GOD OF WAR PS5 Final Boss Fight & Ending 4K ULTRA HD

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so boy boy oh i'm good i'm getting kind of used to this what happened to him something we did no something else a dead giant why would the serpent leave us here look freya we can still trust her right until we know for certain keep a distance the world serpent what's happened here we hoped you would know you are far from home i'm looking for my son the two of you you helped me see things more clearly you do not know where he is then no but the woods and fields speak his name i know he walks here in midgard [Music] when you see him last long ago before you were even born why are you standing so far from me what's wrong something's happened there [Music] i had a feeling hurting the big snake would bring the two of you out in the open do you have any idea any idea at all what you have cost me my boy [Music] mother i'm here don't run away oh i'm not going anywhere mother i know that you're still angry i know that how you feel hasn't changed but i i want you how i feel how i feel [Music] i've spent the last 100 years dreaming of this moment i rehearsed everything i ever wanted to say to you every word to make you understand exactly what you stole from me but now i realize i don't need you to understand anything i don't need you at all back off kratos this has nothing to do this path you walk vengeance you will find no peace i know you i'll deal with you later but family first this again stop fighting stop you might want to turn away boy this won't be pretty i won't let you hurt him no boy fine stop no betray you're bleeding breathe boy breathe not my blood what is that i can feel this i can feel everything [Music] he's vulnerable now you will not do this what's going on is freya trying to kill us no do you hear the wind we are moving that arrow punch the mistletoe in the quiver strap yes mistletoe harmed him freya said it was wicked he's more than harmed the spell is broken he can be killed i'm certain of it it's all coming back now now he remembers [Music] she controlling that thing stay out of it i can reason with him no woman you cannot he needs to kill you you can't stop me no one can where is he i don't care if he kills me i will protect him i will not let him die come touch it this will all be over soon you will stop this ah i [Music] better than i remembered i'm mother for you [Music] [Music] boy crystal dress doing address i've never felt so alive oh [Music] incredible oh outstanding [Music] feeling glory [Music] i'll kill you [Music] stay away from my son you don't have to do this stop him ladies there has been enough pain shut up [Music] [Music] [Music] himself could not i've never felt more alive ironic isn't it [Music] [Music] um oh [Music] ah love i have an idea why well done boy stop please he's being father not a threat you will not come for us again you will not touch her i don't need your [Music] protection [Music] no matter what what i do or say you won't [Music] i've made mistakes i know but you're free now you have what you want try to find forgiveness we can build something new [Music] you still need to pay for the lifetime that you stole from me i have paid i have [Music] paid but if that alone will make you whole we've seen me dead we'll make things right i won't stop you [Music] in mill what no father i love you [Music] why why do you even care you you could have walked away the psychologist here must be better than this [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no my boy my dear sweet boy [Music] freya he chose this i will rain down every academy every violation imaginable upon you i will parade your cold body from every corner of every realm and feed your soul to the vilest filth in hell that is my promise he saved your life he robbed me of everything everything you were just an animal passing on your cruelty and rage you will never change and you do not know me i know enough does he [Music] boy listen close i'm from a land called sparta i made a deal with the god that cost me my soul i killed many who were deserving and many who were not i killed my father that was your father in hell is this what it is to be a god is this that always ends sons killing their mothers their fathers no will be the gods we choose to be [Music] not those who have been who i was is not who you be we must be better well guess we are the bad guys now in her eyes yes but she could never make that choice we should finish this journey while i still have strength boy ahead get ready oh right got it let's hope this doesn't cause you to explode or anything oh i hadn't considered that maybe we should talk about this a bit more nah i'm sure you'll be fine ready that's unpleasant now boy woof we must be close well what are we waiting for think it's far we will see i want please before we continue listen the last thing you two need up there's a decomposing heat ruin in the moment but i'll wait for you here this is between you and the boy true but if someone were to fight my lady perfect slushers you done did it sorry we had to see this oh no no no no no no fine damn it fine watch the head till we return i can do this no no i can't okay ready come [Music] uh so look we're on the giants fingers i can see the highest peak ahead right over there we did it [Music] we did [Music] what are you doing [Music] i have nothing more to hide [Music] [Music] can we go now we're so close boy [Music] carry her [Music] hmm boy it's nothing i just thought i'd hear voices by now hello anybody here what is this place they must have all come through here when they left midgard what was left of them why carve all these faces what if this is all the giants that got out of midgard alive not really many at all huh who's the guardian i should feel them but i don't this place is dead what happened to them one question is answered and two more tickets wait father something's happening [Music] it's your axe it's mother look she's arguing with a bunch of giants she new giants [Music] that's us the first time we met the world serpent but how and our fight was balder but that just happened wait they knew everything that was going to happen [Music] the dragon in the mountain the stone mason all these drawings this is our story oh this is your story but what does it all mean that i was not the only parent with secrets [Music] you didn't know she was a giant [Music] i'm a child [Music] why didn't you tell us she sent us here knowing we would find this but why not just tell us the truth mother would have had good reasons [Music] walder was never sent to find me he was tracking her all along not knowing she was only ashes if she had a plan for us i trusted whatever it is besides she hasn't been wrong yet [Music] come on we're so close to the end now yes yes we are [Music] look it's mother's she was here she saw every step we took before we took it like she was always with us watching over us leading us home let's finish it [Music] father no we do it together suddenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] minutes [Music] why not goodbye faye i love you mom the giants they really are all gone there's nothing for us here come so i get that mother was a giant which makes me part giant emperor god and for mortal right i guess there's just one thing i don't understand my name on the wall the giants called me loki okay what's the name your mother wanted for you when you were born she must have called you that to her people but why a question for another day let us go [Music] home [Music] guess it all makes sense now why she want to end up here because her kind but did she know it was gonna be like this here is this what she wanted us to see did she want us to tell the people or keep it a secret i do not know so what should we do i trust you to decide that oh so why do you want to name me atreyus i know it can't be for a god no he was a soldier a spartan a great warrior all spartans are great warriors we trained from birth our lies were discipline duty battle and death life was grim and we greeted it grimly but atreus of sparta was unlike the rest of us he wore a smile even in the worst times he was happy he inspired us to hope that though we were machines of war yet there was humanity in us goodness when the day came for him to lay down his life in battle his sacrifice saved countless others and turned the tide in our favor i carried him home on his shield and buried him with all the honors of spartan custom his memory was a comfort in dark times wow you actually told a good story oh you missed it [Music] i understand if you want to go home but maybe helping people is part of why mom sent us out here too i mean what would trace a sparta do and what would loki do that's a weird name i'm glad we went with yours lads am i glad to see you i believe i've reached my limit for dwarven charm what happened they took an uncomfortable number of measurements and then proceeded to bicker about the weather what do you want us to take you how about the warm confines of anywhere bloody else you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 6,614,715
Rating: 4.8409166 out of 5
Keywords: God Of War, God Of War PS5, God Of War Ragnarok, PS5, PS5 Gameplay, God Of War 5 Final Boss Fight, God Of War PS5 Ending, God Of War 5 Final Boss, God Of War PS5 Boss Fight, God Of War 5 Kratos, Final Boss Fight, Kratos, Ending, Boss Fight, Boss, Fight, Gameplay, Playstation 5, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, HD
Id: s720l4ApQlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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