Astarion Really Hates All of My Choices at the Circus - Act 3 Romance [ Release Version BG3 ]

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hey guys I'm so anxious to get to a starians quest with Cazador but I thought it might make sense to actually roll out the content in the order I completed it in especially in case people want to try and figure out how to recreate my path once they see some of my outcomes later so pretty early on in act three you get the chance to go to the circus and while there is a ton of hilarious stuff going on there there is one romantic scene in particular that is worth mentioning I'm also going to warn this very character that offers the scene has spoilers so if you haven't gotten this far in the game make sure you don't mind ruining it for yourself if you're gonna keep watching so there is a dryad on the circus grounds named zathino and when you approach her she will mention that you're in love agreeing that you are indeed in love with someone will give you the option to bring along that person for an intimate encounter where she will test the strength of your relationship I was really excited at the prospect of seeing what she had to say about a Starion but I would have thought he'd hate this sort of thing I was actually really surprised when he just went along with it like it was nothing oh my love how could I say no he almost sounds excited about it almost but that's probably just my own wishful thinking either way I appreciate him going along with it because I love this sort of thing zathino will whisk the two of you away to a beautiful waterfall where Tav stands at one end of a log and a Starion at the other the idea is for you to get closer to him and you do that by answering the dryads questions about him correctly and by now Astorian is actually looking pretty skeptical about this whole thing and probably wishing he hadn't agreed to it so this encounter was a little different from what I expected I'm gonna play my first time through it for you and you can see how miserably I failed at picking what he wanted to hear between you so tender so fragile but do you see it for yourselves a Starion a tumultuous past hides behind the heart is fraught so let us begin with the joyous when is he happiest excuse me I've been happy thank you very much I'm not right now but whose fault is that all affections face their trials Urban Quivers but it does not yet break many things slice the heart but only one makes it sing tell me what does he desire more than anything you're not wrong but do we need to tell every stranger we meet our business song but now we must dig deeper into the most painful reaches of the spirit fear sits in the soul of all to tame it we must name it a Starion what is his deepest fear oh I like that answer yes let's go with that you betray yourselves a bombs based on lies will one day be severed well that was a disaster can we call time on this fast please your bond is false and I know why because your heart belongs to another I've got to say my biggest complaint about the scene was how it actually made me feel like I didn't know a Starion very well and after winning his approval over and over for the past few years in Early Access and even in the full game I'd like to think I'm a bit of an historian expert by now and I also thought we were taking this whole thing seriously but it seems he comes into it pretending to go along but not actually wanting to be serious perhaps it's because someone else is there and he doesn't wish to be vulnerable in front of them that could definitely make sense but it still left me feeling a little I don't know blah about how my initial scene went and then finding out what the good answers were after the fact it was just like I was a little disappointed this is a case of me wanting to be honest though and him wanting desperately to hide the truth I kind of agree with atheno at the end here where she basically says a bond based on lies will one day be severed I don't like the I basically have to make light of everything just to get his approval here and I kind of thought we got past all that but I guess there's always setbacks when it comes to growth right so getting back to the questions she asked though the first one being when is he the happiest I answered what I thought was the truth you know that he probably hasn't been happy in a very long time because none of the other answers really felt right he did not like that answer and just went off on the defensive getting pretty pissed and saying he's been happy and he's unhappy now because of me it was pretty brutal and I was just sitting there gritting my teeth like damn the next question was about what he desires most and I thought that answer was pretty clear too like duh he wants his freedom right he even replies that it's true but gets upset about me telling every stranger about his business and actively disapproved which goes along with what I said about not wanting to have this discussion in front of someone else but then why agree to it in the first place either way I'm not doing too well on this run guys in fact I think I'm gonna crawl up into a ball and cry I've done so poorly the last question was what is his deepest fear and by now I'm beginning to understand that he doesn't want me to give serious answers because otherwise I would have picked the part about feeling like a slave to someone else forever but instead I picked most things fear Him actually and he liked that response a lot and I even gained some approval back but it still felt kind of bad because I was forcing myself to be a certain way that didn't necessarily feel right I'm trying to work on helping him fix all of this fakeness and not wanting to enable it there are times when you're both like cracking jokes and it's funny but this isn't one of those times it was also pretty heart-wrenching when he called the whole thing a disaster and a farce well maybe it wouldn't have been darling if you had been a little more honest he never even meets me in the middle and just takes off leaving me to feel like chopped liver tab even makes this exasperated look to really hit the lameness home he didn't really make a lot of sense why she said our bond is false either and that my heart belonged to another I mean I had romanced Gail up until the point when I had to choose and I picked Astorian so maybe she was picking up on that and trying to say I was still in love with Gail but then I finally understood that it was just an orange trick so at this point it becomes more about the story and less about your love interest but there was this brilliant line from Astorian that cracked me up to no end it's not enough we have a gallery of villains to look out for but now we could be infiltrated by a shape changer I can't even tell if any of you acting strange because you've been replaced or because this group is full of weirdos and squeaking his voice is just great and one of the many reasons we all love Neil now you're probably wondering how does the scene go if you actually say everything right well of course I had to go back and try to fix things even if his initial response did bum me out big time so here are some answers that seem to net the best response let's take a look guilty as charged sometimes literally hear how your bond thrums with pleasure strong vital pulsing with affection many things Delights the heart but only one makes it sing tell me what does he desire more than anything oh yes yes please the sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue but now we must dig deeper into the most painful reaches of the spirit fear sits in the soul of old Sheamus we must name it a Starion what is his deepest fear huh well when you look this good well you were right every time I almost wish you hadn't been but uh you do know me close you close your fruit only one face haunts your dreams each night close your eyes sweetness and she will come to you so in terms of what makes him happiest being elbow deep and Gore Nets a positive response and I actually laughed at what he said he was very cheeky about it in terms of what he desires most Revenge seemed to go over pretty well and by now he seems almost excited at the thought of all these good choices I'm making which is a far shot better than I did in the first round for the last question what his deepest fear is obviously you know the line about how most fear Him does well but breaking a nail is pretty funny too it just doesn't give any approval at this point Astorian actually joins me on the log telling me I was right every time and that I know him pretty well zathino makes a comment about how you're too hearts beating a perfect Rhythm but uh it still feels kind of bad because we just lied our way through the whole thing I mean if it was a game to see how full of we could be then we'd both be winning I also picked up on the part where he said he almost wished I hadn't been right it feels a lot like he's reverted back to act one historian where everything was a disguise a fake but by now we've broken down some pretty serious walls especially from the confession scene in act two so it does feel like a bit of a setback in your relationship if you were actually working on making him less of a megalomaniac like I was in the end it's still a fun scene I always love when you get extra commentary on your choices and games especially when it comes to romances when my companions used to have party banter and Dragon Age Origins about my relationship with Alistar he used to crack me up especially win this is a step up from that because there's this whole encounter involved I just wish it had been based more on my actual choices up until that point with astarian in our relationship instead it seems like this is a one size fits all bit of a Starion dialogue that they hoped would work for everyone's game it's not too lovey it's not too evil and definitely Rings true to how a starring acts when you first meet him which is confusing because could you ever imagine him going along with doing something like this in the first place back then and then saying oh my love how could I say no because I could actually imagine him not wanting to do that at all so it's cool but it's also kind of eh I wanted to talk about it though because ultimately I went forward with the good scene where I got everything right about him and who knows it might play a role in how the romance goes later so I thought it was at least worth documenting the Step In My astarian Romance Journey for you guys especially if you somehow missed it if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing as there is going to be a huge slew of new bg3 content coming out over the next few months possibly years I mean there's a lot thanks to my patreons for the support and if you'd like to help support the channel too and get access to the private Discord and a whole other chunk of content on patreon then head over and make a pledge I'll see you guys later
Channel: Mmogurl
Views: 15,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmogurl, #baldursgate3, #bg3, #astarion, act 3 circus, romantic scene with the dryad at the circus, zethino, druid, orin, fortune teller, take the love test with astarion, making all the wrong choices, what are the right choices at the astarion encounter, baldurs gate 3, astarion romance, commentary, thoughts, dryad scene, waterfall scene, romance scene. zethino, dryad, romantic scene, what is he scared of, and what is his desire
Id: burpEX83c0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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