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[Music] well welcome back to life Journey Production Studios my name is Keith and in this video we're going to take a look at the media players for the A10 Mini Mini Pro Mini Pro ISO as well as the extreme models what are the differences between those media players uh between those two devices levels obviously four four uh input devices as well as eight input devices and this includes the SDI versions of both the ATM mini line and the extreme line we're going to look at the media player we're going to look at the different features on the media player and the different places that you can access it through software an app I want to talk about available for IOS as well as how you can access it through the devices thems on your desktop so let's jump to a two box layout here and you can see the Control software right there next to me now obviously if you want to get into the media player you can do it a number of ways now with the updated uh Control software you have four folders up here on the top right there used to only be three now I can choose between the media player and hyperdex they used to be on the same screen but now they are in different folders so the media players you can see you have two because I'm in a extreme ISO you can see it up here at the very top that this is the ATM mini extreme now I can also connect to my Pro go down here under file go under file to connections and you can see I have three at Minis on my network and I could access all of them from any laptop or computer on my network and so if I want to go to the pro I'll click on it you can watch the screen is going to change now and now I have four inputs I still have the four folders over here here's access to one media player because the difference between the A10 mini um Pro ATM Mini at Mini Pro ISO is one media player and then obviously the inputs and the keys and all that change as well but when you get up to the extreme models you have two media players and that's really important because we're going to talk about how to use those as well as how to access them so we know we can access them from up here the at10 mini pro you can also go to the bottom down there in the Control software and you can access it in these folders as well you have switcher U media player audio page and Camera page and these are going to change depending on if you're using ATM Mini Mini Pro Mini Pro ISO those will all be the same showing four inputs they're going to show um black they're going to show color one color two bars and one media player so here's where you can switch what's live you can also transition from for instance you can transition from camera 3 right here to a media player down here and hit transition so you can transition between your media player you can add it to a key so if you go up under pallets you can assign it to Upstream key so I can click on media player here as well as other inputs I could um put under my key um I can do that under Luma chroma pattern and dve and then Downstream keys and again Upstream keys are left of the transition bar Downstream keys are right Downstream of the transition bar and so I can go into Downstream keys right here um so you have Upstream keys right here under pallet menu and you have Downstream keys right here under Downstream key menu and then I can assign that to any one of the inputs as well as color bars um color one color two and then I can assign that so right now it's assigned to Media player one so I can bring media player one in my ATM on the air by clicking the on the air Downstream button now and the Upstream button button so I can control what's coming into my Upstream key Downstream key and I can choose my media player but there's only one media player inside at10 mini A10 mini pro and at10 mini pro ISO so again I can switch to them these are the options four inputs black color one color two bars and media player and that's true at the bottom as well so that's what it looks like when you're in the A10 mini pro and that's what it looks like when you're in the immedate player now from the switcher screen now let's go down to this bottom media player and now you can see on the left hand side because I've logged into this from my laptop I have access to every hard drive on my laptop I have a preview screen of jpegs available on my laptop I have 20 still images available that's exactly the same so far that would be on an extreme but the difference is on a extreme you're going to have two of these media players and whatever I have over here I can can bring on the air I can click on my travel Drive click on a preview of this graphic I can drag it from the list up here and bring it over like that I can also drag it from here and bring it over from the preview screen and drop it in like that now if I wanted to make that particular graphic live and I can have 20 of them I need to drag it over into the media player so I can make it live right there I can go back to the switcher and see that's called Blue Dog TV and go back to the switcher um up here to Media Player and I can click on the downward menu here I'm looking for blue dog TV and now I'm going to click on it and if I go into the media player there's Blue Dog TV but what if I wanted to go back to life Journeys lower third I can go up to the switcher find life Journeys lower thirds and now I've activated it there and it's live right here so if you want to stay on the Switcher screen and change things in your media player you can do it right here there's only one media player in the A10 Mini Pro Line That's the ATM mini ATM mini pro and ATM mini pro ISO they have four inputs which you can see up there that's the live section this is the preview section and then you can see the choices that you have next to it also to make live or preview and you can transition from those right down here um in the transition section so I can do an auto trans transition I can do a cut transition which automatically goes and I can change the duration of the trans transitions right here so now let's go over to the media player so you have a preview box you can access any one of your hard drives right here and I could bring these still images in as well so I can switch hard drives and if I had another PC on my network and I needed a steal image from it I could just go to that PC open up the the Control software if I've downloaded it on that PC and then I would be able to access that still image and bring it in to the media pool right from that other device and I could include it in my show from this so let's go over to my PC now and I'm going to open up ATM Control software from my PC I'm going to go into my ATM mini pro connect to it now I'm connected to it twice I'm going to open up the media pool and there's a bunch of Graphics in here just exactly like what you're seeing and we see that slot five is empty so let's see if I can add anything from slot five and you guys would be able to see it on error there you go so I just added from my PC jpeg from my PC over into the Control software in the media pool um why I'm actually accessing it from my laptop so it automatically um populates wherever you are so I could be remotely controlling a live stream from a separate room in my house and if someone else had the Control software in the the the main Studio they would be able to see a still image that I just added from another device and I applaud black magic designed for that Network capability okay so now we're going to go up to file the very top left we're going to go to connections and now let's go into my extreme ISO number one you can see I have two here in the studio we're going to go to number one we're going to click connect now we're going to show you the difference between the media player in a extreme and a media player in a mini same features same ability to go to multiple PCS and access and extreme and add logos add graphics to it in the media player but you can see right here now I have two media players so if I go to the switcher if I hit off the air the graphic goes off the air because I have my first Upstream key assigned to Media player one but now let's go to one of my Downstream keys right here and you can see I only have one icon under pallets but if I click on it got Downstream key one and downstream key2 Downstream key one is assigned to Media player one so let's go down to Downstream key and we're going to assign it to Media Player 2 so now if I bring that on the air the graphic covers the whole screen and if I turn the logo off it covers just that so let's turn it off on the Upstream key but let's turn it on in the downstream key so I can assign a number of keys to that graphic and I have lots of keys in a extreme in a in a ATM Mini at Mini Min pro at Mini Pro ISO I have one Upstream key and one Downstream key the Upstream key obviously can do more than just one thing let's close the downstream keys right here and if you look at Upstream key it has Luma chroma pattern and dve Luma is basically black and white logo simple logos like I have down there chroma is for green screen you can see the little green right here and then you have pattern and I could put myself in any one of these little icons so let's turn the Upstream key1 on there I am in one of those little boxes um so that's one way to use pattern dve is picture in picture so if I brought um my camera um three into here and then brought this on the air Upstream key one now you can see that I have that camera that downward desk facing camera in a window I can size that and then I could bring this anywhere picture and picture on the screen and you do have picture and picture on the ATM Mini Mini Pro Mini Pro ISO so you can do this if you have one of those you cannot do Super Source like I have right now um that is not available for you um on a A10 mini pro A10 mini A10 mini pro ISO Super Source which is I'm displaying right now on the screen and that could be three boxes um that could also be four boxes um if I put a four box on the screen and that is a real cool feature that you have in the extreme so the big difference in the media player for um a extreme extreme ISO the SDI models is that you have two media players and you can make those both uh available to you and um then if you go to the switcher screen you can access those up here under the media player and now you have two of those so I could change the background behind me right now by choosing different backgrounds right from here I could then go back into the media player at the bottom and drag and drop the background I want and fix it I could do the same thing to the logo section go into the switchers choose media player one and that's going to cover the whole screen now so there you go I have that graphic over the whole screen if I turn that off I'm back again and so then I have to go in there bring my logo back into player one and then go back and turn the logo on right below me and so I can access the media players um through the switcher screen and there's two of them now in the extreme only one of these if I'm in a ATM Mini Mini Pro Mini Pro ISO so also I can bring Graphics in the same way um here so if I wanted this graphic that tells you all about a gentleman named Adam toel if I wanted to bring that on the screen here is a slide he made mix effects an app I absolutely love and I'm going to show you that app as well which is another way that you could access through an ISO app for iPhone or iPad you would be able to control your media player from that device as well and so if you look at that real quickly there is mix effects right here um and I can show you my iPad right here on this screen I'm tethered so I can display it in that in that box right down there but I wanted you to see it on my iPad so I could untether and you would lose your picture and then I could go anywhere in the room and I could control it so that's my um my macros but if I click right here I have access to my media players so I can control those two media players from this app as well so that gives me in my studio a remote ability to control it and not just the media players I can control my switcher I can control things like Super Source all from the app that adamt made and I can even go into my macros and change what you see on the screen and go back to me and the logo tap that so you can see this in a bigger image so I love the fact that I have the ability to use this app to access my media player I have the ability to get to it right here and it also shows me that they're live by a little red icon right here and a little red Loop right here so you can tell those are live the other thing I wanted to show you is we're going to go into this view right here there we go so now you can see on my desktop move my mic out of the way I have the access to um the still image right here and I could cut to that I'm not live from my ATM but this is actually an input black is an input as well and I could cut from channel two um if I have it set up for cut bus it would automatically if I tapped on it would cut to that but I'm in preview program mode and so I can transition to those so I can cut now the still image is live and channel 2 is not I could do a soft transition and now it dissolves between the two of those I can go back again so I can access my still image there I can turn my key on and off right here so if I had it assigned to that key I could turn it on here and bring it on the air but I can also cut to a Ste image so let's say you had a Ste image you wanted to show everybody on your live stream you could cut to it and it would be full screen if it had no transparency if it was a lower thirds then it would just appear like that and probably have a white background now I also have it on an extreme up here you can see I have key 1 and key2 I can bring on off the air so that's just two of my keys and I can bring those on the air I can also cut to Media player one media player to let's say I wanted to go from um super source which I'm live on right now that's what you're seeing and I wanted to cut to let's go to Media Player 2 because that's this background it's going to cover everything right so I hit Auto transition and now I'm going to disappear and you're only going to see the background because I'm cutting to Media Player 2 which that back ground is installed in so there you go you're only seeing the background I could turn off that logo if I wanted to as well now I'm going to transition back so I can cut to either one of these I can transition to my logo as well and it's a big white transparent box with a logo at the bottom so you can get to them on the front of your device by cutting to them as an input for your controller so whatever you have plugged in to those those two boxes is going to show up so again these are the two items that I have available so if I transition to the first one I get the logo if I transition to the other one I get the background and then again under the switcher settings I could turn the logo off and then just show you the background and then I could cut to Media player one and just show you the logo so I have access on the front of my device to some control access to the media player but not as much as I have if I use the Control software so the Control software either from the switcher page up here under media player gives you access down here on the bottom the media player gives you access I can access my hard drive I can access e each of these files drag and drop them over and make them live and um obviously they're going to show up if I have them live and they're both live right now so if I had them not live let's just go to me and a logo and if I was to show you just um the Control software which is in number five on my laptop and um turn my logo off the logo goes away and now I can drag these in to that media player one and they're not going to change anything on the screen because you can see that one's not live and this one's isn't live but if I was to make it live in my key there it is on the screen because I've loaded it right here it's also got transparency so you are only seeing um the actual device and you're not seeing anything above it below it or on the sides of it because it's transparent just like this logo is transparent but it's set up to be on the lower thirds so that's all you get so back to me back to my logo being on and that's a look at the Control software now the other thing I wanted to show you is let's go back to a two box before we go here and let me go into my laptop so where do you find these files if you're on a PC like that and then you go to your PC you're going to go to your documents under documents you have this folder that is called um ATM autosave double click on that you get eight of these folders these are recent uses of your ATM and it makes a folder and makes these files so if I click on this first one you get all of these XML logos um if you don't have the big view on the still image view you just have a list on they look like this XML then if you double click on the at1 media pool and you have the still image on you get a picture of all the graphics you've been using um in that session um or you get a list in that session so if you want to find a graphic that used a few weeks ago you could go to a folder from a few weeks ago this was done back on 1219 2023 and then I could go in here and find all the graphics that I used during that show or that se seon and if I click on them then they get really large and I can make that bigger by dragging with my mouse this line between this still image little still image and the big one so there you can see my animated stuff from my live stream these are different still images that I've made in live streams I've done over the last few weeks those are still images here's a shot of me and rat so and so I could go back and find old still images from those folders and I also could bring those into my ATM so let's just do that right now yeah let's go me and this picture let me go right here I'm going to go up to my C drive I'm going to go down here to user I'm going to click in um let's see my user profile so under documents let me open that window I want to go to ATM mini autosave and to click down on that let's go all the way back to that um that day it was what 1226 let's click on right here let's click on the media pool folder and there are those still images that I used that day so let's say I want this one I want to bring it into my show I was able to go in because I know where that folder is and find these still images from a while back and that is another great way to use the media pool and the saving files on your laptop so that's it for this look Deep dive into the media player and Extreme as well as a regular A10 Mini Mini Pro Mini Pro ISO and it really doesn't matter if it's the SDI models or the iso or the regular um Pro Models they're all going to have the same style media player with the same amount of graphics and the same access to files on your computer computer so thank you for uh being a part of this video If you enjoyed this please subscribe hit the like button if it really helped you put comments below if there's another video you would like to see if there's a question you might possibly have about the media player please let me know again I will see you in the next video right here thanks for tuning in
Channel: Keith Bennett
Views: 1,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM7b, Richland WA, Podcasting, Godox Ul150, NiceFoto, 5D Mark IV, Ikan Monitor, Rode NTG3 Rode Blimp, Sennheiser, Scandisk, Rode PSA1, Video Prodcution, Adobe Premier Pro, Audition, YouTuber, Influencer, Church Live Streaming, Live Stream, Streaming, Power Switch, PC Gamer, Elgato Key Light, Life's Journey Productions, HyperDeck, Blackmagic Design, RodeCaster Pro II, Cover, ATEM, Extreme, Media Player, Still Image, Lower Thirds, ATEM Mini, SDI, Atem Extreme Iso, Before You Buy
Id: Nzgis7QJah0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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