much vegetables i'm eating today mom a lot whoa these huge chunks of beef a lot of them too the restaurant's like right there but it was a lot of people started coming in i mean not a lot in normal sense but i just felt a little better eating by my car so what are their beef noodle soup i mean i've been on this like beef noodle soup bender lately that's good they add a little vinegar in already you can taste the hong shao element which is like the nice soy sauce umami flavor and it's all over this bowl broth is very good secondly they're using these big chunks of beef which i like because these if they cook it right these have like little bits of fat and tendon so they're going to have a little textural difference and they will melt if cooked correctly those are my favorite cuts little bits of meat tendon fat this is a very slurp worthy bowl of beef noodle soup how strong chinese form very satisfying this is another reason why i love seattle i can't be doing this in like new york or louisiana middle of summer slurping on a hot bowl of beet noodle soup especially outside wouldn't be happening wow this is nice it's not rainy day nice but it's nice oh my god i just realized i have 15 battery left um this this car doesn't have a gps i don't have a charger i need to get home otherwise and plug this in um otherwise i literally will not be able to find my way back home i made a home with like one percent battery life i i really i would not know how to get back here really this is how reliant we are on google and gps i would not be able to get back here i i admit that i would not know how to find my way back to my house if i was somewhere in seattle and my phone runs out of batteries like i i will know how to get back here now that i'm home though i have a new afternoon tradition check out my fridge so it's full of wagyu beef and ice cream and noodles that's like all that's in here just tons of ice cream and i've been very happy gelato [Music] [Music] wow [Music] first of all that guy can see into the future i mean do you see him already running and sprinting after her even like five seconds before she actually fell also that part right there with their faces or inches from each other if you want to have that sort of intimate interaction with your date you know maybe don't take them to hot pot i guarantee you if those two were hot potting right before this it would not be that close i was going to say i picked up this habit from jada she told me that italians would eat affogato like almost every single day around the afternoon first of all because it's good secondly the espresso will wake them up i just want to say that is such a smart idea from the goddess of the food network god i don't even like coffee i'm doing this every day now also because my freezer is full of ice cream all right avogado and princess wei young time they're married in real life you know that i think i just saw a maybe pretty good pizza parlor back there i don't know if it's good i just see a guy like with a big brick oven and i just get excited i'm to really miss the lack of humidity that's probably my favorite part about living in this area not human ever how's the owner hello can you like edit my clothing it's okay man you look good no doubt johnson she's gonna have a nice jocelyn all right what's up jocelyn how you doing where are you how come you're not helping your parents out right now how old is she she's 16. oh when i was 12 i was at my parents restaurant thank you guys thanks see you around see ya thank you bye i don't know why when i'm taking pictures with people i still try to smile alright check this out ready i'm smiling right now okay can you tell i'm smiling smiling not smiling smiling not smiling smiley [Music] sunset will be one thing i miss about this place so pretty just driving across the bridges oh um i gotta get to this place before it closes and i really wanted to go here before i left seattle hooligans [Music] what's up buddy how you doing good good yeah so rodel he owns this place yeah so you guys do filipino and guam in french and creole yes that's cool i'm excited to try your stuff i heard a really good thing about fried chicken best fried chicken washing this day absolutely seriously nice in seattle this feels so good okay i got fried chicken and gumbo i feel like i need to have at the fried chicken right now oh look at this max salad very hawaiian drumstick you could tell oh hot so hot that is a ginormous wing good lord oh that's a breast piece that's good fried chicken that crunch is real the skin is like i think you're going to see better from this camera now see how you see how thin the skin is it's almost like eating a chicken skin chip when you take a bite rest of the chicken super juicy really nice mild spices the outside skin is like a seal trapping in all the juice i don't know if you guys can see oh see this thing dripping like like it just washed the lion king the mufasa part you see that only good fried chicken does that well this is 100 a super unique piece of fried chicken i've never seen fried chicken with the skin literally lifts off the meat like that like seriously like a little crunchy shell and there's 100 a piece of chicken where you gotta slurp and bite and i love those i love things where you gotta slurp and bite look at that i know it's really dark right now i can't really see much but trust me this is a juicy when i took a bite i feel like i'm taking bite into like like a fruit you really have to employ like the same strategy to make sure juice doesn't just drip everywhere that's crazy and also i got noodles in the car yep i think my gumble spilt a little this probably isn't the best vessel to to transport gumbo wow this is a thick gumbo tomato rice sausage this is thick that is delicious gumbo that is really delicious gumbo this it's an mm a meaty masterpiece wow oh the chicken is good i hardly ever see good things about chicken unless it's fried oh so underneath it's just rice look this is a chunky meaty gumbo spicy we're supposed to be tomato we were supposed to be a little bit slimy where it's supposed to be oh that is flavorful this is better than anything i had in new orleans not joking at all wow that's amazing there's a ton of smoke in here too oh he spiced this thing up real good absolutely delicious yeah if you guys go here get their gumbo i thought their fried chicken was good i think i like this better oh man that's great gumbo one of my favorite types of noodles in the world korean cold noodles car ride was so long start sticking together [Music] wow paul if you're watching these are some amazing cold noodles sweet spicy nice sesame flavor texture is incredible both the noodles and the crunchy veg mouthfeel is fantastic if you guys are a fan of spicy korean cold noodles go ahead and give this a try this is really wow how'd you eat this all day long oh so good oh this is good eating at home that is a good song few things i love more in life they're a nice scrumptious pork belly only time i would happily and actively eat veggies if they were surrounding a slab of fatty pig i'm so excited for the soup oh that's awesome couple of large chunks of potatoes i'm happy to see that i think this goes in here oh those are some big chunks of bones four massive pig bones these are my favorite types of bones to know on because they have all these little nooks and crannies were just stuffed full of collagen and tendon and the meat on the outside on these bones are so fun to pick on and eat because usually these have been stewed for a while so all the flavors have sunk in [Music] wow oh that is great i love it when any soup i'm drinking it just turn red from the chilies but beyond the chilis you taste that nice meaty broth and like i said nibbling on one of these bones it's like one of my favorite pastas not just me like asians in general in america you got your favorite pastime was it baseball we got bone gnawing okay in asia this this is what we do the past time oh we got perilla leaves in here too you see all that glowing stuff glowing like the diamond that's all the cartilage oh yeah big chunk of potatoes asians when you talk about meat and potatoes this is what we think of all their little little nooks you can take this bone apart and there's always fun things to suck on and nipple on you can almost eat this forever it's like exploring plush eating and i am awesome at it i am like the asian indiana jones of bone eating i can get into every single little nook i'll get in there i'll get to the good stuff the secret chopsticks one chopstick that does it all the lord of the ring of utensils like i said in the beginning of the video i'm not even mad that guy hit my car i'm glad i was able to get some extra time in seattle find some more amazing food places like a gift from the food gods all right private intimate food time so by the way plushies still on sale grab yours i think we might have some masks down here as well now check the store and as always thank you guys so much for watching see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 808,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean stew, korean food, spicy stew, korean bone, bone soup, bone stew, korea food, seattle eats, best seattle restaurant, best seattle food, korean, korea, rice noodle, noodle, chinese noodle, noodle soup, noodles, dumplings, dumpling, fried chicken, korean noodle, korean noodles, chicken, bbq, hotpot, eating, eat, dining, food, kitchen, cook, cooking
Id: r3O5Ca5GMhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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