Astarion's Revelation Romance Scene - Part 3 in Act 2 [ Release Version BG3 ] #baldursgate3

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hey you yeah you I was right was right I was so right he really does care oh boy you guys this is going to be a huge bit of waxing poetic over a Starion so I hope you're ready for it this is the kind of thing only nerdy Ass Fans want to hear people like me who have spent more time than is probably healthy thinking about the feelings of pixelmen and of course my own feelings in response to them so I've got a doozy of a scene to go over here that I'm sure some of you have been waiting for this scene takes place in the second act not long after you finish his personal Quest involving Rayfield so if you don't want any spoilers you might want to take off until you've come across it in the game for yourself otherwise please continue on now I'm going to break this scene down for all of you so that it's easier to digest and talk about there will also be several alternative options presented as well after the initial clip that I show so let's take a look at what we've got here for astorian's third romance scene thank you do you have a moment I I think we need to talk something like that except not that at all look I had a plan a nice Simple Plan seduce you sleep with you manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me it was easy instinctive habits from 200 years of charming people kicked in all you had to do was full for it and all I had to do was not full for you which is where am I nice Simple Plan fell apart you're incredible you deserve something real I want us to be something real now this took me completely by surprise the first time I saw it it seemed like just another flirty occasion and normally when given the option to fish for compliments I will almost always take that option I mean who wouldn't want to hear kind words from a story in slips so picking talking about your undying love for me made total sense in that vein and at first when he answers he says something like that but not that at all which makes you feel kind of confused like huh but after seeing the whole scene and then you know going back and watching it again you know exactly what he means and this scene is like that you'll probably find yourself replaying it and recognizing more and more over the months and years like watching it again even a couple days later I really picked up on his reasons for seducing you everything he said first really stuck in my head you know like the bad parts like seducing me manipulating my feelings the things that would upset you right and then I thought well in most cases it would be to use me for something perhaps power and sway right but then he says it's so plainly here so I'd never turn on him and that's kind of nuts when you think about someone going to such lengths just to assure you wouldn't turn on them like damn I've got trust issues too but it's not the same well I basically expect people to turn on me but I don't go out of my way to keep people around who don't want to be there you know even still you don't ever actually want people to betray you it's just with enough experience you find that many people will and so I can relate a little bit there but I don't think I can come close to fully understanding in that sense because it's different from how I would treat the situation also I have to say it really gets to me how nervous he gets when he says it seduce you sleep with you manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me it was easy I mean he even nervously laughs as he says it like it must be really hard to come out and actually say this I I can't even imagine honestly I actually really empathize with him here I don't know how many other people would be okay with receiving a truth like this but I'm a pretty blunt person I usually just come right out and say some of the worst things just because it's true and it needs to be said I find much more honor in the truth even when it's a painful truth but often people are too scared to tell you the truth and they certainly don't like to hear it either it makes me feel good to be able to receive this confession though in the spirit that it was given you know and when he gets to the part where he says all he had to do was not fall for me I just about died like I mean I melted because I was so happy he actually cared and it made me feel so convicted in thinking that there could be something real between us and the look on his face when he says it is so perfect I mean just wow the mocap work here is so expertly done because it in conveys so much emotion and like I don't know how much of this is the the voice actor because I know he did mocap as well like they actually Mo capped him for a lot of this I mean and if it's like not just you know his his voice acting but actually his his expressions like if those expressions were actually caught with the mocap and not just the Bodywork then that's crazy good I mean because his nervousness like it you know he's all over the place here like his demeanor has completely changed and he starts getting nervous again as he starts talking about how Tav is incredible and how he wants you both to be something real I mean I call this in part two of his romance series didn't I I said wait here let me just pull up a quote a starian just strikes me like that type of guy who desperately wants to be in love but has used honks and attraction as a tool for so long and even been used as a tool himself for so long that he's forgotten what being cared for by someone really means maybe he's never even experienced it at all in his life and have will not just be his first blood but also his first love boom am I good or am I good or am I good it's like I'm some sort of soothsayer when it comes to pixel men okay okay I'll stop gloating but seriously this is perfect this is exactly what I expected so of course I urgently replied you know so do I more than anything because that is legit true and me and Tav are seeing eye to eye a lot with this man so let's watch the next part here and now what really looks like and not after 200 years playing the rank close to someone any kind of intimacy was something I performed to lure people back The Hidden even though I know things between us are different being with someone still feels tainted still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing I don't know how else to be with someone no matter how much I'd like to I thought it was possible that he was holding back because he was a vampire maybe there was some sort of carnal lust that kicked in when he was feeding you know but after hearing him say that being with someone intimately felt tainted I'm now realizing that he was not happy in that original moment when we first got together and I have to say that makes me feel a little weird why well because you know Tav is not some creep I'm not some creep I thought he was into me legitimately and it's not like any of us did anything wrong here you know but it still kind of feels like we did does anybody else feel that way or is it just me and I have to say it does hurt a little to think that it was painful for him then so much so that he wasn't even into it and hearing him talk about feelings of disgust and Loathing it's worrisome like is he ever going to feel right about it it also sucks to be compared to all of these negative experiences he had when I thought the Act was between two caring people and that it should be a beautiful connection of our souls you know passionate and fiery and yet I can't deny him his feelings either because everything he said makes sense you know 200 years of bad behavior that he wasn't even fully in control of you know how much of it was him and how much of it was kazador that has to leave its mark on you you know do you even have any kind of autonomy at that point do you ever get to consider doing something that you want to do or is it just something casadore wants you to do maybe you try to enjoy it as much as you can or at least tell yourself that you enjoy it so that it doesn't eat you apart so much so you can make it through another day and then all of a sudden you're free from it actually free and you find yourself doing the same damn thing again it's got to be infuriating but really none of it matters because the truth of it is regardless of how he's felt this whole time is that I was head over heels for him as were most of us so the first response has really got to be I care for you deeply like this was real for me I'm not sure how to take what you just told me but I'd like to at least try you know [Music] really [Music] you you're full of surprises aren't you honestly I have no idea what we're doing all what comes next [Music] but I know that this is nice his response is kind of stoic as he just says really and I imagine him thinking just like that he probably wasn't thinking this would go over so well now I've got to say I've tried a lot of these other options and I do prefer one in particular but the very first time I saw this scene I don't know why I just thought it would be best to show him how I felt with the tadpole powers and afterwards he looks incredibly touched I kind of wish the narrator would have told us what he what we were showing him but it must have been pretty good to elicit that kind of a response and I like being able to surprise him in a good way tav's arm is freaking out and broken backwards for some reason but I'm trying to ignore it so I can hear what happens next he's so adorable as he lets go and just goes with it saying I have no idea what we're doing or what comes next and I can relate here too because that is legit how I've lived my life and one of my favorite things about dating when I was younger was that Carefree abandon like putting yourself out there and connecting with someone else sometimes it went poorly but sometimes it went so well and it was just such a good feeling to you know have the guts to be there with someone else and tell them how you feel this scene is bringing a lot of those memories back for me and when he reaches his hand out all of those worries I've had are falling away like this this is nice I love his Expressions again as the camera pulls away and I'm just completely flabbergasted by it all like holy guys which has happened now I've got to show you something else that's going to make you melt all over again and that's the option to hug him [Music] you you're full of surprises aren't you you wouldn't think that such a simple action one where you're not even using any words would be so impactful but it surprised me how much it affected me it's all expertly done body language and it's a treasure to watch and analyze it Tav just walks up to him it's like look it's okay give me a hug and he is backing up like what the hells are you doing that look on his face it's like startled confused and even worried all at once his arms go out almost like he wants to push you away but then he just stops he looks around for a moment like what do I even do this wasn't supposed to happen she was supposed to hate me and when Tav persists he slowly loosens up you know letting his shoulders down first and then finally his hands reach out and hesitate before finally embracing her fully and the look of just utter peace and serenity here on his face is just oh it's so good and then Tav pulls away with that smirk and a Starion is just dumbstruck as am I I love it I just thought it was beautiful and I will say my only complaint is that I kind of wish that Tav didn't pull away so quickly but it was like pure Bliss while it lasted picking some other initial options like are you all right show us a little more about how he feels coming into this talk too oh yes I'm fine I just feel awful if he didn't care he wouldn't feel awful now Woody all the different choices just give you a pretty good overall feel on where he's coming from even though this scene was a little confusing for me emotionally like I mentioned earlier how it made me feel like I had done something wrong even though I really hadn't I just I'd never considered with how flirty he was that he was deep down hating it all but at the same time he had to tell me because otherwise the whole thing between us is a lie and even though it kind of hurts to think of myself as a source of pain to him well sometimes it has to hurt if it's to heal Mega nerd points if you actually remember that scene from your youth so it's good he got it off his chest and I'm not sure where we're going from here but if he needs some time to sort it out then we'd be total jerks if we didn't let him have that time right I will warn you even though it might sound tempting in terms of giving him space don't pick the sounds like what you really need as a friend not a lover option because his response is darling but it will stop the romance it is a good option to pick if you would like to pursue another romance and keep your friendship with a Starion though but if you want to keep going which you definitely should then don't pick it and then there is another option that I would strongly suggest against picking two but it's even more misleading in terms of choosing what you might think you are versus what you actually are picking I honestly considered whether I should even put it in this video because it's really bad and is probably going to set some people off But ultimately I figured it shows some insight into what's going on in his head and how he's feeling even if the choice came off entirely different than what I expected and made me feel like an awful freaking person the choice is you should learn to enjoy punks for your own pleasure and should enjoy it with me I feel like this line is a little confusing though especially when you read it wrong I read this as you should have honks for yourself looking at it again though it's worded strangely and I should have known better this scene really bothered me like a lot but for the sake of showing you the scene I will try to endure this pain But I'm warning you it's horrible it reminds me of that one option that you could pick when a Starion had the dream about kazador where he used to completely flip out on you fulfill my need to hear you scream and I remember feeling the same way like I don't ever want to see that that scene again so with that warning let's take a look at what happens I suppose it has felt different with you I suppose if this is what you want then I shall provide yeah foreign it's almost funny it's all a game to you isn't that what's up what I say it doesn't matter [Music] not if you get what you want I didn't know how to say no but I do now for as long as I can remember I've been used by others controlled puppet it for someone else's pleasure but not anymore what have we had would have whatever this was it's over uh-huh I'm instantly upset and wondering what the heck is going on like I wasn't trying to tell them to put out right away not at all but that's apparently what Tav said and now I'm stuck with having to see this heart crushing scene his expression here just guts me though like you can see right into his head and tell exactly what he's thinking from that look alone I was actually kind of shocked that it cuts away to another scene entirely though where Evil tab has apparently taken what she wanted and left poristarian to dwell thinking about all of the things that are wrong in his life mainly Tav he honestly looks so heartbroken and twisted here before he just sighs heavily and proceeds to rip my heart out this whole scene is honestly just too much I absolutely hated it and I never asked for this I never asked for this but can you even imagine how he must feel he's just bared his soul to you which took a lot of courage in and of itself and what does Evil tab do just says you know what screw how you feel let's do it right now ugh and honestly the responses here are all pretty awful if you wanted to play an evil game these are all your options if you have something to say say it wow and don't tell me was it bad for you there there was only one option to try and remedy this mess as far as I was concerned and that was the are you all right option but nothing is going to fix the scene if you've gotten this far so just don't even try but what really guts me is when he says it's almost funny and that it's all a game to me I mean this whole track of lines is horrible the thought of even putting him through it all and myself for an option that I didn't originally think was going to be this bad it's just and once again I picked the only thing I could of course not it hurts to even hear you say that and then he says he didn't know how to say no which is just more gutting I don't think I have any guts left by this point you want to feel like the worst pile of crap in the world just find your way to the scene on your own even just watching it again is making me feel awful all over listening to him talk about how he's always been used and puppeted for someone else's pleasure and now Tav is doing the very same thing but as I said it does sort of serve a purpose even if it's the worst ever because seeing it go down made me feel like I wanted to protect him even more you know like I never want to be the source of pain again if I can help it and any accidental choices must be rolled back because this is unacceptable he ends up breaking it off with you and there is nothing you can do about it even if you say you're sorry he says it's too late I feel really bad for anyone who went into the scene and picked the wrong option without having a backup save and as far as I'm concerned I've made the video and showed you the potential outcomes here but I am never going to pick that choice again it will forever be treated like a festering plague so I'm going to pretend it doesn't even exist now and wrap up my thoughts on the good part of the scene the good outcome and that should be the start of something real with a Starion one where he actually tries to care about you in the best way he can and isn't just pretending I mean even though he states he doesn't really know how to be with someone I think he's shown a lot of growth already in simply being able to confess these very vulnerable feelings to Tav and it's obvious he already cares so much like yes he's initially saying he manipulated you but he's also saying he fell for you and that's incredibly scary to him like this is a man who's been dominated by fear for so long that I can't even imagine how overwhelming how intimidating it must be to actually feel something real and then still be left with the remnants of having honks being tainted by all those years of messed up servitude with Cazador but I do like where it ends you know with possibilities that you guys could be off to something real and Lasting and he doesn't shove off all intimacy even reaching out to hold your hand in the end which I think is a sign that things will be repaired that he will be able to engage with you again but that he's going to need some time and that's reiterated more when you talk to him and Camp after the scene where you now have the option to kiss him and you can do this whenever you want however many times you want Can't Get Enough oh delicious and it's such a simple thing but I really appreciate stuff like this I remember I used to have mods in Dragon Age Origins just to do the same thing and there were even little trips around Camp you could take for different sneak away flirts and romances so I'm happy to see it here without you know having to mod it but I do hope to see mods as well and I'm also happy he's not completely shutting down on you either it shows he's still interested and still wants to keep you close and I was happy to see that we hadn't completely severed our intimacy and for those of you who might think I have a one-track mind it's not that at all to me honks is actually a very intimate act in and of itself I mentioned earlier that it's a connecting of Souls and I meant that so not having any intimacy at all feels like you've been severed from that other person and this proves that's not the case you can also ask him what are we to you I don't know but isn't it nice not to know you're not a victim not a Target not just one night it's better to forget but then whatever in the world you be and even when you ask him he can say a couple of different things but my favorite is probably this one us I still love the sound of that ah who's such a dork so that's about it for the Act 2 romance there are some other scenes here and there that I want to make some quick videos for but overall you'll start to notice that a starian will be more assertive and direct with you about what he wants and what he doesn't want you're gonna have to start thinking about what direction you want him to take in this game too because I'm pretty sure the choices you make even as early on as Act 2 will affect his outcomes in act three I'm gonna work on getting the rest of the Act 2 scenes out for you all though so that we can move on to act three and I'm so excited to go over it all as I'm sure most of you are at least I hope you are if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing as there is going to be a huge slew of new bg3 content coming out over the next few months possibly years I mean there's a lot thanks to my patreons for the support and if you'd like to help support the channel too and get access to the private Discord and a whole other chunk of content on patreon then head over and make a pledge I'll see you guys later
Channel: Mmogurl
Views: 43,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmogurl, astarion romance, astarion romance guide, astarion approval, astarion approval guide, bg3 astarion approval guide, bg3 astarion romance guide, latest, launch, astarion romance thoughts, commentary, whole scene for act 2, astarion confession, revelation, tells the truth, all the outcomes, astarion, #bg3, #baldursgate3, #astarion, romance guide, how to increase approval, how to get astarion's romance scene at camp, astarion romance scene, launch version of astarion's romance, bg3
Id: I1izTfFLQ4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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