ATI MP40 Stock Assembly

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[Music] I'm Elson with American tactical now that we are in full production with our mp40 stock kit we wanted to do an instructional video here on how to actually go in and remove this rear plug to install your mp40 stock kit the first thing whenever you receive your mp40 stock is gonna come fully assembled so you need to go to and you'll tear it apart which you're gonna have your right arm left arm your stock spring lock lug this is going to be a roll pin you've got two springs two detents and two screws this is a 5/64 screw so if we look over here we've also got our tools laid out that we're gonna need a 5/64 outlet head a punch hammer and then a dremel the Dremel we're gonna go through we're going to use to remove this lug here alright so what we've done to go through and make sure we were able to import this pistols we had to go through a cordon ATF way to go in and put this well this lug in the backside and all it is is just a washer with a small screw through it and it's welded on both sides so to get that off what we're gonna do is we're gonna use our dremel with a cutting wheel and we're gonna go through and all we're gonna do is just just like this back and forth to cut that weld down so we're able to go through and remove this slug from both the front side in the back side so we're gonna go ahead and nut you started and cut on that right now then we've got our rear plug out we're gonna go ahead we're going to start our assembly we're gonna take our arm here like this you'll feel it whenever it slides in spring our lockup and then what we're gonna do here also because we're going to go ahead and start our roll pin you started good so I figure here we're going to get together alright so we've got our finished our 20-minute drive our pinion our roll pin in nice and flush and we're ready to go ahead and put our stock one so we've got two Springs and two detents so we're gonna go spring detent and then same thing only lifting over we're gonna go spring and detent once you got that done we're gonna go ahead I want to take to make sure we're selling our butt plate cracked away I would go ahead also whenever you do your assembly is add a little blue loctite here to the screw get it tightened up good over to the other side him up now we've got our butt plate screws in check it that good block up on under fold push the button in rotate it around good lock up there and there we go that's the installation of our stock get fire mp40
Channel: American Tactical
Views: 29,621
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, diy, american, tactical, mp40, german, gsg, 9mm, 22, stock, kit, install, put, on, dremel, ATI, Inc
Id: XwttzxX1clg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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