Complete ATEM Mini Extreme Setup W/ ProPresenter 7 & Live Audio

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welcome to worship leader hangout today i'm showing you guys how we have all of our live streaming stuff set up last year i did a video about our old system we were using the sling studio and i sold all that gear and some other gear and got all new stuff to be able to have a much better more uh professional live streaming system we are using the ada mini extreme we're using a deck link we're using propresenter seven we're using restream we're doing all the stuffs and i wanna show you how we have it all set up today so come on let's go [Music] one of the main things that churches use are a software to get the image the backgrounds for the lyrics the videos and whatever else they want on their main screen they have to have a software for that of course we're using representer seven what else would you use let's be honest but i want to show you how we have it set up are you ready to film the ad we are ready to fill me up okay but wait a minute you got to tell me first where these graphics come from they're insane these insane graphics come from church motion graphics cmg for short church museum graphics designs things specifically to look amazing in churches they make perfect templates for sermon notes announcements and worship lyrics as well as tons of other things the best part of cmg is that they are affordable they have subscriptions that work for every budget with their premium subscription you will not only gain access to tons of worship backgrounds weekly but also oh what in the world wrong tab with cmg you will gain access to a backlog of thousands of motion backgrounds sermon and announcement templates social media graphics and so much more so go visit and enter our coupon code wlh all caps to get your 15 off your premium subscription that's again that is for your 15 off your premium subscriptions the way we are getting this image what you see on the screen right now to our switcher is we're using a blackmagic decklink gone are the days of using the secondary display of a computer to send it to the the projector we're not doing that anymore we're using the blackmagic deck link we have been for a little while we're and we're running all four it's the blackmagic deck link i think duo which is a four channel or four output card that sits in a nice little housing and that goes to the computer via usbc and what's really cool is we can go to our screens and configure screens and once that's all plugged in and set up properly our main screen output can now be the decklink duo and that's channel three and we have that going out uh 1080p 29.797 frames per second so basically 30 frames per second and then we also have a couple other things we have the lower thirds coming out that's very important and that's being sent to the aida minix stream so our switcher as well we have a lobby screen i'm not really worried about that for this video and then we have the stage screen which is our stage display that's like up here above our heads so again the main thing is our main screen and our lower thirds and those are being sent directly to our switcher and how we do that is plug in the blackmagic decklink duo and it does its thing and then it just shows up right here under output and you just select that now and so that is being sent over there and now the lower third you do have to do a little bit of setup for that so let's go ahead and do a little bit of setup what you would want to do what we have done is we go to the theme editor and we went ahead and made if you go to lyric styles this is where we decided to put it i have it labeled right here you can kind of see it says cpc live lower yup i don't know why i put that but this is the one we use typically it's just a simple font white on a black background and for those of you who know what i'm talking about which i'm sure it's most of you you can actually use a green background and do what's called a chroma key but we're doing a luma key we're doing the very simplest keying process possible on the ada mini extreme and that's doing a luma key which you would want a black background with your lyrics i don't know why it puts these bars behind there but it doesn't look like that when it comes out so i don't know why it's doing that right now but it's just a simple text over your black background and of course you can move this anywhere you want to on the screen and then move it in the aida mini later if you want to down at the bottom but we go ahead and put it at the bottom on that lower third from per presenter that's just how we decided to do it once you have your theme created then you can go over here to to edit looks and you see our main screen has everything we want everything to be able to be seen on the main screen and then we have the lower thirds and i went ahead and labeled this atom channel eight so that way we know exactly what channel that's going to on the atom our main screen is going to channel seven because it's called purpose under seven why not take a channel seven right um just keep those things consistent what i do what i don't wanna see on the lower thirds are messages props announcements um i do wanna see slides if i decide to do that but i don't want to see media and i don't want to see the video input on that lower third so i'll go ahead and unselect all of that and then with this presentation tab i can select that and then select my lyric style so no matter what my lyric style is when like no matter what theme i'm using for the main screen i'll show you what i'm talking about i can have a background rolling i can have you know some words with the on top of the bars that look really nice and fancy but no matter what i'm sending to the main screen it's going to look like lower thirds over on our ada mini so check that out now we're over here at the mission control if you will is our little mini mission controller we can see all of our camera feeds we can see our audio before we go and dive into the switcher and how i have it set up i want to talk about audio we're using the m32 by midas and we're multi-track recording with the the usbc card on the back of that and it's running over to the imac and we're using logic pro like the newest version of logic pro to multitrack record the reason why we multi-track record we want to be able to go into logic and mix this and master it in the best in the best way that we can to make it sound as best as possible for our live stream so to send our audio to the atom we are using an eighth inch cable and that's coming out of the back of the computer via eighth inch going into one of the ports the eighth inch ports on the aida mini extreme and the reason why i'm using an eighth inch and not like a quarter inch or an xlr is because that's simply what is allowed on the adam mini extreme so why not just do that straight from the computer itself i want all the audio from this computer uh to be sent to the atm as well then to be able to hear that audio so i'm gonna go ahead and hit play this is a recording that we had from this past sunday to be able to hear that audio we want to have that mic one on and we can go over here to our adam control software click on audio and we can see that audio jumping right now and because we're using wireless video transmitters more on that in just a second we do have a little bit of latency so not even a half a second but what i have to do is i have to go up here and add that latency from the audio so that way we match it perfectly with our video and so we determine uh we can go anywhere from between five and eight frames of delay as what they call it on the atom software we can we just rock it at eight and it just it matches up perfectly one more thing on the audio if we want to monitor audio i went ahead and set up some some headphones right here that we just you know grab up under the table you know throw those on and what's cool about the ada mini is it has a a a headphone jack the adam and extreme some of them don't have a headphone jack which is kind of crazy but if we do want to hear this audio and this is also how we mix the audio as well it comes through the atom and we can just press that mute button now let's get into the video stuff as you can see on our multi-view we have the two cameras ready to go and they are plugged into channels three and channel four so we have a center view and which also has a person they have the ability to you know they can zoom in get some tight shots they can you know pan back and forth with the pastor as he's speaking uh you know from like a belt waist level up to the top of his head kind of shot and then our camera b is a mobile camera and they can just run around the room and get all kinds of really nice shots and we switch those on channels 3 and channel 4. the reason why it's channel 3 and channel 4 and not channel 1 and channel 2 is because we are using video transmitters by holy land called the holy land mars 400 s pro those transmitters will then send the video signal to the receivers and we have the receivers plugged in via hdmi straight to here if we had those plugged in to channels one and two everything turns green and pink let me show you what in the world blackmagic in holly land why can't we work together on this thing so as you can see if i go to channel one or channel two with the hololens 400 s pro it's green and pink but i found out i did i went online i was like oh no what's going on and people are saying channels three through eight look great one day we might run them uh hardwired via sdi convert that over into hdmi and then we'll be good to go we won't have any latency or anything like that or have to set latency on our audio it'll just be just nice and then on channel six we don't have anything on five but on channel six we have a second display from our computer just in case we need it and what we use with that second display for is if we're you know just in the room we want to throw a video on the screen without using propresenter so it's basically that second display uh like the old school way of putting a pro presenter on the screen or anything on the screen we had we went ahead and just sent that over to the adam mini extreme just to have that available on channel seven we have pro presenter so anything coming from propresenter we see on channel seven and then channel eight are our lower third lyrics like i showed you that we're sending what's really cool about the ada mini extreme is like you have this little mini mixer if you will within the full mixer because when i press these big buttons you know whether it's channel three four six seven or eight uh this view the program view on our multi-view is what's going out live now what's really cool is i can use the hdmi output hdmi 1 output on the mini xtreme to send to our main audience display and use this little mixer guy right here and put whatever i want to on the audience display so then like the main screen that the audience uses for their lyrics and whatever and videos things like that during the sermon this is our main display this is our stage right here above the computer and what's really cool is i can put any feed that i want to on that display because i'm running from the hdmi one output and this video out is like like i said a little mini mixer within the whole mixer of itself so i'm i'm trying to find the right words to say about this but like look i can put the multi-view up on the main screen i can put the the program view program view is live that's why i put in parentheses live and then you know i could do clean feed i could do representer could do the lower thirds i could do the desktop view you know if i wanted to put something from the desktop there it's just really cool to have this and i don't know how many people are running it like this but it's really cool to be able to have a camera show up on your main screen and this is how we do that even if i even if we were to run multiple projectors we could still run out of this hdmi port into a device that then splits into for those multiple projectors but we're only running one projector right now i really like that capability that's why i run the audience display from the adam and extreme instead of from directly from the uh from the computer from the deck link because of all the capability i have within this switcher okay and then those lower third layer so we talked about that earlier coming from propresenter which is channel 8 on our our switcher now on your switcher software um the way that you set this up is this is coming in with just a black background with white text so it would be a luma key that we'd want to do there's other ways to key things out and make it everything look pretty use colors and all that stuff but we just wanted to go simple black text or white text on a black background so we're going to use a luma key on our upstream key one and our fill source is going to be lyrics eight so that's the channel and then uh our key source is gonna be lyrics eight and it does its magic and it keys out and i'll show you because when if i go to camera [Music] 4 or camera b and then i want to add the lyrics on top of that for our our live stream i can add the lyrics on top and it looks really good and they can and anybody watching the live stream can keep up with the lyrics um as we are singing those i'm gonna leave it on that and the way i did the lyrics with just the touch of one button is i set up a macro on the adam mini extreme so the macro is a way to record a particular setting on the ada mini so i recorded the fact that all right so when i press macro one i want my lyrics to show up and already be keyed out when i press macro 2 i set it to where it just turns that upstream key off lastly with our multi-view display i just want to kind of show you what we got on the display we have program that's our live view that's what people are seeing live this is our output so our output one is the main screen we have camera a camera b our desktop from that computer if we need it we have purpose enter seven over here and we have our hard drive for recording we have our stream status right here and then we have our lower thirds and our media player one meteor player one is just a picture or whatever you want to put up on the screen randomly i just put our logo there all right let's move to uh recording so the record your output there it's really to record your program what's live the best way to do that with the well that i've found i'm sure there's other ways you could do it that look better but the the best and easiest way to do it is to connect a hard drive into one of your usbc ports and use the the the record function on the actual adam mini that it comes with and it shows you how many hours so we have 355 hours and 48 minutes and it also shows you uh how many gig is left on your drive so it's a terabyte drive we have gig left and we have 355 hours left and to make it look really cool what i can do is fade to black right now i can go to propresenter 7 and or i can actually go to camera 4 and then start recording and then that'll come up red once you are recording now we're recording you see rec at the top there on your multi-view and i can unfade and boom we're right in there with that first view or if you wanted to you know throw your ad real on the screen and then to go live so the next view right now our live stream is off and to it's so simple so i'm going to go over here to the adam software control and i have the output right here so i take the stream key from restream i copy that and then take it over here to the output and i put that in and i select our platform and it automatically selects server and i want high quality so i'm going to go back to pallets because we might need to make some changes on that and then when i'm ready to go live this is what's great about this is so easy i want to make sure on restream i have whatever destinations selected i have them unselected right now so that way we don't actually go to that but i'm going to go ahead and press on air and immediately the aida mini extreme is online it goes on air you're live right now so whatever your first view on your program view is what they see first so now we see on restream we are live running that ad reel and however many minutes before service and we're good to go we have we're recording and we're live at the same time and to turn those off to stop all you got to do now what i would do is if i'm you know if i'm pretending so we have a camera four so say that's the last thing we're seeing online i could fade to black on that camera four fade to black and then go off air well off air rather press the off button and if i'm ready to stop recording i can go ahead and hit stop recording and it stops it for me and it saves it on the drive which is really cool saves it on that hard drive and i can take that hard drive to any computer and edit that and all the all the switches and the audio and everything's already built into that recording and i don't have to edit it later so that's the ada minixtreme that's everything that we have plugged into it and how we use it and pretty much how we have everything set up it's it's actually pretty easy to use especially for your volunteers when they know where everything is for the most part and what they have to do they don't really need to know all the ins and outs but i like to explain that and i like to talk about it because it's good for them to know if there's a problem they know how to fix it we have a brand new room that i want to show you our green room entrance is right here in our media room our gear locker was right here at this door and i thought well you know what we could lock these doors and not use these because like this is not good to be going in and out of these doors especially during service i mean our auditorium look auditorium's right here so let me show you this now we're still working on it we've got the first coat of black paint done this is our gear locker this will be we're going to put shelves on this side for all of our camera gear and the things that we need for you know production in general and then on this side of the room we're gonna put uh shelving and and ways to store all of our music gear this is our former or will be our former gear locker come on in um and you can kind of see it's it's it's become a little bit of a mess because we know what's about to happen but it's not enough space to store music and production gear so that's what that's going to be now this room i'm excited along this wall there's going to be a nice table on the walls we're gonna put a couple tvs or probably you know some kind of larger monitor uh for our program view and our multiview it's like what you saw out there we're gonna have right here on this wall i wanna have our online audio tech right here hopefully running a board similar to what we're running out there so that way they can mix on a board instead of on logic we'll still record the logic but i don't want to mix it on logic forever that's just not fun so i'm excited about this room and the changes that's happening uh check this out hold on i found this sign and so we got to put this up in this room probably right here what do you think what's cool is this already connected there was already a door right here to this office and i was like you want to just keep the door open now this office turned into our gear locker will turn into our gear locker and we knocked a hole in the wall i had some help so we just put a big old opening so that way we can go right into our pretty much brand new newly updated green room check it out i appreciate you guys hanging out with me today i know that's a lot of information a lot of little details if there's anything i forgot or whatever i'll try to put in but if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below and there's a ton of tutorial videos on everything i talked about today that's how i'm learning about it is literally youtube and some friends that have already used some of this stuff and i'm just showing you like it's really an update to our how we live stream here at our church but thank you guys so much for watching this video remember great worship leaders are always learning we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Worship Leader Hangout
Views: 72,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chad buckland cwickvb, church, pastor, tutorial, worship leader hangout, worship leader, worship pastor, worship team, worship training, christian worship, ATEM, Mini, Extreme, ATEM Mini extreme, setup, atem in church, livestream, live, stream, ATEM mini, atem mini pro, church live stream, switcher, atem switcher, decklink, duo, decklink duo, propresenter 7, pro presenter 7 with atem mini, lower thirds, lyrics lower third, luma key, chroma key, sling studio, hollyland mars 400s pro
Id: bdooEpLPt-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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