ASSASSIN'S CREED VALHALLA All Cutscenes (PART 1) Game Movie 1080p HD

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[Music] silence you children of gods and heat my tale of time's beginning all was dark there was no sand there was no sea no earth nor sky no grass nor wind till fire met ice in the gasping void and from the screen came the giant image first of all beings proud emer cruelly killed yet from whose bones and blood and brains the world was made the world you walk and [Music] hey look there's a tune for you want your life in your step there you are my little drinker go you see okay yes good come on [Applause] you see us talking quiet as a woodhouse and surprise him with our gift we hold it out like this look him in the eyes and you say steer bjorn king may our clans be forever bonded in friendship and in love tonight you will be the court that unite our people i'm so proud of you my sword is called greedy [Music] i'm ready to fight so nicely all of these hearty focus oh no drinking your fist come on i'll find you something i can't i have except you for your father oh what a piece that must be worth two sturdy longships give it here i'll pass it on my father asked me suit yourself but you're not getting any mead well credit so you have the ring good this was worn by your grandfather in a battle on the northern way mother that's a good idea that's in the morning first night [Applause] now go you have a gift to deliver able wait skull [Applause] tonight we all made the news [Applause] may our clans be forever bonded in friendship and love thank you avoir now and forever i am pledged to you [Laughter] how can hall of kings an ocean steed my words gain wings oh then our forth will break [Music] rewards for stranger while huddle takes and horns resound the mighty horse for those ready yourself man [Applause] not just yet [Music] it is foretold the curtains are raised nothing is true until it is severed from the branches of itracia evil now stop please show yourself [Music] here now it's my turn to for you to sleep accept your fate die a coward here before your people and i will spare the rest fight my love do not listen if i give my life will you spare my clan you have my word no fairy no aaron pick up your axe [Music] uh uh [Applause] yes [Music] yes ah what the hell is that i am seeing two different data streams overlapped in the same dna not sure why fix this or pull me out i can parse the streams of the filter hold on okay we're good are we i don't know what happened but i can work around it you'll have to pick a stream to keep things stable there's a third option too i can let the animus modulate your identity based on signal strength it's up to you all right i'll lock it in and push ahead to a time where these streams are more synchronized how long have you been chasing me wolf kissed 17 winters 18. do i now haunt your dreams do i warm your loins you remember this ah your father's axe the weapon of a coward a scorn snake ah few things would please me more than to kill with this blade but i know you would define me to the death fighting for a glorious end that i will not allow you will live your final days enthralled as a slave humiliated your death will be a lonely one kill the rest of his crew make them suffer evil wolf kissed us no more that name is dead to this world you will be worth your weight in silver to the ship [Music] you move and i take your eyes you hear me [Applause] winds blowing from the south we can tuck north then cut west now what did i just tell you [Music] [Applause] ah cut i will skin you alive you will never never leave this my crew is in danger i need to reach them [Music] [Music] is holding my crew one of churches men i need to be careful this area is off limits ah i should stay out of sight this place is heavily guarded do not happen while ravenclaw lives they fight like berserkers they wolf kissed killed a spoiler a clash of iron there's fighting nearby you live i do slipped away in the sword clash and what have you kyoto tried to sell me off a mistake he will regret not today he won't i saw him board a ship at aval's nest not long ago sailed east leaving our crew behind there must still be time to save our men i will find them you ready the long ship you glory hounds you would take the rescue for yourself so the victory song is written about you i could storm the beach then slay two dozen men seize our dragon boat and hoist the sail in triumph up to you no no i will take the beach a far more dangerous path you search the long house for our crew oh and here this corpse will not have need of it go i will meet you by the ship you squirm like that and my axe will miss your neck unpleasant for both times to die i want to make a mess of it buckle out you coward unbind me and stick an axe in my hand i owe you nothing raven [ __ ] yours is a clan of thralls and peasants you lay that axe aside or die by mine you should be on a slave ship to ireland wolf kissed but if you wish to be my first sacrifice odin will be more than happy to receive you you just killed yourself atki then aren't you i will sell you to hell herself and i will spare your life shut your hole and fight [Music] father you should have held on to this until the bitter end if i give my life will you spare my clan then no pick up your axe kill them all so [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey are you bewitched unbind us what oh yes of course even if your wits were somewhat rattled listen here if you can breathe you can fight now come we take back our ship you do not need to tell us twice keep a sharp watch [Music] testing [Music] [Music] yapping and start growing rather silent davor anything to save for the mess you led us to we suffered no losses in this fight and the men who humiliated us are dead what is there to say oh something like i was stupid selfish reckless blind bold-headed and i smell like blood and [ __ ] i like my version better evil look someone is setting up an outpost on that island judges now annoying at any piece of open land like dogs even with you half in the grave we could easily take them will come for us now harder and stronger than before no surprise there this war spun on for three generations i hardly expect him to relent your hatred for that man burns bright wolf kissed i could warm my balls on it would you not prefer a pair of seal-skinned britches just take care abort such hatred can make you careless what he did to your father he did to all of us you are not in this fight alone king stereobjorn will scold you for setting out against his wishes of course he will is that not something you worry over i worry only that our king will not see that i'm right until it's too late what about sigurd what would he say if sigurd were here he would be sitting beside you wiping the blood from his axe and smiling into the grease and what will you tell our king about this misadventure only the truth have you attacked your fortress killed his men and weakened his control of this land will you mention the part where you lost your crew and were nearly sold as a thrall will that be part of your saga if there is a skull to dare sing that verse it will be his last story i'll be sailing here hold here we thought we had lost you avoir for good this time a warm welcome as always landry you look like red and [ __ ] what happened nothing to crow about except just say the men who delayed us are dead well enough though i have spent many times some days calming the rages of our king he is not happy with you i expected as much and what of cigarette has he returned from his race my husband should be home today the last we heard he was approaching stavanger good to hear we have need of his courage sigurd will not save you from his father's wrath evor you should know that by now did your raid not go as planned they rarely go as planned but we killed many of kyoto's warriors and there was this my father's axe among the dead ah after so many years you should take it to gunar he will give it back its edge a good idea after i see our king that i do not advise not yet he is meeting with a messenger from the north i can wait a cloud hangs over you there's something wrong seeing my father's axe after 17 winters it stirred something in me a feeling i've not had since the day he was killed since the day i got this memories of past agonies of sadness and pain i should speak with welcome she could help me make sense of my feelings take your time getting settled i will see you at the longhouse i think you have lost your edge avor just like that axe maybe gunnar can help you with both i will let you know avor looking rough you are welcome home evil did you bring us any treasure i returned with a boat and a full crew that is worth more than silver that doesn't count you need silver and juice shut up ralph how do you know she never went on a raid just shut up avor come to keep your blade sharp wolf kissed welcome back guna i have something here you might like to see thunderclap of four is that your father's ex i have not seen this beauty scenes well for some time i forged this weapon long ago still looks good one of my finest i think it has a blunted plate but it swings well can you sharpen it i can give it a better edge and reinforce the handle and as luck would have it i have one ingot left for the job are you sure the fates have will it so but in future bring your own methyl ingots i cannot forge them from empty air that should do it anything else and how are you gonna holding up yeah work is good and my spirits are strong but my nights are newly cold my lady left me if you have not heard i had sorry to hear it you were together how long ah five weeks it was five beautiful passionate weeks but all that is done we'll never find my bruneau then valkyries do not walk the world as they once did goona maybe set your sides a bit lower lower my friend look at my wares my weapons i'm not the man to settle for less than the finest of anything that's all for now return anytime i need silence to hear the songs of nature [Music] um smaller she gives praises and she is greeted for your hearing i hearken oh ancient ones great odin great freyja i give you thanks for your gift of sader she gives thanks and she is blessed avor it has been some time what brings you so far to see me i i have come for your advice on a private matter come is your mother well her mind is a jumble she speaks to spirits i fear her final winter has come but she has me now let her speak to your needs i have had a vision a powerful vision it may have been my battle lust or delirium caused by the cold but describe it for me after 17 years i saw my father's axe again and when i touched it the vision came on fast there was a wolf howling in fears and then a figure a grey beard in a cloak with a single eye he bit me follow him ah the high one he calls to you perhaps he means to speak with you deliver a message only through sader will you see more clearly and unravel the threats that sit tangled upon your mind this will not take long have you used this sort of magic before i have no fear it was not my seder that made her like this her condition inspired the elixir did it help her for a time it opened her up to visions strange unreadable things then she returned to her current state drink if you seek true understanding ugh ugh huh i saw nothing bulka felt nothing harvey harvey harvey i walk among the dead when did you arrive what is this brother what is this there was no other way harvey our fates are fixed [Music] sight what has happened this was not for you [Music] i thought i what was that tell me everything i i i i was on a mountain in a violent blizzard climbing toward the summit following a wolf and the wolf was eager for my attention as if it were beckoning me to follow you are the wolf kissed fated to carry its mark for life in this case it might represent your ambition or your fear i saw odin and the nordnay spinning the threats of fate they were watching me not watching they were showing you the way forward your life your path what lies before you and where it ends i saw the gates to odin's hall of slain champions they opened for me shades of valhalla for which you are destined i do not know what else to say my memory is a faint hazy did you reach the summit of this mountain i did yes sigurd was there wounded in pain his fighting arm was missing then the wolf reappeared the size of a dragon twisted and terrible it fixed his eyes on me and struck then i awoke the gods favor you evor we always have you will have your glory and you will earn your place in valhalla but these portents carry a darker truth the missing arm the trail of blood the beast you will betray your brother segurt that is the meaning of your vision that cannot be right i would never betray secret he's my brother my family the north near have spoken and this is their message no this is wrong or you misunderstand that cannot be right you will betray cigarette odin fought against this fate it can be done [Music] they must be finished now the king has called for his best mead so the talks are concluded it should be safe to enter i'm ready to face the thunder i will speak with the king now excellent kingsterbjorn i will take this proposal to my nephew i believe he will see the wisdom in it good it is all i can hope for may the may the winds favor your voyage gethormer evil come forward and explain in plain words why you have willfully disobeyed my commands do you mock me i do not mock you king i mean to embolden you against your enemies and your own poor judgment you know nothing of my judgment you know nothing of my plans and strategies sigurd would agree with me my son might agree with you but he would obey me he knows his place not as well as he knows his father imagine you are harassed by an enemy with warriors that vastly outnumber your own what profit does open war bring would it not be better to work quietly through diplomacy gaining alliances waiting until the day our numbers outweigh our enemies and our victory is guaranteed all your talk of diplomacy is cowardice not strategy if you do not have the will to finish this fight only say it i will finish it when we are certain to win a war and that day is fast approaching is that all i'm at a loss with you avo when i took you in as my own never did i imagine such disrespect from the child of varian your father was a fine man just and loyal to me he died bravely so that we might live he died a coward lord a fate i will not mirror why do you carry such a useless burden let it go think only of the days to come of your future and the victories at hand my honor has been stained until it's wiped clean i want nothing else i refuse to pick at that wound again but if there is something that can chase these shadows from your thoughts singer does come down at the docks his ship is here hey hey careful with that one avon cigarette ah look at you blood so drinker what have you been worrying without me oh and you sold cured my ginger i smell the stink of a dozen kingdoms in your beard just to start brandley my dear wife your husband returns bringing gifts and riches to share and new friends i see yes basm [Music] and they show me her buried secrets we are grateful to sigurd for his invitation and eager to pay tribute to your king my brother's always very careful with the company he keeps if you're standing safely beside him he must like you ah ever save the introductions until our bellies are full i will see my father tell him of my time away this morning we traded with a ship passing south they told us ava the world kissed was captured by curtis man they must have cut the tail short i killed my captains and recovered my crew and for that your father scolded me you know where i stand brother nothing sean of war will dislodge cautery from our lands but he disagrees i know i know father thinks too much and acts too little today that changes i promise you by the winter's end the name curt with the crew will be a curse on the lips of a drunken fool my son welcome home oh father tonight we feast and celebrate your return sigurd the tables are laid with barley and lamb bread and mead and no more i beg you i want nothing you would not serve a thrall let me be the one to honor you i bring gifts and tales from far away lands after two winters away i am full of with both very well very well come inside and when we are fat and satisfied father we will talk of kyoto and his clan and how we may end their terror once and for all he has talked us too long shamed us for too many seasons i know this avor knows this it ends now yes of course when the time is right through roostland we barreled down the volca river raiding as we went shadowy tribes hurling spears at our ship at mclargart we saw men protecting riches as vibrant as the beverage itself and these we took for our troubles of course we sailed to rome then africa past oceans of sand warriors of all colors and beauty the eyes must weep to behold and now i have returned with riches and glory to share with my family my friends my eyes fall strange so take what you desire from my horn for this this is only a taste of things to come tomorrow the ravenclan starts a new skull sigurd let's go and you able come i have something special for [Music] you [Music] i thought long and hard on a gift worthy of you you have snared my curiosity brother [Music] not yet drinks first what is it to my first night in fornberg in over two winters it must end with me soaked and wall-eyed shouting at the shadows of trolls and you want me to sail with you in these honeyweights yes you are stuck with me drinker now drink you would put thor to shame [Music] from drinking to breathing you turn everything into a competition brother i must always be prepared true enough [Music] it is good to have you back see it yes i've missed this terribly when i first met bassin i regaled him with tales of our homeland and it was then i felt a hard longing to return at once [Music] this brings us to your gift these excellent man were my shepherds through much of their homeland the abbasid caliphate they are a clan not joined by blood but by a common idea a brotherhood of shadows executing their own form of justice in my time with them they shared many of their most hidden secrets for which i am grateful and now i gift one of these secrets to you a weapon for the finest warrior i know [Music] beautiful craftsmanship what kind of smith makes a weapon like this it is less a weapon than a tool one we have used for centuries to fight injustice mentor i must protest this is deeply unorthodox or wrist blade is a sacred will not make a fetish out of cold metal hyphen what matters is the mind of the one who wields it please try it on the blade should ride on the underside of your arm to conceal it from your target i have no wish to hide this and i would rather not make the same mistake you two have i like it this is no mistake this is a voluntary sacrifice to prove our devotion to a good start evolve but you must learn how to use it effectively outside this is not something for all eyes lead on [Music] this clan of yours it has a name indeed but among the tenets of our plead is a vow to never reveal too much to outsiders in time you may learn more but not here where the walls and trees may have ears i look forward to it here let me lead you through our most basic techniques wielded with skill and care our blade delivers a singular killing blow as you near your target find your window to strike timing is essential excellent i have not seen a blade so sharp some targets are trickier than others keep that in mind before you strike a decent attempt take that one down from the ledge how about a challenge leave down upon that target from above exactly just like that use your surroundings when possible strike from that haystack for instance that's it mentor does ever intend to join us not that i am aware then why offer him the blade surely we have more hyphen hush you wheeled the blade well let us leave abel to enjoy his gift in peace come aver let us walk to the docks and take in the night air what do you make of my new friends they seem generous and menacing in equal measure i know what you mean and they have learning too they wield numbers and writing as if it were magic bassim has shown me so much about the world all of which i will share with you when the time is right oh i miss the smell of this land have you returned for good what do you mean to join this shadow brotherhood leave all that aside tonight we are family again the here and now is what matters our kinship our clan our glory i missed you brother your clear head and your courage we have not had enough of both in recent months you flatter me wolf kissed keep it up from here to valhalla i will all always be on your side secret always this fjord has grown too small to contain me or i too large there is so much more beyond these stony fangs that rides around us england ireland franchia all greener pastures ripe for the blocking tomorrow we make new war on curtwe and reclaim the lands he took from us and from there we build a kingdom for us i'm with you only say the word good get some rest and return here at first light this is wrong that cannot be right odin forward against this fate it can be done oh you will betray [Music] [ __ ] cuteness warriors with each day we wait kurt will grow stronger eyes we do not have the men to storm kyoto's fortress the losses would ruin us the losses have ruined us father until we cut off this serpent's head it will poison us day by day drop by drop the poison has already polluted our waters god savel what happened spies in our camp three men sent by kyoto to kill us as we slept i returned the favor there you see this is what waiting brings we must answer this insult they came from notville that wailing village on the kyoto's control we hid him there burn it down before cutefa learns his spies are dead he may have sent more i can search the village while you round up the crew no need i will send heitham to search the area you can rely on him while we are away we do you mean to join us i have not been bred for valhalla like you but this will be far from my first bathroom i do not like this but i will not stop you do not lead my son into the same storm that follows you let's get out of here no raising the sail here run up the sail warriors when i was away far from these frozen shores wondering if i should ever see home again i grew afraid afraid i would not return in time to see curtwest and afraid i would not see him bleed out like a stuck pig in a drift of snow but here i am home in time to join those i have missed those i love in this glorious fight today we cease not fall from kirpa tonight his heart will pose with worry tomorrow it will burst from fear he will beseech the gods for eight but they will be deaf to his christ and soon the ravenclaw will feast on his death [Applause] you know these isles best lucas lead us to victory i will show the way but you must lead us there oh hey lord i missed having you at my side how i wish that could have taken you along on my travels stephen did not trust fate for both our lives you have no reason to fear together we are unstoppable is have to repair that the chips are coming hail ravenclan you reap a bloody harvest who are you guester name yourself i know his face he met with your father not long ago i did indeed i am guthorn uncle to king harold of the north i speak for my nephew when there is need this is not king harold's land why does he send warriors so far self you may ask him yourself my lord thank you uncle and you are sigurd of the raven clan is that right son of the wise king stephen i am and you are standing on his land king harold land we have reclaimed with blood and steel that i see and i honor it for i have not come to war against you but for you at the request of your father the kenny wolf was this the plan he spoke of i offer my support with my warriors your ravenclan can take curtway's fortress and settle this rivalry for good this is good news evil the wandering king will tip our fortunes why risk your men to help us king have you a stake in this fight this war between cutway's clan and your own has long simmered on my southern border i wish to see it put to rest there would be no peace while kepway lives but there is much agreement between your father and me this blood feud runs deep king harold we welcome your help but i must lead the charge i see is this a question of honor it is many winches ago cute we broke an oath to our fathers he betrayed a friendly piece slaughtered many i understand sigrid yard will lead the assault against cutway and his clan give him full command of my ships and my warriors when your victory is in hand cigarette find me at al rextali and we will celebrate together our men will gather at florida near the mouth of the fjord northeast of here will you join us hold the moment you captain our longship aboard meet us there and we will claim kirtha's head for the gods brother i have waited too many years for this day when kyoto stands before us give me the final blow you will have it ivor you deserve it avon give us a hand adult is generous with his troops more than i would be i cannot fathom his game he's either a young fool or deceptively wise whatever is reason i have a good feeling this war is near its end god avor you missed the opening act curtway's forward camp melted like a spring thaw at our approach is it from here we launch our attack we do indeed and we are ready to fight king harold's forces are well in place only give the world i will but before we strike i have a request name it the neighbor may give challenge to kurt via the gate of his fortress a battle to the death in single combat yes is this what you want cure to erupt my father of all honor and dignity i will win it back when honor is at stake let none interfere and if curtis should die before the battle begins all the better for our chances today my blade must do the work of school sharp scissors and cut short the cord of cuteness fate well said my sharp armed warrior scout may we all live to hear that saga song avor a word basm i them this feud is not yours yet you fight it all the same i find that strange you find it strange because you are wrong our clan the hidden ones have been fighting with kyoto's order for centuries you came from miklagar to kill kyoto yourself we did or rather we came so that haitham could kill him my apprentice has been studying this target for many months is kyoto's reputation so great outside norway not his reputation alone but the order to which he belongs something of a rival clan to our own them i mean no disrespect to you other hidden ones but kyogre is mine my family's honor is at stake i understand all that matters is that chortve dies this day on that we are agreed wow sneak around my walls like thief in the night face me here now the fight is mine cutely sigurd is only here to watch me feed your innards to my raven look at this once again abel rumpkist appears to take a swipe at me [Applause] this this is my father's shame today i take back the honor he lost i call a high gang here against the oath breaker i will make you back as your father begged wolf kiss squeal as your mother squeal [Applause] destroyed my life i will take yours you are weak like your father was weak rise saver this is not your day to die why do you refuse to die we're not alone chutney the old father watches my blade will drink your blood your flesh will feed my wolves [Applause] uh [Music] what do you want of me you won your price rule kissed the glory of my death all for this kissed the harvest of three dead generations all their names are now it all means nothing no my plan will not be forgotten i thought as i did as hard as i did to survive before i know what awaits us in the end only darkness ravenclaw your lives are forfeit come forward if you must into the crucible of your doom your father is dead gorham he's dead be paid open the gates and you will be spared wallowing [ __ ] wolf kissed archers take aim ravens show no mercy archers fire oh glory ugh a blind pursuit of vengeance has made you predictable you are shadow of your father gorm weak and witness and you will leave this place as ashes on the wind [Music] the coward gone flees his father dies twice today [Applause] we have the day let the coward go avo the breath of battle rises from my brow the scouts will sing of this night we have won the day but gorham escaped he's led north to king harald's domain let that bruised piglet run where he may his father is dead his clan is no more we are the masters of ria vilke a toothless cup may grow to be a dangerous wolf aver stop listen you have reclaimed your honor enjoy the night's victory tomorrow we will celebrate all right brother you're always right relay news of our victory to your nephew the king i have done so already sigurd you'll be more than pleased and will ensure you pride of place at his old thing at all studies tell him we will come battle flushed and singing songs of glory keep company with kings and you will soon have a crown of your own if the fates have spun it so linger here and loot what you can i will bring news of our victory to father before he leaves for harold's [Music] alvin i know another time foreign you have just won your heart's desire aboard yet by the look on your face you have lost your will to live gorham is here with the last of his men why does that troll dare show his face leave it for another day we are here under harold's truce and gorm is too weak to try anything bold here's a seat stain on his father's trousers i should wipe him from this world not tonight evil leave it watch over this one and see that he warms himself with drink i will find my father and escort him to the long house as you wish he's hide them well he will heal but never fully recover it is fortunate that you were able to succeed where he failed my result was strong when you slew kyotv did you see a sigil on him silver the size of my palm bearing the symbol of an ash tree take it trade it for what you can i know where gorm is camped if you wish to see him without anyone the wiser there is a trick i can teach you already looking for another princess all right i'll bite what do i do use your cloak to obscure your face blend into the crowd divert attention hide in plain sight this is how your brotherhood operates you sneak around in the daylight stabbing your victims where they stand said like that you make me blush we are seekers of justice shepherds of man's will we work in the dark to serve the light i suppose there's no shame in using deception when on earth at stake and gorham is a stain on that honor then let's see what can be done to cleanse that stain give it a try is an exercise in subtlety a hood makes you forgettable dismissed at a distance remain far from watchful eyes and you will be invisible to them do not draw a blade or hammer for these and other sudden movements can break your disguise and in case i wasn't clear you will need to put up your hood for the trick to work take up your weapon and follow me beyond these walls let odin's favor land where it may you dare not break the king's peace here so [ __ ] you and your god talk what say you to that you can beat me but you will not kill me not under harold's truce you are all subject to king harald's truth break his peace and you will be cast out of alright start i will give you no trouble you were shed into this world without honor gorm and you will leave as a turd dumped into hill's steepest ditch keep crowing a4 you only make yourself an easier target the old thing will have started i should find secret it pains me to say he does thank you his day will come oh gods i hate long speeches only when you're not giving them many of you knew my father half done the black a great man who achieved great things they buried haftan's leg near our temple the crops have never grown tall they buried his arsenal hours and we get nothing but a muddy river i dream of something greater a vast kingdom of warriors in numbers the world has never seen united under one king one rule too much blood has been spilled fighting one another today we unify and turn our blades outward to conquer new lands and who better to lead us to glory than me i was blooded before the age of 10 and i let the greatest army norway has ever seen but they say a wise king seeks honest counsel so i ask who among you rejects this new arrangement i am not your enemy king harold but i will not be your subject tomorrow we sail for greener shores and so my kingdom is yours this saddens me noble hill and does your wife agree is she not tired of limping ever westward my husband and i are as one in this lord we do not limp together we fly i'm sad to lose a woman of your spirit juvenile but i hold no grudge may the fates grant you good luck my king i offer you my axe and my oath ironclad you dare show your face in this hall did not king stirburn and his son segregate our lands of your foulness the raven clan dishonored me great king they poisoned my father kyotv they made a mockery of his honorable death background you lie hold ava let it play out this is a serious charge scorn and a false one at that my uncle saw your father die ava wolf kissed you are cut way slayer this man has slandered your clan what shall i do with him you are king of these lands adult the decision must be yours a modest and honorable answer gone i name you warm and call you exiled leave these lands by the next full moon or i will feed you to the crows myself king harold may i speak the floor is yours king stay bjorn my people have held our land since the days when odin himself walked among us my kingdom is humble but we have paid for it in blood our victory over kyoto is proof that we will not lay down without a fight all here have buried friends brothers and sisters sons and daughters and i for one have had my fill of death let those who seek war look beyond our shores if king harold brings peace then i am happy to bend my knee to him what what in hell's name are you doing father securing a lasting peace our days of fighting are finished you said nothing of this to me not a word and i will not yield a title that should be mined by right then war will continue men will die villages will burn you foolish boy this is our only way towards true peace you will die a thrall you drink a cow alone and toothless in a bed of straw forgive my son he is ruled by his emotions i take no offense stephen and i thank you for your fee it is natural to fear chains to resist it but all things changed in all things and the lessons of ragnarok are clear we will speak again soon there was an ambush lord that you know of stephen's plans for some days yes i did but it was not at my urging it was his decision alone do you dream of a glorious future ava a warrior like you would be a boon to my clan my fate is tied to my brothers where secret goes i it would be best for us both if you left norway to avoid the heat that comes with such friction i have no ambition to rule only to live and die with glory that may be but however firmly we make our choices it is fate that decides are welcome but let us leave these matters for another time tonight we will eat and drink like gods and wake in a kingdom made new [Music] arrows cause he's already mocking his territory barking gods he's spraying like a horny pup adult may be young but he's clever do not underestimate him he came of age very quickly how are you doing hyphen you survived a serious blow i am mending i will never be the warrior bastard wishes me to be but i can serve my brotherhood in many other ways let's cut the dead will you return to the south we are going west in fact bassim is a tireless crusader get some rest before you sit out then injured men do not fare well on the open ocean of course thank you it's avon open the door come in but keep your voice down i will alert harald's men where will we live the english will fight back the wash will never end or they will push us into the christian ways quiet all give me a chance to speak two days ago we read this land of curtin his dogs yet today we do not celebrate today we cower under a cloud of fear but it need not be like this we are not the heel trodden subjects of a boy king we are the raven clan our destiny is our own did you know about your father's oath to harald i did not and for that my anger burns hotter than any man's here but i will not let that drive me into despair we cannot stay in norway not under harold's boot not without fuelling more war so we push forward to newer lands to england and there make a new home a kingdom of our own the sons of ragnar lothbrok have been in england eight winters already is there any land left for a clan of our size more than enough wife of the four kingdoms of england only one is truly pacified i have no desire to wear harold's leash i like this idea a saga for the ages i agree it will take time and resources to build ourselves a new home but the richest taken from kyoto's raid would suffice no that belongs to my father as a fair compensation in england we must start anew you would start us with nothing in the land we do not know among people who hate us curtis riches would go some way to easing our passage sigurd i bested him it is within my rights to claim his goods our leaving must not be an assault on my father it is a time of renewal for us if you object i understand let your father keep cured for his riches england will have riches and cargo enough for us good i did not want this cloud hanging over us it is a wise leader who considers the need of others to england then before the day is out pack what you need but no more than that and tighten your lips the last thing we need is the attention of huddle's troops how much did you hear enough a new path is revealed and your journey will be challenging will you not join us for my mother's sake i cannot but our threats will cross again before the final day until then farewell ever the wind favors us we should set sail without delay you made quick work of packing well done the dream of new lands is a powerful lure as is the promise of glory but the act of leaving so beloved home there is a sadness to it having doubts no not at all the dye is cast then let fate guide our journey are you ready i'm ready let us take to the water and leave unbothered while we have the chance that chance has passed look fade flies and swifter wings than we king harold's banner siegel what is this assembly what are you planning an exit father as graceful as i can for if i cannot be king in the land of my birth i will start a new salah in england nonsense your place is here son at my side there will be other victories soon other glories my choice is made father do not hope otherwise it is easy to lose one's way on the road to glory do not let false victories blind you to what is true you talk of false victories to me old man a sad old bear who destroyed his honor with one bent knee the further i sail from this place the louder i will sing i will be his anger lord no you must be his better half may i give bless your voyage the time for tears is over you weeping sacks of wool put some muscle into those pools ration your strength dog we have an ocean to cross all right you lazy background see good what's our course the songs of ragnar established the coast we set sail for that inspire a mighty fart from thor to speed us on our way an ocean lies before a saver and on its far side a new kingdom awaits you know england well from your troubles i spent the season in the kingdom of mercia a temperate land lush and wild by now the sounds of ragnar will have claimed its heart that we mean to join their army they will join ours in time all of england will know of ravenclaw and the glory we brought to that fractured land so to england glory and destiny to england [Music] [Music] [Music] in a lecture at the university of cambridge dr sierka told a worried audience that scientists have few answers for them since the mass coronal ejection of 2012 the strength of the earth's magnetic field has increased by a factor of 50 000 this has resulted in huge disturbances in radio and satellite communications dangerous bands of radiation around the poles and as we can all see from our window an aurora borealis that never burns away unfortunately we are stumped as to why this is happening and if we cannot find an answer soon it may change the way we live the way we communicate even the way we evolve forever dr serker went on to say bought you more electrolytes oh new and improved citrus flavor thanks sean how do we fix this how are you the key to everything you're a long way from home avoir hmm mint tea is not actually tea backs it's an infusion it's really just dirty minty water i don't care what you call it sean did you buy any of course i did love hey sorry about pulling you out the generator was sputtering that's fine i needed air how was the animus data stream comfortable felt pretty stable after a while good just give me a sec and you can jump back in another satellite came down did you see i did one of abstergos that's good well most of north america just lost its gps service so it depends what you mean by good really right even when we win we lose okay we're all set whenever you're ready you can jump back in please enjoy your stay remember all the garbage must be packed out and please water the plants once a day yeah i won't remember that you gonna put this in the fridge sean of course in half a minute remember tomatoes go on the counter not the fridge hello leila sean what do you make of the grave out there well it overturns a few hundred years of scholarship about the first europeans to set foot in north america apart from that it's just a bunch of muddy bones isn't it can we talk about this thing on my neck for a second ah the mood stabilizer yes it's not harmful is it i mean i feel good but i want to make sure there's no side effects there shouldn't be it's only blocking outside signals a passive effect so the staff doesn't you know mess with you sean what happened last year i i had no control over that i tried to resist i understand and your old team maybe they don't but we've seen that sort of thing before still if you want to work with us and get to the bottom of why the world is about to end for the second time in eight years then you wear that thing until we say otherwise william's orders i know it's not a problem it's just a few more weeks yeah just until we figure this out you're right i know you're right feeling okay better but i'm worried that it could happen again the two data streams i can't promise it won't i barely understand it myself it felt like two minds fighting over one brain it hurt like a shotgun to the head right there's something about this vikings dna sample that feels dense noisy could it be the staff interfering somehow how do you mean my headaches my temper they started the day i got that thing i hope you're not making excuses for you know your friend jesus no i'm not sorry just take it easy and if you feel yourself sleeping again let us know i'm trying i really am i went through hell to bring you here it had better be worth it all right time to go norway to england takes about a week by long ship so i'll scrub ahead layla you okay sorry can you play the message again we have the transcript if you're looking for something i cannot i want to hear it okay i don't mean to be cryptic it's just that message led us here to this place to a norse grave in north america so those bones out there are the only lead we have our only chance at fixing this planet before it's too late here it is i lived i died and now i sleep and in my sleep i dream and in my dreams i see an end to the doom that will grip the earth once again find the mad one find me and save us all from another death unsettling that is that pulse in the message are you sure it's just coordinates nothing else nothing i can find okay i'm ready here we go [Music] [Music] not a patch on norway but we'll make this land our own soon enough i'm glad to see any land at all and we'll be happy to have my feet on solid ground again we must not rush our landing all you see here is saxon territory the kingdom of mercia largely unpacified there will be eyes watching us from the trees with bows drawn and trapped set we must be wary randy taking your oars all standing have you spotted something not yet but let us go ahead to clear the path of any dangers then follow our lead when the sun brushes the horizon bless you all understood your way we will see you soon yes i'm ready for whatever these green thumb fairy folk have to throw at us sigurd does the santa brackner know that we're coming they do not but they will not stop at our visit of the four kingdoms in england the songs of ragnar have settled only one the rest is ripe for the taking do we mean to join their army now now we will speak with them get the lay of the land and carve this country into as many pieces as we see fit look ahead there is that what passes for a town plain brick in a single room to their timid god that rune is called a root dog the cross upon windsor god was sacrificed it sits atop a monastery a place of worship that cross killed their christ and now they display it in worship bizarre we carve idols of our gods and make wishes before them like our sacrifices to odin into one night but we do not worship the wolf that kills him that is the difference whatever strangeness we see in these saxons they must think the same of us the hammer now there is a symbol worthy of a god a bolt of lightning would take that cross clean off look there what are they doing ritual drowning baptist and god are the ways of christians really so unfamiliar to me not at all i simply forgot if someone has to keep the conversation up it must be priests and worshipers alone in that place we could storm this port with ease second without breaking a sweat is there much in the way of treasure there always they shape precious metals and cut jewels to their gulfs there will be a fortune there later dak there will be time enough for raiding once we have settled stop the boats pull up over there the way forward is blocked by a chain spanning the river we must remove it before passing on a chain can we cut through it it's too thick for axis well there must be a way to release it somewhere in that cap i will go and i will be right behind you know that you stay here should trouble come our way i want you defending the ship a good idea send out the arrow and keep your sharpest axe at hand something like that hey what's the matter this chain is huge and poorly anchored it appears i might be able to shoot it uh is clear we should be closed firing anymore [Music] surprises i say we go back sigurd give those dogs a good knock around and take whatever treasures they have easy pickings not today dad we press on until we reach our goal we cannot afford another surprise now be on your guard it should not be far gods i'm ravenous i hope they have food and the ale on hand when we arrive you should have set word ahead of a cigarette to get something on the spit if i've done uber and eva lacking food in england then all of us will starve have no worry i can see it now a suckling pig tender and juicy and ale as gold as the treasures that we fail to steal back there a man of simple pleasures aren't you dag happier for it for my part i look forward to standing in the footsteps of the giants that built this land what giants the great romans and their empire giants of a forgotten age they held dominion here long ago and their ruins stopped the landscape every brick and stone tells the story of conquest and glory and now they are rubble and hash ready to be remade we will rebuild their empire brick by brick and ours will not crumble to dust all things and dog ruins are not a warning they are a testament look there just ahead where the songs of ragnar make their camp at last we find our feet on steady ground ziggid hold back something isn't right good eye there's too little movement for an army only tents and a few men not the army we hope to find no let us get a closer look those are not norsemen they're too rapid and soiled we should proceed on food as they spot the boats dag and i will go together we all go if they are friends i wish to meet them as a young and if they oppose then we fight them all together who are these men they speak with twisted accents english no doubt dark avor on me [Laughter] oh what's this a mess of filthy danes befouling our riverweirs you there give us your name i am sacred yard of formberk and you are men who do not take kindly to dane invaders creeping into our camp you'd best move along pagan spare yourselves a slaughter you threaten those men with a play of swords and expect us to cower i have been eight days at sea without a drop of blood to wet my axe so spare the chatter bucket out and draw your weapons let's finish them have a look around all of you i want no more surprises right i'll check the longhouse heyvon look at this a nice trap might be something inside i'll have a look who are you are you with those pickens as well ziggurd dark in here those men had prisoners you there untie us let us walk and we will not hurt you quite bold in those bindings i like your spirit we are very agreeable people i promise you need not kill us peace friend we have no need or wish to hurt you what are your names i'm a merchant not a bandit like those others and this is row one rowan that's right i'm a stable hand that's all i keep horses and well i did till those brigands sold them off they meant to sell us next as slaves to the nearest bidder but i let their eyes out before i let that happen and how did you find yourselves here we came to trade with the sons of ragna at hastanyas asking but they were gone when we arrived unbind them you know the sons of ragnar i sold many a mayor and stallion to the brothers good men always paid me fair from the look of this camp they've been gone for some time where will you go now what will you do rebate by stocks start anew i have friends and allies across the land to aid me but it won't be easy every town and village needs a stable to keep horses fit and trim i'll find my footing again somewhere [Music] what are you thinking that we could use their skills as we get settled having access to trade and someone to tend our mounts would be a boon my thoughts as well any friend of the ragna songs is a friend of mine right doug whatever you think is best sigurd yanley rowan i am sigrid jarv or fornberg son of steelbern this is avor and dag both of you are free to go but more than welcome to stay if you're willing to pull your weight we'd be happy to if only to get back on our feet then let it be done the ravenclaw welcomes you from strangers into friends into family [Music] the others have arrived come i have a good feeling about this place honored family friends welcome to your new home [Applause] [Music] fine work a long house to rival any i've seen [Music] now come randy has found something i would like you to see [Music] avor sigurd i give you england and its four kingdoms mercia east anglia northumbria and wessex from the few plans and maps i discovered here i believe the sons of ragnar have pushed further into murcia here my scouts will soon tell me if i am correct where are we here and these unnamed cups of trees unnamed we cannot let that stand what will we call this place i might have an idea ravenstorp the village of ravens hmm i like it the poet in you sings once again one day this name will be known throughout all of england a name is only a beginning if we want renown we must build expand agreed we should begin with a forge can you help colonel get working again we'll need cargo supplies for that our neighbors will provide whether they wish to or not scarcely arrived and now we must raid we cannot master this land merely by asking i'll go and speak with connor now good work my dear what else have you found not a bad play saver not at all can i help you with anything sigurd wants your forge up and running as soon as possible for that we need supplies and riches ah you mean to go a viking then good good how i miss those days run sacking and pill etching blade singing and shill splintering [Laughter] i would ask you to join us but you are the only blacksmith we have we cannot afford your loss oh it's no butter better i forge axes than swing them my place is here not pulling on the war of a river horse though you do remind me i found a map among the bandit's rubbish marked up with the locations of saxon monk huts yes bandits know as well as we do monasteries are full of riches and loot take the map with you and put it to better use than they did for the good of our plan it is time we go a viking today we rate that tomorrow we may build and last we will correct these christian monasteries like a row of hens eggs the saxons know we are here the monasteries will be well guarded run up the sail by nothing more than priests and prayers i'd wager let the sail out sing my ravens oh out that is all we need for gunner but if there's more we should claim it baxter's [Music] ah this is wonderful labor a forge bigger and harder than my old forge back in vaughn bag come visit me anytime for weapons and gear there is no man better than me i will gonna have no doubt great avon good to see you i like living in the long house i feel like a yarn in here what will you keep in this room my finest weapon for this room is yours here you may lay your head hang your axe or be alone with your thoughts do you like it it suits me well but i would be just as happy watching with the raiders on that wharf i need no special treatment this is not special treatment i want you here in the long house close at hand i may be the owl of this clan but you and i lead together as ever so get acquainted with your room and when you're ready meet me at the staples a bed better than many i've slept in and a good place to recover a letterbox for messages and requests not much but it is mine you're ready to ride at a moment's notice count on it my friend the path ahead is bright with glory at its end what was that about this bastard leaving us already sigurd means to leave as well is that true we know the sons of ragnar have camped in the north it would do us well to pay them a visit to strengthen our ties to this land is that where basim has gone basin's motives are his own leave it at that we have more pressing plans i'm writing to let it justify her to a town called repton ever i expect you to join me when you have finished here i can come now i only need a horse not yet first speak with randy she has more than one task for you here apart from growing this settlement you must seek out alliances as well we cannot pacify england with so few friends then i must join you sigurd for i am a fitter companion on long roads no dag you belong here with the raiders and you will act as aver commands ride in safety brother i will follow as soon as i can yes and i will keep our raiders sharp do his avor commands is he testing me he may be secret is a wise man i would sooner take orders from a loss [Music] avon my stable is a bit spared just now but if you can build me something better i promise you the finest of beasts a bustling staple would be a great boon here i will see what i can do [Music] ah there you are you wanted to see me as sigit has so ordered it falls to us to expand our presence in england he wants to forge alliances i am glad with every norse dane and saxon here right we are the outsiders here making friends will help where do we start my scouts come and go daily with interesting news and tidings and i'm beginning to get my bearings in this fractured land as i learn more i can give you insight into each territory before you commit to a journey there of course once you have gained an ally in a territory return home and speak to me we'll decide your next move then i understand so where do we start you have two options just now join sigurd and let the chestershire to the north and meet with the sons of ragnar luthbrook or head south to grant the bridgeshire to meet an army of danes led by one guthrum yarl and his second soma i should add our young friend haitham has been conferring with his own contacts in the cities his research could be useful in winning us alliances throughout the cities of england speak with him and see what he needs i want to see the alliance map tell me about grande britsa a force of danes called the summer army by the saxons is camped north of grander bridge at some ruins across the river we should carry favor with their leaders guthrum and soma if we hope to win their trust and allegiance my scouts did not meet them in person so i can say little for the state of their army consider this a starting point i will leave right away good and may the blessings of freyja follow [Music] hail what has happened here who is asking avon of the raven clan did you and your men fail to take the village no no we had it for a time it was nothing but the cluster of water and dorbz huts when we came we made it lively ground bridge was a thriving hop of trade and song under the care of suma ayalskona the saxons took it back they appeared within the city as if rising from the shadows and drove us out what about the city walls and your guards the walls were unbreached the guards unaware it was like they burst out of the center of the city itself setting a flame everything in their path shouting some nonsense about an ancient order of warriors by the time i saw the fires too many of us were killed or captured are yasko masuma shivellowed the retreat and we took refuge in the ruins but in the chaos we were separated she and the bulk of our forces fled northeast into the swamps i'd follow if we were fit to we need her iron fist i can find soma be ready when we return she'll be deep in the fog of the fan lands by now find her longship that's your best bet we can raise the sail in these waters let the sail hold up like ragnarok itself came for grand bridge a great battle rage nearby old course we'll see what else lies within the fork look soldiers dug in over there [Applause] markings take him to the shelter for warmth slap some moss in that gash and wrap it well echo look at me remember the bores failed our first day in england hold his arms nine large and fat fed us for a week yeah yeah you'll be chasing more in a month my friend you come like a valkyrie out of the fog we have no dead to give you you must be soma let's talk elsewhere give them a chance to rest quite a hit you took how many were lost it's kind of you to ask but with so much blood in the water and death on the air i'd know your name and purpose first ava of the raven clan i came for you looking for a friend and ally i see i'm soma lord of grand bridge though it seems an order of lunatics wishes to strip me of that title the order of the ancients sounds right the saxon called wigmund is one of them he robbed me of my city forced us into these swamps i've rallied some of my soldiers but my three advices are missing if we hope to retake grant bridge i'll need them at my side tell me about them they are my best my inner circle berna galin live we may as well be of the same blood if i can reunite them and we take your city can i call you a friend an ally if you can do all that you can call me whatever you want where's this wigman what does he want he's a flailing elderman under the old king a bitter man digging his fingernails into grant bridge just to say he can he's made many attempts to unseat me before this time he managed a trick what happened to granbridge the elder man wigman ceased it from us i'm not sure how he managed but he will not keep it not for long he has supporters outside the city but this attack seemed to come from inside the walls from the heart of grant bridge let's find your advisors agreed we'll look for signs of their longboats along the river and if we are swift we will find them before the wolves do the fog is more hindrance than hiding place now let's light the way back [Music] um burn long and hot bright wolf of the branch and guide so much gilded warriors home i know what you must think what must i think that it's foolish to search defendants for so few people you told me the soldiers you lost were your best vital to retake in the city do you think it's foolish not at all then why would i you have the look of one who does well with solitude you're alone a wanderer it may be you think of soldiers as warfare and little else but these warriors are more than a blade and shield they are my family nothing sure i've lost a city this week i will not lose them too i understand and if your people yet live we'll find them up leif is a brim and proper man isn't he he lives by a strict code of honor more than most and builds the best long ships i've ever sailed they're the reason we escaped grant bridge alive he's not the strongest man but he's wise and canny and hard to pin down like a fish wriggling free of a net hello [Applause] [Music] i knew i heard someone sweeping the hearth outside we handled it just fine thinking of starting a new town in fact this house being our first beer now i pitched a camp nearby under a burning beacon we'll meet you there when i found the others thank you so much and you as well sambi we'll head to the camp now i'll have everyone singing songs and dancing jigs by the time you get back vienna is like a grapevine curly and hard to predict while leaf is like a would-be sturdy straightforward birna has a genius for tactics she's well ahead of things leaf deals with what's just there before him practical in all ways both have helped me find my footing in desperate times it's important to keep those who disagree with you close as family hey what are you doing can't raise the sail yet hey the beacon has drawn the last of my soldiers by tomorrow our strength will have returned and we can retake our city i have not yet spoken to leaf bernard about this after my missteps i worry what they must think of me it doesn't matter what matters is how you lead them forward from this point on by those hammer i am glad we're together in spite of our setback galin you look well worn do not grieve the men you lost they will be singing your praises in the corpse hall waiting for us thank you yours corner leaf you'd outlast any tempest it's good to be back soon all as one and know this that i will follow you through the eye of the storm if you called birna i'm delighted you're alive i'm delighted to be living i lost so many after all this but i still have you three that makes me the most blessed warrior in midgard and avoid you have more than proven your worth help us reclaim our city and you will have an ally in me my blade is yours for grantbridge we'll rest for the night gather our strength and our wits and as a break of dawn's light we retake grand bridge past the night in our camp aval take anything you need looks like more of somas forces followed the beacon back to camp the day is new and the air is bracing are you ready for the fight ahead let's take your city back that's what i like to hear meet me at the western gate of grantbridge we've assembled there have care you do not enjoy taking orders from anyone but your yard back home i fight for sigurd none else while you're on this ship dark you fight for me and for so much loyalty we fight for her two teams hidden one on each side of the door move when you get a signal and not a moment before wakeman must know we're here as he should i will reason with him he will reject my offer of peace and our conversation will have a surprise ending wigmond honor thief i know you're up there return grantbridge to me wigman no more of our people need die we may talk this out lord to lord what are we to talk about you have nothing i need worth by birth even i was born a noble you were plucked from a giant's armpit i built this town from a mud hut to a thriving port and we both know your bluedose ridge is dry without my guiding hand leave go die in the muck where you belong heathens wigman wigman let's try one final time quit grant bridge and when she is mine once more i may spare your life ha i command grantbridge i am master here and i will scour you rats from this land like rot from a festering wound let me give you some advice old bear the surest way to stop a wound from festering isn't with a blade it's with fire no veins of grandeur brits shire retain what is yours no time for that i'm a free will destroy the city's food supply scum wegmans you cannot hide from me forever come face your death even eels wigman's is gone he's gone any man who fights [Music] [Music] no sign of whitman here he may be hiding within the city walls shall we search no he'll be gone count on it argor coward but we've struck a bold claim today walk with me i want you to sound our battle horn to announce our victory let all the shire know that grand bridge is retaken the sound of the horde means prosperity long life bounty why me why not you were the keystone to this attack you turned the tide let the wind from your lungs breathe life back into my city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes look at you all warriors handsome beautiful [Applause] tomorrow you will stamp out the last of whitman's fading fires but tonight tonight we feast as gods [Music] hey [Music] my clan throws the best feasts i think you'll find you enjoy yourself i did but were you celebrating a morning you looked unsure the night of the attack i heard sounds of bloodshed coming from the longhouse in moments the city was overrun with saxons so i called a retreat we all have our one day but not like that not that day i've heard this before that the saxons appeared as if from the shadows in all my time in branbridge this tunnel was my most careful project the best kept secret in the city now a hundred or more saxons know the smell of it the only people who knew about this tunnel were me and a three in my inner circle you believe you were betrayed i know i was by whom that is where i hesitate between leaf garland and birna i cannot say but they are the three who helped me dig this in secret i hoped you might lend me your wits you are a fresh ally i could use your eyes and ears i promised you i'd help secure your city that task is near done it seems good i sent garland leaf and bildner to destroy what remains of whitman's power throughout the shire meet with them raid with them get to know them as best as you can find out which of them betrayed me i'll do what i can but you know your warriors far better than i do between you and me my heart is clouded i love these three as if we shared a wound i need clear sound judgment i need you avor you have me thank you feel free to take a look around as you wish search the city the tunnel and here a gift for retaking grantbridge with us one of the few things i have left for my blood family ah soma has only ever pleased the gods asserting her now breaking your oath that is what would bring us ill look evil i am honored you have joined us what's your plan here all the shire supports somas ruling the city these hamlets do not they're feeding and outfitting whitman's army so we will burn their homes quick and devastating like the thunderclaps of thor how did you come to be in soma's clan a vision from evolver set me on this path it pricked my mind like a splinter and faded but i wanted more for months years i had only henbain mushrooms sacred plants hoping to see something new but my body dwindled i lived adult maddened a wanderer taken in by saxons and spat out again and again until soma found me naked and alone in the fence she clothed and cared for me humbled as i was i owe her my life visions can be strange and powerful what did you see i was climbing a mountain a lion and a snake upon my back weighing me down i struggled and soma appeared and she eased my burden when we reached the peak there was hardly enough room to stand on a point like the tip of a blade we teated there gripping one another tightly i know i can seem distant obsessed but the gods are with us always i see it as my duty to shelter soma from their ire what do you think of the others leaf and vienna leaf he's a talented sailor with a little enthusiastic and bianna well biena thinks of life as a grand joke she was a smuggler when soma pulled her from the muck making a living on lies bienna is part of my clan and i will fight beside her the reverend as she is but she has no care for her destiny i'm eager to start throwing torches now let's rid these hamlets of whitman's rats light your torches and set your arrow tips to play table the red enemy of the branch will make a quick work of this place we are a curse visited upon them all leave no house unburnt this is what they get for helping ran grand bridge from soma for licking alderman whitman's boots [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] that good steel now that was something quickman is sure to take notice you stand and roared like a fiery suther himself marching through the flames of muspelheim i'll see you back home drengar the hair gets longer the nails grow even when the corpse is cold i've seen it myself that's not true you think what there's a bit of life left in someone long dead no it's the fumes in the body odors grow after a killing so they have to escape by any means they can avoir my muscle banded friend there's a nesto wigman's men just here we're going to pick it clean every last one if you realize in the bush the less itchy the pussycat that's how i see it how did you come to join zoma's army i'd been in england for ages before guthrum eva smuggling under the eyes of saxons and danes alike i lied stole had my nose broken life wasn't easy but he taught me how to bear the pain i just laughed it away when soma took me in she saw more than a smuggler in me i was useful to something greater than myself useful to her vision in a world where few saw you as worthy of trust she's one who did right and i love that about her i love everything about her you seem to bring life and spirit to this clan the soma feel the same if i knew what was going on in another person's head i'd find life dreadful and dull but soma seems to enjoy my company in what way her own way just not in the way i'd like painful truths are easy to bear when you can laugh you see delight in the face of suffering is an act of rebellion what do you think of soma's other warriors gallon and leaf oh leaf's got that raw animal pull every time i see him i want him to climb me like a tree and nest in my armpits he prays about being honorable but i've never met a man of honor who starts a fire just to be praised for putting it out and gallon he breeds like it's an art form he's got this self-importance that is just so charming we could talk all day but these saxons may fly from their nest you and i should take a closer look my men will hang back and come running if things go sideways fighting beside you should bring a thrill happy i can see it up close don't get too close i might black your eye or boost your head you'd lose your elbow before the pieces showed with me brother you know that god forbids that form of pleasure is that right it explains oh [Music] that's all of them ah the solitude of after slaughter shame about the smell though men [ __ ] themselves you fought very well vienna is that how you flirt avor is that how i what easy now drangie i'll see you back in grand bridge you cannot be allowed to keep spewing did you sail through a storm who you never mentioned evil a fine day for being out now someone said i would find you here leave what's your plan we're ridding the world of a priest whose spouse prays for the elder man and follows tithes into whitman's covers so the plan is this we sneak in cut the priest and return to soma that will get whitman steaming how did you come to join zoma's army we came to england together sailing under guthrum the great summer army the saxons called us when guthrum left for wessex so must step forward to lead something i would have liked to do myself what would you do if you were the y'all of grand bridge i would run the city my own way i would not give birna and gallant's opinions equal weight do you not trust them i wouldn't say that it's more bina's boots are stuck in the mud and gallons are in the sky if death were bearing down upon us i worry neither would have what it takes to carry us through you were there when guthrum made some of the spirit of grand bridge how did that feel good fortune for her when soma took hold the silver started flowing and the people started dancing she knows trade i do wish i'd been bold enough to put myself forward to take on the burden and honor of running a city but that's beside the point soma is my yar's corner and i'm a sworn man no act of any god will change that as a mastership builder what does your work require patience and love i know each of our vessels as a parent knows their child but building ships needs silver too the hard wood the tough fabrics the expensive paints the yellow i use for instance that must be imported a high price for a happy color i'm certain that's why someone stole my paints some weeks ago blasted thief good conversation leave now let's take down wigman's man two right two right brigman's whelp awaits his reward my warriors will distract the saxon forces at the gate you and i will find the priest your mind we should leave well struck we made short work of whitman's man that we did you've proven yourself an asset to us i'll see you back in grantbridge avor the plan worked one of wegman's captains caught him sniffing around eurolyponte remember you don't need to kill him have fun i'll be planning our next move in the longhouse little boy little boy where is your daddy hiding godless heathens grand bridge is a province of lord wigman of walden the city is rightfully his poor soldier doesn't know what he thinks due to men of god like him hasn't heard the stories it seems we can educate him look at those ham hands could make a nice pair of gloves and his heart a heart that beats in a lad like this feed a family of six for a week let's cut his throat now and water the orchards with his blood no sweet lord no no no he's on the isle of ely alderman wigmund in the monastery i swear hmm thought that would take till the next morn let's tie him up and let him rot away oh [ __ ] dane hapwitz the lord will smite you from this land all of you may god have mercy on that home thieving snake might have cast a curse on us i couldn't risk it christians don't curse whitman's on the isle of ely i'll tell soma what we've learned come on i need a challenger avor what did whitman's little man have to tell us wickman is at the monastery on the isle of ely hiding among the church mice i'll need to plan our attack but i won't face him while the traitor he commands is still under my roof so what have you learned bierna is in love with you unanswered love is a volcanic emotion berna has always been unpredictable but she's a warrior-grown she does not let her emotions guide her actions vienna used to be a smuggler hardly an honorable life there is honor among even the lowliest of men danes know that better than most leave wishes he had stepped up to lead and to be where you are now leaf has a celebrated place in my clan as a shipbuilder he is without peer and he knows i know this leaf disagrees with how you run grand bridge this city thrives under me as a bustling port for his long ships for instance leaf told me his yellow paint had been stolen yellow is a troublesome color to make he was upset when his stores were stolen garland puts his visions above everything to the point of fanaticism visions are like clouds each person sees a different meaning in the shape and garland sees an important meaning garland told me he was near death when you found him and saved his life yes people thought him cursed he was adrift in deep water but don't we all deserve a guide back to the shallows i need more time to think of course feel free to search the shire for clues and speak to anyone you wish your himself could now drink me avon this is a surprise i was wondering the visions you've had about you and soma how do you interpret them a piercing question i believe it means that soma will lead me to greatness however difficult but she's linked to my destiny why were you at death's door when soma found you i left my clan to pursue my vision i don't remember much the sacred plans addled my memory but i was hungry for more visions you may not understand but so madas she knows the gods have a plan for me and that following it is worth any risk did you see anything odd when the attack began i did i saw a wave of saxons appear in the heart of grant bridge as if by magic artists wings on an eel i fought ragged to the brink of death from one night to the next you saw the end of it wolves almost took me somebody let the saxons into granbridge's secret tunnel gallon i believe there's a chance that it was you i fled a harrowing attack cutting down saxons and praying a valkyrie would take my men when they fell you pick at me like a scab and i won't have it be happy i don't strike you down for adding a sour note to my battle song well you're not the regular sunbeam i've come to know something weighing on you i was wondering on a few things it must ache to serve under someone you love so deeply one who doesn't love you back some days the pain hits hard i need to press my hand into my heart to keep it from digging through my chest you were a smuggler some would say that's not a trustworthy past and water is sweat what a surprise i'm an opportunist i see a chance i take it it's helped zoma so far she knows what i am what i was but she trusts me who would better know the difference between a joke and the truth what happened the night of the attack the people were at peace a beautiful night fog and all then came the saxons all around and soma roaring like a great beer when she called a retreat we ran for the longboats aiming to regroup in the swamps it was an ambush no more no less vietnam grand bridge was not taken by fluke someone showed the saxons the longhouse tunnel and there's a possibility it was you i was drinking under the noses of dozens that night i would never betray my people we're done here and it'd be good for your health to take a walk away from me ava you look like the wind has fled your sails what's going on i was wondering you told me you often disagree with somas orders i do but i follow them it's my duty to this plan to my house kona a man's honor comes from his axe not his wishes you said your yellow paint was stolen before the attack aye and yellow is not an easy pikmin to mix let alone acquire i was furious it was stolen how did you feel in guthrum named soma the steward of granbridge and not you if being honorable were easy we would have no evil men it is something i i wanted sure but i'm a man of honor above all how did the night of the attack play out from your view i was working in the shipyards next thing i knew the city was burning from the inside then soma led our retreat someone told the saxons about the tunnel underground bridge sleeve there's a possibility it's you you insult me evil the night grand bridge fell i was working in the shipyards i could already hear fighting by the time soma gathered me to retreat i was nowhere near where the saxons came in i hope that's enough for you avor because we're finished here someone hauled this bucket of yellow paint all the way down to the riverbank they quickly painted a long ship beach deer then they sailed off with allies to help crew the vessel did you find enough clues around grandpardshire are you ready to choose the traitor i found an empty barrel of yellow paint beside a longboat launch yellow paint was used to mark a boat the night of the attack an old time for a fresh coat of paint but that's his work is it not that's all the evidence i think we need you've been thorough who is the traitor garland betrayed you are you certain [Music] this will be the hardest thing i have ever done stay close by me evil i will need you how do you plan to deal with this as a leader must my family my inner circle today we make sure what has happened to us will never happen again we end wigman's life but not all together for you cannot survive the winter with a rat in your ladder you have betrayed me garland i haven't soma you're the key to my life you must lead me to my destiny carry me to the summit of victory do not warp what is real with the stories you tell yourself i have seen no signs of your destiny what i have seen is my people slaughtered my city be fouled and your delusions fueling the destruction how dare you think your destiny your greatness outweighed all of ours he believed too much in fate and not enough in us take him away i feel as if i have torn off my own arm wigman deserves death but killing him won't make your family whole again you think i don't know this is for those who follow to join me is to take an oath to break it is to suffer we may camp on the outskirts of the isle of ely join us there she carries the weight of leadership on one shoulder and the bonds of her people on the other now that she's lost one she walks lopsided it will take years of torah to rebuild those bonds with her people yet she is unburdened now lighter she's a leader not a friend evil her mistake was thinking she could be both i have an iron stomach that traitor is lost in hell by now they will have the lost souls of the dead to answer to soma avor you're still with me through all this do not think i'll forget we all need someone in dark times now let's collect whitman's head good at the first sign of trouble my crew will jump in he's hiding at this summit of the hill i can smell him i hope he likes the view it's the last he'll ever see lightning tingles my blood abor i hear the voices of my slaughtered people on the air calling wigman my palms itch where is that rat plate and you dirty charles lost it for [Music] me [Music] stop the heathen raider vikinger stop him he means to erase me to banish me from your minds fight in my name die for me die for me that is no way to go for sacrifices their lives for yours is that how it works their lives meant nothing no land no riches no titles but my name will live off the reputation of a good man never dies but your name will soon be a curse so be it the riches i had in life gave me power to curse me from beyond the grave gives me still more though i die my order lived on elsewhere everywhere yield to us give us what we are old the trade the riches the legacy all of it yields yields yield if your hell is real i'm glad [Music] the end of the storm is well in sight you're right i know you're if your right avor you've been a guiding light calling out garland like that exposing his treachery made me sick with a quiet terror i would have done the same in your position that is calming to hear which reminds me i have this for you keep it knowing you have my highest respect regard and trust my army is yours should you need it soma yarzkona my deepest thanks and there's something else as we prepared our assault bierna had a word with me we came to a sort of understanding it may be best if she tells you herself until next time avor of the ravenclan i hope we will see you in grand bridge soon avoir bienna you struck quite a victory today don't undercut your own ferocity drenir it was your blade leading the charge you are indeed something to behold we all thought hard and now grandparent is yours you have your home once again ah soon merchants and priests and reeves will run loose in its streets all of its muddy charms will dwindle besides with no room for me in soma's heart my home burned away in a quiet little house fire her priority is grantbridge and the people in it that is noble and beyond what i will ever understand so i've decided i'm of better use elsewhere with you and your crew you want to live with the ravenclaw and sail and raid with you if you'll have me look at this who would it i'll be happy to have you drench a relief to these ears i've already packed my bags [Music] foreign
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 413,631
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, ASSASSIN'S CREED VALHALLA All Cutscenes (PART 1) Game Movie 1080p HD, assassin's creed valhalla all, assassins creed valhalla all cutscenes, assassins creed valhalla all bosses, assassins creed valhalla full gameplay, assassin's creed valhalla full story, assassins creed valhalla game movie, assassins creed valhalla full game movie, 1080p, hd, assassin's creed valhalla
Id: lZP3d5z1FXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 44sec (11144 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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