Blackmagic ATEM TVS HD8 ISO vs SDI EXTREME ISO | Everything You Need To Know!

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on this side I have the Blackmagic atem SDI extreme ISO and on this side the new Blackmagic A10 television Studio hd8 ISO both two fantastic desktop video switches but is this one really worth two thousand dollars more than this one what are some of the features that you get in this that you don't get with that and why might you choose one over the other all of those questions answered and More in today's video so let's get straight into it starting off them with the physical specs and ports and just to make things a little easier for this video when I'm referring to this model I'm going to call it the atem TVs and when I'm talking about this model it's going to be the atem SDI both of these models have eight SDI inputs and they fully support up to 1080p 60 frames per second and also their full standards converted as well so you can mix and match different frame rates and resolutions Blackmagic has also recently announced a 4K although non-iso version of the A10 television studio and that comes with eight 12g SDI inputs for full Ultra HD workflows now I'm going to focus this video primarily on the two HD ISO models in front of me especially as the 4K version isn't released until later on this year and it doesn't support ISO recording they both also have two USB ports on the back for connecting external ssds for recording or connecting up to a computer for use with things like Zoom teams or other video based apps and they both have gigabit Ethernet built in as well with one port in the A10 SDI and four ports in the back of the A10 television studio and we'll talk a little bit later on in this video about what you might want to use those four ports for because there's some really cool features built into this so those are pretty much these similarities when it comes to the physicalities of these two devices now let's talk about some of the differences firstly of video outputs the atem SDI extreme ISO has four configurable aux outputs the atem television Studio on the other hand has a total of 12 SDI outputs but only two of those are configurable auxes it then has a dedicated multimu SDI a dedicated program output SDI an 8-fix camera returns that send program back to the cameras for your TalkBack tally light and camera control now I personally would have liked to have seen those eight camera returns instead be eight aux outputs like Blackmagic is actually done on the new 4k model of the A10 television Studio that will give you extra flexibility and the choice to send other fiends out of them if you don't need to use them for camera returns one really great thing the atem TBS has that the SDI doesn't is a dedicated HDMI output on the back for multi-view now as most TVs and computer monitors are HDMI based rather than SDI it's really convenient having HDMI built into this saving you having to use an external converter my one request here though would be to make this HDMI output and aux output rather than just a dedicated multi-view output because I really miss being able to like I do on my A10 mini switching between the multi-view or a dedicated camera input or the program output full screen so that I can check that everything is in Focus next let's talk about getting audio into these devices and for the 8m SDI there's two main options the first is you've got two stereo mini jacks on the back labeled mic 1 and mic 2 for bringing it in analog audio the second option is down through the SDI so you can actually pass audio from the camera to the switcher through the SDI ports in comparison the A10 TVs actually has five ways of bringing audio into it you've got the SDI method I just mentioned here you've got two balanced XLR connectors on the back for bringing analog audio maybe from an external mixer for example you've got an RCA stereo Jack on the back so you can plug that into your iPhone or bring in other stereo sources you've also got Maddie in which allows you to bring in 32 channels of digital audio and you've got a five pin TalkBack connector on the back so that you can connect your TalkBack microphone and headset and you can actually use that TalkBack microphone not just for talking to your cameras or your engineers but also on air as well so you could use it in game commentary for example for audio outputs if we look at the atem SDI really the only way to get audio out of it is via the headphone jack on the back the atem TBS on the other hand again gives a lot more flexibility firstly you have the Madi out which allows you to Output 64 channels of digital audio although the 8m TVs only allows 50 of those outputs to be active at any one time then you have four quarter inch jacks on the back and they're actually split into pairs so you can have separate studio and control room speaker outputs and of course you have the five pin XLR TalkBack connector where you can send both program output audio and TalkBack audio into your headset speaking of TalkBack the 8m SDI model doesn't support it it supports tally light camera control and remote record triggering but not talk back it is supported by the 810 TBS however giving you a two-way connection between you and your camera operators the 8m TBS model also features dedicated time code and reference input and output bncs these features are crucial in larger more traditional broadcast environments where precise frame synchronization between cameras and other connected devices are absolutely essential now I've got to mention this one big difference that you'll notice straight away between these two devices is the size and the front panels the 8m SDI is smaller and almost five times lighter making it perfect for portable setups and while its front panel gives you some control you still do need to use the atem software control to get the absolute most out of it on the other hand the atem TVs is designed to be an all-in-one Powerhouse I'd say you can control about 95 of its functions from the front panel itself I've only actually had to dive into the software when using this to do things like adding a stream key or changing the multi TV layout the panel has everything that you could possibly need for controlling a show and the three digital displays on the front make it really easy for doing things like navigating through menus changing settings and even customizing your button layouts or labels something you can't do on the atem SDI because everything is printed on it there's even a physical t-bar as well finally one key physical difference is actually something you can't see from the outside and that is storage both units do have two USBC ports on the back for connecting external ssds for recording but the A10 TVs also has the ability for internal storage too it features an m.2 slot allowing you to install Flash media directly into the device and then record straight to the TDS and I'm going to go into this new internal storage in just a few minutes because there's a lot more to it than that and I think this feature alone would probably convince me to buy this model over this model and I want to share with you why but I also do want to mention that at the time of recording this video black magic is still shipping the A10 television Studio hd8 ISO with two terabytes worth of internal storage included in the price and also at the time of recording this video there is 20 off all Blackmagic ISO products so if you're thinking about buying one of these units now might be the time to pull the trigger those are the physical differences now let's move on to what features you get with each of these but before we do let's talk about live graphics with the sponsor of today's video Uno overlays Uno is the free broadcast quality Graphics platform designed for live streamers it gives you instant access to hundreds of easily customizable Graphics templates from lower thirds to sport scoreboards news tickers and so much more imagine you're live streaming a soccer match for example and you want to display the score on screen with Uno it's possible within minutes just head over to and sign up for a free account and you'll have access to a wide range of pre-made made templates that you can easily filter through until you find the perfect style for your stream customizing and controlling your overlay is simple you can do it right from your web browser on any device whether it be a computer phone or tablet adjust team names customize the color scheme to match your brand colors and even add team logos by pasting a link to their hosted images once you're happy with your graphic getting it into your broadcast is just as easy click the copy output URL button and add it as a browser source to your preferred streaming software whether you use OBS streamlabs or vmix for example Uno seamlessly integrates with your setup but it doesn't stop there from anywhere in the world you can update and control your graphics live animate your overlays on and off update scores as they fly in all from one web page and if you prefer physical buttons they've got you covered too as Uno now offers a free stream deck plugin that allows you to control your graphics directly from your stream deck device the this is just a small glimpse of the countless number of overlays available on Uno so if you want to up the quality of your live broadcast Graphics head over to the link in my description or sign up at best of all it's completely free to use right now and within minutes you can have high quality animated graphics added to your streams plus the team at UNO are always looking for your suggestions and ideas of new templates to be added so if you think you've got something that you want to see on the platform send them a message using the feedback form on their website I'm back at my desk and I've got the atem television Studio hd8 ISO next to me the reason for that is I want to go into more detail about some of the key features in this fantastic switcher and we'll start with storage I mentioned internal storage earlier this has got two terabytes of internal storage in it and I want to show you how that works I want to demo it so first I want to show here the multi-view of the A10 television Studio HDI so and if we look at the iso recording panel here you can see under slot number one it actually says internal and we've got about six hours or almost seven hours of iso recordings that's all of the individual cameras and the program output with that two terabyte internal storage now if you look on the back here there's nothing plugged in the USBC ports on the back of the device but I'm gonna hit record and start recording on it now there we go and you can see on the multi-view we are now recording into the internal m.2 flash hard drive so that's the first thing you don't have to worry about external drives or carrying around external hard drives to record onto it's again all in one unit but there is more and that is because you can access that internal hard drive over the network and you can actually have multiple people working off it at the same time I mentioned that this has got four gigabit Ethernet ports in the back and you'll be able to utilize those this is the first thing that you'll be able to or one of the things that you'll be able to really utilize those for so let's head over to my Mac here and if you just go I'm doing a market works on PC as well and Linux if you go over to the network tab in the Mac we can see I've actually got my Blackmagic Cloud store in my studio I've had it for a while absolutely love it but also what's popped up alongside it is the A10 television Studio hd8 ISO and if I double click on that to connect to it if you connect to it for the first time or you're connected on Windows it might ask for some credentials they they are just username is guest and password is guest but we now we can see we have access to that internal drive so if we go in here we can see we've got the iso recording that is going on right now on the drive and I can actually go in here now it is worth noting that while you're recording a session you can't actually be using that those files in an editor and editing at the same time the television Studio HD a ISO doesn't have what's called an edit while ingest workflow currently although I would say in the future it's possible it will come to it because that is available on things like select hyper X for example with Blackmagic so to actually use the file you have to first stop recording and we'll talk about that in just a second so I am going to stop the recording now but as soon as I do that I have access and I can open up any of those files so in fact we'll just go into this now we'll open up the program output first of all of what we were just doing and you can see here's me talking as I scrub from remember this is all happening over the network I'm not connected to any hard drive into my Mac or anything like that it's all happening over a one gigabit connection I can scrub through perfectly fine here but let's say we want to take a look also at some of the isos that were plugged in so I only had two cameras plugged into the hd8 iso but you can see here there's maybe hit and record if we scrub all the way to the back here's me hitting stop there and we're accessing those over the network now where it becomes really useful I'm just going to hit record again here you can see it's instantly started creating another recording in the same folder it's going to double up on the video isos as well but you'll notice we still have full access to that other session that we recorded first so you can actually have editors accessing your A10 television Studio hd8 ISO while you're recording another session they might not be able to record or be editing this the session that is recording at the same time but if you're doing let's say five podcasts in a day you can be recording podcast number two while they're accessing over the network the switcher and starting to edit podcast number one I hope that makes sense and you're able to keep up with me so yeah you've got instant access two files over the network the other really interesting thing about this is that technically Blackmagic have actually given the A10 television Studio hd8 ISO Cloud store capabilities and what that means is as well as accessing your files over the local network if you give your A10 television Studio HD AI so internet access you can also have it automatically sync your footage up to either Google drive or Dropbox and that is incredibly useful if you're working for example with remote editors because as soon as you hit the stop button for the recording on your atem it will instantly start uploading the footage to those cloud services within your remote editors can start downloading them once they've been fully uploaded the second feature that I want to show you is called remote cameras and when Blackmagic first started talking about this I was really excited and then having tested it and used it I'm even more blown away so what it is is inside of the A-10 television Studio hd8 ISO is eight atem streaming Bridges and if you don't know what ATM streaming bridges are they basically allow you to receive an rtmp stream and then turn those into either an HDMI or an SDI output but in this case as they're built in they just appear automatically as a camera input so it means you can bring in cameras that aren't connected over HDMI or SDI but are connected either by a local network connection so over a network cable or the public internet so you could have cameras halfway across the world being streamed into the atem television Studio appearing on your multi-view and cutting between them it is really cool and obviously it opens up a world of possibilities for remote production now it is worth mentioning that at this time the A10 television studio and the A10 streaming Bridges don't accept just any old rtmp stream it has to be originating from Blackmagic Hardware so sending a stream from things like an A10 mini or select Blackmagic cameras like the Ursa broadcast or the studio camera 6K or 4K Pro G2 they will have the Blackmagic encoders built in which will allow you to then stream to the atem television Studio hd8 ISO you can't though for example send a stream from software like OBS or vmix it just won't show up setting up a remote camera is actually really easy and I'm going to start in the atem software control for the atem TBS here so if we click on the bottom left settings Cog here and then we go over to sources this is where all our inputs are listed and you can see we're stuck with SDI at the moment these drop down boxes are grayed out and that's just because we haven't set up any remote sources yet so let's go and do that we'll click on the remote Source setup button down here and what it first of all gives you down at the bottom here is it lets us know whether our atem is being seen on the public internet now you might have an error in this internet status box here and that just means that you haven't opened the correct port on your router to be able to allow public internet traffic to flow through to your atem TVs I'm not going to do a detailed tutorial about how to do that in this video but if you Google it there's plenty of information online about how to open certain ports once you've done that and you've got it working if you hit the retry button it will analyze the connection and then say visible worldwide and that will mean you can bring in cameras from anywhere in the world into your atem television Studio once that's working we can now actually add our camera source so if we click add Source here and I'm going to give mine a name I'm actually setting up for a studio camera at 6K Pro so I'm going to call it Studio cam 6K Pro a and then it would if I add a second one it would be b c d Etc now the code that we have on the right is our stream key this is unique for each source that you create if we need to change that we can click the key icon and that's pretty much it in terms of creating the source now we need to download the actual information that we're going to send to the or upload onto the camera so that the camera knows all these details to stream to so we can just click this little download button here and I'm going to save that onto my SSD that I've got plugged into my Mac here and then I'm going to plug that into the camera and import those settings so that's all saved now a very quick tip that I like to do you don't have to do it is if we actually open up that file that's just been saved on the SSD this is basically the streaming profile that the camera needs so it knows where to stream to one thing that I personally like to do is I like to change the name here because this is what will appear on the menu in the camera and I like to change it to something so if I'm using multiple profiles maybe this camera is actually throughout its lifetime sending to different TV stations I know which one's which so I'm going to call this my home atem TVs and I'm just going to put Alex on the end so I know it's mine I'm gonna click save on that again you don't need to do this this step if uh you know if you don't want to this is just a personal preference for me with that all saved I'm now going back to the atem software control and I need to assign where I want this camera to appear so you can see our drop down boxes are no longer grayed out and I actually want to put this camera this remote camera into input slot number three so I'm going to click the drop down list for that and I'm going to choose that new studio camera 6K Pro a in there and that is all we need to do for our atem software control setup now we need to just import the settings on the camera and start streaming plug your SSD directly into the camera and click on the settings icon in the top right hand corner go to the setup page and then scroll through all of the pages until you get to the streaming settings click on import settings and select the file we just created and click on import then we'll see it appear there we've got home ATM TVs Alex we've got the stream key at the bottom here and we can change the quality that we want to stream in also if you go to the next page make sure low latency is turned on then when we're ready just hit stream on you can see it starts streaming with the data rate now if we take a look at the multi-view for the atem TVs you can see that our remote camera is now appearing just below me in the camera 3 slot and you will have noticed there is a bit of a slight delay and that's because it is coming in over the network as opposed to a direct connection so what we're going to do next is a delay test over both the local Lan and over the public internet so that you can get an idea of what sort of delays you can expect when using remote cameras to see what the delay is between the two cameras I'm going to show a stopwatch on my computer screen here and I'm just going to try and Eyeball it on the screen but I can you can pause it to see exactly what the delay is between the two cameras so if we hit start there I'll make sure it's in screen of both and as I look over to the screen that to me looks less than a second I'd say somewhere around the 700 millisecond Mark or so now that is the delay over the local network let's do a test on what the delay is when the remote camera is going over the public internet I've now moved the camera outside it's no longer on my local network instead it is going and broadcasting over the public internet and to make it even harder I wanted to make this test as difficult as possible it's not using a wired connection to the Internet it's actually using my iPhone's 5G connection so it's about as tough a connection as you're going to get but yet you can see here on the multi-view it is stable I've got an iPad with a timer on it outside and I've actually got my computer again here with a synced timer so these two are in sync and we can see if I just eyeball the delay here wow it's actually a lot closer than I thought it would be it's still around the second Mark maybe maybe slightly under a second I think possibly will freeze the frame and see and I'll put it on screen but that is still incredibly impressive and as you can see there's no breakups or anything like that and that's over a 5G connection so the possibilities that this type of remote camera capabilities opens up is really really impressive and I'm looking forward to seeing how people will use it the final thing I want to mention about the remote camera function is even though your camera might be on the other side of the world sending its video and audio back via the public internet it still has a two-way connection with the switcher so that means the camera is sending back audio and video to the switcher but the switcher is also sending to the camera ancillary data so you still get the ability to have a tally light so when the director cuts to the camera no matter where you are in the world the talent and the operator behind the camera still sees the red light you get camera control and color calibration so again a colorist in a completely different country could be controlling that camera no matter where in the world it is and you also get return audio as well now there are a few little tweaks that I would like to see Blackmagic bring to the return audio because currently it's just sending back to the camera pure program output and the problem with that is let's say you have a reporter on the other side of the world standing there with a microphone and they've got their headphones plugged into the camera when they speak their audio goes down the microphone and then gets sent back to the switcher but because the switcher is returning pure program output to the camera as well it means that their microphone audio gets sent back to them with a delay which is obviously very off-putting so I'd love for Blackmagic to bring the option for it to be a mix minus of the program output that is returned to that camera so that you'd be able to speak and you wouldn't hear yourself back but you'd hear the rest of the program audio the other thing is you there is TalkBack included in this as well but right now it is only one way and that is from the camera to the switcher so the camera operator can talk to the director and the switcher but the director has no way of talking back I don't know if black magic are gonna change that I don't know if that's just a bug but these things are very new they've only just been introduced and Blackmagic have said that they are going to continue to develop them so hopefully this is a couple of things that we see change in the future this video is already getting super long and I could talk for hours more about all of the features in the atem TVs hd8i so but I want to kind of wrap it up by going back to the start where we were comparing the atem SDI extreme with the TVs model and so where do I think it makes sense for you to purchase one over the or the other or to use one or over the other the atem SDI extreme is obviously incredible in the fact that it is so portable it is small it is lightweight it still is feature packed and feature Rich it's a fantastic device to take or to use if you're going to be moving a lot from location to location and you still need that very powerful switch and I think that's where people will probably gravitate more to that switcher in things like smaller steps but where portability is key where you can put it in a bag or you can mount it in a little flight case and and have like something that just opens up as one package where you've got the screen and the atem I've seen a lot of those before but then turning our attention to the atem TBS I think that is where if you can afford the extra money it is well worth it because you get all of those additional features that I've spoken about in this video and they really do make a difference but also you get an incredibly powerful all-in-one and I think that's the key here whereas a with the extreme you do need a laptop to still do quite a lot of things you can do most of the things on the front face or actually on the device itself here and so this is very much and as I said earlier an all-in-one Powerhouse and it's got all the connectors that you need it's got everything you need and I see people using this for things like more permanent setup so if you're building a mini studio for let's say podcasts for uh big Live Events and conferences where you're not going to be moving this around too much even though it is still portable and you can put this in a flight case quite easily but for those more permanent setups this is going to be the one that you want to go for and I've got to say I've used well I think I've used every Blackmagic switcher so far that they've come out with this is easily one of my favorites that they've ever designed Blackmagic if you're watching this bring out a 16 double the number of inputs and hey take the take those aux outputs uh take those outputs and turn them into aux outputs but more importantly create a 16 input version of this and it will be your best seller just putting it out there if you've enjoyed today's video please do click the Subscribe button make sure you join me here for future videos about tech and broadcast kit also if you found this video useful please do give it a thumbs up it really helps YouTube then suggests the video to other people who might find it useful as well so I'd appreciate you just taking that if you've made it to the end just take a second hit that Thumbs Up Button also if you have any questions about either the atem TBS or the atem SDI or any other Blackmagic A10 models or any questions on today's video put them in the comments below I read through all of them and we'll reply to many of those as possible and if you need bespoke help on your setup drop me an email the email address is on screen now we can set up a one-to-one Consulting session with you maybe you're looking to build a studio and you've been looking at the atem TVs if you've got questions on it let me know pop me an email we can book in a one-to-one session and get those answered for you and once you've done all that guys I will see you on the next video
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 30,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio HD8 ISO, ATEM TVS HD8 ISO, ATEM TVS, television studio hd8, Blackmagic SDI Extreme ISO, sdi extreme, sdi extreme iso, best blackmagic switcher 2023, best atem 2023, atem tvs hd8 iso features, atem internal recording, blackmagic remote cameras, atem camera talkback, atem sdi extreme vs tvs hd8 iso, atem television studio hd8 iso setup, live production, alex pettitt, atem television studio, blackmagic design, remote production
Id: 4N1BEzgw0ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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