Create a Stinger Transition on Any ATEM Switcher (including the ATEM Mini)

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hey everyone welcome back in the last video i published here to the channel i did a demonstration of the stinger feature that's available in some of the atem switchers and is hinted at in the a10 mini xtreme because it has a sting button but it's not currently available in this video i'm gonna actually show you how to emulate that capability on switchers that don't have it and this will actually even work on the a10 mini original and pro series as well you don't have to have an extreme you don't have to have one of the higher end production or broadcast studio or even constellation versions any of the switchers that blackmagic makes can actually do this so first of all very quickly demonstrate what a stinger is so do a stinger transition here a stinger is basically a transition where you have a graphic that covers either a cut or a dissolve a mix underneath of it so it's a way to hide a transition adds a little bit of spice a little bit of interest a little bit of graphical flair to your videos and the cool thing on some of the higher end versions of the atem is that they can do this natively they don't have to have any extra hardware to make it happen you just upload the series of images that are used as part of the stinger into the eclipse store inside of the device and then set the transition type to stinger tweak a few other little settings and go it's it's it's really pretty easy but you don't have to have that feature in your switcher in order to accomplish this and that's what i'm going to demonstrate here today is how to actually do this so uh i will be demonstrating on a 10 minute extreme the same technique works on any of the switchers in the atm lineup work with the switchers from other brands as well so you don't have to have uh you don't have to have a black magic switcher of any particular model any switcher that has an upstream key that has separate fill and key capability can do this and so we'll go we're going to go through all of this this is going to be a bit of a long video so get comfortable you probably will want to watch this on a high resolution screen i will be doing some things on the computer they're going to be a little hard to see if you don't so if you have opportunity to watch this on a 4k display preferably the larger the better you'll certainly get more out of this than you will if you watch it say on a phone screen or whatever so pause the video here if you're watching on a small screen so you can switch to something bigger all right okay that said let's start with actually finding some graphics for this so in order for this to work you notice that there's some transparency going on here so as the graphic is coming on and off they're it's partially transparent you know part of the image is actually allowing the the background layer to show through in order to do that we have to use something called an alpha key an alpha key is basically where you separate the picture information from the transparency information those two are contained in this in this case with within the same file and we just needed a way to produce those and to be able to play them back play back those two video layers simultaneously i'm going to be using the atem sorry i'm using the hyperdex studio i've got those back here behind me in order to do this today so you'll need a hyperdeck studio and then you'll need to connect up in a special way so if you've never noticed this before the hyperdeck studio and several of the ultra studio and other uh playback devices that blackmagic makes and others other manufacturers as well it actually has two separate outputs on here there's an a and a b and the reason for that is that this device is capable of playing back videos with an alpha channel what it does is it plays the main graphic layer on output a and then output b becomes the key layer which basically the transparency information we're going to take advantage of that in order to use this in order to do one of these stinger type transitions so we'll need a hypertext studio mini and then we're going to need a way to hook that up to our switcher in this case since this has sdi outputs we'll need some sdi to hdmi converters in order to get it into the hm mini extreme but basically any will work your it doesn't really matter which one you use the little micro converters will work just fine blackmagic makes very inexpensive you can pick those up so again we're going to be using a hyperdeck studio mini in order to play back the video that's actually used as part of the stinger transition but you do have to have a player that's capable of outputting both the graphic and the keys it's called the filling key your alpha channel is the technical term for all of that so what we need to do is we need to produce a video file that actually contains that alpha channel and we'll need a source in order to find those the source that i use myself is digital juice um there's a there's a bunch of them out there but this is the one i've had a subscription to these guys for years um but basically we want to go into the store and then video editor store and then from there we're going to want to choose wipes so any of the content that you find in here is suitable for doing this sort of transition so if i click on one of these things there we go it's giving us a preview and a and b actually represent [Music] the two layers of video the two video sources that we're going to be doing a transition between so a is going to be our starting video and then b is going to be our secondary video so you see it does a transition there and this one covers up the transition fully there are some where you have both video sources on on screen at the same time at least briefly those are called double alpha wipes and i'm a little later in this video i'm going to show you how to do a double alpha wipe you can do it on these devices it's a little more tricky and requires two hyper deck studio minis in order to make it work but you can do it so if that's something that interests you stay tuned we're going to cover that here at the end of this video but for the most part anything that's in the wipes section we can use we're for right now we're going to want to make sure we avoid ones that have the double alpha and the way you can kind of tell those is you will you'll see at some point that the graphic covers the entire screen so yeah we'll go ahead and we'll go ahead and use this curved bands one because it actually does cover the screen entirely so i'm going to download this file and i'm going to want to download this as a quicktime png with embedded alpha so i'm going to click on that that file is going to get saved to my computer i'll say save as and then i'm going to put that in my stinger directory here and click save all right so we got the file but we can't use it natively we have to actually do some conversion on this in order to make it work on the hybrid x studio mini uh hyperdeck is expecting a very specific type of file and we need to convert that so i'm going to use adobe premiere to do this again not the only tool but i'm going to upload or open this directory i'm just going to very quickly extract those files get them out of the zip file so finish that all right there we go so there is a directory containing that that video file that we just downloaded i'm going to go back into premiere and go ahead and drag and drop that in there so i'm going to grab the file and just drop that into the project all right that's called 475.04 475 swipes and if we open that up we can see that there is an mov file in there that is the actual video if i double click on that and click the space bar you can see play there we go all right so what we need to do is we need to create a timeline for this so that we can actually do the export into the format that we need so i'm going to right click on that file and i'm going to say new sequence from clip and that creates a brand new sequence that contains that video so as i scrub through there you can see that video playing and we can't see the transparency layer but it is actually there premiere does support transparency so even though it doesn't show any signs visually on screen that it does it actually does support transparency here so all right there we go all right now what we need to do before we do anything else we need to go up to the sequence menu and then just change the sequence settings so that they match the video format that we're going to be shooting uh in the person's purposes demonstration here today i'm going to be doing uh i'm going to be running the switcher at 1920 by 1080 so 1080p at 29.97 frames per second so i'm going to choose 2997 for the time base and then 1920 by 1080 for the frame size the rest of this stuff isn't necessarily critical for what we're doing okay all right with that we've got our video i'm gonna just make sure that this is the the video fills the entire frame i'm gonna go ahead and say uh set the frame size and yeah we can scrub through here while we're in here we're going to want to make a note of which frames fill the entire screen because we're going to have to actually program in our macro that we're going to create later on that transition point so we need the switcher to cut at the point where this screen is full of the entire graphic so here as i'm kind of scrubbing around we can see that roughly at frame 23 in this video so we'll have to remember that frame 23 the graphic is full screen so later on we'll include that as part of our macro all right from here we just need to export this in a very specific format in order to get it to work so if i'm on my keyboard i hit command m sorry control m and then i'm going to choose quicktime as the format and then under preset i'm going to scroll down to pro apple prores 444 with alpha what that four four four four means is that it has a fourth video channel so it's got red green blue and then it also has has an alpha channel which basically contains that transparency information we're going to need in order to make this work so yeah so apple prores 444 with alpha i'm going to give this a directory just to save it in and then i click click the save button and then i'm just going to go ahead and click export it's going to take no time whatsoever it's really quick these videos are very very short so rendering time on these is also very very short now with that i'm going to pause for a moment while i copy that video file onto an sd card and pop that into my hyperdex studio mini i've connected the outputs of the hyperdex studio mini to inputs 6 and 7 on my a10 mini xtreme and that those are coming from outputs a and b on the hypertext 30 minion going through some of blackmagix sdi hdmi converters it doesn't matter which ones you use they'll all work but basically that's the connection flow that we've got and so if we look at the window multi-view window on the device and i hit play on it there you go you see in the window camera six and seven is playing all the video files that i have on my sd card there you're seeing two copies of it you're seeing the graphic and you're seeing the key channel so the alpha channel basically is telling which portions of the image to make trans transparent so anything that's black allows the background to show through and anything that white is white actually is going to be replaced by the graphic with us in the a time software control software we're able to make the configuration changes that we need in order to make all of this work and glue all the various pieces together i should also mention that the hypertext studio mini has to has to be plugged into your ethernet network as your a10 mini extreme that's how they're going to communicate so what we need to do is we need to have the atem send a command over to the hyperdex duty mini to start playback of the video so that we can make sure that those transition times are lined up properly we need the video to start at a very specific time and then we need to transition to happen so many frames later and that's what we're making note of when we were previewing the video in premiere we wanted to fight figure out which frame actually takes the video full screen the graphic full screen so that we can tell the atem mini or other atm switcher in order to do the transition at that point before we get there we need to do some configuration in order to make these things talk to one another so if i go down here into the gear icon and then go over to the hyperdeck tab you'll see a place here where you can enter the i p addresses for your hyperdex i'm not going to go into all the steps here in order to get the i p address for your hypertext studio mini but if you go into the network tab and scroll down you'll actually see your ip address there and what we're going to need to do is enter that into the atem software control in order to tell the atem how to control that so i know that my ip address i'll look this up earlier for my hyperdeck is and then i'm going to click connect i'm also going to tell it here in the drop down that is connected the main output a output is connected to input 6 on the atem switcher with that that portion is actually ready to go so i'm going to click on save and that portion of it is fully configured and ready next thing we're going to need to do is we're going to need to configure one of the upstream keys we're going to do it on number one to pull in the video from the hyper deck we need to do it in two separate layers we need to do one layer for the graphic and then the second layer for the transparency the way we do that is we go into a upstream key one set it to luma if we haven't already set our fill source to correspond to the a output of the hyperdeck again i'm connected up to input 6 on my atem mini and then the key source to be the b output whatever connected to the b output of the hypertext duty mini again for that transparency information while we're here we're also going to want to make sure we check this box for pre-multiply key because these video files that we created actually do have that key value set as pre-multiplied and that's going to make sure that we get the transparency information set correctly with that if i turn on take upstream key one and place that on air and then press play there we go you can see that those graphics are overlaying the the image so what we all we need to do now is we need to first of all tell it to only play one video file and then we need to make sure that we do the transition of the video the video sources underneath the graphic as it plays to do that we're going to create a macro if you've never created the macro before it's basically a list of steps basically pushing the same buttons that you would on your own but doing it automatically and you can do some timing and some other advanced things with these so i'm going to go up to the macros menu and i'm going to click macros and then i want to create one and then the stinger that we just created i'm going to call it 475 that's the name of the original file so we're going to call this sting 475. at that point i'm going to press record now one thing about creating macros on the atem switchers they only run the commands that are included as part of the macro so we have to make sure that any settings that we need for the macro to work properly we are setting as we're recording the macro so i'm going to have to go back and record and do a couple of things that i've already done for example i'm going to need to change the next transition i'm going to turn off on air and then turn it back on so that step has to be done otherwise you you don't know what status you're going to be starting with before you execute a macro so we need to make sure that we set everything manually within the atm software similarly we're going to make sure that we want key the key one button turned off so we don't we don't want the key to disappear once we do the transition and then we're going to come over to the luma key tab again just click on camera 6 or whatever input you're using and then camera 7 for the fill and key click the mask button twice to turn it on and back off and pre-multiplied click it twice to turn it off and back on and then click flying key twice to turn it on and then back off with that we know that the upstream key has been set properly from here we can go over to the media players tab and hyper deck open up the menu for the number for the clips that are available there and i'm going to go ahead and click on 475 swipes hd that's the one that we want to play so i'm going to click on that and that will get it ready to go now this next part is going to look a little bit weird because we're not run we're not doing our actions now as quickly as they're going to take place when we run the macro so i'm going to click play on this and you're going to see the animation play but we're not going to do the cut to do the transition right away all right so i'm going to go ahead and click on the play button so if you watch your lower left corner of your screen you'll see there you go animation took place and it finished but we still have several steps that we need to add here now remember earlier that we had 20 23 frames that need to play before we do our transition so at this point i'm going to go up to the red button here up top this is add pause and i'm going to add a pause of 23 frames so two three enter that in there and then click add pause now again this will look a little weird because we're not doing this at the same speed that the macro will be but trust me on this that's what we need to actually need to make happen after that 23 second pause we can go ahead and click on the cut button in order to do the transition underneath the graphic remember in real time the graphic is still going to be playing so we click the cut button to do the transition and then we're going to need to add an additional pause in order to allow the rest of that transition to finish so we'll have to go back and look at the length of the whole clip so we come to the end here and it's saying that is one second and 18 frames at 30 frames per second one second is 30 frames plus initial 18 that's going to give us 48 frames we've already delayed by 23 so we're going to need to add another pause for that additional 25 plus we want to do one more just in case so i'm going to change and add a 26 frame pause click on the add pause button and that should be essentially it for all allowing the graphic to be played to overlay to do the transition and at this point we're since we're done with the video playback of the graphic i'm going to go ahead and click on the on air button to turn that off and with that our macro is actually finished so i'll go ahead back over and click on the red button here to stop recording and that point the macro should be ready to go let's find out for sure so we're going to go over to the run tab here and i'm going to turn on this option for recall and run which basically means as soon as i click on the name of the macro it will start playing and if everything is set up right when i click this you should see the graphics start to play cut underneath the graphics finished and then return to the normal state for the switcher so here we go there we go it worked so yeah let's go bigger on that and i'll do it again so there we go we actually done the stinger effect on a10 mini xtreme without that feature actually being inside of the switcher we're doing that by using the hyperjet studio mini as a video playback device and then using an upstream key within the switcher in order to basically overlay that graphic on top of our video while while the video is playing and then to allow that cut to happen underneath so that's about it and you can use that same technique on any other switcher as well any switcher that supports the option of doing a separate fill and key as long as you have a video playback device that's capable of doing a separate alpha channel and alpha channel separate from uh the the graphic itself so i'm gonna take a quick break and then i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna show you guys the same sort of thing but with what we call a double alpha mat to do a fancier version of this it's even it's even higher and higher it's more upscale than what you've already seen so i'll be back with you in just a second all right i'm back and i have the double alpha matte transition stinger working wasn't without a lot of effort so you're gonna need to follow the steps i'm to show you here today very very closely because every single one of them is important not just important critical in order to make this work first of all let me actually show you what what this looks like so i'm going to switch over to the output of my a-10 mini xtreme and then i'm going to go ahead and trigger a double alpha transition so here we go so yeah it may not look like anything too fancy but essentially both the before and after video layers are showing through at the same time in various levels of transparency at some point during that transition so let me show it to you again this time in a window so click there you go so anyway it's a cool thing but it requires a lot of work and it requires a lot of hardware actually so we're in order to do this we're going to require two playback devices in this case i'm using two hybrid x duty mini hybrid extruding minis and we need we're going to use three inputs on our switcher to pull this off so we have three layers of video that are being played back there first of all we've got we've got the layer that actually has the graphic itself that's going to be displayed on screen and then we've got an alpha channel for that to basically tell the switcher which portions of that graphic are transparent which ones should be opaque and then we've got another matte track which basically tells the switcher which of the two video sources to display so we're insert transitioning from source a to source b that matte layer tells it how what blend uh percentage of each of those layers to allow it to show through so when we look at it black is going to basically indicate source a shows through and then white basically means short source b shows through and then somewhere in between is a blend of those two so kind of complicated but you can do some stuff with these that you can't do with other types sting stinger transitions so stuff i'll be showing you here today works on any atem switcher that has two upstream keys which unfortunately leaves out the rigor a10 mini mate to mini pro they only have one upstream key so you need at least the a10 mini xtreme in order to make this work uh but anything at mini and extreme and up will be able to do this so let's dive in and actually make this happen first thing we need to do is to actually select the transition that we want so again i'm using digital juice but it's certainly not the only source for these in the world it's just the one that i happen to have a subscription to um these aren't as explicitly marked as being double alpha transparency uh transitions but when you look at them you'll be able to tell so for example we'll look at this one and at places in this you'll be able to see portions of both video sources like for example here in the middle we've got video source uh b and then in the middle and then video source a on the outside so um you'll have both transparent both sources showing through at some point during the course of the transition so that's how you'll know when you need one of these double alpha when you need to take these steps in order to make a double alpha matte work so let's actually just download this one uh from digital juice and so we're going to download this as a zip file which includes all the files that i need so i'm going to go ahead and save that click ok and once that's finished open that up and then i'm going to extract those files to a directory and minimize my web browser here get it out of the get that out of the way all right so i have these are the files that are there that make this happen so there's there's two files that we're going to be using the first one contains the graphic and it's alpha channel so with its transparency information and then the second one contains the transparency information that's going to be used to transition from one video source to another so if i just do a quick look on this yeah so there's there's the main element and then if i do this other one and press on that you'll see transition from black to white which is basically the transition from source a to source b so a combination of these two files is going to give us everything that we need in order to make this happen all right so let's jump into premiere and i'm just going to basically take that directory and drag and drop that into my project that gets gets the files in there all right open that up and there there's our two files in order to make this easy i'm just going to right click on one of these and say new sequence from clip all right so there's our graphic element right there and that also again has the transparency information even though we can't see it here premiere does support it so that's the first portion of it and then kind of to make this a little bit easier to export i'm going to take the the other layer the matte track and drop that on the timeline just above it uh you'll see why here in a minute but but but there's that up that second video clip with the information that we're going to need in order to do the transition from one video source to another now what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to right click on that and disable it by unchecking the enable box uh we'll be switching that up a little bit later but but there we go all right so next thing we're going to need to do we need to be very careful with this we need to go up to sequence sequence settings and we need to change these settings to match what our video project and what our switcher is going to be running in this case we're going to choose 29.97 frames per second and then it's already set for 1920 by 1080 which is what we're going to be using here so with that i'm going to go ahead and click on ok and then our sequence should be set up and ready to go all right okay and while we're here i'm going to make a note that this entire transition lasts two seconds so if i go to the end of the clip and look at the position of my playhead we're at exactly two seconds so we're going to need to know that later and this one we don't have we're not going to have a full screen frame that's going to hide everything behind it so we don't need to memorize that but we do need to know how long the clip is when we're creating the macro in order to tell it basically when to stop doing its thing and return control to the person that's running the equipment okay all right so we're going to export two separate files here the first one is going to be basically just the graphic with its transfer transm transparency information and then we're going to do a second file which has that mat for doing the transition between the two video sources so so i'm going to hit control m to tell it to export and in order to make this go smoothly i'm going to very highly recommend that you create some presets in here so i'm actually going to take the time to do that right now because it is going to make our job a lot easier the element that has the graphics in it we're going to need to export again is apple prores 444 with alpha so i'm going to choose that in this case i don't need sound so i'm going to uncheck the export audio but the other thing we're going to watch out for is we're going to want to make sure that we're not using the match source option in here because that can get us in trouble really fast if we're not careful so i'm going to uncheck the check boxes here for the width and height and the frame rate and my field order doesn't really apply here but yeah we'll go ahead and do that and check that for progressive and aspect ratio so all those boxes are going to be unchecked all right the reason we want to do that is we want to be absolutely 100 sure that the video we're exporting for the four clips that we're eventually going to be exporting here are all the same okay all right so with that i'm going to go ahead and click on the save preset button here and this is going to be apple prores 444 with alpha 1080p 29.97 no audio all right we're gonna we're gonna use that one again all right so i'm gonna go ahead and click on okay i'm gonna click on the name here so kinetic magic what's called this kinetic magic animated wipe hd kf for key and fill and then i'm going to save and then i'm going to export okay so now we've got our graphic element exported next thing we need to do is export that map for these video video elements themselves all right so i'm disable the graphic element and then enable the track with the mat all right control m and what i'm going to do is i'm going to recall that preset we just made apple pro is 444 with alpha 1080p 2997 no audio so that's a good starting place and then we're actually going to change the video codec from apple prores 444 to apple prores 422 we don't need transparency on this one so we can get away with four two two instead of the four four four four on this one with that we're going to save this as a new preset so this is going to be apple prores 422 no alpha 1080p 2997 no audio click ok and then i'm going to click on the file here and then i'm going to save this one the kinetic magic animated wipe hd underscore matte to indicate that this is the mat for doing the transition from one video to the other go ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and click on save and then click on export okay this next part is gonna seem totally unnecessary and not make any sense but all the time i spent playing with this i could not make it work reliably without doing this so what we need to do is we need to create some clips that are just black and fully transparent sounds weird but we're going to need to do this so in our project down here i'm going to say new item black video and then make sure we're on the same same resolution and frame rate so 1920 1080 at 29.97 hit okay all right then we got our black video and then i'm going to right click on that black video and say new sequence from clip and that creates us this new track called black video now i'm going to also right click on this clip itself and say speed duration and change that to tens limits i might go on zero zero to indicate that i want to be 10 seconds long it that length is arbitrary but that gives us plenty of time to do what we need to do okay the next thing we need to do we've got our black layer but now we need to make it transparent so i'm going to click on the clip and then go up up under effect controls and then down under opacity i'm going to click on that and set that to zero i know that seems really weird why in the world would we do this but there actually is a reason for that in order to make this whole transition work properly and using the hypertext studio minis we need to be able to play black transparent video for a few frames before we start our other clip i could not wake up make it work reliably without doing this i i spent a lot of time trying so just know that this is important even though it seems like we're not really doing anything of any value here okay all right so now that we've got the black in there and we've set it to be 100 transparent or zero percent opaque we can we can export that so i'm going to do control m now click inside the timeline there control m choose our preset that we just created right so we've got apple prores 444 with alpha 1080p 2997 no audio output name i'm gonna call this black video four four four four and then click on export and that makes sure that we've got the exact same format for that that we had for our original graphic element those have to be the same hyperdeck won't show us like either clip when we put the sd card in there if we don't have those formats be exactly the same now we need to export this thing again in four to two without transparency so i'm gonna hit control m again choose our other preset that we created prores 422 1080p 2997 no audio click on the file name here so it's black video underscore 422 and then i'm going to say save and then click export again takes no time at all okay now with that i'm going to take a quick break and insert my sd cards in the computer and i'll show you how to copy those all right i've got those two sd cards put on my computer and i'm going to show you how to figure out how to copy these files to the cards in the right order all right so on the left here uh drive l you can see this is going to be the card that's going to go in my first hybrid x studio mini the one that i i connected earlier that has both the a and b outputs connected in my case to switch your inputs six and seven so this is going to be the clips that have the alpha transparency the graphic elements that have the alpha transparency we need to copy both of those over so first of all i'm gonna grab that black video four four four four remember the four four four four has the transparency information so we'll copy that one over and then the other one that we're going to want to copy over is the kinetic magic animated wipe hd kf for key fill right so i'm going to take that i'm going to copy over to that same card all the files on a card have to be in the exact same format that's why we created those presets in premiere to make sure that all of our settings were identical between the two clips so now that we've exported the clips using the same settings we can copy those over to the card and then the hyper deck will actually allow us to see those and play those back okay all right for the other card the one here on the right my drive m that's going to be going to the hyper deck that's connected to input 8 on my switcher and this one is going to be outputting the the key that's going to actually do the transition from one video source to another so in the demonstration i did earlier this is going to transition us from the color bars to my camera all right so on this one we're going to need to copy two files as well in this case we're going to choose black video 422 so i'm going to drag and drop that over to the card we've got the first one and the other one we want is this kinetic magic magic animated wipe hd matte so copy that over to that card as well all right these are nice small files so we're not talking about needing to have super large cards here so this makes it nice and easy um copy those over all right so now with that i can eject these cards this card is my drive l this is the one that contains the graphic element i'm going to put that in my first hyper deck and this one contains just the mat for transitioning from one video towards another i'm going to place that in my second hyper deck so i'm just going to very quickly hit the play button on there yeah there you go you can see that on six and six and seven and then on this one i see this one on eight okay all right so those are the three video sources that we need in order to pull this off all right with that we can actually go back into the atem software control and set up our macros in order to make all of this happen and pull up the atem software i'm gonna go ahead and close this macros window for just a moment all right so there's gonna be a lot of steps here and i'm gonna try and go slowly enough you can follow along uh but there's a lot of steps here that are critical so don't miss any of these if you need to pause the video as we go to make sure you get every single one of these steps okay all right first thing i need to do is i need to make sure that i'm set up to talk to both of these hyper decks so again hyper decks have to be on the same network and i need to go into the menus of the hyperdeck to find out their ip addresses once i know that i can come into the hyperdeck tab of the settings and this first ip address that i have in here that's that is the player that contains the graphic element and this one down here 101 868 is the player that contains that matte for doing the transition it's going to be important that we do do that in that order here in a minute so let's make sure we got that so once you put the ip address in press connect and then make sure you select your inputs so again my first one is on input six and seven i'll only put in the first one and then my second one is on input eight okay with that click save and we're ready to start configuring things within the software all right so i'm going to go ahead and start recording this as a macro because that's ultimately we're going to where we're going to go and we're going to need to change these settings anyway so i'm going to create a brand new macro call this sting d a which stands for double alpha can match and this is the second one that i've done i did another one earlier so i'm gonna call it kin match two i'm gonna hit record and now anything that i'm gonna do here in the software it's going to be recorded as part of this macro and get played back in a little while all right so first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to make sure that our upstream keys are off air in order to do that we'll click on the on air button twice for for our upstream keys one and two and basically do the same thing on the key one and key two buttons so that's just basically making sure that we're starting from a fresh fresh clean slate and we don't have any prior settings that are going to be screwing us up all right okay and then with that we're going to go over to the media players tab and you can see that i've got the two hyperdex here available for selection now because of weird quirk in the way that some of these things work we have to play the black video that we created for just a moment on each of these two players so i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is make sure that the clip list is open here open that up and i'm gonna click on black video four four four four on this one and then i'm gonna go ahead and click on play i know it seems really premature but we're gonna go ahead and click on play on that one then we're gonna go over to the other it doesn't matter what what order you do this in you can do it one player first versus the other doesn't matter and then on this other one we're gonna also click on black video four two two and then click on play on that one again i know it seems like that's premature we're not quite ready to play anything just yet but trust me this is going to be the best way to make this be reliable okay next thing we need to do is we need to add a pause in here because the amount of time that it takes to start playback and actually get going it can take a few frames so i'm gonna add a four frame pause so the duration is gonna be zero seconds and four frames let me go ahead and click on add pause okay all right with that we can actually start playing the clips that we really want at this uh at this at this point so all right so go back i'm gonna go over to cam six in my case and then click on play oh sorry click on the clip and then click on play screwed that up it should be fine and then we're going to go over to cam8 click on that clip the actual real clip and then click on play alright so those have actually started playing at this point like like early like we did earlier we don't need to worry about the timing of this while we're creating the macro which makes you need to make sure the timing is right once we actually uh play the macro back okay all right so video clip has started to play but we haven't actually taken it live to area yet so at this point we're going to go back over to the palettes page i'm going to start on upstream key one so key one is going to be the key that we actually use in order to do the transition from one video source to another the unfortunate thing about doing it doing things this way is we have to create separate macros for every video source that we want to transition to all right so in my case i know i'm going to want to transition to camera one and so we're going to select camera one as the fill source that's the trend that's the video that we're gonna be transitioning to and then for the key source i'm gonna select camera eight which is the input on the switcher coming from the second hyperdex studio that we're using all right i know this is a lot to follow just try and if you need to pause rewind whatever in order in order to keep up but so yeah we're doing another luma key here in this case we're going to use the video source that we're transitioning to as the fill for that key so we're basically going to be fading fading at in using the video from the second player as the key to tell it when to transition each pixel and at what level of opacity okay all right now come down here press the mask button twice because we want to make sure that mask is turned off again click on pre-multiplied twice these next settings are going to vary a little bit so you're going to want to do some a little bit of tweaking a little bit of playing around with this but i for the clips that i'm playing with right now i found the clip value of 50 and then a gain value of roughly 16 works pretty well with these clips but again that's going to vary based on what your content is so give yourself adequate time when you're building these make sure you're getting the values that are going to work really well for the video clips that you're going to be using all right and then next thing i'm going to do here is just click on the flying key twice in order to make sure that that is set up properly as well okay that's it for upstream key one and then we're gonna come we're gonna close that and then we're gonna make sure upstream key two is set up properly so on this one we're gonna choose our fill source camera six which is the first output from my first hyper deck this contains the graphical element and then the key source for this is camera 7 which is the alpha channel or b output on my first hybrid x studio mini okay so second output first player contains the alpha key for the first output on the first player right and then again we're going to click on each one of these so mask we want off premultal by key we actually want on in this case and then flying key we want off okay with that the the keys are actually set properly now the next thing we want to do here is we want to set our preview source we're going to be transitioning the source we want to be transitioning to in this case we're going to be transitioning to camera one so move the macros panel out of the way and then i'm going to click on camera one on preview there we go okay and then at this point we're actually going to want to take both of those keys live so we're going to click on the on air button for both upstream key one and upstream key two okay at this point when we're playing back this is when those graphical elements would actually be showing on screen they would be visible uh now so next step step that we're going to want to take is we're going to want to set the delay in order to allow those to play all the way through so remember earlier that this clip is two two seconds zero frame two seconds and zero frames so i'm gonna set the pause to two seconds zero frames in here actually i'm gonna make it one just to give us a little bit of leeway so two seconds in one one frame add pause at that point we were sure that the video clip is finished playing so go ahead and click on the cut button in order to transition the video source underneath so right now at this point where our video service we're transitioning to is going to be fully opaque on upstream key one yes that's right yeah going to be up on upstream key one uh so we can safely do the transition underneath of it and know that we that won't be that transition won't be visible with that transition done we can then turn off those upstream keys so i'm going to go ahead and click on up on air for one and two and at that point we're actually done so i'm gonna go ahead and stop recording the macro by clicking on the record button there okay now if all this is set up right i can go to my switcher uh i'm going to need to uh i'm going to go back to the color bars there we go so color bars take that live remember this macro only works for transitioning to camera one you can start on any so any source you want to but the macro itself only transitions to camera one so if i did it right i can click on run the run tab of macros and then click on my macro here make sure that running recall and run is turned on and then i click on sting da kin mag2 and if i did it right ooh something didn't work what what what happened there let's try it one more time all right so the video on uh the first player didn't play so if you watch camera six and seven it didn't actually start playback there so let's actually diagnose that and figure out what went wrong what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna save the configuration including the macro to an xml file and then i'm going to pull that up in editor and we're going to examine it and figure out what what went wrong and actually see if we can fix that so i'm going to go up to the file menu say save as okay and it's going to be atme item mini extreme and this is going to be da stinger 2 and save that file and until i want to save everything all right and so now i'm going to minimize the atam software and then i'm going to open up that directory and in there we will see that xml file we just saved and so i'm going to right click on that i'm going to use notepad plus plus to edit this but whatever editor you want to use is fine so we scroll down to the bottom here we'll actually find the macros and so here is here's the macro that we just really created sting d a kin mag2 so let's figure out what happened so for some reason the first player did not start playing so let's look through the steps and see what went wrong all right so first thing we did set key on air to false and then we set the transition source uh we don't set it to only background so basically turned off the additional keyers all right hyperdeck we're so we're starting playback okay we'll set set clip zero and then we start to play back on that clip that's what these steps are and then we on hyper deck number one so they're starting at zero so first object is zero second hypertext is one so clip index zero so start is selecting clip number zero which in both cases here is uh the black clip all right so select the clip and then these three commands actually start playback and then we've got our four frame sleep that we added into there and then select a clip on hyper deck zero ah here we go so there's a stop command in there so that's probably what did it what what went wrong there so i'm going to remove that stop command yeah there we go so and then i'll remove that so okay yeah so hyperdex set source clip index yeah so we need to make sure that we're selecting the clip on the first player so i'm going to copy this command move that up hyperdex set source clip index hyperdent index zero so we want to do the first hyperdeck clip index one so yes that's going to be the second clip in there and then single clip clip index zero single clip enabled true set speed 100 and then start playback okay and then we go and then second hyper deck i predict one set the clip index set single clip speed hyper deck play click hyper deck index of one okay all right so theoretically that should actually fix it so the rest of this is uh just handling the fill and key on the um upstream keys all right so save that file and then i'm gonna go back into a10 mini extreme and then we go up to the restore command and then select that file that we just created click on restore and that should load it back in and if everything is working right i can go back over here and yes i will need to make sure that i'm not on my camera as the primary source i'll change that to to bars and then cut there we go and then click on there we go that worked so yeah i just had basically had an extra stop command in in the script there and that took care of it so yeah when i screwed up and clicked on the wrong clip there that's what messed it up so yes so cut back to color bars and then click the macro again there it is so yep looks like it's pretty close it could use a little bit of tweaking on the uh chrome or say the woman key settings so yeah the from upstream key one the clip and gain commands that are there uh we could do some doing some tweaking to that in order to make that look right but uh but aside from that it seems to be working and these commands work on again any of the atem switchers from the atem mini extreme on up so the requirement on this one is you have to have two upstream key upstream keys on your switch in order to make this work so anyway i know it's a lot to take in and this is not the sort of thing that i would really recommend anybody do for real it's complicated it's very prone to breaking uh there's a lot of things that can possibly go wrong here and it takes a lot of time to set it up so i definitely don't want to try and do this in the middle of an event spend time before an event if you're if you're going to do this spend time before an event getting all this set up and tweaked properly play with all those settings give yourself plenty of time to just tweak it down to every tweak every setting properly in order to make sure that you're getting the best visuals possible and again some of these can some of these are going to vary with what what your source clip uh what's the vary with the source clip that you're actually using so anyway it's complicated i know um may not be worth it i've never actually used this for a client it's not something that's worth the investment for me but i know that there's other people out there that would benefit from this and so here's the instructions on how to make that happen so double alpha matte transparencies and double alpha matte wipes can be very very cool but again a lot of work and not something that these switchers are set up to handle natively on their own so it is a lot of work in order to make it happen so anyway if you guys have questions of this please leave the leave those down in the discussion and thread button down below the comments uh for this video but more preferably come join us on my discord server djp dot li slash discord and talk about it there i'm gonna set up a channel specifically about uh doing stingers on on there and so any questions or comments you have about this would be most appropriately sent there so if you're new to the channel or haven't already yet subscribed please consider subscribing i try to do video production related content at least once a week and for those of you who want those of you who want more i do additional videos on on this channel behind a paywall so you can either join the channel as a member using the join button down below or as a patreon supporter the link for that in the video description down below as well so either one of those will get you access to those to those videos i tend to be a little bit more technical on those you can also get to see behind the scenes for events that we're actually doing as well so i try and shoot as much as i can as much as clients allow me to do that so you can see what what it takes behind the scenes in order to pull an event off and you also get early access to videos before they go live on the main channel at least 24 hours and also without the advertising so if you want to watch these videos without the without the youtube youtube ads that's a great way to do that so i think that's going to do it for now thanks everyone for watching and have a fantastic day
Channel: Doug Johnson Productions
Views: 35,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doug Johnson Productions, DJP, Live Video Production, Event Video Production, Orem, Utah, Live Streaming, Internet Streaming, livestream, livestreaming, live video, blackmagic design, atem
Id: rLrmRnjWjTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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