The Complete ASSASSIN’S CREED Timeline Explained!

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the Assassin's Creed franchise has a huge sprawling timeline that spans well over 75 000 years and plays out across a whopping 20 plus games and counting it truly is a colossal chronology and its epic Narrative of an ongoing war between the assassins and the Templars spans from the ancient ISU era all the way through to the modern day it's a big beefy franchise with a wealth of Rich lore lurking behind its historical Roots but how exactly does it all tie together well it's a long long story that can get quite confusing at times hence you know this video explainer which is the longest timeline video I've done to date just a quick disclaimer up front I'll largely be sticking to the games and movies in this timeline but there are obviously a wealth of comics and books that expand the law and story of the Creed franchise Beyond gaming and I'll be pointing out a few as we go but without further Ado my name's Adam and this is the Assassin's Creed timeline fully explained thank you okay our timeline kicks off with well the origins of everything and by everything I mean me you your Gram your neighbor that weird smelling guy down the pub everything you see the world of Assassin's Creed may be rooted in our very real history well most of the time but his Origins stem from a source far different than our own a source that goes by the name of the ISU the ISU are a highly intelligent and advanced species of ancient humanoids that not only precede Humanity on planet Earth they create Humanity yep the issues straight up create humans in a lab as a quote unquote capable Workforce to help them build their empire humanity is not their only creation though they also build a host of shiny artifacts that later become known as pieces of Eden which effectively have the power to control the minds of the weak World humans via neurotransmitters lodged in their brains but here's a little bit of spice to garnish this origin story with there are also a handful of hybrids humans born without the neuro thingamy Bobs who are change the effects of the esu's Mind Control devices and fight back against their god-like overlords the first two humans to instigate a rebellion against the ISU are Adam and Eve yep that Adam and Eve Adam and Eve's Rebellion kicks off with the pair stealing an apple of Eden and then evolves into a decade-long war between the humans and their ISU creators a war that comes to a dramatic end due to something known as the [Music] an all-encompassing solar flare effectively brings the ISU human War to an end by well pretty much killing everything and everyone a small contingent of both humans and ESU survived the apocalyptic event but with the solar flare having largely destabilized the Earth's environment the ISU eventually declined in numbers to the point of Extinction the humans however survive well done us I guess but let's backtrack a bit for a second to introduce a few notable members of the ESU race who will come to have quite the impact on this timeline firstly there's the ISU scientist Minerva who is one of the few to foretell the apocalyptic events that would destroy her species she locks herself away with her colleagues Juno and Jupiter in a bid to find a way to avert the incoming crisis when they exhaust all possible Avenues they set about warning future Generations about a second solar flare that's rather specifically scheduled for December 21 2012 which will get to eventually the trio make use of a piece of tech known as the eye that allows the ISU scientist to basically foretell the future through a seemingly endless set of calculations of pretty much everything that might happen Minerva uses the eye to leave messages to the Future that will help guide subsequent generations to averting the second solar flare her colleague Juno however has more nefarious aims and she plans to use the eye as a means to rule the world luckily she's discovered by Minerva and Jupiter and imprisoned for her wrong and behavior but not before she's able to Tinker with the eye to allow her to be freed from her imprisonment when it becomes activated which is a proper Deus Ex Machinery if I ever saw one either way the great catastrophe happens regardless and the ESU race dwindles away but the impact of their legacy is astronomical Paving the way for many of the world's religions and beliefs from the Asia Norse gods through to the mythologies of ancient Greece and Egypt and Beyond to the stories that would eventually Inspire the Bible I mentioned the Norse gods just then and while we won't catch up with them for a little while on this timeline they are also around during the time of the great catastrophe long story short a host of seven Asia Gods among them Thor tear and Freya upload their DNA into the life tree which will allow them to be reborn as humans further down the timeline Loki always want to spoil the party murders Heimdall one of the aforementioned seven and takes his place instead and Beyond the gods of course there are the elusive pieces of Eden which will become instrumental in the development of the human race most notably is the core Focus within a secret war between two opposing organizations the Templar order and the Assassin's Brotherhood a war that would eventually decide the fate of humanity but we'll get to that in due time okay next on the timeline we travel a cool seventy thousand plus years into the future for the birth of a little organization known as the order of the Ancients the predecessors of the franchise perennial bad guys the template the order is created in Egypt with the aim of seeking out issue artifacts like the pieces of Eden in a bid to control the local population and this morally corrupt Collective soon spreads throughout the lands of Egypt and into Persia preaching its message of a supremacist Society hell-bent on pushing ISU ideals they're basically a bit like ancient Nazis anyway we time jump again another Millennia for the origins of their Rivals the hidden ones which all technically starts with a lad called Darius wielder of the very first hidden blade foreign blade be doing other than assassinating some corrupt Monarch or politician in this very first case of death by hidden blade Darius uses it to kill King's xerx he's the first of Persia who's yet you guessed it working for the order of the Ancients he's also a certified Roman who's been ruling the lands of Persia as a tyrannical Overlord hence why Darius is so Keen to often he's so Keen in fact that he also wants to kill his son Arthur Xerxes but he's betrayed by his merry band of Assassins who stop him and instead choose to join the order of the Ancients I'm sure that'll turn out very well for them anyway on to the very first chronological game in the franchise which is [Music] yeah we're heading to ancient Greece for the first major game on our timeline for a tale that intertwines itself in and among the Peloponnesian Wars after a brief prologue during the Battle of homopolai in 480 BCE where he plays the legendary Spartan King Leonidas the action relocates to the sunny climbs of kefalonia here there we meet our hero the eagle Bearer who could technically be either alexios or Cassandra but canonically speaking it's Cassandra either way the upshot of whoever you choose but it's Cassandra the other alexios becomes your little sibling and establishes themselves within the story in their own way you see Cassandra and alexios are grandchildren of the great King Leonidas and they become separated as children when Cassandra tries to stop her stepfather killing baby alexios on the will of the Spartan ruling that foretells that the baby will be the downfall of the Spartan Empire anyway both children survive Cassandra escapes and seeks refuge in kefalonia while alexios is taken in by The shadowy Cult of Cosmos more on them in just a second and renamed damos to become their shiny new killer anyway Cassandra gets embroiled in the messy politics of the Peloponnesian War by way of a dodgy looking fella called elpenor who hires Cassandra to assassinate of all people her own stepfather Nicolaus Cassandra hunts her old par down but she chooses to spare him when he implores to her that he was only doing his duty as a Spartan all those years ago he also reveals to Cassandra that her biological mother is still alive and in hiding and as a token to take back to El panor Nicolaus offers Cassandra his helmet and Upon returning to the Shifty lad he reveals that he knows all about her and her family history he even has the balls to ask Cassandra to assassinate her own mother bearing in mind she's only just found out she's still alive and this angers are cast to the point of our little impromptu murder El Peno manages to escape but Cassandra eventually hunts the sneaky bastard down and defeats him in combat all of this leads to Cassandra discovering the cult of Cosmos a secret organization that is effectively pulling the strings on the entire Peloponnesian War Cassandra learned all of this firsthand when she infiltrates a cult of Cosmos meet and greet at Delphi where she learns that the cult are targeting her whole family and then her long-lost brother is actually now a thuggish killer which is naturally not a happy family reunion Cassandra does get a happy family reunion when she finally catches up to her mother and the pair joined forces to take down the cult of Cosmos the year is only 429 BCE by this point only two years from the beginning of the game and they're still the best part of a decade to get through so let me speed through some of the highlights Cassandra wins the Olympic Games of 428 killing the cultist judge in the process she then discovers the mythical city of Atlantis and meets her biological father who turns out to be the actual Pythagoras and speaking of parents Cassandra becomes a mother when she hooks up with a lad couldn't attack us himself son of hidden blade wielder Darius and has a son called elpidios who she later sends off to Egypt for his own safety elpidios by the way goes on desire a bloodline that would eventually lead to the rise of the first generation of the Assassins the hidden ones but that is a story for a little bit later anyway back to the Peloponnesian War earned Cassandra's hunt for Cosmos cultists as Odyssey has an open-ended structure you can actually side with either the Spartans or the Athenians in your hunt but it all amounts to the same the great big bloody Battle of amphipolos this is followed by a battle on a much smaller scale when alexios and casan under Clash atop Mount tagatos which eventually results in the death of alexios and with all her Cult of Cosmos targets ticked off Cassandra returned to Delphi to clean up shop and she does this in spectacular fashion by destroying a pyramid-shaped artifact in the cult possession oh and lastly Cassandra inherits the staff of Hermes from her father Pythagoras who it turns out is a descendant of the ISU the staff actually houses the consciousness of a former ISU known as alethia who's the partner of Loki more on her right at the very end of this timeline as a result of its issue power the staff grants immortality to the owner and as it passes from father to daughter Pythagoras Fades away and gift slash curses Cassandra with eternal life and if you think we'll be catching up with this feisty Warrior further along in this timeline you would be right [Music] right from the Epic myths of ancient Greece we now travel to China for the first of two visits on this timeline as of writing Assassin's Creed Jade has not yet been released but it fits into the timeline here as it says in 3rd Century China in the year 215 BCE you play as an orphan adopted by a master called way you and the story takes you on a quest for Revenge across the culturally shifting landscape of China at a time when trade links are opening to the west and that's pretty much all I know at this stage so let's keep this timeline digging forwards we March through the annals of time to the dusty deserts of ancient Egypt during the 5th Century BCE Assassin's Creed origin sees bayek and his wife Aya descendant of the aforementioned elpidios takes center stage and they provide the titular origins of the title by forming the hidden ones the proto-assassin's Brotherhood but I'm getting way ahead of myself Origins kicks off in 49 BCE when bayak and his son Kimu are kidnapped by a group of Romans made up of members of the order of the Ancients and taken to an ISU Temple bayek is forced to open the ISU temple with an apple of Eden and in a subsequent escape attempt his son is killed by bayek's knife at the hands of the Roman general flavius mattelis and so begins a revenge-fueled episode of the Assassin Saga where bayakinaya systematically hunt down and kill every last member of the order of the Ancients that they can find in the process Ayah gives spyak with her ancestors hidden blade which leads to the Magi Warrior inadvertently slicing his own finger off mid-assassination an act that naturally provides the origins to a future assassin tradition oh and naturally AC Origins gets into the fares of all the time periods Big Time celebs sabayak and I are become embroiled in the machinations of the legendary Egyptian ruler Cleopatra and the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar both of whom become prominent members of the order of the Ancients Caesar actually gets murdered at the hands of Ayah and her band of Assassins but not before setting up the order of the ancients for life with his wealth and influence naturally bayek and Ayah take the order down a few pegs including taking their Vengeance on flavius for the murder of their son kaimu and as a result of their horrific dealings with the order bayak and I decide to establish the hidden ones as an organization dedicated to tackling the corrupt spread of their sworn Rivals they end up going their separate ways with Aya traveling to Rome where she eventually takes on the new title of ammonette while bayek stays on home soil in Egypt as they part ways on an Egyptian Beach bayek discards his son's necklace and when Aya picks it up she spies a cool new logo for their Brotherhood left in the sand and just like that another origin the hidden ones is further explored in the DLC Story pack um the hidden ones which takes place in 38 BCE and sees bayak travel to the Sinai Peninsula to take down even more order Bad Eggs which he does all before the absolutely Bonkers curse of the Pharaohs DLC which sees bayek down in Luxor and the Valley of the Kings where he comes into contact with apparitions of long-deceased Egyptian royalty Nefertiti Ramesses II and tujin carmoon this mad subplot happens to be the workings of another ISU Apple of Eden an artifact that bayak eventually secures for the hidden ones and which brings our Egyptian chapter to a close foreign the best part of a millennium for the next game in the timeline the Baghdad set Assassin's Creed Mirage I'll try to keep this section relatively short and spoiler free as of the time of making this video Mirage is just about to launch in short Mirage lays the groundwork for a pretty important character who'll have quite the impact across several eras of this timeline the Assassin Basim Ivan isak while I'll be going into more detail about Basim and The crucial role he plays in the franchise in the next entry on this timeline Mirage tells the story of his Origins from Humble Street Thief to the heady Heights of the Hidden ones under the tutelage of the Husky voice Russian bassim joins the hidden ones and tackles the prominence of the order of the Ancients in his hometown of Baghdad and as he hunts down Clues to the real identities of the orders members barcim gets embroiled in the corruption Rife in the stunning round city of Baghdad from the scholarly Halls of the House of wisdom through to the colorful kiosks of the kak bazaar while basim's fight is principally against all the order Bad Eggs putting the strings behind the scenes he's also fighting inner demons too namely a grotesque Genie who haunts him during his sleep we'll get into the cause of these nightmares in a lot more detail when we learn Barson's real identity in the next game in the series which is okay now we jump a comparatively small amount of time two decades to be precise to the Viking Conquest in England during the late 9th century we're introduced to our new hero or heroine Ivo who's orphaned at a young age when her hometown is sacked by a bad lad called kyotfei the cruel as a result they're taken in by the king of the ravenclan and brought up as one of his own years later they have an ill-fated attempt at Vengeance against kyotfei which only leads to them rescuing either's father's ax and as soon as they touch it it reveals a funky vision of the Norse all father Odin who will come to be quite an essential part of the law of Valhalla anyway iva's brother sigurd returns back to the Raven Clan with a few friends a a guy called Heiden and our mate from Mirage Basim who helps establish Ivor as a hidden one this Trio of Warriors help Ivor finally take Vengeance on kyotv alongside the army of King Harold and when Harold takes power over Norway an actor Angus sigurd who hoped to become king of his father's Kingdom he leads in Exodus of Raven Vikings to Bonnie old England which actually isn't so Bonny at this point in time upon arrival they established the settlement of Raven's thought and set about making alliances with the various kingdoms throughout the lands meanwhile Ivor continues to have weird visions of Odin and the Norse gods and they seek out their local Seer alaskud valka who sets them up with a heady herbal cocktail that sends them all the way to Asgard well in their dreams at least here Ivor plays a pivotal role as Odin when he's foretold of his death at the hands of Loki's son fenrir during Ragnarok long story short Ragnarok is actually the great catastrophe that befelled the ISU earlier on in this timeline and as I mentioned the Norse gods are all actually ISU themselves Odin Ventures into yachtenham to find some magical Mead that will basically allow the gods to save themselves by uploading their DNA into the life tree thus allowing them to be reincarnated as humans further on down the timeline anyway Odin forbids Loki from being reincarnated and as I mentioned before he gets around this by murdering Heimdall anyway back to the real world where bar Sim and sigur discover an ISU Relic which leads the pair to go a bit power mad when they start believing their gods which to be honest is not too far from the truth I'll explain that in a bit anyway this mad pair travel with either back to Norway where they discover a great big bloody ISU temple with the igdrasil the Norse life tree here reimagined as a giant computer of sorts they upload themselves into the tree Network or whatever which deposits them in the Norse Paradise of Valhalla where they can fight for as long as they damn well please Ivor figures out that perhaps all of this is too good to be true and they resist the simulation which stumps both her and sigured back out and it's here that they're confronted by Barson who reveals to them all that they are in fact gods or at least the reincarnations of tyr Odin and Loki sigured his tear barsom is Loki and Ivor is Odin which gives some handy context for all those weird Visions at least bar Sim slash Loki tries to attack Ivor Odin in a Revenge attack but Ivor and sigurd are able to overpower the lad from Baghdad and trap him in the Life tree computer thing anyway remember the order of the Ancients yeah they're still knocking about as well Ivor becomes a part of the attack against leading order wrong and King Alfred of Wessex and eventually defeats him and his army even if they do spare the king himself they know what Alfred himself though as he's a bit of a weird one while he's technically a member of the order he actually hates the whole ISU worship bit which he believes conflicts with his Christian beliefs and so he surreptitiously helps Ivor take the order down disguises a poor fellow soldier of Christ who for anyone not up on their history of Christian military factions is another name for the Templars yep our Alfred is instrumental in the transition from the order of the Ancients to the Templars meanwhile Valhalla has an extensive collection of DLC story expansions that Regale the next decade of Ivor story a lot happens so in the interest of time and my editor sanity let me recount the highlights Wrath of the Druid sees Ivor travel to Ireland and get caught up in the Affairs of the monarchy in the church which ultimately leads to a new king who's sympathetic to the various face across the Emerald Isle the siege of Paris jumps ahead to 885 A.D and sees Ivor head to the continent to take part in a raid of Paris which turns into a seizure Paris which then turns into a de-escalation of war in Paris two years later in 887 Ivor heads to Sky in the northern Scottish Isles and encounters a familiar face in the form of the immortal Cassandra who's been knocking about for well over a millennia by this point Ivor is there to investigate weird nightmarish goings on among the villagers which all points back to an Apple of Eden that Cassandra helps to switch off and finally in the last chapter Ivor finally comes to the realization that she can no longer hold back The Reincarnation of Odin boiling away inside themselves after setting all their Affairs in order Ivor set sail for Finland where she lives out her life talking with the all father all about the Norse gods and how they survive the great catastrophe AKA Ragnarok and with that Valhalla is done oh [Music] after the Epic Narrative of Valhalla we jump forward three centuries to the very first Assassin's Creed game which takes place during the Crusades in the Middle East and sees Altair Ivan lahad to take Center Stage just to know that I'm also bundling the handheld prequel altires Chronicles and the handheld sequel Bloodlines in this section otherwise this timeline will start to get out of hand Altair's Chronicles take place in 1190 a year before the event of the original Assassin's Creed and sees our Central hero tracking down something known as The Chalice which actually turns out to be a woman from the Templars he doesn't succeed oh yeah a quick note on the Templars and the Assassins at this point in the timeline simply put the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templar order have respectively succeeded the hidden ones and the Order of the Ancients as the major players in the franchise and with that let's jump into the original Assassin's Creed which takes place in the Holy lands in the year of 1191 A.D here we're introduced to many of the elements that will become integral to The ever-expanding Narrative of the rest of the franchise notably the ongoing rivalry between the assassin and Templar orders in short the Assassins Fight For Peace and Freedom in the face of tyranny and Corruption whereas the Templars strive for peace through order and control we're thrown right into the middle of this dichotomy and into the shoes of Altair a young Reckless assassin who kicks off the game by royally screwing up a mission to retrieve an apple of Eden from Templar hands due to his arrogance and his disregard for the three tenets of the Assassin's Creed the mission is very nearly a failure returning to the Assassin's base of operations in masayath Altair is immediately demoted by his Superior a lad called al-muralim in order to regain his honor and position within the Brotherhood by taking out nine targets across the holy lands and so Altair heads across Jerusalem and Damascus assassinating left right and center and as he does so he becomes less Reckless and more clued up to the wider picture The Wider picture being that all of his targets are Templars looking for the Apple themselves this leads him to question his master's motives and his worst fears are confirmed when his final Target Robert de sabler tells him that the real antagonist at the heart of the game is in fact Al limb anyway Altair comes in from the cold metaphorically speaking and confronts and assassinates his old Mentor who's been using the apple of Eden all along to control his followers Altair gets his hands on the Apple which reveals a mind-blowing wealth of information all about an ancient race known as those who came before or the ISU to you and me following this timeline chronologically Altair then tries to destroy the artifact but instead activates it which shows him the locations of countless other ISU pieces of Eden all across the world in the wake of Alvin Williams death Altair Rises to the rank of mentor of the levantine Brotherhood and here's tale of Templar activity on the island of Cyprus which is the core location for the handheld Adventure Assassin's Creed bloodlines here Altair confronts and kills the new Grand Master of the Templars a lad called Aman Bouchard and finds himself a Templar wife called Maria Thorpe who falls in love with the wise old eagle and renounces her wrong and ways cloth foreign before we bounce on through time to the picturesque the lights of Renaissance Italy let's wrap up the story of Altair As Told through the flashback memory sequences in Assassin's Creed Revelations well largely the adventure of our future pal Ezio a lot more in him very shortly Revelations is all about the search for Altair's secret library and as a result we get to see what happens to him after the events of Bloodlines his story plays out through six key Memories the first of which actually takes place before the first Assassin's Creed in 1189 and sees Altair eliminate an assassin turn Templar during a Templar attack on masayath the remaining five memories reveal how Altair rebuilt the levantine Brotherhood after the treachery of al-muralim which you'd think would be plain sailing after they were all brainwashed by the apple of Eden well no Altair is challenged in his leadership of the Brotherhood by an old friend called Abbas who while Altair is firmly including his wife and son darim are abroad fighting the Mongols stages a coup back at masayath and kills out is other Sons Seth what a prick anyway Altair naturally seeks revenge and the family travel back to masaya where Altair tries to make Abbas kill himself using the apple of Eden in the ensuing chaos Maria is killed and Altair and durim flee with the former levantine Mentor taking himself into a self-imposed Exile the fourth key shows Altair's return nearly 20 years later in 1247 where he finally gets his revenge on Abbas killing him with a fancy new upgrade for his hidden blade a gun anyway fast forward to memory number five and I'll tell you is very much in his Twilight years with more than just a tender gray the year is now 1257 and Altair is hosting Mafia in Nicolo Polo the latter being the father of famed explorer Marco and is helping them set up their own assassins guild back in Constantinople but that's all put on hold when the invading Mongols start knocking down the Walls Altair helps the polo Brothers Escape massive and gives them his codex or autobiography along with five of his secret Keys the sixth key in the Apple of Eden he keeps for himself and he locks them both away along with himself within his Library so no one can ever get their hands on the corrupting power of the apple of Eden and that's exactly where they're found several centuries later by Ezio when he discovers Altair's skeleton but we're jumping ahead again but before we can dive into the life of the Italian assassin it's time for a little detour to Paris foreign Unity throws out a prologue that takes place roughly 475 years before the main events of the rest of the game here we witnessed the downfall of the Knights Templar in France at the hands of King Philip IV largely because he's in huge amounts of debt with the Templar order as a result he and his men raid a Templar stronghold in Paris and purged the Templar order from France among all the Carnage Templar Grandmaster Jack de Malay has one of his men hide his codex and the sword of Eden in a secret tomb underneath Paris this little opening vignette ends with an assassin killing Jacques Templar man before we fast forward seven years to witness the death of De Malay himself right this little horrific jaw to Francis over time to head south to Italy right we zip forward through time a quick double century to the Renaissance period in Italy for a prolonged storyline featuring fan favorite Ezio auditori de ferenzi but first let's meet his father the Assassin Giovanni auditory in this short film prequel to Assassin's Creed II Ezio's father is drawn into the machinations of the treacherous Templars after the Duke of Milano is brutally murdered working with his ally uberto Alberti Giovanni heads to Venice and Rome to investigate the murder but eventually finds that the truth of the matter is much closer to home when he's portrayed by uberto which leads right into the beginning of Assassin's Creed 2 the start of a new chapter for the franchise and they first in a Trilogy of game starring Ezio kicks off in 1459 with the birth of our Central hero before zapping through time to 1476 and right into the thick of the action of lineage after witnessing the execution of his father and two brothers by Alberto Alberti on the grounds of treason Ezio duns's father's assassin guard to take revenge on the scheming bastard that framed his family once uberto is disposed of Ezio heads with his remaining family to their ancestral home in the country the Fortified Township of monteringhioni which is just an incredibly fun word to say anyway there he meets his uncle it's a me Mario who reveals to Ezio his father's double life as an assassin and the truth behind his execution that he had actually uncovered a secret Templar conspiracy that implicated the great and good of the Italian upper classes and so Ezio spends the next eight or so year is training up as an assassin and fighting the corruption of the Templars all across Italy this Crusade takes him from the streets of Florence to the canals of Venice via the Leaning Tower of Pisa all the classic Italian tourist spots as he assassinates templar's left right and Center on his merry Warpath Ezio teams up with the one and only Leonardo da Vinci who acts as a queue of sorts to Ezio's 007 building our hero a range of gadgets from the handy hidden blade to Da Vinci's very own flying machine all of this death and destruction eventually leads Ezio to finding the identity of the Grand Master Templer Rodrigo Borgia who has been pulling the strings on all Templar activity in a bid to find the apple of Eden and become for all intents and purposes a God anyway Ezio and Borgia come to blows and Etsy was able to steal the Apple from the templar's control impressed by his work against the Templars the Assassins finally induct Ezio into their ranks believing him to be the one to lead them in the fight against the Templars and from here the story actually makes a huge time Jump to 1499 for the ending of ac2 but there are a few key story beats that take place during this time period first up there are a couple of corrupted memories that Ubisoft sold to us later as DLC story expansions the Battle of Foley and the bonfire of the vanities it's got a very long short for these escapades Ezio loses the apple and then spends another decade trying to find it but also Ezio has a whole side Adventure in the handheld title discovery that takes him to Spain to thwart the Spanish Inquisition who are you guessed it Templars meanwhile also happening in Spain [Music] yep the movie is Canon and the historical section starring Michael Fassbender is Assassin Aguila are set in Spain during 1492. and despite Ezio actually being in the country at the same time fighting roughly the same battle and coming into contact with Christopher Columbus as does a gila he does not feature which is a massive missed opportunity if you ask me sadly Aguilar does not match up to Ezio in any way shape or form being something of a prophase one-dimensional character and as most of the film is set largely in the present day much of the historical action is limited to some admittedly pretty cool action set pieces it all revolves around another Apple of Eden which is in the possession of a sultan in Madrid and Aguila is tasked with saving the Sultan's son from a group of dastardly Templars who are after the Apple in short Aguilar rescues the Sultan's son before thwarting the templar's power play to get the Apple which he then gives the Assassin sympathetic Columbus who promises to take the Apple to his grave all of which leads to the present day sections of that movie where a a lot more happens but we'll catch up to that in about 500 years time okay back to the ending of Assassin's Creed 2 which as I mentioned earlier takes place 11 years after the bulk of the main game in the year 1499. after analyzing the Apple the Assassins discovered that there is a hidden vault beneath the Vatican and it just so happens that all realm bad egg Rodrigo Borgia is now the pope anyway Ezio infiltrates the Vatican Apple in hand and has one last crack at Borgia whose arm with the papal staff which is itself also a piece of Eden Ezio is able to overpower Borgia But ultimately spares his life due to his belief that his lust for vengeance won't bring his family back either way he unlocks the secret vault with the apple and is confronted by the Hologram of our old issue friend Minerva who regales to Ezio all about the catastrophe that befell her people she also clues in the Assassin to the upcoming second catastrophe a prophecy that at this stage promptly confuses the hell out of everyone and with that Assassin's Creed 2 comes to a close foreign we've got the second game in the Ezio Trilogy Brotherhood which pretty much picks up the action immediately after the events of Assassin's Creed 2. yep Brotherhood sees Ezio leave Rome and head back to Montara Gionee where he regales the story of what he saw Minerva catastrophe and all to the Assassins including their Italian leader Nicolo Machiavelli who's a bit miffed at Ezio sped Rodrigo borgia's life to be fair Machiavelli has a point as monterrigioni has attacked the very next day by borgia's absolutely rotten egg of a son cesare cesare kills it'samiya Mario and steals the apple of Eden back but the injured Ezio manages to escape the Carnage relocating to Rome Ezio reconnects with Machiavelli and sets about rebuilding the Brotherhood of Assassins oh and he's come back round on Revenge as well seeking to absolutely decimate the Borgia family in the process and so that's just exactly what Ezio does across the next three years methodically dismantling the borgia's Empire of evil across Rome in the surrounding area cesare actually helps him out on that front as well by eliminating his own father with a poisoned Apple how symbolic to be absolutely Fair Rodrigo was trying to kill his son with the very same Apple fearing his son's evil Tendencies but absolutely biffs it in the end anyway good riddance meanwhile Ezio in and among all his anti-templar activity locates the apple of Eden and uses its power to tackle the Borgia problem once and for all resulting in cesare's arrest a couple of years pass an Ezio uses the Apple once again to check on and cesare who's broken out of prison and is on the run in Spain it's yo stashes the Apple in an ISU Temple beneath the Coliseum on the orders of the Apple itself no less and heads to Spain to sort out cesare once and for all SEO catches up to him atop a castle where the pair fight it out even if cesare claims to be unkillable by mortal men a quick drop off the side of the castle saws that mad idea right out and Ezio saunts us off back to Italy job done [Music] four years later and we reached the Ezio era events of Assassin's Creed Revelations which sees the Italian assassin travel to Constantinople in search of Altair's secret Library as I've already regaled the Altair memories from Revelations earlier on in this video I'll stick largely to Ezio sections here as he's in his early 50s by the time of Revelations Ezio is an older wiser assassin who's looking to expand the horizons of the Brotherhood through knowledge and Technology to this end he follows advice and directions from one of his father's letters that tells about Altair's secret Library within the Fortress at masayath and so Ezio hightails it over to the Middle East in search of the library but of course he's not alone the Templars have also caught wind of the library and so starts a race to discover the treasures thought to lie within Ezio runs into his old rivals at masayath and discovers that he'll need five keys to unlock Altair's secret Library which sends him on a Merry Old treasure hunt across the Ottoman Empire which just so happens to be going through a civil war Ezio hooks up with the auto assassins and helps them foil attacks from the Byzantine Templars who are naturally fueling the Civil War to Advantage their own agenda that's not the only hookup for Ezio though as Revelation sees him fall in love with a fellow Italian traveler by the name of Sophia who ends up aiding Ezio in his quest to find the keys long story short Ezio locates the five keys and heads back to masaya to unlock the library where he finds the long Dead skeleton of Altair and another Apple of Eden but as Uncle Ben once said with gray power comes etc etc and I'll tie his final message says something to the same effect telling his tragic tale of a life that became obsessed with controlling the power of the apple and it's at this point that Ezio has the revelation of the title if you will you see Ezio makes the call there and then not to follow in the footsteps of Altair and to instead walk away from his Pursuit for knowledge the Apple itself has its own Revelation in the form of a message from another old ISU pal Jupiter who warns of the upcoming Global threat before revealing the location of the ISU Grand Temple that has the means to help avert the catastrophe in a bit of a shock moment Ezio then talks directly to his modern day ancestor Desmond miles reliving his memories via the Animus much much more in him later and tells him that he understands that he's just a messenger in all this and he applauds Desmond to do what he can to save Humanity in the future and with his message passed on Ezio strolls off into the sunset with Sofia and has her happily ever after of sorts yeah after retiring from the Italian Brotherhood Ezio's story comes full circle in the beautiful little short film Assassin's Creed Embers which also acts as a neat little prologue of sorts for the next chapter in the timeline the year is 1524 and a 65 year old Ezio is living out his Twilight years at his gorgeous Tuscan vineyard with Sophia and his family while he's suffering from the many battle wounds from his long and storied career as an assassin his life is pretty peaceful but that piece is broken when a mysterious stranger turns up bearing the Assassin's Crest this young assassin is Xiao Jun who's in Italy seeking the council and advice of a master assassin to help her fight back against a corrupt Emperor back home in China Xiao implores Ezio to train her and the Italian oap reluctantly agrees to help and as Ezio passes on his wisdom to Xiao as they walk around the streets of Florence he comes to turn with his own mortality once he sends Sharon her way back to China with a mysterious box no less he has one last trip into Florence with his family and at his favorite spot of the city he peacefully passes away requiest and pacio friend no you're crying foreign stories both now complete we enter a new phase for the franchise and our next entry in the timeline is the first in the Chronicles sub-series which takes us back to China for the continuation of the story of xiaojun after a long journey home Xiao sets about tackling the corruption taking a hold in her Homeland which amongst a group of Templars known as the eight Tigers to get at her first Target Xiao gets herself arrested and has to hand over her mysterious box which turns out to be a mysterious precursor box this box will prove to be important especially across the Chronicles sub-series so don't forget about it anyway across the next six odd years shell systematically eliminates the eight tigers and sets about rebuilding the Assassin's Brotherhood in China the precursor box eventually goes missing but shell decides not to go looking for it instead opting to stay at home and put her focus into rebuilding the Brotherhood and in an epilogue of sorts that takes place decades later in 1567 an elderly shell plots the assassination of the Chinese XI Jiang Emperor a feat that she manages via a full lecture of Life laced with Mercury foreign [Music] Pirates yep we've completely skipped the entirety of the 17th century to find ourselves in 1712 for the Golden Age of piracy which makes up the backdrop of Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and say hello to our new Assassin or soon to be assassin Edward Kenway a Welsh pirate who like every pirate is just in it for the fortune and Glory what he actually finds early on in his pirating career is the Rogue assassin dunk and Walpole who he promptly kills after the bastard kills his captain naturally Eddie boy senses an opportunity for gain and he assumes the late assassin's identity and takes his place at a secret meeting of Templars at Havana Cuba there he uncovers a Templar plot to locate a secret precursor location simply known as The Observatory which basically houses a handy piece of tech that will allow them to spy on anyone in the world there's a catch though there's only one person who knows the location and so Edward races the Templars to find a lad called The Sage whose real identity is Bartholomew Roberts Kenway eventually catches up to Roberts off the west coast of Africa and the pair set sail for the observatory meanwhile an absolute Feast of pirate royalty is going about their business back in the Caribbean among them are Edward thatch AKA Blackbeard Benjamin hornigold Charles Vane and Mary Reed AKA James Kidd Edward Kenway naturally gets involved in their plan to create a pirate Utopia free from the of the British and Spanish Empires and this eventually leads them to creating a pirate Republic in Nassau it is not a happy ending for the Utopia though as it turns out that pirates are actually really crap at running a society the Templars naturally take advantage of the situation and the pirate Founders are all scattered hornigold defects to the Templars vayne goes insane which is a nice little rhyme and Blackbeard is killed at the hands of the British anyway back to the observatory Kenway and Roberts eventually locate it and secure the precursor artifact power in the place only for surprise surprise Roberts to double cross Kenway and leave him for dead trapped in the observatory Kenway escapes and demoralized by all that's happened to him across the last decade decides to join the Assassin Brotherhood for real and from here he sets about putting everything to rights again first by eliminating Roberts and his Templar co-conspirators and secondly by retrieving the precursor artifact and securing it safely back at the observatory and with word about the death of his wife back in blighty from his daughter no less Edward decides to put his life of piracy behind him and head back home thankfully he also gets a pardon from the British government for all his crimes and he sets up shop at the British Brotherhood of Assassins to live out his life with his family which also includes his son Haytham Kenway a man that will come to know quite well in the next few chapters of this timeline [Music] next up on our timeline is the tale of adewale who was Edward Kenway's quartermaster in Black Flag before he decided to join the West Indies Brotherhood of Assassins well he also played a prominent role in Black Flag Freedom Cry tells an important chapter in the story of his life the year is 1735 and adawale is leading an attack against the Templars in the West Indies But ultimately the weather wins out and a violent storm leaves adewale washed up on a beach near the city of Port-au-Prince from there he meets with a local brothelona Bastian who's in League with the Templars but he was actually working for the Maroons an organization based on the real world equivalent group of freed slaves that fought against the slave trade in the Caribbean madawale joins their cause and begins disrupting the slave trade across the Caribbean and this brings him into the path of Pierre de Faye who's a real piece of work long story short add a while Avengers de Faye's residence and assassinates the racist scumbag while at defia's mansion adawa finds another precursor box and leaves it with Bastian before setting sail to rejoin the assassins foreign [Music] Assassin's Creed Rogue which is a unique game in the franchise as it lets you play as a Templar for the majority of the game largely taking place between 1752 and 1760 but also with an epilogue that takes place in 1776 Rogue is an essential Cog in the timeline that actually glues many disparate parts of the chronology together throughout its narrative it has links and ties to Black Flag AC3 and Liberation Freedom Cry and even to Unity in its very closing moments you play as Shea cormack a Young and Reckless assassin who becomes disillusioned with the Brotherhood when he sent on a mission to retrieve a precursor artifact from Lisbon upon touching the artifact it triggers a catastrophic event which goes down as the 1755 earthquake of Lisbon an actual real-life tragedy that is here given a bizarre sci-fi spin having been present for a similar catastrophe in Haiti Shay concludes that these precursor sites are actually part of a global security network holding the Earth together and that they should best be left alone the Assassins led by Achilles Davenport disagree with him and this leads shade down a path to joining the Templars and so across the next five years Shea teams up with the Templar cores and assassinates all of his old Brotherhood including adewale for the latter half of this murder spree Shay is joined by Haytham Kenway who is also a member of the Templars a quick side note but the first couple of sequences of Assassin's Creed 3 also take place concurrently with Rogue establishing Haytham as a Templar in the wake of his assassin father Edward passing away when he was a young lad anyway back to Rogue where Shay and his Templar team tracked down Achilles to the far north where he's discovered another precursor site and in this discovery Achilles finally realizes that Shay was right too little too late though as Shea and Haytham ambushed the Assassins only for the sighter crumble down around them anyway with all the assassins dead bar Achilles Shea implores Hayden to spare his old mentor's skin as his life and Brotherhood is already in Ruins Haytham agrees but shoots Achilles in the leg as a part gift however rounding out Shea's story is a series of memories that take place 16 years later in 1776 with an older Shay tracking down another assassin in Paris this unlucky lad turns out to be Charles Dorian the father of Arno the protagonist of Assassin's Creed unity and with Charles's death Shea sets in motion the events of unity sowing the seeds for arno's journey to become an assassin but before we reach the French Revolution it's time for the American one first next up on the timeline we're doubling up for the events of Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation which both take place in North America during the late 18th century there's a healthy amount of overlap in the timeline between these two games and even a sequence in Liberation where both assassins meet each other but let's start at the beginning Assassin's Creed 3 follows the story of ratanagaton from 1760 through to 1783 charting his journey to become an assassin in the colonial Brotherhood in North America after his mother dies in 1760 the action jumps ahead to 1769 where a teenage retina Gaton encounters the ISU Juno via crystal ball that his village protects Judo implores him to become an assassin and directs him to seek out our old friend Achilles Davenport to start his training and so starstrata nagaton's Journey or Connor's I guess as when he meets up with Achilles the Aging assassin convinces him to take a name that will help him blend into the colonies and so Connor's Journey Begins as the young assassin gets embroiled in the American Revolutionary War against the British Empire as he picks his way through the Carnage Connor starts to hunt down Templars who he believes were responsible for the death of his mother and this leads him right into the path of his father hath and Kenway the arch Templar himself while Conor initially offers an alliance to his father and suggests they put their differences aside for the common good hastem ultimately rejects this notion and for this poor judgment Connor eventually assassinates his own father outside of this family drama Connor works with the Patriots to rid the colonies of British rule and this brings him into the past of some of America's key founding fathers Chief among them George Washington Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams Connor definitely doesn't see eye to eye with George Washington especially on the subject of Washington's treatment of the indigenous people in America but regardless Conor works with the revolution to fight the British Empire and the Templar control behind it most notably by assassinating another Templar rotten egg in the form of Charles Lee and Connor's story eventually comes to a close in 1783 when he laments about the small impact he has had on the colonies while he has saved countless lives and fought Templar corruption on many fronts he regrets how he has failed his people who are still largely oppressed oh and I'm not really sure where it fits in or if it even fits in but there's the Tyranny of George Washington DLC where the Founding Father sees a horrifying vision of an alternate timeline where Connor doesn't become an assassin and Washington rules over the colonies as a raging Tyrant yeah let's chalk that one up as a weird fever dream meanwhile we rewind time back to the year 1765. the story of Connor's contemporary the Assassin Aveline de Grand Prix whose story unfolds among the backdrop of the Louisiana bio born into a life of privilege to a wealthy French father and an African slave mother Aveline grows up leading a double life she lives as part of the social Elite in New Orleans but has dedicated her life to fighting the oppressions she witnesses around her especially at the hands of the Templars she's kind of like an 18th century Batman with Batman wore a corset anyway her story takes place from 1765 all the way through to 1784 where she appears in the DLC mission for Black Flag living in a mansion with her father and stepmother after her real mother's mysterious disappearance avali discovers a Templar conspiracy to control the Spanish state of Louisiana as a result of this Aveline starts assassinating high-ranking Templars under the order of her Mentor Agate which eventually leads her to discovering a Templar dig site on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico against agarte's wishes Aveline travels to the digsite and uncovers a precursor Temple that has been excavated by the Templars on the orders of a mysterious company man oh and she also finds her long-lost mother who is afraid that Aveline is there to kill her for stealing an assassin artifact anyway Aveline heads off in search of the mysterious company man a search that takes her back to New Orleans and then eventually North to New York where she meets Conor her search eventually leads her back to her own home as is revealed that the person she's been looking for is in fact her wicked stepmother her stepmom reveals that she's been grooming Aveline to become a Templar and she offers her a final test which is the assassination of Agate Aveline meets agarte toward him and her Mentor flips out believing that he has failed with Aveline and he kills himself which isn't exactly helping anyone except I guess the evil stepmom either way Liberation comes to a close with Aveline pretending to go along with her Stepmother's plans before springing a trap and killing her and all her Templar mates okay from the American to the French Revolution now as you travel back across the Atlantic for the story of Arno Dorian who we last caught a glimpse of during the events of Assassin's Creed Rogue after a brief reminder of the death of his father Charles in 1776 the story jumps forward to the year 1789 where we meet the 21 year old Heartbreaker Arno orphaned by his father's murder Arno was taken in by an old lad called Francois de la sere who just so happens to be the Grand Master of the French Templars when arno's frame for delacer's murder he's thrown into the Bastille jail where he meets a fellow inmate called Pierre bellach who also just so happens to be a member of the Assassin's Brotherhood Pierre invites Arlo to join the assassins and the pair escaped during the infamous storming of the Bastille that took place when revolutionaries attempted to seize the iconic Fortress back out in the open Arno gets embroiled in the war between the French assassins and Templars and is also caught between his loyalty with his old family including delacer's daughter Elise and his loyalty with his new Brotherhood arno's investigations into the Templar Mars leads him into the path of Francois tomarjamin who has orchestrated the death of delacer in order to purge the Templar order of its members who had forgotten the teachings of Jacques de Malay yeah him from that 14th century prologue anyway while all of this Templar infighting is happening the small matter of the French Revolution is in full swing with Arno coming into contact with French historical celebs like Napoleon Bonaparte and King Louis XVI the latter of whom is executed at the guillotine during Louis's execution Arno and Elise attempt to assassinate Francoise but fail and Arno lets him Escape resulting in him being expelled from the Assassin's order Arno goes into a downward spiral and Elise has to coax him back to Paris as the city tears itself apart during the reign of terror anyway unity all comes to a head no pun intended when Arno finally confronts and assassinates Francoise at a secret Templar Crypt beneath Paris during this climactic battle Francoise wields the sword of Eden which explodes in his hands and kills Elise and pretty much also finishes Francoise off Arlo helps with the last bit though and in a sequence that takes place years later he recovers the remains of his Templar arrival and buries them within the catacombs of Paris okay our next Port of Call on the timeline is 19th century India where we meet assassin R basmir who's actually introduced in the prequel comic Assassin's Creed Brahman in 1841 our bars comes up against the British Templars trying to take advantage of the delicate political situation in India as a result of the anglo-sik wars in his fight against the Templars our baz comes into conflict with William Henry Sleeman which is the most dastardly British name I've ever heard in a bid to secure precursor artifact known as the KO inor Diamond the Templars also have the precursor box in their possession and they use both of these to gain entry into a precursor Temple that reveals even more precursor sites around the world one of these sites is in Afghanistan and so the race takes both arbars and the Templars there before the former is captured by the latter and sent to a prison in Punjab Pakistan naturally this doesn't hold the Assassin for long and to cut a long story short arbars travels back to India and secures the Kohinoor Diamond before Sleeman gets his game happens the precursor box remains in Templar control though but the Kohinoor diamond is headed by Abbas to his assassin friend and colleague a British lad called Eastern fry who's the father of a pair of Assassins we're about to meet [Music] okay we're back in Britain for the first time in about a millennia and it is very different to the last time we visited a far cry from The Divided kingdoms of Assassin's Creed Valhalla England in the 19th century is in the midst of the Industrial Revolution Syndicate sees the player take up the Dual roles of Jacob and Evie fry twins that have been brought up as part of the Assassin's Brotherhood with London reeling under the control of Templar big bad Crawford steric the twins Rock up to get the city back on track while they have a difference in opinion on how exactly to get the job done they both combine to create a new gang called the Rooks which will help them unify the criminal underbelly of London against the Templars and so the pair get to work with Jacob tackling steric's industrial strongholds by assassinating his various lieutenants that are dotted across the city Evie meanwhile works with another member of the Assassins called Henry green AKA jayadeep Mir who's the son of abasmir from our previous entry on the timeline to locate an ESU artifact known as the shroud of Eden using Clues from within former pirate Edward Kenway's London Mansion they follow a trail of breadcrumbs across London to the Tower of London at the tower they come to blows with steric's right-hand woman Lucy Thorne who they promptly kill the Come Away empty-handed with regards to the Shroud the trio eventually tracked the Shroud to a vault underneath Buckingham Palace where they confront and kill Crawford steric before securing the Shroud and for their efforts they are all knighted by Queen Victoria herself but old Queen Vic isn't the only historical celeb the fry twins bump into oh no aside from their allies Charles Darwin Alexander Graham Bell and Karl Marx helping them across the main campaign the pair come into contact with the notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper in a DLC expansion that takes place 20 years later in 1888. here the infamous murderer is a former member of the Fry's gang who has been murdering female assassins in a reign of terror to get back at his old gang leaders he's also kidnapped Jacob which leaves Evie to investigate the grizzly goings-on which results in her killing the Ripper and freeing her brother but Syndicate does not end here as there's yet another time Jump into the 20th century where a Time anomaly in the Animus puts players into the shoes of Jacob's granddaughter Lydia fry during the first world war during her Espionage work trying to flush out German spies and Templars alike Lydia comes into contact with Winston Churchill who ate her in sabotaging the Templars hold within the Spy networks of London as Lydia goes about her work she encounters a sage who turns out to be The Reincarnation of the ISU ATA Juno's husband and as a result of Lydia's actions Juno Ponders whether she could work with the assassins in the future [Music] and after that interlude to the first world war we find ourselves in Russia in late 1918. for our last jaunt in history before we hit the present-day sections of the franchise here we meet Nikolai orilov a Russian assassin who's introduced in the comic books the fall and the chain in The Last of The Chronicles Trilogy Nikolai is an aging assassin considering retirement from the Russian Brotherhood but he chooses to take on one last mission before he quits this one last job tasks him with finding the precursor box previously seen in the last two Chronicles games his investigation takes him to the house of the romanovs on the ill-fated night of their execution at the hands of the Red Army he discovers one of the family Anastasia still alive and luckily she also has the Box her connection to the box is quite unorthodox though as it gives her a link of sorts to the long dead assassin xiaozun including the use of her assassin abilities the pair team up and become an unlikely duo in the fight against the Templars who hunt them across Russia on route to Moscow after reuniting with the Assassins who plan to experiment on Anastasia to find out more about the hercurious link to Xiao Nikolai becomes disillusioned with the Brotherhood and rescues Anastasia before helping Smuggler out of the country and to safety foreign a further Century into the future and we finally catch up on ourselves by reaching the first chapter of the present-day storylines that of the modern day assassin Desmond miles despite appearing in five games in the franchise Desmond's Story Only spans a few months in the present day timeline in the games a former assassin who also crucially possesses ESU DNA Desmond is Tracked Down by the Templars kidnapped and imprisoned at an obsergo facility a quick word on obsturgo as they're pretty essential to the present-day sections of the Assassin's Creed timeline in short they're a modern front for the Templars and are using a fancy machine called the Animus to dig through genetic memories to locate and secure pieces of Eden to help them with their cause and this is basically the reason why they've kidnapped Desmond one stripped into the Animus abstergo big bad Dr Warren Village uses Desmond to search for pieces of Eden in the memories of his ancestor Altair Desmond and Altair help abstirgo secure precursor relics by day and By Night Desmond investigates his lab surroundings with the help of an anonymous person who ends up to be secret assassin Lucy Stillman who is aiding with the Animus work Lucy helps break Desmond out of the abstergo facility after one last encounter in the Animus to sync with another ancestor Ezio Desmond also starts displaying some of his ancestors abilities via something known as the bleeding effect abilities such as free running and hand-to-hand combat but most notably Eagle Vision which allows him to see weird runic scribbles on his cell wall and later on the door code to help escape the facility Lucy and Desmond liaise with more assassins Sean Hastings and Rebecca crane the latter of whom has built an animus 2.0 which allows Desmond to relive the memories of Ezio and locate more pieces of Eden underneath the Vatican the team traveled to the Vault and secure the pieces of Eden but are confronted by a hologram of the ESU Minerva who Regals her Race's destruction at the hands of the great catastrophe before offering a warning of an upcoming similar Devastation this ominous chitchat is put on hold when abstergo comes a knocking forcing the team to flee to Ezio's old haunt of Monterey then Desmond relives more of Ezio's memories on route to locating his Apple of Eden underneath the Rome Coliseum upon finding and touching the Apple another issue Old Guard pops up in the form of Juno the evil one remember who possesses Desmond and forces him to stab and kill Lucy this act prompts Desmond to go into shock then Rebecca and Sean take his unconscious body to his father William Miles who puts him back in the Animus in a kovato state within the Animus Desmond enters something known as The Black Room a Lobby of sorts for his digital Consciousness there he meets subject 16 who helps Desmond regain Consciousness and eventually sacrifices himself to save Desmond from being deleted by the Animus old Des wakes up in the ISU Grand Temple underneath New York which houses the tech that will help them save her from the upcoming solar flare destruction the only problem is that they don't have the key to the room with the device in it so back into the Animus Desmond goes to relive the memories of Haytham and his son Connor to locate the keys location across the old colonies of North America America Desmond actually has more to do in the present timeline during his time in New York notably saving his father from abstergo and assassinating the templar's Daniel Cross and his former kidnapper Dr vidic finally Desmond locates the key via his genetic memories and opens the door to the room and device that will save Humanity only yeah remember all the way back at the beginning of this timeline I mentioned that Juno tampered with the ISU device for her own gain well here's where that evil plan finally comes to fruition long story short Desmond can use the device to save Humanity but it will also unleash Juno onto the world which will cause his own mess of problems Minerva pops back up to more Desmond are the dangers of Juno but Desmond decides to take the risk and he sacrifices himself by using the device saving humanity and unleashing Judo in the process and so Desmond's Story comes to a close with him basically becoming a Modern Day Jesus Christ a legacy that naturally has quite the impact on the modern day timeline going forwards firstly with abstergo's use and use of his body and genetic memories as for Juno her Consciousness Finds Its way into abstergo's Network and she starts looking for a means to begin her takeover of Earth and Humanity [Music] after Desmond's Story comes to a close the present-day sections of the next few releases follow a different path putting you into the first person perspective of a series of employees working for the incredibly meta abstergo entertainment first up chronologically are the present day events of Black Flag which sees a young research analyst simply codename Noob aside to explore the memories of another of Desmond Mars ancestors those of the pirate assassin Edward Kenway while working for abstergo they begin to receive messages from the CCO of absurgo and secret assassin John Standish who helps Noob to hack their way to critical company info info that leads them to the disembodied consciousness of Juno within the abstergo network Juno attempts to possess new but these is not the right time to make her move and so Noob escapes new passes on the info she's dug after Sean Hastings and Rebecca crane both of whom have also infiltrated abstergo and John Standish is killed by an abstergo security team once his cover is blown the prison day sections of Rogue follow much of similar path with a young up-and-coming analyst codename numbskull taking Center Stage after numbskull accidentally triggers a company-wide virus while exploring the memories of assassin tone Templar Shay cormack they're left largely alone in the building to continue exploring cormac's memories numbskull continues their work with Shay Cormac and eventually helps bring back the abstergo servers back online and this grants them a special meeting with the big bosses who offer them the chance to become a Templar for real meanwhile happening in parallel are the present-day events of unity which sees William Miles an assassin colleague Bishop get in touch with an abstergo employee in the hopes of recruiting them to their cause their mission for their new initiate is to research a new strand of memories from the Assassin arnodorian with a view to finding the remains of the sage Francois Tomah Jermaine which the initia eventually does anyway this leads into the modern day events of Syndicate where Sean and Rebecca Infiltrate The abstergo London office with a view to assassinating a key Templar Target Isabelle Ardent become away with crucial data instead data that leads them through the memories of Jacob and Evie fry and on the way to discovering the location of the shroud of Eden they hightail it to the location only to encounter an abstergo Strike Team including Isabel Ardent who Sean assassinates the Templars get away with the Shroud though and secure it back at an abstergo lab before reporting back to Juno who's now actively working with him gosh there's a lot going on in these present-day sections a year or so later we come to the present-day sections of the Assassin's Creed movie which is centered around the aforementioned assassin Aguilar's descendant Callum Lynch Cal also played by Michael Fassbender is a Down and Out murderer who's scheduled to be execute for his crimes his execution is faked by the Templars who weren't Cal alive for his DNA in order to access his genetic memories thereafter the apple of Eden I mentioned back in the previous section on the movie and they want Cal to help them find it through his ancestral connection to the Spanish assassin Aguila anyway Kell is brought to a Templar Research Center in Madrid where he meets some of the other assassin inmates three of whom are pretty explicitly stated to be descendants of assassins from the video games this last is xiaojun complete with her footblade this guy is supposed to be Duncan Walpole as he's got his Cutlass and this lad calls himself Baptiste a reference to John Baptiste from Liberation anyway I digress through his interactions with a fancy new animus Cal helps the Templars discover the location of the Apple which as I mentioned earlier is buried in the grave of Christopher Columbus but as they reach this Revelation there is an assassin Uprising in the facility and Cal breaks free but not before having a weird moment in the Animus where he meets his long dead assassin mun who tells him to embrace the Assassin's Creed oh and there's also a cheeky Cameo from Unity zanodorian as well which is kind of cool I guess and the movie reaches its conclusion as a secret Templar meeting where Jeremy Irons Dr reichen the CEO of absturgo is assassinated by Cal who re-secures the Apple for the assassins and vanishes into the night never to be seen again in this entire franchise [Music] all of which brings us to the most recent Chunk in the Assassin's Creed timeline the story of Laila Hassan which makes up the present-day sections of Origins Odyssey and Valhalla we meet Layla as an abstergo employee in the deserts of Egypt trying to recover the sarcophagus of bayek once she recovers biax remains she defies her superiors orders and jumps on into her portable animus to experience the memories of bayek an actor gets her colleague killed when abstergo higher-ups get there Layla Having learned biax numerous abilities via the bleeding effect is able to hold her own and she's able to escape she's struck down by William Miles who offers her a different path the choice to join the Assassin order and Layla eventually signs on a year later Layla is on her first assassin Mission looking for the staff of Hermes operating out of a London base Layla gets back in the Animus to live out the memories of the eagle Bearer Cassandra using DNA that they've sourced from another iconic blade that of the Spear of Leonidas through Cassandra's memories Layla and her team learn of the existence of the mythical city of Atlantis and track its location to an island in Greece and their older new worlds finally Collide as Layla meets The Immortal Cassandra face to face with the latter passing over the staff to Layla before fading away imploring Layla to bring ballads to the force I mean the war between the assassins and Templars with the staff in hand Layla Ventures further into the lost city and eventually encounters the ancient ISU Elysia yeah remember her to bring you back up to speed as I mentioned her way way back she's the partner of Loki AKA bassim so there's still a chance of their reunion with Basim still knocking about in the egress Hill but I'm getting ahead of myself again with alethea's training Layla learns to use the power of the staff of Hermes but corrupted by its power she accidentally kills one of her team during a frenzied attack she puts her Newfound powers to better use though by tackling a team of abstergo operatives when they Ambush her Atlantis including the modern day Grand Master juhani otso Berg who his promptly spared anyway fast forward a year to 2020 and the world is starting to destabilize as a result of Desmond's actions back in 2012 and Kobe I guess the Earth's magnetic core is getting so strong that it's triggering anomalies all over the shop including a permanent Aurora Borealis worldwide to make matters more mysterious the Assassins are sent a weird signal from within the Animus the points them in the direction of Viking remains in North America Layla Sean Hastings and Rebecca crane head to the location and find the skeleton Revival and the team use ivor's DNA to experience the memories of the long Dead Viking through ivor's memories Layla learns of an ISU temple in Norway where the fabled idra seal tree is located and the trio head to Scandinavia to investigate further there Layla enters the idrisil which is basically an ancient ISU supercomputer and encounters barsim AKA Loki who reveals that he was responsible for the signal they received basil has mellowed somewhat since his violent outbursts back at the ending of valhara but he directs Layla on how to use the ISU computer to save the planet but this also releases him from this prison and out into the modern world and with Alicia also in the vicinity as part of the staff of Hermes these star-crossed lovers finally get a reunion several Millennia in the making the news is not so good for Layla though as without the staff of Hermes she's mere minutes away from Death as a result of the high radiation levels in the egress ill supercomputer but within the computer she encounters a mysterious presence calling themselves the reader who only bloody turns out to be our old friend Desmond miles you see it turns out that after his death abstergo uploaded his DNA into their Cloud bringing Desmond's Consciousness into a place known as the gray which is where Layla nail finds herself and with death awaiting her back in the real world Layla decides to stay in the grave with Desmond working together as a team to help prevent worldwide Devastation for future Generations Boston meanwhile meets up with Sean and Rebecca and later with William Miles and they all agree to work together to stray strengthen the Assassin order but there's just one caveat William asked Bassin for a sample of DNA that will allow them to experience his genetic memories and I guess fet him you know just in case they're dealing with a mad trickster God or something and that is the Colossal Assassin's Creed timeline fully explained this is the longest timeline video I've made and was a bit of a mammoth undertaking but as I mentioned there's even more of the AC Universe within the books and my recommendation is Assassin's Creed Uprising which helps fill in more of the gaps in Juno's story thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 654,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assassins creed, assassins creed timeline, assassins creed chronology, assassins creed timeline explained, assassins creed explained, basim, basim explained, basim loki, ezio, ezio auditore story, ezio death, ezio lore, story of ezio, desmond miles, story of desmond miles, assassins creed mirage, assassins creed valhalla, assassins creed odyssey, ubisoft, assassins creed lore, assassins creed history, history of assassins creed, assassins creed origins
Id: YC4y9ZVGzuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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