Assassin's Creed Mirage | The Full AC Recap/Story (2023)

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[Music] so AC Mirage drops very soon and after 3 years of no new AC and lots of people checking in after much longer than that I'm sure lots of you will have forgotten the details and events that will be very important to the overarching plot going forward so this is the complete recap of the mainline Assassin's Creed story from a guy who knows far too much about this stuff let's just get into it on September 1st 2012 Manhattan bartender Desmond miles was kidnapped by abstergo Industries a multic corporate giant with significant influence in the sectors of medicine entertainment and finance to name only three Desmond awoke from a strange blurred Apparition to find himself at a facility in Italy a man and a woman in white standing over him the man the superior of the two was Warren vidic and the woman Lucy Stillman was his assistant what exactly they wanted and how how Desmond factored into it would remain unclear for the time being all Desmond was told was that he had something in his head that abstergo needed something that the Animus this glowing humming machine beneath him could be used to access Desmond could either comply or be put into a coma from which he wouldn't recover this way vidic would still be able to access the information albeit at a greater inconvenience Desmond laid down and vidic explained that the public understanding of Neuroscience of the very nature of memory and DNA was incomplete as it turns out memories are genetic every memory stored in a parent at the point of that child's conception is passed onto that child and so on and so on genetic memories as they're called explain animal Instinct and provide an extensive Archive of a person's lineage vidic with abstergo developed the Animus to decode and render these memories The Descendant is placed in the machine to relive the events with complete cogence whatever abstergo want from Desmond is related to Al IB La in order to gain access to the desired memory Desmond must relive an earlier memory of aler moving forward from there this earlier memory takes place in 1191 beneath the holy city of Jerusalem Al's objective is to retrieve a concealed artifact the hooded man fails this in spectacular fashion proving himself selfish Reckless and impatient when he's intercepted by a uniformed Templar Altier is sent back to his people the Assassins with a message of destruction these two orders are inherently opposed though both claim to Endeavor for peace their methods are vastly different the Assassins strive for Peace So that humans may live and experience all of life's wonders truth Liberty and expression all made possible by unequivocal Freedom the Templars claim that this mission is self-defeating idealistic some incarnations of the group even claim that the Assassins are completely ignorant to human nature that humans are inherently low and that they wor first impulses are enabled by Freedom compromising the peace that the Assassins claim to Value the Templar solution is to deny the people of the thing the Assassins cherish most their freedoms you would like that wouldn't you to rid the world of all who do not share your [Laughter] views guilty is charged it's these incompatible philosophies that set the groups against one another over generations and continents they are truly incompatible just as alier is with the assassins Creed in Solomon's Temple he broke the three Central tenants that assassins live by stay your blade from the Flesh of an innocent hid in plain sight and never compromise the Brotherhood for this betrayal the mentor or Alim conjures the vision and sensation of his dagger stabbing alair he does this using the artifact or the apple of Eden which was recovered by Malik one of Alti A's assassin Brothers unable to process this feeling Desmond desynchronizes this is the process of falling out of Step with an ancestor's memories although an ancestor's memories are fixed their descendant must comply to an extent higher levels of synchronization lend to higher accuracy and low enough synchronization will eject The Descendant entirely Desmond being anxious and new to the technology has desynchronized twice now and this isn't the only Hazard of the Animus too much time spent in the past will induce the bleeding effect the blending of an ancestor's memories with one's own an issue that can escalate to Total mental break your brain is doing too much work the longer you stay in the more damage it does it's even possible the possible that it's possible the memories we're digging into could eventually overwrite your own like information on a tape drive with the dangers of the animous in mind Lucy convinces vidic to give Desmond regular breaks because if Desmond dies the apple is lost and in these periods outside of the Animus Desmond found himself embroiled in a conspiracy he'd Left Behind years ago Desmond was born in 1987 in rural South Dakota his community the farm was tight 30 men women and children all United by the Assassin cause Desmond was trained intensely to serve the Brotherhood and to beware their enemies the Templars or abstergo a corporate entity that Desmond was told controlled America completely as Desmond Grew Older he found himself gradually more disaffected with what he saw as a crack job conspiracy pedal by his father William an intense man utterly dedicated to the Assassin Mission and to molding his son into an agent of it the Assassins I was born into it I didn't choose it was like a Birthright you are an assassin they told me what did that even mean ever since I was young they never stopped saying it you are an assassin you are an assassin and this is our creat nothing is true what did that mean a world without purpose everything is permitted everything is permitted they're looking for us and they will not stop until every one of us is dead polarized by his father and his eccentric theories Desmond abandoned the farm on his 16th birthday he found himself free from the assassins in New York City where he worked as a bar tender up until his kidnapping now in abstergo capture it became clear to Desmond that there was an unsettling amount of Truth to Williams words EES dropping on conversations and hacking emails revealed that abstergo were indeed a modernized front for the Templars and they had achieved staggering power in an increasingly corporate world they're everywhere Desmond they have their hands in everything politics War Finance high-tech agriculture people are asleep and while they dream dream of stergo buildt a nightmare a these Templars they run our lives you know they decide elections they control various Capital markets and they inject us with little microchips to track our movements and read our thoughts it's all very scary this was it the global conspiracy abstergo fingers in every pie governments corporations universities in vidc ziles Desmond discovered the Animus project an initia headed by vidc to discover and kidnap or acquire descendants of people who came into contact with pieces of Eden so that they may be recovered Desmond is the 17th subject he discovers that the 16th was pushed too hard and had suffered some cryptic bleeding effect related incident that had killed him at least as far as Desmond could gather in spite of his developing knowledge Desmond still had no choice but to give obero the Templars exactly what they wanted alair wants a massive assassin respected more than almost any found himself reduced to a noice Alim stripped him of his tools and rank promising to return them only when alier had assassinated the nine men on his list the names given were of sporadic wrongdoers Christians and sarasin legitimate and illegitimate as aler whittel down the list he found that these men were more well connected than initially thought all were Templars headed by Rober desur the uniformed man from the temple with each kill Al found himself closer to the truth that the Assassins purported to Value so much his mission changed from one of pure obligation to one of understanding and in his growing wisdom alier discovered that Alim had been the true enemy of both factions working with the Templars to pursue the Apple before having aler kill them leaving no competitors for the artifact after killing rer the last Templar standing aler returned to massier to find its Town's folk glassy eyed and absentminded clearly Under The Apple spell Al with some difficulty was able to combat the mind control and hallucinations Al morim administered fatally wounding him with his hidden blade Al's story is a lot longer and richer than I can get across in this kind of recap but if you're interested I've covered his entire life from birth to death in a video mainly covering the secret Crusade novel that I'll link below as the Apple slipped from El Mo's grasp it projected a rotating three-dimensional map this apple marked Apple number two had been in the possession of abstergo but it was destroyed in an incident related to the construction of the eye abstergo The Logical end of Templar philosophy and the group's most important Mission a satellite that would amplify the apple of Eden's mind control globally hypothetically the I of stgo would enslave Humanity under a singular Vision achieving undeniable New World Order all that was needed was a piece of Eden and now abstergo had the potential locations for several the map seems to confirm the locations of precursor sites one such site is a vault in central Italy related to an ancestor of subject 16s that abstergo had been interested it watching on with three OB stergo Executives speaking was the company CEO Alan Ricket with Desmond's usefulness now spent he ordered vidic to kill him Lucy who had gestured Ally ship to Desmond and helped in his spying recommended that Desmond be spared for the time being the recovery of a piece of Eden was likely to be complicated and Desmond's memories could prove to be important yet when Desmond was left alone he found himself capable of harnessing Alti A's Eagle Vision likely thanks to the bleeding effect this heightened extra sensory perception revealed bloody markings on the floor of the laboratory in Desmond's living quarters surely left by the mysterious subject 16 though there was no time to reflect on these symbols as a blooded Lucy enters the laboratory and hurries Desmond into the Animus where he synchronizes with 16's Italian ancestor Desmond experiences the birth of ETO to Maria out té and is hastily pulled right back out Lucy directs Desmond to a parking lot dispatching of abstergo pursuing security with e She Drives Desmond to an assassin hideout in Rome where she explains what exactly they plan to do using the Animus Desmond will relive the memories of Etso an Italian Noble boy turned assassin learning to fight move and hide in step with his ancestor using the bleeding effect Lucy explained that if Desmond could harness the effect and Stave off its more psychotic qualities he could learn to replicate the skills of a seasoned assassin within days while this was true Lucy's intentions were not Lucy was born into the Brotherhood in 1988 in 2005 William Miles had a split from the Brotherhood in order to infiltrate abstergo and hijack the Animus project she and vidic worked closely on the Animus 1.0 and as the years ticked by Lucy couldn't help but feel she'd been abandoned and used by the Assassins by the time that William was ready to make use of his mole six years had passed and Lucy's allegiances had dissolved she'd make her first move as a Templar in 2011 when the Assassin clay karck was intentionally detained by abstergo and made the animous project 16th subject William assured clay before and during his detainment that the Assassin mole would watch over him and extract him when necessary as was typical vidic pushed his subject too far inducing a bleeding effect that was horrifically Vivid vivid enough that Juno could leave a message for clay through one of his ancestors what government of the People by the people the people shall not perish from the earth he casmer I who was once called Juno have come to show you the way remember in Eden what is this device touch Adam and you will know I can see what has been what will be then what you must do is clear help Desmond miles I no not me I refuse thousands of years this message waited soon it promise shall be fulfilled go forth with eyes open to all but the truth understanding the complete truth clay spent weeks Paving the way for Desmond during the nights he planted a construct of himself inside of the Animas as well as the truth 30 fragmented Revelations that revealed The Unbelievable scale of Templar power finally he cut his wrists and painted a series of messages with his blood some symbols were cryptic indictments of the Templars and others were the same glyphs that marked entry points for the truth clay bled out and abstergo sent for subject 17 this is when vidic broached operation sir Lucy this is where your background comes into play if our experiments with Desmond and the Animus aren't going well you will remove him from abstergo take him somewhere he will feel comfortable divulging his Secrets your assassins should do the trick since Desmond will be reading our emails we will ensure that secret Communications between you and the Assassins go through unimpeded once you are embedded I will come to pick up the animous tapes make sure to look very upset you need need to be convincing Desmond will lead you to the apple and then you bring it right to us we're counting on you Lucy you have served the Templar order well and we never forget loyalty oh yes once inside their Hideout perhaps you might ask the Assassins why they left you alone for so many years is Desmond more comfortable he he would more easily synchronize with his next ancestor Etso alator a 17-year-old Florentine Noble ignorant to any greater conflict than Bridget toop brawls with his greatest rival Vier depetti an enemy who threatens the things that matter most to Etso his Anor his family's name their fathers are also embroiled in a rivalry javanni Alor unbeknownst to his children is an assassin and Franchesco is a Templar though his family are ingrained in his business and integral to it for it's their no house that is set to rule Florence gavan has discovered the seeds of the py conspiracy a plot to have the PSIs replace the medich chees as Florence's ruling family giving the Templars control over this major city in all but appearance a significant shift from the rule of Lorenzo di Michi a friend of giovan's who by his assessment is a kind competent ruler to kill the plot Giovani provides evidence of a murder committed by Franchesco to uberto alberte a close friend of his and Florence is gel oneri basically a very powerful prosecutor who can present the evidence to court and see that the right thing is done but he doesn't do this because he is a Templar and co-conspirator he has Giovani imprisoned alongside eto's younger and elder brother petruo and Federico respectively when Etso discovers this he travels to The Palazo de senoria where his father is being held frustratingly Giovani doesn't have the time for detail he urges ETO only to go to his study and use his talent to open a hidden door it's there that Etso discovers his Eagle Vision and then his father's Second [Music] Life [Music] bring totoo successfully delivers the documents to uberto Alberti but this is no use Juan's fight has long been SE my sentence to death you are the traitor Roberto and one of them you may take our lives this day but we will have yours in return I swear we will father there grab the boy he's one of them in the following years ETO had his revenge on uberto vieri Franchesco and many many more this Hess boy became a Templar ghost story wherever power traveled the Assassin followed his Legend grew in step with a trail of Templar blood from Florence to Tuscany to Venice and to the Vatican where after two decades of fighting Etso gave up his Revenge time after time he'd been steered in the right direction by the Assassins his new family at this point his mission had more to do with the Ambitions of the Assassins than those of a bloodthirsty 17-year-old sozio closes the book on his Vendetta with an act of selfish Mercy letting Rodrigo the grandmas of the Italian Templars live seeing now that he has nothing left Rodrigo had thought himself profit the one destined to open the vault beneath the Vatican a mission he was so sure of that he pursued vied and achieved the papery now wrapping on the vault's door with both keys in hand it won't open in the face of this he welcomes eto's wrath and iio does not indulge the prophecy had been explained to Etso too by his closest Ally his uncle Mario ETO had dismissed this at the time as an old man's fantasy the idea was introduced through Alti A's codex which describe two pieces used to access a vault Rodrigo had the first piece the people staff and Etsy had intercepted the second an apple of Eden used in tandem they would open the door for the prophet for Etso as it turned out it's passageway consisted of a glassy marble etched with the gleaming Runes of some forgotten civilization in the inner chamber materialized a golden Spectre who introduced herself as manura she spoke for her people the ISU the first civilization roughly 75,000 years before this the Earth was ruled by this precursor race humanoid but so much more capable than humans by Design the ISU was so technically Advanced that they could designate their menial jobs those of laborers and soldes to a lesser species designed to serve the human was created in the ISU image with smaller brains shorter lifespans and one less sense where humans possess five senses the ISU possess a six knowledge the ability to sense and perceive time and the universe's many possibilities where humans had double helix DNA the ISU had triple hel helix DNA the most important feature of human design was in the brain human brains were embedded with neurotransmitters that could be activated by use of ISU technology most notably the apple of Eden this would make the human blindly subservient to the requests of the Apple's wielder subject to control and hallucination as time went on this mind control became less reliable some ISU mated with humans creating ISU human hybrids diluting the concentration of human blood and the control capabilities of the ISU with it two notable hybrids are Adam and Eve they stole an apple of Eden and awoke the people leading a human Uprising against the ISU who were now far fewer in number than the humans as War unfolded the ISU found themselves distracted from an even greater threat a coronal mass ejection from the Sun that would ravage the earth and its people leaving few if any to wonder its ashes the isu's greatest scientists set to work on preventing the tragedy the capitaline Tre ad consisting of manura Juno and Jupiter locked themselves away for years working toward possible solutions when it became clear that there was no preventing the flare manura used her sixth sense in tandem with ISU technology to sift through calculations of the future she discovered that there would be survivors of this catastrophe humans that would repopulate and flourish once more only without the foresight and capability to prevent an inevitable second flare independently using the eye of Eden manura recorded this message understanding that it would be seen by Desmond through iio she explained all of this and told him to seek out the grand Temple where the world might still be saved it's at this moment in the session that vidic led a breach on the facility he and his men sought to retrieve Desmond who was now proficient in combat thanks to the bleeding effect he was able to beat abstergo back and Escape their clutches once again only two weeks have passed since Desmond's abduction and the fate of the world Now lies squarely on his shoulders despite their Retreat abstergo Still Remains a massive threat their men Patrol the Italian border locking the assassins in the country where only one Safe House Remains uncompromised The Villa alator it's here in eto's home that the bleeding effects more malicious symptoms make themselves known Desmond has adopted eto's combat and parkour skills but his memories are becoming far more intrusive than ideal there were some hallucinations at alte A's life at the Assassin's Rome facility but the bleeding effect seems provoked now by the Vela though powering up the safe house does give Desmond some much needed downtime with Lucy who he's growing much closer to she's convinced that the location of the temple lies within the Apple seeing as manava seemed to communicate with it in the vault entering the sanctuary sha observed the numbers 1419 1420 and 1421 written beneath a Tetra gramit something he would Endeavor to research whilst Etso delved back into eto's memories picking up where he left off in 1500 iio has achieved peace Rodrigo bour has been defanged and all is right in the world better than right ETO is a hero to the people of Montero and he's finally able to see to the neglected parts of his life the things that he's fought for family love and Community but there's still another [ __ ] two of these things there has to be some dead uncle there we go eto's sparing of Rodrigo is already yielding consequences I know you're thereo the pope told me about you and your little group of Assassins and this this is chesar bour the Templar son of Rodrigo and Captain general of the papal armies a deeply troubled though skilled leader who has gained the respect of Nicolo mavelli mentor of the Assassins his Siege on monteron left the town in Ruins giving substance to his Sinister reputation Mario is dead the apple is taken ETO is shot and the Assassins are divided ETO herds the town's folk into a tunnel connecting the sanctuary and the town's exterior wall the mission Now lies in Rome and this is eto's most demanding task yet the city bleeds inside of Cher's Ironbound grip and ETO can't hope to loosen it without the United Support of the assassins and the Roman people you are the leader of the Assassins now unite them etor and take back Roma Victor assini Victor assini over the coming years Etso restores Rome and recruits its people into a renewed unified Brotherhood he purges the Templars of their executioners captains bankers and with some help from chesar their popes in his time reliving memories Desmond came into contact with more of 16's messages scattered around Italy in his last Excursion Clay's glyphs culminated in the truth a segmented video of Adam and Eve's Uprising and this time his RI concluded with the miracle a space in the Animus where a constructive Clays brokenly prophecied Desmond's future compiling subsystems infrastructure tendons heart voice Che 6 yes yes subject 17 you're dead I saw your blood no time it is far later than you know too late to save them who she is not who you think she is everything you hope to become everything you hold dear it's already gone explain please Eden she in Eden find Eve the key her DNA tell me I cannot the Son Your Son you too weak must replenish energy don't go I am with you till the end find me in the Darkness Etso reclaims the apple and uses it to defeat chesar having a higher concentration of ISU DNA Etso is able to harness the technology to use it as a weapon and later to tap into its knowledge albeit apprehensively now understanding the Apple's power Etso decides no man should be able to wield it it communicates with Etso one final time telling him where to leave the Apple knowing that Desmond will retrieve it got it Coliseum the trouble now is finding the password for the Coliseum Vault the power is out so there's no hope of scanning eto's memories leading the group back to the tetr Graton 1419 1420 1421 what if they aren't dates 1419 1420 oh my God what God tell us already I am I am the I I am the tetragrammaton the 72 names of God you see they're all contained within three verses Exodus 19 through 21 and to get this you'll like this if you arrange the four Hebrew letters in God's name within an equilateral triangle then numerical values add up to the same number 72 are you absolutely sure about this that's kind of why I'm saying it out loud Rebecca yeah but I haven't got to the kicker yet construction on the Coliseum began in the year 72 I think we have our password while Desmond works his way to the Vault Lucy observes that there's exactly 72 days until the abstergo satellite launch and the second catastrophe somebody wanted to make sure they got this right deeper into the Coliseum projections of Juno begin to appear her words more cynical than manous she speaks to the ISU superiority of Mankind's ignorance and then need to be shepherded the two ISU are clearly of different philosophy entering the coliseum's Vault things only get more complicated you sure you asked it the right thing I know this I know that symbol that that's a frian camp it stands for for freedom and that that's a masonic eye now those two come together in only one place What's happen I I can't move your DNA communes with the Apple you have activated it let me go I killed Lucy it was the Apple son it was Juno saw what she was but would happen if I let her live I could have stopped myself I mean there was a force there but I didn't have to I chose to Desmond Lucy was going to betray us and take the apple back to abstergo I saw the satellite launched I saw them turn it on and then it failed must be opened you cannot Escape your part in this the scales shall be balanced stop please you know very little we must guide you cease your [Music] struggle no [Music] it is done the way lies all before you only she remains to be found awaken the sixth go alone Desmond is in a Purgatory of sorts combination of the bleeding effect over exposure to the apple and mental shock have left him in a com State Desmond is placed in the Animus when William joins and takes over the group here Desmond relives a short string of eto's memories that conclude with he and Leonardo discovering the Pythagorean Vault where the coordinates of the grand Temple were left for Desmond and this didn't trouble ETO who now understood his role as a conduit Rebecca has modified the Animus giving it the capacities for life support sustaining Desmond's Consciousness in the black room what Clay's construct describes as the guts of the Animus after greeting Desmond he explains that Desmond is now experiencing the bleeding effect at the same extremity that drove clay to Madness currently the fragmented memories of his ancestors are competing for Desmond's mind if nothing is done they will all bleed together destroying his psyche completely to pacify the memories of alair and Etso Desmond needs to find the SN Nexus this is the moment where a descendant has effectively completed their ancestors lives and has nothing more to say so Desmond takes to reliving the Twilight years of Etso who was reliving the Twilight years of alair a convenience for Desmond and the game's themes after Decades of following 's directions and Doctrine Etso had discovered a letter concerning the legendary assassin written by his father he describes a library built by alair at Massa whatever laid there would surely illuminate eto's life as an assassin discovering that the library's door was sealed and could only be open with six Keys ETO journeyed to Constantinople where he'd Mentor an entirely new younger sect of Assassins and battle again with Templars in the ruins of another Fallen Empire more than anything Etso was tired of this in the Massa Keys alair had embedded memories of his and perhaps the strongest consistency in the life of eto's assassin Exemplar was great Duty followed by greater loss alier had given his life to the assassins and deprived his family of the same thing in alair Etso saw The Echoes of his past and his potential future in Constantinople he had met a Venetian Bookshop owner Sophia a warm-hearted woman with many of the passions Etso may have pursued in another life literature architecture art after nearly losing her in an increasingly futile war with the Templars Etso heeded Al's example do not be [Music] them you did the right thing mezio this is not your fight but where does one end and the next to begin with that Desmond had almost achieved his SN Nexus and the animist began to wipe the contents of the black room when clay made one final sacrifice for Desmond what are you doing what is a man but the sum of his Memories We Are the stories we live the T TS we tell ourselves don't do this I'm saving you idiot go go no books no wisdom just you [Music] Fratello re [Music] got another artifact no you will stay here I have seen enough for one life Desmond he's talking to me I heard your your name once before Desmond a long time ago and now it lingers in my mind like an image from an old dream I do not know where you are or by what means you can hear me but I know you are listening I have lived my life as best I could not knowing its purpose but drawn forward like a moth to a distant Moon and here at last I discover a strange truth but I am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding who are we who have been so blessed to share our stories like this to speak across centuries maybe you will answer all the questions I have asked maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end now [Music] listen achieving the syn Nexus transported Desmond's Consciousness into the Nexus a space outside of the time stream where calcul were made and messages were delivered this message was from Jupiter the third member of the capitaline triat here he clarified exactly what they had intended for Desmond and what he needed to do to achieve it there existed a grand Temple a place where all of ISU knowledge had been collated manura had alluded to multiple temples in the Vatican Vault but Jupiter distinguished one located in Upstate New York it's coordinates match those discovered by ETO in the temple of Pythagoras Jupiter explained that the trio had triled six failed methods of Salvation and none had succeeded the resulting catastrophe the Toba catastrophe had left only thousands of humans alive and far fewer Esau Desmond was tasked with taking Jupiter's words from his head into his hands in order to prevent a second catastrophe Desmond can you hear me son in a few short months my life changed forever I know what we need to do I know my easiest days are behind me but I don't want them back my name is Desmond miles and I am an assassin I am an assassin the Apple opens the outer entrance of the grand Temple but it's in a compartments are locked one final door requires one final Ki Juno through the temple communicates with Desmond triggering a bleeding effect related to the ancestor haam Kenway an English Templar active in the colonies in the 18th century the first relived memory entails Ham's killing of the Assassin moo in London haam swipes an amulet from the murdered assassin that would seem to be the Temple's remaining key Ham's mission is to locate and access the grand temple on behalf of the Templar believing it to be an ancient Storehouse of some kind he assembles a team to Aid him on the mission consisting of himself Charles Lee a British soldier William Johnson a land Speculator for the British whose knowledge of the area is invaluable Thomas Hickey a criminal with knowledge of the underworld Benjamin Church an ambitious and fast rising Boston surgeon and John pit Ken a British marine officer in order to narrow a search haam allies with the canyon Gaga or Mohawk people who live in the search area his partnership with gadit zo or zo proves fruitful she confirms the location of the temple in exchange for Ham's Aid in defeating Edward bradock a red coat who would see the tribe displaced from their land this is only a half Victory though haam lacks the Apple the key to the outer door and so he cannot access the temple haam having grown close to zo initiates a brief relationship with a conceiving a son run haeden later known as Kanor outside of the Animus Desmond is anxious and tired he finds himself arguing with his father who insists that no amount of complaining is more important than this Mission with no other choice Desmond relives the memories of Connor hoping that he will yield some answers as a four-year-old Connor is accosted by Lee pit Canan Johnson and hickey in the outskirts of his village the three seek the location of his village threatening and harming the boy a moment that would anchor a young Connor's life to Vengeance but I am not unkind and so I spare you that you may carry word to your people let them know the sooner we are given what we seek the sooner you can return to your pathetic empty lives a fair trade is it not what is your name Charles Lee why do you ask so I can find you I look forward to it Connor returns to his village inflamed and collapsing zo is trapped beneath debris and a desperate Connor fails to save her putting two and two together he concludes that this was the work of Charles Lee a decade later the clan mother summons Connor and gives him a crystal ball a circular piece of Eden that provides a gateway to the Nexus it's here through spiritual visions that Juno sets Conor on the intended path she tells them that if the Templars continue unimpeded they'll access the temple prematurely destabilizing the land that his village stands on his best bet at defeating them lies with the Assassins with Achilles a battered old Mentor well past his day with his teaching Connor goes from strength to strength he's instrumental to the Boston Tea Party destabilizing Johnson's Revenue stream before killing him outright he takes the side of the Patriots in the Revolutionary War believing their governance is better for the Mohawk Connor is involved and cartoonishly crucial to the battles of Concord Lexington Chesapeake and Monmouth it's at Bunker Hill that Conor puts an end to pit K later that Year Connor stifles an assassination attempt against Washington by Thomas hicki killing the latter and earning the trust of the former and in his pursuit of Benjamin Church Connor finds himself in partnership with his father though the two are initially hostile haam struggles to suffocate his parental instincts and Connor finds himself respecting the man even contemplating an assassin Templar Alliance to a skeptical Achilles though this optimism is stopped dead in a meeting between Connor haam and Washington haam gleans correspondence revealing that Washington is ordering the raising of Mohawk land in response to a new alliance with the British and he only continues to bite Washington into exposing his past misdeeds to Conor oh tell him Commander we've been receiving reports of Allied natives working with the British I've asked my men to put a stop to it by burning their Villages and salting the land by calling for their extermination according to this letter not the first time either tell them what you did 14 years ago that was another time the Seven Years War and so now you see what happens to this great man when under duress he makes excuses displaces blame does a great many things in fact except take responsibility enough who did what and why I must wait my people come first then let's be off no you and I are finished son you think Me So Soft that by calling me son I might change my mind how long did you sit on this information or am I to believe you discovered it now my mother's blood May stain another's hands but Charles Lee is no less a monster and all he does he does by your command a warning to you both choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you Connor continues to Aid the Patriots begrudgingly in Hope of securing a better future for his people than Charles Lee Washington's wouldbe successor haam seeing Lee as the future of the Templar order and of America stands in Connor's way one final time this is why the Templars will never be destroyed don't think I have any intention of crossing your cheek and saying I was wrong I will not weep and wonder what might have been I'm sure you understand still I'm proud of you in a way you've shown great conviction strength courage all no qualities I should have killed you long ago so the road is paved for a bitter false Victory when Connor chases Lee to New Jersey he fatally stabs him and retrieves the amulet haam had entrusted it with Lee expecting to die in his place with his mission complete Connor returns home to find his village destitute the land sold off by America while he's failed in this life he's given the instructions to safeguard the next hide the amulet where none will find it in the present things are just as hectic to open the grand Temple completely it must be powered and so Desmond sets off to Manhattan and then s Paulo to steal the ISU power sources in each Excursion Desmond narrowly escapes Warren vidic's most capable field agent Daniel Cross an ex assassin molded into an assassin Killer by vidic it was December when the third and final Source was located and there simply wasn't the time for Desmond to leave Conor's memories to retrieve it so William traveled to Cairo in his place after retrieving the power source William was captured by abstergo and imprisoned in the Rome facility something Desmond discovers when vidc sends a hostage video to the Assassins so left with no other choice Desmond leaves the Animus and Journeys back to the Rome facility abstergo guards descend on Desmond and he makes short work of them then cross enters the fry and Desmond deals with him too mere weeks have passed but this isn't the same man who left here in the trunk of a sedan something vidic clearly didn't account for shots Now give me the Apple you want it fine here it is wait no you never should have come here you put everything on the line for what so you could rescue your father yeah on the night of December 20th Desmond Williams shaan and Rebecca recovered the amulet from Conor Davenport's grave in Massachusetts with all the pieces in place and no time to spare the final door was unlocked revealing a glowing ISU pedestal and an ultimatum that was more complicated than initially thought between anima sessions Juno through the temple had been speaking to Desmond she outlined the six methods of Salvation that Jupiter had alluded to in the Nexus their first method was the global Aurora Borealis device this would project a shield around the the Earth that would hold against the flare the science held up but such a shield couldn't be constructed in time for the first catastrophe the process could only be automated in time to prevent the second as the years ticked by and more methods failed the Triad found themselves desperate challenging the very nature of physics in order to save themselves and Juno had some more controversial ideas surrounding the transplanting of one's Consciousness when her husband aay died as a test subject for the Triad Juno sought to immortal I his Consciousness in the form of a genetic trigger in the human genome manura protested this on ethical grounds arguing that the manifestation of anu's Consciousness and memories was likely to trouble a human still she went ahead with this and planted the trigger creating sages these humans would be born with A's usually distorted memories and over 1500 times the ISU DNA of their non Sage counterparts as a result sages are typically very canning and their intelligence is often put to Ill use many sages inherit A's obsession with Juno and scheme to see her reincarnated and released into the world the exact thing that manura came to fear when Desmond entered the Temple's inner chamber she explained in a projection that Juno didn't want merely to save the world but to conquer it and return humans to their rightful dle place when this was discovered Juno was Outcast and our Consciousness only lives now in the grand Temple attaching oblique stipulation to the world's salvation by activating the pedestal the global Aurora Borealis device the world will be saved but threatened a new by Juno manura having known Juno insists that welcoming the flare would be a planetary mercy killing no person would be forced to endure Juno's W when Desmond asks that they explain what will happen if he doesn't activate the device manura is hesitant telling Desmond that he wouldn't understand Juno explains that Desmond and Company will leave the temple unharmed Desmond would become a Messiah his loving teachings would be immortalized in a new religious Cannon spearheading a worldwide healing Generations after Desmond's death and deification his Earnest words would be warped into war cries and human history would simply repeat itself Desmond had seen enough enough you must not do this whatever Juno's planning however terrible it might seem today we'll find a way to stop it but the alternative what you want there's no hope there if you free her you'll be destroyed it will happen in an instant there will be no pain you mustn't it's done manura the decision's made then the consequences of this mistake are yours to live and die with you need to go all of you now get as far away from here as you can come with with us we'll find another way there isn't time son you know it's true it's already started I need to do this now so go [Music] go [Music] in October 2013 an abstergo employee begins their job working for abstergo entertainment subsidiary at their Montreal location there a researcher for the sample 17 project a comprehensive study of the genetic memories of Desmond miles whose body was recovered hours after his death by abstergo agents the inconspicuously designed animus Omega allows its user to relive genetic memories not belonging to themselves at no real difficulty the memories the researcher relived were those of the pirate Edward Kenway father of haam and grandfather of Conor in almost typical Kenway fashion he found himself on both sides of a conflict between the assassins and Templars whatever that involved is likely of use to abstergo the pretext for the project was that abstergo entertainment was simply obtaining material for upcoming entertainment product the pretense for this particular mining of memories was Devils of the Caribbean a pirate Blockbuster that dialed back on the bleakness and bloodshed that characterized Edward Saga and doubled down on the drunken swashbuckling that makes for a fun Blockbuster any mention of isus sites assassins or Templars is of course admitted Edward didn't know money a fact that defined and seriously constricted his opportunities when Edward married the daughter of a wealthy Merchant Caroline Scott He dreamt of grander things than a farm in Bristol Caroline truly loving her husband assured him that for her this was enough a sentiment that Edward couldn't stomach and so he soon set his sights on something bigger the West Indies where there was money to be had Edward was so sure of it that he vowed not to return to England until he was rich Caroline content with their humble life and alienated by Edward's delusions returned to her father's house before Edward set off as a privateer in mere months private hearing was outlawed and Edward found himself pirating with a Brig named the jackaby in 1715 the crew pushed their look too far and took on their final dog fight when a storm equalized the battle Edward found himself Shipwrecked alongside Duncan Walpole a passenger from the other vessel after some provocation by Walpole Edward killed the man and rifled through his belongings among them was a letter from Havana's governor laureno Torres in exchange for some maps and a strange Crystal Cube Walpole would be paid handsomely Torres added that he had never seen Walpole but would recognize him by his distinctive robes with this lucrative Mission dropped in his lap Edward made for Havana meeting Tores Edward slowly discovered that he played the part of an assassin defecting to the Templars and that these men Torres diass and Rogers were to be his brothers and arms after handing over the cube Edward as Duncan was inducted into the Templars and informed of their mission there exists a precursor Observatory inside is an ISU device that could be used to achieve groundbreaking surveillance Torres explains that from The Observatory every human's location words and actions would be made accessible he dreams of Total Justice in a new world where there are no secrets and there are no lies The Observatory only needs a blood sample to function rendering a real time time audiovisual projection of the subject's surroundings the templar's current lead was Bartholomew Roberts a Welsh pirate and Sage that the Templars had imprisoned he claimed to know of the observatory's location Edward displeased with his pay decided to break Roberts free and locate The Observatory with his aid though the Templars having seen through Edward's ruse incapacitated him and had him shipped off on a prison vessel where he met adaa w a Sounder voice than most of Edward's Brothers the two escaped and with a crew of fellow prisoners commandeered a Spanish Brig that they renamed the Jacko as Edward declared that he was going home the crew set course for Ness out an Island state governed by his close friends and mentors Benjamin hornigold and Edward thatch Pirates whose scop saw Beyond Roman gold their sights were set on a fair and free pirate Republic their Vision was sincere but impractical attached as he was to the pirate life hornal dreamt of a true civilization a difficult thing to reconcile with Nassau's mission statement and when that was tested by a British pardon Edward saw his friends divided defected and dead unbeknownst to Edward Caroline was growing ill back home looking after a daughter and having nothing to show for his years of absence Edward set his eyes back on the observatory and so Edward and Roberts reconvened this time as allies Roberts made sure their Ally ship was a complicated one this Sage viewed Humanity cynically in his view he had no contemporaries just to there to satisfy his designs and with great Charisma and impossibly lucrative knowledge his crew and Edward were numbed to his true nature a precious tool you see sorcery that's what it is not so every mechanism that gives this device its light is a true and physical thing ancient yes but nothing Supernatural or strange we'll be masters of the ocean with that oh such ambition there is nothing in my code about loyalty boy you played your Ro but our partnership is done they a dead man Roberts when an injured Edward gave Chase to robberts he was incapacitated and later sold to the British who held Edward prisoner in Jamaica woods and hores offer to have Edward freed if he shares the location of the observatory if he fails to comply he'll likely be sentenced to death like his friends Anne Bonnie and Mary Reed Reed is an assassin and had often told Edward of the Creed's virtues some resonated Edward too considered Liberties Brotherhood and fulfillment to be of utmost importance he had remarked on the values that nassel shared with the Assassins but it always flinched from the responsibility the blade asked for when atabay mentor of the western in the's Brotherhood mounted a rescue he enlisted Edward's help in Saving Mary as she Lay Dying of illness she charged Edward with Redemption and on the other side of a drunken depression Ada aw set him on that path bringing Edward into the Assassin headquarters where he acknowledged that no amount of riches or reputation had given him happiness none of Edward's loved ones were left to stand by his side and aw had stepped down as quartermaster and Caroline had succumbed to illness Edward with the teachings of attabi joined the assassin Brotherhood and fulfilled Mary's dying wish killing Roberts and toppling the Templars putting an end to torres' Gambit for the observatory killing you writes a far greater wrong than ever I did you honestly believe that you would see all of mankind coralled into a neatly furnished prison safe and sober yet dulled Beyond Reason and sapped of all spirit so I with everything I've seen and learned in these last years I I do believe it you wear your convictions well they suit you now redeemed Edward set course for London where he'd continue in his assassin juicies and raise his daughter Jennifer and ler his son coming into the co you're a good man Edward and if you learn to keep settled in one place for more than a week you'll make a fine farther [Music] twoo all [Music] I I spent come and all the harm that [Music] AR [Music] it and all I've done for over with to meory now I can't [Music] so good [Music] night in the present the new researcher is enlisted by John sish abstergo entertainment's it manager to hack abstergo computers for valuable information sish carried out his infiltration working with the Assassins specifically Shawn and Rebecca who knew nothing of Jon's true nature Jon was a sage and his true aim was to reincarnate Juno this became Possible only a year prior when Juno was loosed from the grand Temple and her Consciousness entered what she calls the gray this effectively is the digital realm an intangible space that centers the internet and various networks of communication that Juno from this space can utilize in one decrypted data packet she speaks of how Desmond miles and clayer Merck live in the gray with her standish's plan involved using a program to transfer her Consciousness into the body of an unknowing researcher when Juno was too weak to leave the gray a frustrated Standish kidnapped the researcher and before he was able to use a poison to silence them abstergo agents shut in dead and no returned to work November 2014 a researcher for abstergo entertainment was assigned to relive the memories of Shay Patrick cormack a colonial assassin turned Templar in the midst of the Seven Years War Shay a relatively fresh assassin finds himself increasingly polarized he's assaulted condescended and relegated to second or third or fourth or fifth favorite of his mentor Achilles Davenport in 1754 though a significant Mission Falls to sh the recovery of a piece of Eden located in Lisbon a strange pointed thing that seems to function more as a power source than a tool when sheay makes contact and removes it from its place the land is Disturbed shuddering and breaking before worsening into a massive earthquake that Shay scarcely escapes tens of thousands of Innocents were killed and Shay's faith in the Brotherhood was annihilated a similar disaster had occurred in Haiti four years prior also at the hands of the Assassins so Shay didn't see this disaster as an Earnest mistake but part of an emerging pattern so what's the next city you want me to Smite what happened in Haiti happened in Portugal a great earthquake thousands death next to your damn manuscript this cannot be sh a person cannot start an earthquake a person meddling with these precursor machines could he saw the Box hope the temple was filter bursting with that kind of power you made me Slaughter innocence how dare you you defend him Achilles sent me in there like mandal sent his man in Haiti what the hell is going on stop this the operation was delicate perhaps you are shifting the Earth itself who are you to decide what city FS next get him out of here with the Integrity of the Earth itself at stake Shay decides that an event like this can never occur again he elects to steal the precursor box from the Assassins this is the ISU device that when powered electronically projects the locations of precursor temples like the one in Lisbon without this Achilles can meddle no further with the sights this plan is disrupted by Achilles and Shay is chased to a Cliffside from which he is shot sha awakes in New York City 200 miles away he was recovered and transported at the command of the Templar George Monroe a leftenant colonel for the British Army Monroe took to showing sh the value in what they did repairing a local church from disarray winning Shay over he is a Templar now when the Assassins kill manro and recover the Box sheay pledges to call his former Brotherhood and extinguish the fire they hold in their hands hayam Kenway AIDS him on this quest which culminates in the Arctic Temple where Achilles and his remaining student Liam O'Brien find an identical ISU device to the one in Lisbon Achilles recognizes that Shay had been right mere seconds before a fight commences is between Liam and Shay knocking the device from its pedestal and triggering yet another destabilizing disaster Liam is killed by Shay and achilles is disarmed by haam some distance from the disturbance Jay sees the value in sparing Achilles a mental with no followers who now sees the temple as they do spared he may live to warn the other brotherhoods haam agrees with this and fires around in Achilles knee ensuring that he'll no longer act as an active assassin never forget what has happened here in 1776 a 45-year-old Shay finally tracks and recovers the Box in Paris from the French assassin Charles Dorian who is killed in the process I'm just finishing old [Music] business oh Connor and his assassins the American Revolution undid your Templar business and perhaps we should start a revolution of Our Own it's the footage of Shay's year-long Purge that abstergo sought out in 2014 oo Berg a member of the Templar in a circle and a fellow assassin Hunter of sorts edits together a little Dark Age Tik Tok tribute of Shay being awesome and the Assassins being Pearl clutching moralists Noob uploads the footage to the Assassin server and is later given the choice to join the Templars or die and your eyes have been opened you have seen the world for what it truly is there's no turning back now we got big plans for you the father of understanding guided you to us and for that we are grateful the test of your true worth begins now and it begins with a choice join us and a bright future will be all yours refuse in November 2014 a gamer nicknamed initiate is playing a video game on the Helix OB stergo game hosting software their visual is hacked by an assassin code named Bishop she explains that abogo through their software is stealing the uses genetic information in order to reap their genetic Memories the gamer is then brought on board as an assassin initiate with the Assassins they'll seek out the remains of fresu Thomas Shaman because he was a sage and in the mid2 assassins and Templars fought an arms race for sage remains this was all kicked off by abstergo Phoenix project an initiative established following the death of John SSH sish being a sage with an incredibly high density of triple helix ISU DNA served as a gold mine for euu knowledge Alvaro grammatica LED Research into standish's unique genetic makeup with the goal of sequencing the triple helix genome if abstergo understood the minds behind the pieces of Eden then maybe they could create their own a month before this the Assassins had leveled the playing field they burned down the facility in Paris containing standish's body and all related research still the race was on and every ISU corpse had to be recovered initiate's Target was jamman a sage inducted as Grandmaster of the French Templars in the midst of the French Revolution he was killed by the Assassin arod Dorian so following his memories was the best bet at discovering zaman's remains in 177 6 when arno's Father Charles was assassinated by Shay Cormac an 8-year-old Arno was taken in by fris De father of Alise and then Grandmaster of the French Templars the culture of this assassin Templar conflict appears quite unique both groups are entrenched in bureaucracy and nobility and the French sects of the assassins and Templars are at a truce as France's foundations begin to tremble Aro quickly fell in love with his adopted with de's daughter which is okay like it's it's fine why who care this is the least perverse sexual relationship in all of all of France ever in 1789 they find one another on opposing sides of the Assassin Templar conflict when Aro is framed for the murder of Francois deos by his traitorous Templar subordinates the conspiracy was headed by jaman who deiser had expelled for insisting that the Templars act as catalysts of the French Revolution a radical idea that de couldn't abide like Roberts before him jaman Sage was afflicted by visions of a distant past these experiences initially troubled jaman but his anxieties were allayed upon the discovery of the Codex of Jac de Malay another Templar Sage executed in Paris centuries ago the CeX reaffirmed Jan's Visions he felt connected to Malle and set forward bringing his lost Vision to fruition in the storied eyes of Malay and jaman the Templars had lost themselves to decadence and bureaucracy Jan's New World Order decreed a re ution by overthrowing deair and the aristocracy at large the Templars could return to their old clandestine ways and the people could be reminded of what unchecked Liberty looked like so the Templars worked to accelerate the French Revolution into a stark Grizzly warning sign if this Vision was achieved power would return to its proper place and the people would fear its application Arno was a major impediment although he didn't understand Jim's designs or the purpose of the Revolution his hunger for vengeance wrecked the order and its schemes regardless he and Elise reconciled and work together to dismantle Jan's operation this culminated beneath the Paris Temple where jaman equipped with a sword of Eden takes on both assassin and Templar wait for me I'm sorry Elise [Music] jaman was buried in the catacombs where his remains were rendered useless to abstergo H I don't think abstergo bother searching the catacombs for Germaine's body the bones are going to be too damaged too decayed we're in the clear with the stage you did good work in in 2015 Isabelle ardant head of historical research at abstergo and member of the high ranking in a sanum made an exciting Discovery she had located a shroud of Eden a wearable ISU technology with unbelievable healing properties if she could get this to grammatica then the Phoenix project would make huge advancements grammatica now sought to engineer an artificial ISU body an ambitious initiative that would make great progress with the Shroud in Templar H when the Assassins discover that our dant is tracking a piece of Eden in London Shan Hastings and Rebecca crane confront her prick it's people like you that give historians a bad name I'm afraid I don't have time for you today Mr Hastings thank you for making my job easy oh [ __ ] yet it does look Grim Master BG agent a Costa deal with them please move it hunt them down so the Stag is set for a race to the Shroud sha and Rebecca enlist the help of Galina vinina mentor of the Russian assassin Brotherhood and a highly skilled combatant up against the Assassins is Sigma a group of abstergo operatives led by so Burg though their squad is only small this time around their number consists of berg who looks like this for the time being Isabella ardant and violet dasta she isn't a member of the inner sanctum like Berg and ardant but is intimately involved with project Phoenix and by the looks of things is rising in status very quickly initiate is reenlisted to sift through the memories of young twin siblings Jacob and Eevee fry in 1868 London with the goal of locating the Shroud since the assassination of assassin Mentor moo a century prior London has been the picture of Templar domination the City Works for Templar Grandmaster Crawford starak like one big well-oiled machine through his Templar front company starak Industries Crawford dominates London's factories and in this age of Industry that means he controls the media International Affairs Banks Rail and even the underworld in Jacob's eye that was the key to liberating London I still myself as a gang Le leer firm but fair huh well I have uniforms and I'll unite a mix of disfranchise Outsiders under one name that's it Eevee we can rally them to our side oh like the way that you rallied those car players at thebook happen into the [Music] [Music] Bri that was different they beat me at Wist I can see it now we'll call ourselves the Rooks while Jacob raised a street gang to liberate the city Eevee sought out the Shroud and rivaled Lucy Thorn STK second in command when Eevee bested Thorn she made a major blow against STK who within 6 months of the twins arrival was compromised when both Starck and the fries discovered that the Shroud was kept in an e Su Temple beneath Buckingham Palace aasin shoed Stark narrowly won giving him the time to obtain and done the Shroud this made for an uphill battle against The Supercharged Starck but against the odds the fries emerged Victorious when Jacob placed the Shroud in its compartment the modernday Assassins had the information they needed just a few minutes too late Sigma team had beat the Assassins to the punch the Assassins took advantage of their camouflage and discharged a smoke bom in the confusion Berg was disarmed and injured with a throwing knife then intercepted by Galina while ardant was fatally electrocuted by Sha in the commotion Berg instructed dcosta to retrieve the Shroud Rebecca gave Chase but was shoten unfaithfully by dasta who escaped with the piece of Eden and passed it to gtic you're going to recreate a precursor from scratch Bingo the Phenix project time table just got accelerated big time I'm going to call alen Rick and deliver the good news hello it's me brought the Shroud as you asked but I'm scared do not fear me you've done well I'm not scared of you I'm scared for you anyone finds out what you've been doing you have played your part my instrument I will save you I will save you all unbeknown to the Templars in a sanctum Violet deosta is a member of the instruments of the first will a cult who accept the ISU as Superior and work to see their Supremacy reestablished deosta for three years has worked as a covert agent of Juno and is effectively the leader of the instrument when Gramma's ISU body is finalized dcer intends to transplant Juno's Consciousness into it from the gray a plan that is surely accelerated now that abstergo have their hands on the Shroud and located yet another very potent source of ISU DNA what brings you here I came to gloat actually look at this data a sage it gets better check his patrilineal line let's see patrilineal line 19th century American Midwest 18th century American Revolution 16th century Ottoman Empire 15th century Italian Renaissance oh my God you don't mean yeah the best part his mother just walked him into one of your new clinics in New York City I'd really like to strip him for Parks like we did with subject 17 oh no you don't you had your chance with the Shroud this asset is mine and I won't be a party to the needless mutilation of a 10-year-old boy it's inhumane so what do you plan to do with him given his unique lineage I think we should put him into an animous for the next 50 years think of the data we could extract that's terribly oldfashioned in any case we should send Sigma te to recover him no I'm going to keep an eye on him for now we'll collect him when the time is right Elijah miles was unknowingly conceived by Desmond in a one night stand with ardant dead he's safe from abstergo for the time being but with Juno on the rise it's only a matter of time before Elijah's safety is threatened in 2017 Lea Hassan as part of Obo's historical Tactical Team was sent to Egypt to locate some undisclosed objective in the qara depression to colleague and close friend Dian gir's protestations Lela oped against giving progress updates to abstergo lela's contributions had been repeatedly under accredited and this was a chance to distinguish herself in the cave of stergo had directed her to Lea discovered the mummies of Bak of SE and Aya of Alexandria Lela decided to relive their memories certain that whatever discoveries they had to offer would guarantee her place on the Animus project it's thanks to the portable animus hr8 that Lila can relive these memories this model like the Omega doesn't necessitate genetic memory and can render the memories of anybody so long as the user has a DNA sample of the desired individual this allows Laya to delve into bak's most troubling years I am Magi to no far you see this I can read my own name [Music] NE we will find you we will find you in your sleep sleep I never sleep I just wait in the shadows and I will kill you all everyone who sniffed the air that day and see Bak was a magic this meant that that he served as a protector of the region in his case the sewer Oasis a quiet place in the northwest of Egypt well away from the action Bak lived a modest contented life with his childhood love Aya and their seven-year-old son Ham unbeknownst to Bak their Village sits a top an ISU Vault that when met with an apple and staff of Eden will unlock and project a three-dimensional map of other ISU sites this information makes the Vault invaluable to the order of the Ancients a precursor group to the Templars and possibly the instruments of the first will in 2020 Shan Hastings pund if the instruments are simply a Revival of the order or even a continuation he considers this because the Ancients are also defined by a worship of the ones who came before and they also resemble the Templars their future incarnation in their attitudes towards peace and its preservation a nation needs firm shepherding and we're the people to do it in action this means a firm grasp on politics religion and Military for as Noble as their values are rhetorically this iteration of the group seems to care little for peace or composure when teaching hemu how to hunt Bak is attacked and knocked unconscious by a group of armed guts when he awoke Bak was led into the seawa temple and interrogated in front of the Vault by a group of robed people whose identities were concealed with ornate masks they were bickering back and forth about the door and how the Apple wouldn't open it all gibberish to hamu and a rope bound B still Bak as the Region's Magi was expected to solve their predicament one of their abductors warned Bak that if the Vault wasn't open when they returned hemu would die hu wanting to prove his bravery to his father stole a knife from a guard standing on Watch and handed it to Bak as Bak struggled to cut his bounds the group's leader announced that their time was up and the boy would die when Bak Broke Free he incapacitated two guards and plunged his knife at their leader he caught the blade and thrust BK forward killing hamu using what little information they had bak and a spent the next year hunting down those who had wronged them attracting the attention of some unlikely allies apollodorus a friend of a connects the two with Cleopatra 3 years ago in succession of her father Cleopatra had been named co-ruler of Egypt alongside her brother Tommy 13 Tommy was a perfect stoe for the order young blind and easily played with material things and appeals to Ego controlling Cleopatra on the other hand proved difficult ruthlessness Vigor and her own manipulative Tendencies made Cleopatra a shudy puppet for this the order had Tommy Exile his sister now seeking to reclaim her throne and sensing a common interest Cleopatra initiates an alliance with bak and Aya with Cleopatra's information and contacts the order is gutted leaving only its uppermost members Alive by the time that abstergo orders Sigma team to kill Lila Deana and the deploy FL Squad of Sigma team are killed marking a stark point of no return for both sides making an opening for William Miles I should have listened to you oh those don't need to be your last words who the [ __ ] are you does the name William Miles ring a bell the Assassin then you know who I am we the Assassins have been watching you don't assume I'm going anywhere with you well let's look at your options you can come with me or you can stay here and do the dance of death again and again until you make a mistake they only need you to make one there's no going back to your old life Leela I never planned to but you'd finally be able to work on the Animus project our version of it and with us you'd always have the freedom to do things your way fine let's do this that doesn't mean I'm on your side good enough an opportune proposition on Williams part as Lea's information is of utmost importance through Bak Lea Witnesses various ISU messages recorded for her in the weeks following the Toba cestr undisclosed ISU messenges speak of how humans are fatally restricted and how to the more refined ISU time is perceptable every second is a syllable that makes up one extended readable verse unlike humans the ISU can heed the warnings of this language or code as it's referred to Laya is repeatedly told to break the code break the node it's explained that the code is the language of time and the node is a fixed point in it one Messenger elaborates on how Desman defied and delayed a node when he subverted the second catastrophe the world had to end the node insisted upon it and already time is trying to correct course it would seem that Lila is instrumental in preventing that from happening if she can break the code and perceive time in a way that the ISU didn't she can break the node that decrees an inevitable world-ending disaster while tracking The Jackal or Septimus bak and Aya Aid Cleopatra in her political gambits when cleopetra allies with Caesar and tmy dies the order begins to encroach on their new puppets cleopetra more than happy with a newfound Throne submits a waste of time foolish waste of time and when Bak is in the process of beating Septimus to death he's restrained and banned from the palace now Septimus and the leader of the order flavus serve as Rome and Egypt's pseudo rulers and again this is just a recap so as much as I'd love to I can't dive into the ever shifting motivations and Rich histories of characters like flavus but like the AL a thing I've written a dedicated video and that's going to be coming out as a series of Four Vines after flavus unlocks the sea Vault and ravages the village Bak defeats him and is finally able to let go from his quest for Revenge your son's death made the order bow to me [Music] Caesar even Aya travels to Rome and takes on septimius before inciting the stabbing of Caesar and with all of their enemies defeated bak and Aya establish the hidden ones a group postdating a number of politically motivated Killers later thought to be assassins and predating the Assassin Brotherhood that the group would eventually evolve into earlier in 2017 Juno sent the instruments to retrieve Elijah when an abstergo agent killed his mother in the process a grudge was baked into the boy he played along with Juno's schemes but secretly had designs of his own assassins and Templars realized that they had a common threat soat so Berg and the Assassin Charlotte De La Cruz put their differences aside to defeat her the instruments hijack grammatica Phoenix project lab in Australia and successfully transplant Juno's Consciousness into an ISU body it's at this moment that assassins and Templars descend on the lab and a skirmish breaks out between the three factions that sees dasta and grammatica fatally wounded in the midst of the action Elijah stabbed an instrument to death with a screwdriver and swiped the KO n a piece of Eden that he was able to use to administer mind control on Juno in the confusion Del Cruz fatally stabs Juno with a hidden blade before being crushed by the collapsing lap Elijah then escapes with the coor and is presumed debt I I know I'd fly into a really cool nerd rage about it but I'm trying to make this one dignified by October 2018 Lila is an assassin when she locates the Spear of leonitis she decides to process the DNA on its Hilt to relive the memories related to this storied piece of Eden when Victoria babau Lea's assistant processes the DNA she finds two samples those of Cassandra and alexio although the past is concretely set Lea's animus has the capacity to simulate sometimes wildly different possibilities although the memories she's about to simulate belong to Cassandra the HR 8.5 can simulate entirely different outcomes from an entirely different perspective canonically Lea simulates Cassandra's memories but my one recorded playthrough was done with alexio so I'm going to ask you to squint for this bit Ah the same as it ever was Cassandra and alexio are two children of Pythagoras a scholar obsessed with the ISU and their society so much so that he abandoned the children and their mother Miran to research the ISU in the city of Atlantis in an ISU Vault located beneath Tera Miran was the daughter of leonitis a Spartan King who wielded an ISU spear that was named for him leonitis was a legendary warrior with a high concentration of ISU DNA giving him a high proficiency with the spear that he carried victoriously into battle until thop a battle he was doomed to lose by the scheming Cult of Cosmos this young order had steadily been rising in influence what they s was a fresh start for Greece so that they may reshape the country in the mold of unity and orderly development in order to wipe the Slate clean the cult engineered controlled WS when their designs called for the Battle of theop or the Battle of 300 a Persian attack on Sparta leonidis defied the cult and made a final St following this the cult decided that his bloodline posed a threat and must be eliminated decades later a so-called prophet and cult member prophesied that Alex iio Cassandra's elder brother would destroy Greece and that he had to die Cassandra interfered with the execution accidentally pushing both alexios and the Executioner from a cliff site Cassandra herself was Now set to be executed she was dropped from the cliff by her adoptive father Nicolas both she and alexio survived the fall and went on to live drastically different lives alexos was groomed by the cult and welded into its greatest weapon asasa the cult's leader didn't approve of his Ascension as she was a traditionalist But ultimately still helpless to his growing influence within the cult Cassandra grew to be a bounty hunter she discovered that alexios was the cult's chief mercenary and tried and failed to make her brother see reason as deos alexio felt divinely important like a demigod who would save grece and so he went on maming and killing all those who stood in the cult's way in his way as time went on the Ambitions of the cult became synonymous with the Ambitions of a bloodthirsty deos who steered the cult in the direction of NeverEnding War so a spurned aspia set out to burn the cult aiding Cassandra in her mission to do the same leaking information about her allies to an unknowing agent as the cult crumbled Cassandra pleaded with her brother once more to no avail when alexio threatened Miran Cassandra was left with no choice but to kill her brother Cassandra's next mission extended Millennia into the future Pythagoras had been charged by the ISU althia to pass the staff of Hermes onto his daughter because she using its primary functions of healing and endurance would live on to pass it to Lea Hassan the heir of memories Cassandra fulfilled her Duty after some guiding by althia she met Lila in 2018 leaving her with a message that the ideas of Assassins and Templars are extreme and will Doom the Earth and additionally that the pieces of Eden are too dangerous in the hands of man asking AA to destroy the staff when she no longer had use for it when Cassandra handed over the staff she died leaving Laya alone with althia whose Consciousness was housed inside of this mentally taxing tool in the coming months Lela became increasingly neurotic a staff in hand she killed Victoria for suggesting she take a break and when oo Berg and sigma team organized to reclaim the staff Lea defeated bur before cruy impaling a year on Lea is wrecked with guilt wary of the staff and all it could still do to her mind it's kept close but contained and as an additional precaution Lila now uses mood stabilizing technology in 2020 strange events are converging the Earth's magnetic field has increased in strength by a factor of 50,000 since 2012 and now a global Aurora Borealis encloses a tremulous Earth as the Earth's magnetic field continues to grow more unstable the Assassins get a hold of a radio broadcast charging them with a strange Mission I lived I died and now I sleep and in my sleep I dream I see an end to the Doom that will grip the earth once again find the West find the Mad find me and save us all from another death the broadcast leads sha and Rebecca to Maine where they locate a grave belonging to a Norwegian Viking and so layer Endeavors to relive the memories of the wolf kist hoping that she has the answer to restore the strength of the Earth's magnetosphere in 872 avore an orphaned Norse Viking of the Raven Clan is troubled by disturbing visions of a black wolf and a cloaked man preceding the return of her brother sigard avo's Visions take on a more palpable shape valkar the clan Seer now believes that avore is is bound by Fate to betray sigur Odin fought against his fate it can be done for as troubling as these Visions are avore is elited to see her adoptive brother return home to Ria ful he's been away for 2 years in search of riches and secrets to the east one Discovery is that of the Constantinople hidden ones Sig's two passengers of Bassam and hyam mentor and student respectively sigard and bassam's friendship was an unlikely one Bassam took an interest in Sig's distinctive Scar and ever since the two have been very close so close that when sigid leads the Raven Clan to England bassim and hyam follow the Clan's magnetic leader all the way to Central Mercia where the clan make a permanent settlement as Sig's most trusted Ally avore is sent on a yearslong mission to secure allies in neighboring regions in a long-spanning quest to bring glory to the Raven Clan as she does this her Visions continue and the cloaked man takes a clearer form that of Odin a Norse god considered the Alla he attempts to influence ail and to persuade her away from her honor born pledges in favor of a more independent often malicious goal of a personal Glory bigger than the raven Clan with the help of an Alexa ail interrogates her Visions now taking on the perspective of Odin or ja asgard's ruler a proud man who finds himself butting heads with other Norse gods such as Loki Tia Thor and Freya in between these hallucinate Nations Lea uncovers animous anomalies packets of information scattered around England not unlike subject 16's truth these messages were left in the months leading up to the Toba catastrophe by althia and Loki as Laya continues to uncover the visions and the anomalies it becomes clear that these aren't two distinct narratives but jeweling accounts of one the visions that avore experiences as Odin are ancient ISU memories transplanted onto narrative marks figures and tropes that are coherent to ail a translation that is incredibly clean because Norse mythology was born of these real events just as the stories of Juno and manura were retold and reinterpreted before the two were deified and entered into a false Pantheon the same happened to Loki and Jai whose behaviors are generally consistent with their mythologized counterparts both ancient visions and animous anomalies tell the tale of fenre the son of Loki and AC like Odin and althia a yoten these groups translate to opposed ISU factions and because fenri is a product of a yoten and AER his very existence is considered illegitimate a stigma that even extends to his parents within their respective societies when Ragnarok was for told in the ISU calculations it was predicted that fenri would be responsible for Odin's death so Odin to the resistance of Loki and really nobody else did all he could to keep the boy at Bay after multiple failed attempts he imprisoned fena for Life poisoning Loki against Odin for tens of thousands of years for Ragnarok wouldn't be the end of these ESU Odin hijacked Juno's forbidden Sage technology as he sought to preserve the consciousnesses of himself and his closest as guardian peers their memories and personalities would reemerge in humans long after the first catastrophe unlike the aita sages the genetic triggers belonging to the ISU would engage only once in a calculated place in time let it flow from the life tree we go to the life tree we shall one day return none may follow Loki least of all it is done now to face our end I will find you m one on the far side of our Doom Odin would be reborn as aore tiar as sigard and loky as bessim who was presumably born earlier and in a different continent to the others due to the spontaneous nature of his upload to the idrasil this large computer capable of reincarnation and calculations Bassam possibly due to his relative age who's been in touch with Loki for some time now embracing his personality with about as much fervency as SSH and Roberts embraced aita avore and sigard are only now experiencing the influence of the memories and personal ities fed to take hold of their bodies while avore fights with the single-minded devil on her shoulder sigard with Bassam in his ear Embraces his visions and begins to view himself as a deity allying with the leaders of oxenford Shire put AEL massim and sigard in contact with fol a senior member of the order of the Ancients who took a great interest in sigard once aore confided in fol about his apparent delusions like the instruments of the first will the Ancients believe in ISU suem Y and that the ways of the first civilization a Humanity's best bet at peace and stability the Ancients knew of sages and with sigur exhibiting every sign of one he became an obsession of ful case when King Alfred of Wessex visited oenid Shire seeking truce he proposed a trading of prisoners when F who was truly loyal to Alfred entered she proposed that sigard be taken on the grounds of heresy seeing as he was a fce y and much worse claimed to be a gut a Blasphemous act when ful had cured all to herself she sought to bring Tia's mind to the Forefront to discard whatever was left of sigard and to gain the Divine insights of an ESO one method of maturing Tia's Consciousness was to replicate the important events of his life it was said that tier had lost his arm so fol amputated siga this was just one of F's barbarous attempts of Awakening tier in Sig's year of imprisonment and it's here that things grew tenser between Alfred and when his brother eeled was killed battling the army of the Danish Viking Guam Alfred took on his titles becoming the king of Wessex and the leader of the order of the Ancients Alfred was a truly Pious King he was a devout Christian and saw his religion is being integral to the unification of England he believed that a people could achieve peace and Harmony only by dedicating themselves to the Christian God and it's for the same reason that Alfred made a remarkable King of England that he was an innate enemy of the order that he' inherited the order believed that the first civilization were Gods a Brazen rejection of the Christian creation story that boldly Advanced into sheer sacrilege with the worship of these people and the haunting of their reincarnates so with the order dropped into Alfred's God-fearing hands he desired to suffocate them when the hidden ones arrived on England's Shores Alfred sent letters to hthm detailing the whereabouts of his underlings under the pseudonym poor fellow soldier of Christ h with the aid of avore dismantled the order but not before sigard was freed he was the priority concurring with his torture were the attempts of aore and Bassam to gain allies who would stand with them in a Siege of Portchester full case SP on one campaign Bassam opened up to AAL no mine is not the usual path the Creed does travel our ideals are Universal we believe that so there's nowhere you call home no place I call home no weird for me home is family but I have no family no one not even H parents Brothers all dead I lost my parents when I was nine Winters along without secret I would have I would have there's always one unbreakable Bond yes children they bewilder you they can cause you so much worry fill you with joy even stop your heart and if you're lucky they replace you I was not so lucky I had a son I miss him terribly even now I am sorry B he was taken from me by someone I trusted a friend a mentor a man who I would trust with anything but a man you trust with anything can take everything he took all I had bad when ful was killed and sigard was saved avore found that her brother had been irreversibly changed no longer a magnetic leader and friend but a self-serious agent of his own destiny he was polarized from his wife ranvi and aore who he now saw as a potential hijacker of his Destiny one conversation that jar aore had sigard explaining that fol had helped him helped him to see who he truly was sigard believed that if he returned to the idril located in Norway he could enter Valhalla a mythologized noble Hall reserved for glorious warriors with aore sigard located and open the vault when the two sages entered and activated the idril they were attached to its branches and entered into what appeared to be Valhalla each day reality reset and glorious battle commenced once more though as the true nature of this simulation made itself apparent the glory hollowed and aore soon wanted out leaving Valhalla false as it was went directly against Odin's Grand designs resulting in something of an ultimat leave me now you are nothing but me you have wisdom Glory power what more do you need everything else no Cur are you are you with me sigard ah the hanged one awakes feet upon the ground once more Avon be careful Bassam what is this come closer aore let me get a better look at you leave him be Bassam for too long I stared at the sun it blinded me to the truth that it was you it was you I wanted all along did you track US here like a cow Fox concealed in the brush you widowed my destiny wolf kiss you broke all my hopes he's mad aore silence him come aore come save your crippled Prince of dead ra with the help of sigard ail was able to best bass him and trap him inside of the idras inside of the gray this technology serves as a Gateway into the digital realm from where users can appear into infinite possibilities or even simulate them this is why avore and sigard were able to briefly live in a romanticized Valhalla and it's from the gray that bassim sent the instructions to seek out the wolf kest although his true physical form is immobilized and locked into this machine bassam's Consciousness is safely sustained by the idril and with that threat pacified ail returns to England and is welcome back to the Raven Clan as its new leader sigard had realized that he was no longer the leader his Clan needed and seeded his position in spite of bassam's shocking betrayal avore and hyam remained on good terms and aore continued to Aid in the Assassin mission to destroy the order of the Ancients still using the tip offs of the mysterious poor fellow soldier of Christ who sent one final letter when avore had killed every member except the grandm who avore was told to find in AEL here avore didn't find a crazed fanatic but King Alfred friends that that England is swept clean your work is done you Grand majester was not a title I desired it passed to me on the death of my brother from my father before him defilers of God's majesty and grandar I was their master and I loathed them with Goodwin I set a plan in motion to destroy the order from within but my troubles with the Danes delayed that plan but your trouble with this Dane is what led to their demise you are no are you not you have a good ear I owe you my thanks aore for that I give you this the key to my study that you may better understand the good you have done with the order all but destroyed you have made made R for a greater idea one to take its place a universal divine order inspired by God for the betterment of man with the poor fellow soldier at its head you have saved England whether or not that was your intent now let England save you England is no more Lord You're the last of her Kings and yet you have no Kingdom look around you God's works are wondrous they cannot be ignored nor resisted in time all those who accept God will flourish and all those who defy him will fall away with the fanatic ancients purged Alfred would mold a Holier successor more deserving of the power for the Templar order would act only as missionaries delivering God's will through peaceful unifying order over the following centuries Alfred's vision would spread and change but the Genesis of the Templar order was something Earnest when Laya exits the Animus sha and Rebecca reckon they found their solution are you thinking what I'm thinking Desmond the two explained that when Desmond activated the global Aurora Borealis device the magnetic field that shielded the Earth's atmosphere was switched on but never off leaving it to strengthen exponentially over the last 8 years to slow the field Lea sets out for the idril vault bringing the staff with her to protect against the chamber's Heat and radiation when the idril activates one of its branches attaches to Lila and the staff is dropped onto the central platform when Lila enters the gray she speaks with Bassam now a studied reader of the calculations of time he materializes a glowing pedestal resembling the global Aurora Borealis device and tells Lela that activating it will stabilize the Earth's magnetic field this holds true and the know that instructed a third disaster is postponed once more as bassim disappears a glowing figure emerges hello you know me yes through the calculations I read here in the gray 8 years ago the odds of your arrival were 15 trillion 55 M 3,276 to1 as the years passed by those odds improved and as of yesterday near even it's a pleasure to meet you at last who are you and what is this I am the reader of the calculations all these possible futures for you and the world outside I have spent much of my new life reading these searching for a way to finish everything we started so long ago it begins here you slow down this machine and save the world from which point all possible Futures expand Millions upon millions of possible roads but in every one another catastrophe recurs the node collapses and the world is wiped out the human race dwindles and Fades I must keep looking I must find the solution for you I must leave you with something this node this is right now where I slow down this machine yes I start all my calculations from this point the only thing I know for certain that seems limiting how do you mean what if you went back further to 2012 when Desmond saved the world Desmond what if he didn't save the world what if he walked away and let the world burn look at those timelines read them instead I see an interesting idea fascinating billions upon billions of new timelines to explore exactly these are timelines that never came to pass but they could have if Desmond had let the world be destroyed maybe the humans that survived would have learned something from the disaster and maybe one of those timelines that could have found a way to prevent it from happening ever again that is brilliant how did you come to that idea if you spend too much time naring down what's possible you may never give another thought to the improbable thank you for your insights Leila it's only the beginning we have a lot of data to sift through are you staying until we find something useful I will I don't want this to happen ever again you may not have much time Lea the machine is powered down but the radiation it will linger for decades by my calculations you have 73 seconds before your exposure is lethal I'm not worried I had the staff of Eden it heals and protects no you do not what how of course of course [ __ ] all right we'll find a solution together however long it takes and if that means I can never leave so be it I owe this to the people I hurt the people I love yes I know the feeling let's get going huh a few billion timelines might take a while it will but it will not feel like it that is what I like about this place and so 8 years on Desmond descendant of Adam has found Eve Eden she in Eden find Eden the key her DNA only she remains to be found awaken the six together they Endeavor not to explore the future but alternative pasts where the second catastrophe occurred hypothesizing that humans may have learned something from it something that would Aid them in offsetting a third flare until then the node looms and the Earth's safety remains in question with lela's activation of the pedestal bassam's scheme was realized he was ejected from the idril and dropped onto the staff of Hermes restoring his physical body to full health and reuniting him with althia when he speaks to his love Bassam announces that a new world awaits when he returns with the Assassins to America Bassam requests that he speak with their Mentor a request that is tentatively met when William Converses with Bassam by entering his animous simulation Bassam reassures William that for all of his meddling he does love their creit and wishes to teach the Assassin s the ways of his Brotherhood so at William's request Bassam sequences his genetic memories with the Animus what his memories involve and what William seeks to gain remains to be seen could his Sage memories Herald a new age of isun knowledge and could his time with the Iraqi assassins changed the brotherhood forever for all Juno could have done does Bassam plan for Worse well that of course is the territory of AC Mirage which I will have made some kind of law breakdown or ending explained thingy on so if you're watching this after release I'll link that in the description uh but still this has been a very long one so thank you for watching this updated timeline if you enjoyed it maybe leave a like and if you didn't maybe let me know why thanks again for watching and I'll see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Walshie
Views: 103,701
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Keywords: assassins creed, Assassin's Creed, walshie, mirage, assassin's creed mirage, basim, ac mirage, ac mirage news, assassins creed mirage, recap, timeline, assassins creed recap, assassins creed modern day, explained, story, story explained, mirage information, ac mirage story, full story, desmond, assassins creed desmond story, assassins creed mirage recap, ac mirage recap, storyline, lazerzz, assassins creed story explained, The Story So Far, ubisoft, assassins creed origins, foundedscarab
Id: ITeGxudzYxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 45sec (7065 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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