The TRAGIC Life Of Anduin Wrynn

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the story of Ann's life in one video that's today's challenge listen on and you'll understand all that you need to know for World Soul Saga and you'll catch up on anything you've missed so this is anduin's story andwin was born into an era of Hope storman had just been rebuilt the ren line was squarely on the throne and varian's son was heir to All This Promise the honor the legacy of this Kingdom so much so that he was named after stormwind's greatest hero andin but tragedy struck early in his life when the stone Mason's Guild having recently not been paid for the repair of Stormwind following the wars sparked a riot tiffan and win's mother beloved by the people went before the riers trying to plead for a solution she was hit in the head with a stone she died varian's response was a cavalry charge on the riers and that day the defas Brotherhood was born and of course today's sponsor Bal gaming they love shipping new features and there's two that combine perfectly that I think you 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prestor was not a noble she was actually the black dragon anxia and along with nefarian she planned to take over the kingdom it was in fact her who had stopped payments to the stonemasons her who sparked the riots who's even to say she didn't guide the hand that killed tiffan Ren ania's goal at this stage was to sew chaos and weaken the throne her next step in this plan was the kidnapping of Varan Ren on his way to those peace talks these acts would of course Elevate andu into being the king make bolvar the Regent and allow her to get more control now the story of Aran Ren is truly massive today though we're focusing on anduin's perspective because in those early years it was him bolvar katrana and essentially Court life now of course over in Alor a gladiator going by L gosh had made a name for himself not that of course this would help our alliance cast much now as it stood anduin lost his father the kingdom was beginning to fray its social Fabric and institutions eroded by a black dragon plot one day just like that Varan returned to Stormwind the story provided was that the crown paid a massive Ransom in reality that Ransom went straight to katran more resources that she could use to undermine the kingdom something though was a miss this variant was different he was vain arrogant loose with coin loyal to katran prestor anduin hated this new version of his father begged him to change to actually help the people but he wouldn't little did andwin know the man in front of him wasn't the full Varian in fact after the kidnapping over in calor botched magic had divided him into two this man was a shade of Varian one whose Soul was sundered between everything Noble vicious and uncontrollable and everything weak Vain and easy to manipulate the noble vicious uncontrollable Varian went on to become Loos the Gladiator the other one the worst of Varian that is the man who returned home to be controlled by anxia and we knew something was was wrong but he was helpless what could a child do how would he even be believed by now the Kingdom's degradation was hastening things looked bad however one day another strange man named Loos styled after the wild God Goldin appeared a man forged in the gladiatorial pits of camor now reunited with his memories and ready to reclaim his kingdom Loos was Varan Ren he revealed katrana for the black dragon that she was slew her guards and forced her to flee but at the very last moment she kidnapped andwin and flew him to her Lair andwin did prove to be surprisingly wiy for a young Noble immediately Breaking Free and hiding around the lirer waiting for help help that would come in the form of both halves of Varan fighting side by side to free him and whenever Loos was seemingly about to be killed by a magical blow the other variant stepped in to take the blow Lo Goos did not want him to and tried to save him this led to both of them being hit and ania's Magic backfiring reuniting the two varians merging each copy sword to form Shaman of course the sword that anduin wields today and with that andwin had his father back with both sides reformed you would think he would be at ease but he was in fact not this new Varian was also disappointing to him fierce brutal warlike which of course makes sense think about the Loos side of his personality of course like many young boys trying to step out of their father's Shadow the young anduin defined himself as his father's opposite where Varian fought and brought war anduin made amends and fostered peace with the return of Varan and the reemergence of the Lich King bulvar and Varan left to fight in North Ren bolvar did not return of course believing him dead and doing was devastated of course bolvar had kept andan right in varian's absence had been somewhat of a father figure throughout those years by now though a somewhat older andumin was beginning to understand his father Varan that he wasn't an evil man that he did what he did for reasons that he deeply felt were right Varan in turn began to understand anduin Moore making him a diplomat for the kingdom and sending him to Iron Forge but secretly varing somewhat hope that the dwarves would put some iron into the young boy but in reality this is where Ann's long career of making friends and brokering peace would begin he grew close to Magny bronzebeard he was even there the day Magny was turned into a stone in an old earn ritual but the most important event was anduin's first contact with the light it was just a feeling at first but he felt the Destiny was calling him and he thought that Destiny was to be a priest of the Holy Light now with Magny being a gemstone Moira tharian leader of the Dark Iron Dwarves took over Iron Forge she pressed her son's rightful claim as emperor in a power play she took andwin hostage a move that enraged Varan so much that he broke into Iron Forge through the Deep Run tram and put a blade to moira's throat even as hostage andwin begged for peace defended Moira and pleaded that technically she was right and that Varian human King really had no right to do any of this and the sides backed down compromise ended up saving that day and the Council of the three hammers the ruling body of the dwarves to this very day was formed and this is our first big example of andwin helping to broker at peace andwin quickly became a diplomatic asset for Stormwind and as the cataclysm Drew nearer Varan was forging the alliance into a unified military the final component force to be folded into the new order were the Caldor and their new allies the drenai a summit was called in darnassus and anduin got to walk amongst azeroth's greatest there he found the prophet Von who stood in stark contrast to his father here was a man with ancient wisdom and a deep connection to the light by the end of the summit anduin refused to return to stormant he instead stayed with felon to study the life anduin spoke with the Naru in the exodar and was even visited by them in his dreams they told him that each life was a universe to protect and that became his belief that life should be preserved at all costs it will take some time but that idealism would eventually be beaten and reforged into a different take on the character of andwin still even for andwin Valen was too farsighted in the face of Deathwing and the many problems that faced Azeroth right now now all Valen could do was think about the burning Legion so andin took what he could from the prophet and returned to Stormwind Varan would continually push his son eventually sending him to the Twilight Highlands where andin revealed a Twilight's Hammer spiring operating in Stormwind it was no surprise overall to see anduin in places like War councils by the time that g was given command of the horde of course this faction War had been declared in unders city after put's betrayal at the wrathgate but it didn't truly begin until things properly broke down where this war truly began though was The Horde blockading the night Elven coasts of kalor but the ultimate blow in that war would be the bombing of theore after that Jana came to Stormwind she demanded that the alliance wipe all Orcs from the planet anduin of course argued against her even Varian did she called anduin a gullible child but this LED anduin and Varian to understand something number one they agreed number two with Jana they saw that even the very best could be Twisted by pain and as this war blossomed andwin diplomatic mission was run ground on Pandaria where he quickly got himself lost learning about the local culture Pandaria is where we began our hunt for the White Pond s7's code name for anduin and it's where players would start to meet and interact with the character a lot more he met ran white paaw immersing himself in Jade Forest life he'd gotten so involved that we had to take a dream Brew just to find him si7 demanded andwin return to Stormwind but anduin was his own man now mind controlling the si7 agents with his Priestly Powers he made his move giving them the slip determined to study the veil of Eternal blossoms for he felt his Destiny lay in these new lands andwin Journey wouldn't be easy he was taken by nzrm he fought the sh studied at the Temple of the red crane he brought the factions together to meet the August celestials work he soon felt was rather doomed with the arrival of Varian and the Alliance War Fleet on Pandaria because with patch 5.1 it was full war and as that war escalated the Sha thrived and Pandaria worsened andwin warns his father of this that the Sha feed off anger and hate but for Varian it was a different situation telling anduin he thought out of love for what was right not out of hate and while the Sha may have struggled to see that and all of his troops and perhaps andin didn't fully understand his father this was a lesson about the man that he would learn soon after the war escalated the Divine Bell enters the story this ancient artifact was very important to Pandaria but for andwin it would be a chance for heroism after a long storyline involving Jana purging dalaran and honestly a bit of a political thrill going on The Showdown happened gash was right about to ring the bell which would have Unleashed a sha Calamity andwin pleaded with him tried as hard as he could but failed seeing no other option andwin stepped in front of the Warchief and begged for an end to the madness striking the bell with the harmonic Mallet he managed to turn the chaos of gash into pure Harmony while gash's plan had been thwarted G didn't take the point he crashed the Bell down on andwin crushing him and fully believing it a killing blow letting us live so that we could go and tell Varan that his son was dead gash of course wanted Varan to get angry wanted him to start being rash and make mistakes andwin as we know survived he spent time in the tavern of The Mists healing his wounds where he would strike up a friendship with rathen a mysterious arrogant young black dragon fresh in the scene with strong opinions about where the world should go and despite being very different the two did form that friendship they were both smart they both held long conversations chewed the fat they got to know each other and through our time with rathen we would learn a lot we would see him eat the heart of Leen absorb a fragment of amanul and even alert us to the final Titan Azeroth to him as a black dragon all that mattered was saving the world unfortunately for us he was rather extreme and andwin would prove useful to his plan the alliance won a decisive victory at the siege of oramar in the throne room as Varan stared Down The Horde leadership he had a chance to end them anduin went to his sight begging for the hord's life Varan said he was going to do what a king must pragmatists may have argued to dismantle The Horde But ultimately what we saw is a Varian who had learned from his son this piece would broadly speaking last it only broke down at the end of the Legion but of course by the end of the Legion The Horde had a different Warchief with different goals clearly our story is that anduin rounded out his father's warlike edges whilst in turn anduin himself developed a will to fight gash of course was made to stand trial for his crimes and as one of his victims andwin took the stand when questioned andwin admitted he thought gash could change but that's not the only mistake he would make that day he also invited rathen to the trial and it was rathan who broke G out of chains split the timelines and sent him to dror to kick off the iron horde andwin never made it to dror he didn't take part in that but he was at the Forefront of Alliance diplomacy against the legion's return he didn't go to the broken Shore either rather he nervously waited to hear from Varan who along with Sylvanas was charging headlong into a suicidal attempt to stop the legion Varian died to fell guard Spears and gan's Magic andwin now was not only king of Stormwind he was also High King of the alliance the amount of responsibility on his shoulders was absurd faction war was not the immediate concern but with saris' defeat and the emergence of azerite everything changed the destructive potential of this new material spurred on fears the other side would weaponize it thrusting the world into a situ sitation that soon would spark into allout war a war that largely told via command table text was described as one of azeroth's most brutal no matter what andwin did during this time people died his decisions had consequences send a fleet to lorderon and The Horde can get zandalar tell tond to have caution get tasil burnt down many decisions he would make counsel he would give would feel right at the time but would only lead to death a of war was reflected in his advisers valon who taught him about the light but was perhaps too farsighted and cautious and gen who was a warlord turned wargan with anger issues those old men had some influence andwin though had his own way and throughout the war he used his knack for connection to bring peace the one thing was very clear to him Sylvanas felt a lost cause From anduin's perspective for no reason at what should have been a simple peace Summit to reunite human and forsaken families split by Arthur's actions she went ballistic and caused a Slaughter by the time we see the battle for lordon he's a resolved man someone who is comfortable in their armor and their Crown at the very least wears them aided by a sense of purpose this is an andin ready to fight the war because at this stage he knows sylvanis is evil he knows he needs to do what is right and that is when he met Sarang they were Worlds Apart varro was a veteran from Dr he drank the blood of manoro yet Varan still told his son that VAR Sarang represented the best of The Horde varac at this stage only wanted a noble death at the hands of the alliance but instead andu imprisoned him it took time but he broke through the old orc and when andwin secured that Bond he set Sarang free making sure Maas shaww changed Patrol paths and got guards drunk so that varac could make the slip Escape Stormwind and return to the horde hero the pair went on to lead a rebellion against Sylvanas that freed The Horde andwin reached across Decades of hatred and inspired Sarang to do what was right rather than just what he was honor and Duty bound to do Sarang sacrificed himself ultimately to show The Horde how hollow Sylvanas was and andu had carried his corpse into orar along with ran th and the best of what it meant to be The Horde in a way all brought together by anduin anduin took hard lessons from the war as an example sometimes that violence is necessary but with that came an obsession with Sylvanas from the alliance obviously many wanted her to face Justice andn had some opportunities but he thought that she could change she eventually fled to northr and when chased her his faith in the light may be put to the S side some void was even used by Alliance forces to torture innocent Orcs for information at the end of a novel we even see andwin have a flicker of void energy where otherwise you would have expected light from the young king priest he bent the alliance's military into finding her but while this was happening anduin was losing himself of course Sylvanas would not be found she made her way to bolvar she defeated the Lich King she shattered the hell and quite soon after andwin and others were kidnapped he was taken from where he thought he was safe in his own City at Lion's rest right by his own father's grave he was taken to tcast and put in shackles sylvanis in her own way was obsessed with anduin as well as it turns out andwin quite resembled her younger deceased brother but if she could break this idealistic young king then Azeroth could be hers so she thought but as much as she wanted that something inside her knew andwin light represented a hope she was not allowed to have and this is something she kind of hated maybe she wanted to Snuff it out maybe she wanted to steal it but what she didn't want was the Jailer to just control andwin with domination magic she actually thought she was right and she wanted to win him to her sight of course the Jailer a strange God creature who doesn't care about Mortal emotions just dominated him controlled him gave him a mourn blade put him into Rune armor that bound his body and sent him out to do his bidding andin Soul was torn everything good about him was taken from the Jailer suppressed the only thing that remained was the cold Thrill of the domination magic he was made to do horrible things but he was inside the whole time imagine a nightmare that feels completely real that you cannot wake up from and then imagine yourself doing horrible unspeakable things in that nightmare being horrified disgusted at what you You' done but actually feeling a sense of power from it and a little bit of you liking that power that is what happened to Andaman and that completely destroyed his confidence and his self-perception of course we would free andwin Sylvanas was free she had her trial she was banished to the m but before leaving the shadowlands andwin Met Her One Last Time even after everything that was done to him the trauma fresh in his mind he did something that only andwin could do he empathized with her position after the feeling of experiencing domination magic and knowing that the only thing that awaited Sylvanas was eternal damnation in the M he actually empathized with her her actions were wrong but he still saw the wounded afraid woman under all the Banshees Bluster and while it was bya different means we should also remember that she was living under a similar situation to vian's father all those years ago as Varian was split into two people someone with ego who was bad with money who was arrogant and then someone who embodied yes many of varian's great tropes but also his capacity for having a vicious warlike nature neither Varian was complete so it seems obvious that andwin would understand this about Sylvanas but even with that andin felt he couldn't return to life he left the throne turned away from Gan and Bane as well as everyone he had forged bonds with he was rumored to be staying in taverns he was spotted in various locations but clearly did not want to be found then the vision started not long after the defense of Amir dril a voice began to call out from the heart of our world a voice that eventually would drive him to sthus where he would meet thr and where Destiny would step back into his life setting us up for the world Soul Saga and the new more grisled struggling through his problems anduin that we see in the key art for the war within and with that we have our one video summary of the story of andwin if you've not really known what's been up with this character if you missed an expansion or two if you're a newer player to the game you don't know the old lore from the comics like with Varian split I hope today's video is been enjoyable and helped you understand what's going on in the game so that's it for me thank you very much for watching if you want to see some more lore I think you should check out this one it's about all the stuff you need to know before we enter the next expansion from a lore perspective and I think you'll enjoy it okay I'll see you over there [Music] [Music] goodbye
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 100,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the war within, wow the war within, wow world soul saga, wow lore, warcraft lore, anduin wrynn, anduin, story of anduin wrynn, wow lore 2024, wow story 2024, bellular, bellular lore
Id: I5xeHs9LpOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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