Assumptions About Us - SimplyPodLogical #49

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[Music] hey what's up super simpson welcome back to another episode of simply pod logical a simply nailogical podcast hello today's episode is brought to you by oats sorry you may have heard that they have a new flavor a collaboration with the one and only simply nailogical it's called mint chocolate chip cookie we might be biased but it's probably their best most delicious flavor we're not biased it is objectively the best flavor ever there you go menchie a big thank you to the team at oats overnight everything went really smoothly this weekend thank you to all you guys who checked it out we've already sold out of the limited edition branded blender bottle yeah but not the oats so the oats are still available you can still get my custom flavor mint chocolate chip cookie so good you can still get them um now on the website we'll put it down below oats simply and you just get a different cup now that's all that means that's right but the flavor's still flavor's delicious yeah can't wait to hear what you guys think about it yeah that was so fun coming up with an oats collab you want to tell people like how long this has been in the works at all or talk about the background to it at all i know you talked about it a little bit in the video but uh yeah sure and i think people have kind of wondered like how did this come about you're the nail polish girl what so if you guys have been listening to our podcast for some time like you'll remember that towards the beginning we had already started doing like sponsorships for oats overnight but even before our podcast i already enjoyed oats overnight like they'd reached out to me a year and a half maybe two years ago over a year ago you made that video about making it and it was after that they reached out to us because i guess their social media got flooded with comments about you so they just sort of reached out to say hi asked if you wanted to try the product that led to us doing ad reads on this podcast when we first started back in the spring or summer because we just genuinely liked the product too right yeah and then very quickly the conversation turned into like hey maybe there's an opportunity to do something here and then i kind of noticed like you guys don't have a mint chocolate type flavor like what's going on here because i've always told my audience and i've always loved making my own mint chocolate chip cookie kind of mix oats i know you guys have known about that and asked for my recipe and as i said in my simply video you don't need the recipe now because it's basically this except this is much easier because you just open the pack dump it in and have it the next morning you don't have to mix anything except milk yeah it's too bad our plan was to hopefully go down to their oat factory at some point we still would like to but uh just didn't make sense right now so it was a lot of emails and meetings and uh samples of flavors being shipped to us here so like mid last year they were sending us different flavors and then there was different variants or options or tweaks like more cocoa powder here or less there and so we we made a few tweaks but they're the experts at making food right not us so i didn't have as much feedback to give than i do on like a hollow taco prototype for example where i just have that knowledge base for for me here it was just like what's in it is it good does it taste good but it was super fun to do this and i know it's kind of maybe a bit risky to do a branded collaboration that's outside of what people expect from you so like no one really knows me as like i don't know a breakfast sales person and an outfluencer but um it worked out so well i'm so happy to see you guys love it and you're really excited and i'm excited for you guys to eat it eat it eat those this might be the it's you know you're a pioneer this might be the first oat sponsorship i am the world's first oat fluencer again if you want to check that out it's oats simply thank you thank you oats thank you thank you all right this isn't the oat podcast uh but it could have been we could just talk for an hour about oats would you rather do that yeah uh we asked people what their assumptions are about us this is a meme you see this sort of thing on instagram a lot like uh it's basically another way of doing a q a but uh we thought it might be more interesting to do it with the podcast audience and get some different sort of questions that way so i've done this once on my simply analogical channel maybe two years ago but in that kind of video all my answers are quick cut kind of jokey and maybe i just like gloss over something because that's just the nature of you know that kind of youtube content so the chance to have a more real conversation about it for sure all right let's just jump right into it i'm scared ben prepared these questions all right first one from kelsey paul new episode of simply pod logical brought to you by simply times overnight oats thank you in case we forgot uh i assume you both don't like being noticed in public when you're doing regular errands well christine doesn't do regular errands i don't i don't go in public actually it's been a long time since you uh i just go to the doctors which sounds really sad but like that's really the only place i've been going yeah i've been taking you to different allergy tests and stuff like that yeah do you get recognized in those offices is that weird i did recently the rheumatologist doctor knew who i was like they're not weird about it they're just like are you are you simply they said something they didn't just give you a weird look no she said that and then she's like okay she like she just sometimes when you see someone you think you know you just want to ask them to confirm and it's not like out of creepiness or being rude you're just like am i doing like do i know yeah yeah so that's how she handled it well maybe you'll get better care if you tell them like i'm kind of i don't think she didn't yeah please fix me uh i'll say just uh when it does happen i i don't mind it i don't think you mind it uh like i'll still get us groceries i don't leave the house much either but like i'll be the one to do the essential traveling that needs to be done and the only thing i'll say is sometimes i feel a little bit of pressure like if i notice like a cashier notice me and know who i am sometimes i feel pressure like oh like am i supposed to be like funny and engaging when really like if i was just standing in line trying to buy like oat milk i wouldn't be like thinking i need to entertain the cashier right sometimes i feel like there's a little bit of pressure to like to be this might be kind of a moment for them and like if you're just like silent and quiet and boring they might just be like kind of disappointed yeah i think i'm the same way and that's why i might have been weird when i met you that explains it but um i think generally like i love when people have come up to me in the pre-covet era um i'm i always happy to take pictures uh but generally speaking i guess i am an anxious person so it's not my favorite thing to do to go out and get noticed like i definitely don't go outside to get noticed all right next one from haleywilliams42 i assume you drive expensive luxury cars just my seven ferraris that's right you drive lambos with the doors up right bent leaves that used to be the thing and we'd make fun of this right like a lot of youtubers as soon as they started making any amount of money would go out and buy like a two hundred thousand dollar car was it if they just like don't drive maybe if it's a lease there's a way of uh trying to justify it but i don't really think buying my ferrari or buying a car for someone can you write that off yeah i mean if you buy a car for a stranger and it's not like a family member or someone you know on arm's length anyway i'm not an accountant never mind ignore that part uh i mean i don't think we're going to say like the exact make and model of car we drive i would say like we don't have some stupid luxury car but we're also not driving like the cheapest cars available right yeah ben and i each have one car um i don't have a fleet of lambos or ferraris or anything that i think people associate with the youtubers cars i don't have a tesla um but you know we've upgraded our cars i no longer have my mazda 3 that was resting together i remember that it's falling apart yeah you have a great clip of that uh what was the video painting my nails in my car oh okay but there was some like intro where like you're holding a bag well i was i was making fun of youtubers who do like the check out my new car so i was just standing in front of my car that was rusting in the middle of winter and i'm like posing on the hood the check engine lights on the rust in the wheel wells yeah so that was no longer safe after some time of driving that car and it was just stupid so i did buy a nicer newer car but remember we also live in canada where it snows for like four months of the year so the idea of owning a lambo or ferrari or any of these high-end luxury cars just is not realistic for us and i also don't know like i would be too scared to drive it anywhere and i don't want to own a car that i'm too scared to take anywhere if you did want to spend like 200 000 on a car and you were the kind of person who would maybe i don't know like people buy those cars to either get noticed or because they want to drive them fast right yeah what would that car be yeah like i can appreciate you know the idea of having a dream car i guess i really like the audi r8 but i also know like am i gonna use it maybe a few months of the year but also i haven't even driven my own car now for months yeah because well it's it's winter and we just didn't even change like the snow tires on my car because we just go in ben's car if we have somewhere to go we're just generally not traveling places so there you go sorry it's not a very there will be no car but all right next one from uh mrs w vong uh i assume one or both of you have quit your day jobs or have cut your hours significantly uh so you can manage and run a successful ongoing business work on the podcast create content work out and have a few minutes left in the day to relax seriously how do you manage all of it do we have a few minutes to relax we don't relax that much uh i i don't think i've made this a secret i took some time off at the start of the pandemic thinking but not because of the pandemic no it was a coincidence and it kind of threw my plans uh anyway i haven't been at work for quite a few months now i'm going to go back to work next month next month yeah on a part-time basis and i think moving forward working part-time for the government is the way of making this work i almost wish they could just give me a demotion too so like i didn't have quite the same level of responsibility like could you just pay me a little less so i have a little bit less responsibility uh are you in the how are you feeling chris you've still been working i have still been working and i've always got questions on my snapchat are you still working for the government and i think that's because people aren't seeing my office because we're not physically there so i am still working on a part-time basis at my same crime statistics job um both of us have been part-time for a while now though like we've reduced our hours i guess like part time is a weird word to use because we're still permanent employees but we've reduced our hours so that's kind of how it's looked at in the public sector anyways but people think i've just like quit because there's no videos of my nails in the elevator or there's no like me at my desk like taking weird snaps or the fire alarm going off that i used to snapchat but yeah we are working from home and that seems to be the the future for the time being for now for any government workers at least where i am it seems pretty unlikely that people will be going back into the office at all in 2021 with like some very few exceptions of very essential things that have to be done in a workplace maybe yeah and some people love that because maybe they've enjoyed staying home not having to travel in the winter like that's been great for some people don't not having to take the transit in a snowstorm but for other people who have families at home or who run other things out of their house like me it's it is very difficult personally um i would much rather be in my office which is one of the main reasons i've said before that i really like my job is because i like the switch of you know doing my nail stuff and my silly videos at home and then going to a professional corporate office and putting in my analytical work now i don't have a professional corporate office i'm i'm just doing it at my desk yes full of nail polish yeah and i don't think you're alone in how challenging that's been right a lot of people have trouble a lot of people don't want to work their job from there as much as it sounds convenient to be able to work from home i think a lot of people are finding that to be very challenging because they really associate their space with what they do absolutely so yeah i think our attitude over time has also sort of changed on like we're proud of the fact that we've maintained regular jobs and especially for you i think it's not lost on us that you've been a role model of someone who you know can be goofy youtuber but also have the serious professional career so there is a little pressure in that regard i guess because uh it's really hard to juggle all of those things and give the right amount of attention to all those things yeah so like in a perfect world like taking this year off from the government has been really great for me and has allowed us to catch up on a lot of stuff we should have been doing just like on a personal level too and run this podcast and running a lot of things right and i i guess we just didn't know how long internet stuff would last when when this first sort of happened to like like in a perfect world we would be more focused on internet stuff now and you know more focused on government serious career later on maybe and kind of go back to it yeah i kind of see i always thought maybe it'd be the same pattern as people who you know go on maternity leave or have a number of kids so they're kind of like take some time off start their family and then they go back to work and that's kind of how i thought maybe my internet career and um public sector work balance would play out like maybe i'd reduce my hours significantly take a bit of time off be at the height of my internet career and then my internet career would kind of fade out but it's been since it's been six years of internet career five five to six years so it hasn't really happened the way i thought it was which i guess is a good thing like we are grateful i am grateful that i'm still here on the internet and people still want to watch me but it's um it was just unpredictable i guess it's hard to say and it is a lot of work and i i know for sure and i can admit that it is not sustainable to like for the rest of my life i'm saying like for now i can deal but i'm 32 years old i don't know how much longer i can continue to do multiple channels all these promotions hollow taco working on my government stuff part time as well like it's a it's a lot yeah i don't want to let you guys think like it's no problem i'm fine um yeah yeah as much as we said like that example of you know being able to do those multiple things is good and you've been a role model in that sense we also don't want to be a role model of just like like working yourself to death or overworking and how you know like western culture seems to i think there's too much emphasis on just work and like hard work and isn't it great when you see like an old person working and i'm thinking just like like no like there you need a balance in your life life shouldn't be working 80 hours a week life should be a little bit about vacations too maybe yes man all right that's a work in progress uh next question from sarah mahoney i assume you will work for statistics canada until you're tired of being present on social media then you will retire from both and then forever be on vacation i guess we just sort of touched on this right it's almost the opposite it's if we could just devote more attention to internet stuff now and i think we see more of a doing stat can and government work like it's still fulfilling and stuff we could do in our 30s or 40s how old are we like where do what do you see yourself doing when you're 48 i think i see myself on a beach okay ben but like i'm probably not making you know simply and illogical videos at my desk reacting to things when i'm 48 i mean who knows like i also don't say never um but i first see myself just being a little more quiet and reverting back to the desk christine oh dear and maybe that's not just government work maybe it's more like hollow taco brand stuff but a bit more behind the scenes maybe i don't know maybe who knows we don't have to decide yeah we don't have to decide yeah and that's a very that's a liberating that is the luxury we have and the thing i feel the most fortunate in life due to the financial success from being on the internet is that when we do make these decisions we know they're making them because we just get to decide what we want to do not out of uh financial necessity yeah and not out of grade just out of what we actually want yeah uh next one from chelsea i assume you guys keep your financial incomes from your government jobs separate but split the youtube income evenly i don't know how much we want to get into this you know but uh what i do want to say is so like very early on when you started making money on the internet and i sort of helped you you know like good advice to anyone who starts making money on the internet is like find an accountant and or a lawyer to help you figure out like how to set up your business and how you want to pay yourself and maybe pay other people who help you out with the business paying taxes as a business how to pay taxes what you can and can't write off but i think it was really important to us early on uh that we set things up in a way where you never had to question uh we really wanted to protect your interest simply nailogical is your baby it's your thing i never wanted you to think that like i was in it for the money or anything so things were set up in a way very much to protect you yeah uh i am very well compensated by the business we make a lot of decisions to pay ourselves an income just based off like what our expenses are that year or just what makes sense from a tax perspective too but uh in a lot of ways and maybe this is a good recommendation like you don't want to have to think your partner has like a financial interest to stay in a relationship exactly right yeah and i think that's the important point here and with respect to our other finances like yeah it's the same as when we met we both have our own bank accounts and our government income goes into our respective bank accounts yeah but that's like whatever works with you right like i know couples who share a bank account and that makes sense for certain expenses and it's just whatever works for you right we have a joint account too but we also have our solo accounts and we're not the type of people who are like our bic ring over like i paid for the groceries we've literally never done that and sometimes we'll be like how can we never argue about money like it's weird it's the most common reason people people argue or divorce i think right yeah because we're lucky we are lucky or because you're not with me for the money maybe not maybe just a little bit next one from elizabeth i get the vibes that christine uses an electric toothbrush and ben uses a regular toothbrush confirm or deny christine deny christie we both use i tried using electric tooth yeah i tried to i couldn't do it something yeah i don't like it's just weird i'm more i don't know i'm not into it but i yeah we gotta call christine out though for if you saw her toothbrush like i showed it on snapchat once i can't even remember why and all the comments were like why do you chew your toothbrush because i chew it why do you why do you don't who taught you how to brush your teeth like i am brushing just for all those concerned i'm brushing all the areas you're supposed to but in the middle of brushing i guess i'm chewing it so the bristles will flare kind of out to the sides and then i need to change my toothbrush more often yeah just really hungry i should eat more else all right next one from senna uh i assume ben worries that christine is overworking herself do you worry about me uh yes i do i do worry about that uh next question uh simply teological says what up simply i assume christine secretly wishes she could get a vacation is this true christine have you been dreaming about vacation not right now no i don't want to go anywhere i mean sometimes i fantasize about what would it be like if i just actually did nothing for next week what would that be like because i just have no concept of doing that and i fantasize about the idea of like what would happen and then you know i think like well this person would be disappointed this would fall through and this would come would fall apart so then i'm like yeah okay never mind actually yeah we've argued about vacationing before obviously this is a joke people probably know this but like uh it's not that you don't want to go on a vacation it's that your mindset is when i get back from having done nothing i have to do more there will just be more stuff i haven't done and my timelines will have advanced all of a sudden but you understand if you look at your entire life that way like there's always going to be stuff you could do so you what just never take a break but it's not that we've had this same argument this is us arguing when i if i go on vacation sure that'll be nice for the day or three or whatever or a week but then i come back and i have a week's worth of work i need to finish in a day so like why would i want to do that or you just give yourself more realistic expectations for how much work you can and should do but when you're your own boss like in the youtube sphere anyways like i can't do that but at work in the government means you can't do that because i have all these things you do you do you can choose exactly by being your own boss you can exactly choose how much i understand but i guess we're getting the root of it here when you go on vacation you know from an employer that gives you vacation time and you say i'm taking the week off your employer usually if they're good has to allocate those hours somehow and expect that you're not going to have workload submitted during that week and timelines might be pushed back or adjusted accordingly usually right okay so you're just a bad supervisor [Laughter] all right that's the root of the problem all right next one from simply novological uh i assume christine likes hummus but is repulsed by it because of the amount that ben eats what are you talking about i'm not on team hummus well that's the thing we've had a lot of conversations about hummus and my love of hummus but no one has ever stopped to ask you christine do you like hummus well if i admit that then it looks like you know i'm in contradiction with my own comments no you can like hummus and still think i'm joking too much i i like hummus but i don't love it as much as ben does could we eat hummus together no it would be so romantic [Laughter] all right next one from spinstein colors uh i assume that you don't ever have dumb stupid fights that you both are so well spoken and level-headed on your podcast it's hard to imagine you guys getting in a pri ah a petty fight and name-calling what's name-calling have you ever you big dum-dum you didn't close the fridge door i can't ever in my life think of a time where i've ever name-called someone like out of anger and anyone or in a relationship in a relationship okay i can't think of it like maybe you yell their name but is that what you mean like i can't imagine insulting someone like with bad words just to hurt them yeah i mean maybe when i was 16 i did i'm sorry i won't say never but like from what i can remember i've never resorted to that also when we first started dating like like like every couple we have disagreements on things we have tell us men i can't think of a good example but i guess what i would say is you christine being like a very problem solver minded person like my inclination early on was to like oh like it's normal for us to sort of get heated about this and like talk about it in loud voices and your response was always like immediately to just like talk about it in a super rational way like problem-solving way and it's really disarming so like i'm not gonna like sound like a crazy person if you're just like how do we fix this you're right so and i think that's the healthiest way of approaching disagreements in a relationship but uh it's also not the worst thing to like kind of vent sometimes too though i think our the we don't really argue like you are correct we don't get into petty fights but we do have disagreements or we get annoyed with each other obviously and one thing i can think of is i get annoyed with ben when he is like i'll finish editing a simply youtube video i'll show it to him because i need someone to take a look before i post it on the internet and he'll have comments for me like you know reasonable why i'm watching it right that's why you're watching yeah to review it but i'll have just been so sick of editing myself that i'll be in a bad mood and i'll like negatively react to whatever comments you have you take it personally if i yeah and that's why the living together and being a couple and working together and all these things adds up and that's probably the biggest source of anything i actually don't think it's that because we've all we work together at statcan and we've even like one time we co-authored a paper together and we've crossed paths at work and i don't think either of us have any like there's there's no conflict there at all it's weird like we totally get along but when we're at home doing the youtube stuff and it's me making a video and i make a joke and ben's telling me like that joke's not funny you should take it out there's a that's different than like working on a paper together there's no real issue or emotional attachment or like feelings of taking it personally like just editing a paper yeah but this is way different i think yeah no that's fair that's yeah that's probably the biggest source of conflict in our relationship well i don't know though last night uh you picked up tacos and uh oh do you want to get into you forgot half the order okay i forgot half the order or the place i was picking up the food from but it goes like this so ben comes home with half half our order and i'm like where's the other half he's like they didn't give it to me i'm like well did you check the stuff before you left i only read and you're like no and then i'm like ben well that was dumb and then i got mad at you for like five seconds you got mad at me for that yeah for not checking i thought you were just mad at them well both but well no like how did i know they didn't they forgot a bunch of the food until i got home and opened it up and saw they forgot the food but you're supposed to check before you leave i'm not gonna open up ten containers to make sure they're take a quick check anyways so like i was annoyed and frustrated like anyone would be in that situation it's pretty unreasonable but like this this is that's a really good example of like the small little things we'll bicker about i got annoyed for like five seconds i'm like well you should have checked and you're like well i didn't know and then he you went back and got the rest of the food but yeah that's that's what we write about what a terrible fight i don't know if we're going to be able to recover from this no name calling [Laughter] next round from aaron b my assumption is that christine likes talking during movies and tv shows much to the annoyance of ben do i annoy you uh i i really am annoyed by people who do do this i don't think christine is a an offender in this case thank you is that true you don't really talk during movies but i talk about them when you don't care like grey's anatomy oh yeah that's a that's it but here's the thing i'm willing to let you sort of talk about grey's anatomy and i'll just tune it out and pretend i'm paying attention to what you're saying so that's what you're doing i will say there was maybe one example of this though like if i'm playing a video game or something i think you just assume like video games are like kind of dumb fun but a lot of video games now are like more cinematic like experiences like you have to follow the story i was playing a game once and it's like this very it's like the climax it's a very emotional moment like it's a serious thing it's like the culmination of the story christine comes in and goes like what's that guy doing like that's stupid why is he using like a bow and arrow like just like asking all these like really dumb questions and like please just let you don't have to enjoy the you don't have to understand the things i like and enjoy you know that was annoying but i was kind of doing it on purpose you know oh yeah that's great it's great when your partner enjoys uh annoying you what else are we gonna do in quarantine ben uh all right from rideau river threads i assume that ben wears socks with sandals and christine has given up trying to stop him uh no sandals just sucks uh uh yeah i've been known i don't really see the issue with wearing socks and sandals do you i mean i see it as an issue if you go outside because then you're just going to get wet socks why would they get wet because the water rain snow well in the winter well in the spring i don't see the big issue with with socks and sandals and like i'm not trying to impress anybody you think i care if people should just leave with that i wear slippers does that impress you uh yeah next one from cassie uh i assume you guys secretly got married years ago but say you don't care about marriage so you don't wear rings or anything that shows you're married i think it's interesting that people wish this to be the case because i've seen this comment elsewhere like when i've said oh we're not married or we're whatever people are like that's probably because you secretly got married like what why if if we did want to get married i think we would be inclined to do it in secret though and just uh but i can't keep anything a secret you can't no it's like with hollow doggo or the oats i was constantly just like giving sneak peeks but you know what i mean if we did care about it it's not about showing off a ring it's not about having some giant yeah display of party thing and you know like i've been to weddings where uh it seems like it's more about like the family than the two people getting married for sure i always find that super bizarre yeah i would i would never get married for my family weddings in general pretty strange to be honest maybe it's a nice opportunity to get together with people you care about you could do that for any reason but people don't do that for any reason now they're looking you can't do that for any reason don't do that for any reason yeah but but that's the thing you can say you can do it for any reason but people aren't just doing that for anything i understand yeah but i'm not gonna like do that and have a contract and join like just for the sake of my family having dinner like it's weird i really just wanted to have dinner with you guys so we got married yeah we've answered this before another podcast i'll put a info card as to why we're not we don't care but i but truly though like i do not care about the legal status saying married um it doesn't change our lives we also live in canada there's common law whatever so it is a bit different but we still are seen as partners in life and the form of you know taxes and health care and those things and the main things that matter from a logistical perspective for that reason i can appreciate and understand why some people would marry absolutely i see that as making sense it's just not really necessary in our cases and uh it's just not necessary for me on an emotional spiritual level i don't care like we're happy together yeah ring or no ring but no ring but no ring because i got nails and they're the focus all right next one from megan gabriel 14 i assume ben wanted to get married and have kids before dating christine and she made him realize you don't actually have to do that to have a good healthy loving family i don't think uh tell us ben i don't think you necessarily showed me that i think i am just a more easygoing person and that if like you had cared about marriage i would have been okay with getting married so there's no part of you that grew up thinking you'd have a lovely wife one day no it's more important to me that i i wanted to have a a partner that i was happy with a partner in life partner in crime you know but to be married to them never mattered to me but i think i'm just the more laid back like if you obviously you don't care about marriage so i don't care about marriage but if you had cared about marriage i would have proposed you like seven years ago [Laughter] thank you for your hypothetical proposal what's on my other hand it's a ring everyone made that joke and that would have been hilarious if i wanted like a viral youtube video with lots of views he proposed the ring was sponsored by this engagement company uh next one from allison bean uh i assume that ben watches way more youtube than christine based on his surprising knowledge of so many youtubers is that true so i don't want to answer for you but i think we both watch a lot of youtube but what i'll say is i think you watch content about things you are interested in whatever that topic may be at the time and i think i watch more youtube content about youtube whether that's like podcasts with interviews of youtubers or just like defranco show which might cover stories involving youtubers i think i'm very inclined to watch content like that whereas when you're into fitness you just watch a lot of fitness youtubers or i've walked in on you lately in your office and you have like the like two hour long unedited police interview of some woman who killed her family this is what you're watching you're exposing exposed there's this channel i think it's called like jsc criminal psychology i don't know like something like that and i've watched every single episode that they put out and it's like an hour to two hour long episodes of a narrator just talking about a case and the case is presented pretty like straightforward it's not fully edited um it's just like live and why not live but pre-recorded interviews of the the suspect like from the police station and i just really enjoy that no i mean you're not alone true crime is a huge uh popular but i do i don't watch true crime uh presented by someone in like a salacious way with a clickbait title thumbnail that like i'm actually not into that at all i prefer to watch from the criminal psychology standpoint where they just kind of like give you the highlights of like what the investigator is doing and why just show exactly what happened in the court without like really commenting on like he should have been guilty like i don't want that stuff that's an interesting conversation i'm not sure if people are interested in this we could do like a true crime podcast potentially but like but what if we did that would we not just be proving my point like i don't like using that topic as click me hear about crime ooh scary like i actually don't like it it's not just that i i hear what you're saying for me it's it's the victims it's the family of the victims i always think like what would they think listening to this podcast right because some of them are pretty uh like i understand there's a reason to like get into the details but you're right when it's just like the salacious like uh listen to the details of how someone was like brutally murdered like what is or about how someone quote unquote got away with it right so there's a lot of true crime stories about casey anthony and people will talk about how she got away with it and how that happened in her partying and i think that like all of that is just not helpful to the victim or well it was her kid but the family surrounding that in that case like they don't want to hear that kind of stuff like i just think it's it's not good yeah yeah i don't know the idea of people profiting off of telling stories of other people's misfortune and victimization there is a conversation worth having about that and some of the most high profile true crime series or podcasts i think have uh creatively framed the cases in a way that clearly serves them being a more interesting narrative even if it's not exactly accurate right and uh i don't wanna this is true of a lot of them like making a murderer left out a ton of stuff to make the guy who was i guess falsely accused seem more sympathetic but like left out like serious allegations against him with anyway i don't want to get into it too much no you're right you can kind of craft the story yourself and leave things out if you're right so okay how do we get here oh christine watches uh interviews of criminals on youtube i think i would agree that ben watches more youtube than me in general but it's because i'm watching content that isn't really about youtubers and trends it's more like just for me like for example when quarantine hit i watched a lot of at-home workout ideas and that's watching for me not for youtube research i guess let's save sure that i used to do a lot more of yeah i would say a lot of the work you do too at home is not work you can watch a youtube video at the same time as right like if you're editing a video you can't also be watching youtube if i'm working on some like paperwork or replying to emails i can just have a podcast on while i'm doing that i guess so i do have uh i watch stuff while i'm swatching yeah yeah or while i'm editing hollow taco videos that don't have audio so that's where i'll throw on youtube videos and that's where i've been listening to the crime stories actually if you have any good uh crime recommendations for christine please leave them down below um i love them in a youtube format i guess i'm just so used to throwing stuff up on youtube and i'm a little bit visual i like to watch even if it's passively uh but i prefer not the more sensationalized version of it like i like the more objective like the narrator is barely there kind of thing gotcha all right next one from saboteurao i assume you don't like a lot of other youtube creators oh you just have a sip of your tea delay answering the question i'll let you answer this one ben i i don't know what to say like um people who become famous on youtube i think a lot of them don't go into it thinking they will be role models and i think it's kind of unfair to just tell people you have to be a good influence like you have to be a role model you don't have to be like an advocate for education or whatever cause matters right but i think we find it frustrating and maybe more so than the average person uh when we realize like what a privileged position it is to have a platform like this when people are such shitty people and bad influences or complain about how hard their lives are when they're like scamming their young impressionable followers out of uh money like yeah that there are too many examples of youtubers who do that and even some with like really great reputations who otherwise seem like nice people who give away cars to people but then they sell their followers like puzzles that are just lottery tickets and make millions of dollars off of their young impressionable fans that way like it's really disappointing every time we see a story like that and then there's people just personality wise that i think it's kind of obvious why we wouldn't get along with them even if we were just like in real life like if you were in high school with some of the top youtubers and no one was a youtuber would you be friends with them and i think the answer for me a lot of the time is no um not because i like hate them or something it's just because uh personality wise they have different interests than i do there are a lot of youtubers that are that really enjoy like the the vanity aspects of it that like to show off all their cars that are all about wealth and flaunting it and that is probably the polar opposite of my personality um that doesn't mean i don't appreciate like business and making money obviously i just think there's a very big difference there and i also think some of this is cultural so where you grow up and who you are friends with like totally changes your perspective of other people so we grew up in canada where like i don't know anyone famous and like yeah there's rich people who went to my high school but nothing like compared to when we go to la and see the people who interact so when we've gone to la for youtube related events there's a bunch of different personalities that are all very big all very um you know think people are interested in them they want to be the center of attention and that's not to be interpreted as like a negative thing that's just part of their business that is what they do literally like the attention is on them and it's monetized you know that's what that's what they do um i like i while i do that it's not it i'm not totally comfortable doing that all the time like it makes me feel weird well are you just projecting your insecurities onto these people or it's not that it's just as a personality thing i find it hard to click with people who enjoy that to that extent it's not a judgment thing it's just like if we were in high school like would we be friends is kind of the way i look at it and it's like probably not it's because i'm the loner maybe like i'm the one who doesn't want to be seen of the whole group and i find it hard to relate honestly with a lot of the other youtubers sometimes because i'm not doing what they're doing i don't have an agent i'm not getting put on tv shows i'm not doing interviews like you know you're not promoting things i'm not i'm also not looking for those opportunities um i'm not getting botox uh i'm not otherwise altering my appearance and i think as a woman that is a huge thing that can divide uh women into like friend groups so that's something that you see in high school too there's like the pretty popular girls like as a cliche clique but it does happen and then the girls are like maybe don't care so much about wearing makeup to school and i would be in that ladder group yeah i will say when we've gone to youtube events in la or new york or wherever uh sometimes i'm expecting to like really dislike someone and they'll turn out to be just like a super grounded person who's uh down to earth and easy to have a conversation with so i'm a little less i'm a little more reluctant these days to just judge someone i haven't actually met but at the same time there have been many examples of us meeting people these events where uh their first inclination is to talk about like their numbers my social blade looks great and like clearly just how much they love themselves and how they want to be famous and those are the people where like we just immediately sort of know like we we would not be friends with that person right yeah even though it might be a good business opportunity to have been friends with them and collapsed like i don't collab with people and we we had a whole podcast on collabs actually if you're interested in hearing more of the behind the scenes but i just want to reiterate ben's other point which was that sometimes you judge someone because you see one video about them and you think like oh my god what a self-absorbed [ __ ] but i have actually met some of these people and they are not always like that so i really do want to point that out too that this isn't just like an assumption i make based on someone's picture i want to meet someone and i have absolutely met some really great people that you might think just from watching one video that they must be one of those self-absorbed people like that's not true in my experience and i've become you know friends or like friendly let's say with some people that i thought maybe i wouldn't have yeah but if someone's like i don't think just because someone is not that in person means it's like totally forgivable if they are projecting that sort of stuff online too at the same time right yeah yeah anyway anyways uh next person asks uh i assume you secretly think that youtube has changed you despite not wanting it to um i think i can summarize this as anyone who somewhat unexpectedly became famous on the internet is going to change as a result of just yeah having millions of eyes on you um commenting about your maybe flaws that you maybe feel insecure about whether it's true or not uh that will change your perception of yourself and the way you choose to behave in the future so in the beginning of my videos maybe i was just like didn't really care think too much about what i was saying but then i realized so many more people were watching and all of a sudden you feel more pressure on you to a not say something stupid or wrong or that can be misconstrued or whatever or a bad joke or be like if you're just not funny like you want to be funny you want to be well received so there's all this pressure on you to maintain that and i think that that kind of messes with you no matter who you are yeah yeah no that's fair to say and also just like how long have you been doing this now six years yeah 2014. yeah so like you have just changed in the last six years as a person and it's really hard to say how much of that is because of something you spend a lot of time doing or not right so yeah i was 26 when i started now i'm 32. so youtube or not like you change a lot from 26 to 32. actually you know that's that's an interesting point though i can't remember i heard this i heard some interview of someone's theory of why celebrities are so screwed up and they argued that you can recognize in some celebrities that mentally they seem to like stay at the age at which they got famous i've heard that too yeah i think that's really interesting is that why i still act like i'm 26. well honestly sometimes no i'm like 13. i'm not saying i'm famous i mean like you are somewhat internet famous and as a result i have a little bit of internet fame i guess but yeah sometimes i catch myself being like am i acting immature and maybe i'm just kind of still acting like a 26 year old even though i'm 30 i'm what am i 30 how old am i 30 i'm turning 33 very soon yeah uh but like i think that explains why you see like older celebrities who are like trying to hold on to their youth so desperately but it also really explains why you see like very young celebrities that are super screwed up because so much of their self-worth and what made them famous is tied up in something they literally cannot hold on to as well right yeah and they're trying to grow up and evolve and it's just and you do the most growing up in evolution between like what 16 and 22 let's say so if you're famous and everything reinforced to you is like you can make a bunch of money and people will love you for that thing you did when you were 19 years old uh yeah i think it really it really messes with you to age out of that and it's really easy for an audience who's who's not participating in this world of living their life online to not realize that and to you know make judgments or comments like i miss the old simply right that's right i mean that i don't actually get that that often thank you guys but i see that nature of comment on so many other people's platforms and like it's really sad because i mean i can understand sometimes where it's coming from if it appears like that person has just become a bad person maybe they've in your opinion become more vain or obsessed with things that they wouldn't have otherwise if they didn't have money that there's an argument i can see for that but if it's not like that they might just be getting older and they might just be changing their hobbies naturally as they normally would yeah and you should let people grow and just find a new uh a new person to fill that place in your life if you just miss their old youtube content or just watch their old youtube content just on a loop uh okay from okra bottom jeans with the boots and apple bottom jeans they assume you drink uh other beverages besides tea and water incorrect not true not true you assumed wrong we drank a margarita last night oh yeah i like that got lit it's like one time like one drink it came with the tacos well they gave it to you because your order that was their apology for messing up the other it was tasty it was good a little tequila uh next one from tanya luz uh i assume you guys have secret social media accounts that you use to navigate the internet in peace i use my main accounts to look yeah you just do whatever i just do it on my main account you're not worried about accidentally liking or following someone i mean occasionally if i'm like lurking some drama through twitter or something i think i've accidentally liked someone's reply it's not what i mean to do but i i don't have a personal account like if that if that's your question yeah or like a burner i know people i definitely know famous internet people who do yeah um and you see this a lot with celebrities particularly athletes i think and the funniest thing and i think the reason it's not worth it it depends how you're going to use it if you're just using it to like have some anonymity and participate in a community of people around a hobby and you don't want them to think you are this famous person i get i can get that but uh what you see is like some like athletes will create burner accounts and they'll like go on twitter after a game and argue with people who criticize them for how they played in that game well that just tells me they need to talk to someone about their insecurities insane right yeah and you think like these guys making hundreds of millions of dollars they have the time they have such fragile egos that they need to get on twitter and yell at like some some loser drunk guy in a bar who thinks he didn't score enough points and throw the ball through the hoop enough all right next one from mymex i assume you have an entire room full of mail otherwise i don't know where you put all that stuff we actually have an entire bathroom full of mail yeah like a tub a tub no it's a shower a full shower full of mail and it's around it's blocking the toilet too yeah we should address this though so how much of a story do i want to tell about this you you had a p.o box for a long time and we were really friendly with the people who worked there they would hold on to the mail uh for us and everything and they didn't mind when things exploded and glitter went everywhere and they were very nice yeah and we appreciated that uh that location shut down this is like a year and a half ago yeah more than that maybe two years maybe three years even it's been a while losing track of time i know but uh we had to go to this new p.o box location and i don't think they they don't love it as much they don't love the glitter yeah and well not just that like i didn't realize this for a while but if i wasn't going and getting it enough they were sending stuff back to people and that was happening without us knowing for a while and i just want to apologize to anyone that's sent simply mail logical mail in the last i guess two years and if you got a notice that it was coming back i really apologize we did not even realize for the longest time that that's why and then covet hit and i'm sure you can understand that we weren't regularly wanting to go to the post office to pick up mail just so they didn't send it back so that's also why we've also sort of like we've tried to make it harder to even find the p.o box address like it's not listed on the about page i stopped promoting it and it's not on the main not logical channel uh info page and it has been a year since the last time i've posted a simply email logical video which i know you guys like and i mean maybe i we would have done another one but once kovit hit i was like it's not a good idea to make that video because then people will it reminds people the po box exists and they might choose to send mail and i just think now is not the best time yeah so i guess we're just asking we did really appreciate i know you got a lot of enjoyment over the years i really loved making those videos even though i was sitting there for like five hours like sweating opening mail but it was great but i guess you should just ask that like people just if you find that address uh don't send stuff you can tweet it christine hey if you're an artist and you want to send me a picture take a picture of it and send it to me uh tweet it at me or post it on your instagram and tag me not with a hashtag but from the actual like click the photo and tag simply analogical because i do look and i love seeing your guys art i just think sending stuff to me right now is probably not the best idea and again i'm i'm really sorry if you sent me something if you worked on something really hard and it was sent back because yeah we feel bad about that it's our fault i feel like an [ __ ] but but thank you for caring enough to want to send me letters all right next one from tony kellogg uh i assume to you sometimes wish you didn't get famous how did defranco put this when you were on his pod would you rather be uh richer rich or famous yeah yeah i think we were both like rich rich i'll take rich please because i never in my life everyone wants to be rich i think like who who would say no to that question if it was if that was the only question in the only context you'd be like yeah yeah sure but not everyone wants to be famous that's a whole other question and i if you just asked me like 10 years ago do you want to be famous and be like no a lot of people would ask yes answer yes because they assume it comes it comes with riches and opportunities right but if you ask the question alone do you do you want to be famous like for whatever reason my answer is absolutely no but i don't want to say that without the added context if that doesn't mean i'm not grateful for what has happened to my life i don't want you guys to think i'm just like i wish this wasn't my life because that would be really obnoxious wouldn't it um am i the personality type that enjoys all the attention like not really but i enjoy that i make you guys happy and that you you know you enjoy making i enjoy making content and i enjoy your positive reactions to the content so part of that is you're making content not in a vacuum too right like when people create things they're creating them to be consumed by people yeah you're right for sure yeah but um i don't wish that i didn't get famous like i'm i'm happy i guess it's also hard to know like uh when people aren't paying attention to your tweets anymore like what that would feel like too you know what i mean like it's hard to even answer the question because you have a certain level of fame now like will i miss it yeah we have no idea i feel like even if you know simply and illogical kind of fades let's say i'm still going to be on twitter or snapchat just like sharing my cats or my tea yeah and there's there's gonna be i hope you guys stick around see you in 10 years on twitter christine will just be streaming uh video gaming to like 100 people all right let's try to knock out a few more uh from murray too i assume you guys eat healthy all the time but what are your go-to cheat foods oats do we eat healthy all the time we we pretty oh did you say oats cheat meal that's healthy oats are nutritious and delicious yeah but they taste like a cheat meal i don't i don't care about cheat meals i guess that's not how my brain works um i eat healthy food but i actually eat a lot of food so i don't think people realize that it's not like i'm eating like a tiny salad for lunch or something and like restricting myself i eat a ton of food because well i need to for the weightlifting and all the exercise that i want to do and it just makes me feel better to have substantial portions of food but you don't have like uh once in a while i'm gonna let myself eat a bunch of donuts or something you know honestly after eating healthy for years i don't even really necessarily crave it like i'm not like waiting until that mcdonald's meal like i'm kind of like grossed out by it now that being said we do on a weekly basis order a takeout meal from like a semi-nice restaurant that maybe it's not the healthiest but it's also not like trash junk food it's just like a nice meal but maybe all the vegetables were cooked in a bunch a bunch of butter or maybe there's fries on the side or something like that yeah and this is maybe a really help i think this is a healthy way of looking at it because it's not like we're depriving ourselves and then once a week we let ourselves binge on mcdonald's or something but it's about you know we're not depriving ourselves at all really but we just tend to eat fairly clean and then once in a while we'll eat something and not worry too much about whether it's the healthiest thing ever like last night i ate uh churros and key lime pie for dessert yeah a couple dessert courses i had two desserts last night it was so good yeah that's good uh all right from uh sarah i assume that most of the time ben is the one trying to convince christine to try new things such as food drinks shows and christine usually doesn't want to but we'll eventually try it um on the food thing this is definitely true i'm way more adventurous when it comes to wanting to try uh different kinds and food cultures let's say yeah i'm boring i have a boring palette you've gotten better um i'm not sure if it applies to things like shows and stuff where we're good about just we'll throw on whatever on netflix and stuff we have a similar taste in entertainment i would say yeah okay thank you uh next one from which [ __ ] uh i assume christine calls ben daddy please don't block me i don't i don't think you've ever called me daddy are we gonna have to block which [ __ ] here then she calls you daddy you you call me you call me banana man though i call you ban okay that's about it uh from morton hansen i assume christine looks like she snores and ben is the person who doesn't move when sleeping and he wakes up the same as he fell asleep in do i snore men so christine does not snore uh-huh do i smart no okay but christine uh has uh what's the term night terrors you have what kristen you have nightmares you know this sometimes christine will wake up in the middle of the night like not screaming it's more of like a whimper do i scream ban you're you you don't usually talk that would be more interesting if you talked yeah sometimes just wake up at 3am and christians go no and like like sometimes i'll just like i need to like put a hand on like you and you'll stop and sometimes you'll wake up and we'll like look at each other briefly and just go right back i'll just be like what go back like you interrupted me do you remember what you're dreaming about when that happens nope oh that's good just being terrorized in the middle of the night it's fine that's healthy uh okay for morgan lee uh i assume that in the beginning it was genuine but nowadays whenever you scream for ben he's actually like eight feet away out of frame waiting for his cue let's tell him ben spill the t i won't lie this is probably this has happened a few times but the okay i think what's most common is you will yell for me and if i don't hear you you'll text me and be like can you come down can you come downstairs but sometimes i'll just i'll i will just legitimately hear you yelling from the basement and i'll know like oh okay like i knew i know you're filming down there i hear you i know you went down i helped you set up the camera when you first start filming right like he knows what's going on but like when i was filming the oats video in the kitchen you were right beside and at the couch in the living room so you knew i like you were literally eight feet out of frame and then you like slid in uh from hey it's everett uh i assume ben is a little threatened by matt's brain your brother your brother um are you are you smarter than a mat matt is smarter than me um my mother once told me she goes no offense ben but i think matt is the smartest kid what did you say i don't know i mean i think it's true you're all smart i wonder if people noticed like when i was talking across from him i was maybe deferring to him more one because i think he's just way more educated on the topic yeah but maybe it's just like a big brother little brother thing that i just sort of assume he knows more and he does know more than me about life he is a very smart guy um i don't think i'm threatened by it necessarily but uh yeah you can accept that someone has more knowledge than you about a particular topic and not be threatened yeah right wow don't like admitting people are smarter than me you know because i don't often meet people smarter than me oh shush now you need to clarify you're being sarcastic kind of from pajama ladies crazy crafts i assume you are going to release a nail polish collection soon am i right if so i think everybody's wondering when you assume bless you sorry if you assume correctly we are going to release the nail polish collection yeah how much you want how many we are going to release many nail polish collections one is coming pretty soon though yes potentially put your hand down it's coming in your dreams are we a few wee how much what can we say a few weeks away how long is the month of february i think it's a short month what's the set okay i can't remember all right but uh pretty soon yeah we're working on it thank you guys for your patience but i'm very excited for the next one all right and last one i assume that ben enjoys the podcast more than christine because he gets to have an intelligent discussion and christine prepares prefers making videos am i not having an intelligent discussion i think you're a very intelligent uh conversational person well i think okay what what do you like more do you like filming simply videos this or do you like the balance of the two i mean i i think they're both very different obviously i think i prefer the workload of the podcast because we film it once just once we filmed this podcast once we only say all these things once and then we edit it uh like barely edit it like one time like watch it add some videos or you know overlay of something if we need to or color correct basically that's all i do but for a simply video it takes a lot longer to film it takes a lot longer to prepare i need to have some kind of outline for what i'm gonna do maybe there's some props there's a waiting period for whatever reason if i'm testing something and then i gotta edit it and make it funny so and editing is a lot of it's watching just yourself and watching yourself over and over again whereas on the podcast you can just like watch it one way through right yeah and in the podcast it's a conversation so it's not just about me talking to the camera it's like what did the conversation include but with simply it is literally just me so yeah i get kind of annoyed with watching myself and now i understand why ben is annoyed with me in life sometimes but no i guess the truth is you i mean it's been almost a year since you sort of came out and acknowledged uh you were sort of struggling to like post main channel videos right that was about a year ago right yeah and i feel like i don't want to speak for you but you you're clearly in a healthier place mentally i think when it comes to that yeah i think reducing the amount of simply videos i post was not only like the only option to exist uh but it has helped me and instead i get to do this so we're still on the internet just as frequently still giving you guys some content but it's different and i appreciate that you guys like it and you want to listen and you're excited to come back for every taco tuesday every time every single time no but you can the beauty of it is you can listen whenever no you have no it has to be all right apologies to samantha ravendoll uh how you pronounce it are you sure i'm not sure but uh you know uh we were uh congratulations she just released uh she's a canadian beauty guru just released uh her own makeup line see ben watches that much youtube that's how she knows you know i always feel a little bit of pride when i see another canadian youtuber succeeding in that space congratulations sam yes congrats all right thank you for tuning in we'll see you next taco tuesday yes we will yes we will i hope uh that clears up all the assumptions you guys have about us yeah that's all there is to say make sure you're rsvp for the next taco tuesday thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all later bye [Music] you
Channel: SimplyPodLogical
Views: 375,978
Rating: 4.9648576 out of 5
Keywords: simplypodlogical, simply nailogical, simplynailogical, simplynailogical podcast, simply podcast, nailogical podcast, cristine and ben, cristine & ben, simplynailogical boyfriend, pod logical, youtuber podcast, assumptions, rumours, addressing, assumptions about me, marriage, wedding, proposal, engagement, secret marriage, oats, mint chocolate chip, YouTuber truth, the truth about, coming clean, something to say, I have to tell you, YouTube money
Id: IflrN45FzzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 4sec (4084 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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